Senate Bill 2210

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2210

    By Senator Brown-Waite


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to nursing homes; amending s.

  3         400.021, F.S.; defining the term "controlling

  4         person" for purposes of regulating nursing

  5         homes; amending s. 400.071, F.S.; requiring

  6         additional information on applications for

  7         licensure as a nursing home; amending s.

  8         397.405, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference;

  9         providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 400.021, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         400.021  Definitions.--When used in this part, unless

16  the context otherwise requires, the term:

17         (1)  "Administrator" means the licensed individual who

18  has the general administrative charge of a facility.

19         (2)  "Agency" means the Agency for Health Care

20  Administration, which is the licensing agency under this part.

21         (3)  "Bed reservation policy" means the number of

22  consecutive days and the number of days per year that a

23  resident may leave the nursing home facility for overnight

24  therapeutic visits with family or friends or for

25  hospitalization for an acute condition before the licensee may

26  discharge the resident due to his or her absence from the

27  facility.

28         (4)  "Board" means the Board of Nursing Home

29  Administrators.

30         (5)  "Controlling person" means a person that has the

31  ability, acting alone or in concert with others, to directly


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2210

  1  or indirectly influence or direct the management, expenditure

  2  of money, or policies of an institution or other person. The

  3  term includes:

  4         (a)  A management company, landlord, or other entity

  5  that operates, or contracts with others for the operation of,

  6  an institution;

  7         (b)  Any person who, acting alone or in concert with

  8  others, directly or indirectly influences, directs, or causes

  9  the direction of the management, expenditure of money, or

10  policies of such a management company or other entity; and

11         (c)  Any other individual who, because of a personal,

12  familial, or other relationship with the owner, manager,

13  landlord, tenant, or provider of an institution, is in a

14  position of actual control or authority with respect to the

15  institution, whether or not the individual has any formal

16  ownership, management, or other capacity with the institution.


18  The term does not include a person, such as an employee,

19  lender, secured creditor, or landlord, who does not exercise

20  any influence or control over the operation of the institution

21  and does not operate, or contract with others for such

22  operation.

23         (6)(5)  "Custodial service" means care for a person

24  which entails observation of diet and sleeping habits and

25  maintenance of a watchfulness over the general health, safety,

26  and well-being of the aged or infirm.

27         (7)(6)  "Department" means the Department of Children

28  and Family Services.

29         (8)(7)  "District ombudsman council" means a district

30  long-term care ombudsman council established pursuant to s.



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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2210

  1  400.0069, located within the Older Americans Act planning and

  2  service areas.

  3         (9)(8)  "Facility" means any institution, building,

  4  residence, private home, or other place, whether operated for

  5  profit or not, including a place operated by a county or

  6  municipality, which undertakes through its ownership or

  7  management to provide for a period exceeding 24-hour nursing

  8  care, personal care, or custodial care for three or more

  9  persons not related to the owner or manager by blood or

10  marriage, who by reason of illness, physical infirmity, or

11  advanced age require such services, but does not include any

12  place providing care and treatment primarily for the acutely

13  ill. A facility offering services for fewer than three persons

14  is within the meaning of this definition if it holds itself

15  out to the public to be an establishment which regularly

16  provides such services.

17         (10)(9)  "Geriatric outpatient clinic" means a site for

18  providing outpatient health care to persons 60 years of age or

19  older, which is staffed by a registered nurse or a physician

20  assistant.

21         (11)(10)  "Geriatric patient" means any patient who is

22  60 years of age or older.

23         (12)(11)  "Nursing home facility" means any facility

24  which provides nursing services as defined in chapter 464 and

25  which is licensed according to this part.

26         (13)(12)  "Nursing service" means such services or acts

27  as may be rendered, directly or indirectly, to and in behalf

28  of a person by individuals as defined in s. 464.003.

29         (14)(13)  "Planning and service area" means the

30  geographic area in which the Older Americans Act programs are



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  1  administered and services are delivered by the Department of

  2  Elderly Affairs.

  3         (15)(14)  "Respite care" means admission to a nursing

  4  home for the purpose of providing a short period of rest or

  5  relief or emergency alternative care for the primary caregiver

  6  of an individual receiving care at home who, without

  7  home-based care, would otherwise require institutional care.

  8         (16)(15)  "Resident care plan" means a written plan

  9  developed, maintained, and reviewed not less than quarterly by

10  a registered nurse, with participation from other facility

11  staff and the resident or his or her designee or legal

12  representative, which includes a comprehensive assessment of

13  the needs of an individual resident, a listing of services

14  provided within or outside the facility to meet those needs,

15  and an explanation of service goals.

16         (17)(16)  "Resident designee" means a person, other

17  than the owner, administrator, or employee of the facility,

18  designated in writing by a resident or a resident's guardian,

19  if the resident is adjudicated incompetent, to be the

20  resident's representative for a specific, limited purpose.

21         (18)(17)  "State ombudsman council" means the State

22  Long-Term Care Ombudsman Council established pursuant to s.

23  400.0067.

24         Section 2.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section

25  400.071, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraphs (h),

26  (i), and (j) are added to that subsection, to read:

27         400.071  Application for license.--

28         (2)  The application shall be under oath and shall

29  contain the following:

30         (d)  The name of the person or persons under whose

31  management or supervision the facility will be conducted,


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  1  including any controlling person, and the name of its licensed

  2  administrator.

  3         (h)  A signed affidavit disclosing any financial or

  4  ownership interest that the applicant or any person listed in

  5  paragraph (d) has held within the last 5 years in any entity

  6  licensed in any state to provide health or residential care,

  7  which entity:

  8         1.  Closed or ceased to operate as a result of

  9  financial problems;

10         2.  Has had a receiver appointed or a license denied,

11  suspended, or revoked;

12         3.  Was subject to a moratorium on admission; or

13         4.  Has had an injunctive proceeding initiated against

14  it.

15         (i)  Documentation to establish the background and

16  qualifications of the following, as revelant:

17         1.  The applicant or licenseholder;

18         2.  A partner, officer, director, or managing employee

19  of the applicant or licenseholder; and

20         3.  A controlling person, with respect to the

21  institution for which the license or license renewal is

22  requested.

23         (j)  Information relating to the history of the

24  financial condition of the applicant or licenseholder and any

25  other person described in paragraph (d), with respect to an

26  institution operated in another state or jurisdiction at any

27  time during the 5-year period preceding the date on which the

28  application is made.

29         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 397.405, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         397.405  Exemptions from licensure.--The following are

  2  exempt from the licensing provisions of this chapter:

  3         (2)  A nursing home facility as defined in s. 400.021

  4  s. 400.021(11).


  6  The exemptions from licensure in this section do not apply to

  7  any facility or entity which receives an appropriation, grant,

  8  or contract from the state to operate as a service provider as

  9  defined in this chapter or to any substance abuse program

10  regulated pursuant to s. 397.406.  No provision of this

11  chapter shall be construed to limit the practice of a

12  physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, a

13  psychologist licensed under chapter 490, or a psychotherapist

14  licensed under chapter 491, providing outpatient or inpatient

15  substance abuse treatment to a voluntary patient, so long as

16  the physician, psychologist, or psychotherapist does not

17  represent to the public that he or she is a licensed service

18  provider under this act. Failure to comply with any

19  requirement necessary to maintain an exempt status under this

20  section is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as

21  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

22         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


24            *****************************************

25                          SENATE SUMMARY

26    Defines the term "controlling person" for purposes of
      nursing-home regulation. Requires additional information
27    to be included with an application for licensure as a
      nursing home.



