House Bill 2211

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2211

        By the Committee on Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs
    and Representatives Ogles, Brown, J. Miller, Cantens,
    Greenstein and Futch

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to regulation of professions

  3         under the Department of Business and

  4         Professional Regulation; amending s. 310.071,

  5         F.S.; providing for disqualification from

  6         applying for and denial of deputy pilot

  7         certification for being found guilty of, or

  8         having pled guilty or nolo contendere to,

  9         certain crimes; amending s. 310.151, F.S.;

10         providing for deposit and disposition of

11         amounts received from imposition of pilotage

12         rates pending rendition of a final order

13         regarding such rates; amending s. 120.80, F.S.;

14         providing requirements regarding an

15         administrative law judge's recommended order in

16         a dispute relating to action or proposed action

17         of the Pilotage Rate Review Board; amending s.

18         455.217, F.S.; revising provisions relating to

19         translation of examinations in Spanish;

20         amending s. 455.2179, F.S.; providing for

21         approval of continuing education providers;

22         providing fees; providing rulemaking authority;

23         amending s. 455.219, F.S., and repealing

24         subsection (3), relating to fees required for

25         approval as a continuing education provider;

26         authorizing the department to adopt rules to

27         provide for waiver of license renewal fees

28         under certain circumstances and for a limited

29         period; creating s. 455.32, F.S.; creating the

30         Management Privatization Act; providing

31         definitions; authorizing the department to


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  1         contract with a corporation or other business

  2         entity to perform support services specified

  3         pursuant to contract; providing contract

  4         requirements; providing corporation powers and

  5         responsibilities; establishing reporting and

  6         audit requirements; providing for future review

  7         and repeal; amending s. 468.382, F.S.; defining

  8         "absolute auction"; amending s. 468.385, F.S.;

  9         revising requirements relating to the conduct,

10         administration, approval, and scope of the

11         examination for licensure as an auctioneer;

12         specifying that an auction may only be

13         conducted by an active licensee; creating s.

14         468.3855, F.S.; providing requirements for

15         auctioneer apprentices; amending s. 468.388,

16         F.S.; adding requirements and responsibilities

17         relating to the conduct of an auction; deleting

18         exceptions from a requirement that auctions be

19         conducted pursuant to a written agreement;

20         amending s. 468.389, F.S.; providing for

21         disciplinary action against licensees who fail

22         to account for certain property; providing

23         penalties; reenacting ss. 468.385(3)(b) and

24         468.391, F.S., relating to licensure as an

25         auctioneer and to a criminal penalty,

26         respectively, to incorporate the amendment to

27         s. 468.389, F.S., in references thereto;

28         amending s. 468.392, F.S.; authorizing the

29         designee of the Secretary of Business and

30         Professional Regulation to sign vouchers for

31         payment or disbursement from the Auctioneer


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  1         Recovery Fund; amending s. 468.395, F.S.;

  2         revising conditions of recovery from the

  3         Auctioneer Recovery Fund; providing for

  4         recovery from the fund pursuant to an order

  5         issued by the Florida Board of Auctioneers;

  6         deleting a requirement that notice be given to

  7         the board at the time action is commenced;

  8         providing limitations on bringing claims for

  9         certain acts; providing subrogation rights for

10         the fund; amending s. 468.397, F.S., relating

11         to payment of claim; correcting language;

12         amending s. 468.433, F.S.; revising

13         requirements for licensure as a community

14         association manager, to include certain

15         prelicensure education; providing for provider

16         approval, including fees; creating s. 468.439,

17         F.S.; providing authority to inspect and audit

18         community associations and community

19         association managers and businesses; repealing

20         s. 468.525(3)(h), F.S., relating to a

21         prohibition on employee leasing companies and

22         groups from including employees who engage in

23         services or arrangements that are not within

24         the definition of employee leasing; amending s.

25         468.526, F.S.; modifying qualifications for

26         licensure as an employee leasing company group;

27         amending s. 468.531, F.S.; providing

28         prohibitions against offering to practice

29         employee leasing without being licensed and

30         against the use of certain titles relating to

31         employee leasing without being registered;


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  1         providing penalties; amending s. 470.005, F.S.;

  2         providing rulemaking authority to the Board of

  3         Funeral Directors and Embalmers relating to

  4         inspection of direct disposal establishments,

  5         funeral establishments, and cinerator

  6         facilities and the records of each

  7         establishment or facility; amending s. 470.015,

  8         F.S.; requiring board approval of continuing

  9         education providers; revising provisions

10         relating to continuing education hours;

11         amending ss. 470.016 and 470.018, F.S.;

12         revising provisions relating to continuing

13         education hours; amending s. 470.017, F.S.;

14         revising provisions relating to registration as

15         a direct disposer, including fee-setting

16         responsibility; prohibiting the department from

17         issuing future registrations; amending s.

18         470.021, F.S.; prohibiting colocation of

19         certain direct disposal establishments with

20         more than one funeral establishment or direct

21         disposal establishment; amending s. 470.028,

22         F.S.; revising provisions relating to

23         registration of agents for preneed sales;

24         amending s. 470.0301, F.S.; revising provisions

25         relating to registration of centralized

26         embalming facilities to provide for operating

27         procedures; providing requirements for

28         full-time embalmers in charge; amending ss.

29         471.003, 471.0035, 471.011, 471.023, and

30         471.037, F.S.; updating references relating to

31         regulation of engineering to incorporate


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  1         provisions relating to the Florida Engineers

  2         Management Corporation and engineers performing

  3         building code inspector duties; amending s.

  4         471.005, F.S.; defining the term "retired

  5         professional engineer"; updating references;

  6         amending s. 471.015, F.S.; revising educational

  7         requirements for licensure by endorsement;

  8         updating references; amending s. 471.017, F.S.;

  9         granting the Board of Professional Engineers

10         rulemaking authority to establish biennial

11         licensure renewal procedures; replacing

12         continuing education provisions with provisions

13         requiring certain demonstration of continuing

14         professional competency; amending s. 471.019,

15         F.S., to create s. 471.0195, F.S.; separating

16         provisions relating to building code training

17         from provisions relating to licensure

18         reactivation requirements; amending s. 471.025,

19         F.S.; requiring final bid documents to be

20         signed, dated, and sealed and authorizing the

21         electronic transfer of such documents; amending

22         s. 471.031, F.S.; providing a penalty for

23         certain activities prohibited under ch. 471,

24         F.S., relating to engineering; updating

25         references; amending s. 474.202, F.S.; revising

26         the definition of "veterinarian"; amending s.

27         474.203, F.S.; revising and providing

28         exemptions from regulation under ch. 474, F.S.,

29         relating to veterinary medical practice;

30         providing that certain exempt persons are duly

31         licensed practitioners for purposes of


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  1         prescribing drugs or medicinal supplies;

  2         amending s. 474.211, F.S.; providing that

  3         criteria for providers of continuing veterinary

  4         medical education shall be approved by the

  5         board; amending s. 474.214, F.S.; increasing

  6         the administrative fine; reenacting ss.

  7         474.207(2) and 474.217(2), F.S., relating to

  8         licensure by examination and licensure by

  9         endorsement, to incorporate the amendment to s.

10         474.214, F.S., in references thereto; amending

11         s. 474.215, F.S.; requiring limited service

12         permittees to register each location and

13         providing a registration fee; providing

14         requirements for certain temporary rabies

15         vaccination efforts; providing permit and other

16         requirements for persons who are not licensed

17         veterinarians, but who desire to own and

18         operate a veterinary medical establishment;

19         providing disciplinary actions applicable to

20         holders of premises permits; amending s.

21         474.2165, F.S.; providing requirements with

22         respect to ownership and control of veterinary

23         medical patient records; providing for the

24         furnishing of reports or copies of records;

25         providing for participation of veterinarians in

26         impaired practitioner treatment programs;

27         amending s. 475.045, F.S.; abolishing the

28         Florida Real Estate Commission Education and

29         Research Foundation Advisory Committee and

30         transferring its duties to the commission;

31         amending s. 477.0132, F.S.; restricting to the


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  1         Board of Cosmetology authority to review,

  2         evaluate, and approve courses required for hair

  3         braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping

  4         registration; exempting providers of such

  5         courses from certain licensure; amending s.

  6         477.019, F.S.; revising requirements for

  7         licensure to practice cosmetology; providing

  8         fees; amending s. 477.0201, F.S.; revising

  9         requirements for registration as a specialist

10         in a specialty practice within the practice of

11         cosmetology; providing fees; amending ss.

12         492.101, 492.102, 492.104, 492.105, 492.108,

13         492.112, 492.113, 492.116, and 492.1165, F.S.;

14         revising cross references; amending s. 492.107,

15         F.S.; revising provisions relating to the use

16         of seals by licensed geologists; amending s.

17         492.111, F.S.; providing requirements relating

18         to geologists of record for firms,

19         corporations, and partnerships; providing an

20         appropriation; providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Subsection (4) is added to section 310.071,

25  Florida Statutes, to read:

26         310.071  Deputy pilot certification.--

27         (4)  Notwithstanding s. 112.011 or any other provision

28  of law relating to the restoration of civil rights, an

29  applicant shall be disqualified from applying for and shall be

30  denied a deputy pilot certificate if the applicant, regardless



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  1  of adjudication, has ever been found guilty of, or pled guilty

  2  or nolo contendere to, a charge which was:

  3         (a)  A felony or first degree misdemeanor which

  4  directly related to the navigation or operation of a vessel;

  5  or

  6         (b)  A felony involving the sale of or trafficking in,

  7  or conspiracy to sell or traffic in, a controlled substance as

  8  defined by chapter 893, or an offense under the laws of any

  9  state or country which, if committed in this state, would

10  constitute the felony of selling or trafficking in, or

11  conspiracy to sell or traffic in, such controlled substance.

12         Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 310.151, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         310.151  Rates of pilotage; Pilotage Rate Review

15  Board.--

16         (4)(a)  The applicant shall be given written notice,

17  either in person or by certified mail, that the board intends

18  to modify the pilotage rates in that port and that the

19  applicant may, within 21 days after receipt of the notice,

20  request a hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedure

21  Act. Notice of the intent to modify the pilotage rates in that

22  port shall also be published in the Florida Administrative

23  Weekly and in a newspaper of general circulation in the

24  affected port area and shall be mailed to any person who has

25  formally requested notice of any rate change in the affected

26  port area. Within 21 days after receipt or publication of

27  notice, any person whose substantial interests will be

28  affected by the intended board action may request a hearing

29  pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act. If the board

30  concludes that the petitioner has raised a disputed issue of

31  material fact, the board shall designate a hearing, which


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  1  shall be conducted by formal proceeding before an

  2  administrative law judge assigned by the Division of

  3  Administrative Hearings pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57(1),

  4  unless waived by all parties. If the board concludes that the

  5  petitioner has not raised a disputed issue of material fact

  6  and does not designate the petition for hearing, that decision

  7  shall be considered final agency action for purposes of s.

  8  120.68. The failure to request a hearing within 21 days after

  9  receipt or publication of notice shall constitute a waiver of

10  any right to an administrative hearing and shall cause the

11  order modifying the pilotage rates in that port to be entered.

12  If an administrative hearing is requested pursuant to this

13  subsection, notice of the time, date, and location of the

14  hearing shall be published in the Florida Administrative

15  Weekly and in a newspaper of general circulation in the

16  affected port area and shall be mailed to the applicant and to

17  any person who has formally requested notice of any rate

18  change for the affected port area.

19         (b)  In any administrative proceeding pursuant to this

20  section, the board's proposed rate determination shall be

21  immediately effective and shall not be stayed during the

22  administrative proceeding, provided that, pending rendition of

23  the board's final order, the pilot or pilots in the subject

24  port deposit in an interest-bearing account all amounts

25  received which represent the difference between the previous

26  rates and the proposed rates. The pilot or pilots in the

27  subject port shall keep an accurate accounting of all amounts

28  deposited, specifying by whom or on whose behalf such amounts

29  were paid, and shall produce such an accounting upon request

30  of the board. Upon rendition of the board's final order:



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  1         1.  Any amounts deposited in the interest-bearing

  2  account which are sustained by the final order shall be paid

  3  over to the pilot or pilots in the subject port, including all

  4  interest accrued on such funds; and

  5         2.  Any amounts deposited which exceed the rates

  6  sustained in the board's final order shall be refunded, with

  7  the accrued interest, to those customers from whom the funds

  8  were collected. Any funds that are not refunded after diligent

  9  effort of the pilot or pilots to do so shall be disbursed by

10  the pilot or pilots as the board shall direct.

11         Section 3.  Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (4) of

12  section 120.80, Florida Statutes, to read:

13         120.80  Exceptions and special requirements;

14  agencies.--



17         (c)  Pilotage rate review.--In a dispute relating to

18  action or proposed action of the Pilotage Rate Review Board,

19  the administrative law judge's recommended order may include

20  conclusions of law and rulings on evidentiary or procedural

21  matters and shall include findings of fact for consideration

22  by the board in applying the factors set forth in s.

23  310.151(5) and (6). The recommended order shall not include a

24  recommendation as to the appropriate rate to be imposed.

25         Section 4.  Subsection (6) of section 455.217, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         455.217  Examinations.--This section shall be read in

28  conjunction with the appropriate practice act associated with

29  each regulated profession under this chapter.

30         (6)  For examinations developed by the department or a

31  contracted vendor, each board, or the department, when there


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  1  is no board, may provide licensure examinations in an

  2  applicant's native language.  Applicants for examination or

  3  reexamination pursuant to this subsection shall bear the full

  4  cost for the department's development, preparation,

  5  administration, grading, and evaluation of any examination in

  6  a language other than English or Spanish.  Requests for

  7  translated examinations, except for those in Spanish, must be

  8  on file in the board office, or with the department when there

  9  is no board, at least 6 months prior to the scheduled

10  examination.  When determining whether it is in the public

11  interest to allow the examination to be translated into a

12  language other than English, the board, or the department when

13  there is no board, shall consider the percentage of the

14  population who speak the applicant's native language.

15         Section 5.  Section 455.2179, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         455.2179  Continuing education provider approval; cease

18  and desist orders.--

19         (1)  If a board, or the department if there is no

20  board, requires completion of continuing education as a

21  requirement for renewal of a license, the board, or the

22  department if there is no board, shall approve providers of

23  the continuing education. The approval of a continuing

24  education provider, the approval must be for a specified

25  period of time, not to exceed 4 years. An approval that does

26  not include such a time limitation may remain in effect only

27  until July 1, 2001, unless earlier replaced by an approval

28  that includes such a time limitation.

29         (2)  The department, on its own motion or at the

30  request of a board, shall issue an order requiring a person or

31  entity to cease and desist from offering any continuing


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  1  education programs for licensees, and revoking any approval of

  2  the provider previously granted by the department or a board,

  3  if the department or a board determines that the person or

  4  entity failed to provide appropriate continuing education

  5  services that conform to approved course material.

  6         (3)  Each board authorized to approve continuing

  7  education providers, or the department if there is no board,

  8  may establish, by rule, a fee not to exceed $250 for anyone

  9  seeking approval to provide continuing education courses and

10  may establish, by rule, a biennial fee not to exceed $250 for

11  the renewal of providership of such courses. The Florida Real

12  Estate Commission, authorized under the provisions of chapter

13  475 to approve prelicensure, precertification, and

14  postlicensure education providers, may establish, by rule, an

15  application fee not to exceed $250 for anyone seeking approval

16  to offer prelicensure, precertification, or postlicensure

17  education courses and may establish, by rule, a biennial fee

18  not to exceed $250 for the renewal of such courses.

19         (4)  The department and each affected board may adopt

20  rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the

21  provisions of this section.

22         Section 6.  Subsection (3) of section 455.219, Florida

23  Statutes, is repealed, and subsection (1) of said section is

24  amended to read:

25         455.219  Fees; receipts; disposition; periodic

26  management reports.--

27         (1)  Each board within the department shall determine

28  by rule the amount of license fees for its profession, based

29  upon department-prepared long-range estimates of the revenue

30  required to implement all provisions of law relating to the

31  regulation of professions by the department and any board;


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  1  however, when the department has determined, based on the

  2  long-range estimates of such revenue, that a profession's

  3  trust fund moneys are in excess of the amount required to

  4  cover the necessary functions of the board, or the department

  5  when there is no board, the department may adopt rules to

  6  implement a waiver of license renewal fees for that profession

  7  for a period not to exceed 2 years, as determined by the

  8  department. Each board, or the department when there is no

  9  board, shall ensure license fees are adequate to cover all

10  anticipated costs and to maintain a reasonable cash balance,

11  as determined by rule of the department, with advice of the

12  applicable board. If sufficient action is not taken by a board

13  within 1 year of notification by the department that license

14  fees are projected to be inadequate, the department shall set

15  license fees on behalf of the applicable board to cover

16  anticipated costs and to maintain the required cash balance.

17  The department shall include recommended fee cap increases in

18  its annual report to the Legislature. Further, it is

19  legislative intent that no regulated profession operate with a

20  negative cash balance. The department may provide by rule for

21  the advancement of sufficient funds to any profession

22  operating with a negative cash balance. Such advancement may

23  be for a period not to exceed 2 consecutive years and shall

24  require interest to be paid by the regulated profession.

25  Interest shall be calculated at the current rate earned on

26  Professional Regulation Trust Fund investments. Interest

27  earned shall be allocated to the various funds in accordance

28  with the allocation of investment earnings during the period

29  of the advance.

30         Section 7.  Section 455.32, Florida Statutes, is

31  created to read:


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  1         455.32  Management Privatization Act.--

  2         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Management

  3  Privatization Act."

  4         (2)  As used in this section, the term:

  5         (a)  "Corporation" means the corporation or other

  6  business entity with which the department contracts pursuant

  7  to subsection (3).

  8         (b)  "Executive director" means the person appointed by

  9  the department pursuant to s. 455.203.

10         (c)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of Business and

11  Professional Regulation.

12         (3)  Based upon the request of any board, commission,

13  or council, the department is authorized to contract with a

14  corporation or other business entity to perform support

15  services specified in the contract. The contract must be in

16  compliance with this section and other applicable laws and

17  must be approved by the board before the department enters

18  into the contract. The department shall retain responsibility

19  for any duties it currently exercises relating to its police

20  powers and any other current duty that is not provided to the

21  corporation by the contract. The contract shall provide, at a

22  minimum, that:

23         (a)  The corporation provide administrative,

24  investigative, examination, licensing, and prosecutorial

25  support services in accordance with the provisions of this

26  section and the practice act of the relevant profession. With

27  approval of the department, the corporation may subcontract

28  for any of these services.

29         (b)  The corporation utilize computer technology

30  compatible with the department to ensure compatibility and



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  1  availability to the public of information provided for other

  2  professions by the department.

  3         (c)  The corporation submit an annual budget for

  4  approval by the board and the department.

  5         (d)  The corporation keep financial and statistical

  6  information as necessary to completely disclose the financial

  7  condition and operation of the project and as requested by the

  8  Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

  9  Accountability, the Auditor General, and the department.

10         (e)  If the certification process in subsection (10)

11  determines noncompliance, the contract provide for methods and

12  mechanisms to resolve the situation.

13         (f)  The corporation provide to the board and the

14  department, on or before October 1 of each year, a report

15  describing all of the activities of the corporation for the

16  previous fiscal year. The report shall include:

17         1.  Any audit performed under subsection (9), including

18  financial reports and performance audits.

19         2.  The number of license applications received, the

20  number of licenses approved and denied, the number of licenses

21  issued, and the average time required to issue a license.

22         3.  The number of examinations administered and the

23  number of applicants who passed or failed the examination.

24         4.  The number of complaints received, the number of

25  complaints determined to be legally sufficient, the number of

26  complaints dismissed, and the number of complaints determined

27  to have probable cause.

28         5.  The number of administrative complaints issued and

29  the status of the complaints.

30         6.  The number and nature of disciplinary actions taken

31  by the board.


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  1         7.  All revenue received and all expenses incurred by

  2  the corporation over the previous 12 months in its performance

  3  of the duties under the contract.

  4         8.  The status of the compliance of the corporation

  5  with all performance-based program measures adopted by the

  6  board.

  7         (4)  The provisions of s. 768.28 apply to the

  8  corporation, which is deemed to be a corporation primarily

  9  acting as an instrumentality of the state, but which is not an

10  agency within the meaning of s. 20.03(11).

11         (5)  The corporation shall be funded through

12  appropriations allocated to the regulation of the relevant

13  profession from the Professional Regulation Trust Fund.

14         (6)  If the corporation is no longer approved to

15  operate for the board or the board ceases to exist, moneys and

16  property held in trust by the corporation for the benefit of

17  the board shall revert to the board, or to the state if the

18  board ceases to exist.

19         (7)  The executive director shall supervise the

20  activities of the corporation to ensure compliance with the

21  contract and provisions of this section and the practice act

22  of the relevant profession. The executive director shall be an

23  employee of the department and serve as a liaison between the

24  department, the board, and the corporation and shall ensure

25  that the police powers of the state are not exercised by the

26  corporation.

27         (8)  The corporation may not exercise any authority

28  assigned to the department or board under this part or the

29  practice act of the relevant profession, including determining

30  legal sufficiency and probable cause to pursue disciplinary

31  action against a licensee, taking final action on license


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  1  applications or in disciplinary cases, or adopting

  2  administrative rules under chapter 120.

  3         (9)  Nothing in this section shall affect the duty of

  4  the Auditor General to audit the corporation. The Auditor

  5  General shall schedule with the corporation to conduct annual

  6  audits, including financial reports and performance audits.

  7  Additionally, the department may request an independent audit

  8  to be conducted, which audit shall be at the expense of the

  9  corporation.

10         (10)  The board and the department shall annually

11  certify that the corporation is complying with the terms of

12  the contract in a manner consistent with the goals and

13  purposes of the board and in the best interest of the state.

14         (11)  Nothing in this section shall limit the ability

15  of the corporation to enter into contracts and perform all

16  other acts incidental to those contracts that are necessary

17  for the administration of its affairs and for the attainment

18  of its purposes.

19         (12)  The corporation may acquire by lease, and

20  maintain, use, and operate, any real or personal property

21  necessary to perform the duties provided by the contract and

22  this section.

23         (13)  No later than October 1, 2000, the department

24  shall contract with a corporation in accordance with

25  subsection (3) for the provision of services for architects

26  and interior designers.

27         (14)  The department shall retain the independent

28  authority to open, investigate, or prosecute any cases or

29  complaints, as necessary, to protect the public health,

30  safety, or welfare.  In addition, the department shall retain

31  sole authority to issue emergency suspension or restriction


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  1  orders pursuant to s. 120.60 and to prosecute unlicensed

  2  activity cases pursuant to ss. 455.228 and 455.2281.

  3         (15)  Corporation records are public records subject to

  4  the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the

  5  State Constitution; however, public records exemptions set

  6  forth in ss. 455.217 and 455.229 for records created or

  7  maintained by the department shall apply to records created or

  8  maintained by the corporation. The exemptions set forth in s.

  9  455.225, relating to complaints and information obtained

10  pursuant to an investigation by the department, shall apply to

11  such records created or obtained by the corporation only until

12  an investigation ceases to be active. For the purposes of this

13  subsection, an investigation is considered active so long as

14  the corporation or any law enforcement or administrative

15  agency is proceeding with reasonable dispatch and has a

16  reasonable, good faith belief that it may lead to the filing

17  of administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings. An

18  investigation ceases to be active when the case is dismissed

19  prior to a finding of probable cause and the board has not

20  exercised its option to pursue the case or 10 days after the

21  board makes a determination regarding probable cause. All

22  information, records, and transcriptions regarding a complaint

23  that has been determined to be legally sufficient to state a

24  claim within the jurisdiction of the board become available to

25  the public when the investigation ceases to be active, except

26  information that is otherwise confidential or exempt from s.

27  119.07(1). However, in response to an inquiry about the

28  licensure status of an individual, the corporation shall

29  disclose the existence of an active investigation if the

30  nature of the violation under investigation involves the

31  potential for substantial physical or financial harm. The


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  1  department and the board shall have access to all records of

  2  the corporation, as necessary, to exercise their authority to

  3  approve and supervise the contract.

  4         (16)  If any provision of this section is held to be

  5  unconstitutional or is held to violate the state or federal

  6  antitrust laws, the following shall occur:

  7         (a)  The corporation shall cease and desist from

  8  exercising any powers and duties enumerated in this section.

  9         (b)  The department shall resume the performance of

10  such activities. The department shall regain and receive,

11  hold, invest, and administer property and make expenditures

12  for the benefit of the board.

13         (c)  The Executive Office of the Governor,

14  notwithstanding chapter 216, is authorized to reestablish

15  positions, budget authority, and salary rate necessary to

16  carry out the department's responsibilities related to the

17  board.

18         (17)  This section is repealed on October 1, 2005, and

19  shall be reviewed by the Legislature prior to that date for

20  the purpose of determining its continued existence.

21         Section 8.  Subsection (8) is added to section 468.382,

22  Florida Statutes, to read:

23         468.382  Definitions.--As used in this act, the term:

24         (8)  "Absolute auction" means an auction that requires

25  no minimum opening bid that limits the sale other than to the

26  highest bidder.

27         Section 9.  Subsections (4), (6), and (7) of section

28  468.385, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

29         468.385  Licenses required; qualifications;

30  examination; bond.--



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  1         (4)  Any person seeking a license as an auctioneer must

  2  shall pass a written examination approved by the board

  3  prepared and administered by the department which tests his or

  4  her general knowledge of the laws of this state relating to

  5  provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code that are relevant to

  6  bulk sales, auctions, the laws of agency brokerage, and the

  7  provisions of this act.

  8         (6)  No person shall be licensed as an auctioneer

  9  unless he or she:

10         (a)  Has held an apprentice license and has served as

11  an apprentice for 1 year or more, or has completed a course of

12  study, consisting of not less than 80 classroom hours of

13  instruction, that meets standards adopted by the board;

14         (b)  Has passed the required an examination conducted

15  by the department; and

16         (c)  Is approved by the board.

17         (7)(a)  Any auction that is subject to the provisions

18  of this part must be conducted by an auctioneer who has an

19  active license or an apprentice who has an active apprentice

20  auctioneer license and who has received prior written sponsor

21  consent.

22         (b)  No business shall auction or offer to auction any

23  property in this state unless it is licensed as an auction

24  business by the board or is exempt from licensure under this

25  act.  Each application for licensure shall include the names

26  of the owner and the business, the business mailing address

27  and location, and any other information which the board may

28  require. The owner of an auction business shall report to the

29  board within 30 days of any change in this required

30  information.



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  1         Section 10.  Section 468.3855, Florida Statutes, is

  2  created to read:

  3         468.3855  Apprenticeship training requirements.--

  4         (1)  An auctioneer may not sponsor more than three

  5  apprentices at one time. Any auctioneer who serves as a

  6  sponsor must have held an active, valid license for 3

  7  consecutive years preceding the date on which that auctioneer

  8  is named as sponsor of the apprentice.

  9         (2)  Any auctioneer who undertakes the sponsorship of

10  an apprentice shall ensure that the apprentice receives

11  training as required by board rule.

12         (3)  An apprentice must actively participate in auction

13  sales as required by board rule, and a record of each auction

14  for which participation credit is claimed must be made as

15  required by board rule.

16         (4)  Apprentices are prohibited from conducting any

17  auction without the prior express written consent of the

18  sponsor. The apprentice's sponsor must be present at the

19  auction site at any time the apprentice is actively

20  participating in the conduct of the auction. If the

21  apprentice's sponsor cannot attend a particular auction, the

22  sponsor may appoint a qualified auctioneer who meets the

23  requirements of board rule to attend the auction in his or her

24  place. Prior written consent must be given by the apprentice's

25  sponsor for each substitution.

26         (5)  Each apprentice and sponsor shall file reports as

27  required by board rule.

28         (6)  A sponsor may not authorize an apprentice to

29  conduct an auction or act as principal auctioneer unless the

30  sponsor has determined that the apprentice has received

31  adequate training to do so.


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  1         (7)  The sponsor shall be responsible for any acts or

  2  omissions of the apprentice which constitute a violation of

  3  law in relation to the conduct of an auction.

  4         (8)  All apprentice applications shall be valid for a

  5  period of 6 months after board approval. Any applicant who

  6  fails to complete the licensure process within that time shall

  7  be required to make application as a new applicant.

  8         (9)  Any licensed apprentice who wishes to change the

  9  sponsor under whom he or she is licensed must submit a new

10  application and application fee. However, a new license fee

11  shall not be required and credit shall be awarded for training

12  received or any period of apprenticeship served under the

13  previous sponsor.

14         (10)  Credit for training received or any period of

15  apprenticeship served shall not be allowed unless it occurred

16  under the supervision of the sponsor under whose supervision

17  the apprentice is licensed.

18         Section 11.  Section 468.388, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         468.388  Conduct of an auction.--

21         (1)  Prior to conducting an auction in this state, an

22  auctioneer or auction business shall execute a written

23  agreement with the owner, or the agent of the owner, of any

24  property to be offered for sale, stating:

25         (a)  The name and address of the owner of the property;

26         (b)  The name and address of the person employing the

27  auctioneer or auction business, if different from the owner;

28  and

29         (c)  The terms or conditions upon which the auctioneer

30  or auction business will receive the property for sale and

31  remit the sales proceeds to the owner.


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  1         (2)  The auctioneer or auction business shall give the

  2  owner one copy of the agreement and shall keep one copy for 2

  3  years after the date of the auction.

  4         (3)  A written agreement shall not be required if:

  5         (a)  The auction is to be conducted at an auction house

  6  or similar place where the public regularly offers property

  7  for sale;

  8         (b)  There has been no prior negotiation between the

  9  owner or the owner's agent and the auctioneer or auction

10  business involving terms or conditions pertaining to the

11  property being offered for sale; and

12         (c)  The total estimated value of the property is $500

13  or less.  If the actual sale price of the property exceeds

14  $550, the written agreement required by subsection (1) shall

15  be executed after the sale.

16         (3)(4)  Each auctioneer or auction business shall

17  maintain a record book of all sales for which a written

18  agreement is required.  The record book shall be open to

19  inspection by the board at reasonable times.

20         (4)  Each auction must be conducted by an auctioneer

21  who has an active license or by an apprentice who has an

22  active apprentice auctioneer license and who has received

23  prior written sponsor consent. Each auction must be conducted

24  under the auspices of a licensed auction business. Any

25  auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer conducting an auction, and

26  any auction business under whose auspices such auction is

27  held, shall be responsible for determining that any

28  auctioneer, apprentice, or auction business with whom they are

29  associated in conducting such auction has an active Florida

30  auctioneer, apprentice, or auction business license.



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  1         (5)  The principal auctioneer shall prominently display

  2  at the auction site the licenses of the principal auctioneer,

  3  the auction business, and any other licensed auctioneers or

  4  apprentices who are actively participating in the auction. If

  5  such a display is not practicable, then an oral announcement

  6  at the beginning of the auction or a prominent written

  7  announcement that these licenses are available for inspection

  8  at the auction site must be made. Each auctioneer or auction

  9  business shall prominently display his or her license, or make

10  it otherwise available for inspection, at each auction in

11  which he or she participates.

12         (6)  If a buyer premium or any surcharge is a condition

13  to sale at any auction, the amount of the premium or surcharge

14  must be announced at the beginning of the auction and a

15  written notice of this information must be conspicuously

16  displayed or distributed to the public at the auction site.

17         (7)  At the beginning of an auction must be announced

18  the terms of bidding and sale and whether the sale is with

19  reserve, without reserve, or absolute or if a minimum bid is

20  required. If the sale is absolute and has been announced or

21  advertised as such, an article or lot may not be withdrawn

22  from sale once a bid has been accepted. If no bid is received

23  within a reasonable time, the item or lot may be withdrawn.

24         (8)  If an auction has been advertised as absolute, no

25  bid shall be accepted from the owner of the property or from

26  someone acting on behalf of the owner unless the right to bid

27  is specifically permitted by law.

28         (9)  The auction business under which the auction is

29  conducted is responsible for all other aspects of the auction

30  as required by board rule. The auction business may delegate

31  in whole, or in part, different aspects of the auction only to


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  1  the extent that such delegation is permitted by law and that

  2  such delegation will not impede the principal auctioneer's

  3  ability to ensure the proper conduct of his or her independent

  4  responsibility for the auction. The auction business under

  5  whose auspices the auction is conducted is responsible for

  6  ensuring compliance as required by board rule.

  7         (10)(a)  When settlement is not made immediately after

  8  an auction, all sale proceeds received for another person must

  9  be deposited in an escrow or trust account in an insured bank

10  or savings and loan association located in this state within 2

11  working days after the auction. A maximum of $100 may be kept

12  in the escrow account for administrative purposes.

13         (b)  Each auction business shall maintain, for not less

14  than 2 years, a separate ledger showing the funds held for

15  another person deposited and disbursed by the auction business

16  for each auction. The escrow or trust account must be

17  reconciled monthly with the bank statement. A signed and dated

18  record shall be maintained for a 2-year period and be

19  available for inspection by the department or at the request

20  of the board.

21         (c)  Any interest which accrues to sale proceeds on

22  deposit shall be the property of the seller for whom the funds

23  were received unless the parties have agreed otherwise by

24  written agreement executed prior to the auction.

25         (d)  Unless otherwise provided by written agreement

26  executed prior to the auction, funds received by a licensee

27  from the seller or his or her agent for expenses, including

28  advertising, must be expended for the purposes advanced or

29  refunded to the seller at the time of final settlement. Any

30  funds so received shall be maintained in an escrow or trust

31  account in an insured bank or savings and loan association


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  1  located in this state. However, this does not prohibit

  2  advanced payment of a flat fee.

  3         (11)(a)(6)  All advertising by an auctioneer or auction

  4  business shall include the name and Florida license number of

  5  such auctioneer and auction business.  The term "advertising"

  6  shall not include articles of clothing, directional signs, or

  7  other promotional novelty items.

  8         (b)  No licensed auctioneer, apprentice, or auction

  9  business may disseminate or cause to be disseminated any

10  advertisement or advertising which is false, deceptive,

11  misleading, or untruthful. Any advertisement or advertising

12  shall be deemed to be false, deceptive, misleading, or

13  untruthful if it:

14         1.  Contains misrepresentations of facts.

15         2.  Is misleading or deceptive because, in its content

16  or in the context in which it is presented, it makes only a

17  partial disclosure of relevant facts.

18         3.  Creates false or unjustified expectations of the

19  services to be performed.

20         4.  Contains any representation or claim which the

21  advertising licensee fails to perform.

22         5.  Fails to include the name and license number of the

23  principal auctioneer and the auction business.

24         6.  Fails to include the name and license number of the

25  sponsor if an apprentice is acting as the principal

26  auctioneer.

27         7.  Advertises an auction as absolute without

28  specifying any and all items to be sold with reserve or with

29  minimum bids.

30         8.  Fails to include the percentage amount of any

31  buyer's premium or surcharge which is a condition to sale.


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  1         (c)  The provisions of this subsection apply to media

  2  exposure of any nature, regardless of whether it is in the

  3  form of paid advertising.

  4         (d)  The auction business shall be responsible for the

  5  content of all advertising disseminated in preparation for an

  6  auction.

  7         Section 12.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section

  8  468.389, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         468.389  Prohibited acts; penalties.--

10         (1)  The following acts shall be grounds for the

11  disciplinary activities provided in subsections (2) and (3):

12         (c)  Failure to account for or to pay or return, within

13  a reasonable time not to exceed 30 days, money or property

14  belonging to another which has come into the control of an

15  auctioneer or auction business through an auction.

16         Section 13.  For the purpose of incorporating the

17  amendment to section 468.389, Florida Statutes, in references

18  thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 468.385

19  and section 468.391, Florida Statutes, are reenacted to read:

20         468.385  Licenses required; qualifications;

21  examination; bond.--

22         (3)  No person shall be licensed as an auctioneer or

23  apprentice if he or she:

24         (b)  Has committed any act or offense in this state or

25  any other jurisdiction which would constitute a basis for

26  disciplinary action under s. 468.389.

27         468.391  Penalty.--Any auctioneer, apprentice, or

28  auction business or any owner or manager thereof, or, in the

29  case of corporate ownership, any substantial stockholder of

30  the corporation owning the auction business, who operates

31  without an active license or violates any provision of the


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  1  prohibited acts listed under s. 468.389 commits a felony of

  2  the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.

  3  775.083.

  4         Section 14.  Subsection (2) of section 468.392, Florida

  5  Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         468.392  Auctioneer Recovery Fund.--There is created

  7  the Auctioneer Recovery Fund as a separate account in the

  8  Professional Regulation Trust Fund.  The fund shall be

  9  administered by the Florida Board of Auctioneers.

10         (2)  All payments and disbursements from the Auctioneer

11  Recovery Fund shall be made by the Treasurer upon a voucher

12  signed by the Secretary of Business and Professional

13  Regulation or the secretary's designee. Amounts transferred to

14  the Auctioneer Recovery Fund shall not be subject to any

15  limitation imposed by an appropriation act of the Legislature.

16         Section 15.  Section 468.395, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         468.395  Conditions of recovery; eligibility.--

19         (1)  Recovery from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund may be

20  obtained as follows:

21         (a)  Any aggrieved person is eligible to receive

22  recovery from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund if the Florida

23  Board of Auctioneers has issued a final order directing an

24  offending licensee to pay restitution to the claimant as the

25  result of the licensee violating, within this state, any

26  provision of s. 468.389 or any rule adopted by the board and

27  if the board determined that the order of restitution cannot

28  be enforced; or

29         (b)(1)  Any aggrieved person who obtains a final

30  judgment in any court against any licensee to recover damages

31  for any actual loss that results from the violation, within


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  1  this state, by failure to meet the obligations of a licensee

  2  of any provision of s. 468.389 or any rule under this part and

  3  the rules adopted by the board, with or without findings by

  4  the board, that results in an actual cash loss to the

  5  aggrieved person may, upon termination of all proceedings,

  6  including appeals and proceedings supplemental to judgment for

  7  collection purposes, file a verified application to the board

  8  in the court in which the judgment was entered for an order

  9  directing payment out of the Auctioneer Recovery Fund of the

10  amount of actual and direct loss in the transaction that

11  remains unpaid upon the judgment. Notwithstanding subsection

12  (3), any application received by the court in which the

13  judgment was entered within 6 months of termination of all

14  proceedings, including appeals and proceedings supplemental to

15  judgment for collection purposes, shall be considered timely

16  filed. The amount of actual and direct loss may include court

17  costs, but shall not include attorney's fees or punitive

18  damages awarded.

19         (2)  The amount paid from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund

20  may not exceed $50,000 per claim judgment or claims judgments

21  arising out of the same transaction or auction or and an

22  aggregate lifetime limit of $100,000 with respect to any one

23  licensee. For purposes of this subsection, auctions conducted

24  under a single contract, agreement, or consignment shall be

25  considered a single transaction or auction even though

26  conducted at more than one time or place.

27         (2)  At the time the action is commenced, such person

28  shall give notice thereof to the board by certified mail,

29  except that, if no notice is given to the board, the claim may

30  still be honored if, in the opinion of the board, the claim is

31  otherwise valid.


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  1         (3)  A claim for recovery from the Auctioneer Recovery

  2  Fund shall be made within 2 years from the time of the act

  3  giving rise to the claim or within 2 years from the time the

  4  act is discovered or should have been discovered with the

  5  exercise of due diligence; however, in no event may a claim

  6  for recovery be made more than 4 years after the date of the

  7  act giving rise to the claim.

  8         (4)  The board court shall not issue an order for

  9  payment of a claim from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund unless

10  the claimant has reasonably established to for the board court

11  that she or he has taken proper and reasonable action to

12  collect the amount of her or his claim from the licensee

13  licensed auctioneer responsible for the loss and that any

14  recovery made has been applied to reduce the amount of the

15  claim on the Auctioneer Recovery Fund.

16         (5)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this part,

17  no claim based on any act or omission that occurred outside

18  this state or that occurred before October 1, 1991, shall be

19  payable submitted for payment to or payment from the

20  Auctioneer Recovery Fund until after October 1, 1995.

21         (6)  In case of payment of loss from the Auctioneer

22  Recovery Fund, the fund shall be subrogated, to the extent of

23  the amount of the payment, to all the rights of the claimant

24  against any licensee with respect to the loss.

25         Section 16.  Section 468.397, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         468.397  Payment of claim.--Upon a final order of the

28  court directing that payment be made out of the Auctioneer

29  Recovery Fund, the board shall, subject to the provisions of

30  this part, make the payment out of to the Auctioneer Recovery

31  Fund as provided in s. 468.395.


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  1         Section 17.  Section 468.433, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         468.433  Licensure by examination.--

  4         (1)  A person desiring to be licensed as a community

  5  association manager shall apply to the department to take the

  6  licensure examination.  Each applicant must file a complete

  7  set of fingerprints that have been taken by an authorized law

  8  enforcement officer, which set of fingerprints shall be

  9  submitted to the Department of Law Enforcement for state

10  processing and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for

11  federal processing.  The cost of processing shall be borne by

12  the applicant.

13         (2)  The department shall examine each applicant who is

14  at least 18 years of age, who has successfully completed all

15  prelicensure education requirements, and who the department

16  certifies is of good moral character.

17         (a)  Good moral character means a personal history of

18  honesty, fairness, and respect for the rights of others and

19  for the laws of this state and nation.

20         (b)  The department may refuse to certify an applicant

21  only if:

22         1.  There is a substantial connection between the lack

23  of good moral character of the applicant and the professional

24  responsibilities of a community association manager; and

25         2.  The finding by the department of lack of good moral

26  character is supported by clear and convincing evidence.

27         (c)  When an applicant is found to be unqualified for a

28  license because of a lack of good moral character, the

29  department shall furnish the applicant a statement containing

30  its findings, a complete record of the evidence upon which the



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  1  determination was based, and a notice of the rights of the

  2  applicant to a rehearing and appeal.

  3         (d)  The council shall establish by rule the required

  4  amount of prelicensure education, which shall consist of not

  5  more than 24 hours of in-person instruction by a

  6  department-approved provider and which shall cover all areas

  7  of the examination specified in subsection (3). Such

  8  instruction shall be completed within 12 months prior to the

  9  date of the examination. Prelicensure education providers

10  shall be considered continuing education providers for

11  purposes of establishing provider approval fees. A licensee

12  shall not be required to comply with the continuing education

13  requirements of s. 468.4337 prior to the first license

14  renewal. The department shall, by rule, set standards for

15  exceptions to the requirement of in-person instruction in

16  cases of hardship or disability.

17         (3)(2)  The council shall approve an examination for

18  licensure.  The examination must demonstrate that the

19  applicant has a fundamental knowledge of state and federal

20  laws relating to the operation of all types of community

21  associations and state laws relating to corporations and

22  nonprofit corporations, proper preparation of community

23  association budgets, proper procedures for noticing and

24  conducting community association meetings, insurance matters

25  relating to community associations, and management skills.

26         (4)(3)  The department shall issue a license to

27  practice in this state as a community association manager to

28  any applicant who successfully completes the examination in

29  accordance with this section and pays the appropriate fee.

30         Section 18.  Section 468.439, Florida Statutes, is

31  created to read:


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  1         468.439  Authority to inspect and audit.--Duly

  2  authorized agents and employees of the department shall have

  3  the power to inspect and audit in a lawful manner at all

  4  reasonable hours the office and records of any community

  5  association manager, community association management

  6  business, or community association pursuant to this part, for

  7  the purpose of determining if any of the provisions of this

  8  part or chapter 455 or any rule promulgated under its

  9  authority is being violated.

10         Section 19.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (3) of section

11  468.525, Florida Statutes, is repealed.

12         Section 20.  Subsection (2) of section 468.526, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         468.526  License required; fees.--

15         (2)  Two or more, but not more than five, employee

16  leasing companies that are corporations which are majority

17  owned by the same ultimate parent, entity, or persons may be

18  licensed as an employee leasing company group.  An employee

19  leasing company group may satisfy the reporting and financial

20  requirements of this licensing law on a consolidated basis.

21  As a condition of licensure as an employee leasing company

22  group, each company that is a member of the group shall

23  guarantee payment of all financial obligations of each other

24  member.

25         Section 21.  Section 468.531, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         468.531  Prohibitions; penalties.--

28         (1)  No person or entity shall:

29         (a)  Practice or offer to practice as an employee

30  leasing company, an employee leasing company group, or a



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  1  controlling person unless such person or entity is licensed

  2  pursuant to this part;

  3         (b)  Practice or offer to practice as an employee

  4  leasing company or employee leasing company group unless all

  5  controlling persons thereof are licensed pursuant to this

  6  part;

  7         (c)  Use the name or title "licensed employee leasing

  8  company," "employee leasing company," "employee leasing

  9  company group," "professional employer," "professional

10  employer organization," or "controlling person," or words that

11  would tend to lead one to believe that such person or entity

12  is registered pursuant to this part, when such person or

13  entity has not registered pursuant to this part;

14         (d)  Present as his or her own or his or her entity's

15  own the license of another;

16         (e)  Knowingly give false or forged evidence to the

17  board or a member thereof; or

18         (f)  Use or attempt to use a license that has been

19  suspended or revoked.

20         (2)  Any person or entity that violates any provision

21  of this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,

22  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

23         Section 22.  Subsection (3) of section 470.005, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         470.005  Rulemaking authority of board and

26  department.--

27         (3)  The board shall adopt rules which establish

28  requirements for inspection of direct disposal establishments,

29  funeral establishments, and cinerator facilities and the

30  records directly relating to the regulated activities of the

31  licensee to ensure compliance with the provisions of this


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  1  chapter and rules adopted hereunder.  Such rules shall

  2  include, but not be limited to, requirements to inspect for

  3  compliance with federal and state laws relating to the

  4  receiving, handling, storage, and disposal of biohazardous and

  5  hazardous waste.

  6         Section 23.  Section 470.015, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         470.015  Renewal of funeral director and embalmer

  9  licenses.--

10         (1)  The department shall renew a funeral director or

11  embalmer license upon receipt of the renewal application and

12  fee set by the board not to exceed $250.  The board may

13  prescribe by rule continuing education requirements of up to

14  12 classroom hours and may by rule establish criteria for

15  accepting alternative nonclassroom continuing education on an

16  hour-for-hour basis, in addition to a board-approved course on

17  communicable diseases that includes the course on human

18  immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome

19  required by s. 455.2226, for the renewal of a funeral director

20  or embalmer license. The board may provide for the waiver of

21  continuing education requirements in circumstances that would

22  justify the waiver, such as hardship, disability, or illness.

23  The continuing education requirement is not required after

24  July 1, 1996, for a licensee who is over the age of 75 years

25  if the licensee does not qualify as the sole person in charge

26  of an establishment or facility.

27         (2)  The department shall adopt rules establishing a

28  procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses.

29         (3)  The board shall adopt rules to establish

30  requirements for the advertising of continuing education

31  courses.


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  1         Section 24.  Subsection (1) of section 470.016, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         470.016  Inactive status.--

  4         (1)  A funeral director or embalmer license that has

  5  become inactive may be reactivated under s. 470.015 upon

  6  application to the department. The board shall prescribe by

  7  rule continuing education requirements as a condition of

  8  reactivating a license. The continuing education requirements

  9  for reactivating a license may not exceed 12 classroom hours

10  and may by rule establish criteria for accepting alternative

11  nonclassroom continuing education on an hour-for-hour basis,

12  in addition to a board-approved course on communicable

13  diseases, for each year the license was inactive.

14         Section 25.  Subsection (2) of section 470.017, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (5) is added to said

16  section, to read:

17         470.017  Registration as a direct disposer.--

18         (2)  Any person who desires to be registered as a

19  direct disposer shall file an application with the department

20  on a form furnished by the department. The department shall

21  register each applicant who has remitted a registration fee

22  set by the board department, not to exceed $200; has completed

23  the application form and remitted a nonrefundable application

24  fee set by the board department, not to exceed $50; and meets

25  the following requirements:

26         (a)  Is at least 18 years of age.

27         (b)  Is a high school graduate or equivalent.

28         (c)  Has no conviction or finding of guilt, and has

29  never entered a plea of nolo contendere, regardless of

30  adjudication, for a crime which directly relates to the



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  1  functions and duties of a direct disposer or the ability to

  2  practice of direct disposition.

  3         (d)  Has received a passing grade in a college credit

  4  course in Florida mortuary law.

  5         (e)  Has completed a board-approved course on

  6  communicable diseases.

  7         (f)  Has passed an examination prepared by the

  8  department on the local, state, and federal laws and rules

  9  relating to the disposition of dead human bodies.

10         (5)  After June 30, 2000, no person shall be registered

11  pursuant to this section. However, any person who holds a

12  valid registration under this section on June 30, 2000, may

13  continue to renew such registration pursuant to s. 470.018 so

14  long as the registration remains current and the registrant

15  remains in good standing.

16         Section 26.  Subsection (2) of section 470.018, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         470.018  Renewal of registration of direct disposer.--

19         (2)  The department shall adopt rules establishing a

20  procedure for the biennial renewal of registrations.  The

21  board shall prescribe by rule continuing education

22  requirements of up to 3 classroom hours and may by rule

23  establish criteria for accepting alternative nonclassroom

24  continuing education on an hour-for-hour basis, in addition to

25  a board-approved course on communicable diseases that includes

26  the course on human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune

27  deficiency syndrome required by s. 455.2226, for the renewal

28  of a registration.

29         Section 27.  Subsection (10) is added to section

30  470.021, Florida Statutes, to read:



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  1         470.021  Direct disposal establishment; standards and

  2  location; registration.--

  3         (10)  A direct disposal establishment may not be

  4  operated at the same location as any other direct disposal

  5  establishment or funeral establishment unless such

  6  establishments were licensed as colocated establishments on

  7  July 1, 2000.

  8         Section 28.  Section 470.028, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         470.028  Preneed sales; registration of agents.--

11         (1)  All sales of preneed funeral service contracts or

12  direct disposition contracts shall be made pursuant to chapter

13  497.

14         (2)  No person may act as an agent for a funeral

15  director, funeral establishment, direct disposer, or direct

16  disposal disposer establishment with respect to the sale of

17  preneed contracts unless such person is registered pursuant to

18  chapter 497.

19         (3)  Each licensee or registrant shall be subject to

20  discipline if his or her agent violates any provision of this

21  chapter applicable to such licensee or registrant as

22  established by board rule.

23         Section 29.  Subsection (2) of section 470.0301,

24  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         470.0301  Removal services; refrigeration facilities;

26  centralized embalming facilities.--In order to ensure that the

27  removal, refrigeration, and embalming of all dead human bodies

28  is conducted in a manner that properly protects the public's

29  health and safety, the board shall adopt rules to provide for

30  the registration of removal services, refrigeration

31  facilities, and centralized embalming facilities operated


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  1  independently of funeral establishments, direct disposal

  2  establishments, and cinerator facilities.

  3         (2)  CENTRALIZED EMBALMING FACILITIES.--In order to

  4  ensure that all funeral establishments have access to

  5  embalming facilities that comply with all applicable health

  6  and safety requirements, the board shall adopt rules to

  7  provide for the registration and operation of centralized

  8  embalming facilities and shall require, at a minimum, the

  9  following:

10         (a)  All centralized embalming facilities shall contain

11  all of the equipment and meet all of the requirements that a

12  preparation room located in a funeral establishment is

13  required to meet, but such facilities shall not be required to

14  comply with any of the other requirements for funeral

15  establishments, as set forth in s. 470.024.

16         (b)  Each licensed centralized embalming facility shall

17  have at least one full-time embalmer in charge. The full-time

18  embalmer in charge must have an active license and may not be

19  the full-time embalmer in charge, full-time funeral director

20  in charge, or full-time direct disposer in charge of any other

21  establishment licensed under this chapter.

22         (c)  Any person, regardless of whether such person is

23  otherwise regulated by this chapter, may own such a facility,

24  provided that such facility is operated in accordance with the

25  rules established by the board.

26         (d)  A centralized embalming facility may only provide

27  services to funeral establishments.

28         (e)  The practice of embalming done at a centralized

29  embalming facility shall only be practiced by an embalmer

30  licensed under this chapter and shall be provided only to

31  licensed funeral establishments.


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  1         (f)  Application for registration of a centralized

  2  embalming facility shall be made on forms furnished by the

  3  department and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee not

  4  to exceed $300 as set by board rule, and registration shall be

  5  renewed biennially pursuant to procedures and upon payment of

  6  a nonrefundable fee not to exceed $300 as set by board rule.

  7  The board may also establish by rule a late fee not to exceed

  8  $50. Any registration not renewed within 30 days after the

  9  renewal date shall expire without further action by the

10  department.

11         (g)  The board shall set by rule an annual inspection

12  fee not to exceed $100, payable upon application for

13  registration and upon renewal of such registration.

14         (h)  The board shall, by rule, establish operating

15  procedures which shall require, at a minimum, that centralized

16  embalming facilities maintain a system of identification of

17  human remains received for embalming.

18         Section 30.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section

19  471.003, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

20         471.003  Qualifications for practice, exemptions.--

21         (2)  The following persons are not required to register

22  under the provisions of this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037 as a

23  registered engineer:

24         (a)  Any person practicing engineering for the

25  improvement of, or otherwise affecting, property legally owned

26  by her or him, unless such practice involves a public utility

27  or the public health, safety, or welfare or the safety or

28  health of employees.  This paragraph shall not be construed as

29  authorizing the practice of engineering through an agent or

30  employee who is not duly registered under the provisions of

31  this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.


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  1         (b)1.  A person acting as a public officer employed by

  2  any state, county, municipal, or other governmental unit of

  3  this state when working on any project the total estimated

  4  cost of which is $10,000 or less.

  5         2.  Persons who are employees of any state, county,

  6  municipal, or other governmental unit of this state and who

  7  are the subordinates of a person in responsible charge

  8  registered under this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037, to the

  9  extent that the supervision meets standards adopted by rule of

10  the board.

11         (c)  Regular full-time employees of a corporation not

12  engaged in the practice of engineering as such, whose practice

13  of engineering for such corporation is limited to the design

14  or fabrication of manufactured products and servicing of such

15  products.

16         (d)  Regular full-time employees of a public utility or

17  other entity subject to regulation by the Florida Public

18  Service Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or

19  Federal Communications Commission.

20         (e)  Employees of a firm, corporation, or partnership

21  who are the subordinates of a person in responsible charge,

22  registered under this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.

23         (f)  Any person as contractor in the execution of work

24  designed by a professional engineer or in the supervision of

25  the construction of work as a foreman or superintendent.

26         (g)  A registered surveyor and mapper who takes, or

27  contracts for, professional engineering services incidental to

28  her or his practice of surveying and mapping and who delegates

29  such engineering services to a registered professional

30  engineer qualified within her or his firm or contracts for

31  such professional engineering services to be performed by


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  1  others who are registered professional engineers under the

  2  provisions of this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.

  3         (h)  Any electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning, or

  4  mechanical contractor whose practice includes the design and

  5  fabrication of electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning, or

  6  mechanical systems, respectively, which she or he installs by

  7  virtue of a license issued under chapter 489, under part I of

  8  chapter 553, or under any special act or ordinance when

  9  working on any construction project which:

10         1.  Requires an electrical or plumbing or

11  air-conditioning and refrigeration system with a value of

12  $50,000 or less; and

13         2.a.  Requires an aggregate service capacity of 600

14  amperes (240 volts) or less on a residential electrical system

15  or 800 amperes (240 volts) or less on a commercial or

16  industrial electrical system;

17         b.  Requires a plumbing system with fewer than 250

18  fixture units; or

19         c.  Requires a heating, ventilation, and

20  air-conditioning system not to exceed a 15-ton-per-system

21  capacity, or if the project is designed to accommodate 100 or

22  fewer persons.

23         (i)  Any general contractor, certified or registered

24  pursuant to the provisions of chapter 489, when negotiating or

25  performing services under a design-build contract as long as

26  the engineering services offered or rendered in connection

27  with the contract are offered and rendered by an engineer

28  licensed or registered in accordance with this chapter.

29         (3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter ss.

30  471.001-471.037 or of any other law, no registered engineer

31  whose principal practice is civil or structural engineering,


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  1  or employee or subordinate under the responsible supervision

  2  or control of the engineer, is precluded from performing

  3  architectural services which are purely incidental to her or

  4  his engineering practice, nor is any registered architect, or

  5  employee or subordinate under the responsible supervision or

  6  control of the architect, precluded from performing

  7  engineering services which are purely incidental to her or his

  8  architectural practice.  However, no engineer shall practice

  9  architecture or use the designation "architect" or any term

10  derived therefrom, and no architect shall practice engineering

11  or use the designation "engineer" or any term derived

12  therefrom.

13         Section 31.  Section 471.0035, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         471.0035  Instructors in postsecondary educational

16  institutions; exemption from registration requirement.--For

17  the sole purpose of teaching the principles and methods of

18  engineering design, notwithstanding the provisions of s.

19  471.005(6), a person employed by a public postsecondary

20  educational institution, or by an independent postsecondary

21  educational institution licensed or exempt from licensure

22  pursuant to the provisions of chapter 246, is not required to

23  register under the provisions of this chapter ss.

24  471.001-471.037 as a registered engineer.

25         Section 32.  Section 471.005, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         471.005  Definitions.--As used in this chapter ss.

28  471.001-471.037, the term:

29         (1)  "Board" means the Board of Professional Engineers.




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  1         (2)  "Certificate of authorization" means a license to

  2  practice engineering issued by the department to a corporation

  3  or partnership.

  4         (3)  "Department" means the Department of Business and

  5  Professional Regulation.

  6         (4)  "Engineer" includes the terms "professional

  7  engineer" and "registered engineer" and means a person who is

  8  registered to engage in the practice of engineering under this

  9  chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.

10         (5)  "Engineer intern" means a person who has graduated

11  from, or is in the final year of, an engineering curriculum

12  approved by the board and has passed the fundamentals of

13  engineering examination as provided by rules adopted by the

14  board.

15         (6)  "Engineering" includes the term "professional

16  engineering" and means any service or creative work, the

17  adequate performance of which requires engineering education,

18  training, and experience in the application of special

19  knowledge of the mathematical, physical, and engineering

20  sciences to such services or creative work as consultation,

21  investigation, evaluation, planning, and design of engineering

22  works and systems, planning the use of land and water,

23  teaching of the principles and methods of engineering design,

24  engineering surveys, and the inspection of construction for

25  the purpose of determining in general if the work is

26  proceeding in compliance with drawings and specifications, any

27  of which embraces such services or work, either public or

28  private, in connection with any utilities, structures,

29  buildings, machines, equipment, processes, work systems,

30  projects, and industrial or consumer products or equipment of

31  a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or thermal


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  1  nature, insofar as they involve safeguarding life, health, or

  2  property; and includes such other professional services as may

  3  be necessary to the planning, progress, and completion of any

  4  engineering services.  A person who practices any branch of

  5  engineering; who, by verbal claim, sign, advertisement,

  6  letterhead, or card, or in any other way, represents himself

  7  or herself to be an engineer or, through the use of some other

  8  title, implies that he or she is an engineer or that he or she

  9  is registered under this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037; or who

10  holds himself or herself out as able to perform, or does

11  perform, any engineering service or work or any other service

12  designated by the practitioner which is recognized as

13  engineering shall be construed to practice or offer to

14  practice engineering within the meaning and intent of this

15  chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.

16         (7)  "License" means the registration of engineers or

17  certification of businesses to practice engineering in this

18  state.

19         (8)  "Retired professional engineer" or "professional

20  engineer, retired" means a person who has been duly licensed

21  as a professional engineer by the board and who chooses to

22  relinquish or not to renew his or her license and applies to

23  and is approved by the board to be granted the title

24  "Professional Engineer, Retired."

25         Section 33.  Subsection (1) of section 471.011, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         471.011  Fees.--

28         (1)  The board by rule may establish fees to be paid

29  for applications, examination, reexamination, licensing and

30  renewal, inactive status application and reactivation of

31  inactive licenses, and recordmaking and recordkeeping. The


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  1  board may also establish by rule a delinquency fee. The board

  2  shall establish fees that are adequate to ensure the continued

  3  operation of the board. Fees shall be based on department

  4  estimates of the revenue required to implement this chapter

  5  ss. 471.001-471.037 and the provisions of law with respect to

  6  the regulation of engineers.

  7         Section 34.  Subsection (4) and paragraph (a) of

  8  subsection (5) of section 471.015, Florida Statutes, are

  9  amended to read:

10         471.015  Licensure.--

11         (4)  The department shall not issue a license by

12  endorsement to any applicant who is under investigation in

13  another state for any act that would constitute a violation of

14  this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037 or of part I of chapter 455

15  until such time as the investigation is complete and

16  disciplinary proceedings have been terminated.

17         (5)(a)  The board shall deem that an applicant who

18  seeks licensure by endorsement has passed an examination

19  substantially equivalent to part I of the engineering

20  examination when such applicant:

21         1.  Has held a valid professional engineer's

22  registration in another state for 15 years and has had 20

23  years of continuous professional-level engineering experience;

24         2.  Has received a doctorate degree in engineering from

25  an institution that has an undergraduate a nationally

26  accredited engineering degree program which is accredited by

27  the Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology; or

28         3.  Has received a doctorate degree in engineering and

29  has taught engineering full time for at least 3 years, at the

30  baccalaureate level or higher, after receiving that degree.



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  1         Section 35.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section

  2  471.017, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         471.017  Renewal of license.--

  4         (2)  The board department shall adopt rules

  5  establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses.

  6         (3)  The board shall require a demonstration of

  7  continuing professional competency of engineers as a condition

  8  of license renewal or relicensure. Every licensee must

  9  complete 15 professional development hours, or the equivalent

10  thereof, for each year of the license renewal period. The

11  board shall adopt rules that are consistent with the

12  guidelines of the National Council of Examiners for

13  Engineering and Surveying for multijurisdictional licensees

14  for the purpose of avoiding proprietary continuing

15  professional competency requirements. The board may, by rule,

16  exempt from continuing professional competency requirements

17  retired professional engineers who no longer sign and seal

18  engineering documents and licensees in unique circumstances

19  that severely limit opportunities to obtain the required

20  professional development hours. Commencing with licensure

21  renewal in 2002, each licensee actively participating in the

22  design of engineering works or systems in connection with

23  buildings, structures, and facilities covered by the Florida

24  Building Code shall submit proof to the board that the

25  licensee participates in continuing education courses relating

26  to the core curriculum courses or the building code training

27  program or evidence of passing an equivalency test on the core

28  curriculum courses or specialized or advanced courses on any

29  portion of the Florida Building Code applicable to the area of

30  practice.



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  1         Section 36.  Section 471.019, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended, and section 471.0195, Florida Statutes, is created,

  3  to read:

  4         471.019  Reactivation; design of engineering works or

  5  systems; continuing education.--

  6         (1)  The board shall prescribe by rule continuing

  7  education requirements for reactivating a license. The

  8  continuing education requirements for reactivating a license

  9  for a registered engineer may not exceed 12 classroom hours

10  for each year the license was inactive.

11         471.0195  Florida Building Code training for

12  engineers.--

13         (2)  Effective January 1, 2000, all licensees actively

14  participating in the design of engineering works or systems in

15  connection with buildings, structures, or facilities and

16  systems covered by the Florida Building Code shall take

17  continuing education courses and submit proof to the board, at

18  such times and in such manner as established by the board by

19  rule, that the licensee has completed the core curriculum

20  courses and any specialized or advanced courses on any portion

21  of the Florida Building Code applicable to the licensee's area

22  of practice or has passed the appropriate equivalency test of

23  the Building Code Training Program established by s. 553.841.

24  The board shall record reported continuing education courses

25  on a system easily accessed by code enforcement jurisdictions

26  for evaluation when determining license status for purposes of

27  processing design documents. Local jurisdictions shall be

28  responsible for notifying the board when design documents are

29  submitted for building construction permits by persons who are

30  not in compliance with this section. The board shall take



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  1  appropriate action as provided by its rules when such

  2  noncompliance is determined to exist.

  3         Section 37.  Subsection (1) of section 471.023, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         471.023  Certification of partnerships and

  6  corporations.--

  7         (1)  The practice of, or the offer to practice,

  8  engineering by registrants through a corporation or

  9  partnership offering engineering services to the public or by

10  a corporation or partnership offering said services to the

11  public through registrants under this chapter ss.

12  471.001-471.037 as agents, employees, officers, or partners is

13  permitted only if the firm possesses a certification issued by

14  the department pursuant to qualification by the board, subject

15  to the provisions of this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.  One or

16  more of the principal officers of the corporation or one or

17  more partners of the partnership and all personnel of the

18  corporation or partnership who act in its behalf as engineers

19  in this state shall be registered as provided by this chapter

20  ss. 471.001-471.037.  All final drawings, specifications,

21  plans, reports, or documents involving practices registered

22  under this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037 which are prepared or

23  approved for the use of the corporation or partnership or for

24  public record within the state shall be dated and shall bear

25  the signature and seal of the registrant who prepared or

26  approved them. Nothing in this section shall be construed to

27  mean that a certificate of registration to practice

28  engineering shall be held by a corporation.  Nothing herein

29  prohibits corporations and partnerships from joining together

30  to offer engineering services to the public, provided each

31  corporation or partnership otherwise meets the requirements of


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  1  this section. No corporation or partnership shall be relieved

  2  of responsibility for the conduct or acts of its agents,

  3  employees, or officers by reason of its compliance with this

  4  section, nor shall any individual practicing engineering be

  5  relieved of responsibility for professional services performed

  6  by reason of his or her employment or relationship with a

  7  corporation or partnership.

  8         Section 38.  Subsection (1) of section 471.025, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         471.025  Seals.--

11         (1)  The board shall prescribe, by rule, a form of seal

12  to be used by registrants holding valid certificates of

13  registration.  Each registrant shall obtain an impression-type

14  metal seal in the form aforesaid and may, in addition,

15  register his or her seal electronically in accordance with ss.

16  282.70-282.75.  All final drawings, specifications, plans,

17  reports, or documents prepared or issued by the registrant and

18  being filed for public record and all final bid documents

19  provided to the owner or the owner's representative shall be

20  signed by the registrant, dated, and stamped with said seal.

21  Such signature, date, and seal shall be evidence of the

22  authenticity of that to which they are affixed.  Drawings,

23  specifications, plans, reports, final bid documents, or

24  documents prepared or issued by a registrant may be

25  transmitted electronically and may be signed by the

26  registrant, dated, and stamped electronically with said seal

27  in accordance with ss. 282.70-282.75.

28         Section 39.  Section 471.031, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         471.031  Prohibitions; penalties.--

31         (1)  A person may not knowingly:


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  1         (a)  Practice engineering unless the person is

  2  registered under this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037;

  3         (b)  Use the name or title "registered engineer" or any

  4  other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations, or

  5  device tending to indicate that such person holds an active

  6  registration as an engineer when the person is not registered

  7  under this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037;

  8         (c)  Present as his or her own the registration of

  9  another;

10         (d)  Give false or forged evidence to the board or a

11  member thereof;

12         (e)  Use or attempt to use a registration that has been

13  suspended, revoked, or placed on inactive or delinquent

14  status;

15         (f)  Employ unlicensed persons to practice engineering;

16  or

17         (g)  Conceal information relative to violations of this

18  chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.

19         (2)  Any person who violates any provision of this

20  section commits is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first

21  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

22         Section 40.  Section 471.037, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         471.037  Effect of chapter ss. 471.001-471.037

25  locally.--

26         (1)  Nothing contained in this chapter ss.

27  471.001-471.037 shall be construed to repeal, amend, limit, or

28  otherwise affect any local building code or zoning law or

29  ordinance, now or hereafter enacted, which is more restrictive

30  with respect to the services of registered engineers than the

31  provisions of this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037.


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  1         (2)  In counties or municipalities that issue building

  2  permits, such permits may not be issued in any case in which

  3  it is apparent from the application for the building permit

  4  that the provisions of this chapter ss. 471.001-471.037 have

  5  been violated. However, this subsection does not authorize the

  6  withholding of building permits in cases involving the

  7  exceptions and exemptions set out in s. 471.003.

  8         Section 41.  Subsection (11) of section 474.202,

  9  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         474.202  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

11         (11)  "Veterinarian" means a health care practitioner

12  person who is licensed to engage in the practice of veterinary

13  medicine in Florida under the authority of this chapter.

14         Section 42.  Section 474.203, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         474.203  Exemptions.--This chapter shall not apply to:

17         (1)  Any faculty member practicing only in conjunction

18  with teaching duties at a school or college of veterinary

19  medicine. Such school or college shall be located in this

20  state and be accredited by the American Veterinary Medical

21  Association Council on Education. However, this exemption

22  shall only apply to such a faculty member who does not hold a

23  valid license issued under this chapter, but who is a graduate

24  of a school or college of veterinary medicine accredited by

25  the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on

26  Education or a school or college recognized by the American

27  Veterinary Medical Association Commission for Foreign

28  Veterinary Graduates. The faculty member exemption shall

29  automatically expire when such school or college terminates

30  the faculty member from such teaching duties.  On December 31

31  of each year, such school or college shall provide the board


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  1  with a written list of all faculty who are exempt from this

  2  chapter. Such school or college shall also notify the board in

  3  writing of any additions or deletions to such list.

  4         (2)  A person practicing as an intern or resident

  5  veterinarian who does not hold a valid license issued under

  6  this chapter and who is a graduate in training at a school or

  7  college of veterinary medicine located in this state and

  8  accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association

  9  Council on Education or a school or college recognized by the

10  American Veterinary Medical Association Commission for Foreign

11  Veterinary Graduates. Such intern or resident must be a

12  graduate of a school or college of veterinary medicine

13  accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association

14  Council on Education. This exemption expires when such intern

15  or resident completes or is terminated from such training.

16  Each school or college at which such intern or resident is in

17  training shall, on July 1 of each year, provide the board with

18  a written list of all such interns or residents designated for

19  this exemption, and the school or college shall also notify

20  the board of any additions or deletions to the list.

21         (3)(2)  A student in a school or college of veterinary

22  medicine while in the performance of duties assigned by her or

23  his instructor or when working as a preceptor under the

24  immediate supervision of a licensee, provided that such

25  preceptorship is required for graduation from an accredited

26  school or college of veterinary medicine.  The licensed

27  veterinarian shall be responsible for all acts performed by a

28  preceptor under her or his supervision.

29         (4)(3)  Any doctor of veterinary medicine in the employ

30  of a state agency or the United States Government while

31  actually engaged in the performance of her or his official


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  1  duties; however, this exemption shall not apply to such person

  2  when the person is not engaged in carrying out her or his

  3  official duties or is not working at the installations for

  4  which her or his services were engaged.

  5         (5)(4)  Any person, or the person's regular employee,

  6  administering to the ills or injuries of her or his own

  7  animals, including, but not limited to, castration, spaying,

  8  and dehorning of herd animals, unless title has been

  9  transferred or employment provided for the purpose of

10  circumventing this law. This exemption shall not apply to

11  out-of-state veterinarians practicing temporarily in the

12  state. However, only a veterinarian may immunize or treat an

13  animal for diseases which are communicable to humans and which

14  are of public health significance.

15         (6)(5)  State agencies, accredited schools,

16  institutions, foundations, business corporations or

17  associations, physicians licensed to practice medicine and

18  surgery in all its branches, graduate doctors of veterinary

19  medicine, or persons under the direct supervision thereof,

20  which or who conduct experiments and scientific research on

21  animals in the development of pharmaceuticals, biologicals,

22  serums, or methods of treatment, or techniques for the

23  diagnosis or treatment of human ailments, or when engaged in

24  the study and development of methods and techniques directly

25  or indirectly applicable to the problems of the practice of

26  veterinary medicine.

27         (7)(6)  Any veterinary aide, nurse, laboratory

28  technician, preceptor, or other employee of a licensed

29  veterinarian who administers medication or who renders

30  auxiliary or supporting assistance under the responsible

31  supervision of a such licensed veterinarian practitioner,


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  1  including those tasks identified by rule of the board

  2  requiring immediate supervision. However, the licensed

  3  veterinarian shall be responsible for all such acts performed

  4  under this subsection by persons under her or his supervision.

  5         (8)  A veterinarian, licensed by and actively

  6  practicing veterinary medicine in another state, who is board

  7  certified in a specialty recognized by the board and who

  8  responds to a request of a veterinarian licensed in this state

  9  to assist with the treatment on a specific case of a specific

10  animal or with the treatment on a specific case of the animals

11  of a single owner, as long as the veterinarian licensed in

12  this state requests the other veterinarian's presence. A

13  veterinarian who practices under this subsection is not

14  eligible to apply for a premises permit under s. 474.215.


16  For the purposes of chapters 465 and 893, persons exempt

17  pursuant to subsection (1), subsection (2), or subsection (4)

18  are deemed to be duly licensed practitioners authorized by the

19  laws of this state to prescribe drugs or medicinal supplies.

20         Section 43.  Subsection (3) of section 474.211, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         474.211  Renewal of license.--

23         (3)  The board may by rule prescribe continuing

24  education, not to exceed 30 hours biennially, as a condition

25  for renewal of a license or certificate. The criteria for such

26  programs, providers, and or courses shall be approved by the

27  board.

28         Section 44.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

29  474.214, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         474.214  Disciplinary proceedings.--



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  1         (2)  When the board finds any applicant or veterinarian

  2  guilty of any of the grounds set forth in subsection (1),

  3  regardless of whether the violation occurred prior to

  4  licensure, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the

  5  following penalties:

  6         (c)  Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed

  7  $5,000 $1,000 for each count or separate offense.


  9  In determining appropriate action, the board must first

10  consider those sanctions necessary to protect the public.

11  Only after those sanctions have been imposed may the

12  disciplining authority consider and include in its order

13  requirements designed to rehabilitate the veterinarian.  All

14  costs associated with compliance with any order issued under

15  this subsection are the obligation of the veterinarian.

16         Section 45.  For the purpose of incorporating the

17  amendment to section 474.214, Florida Statutes, in references

18  thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes set

19  forth below are reenacted to read:

20         474.207  Licensure by examination.--

21         (2)  The department shall license each applicant who

22  the board certifies has:

23         (a)  Completed the application form and remitted an

24  examination fee set by the board.

25         (b)1.  Graduated from a college of veterinary medicine

26  accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association

27  Council on Education; or

28         2.  Graduated from a college of veterinary medicine

29  listed in the American Veterinary Medical Association Roster

30  of Veterinary Colleges of the World and obtained a certificate



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  1  from the Education Commission for Foreign Veterinary

  2  Graduates.

  3         (c)  Successfully completed the examination provided by

  4  the department for this purpose, or an examination determined

  5  by the board to be equivalent.

  6         (d)  Demonstrated knowledge of the laws and rules

  7  governing the practice of veterinary medicine in Florida in a

  8  manner designated by rules of the board.


10  The department shall not issue a license to any applicant who

11  is under investigation in any state or territory of the United

12  States or in the District of Columbia for an act which would

13  constitute a violation of this chapter until the investigation

14  is complete and disciplinary proceedings have been terminated,

15  at which time the provisions of s. 474.214 shall apply.

16         474.217  Licensure by endorsement.--

17         (2)  The department shall not issue a license by

18  endorsement to any applicant who is under investigation in any

19  state, territory, or the District of Columbia for an act which

20  would constitute a violation of this chapter until the

21  investigation is complete and disciplinary proceedings have

22  been terminated, at which time the provisions of s. 474.214

23  shall apply.

24         Section 46.  Subsection (7) of section 474.215, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended, and subsections (8) and (9) are added to

26  said section, to read:

27         474.215  Premises permits; disciplinary actions.--

28         (7)  The board by rule shall establish minimum

29  standards for the operation of limited service veterinary

30  medical practices. Such rules shall not restrict limited



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  1  service veterinary medical practices and shall be consistent

  2  with the type of limited veterinary medical service provided.

  3         (a)  Any person that offers or provides limited service

  4  veterinary medical practice shall obtain a biennial permit

  5  from the board the cost of which shall not exceed $250. The

  6  limited service permittee shall register each location where a

  7  limited service clinic is held and shall pay a fee set by rule

  8  not to exceed $25 to register each such location.

  9         (b)  All permits issued under this subsection are

10  subject to the provisions of ss. 474.213 and 474.214.

11         (c)  Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection

12  to the contrary, any temporary rabies vaccination effort

13  operated by a county health department in response to a public

14  health threat, as declared by the State Health Officer in

15  consultation with the State Veterinarian, is not subject to

16  any preregistration, time limitation, or fee requirements, but

17  must adhere to all other requirements for limited service

18  veterinary medical practice as prescribed by rule. The fee

19  charged to the public for a rabies vaccination administered

20  during such temporary rabies vaccination effort may not exceed

21  the actual cost of administering the rabies vaccine. Such

22  rabies vaccination efforts may not be used for any purpose

23  other than to address the public health consequences of the

24  rabies outbreak. The board shall be immediately notified in

25  writing of any temporary rabies vaccination effort operated

26  under this paragraph.

27         (8)  Any person who is not a veterinarian licensed

28  under this chapter but who desires to own and operate a

29  veterinary medical establishment or limited service clinic

30  shall apply to the board for a premises permit. If the board

31  certifies that the applicant complies with the applicable laws


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  1  and rules of the board, the department shall issue a premises

  2  permit. No permit shall be issued unless a licensed

  3  veterinarian is designated to undertake the professional

  4  supervision of the veterinary medical practice and the minimum

  5  standards set by rule of the board for premises where

  6  veterinary medicine is practiced. Upon application, the

  7  department shall submit the permittee's name for a statewide

  8  criminal records correspondence check through the Department

  9  of Law Enforcement. The permittee shall notify the board

10  within 10 days after any designation of a new licensed

11  veterinarian responsible for such duties. A permittee under

12  this subsection is subject to the provisions of subsection (9)

13  and s. 474.214.

14         (9)(a)  The department or the board may deny, revoke,

15  or suspend the permit of any permittee under this section and

16  may fine, place on probation, or otherwise discipline any such

17  permittee who has:

18         1.  Obtained a permit by misrepresentation or fraud or

19  through an error of the department or board;

20         2.  Attempted to procure, or has procured, a permit for

21  any other person by making, or causing to be made, any false

22  representation;

23         3.  Violated any of the requirements of this chapter or

24  any rule of the board; or

25         4.  Been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a

26  plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a

27  felony in any court of this state, of any other state, or of

28  the United States.

29         (b)  If the permit is revoked or suspended, the owner,

30  manager, or proprietor shall cease to operate the premises as

31  a veterinary medical practice as of the effective date of the


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  1  suspension or revocation. In the event of such revocation or

  2  suspension, the owner, manager, or proprietor shall remove

  3  from the premises all signs and symbols identifying the

  4  premises as a veterinary medical practice. The period of any

  5  such suspension shall be prescribed by rule of the board, but

  6  may not exceed 1 year. If the permit is revoked, the person

  7  owning or operating the establishment may not apply for a

  8  permit to operate a premises for a period of 1 year after the

  9  effective date of such revocation. Upon the effective date of

10  such revocation, the permittee must advise the board of the

11  disposition of all medicinal drugs and must provide for

12  ensuring the security, confidentiality, and availability to

13  clients of all patient medical records.

14         Section 47.  Section 474.2165, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         474.2165  Ownership and control of veterinary medical

17  patient records; report or copies of records to be

18  furnished.--

19         (1)  As used in this section, the term "records owner"

20  means any veterinarian who generates a medical record after

21  making a physical examination of, or administering treatment

22  or dispensing legend drugs to, any patient; any veterinarian

23  to whom records are transferred by a previous records owner;

24  or any veterinarian's employer, provided the employment

25  contract or agreement between the employer and the

26  veterinarian designates the employer as the records owner.

27         (2)  Each person who provides veterinary medical

28  services shall maintain medical records, as established by

29  rule.

30         (3)  Any records owner licensed under this chapter who

31  makes an examination of, or administers treatment or dispenses


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  1  legend drugs to, any patient shall, upon request of the client

  2  or the client's legal representative, furnish, in a timely

  3  manner, without delays for legal review, copies of all reports

  4  and records relating to such examination or treatment,

  5  including X rays. The furnishing of such report or copies

  6  shall not be conditioned upon payment of a fee for services

  7  rendered.

  8         (4)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, such

  9  records may not be furnished to, and the medical condition of

10  a patient may not be discussed with, any person other than the

11  client or the client's legal representative or other

12  veterinarians involved in the care or treatment of the

13  patient, except upon written authorization of the client.

14  However, such records may be furnished without written

15  authorization under the following circumstances:

16         (a)  To any person, firm, or corporation that has

17  procured or furnished such examination or treatment with the

18  client's consent.

19         (b)  In any civil or criminal action, unless otherwise

20  prohibited by law, upon the issuance of a subpoena from a

21  court of competent jurisdiction and proper notice to the

22  client or the client's legal representative by the party

23  seeking such records.

24         (c)  For statistical and scientific research, provided

25  the information is abstracted in such a way as to protect the

26  identity of the patient and the client, or provided written

27  permission is received from the client or the client's legal

28  representative.

29         (5)  Except in a medical negligence action or

30  administrative proceeding when a veterinarian is or reasonably

31  expects to be named as a defendant, information disclosed to a


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  1  veterinarian by a client in the course of the care and

  2  treatment of the patient is confidential and may be disclosed

  3  only to other veterinarians involved in the care or treatment

  4  of the patient, or if permitted by written authorization from

  5  the client or compelled by subpoena at a deposition,

  6  evidentiary hearing, or trial for which proper notice has been

  7  given.

  8         (6)  The department may obtain patient records pursuant

  9  to a subpoena without written authorization from the client if

10  the department and the probable cause panel of the board find

11  reasonable cause to believe that a veterinarian has

12  excessively or inappropriately prescribed any controlled

13  substance specified in chapter 893 in violation of this

14  chapter or that a veterinarian has practiced his or her

15  profession below that level of care, skill, and treatment

16  required as defined by this chapter.

17         (7)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 455.242,

18  records owners shall place an advertisement in the local

19  newspaper or notify clients, in writing, when they are

20  terminating practice, retiring, or relocating and are no

21  longer available to patients and shall offer clients the

22  opportunity to obtain a copy of their medical records.

23         (8)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 455.242,

24  records owners shall notify the board office when they are

25  terminating practice, retiring, or relocating and are no

26  longer available to patients, specifying who the new records

27  owner is and where the medical records can be found.

28         (9)  Whenever a records owner has turned records over

29  to a new records owner, the new records owner shall be

30  responsible for providing a copy of the complete medical



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  1  record, upon written request, of the client or the client's

  2  legal representative.

  3         (10)  Veterinarians in violation of the provisions of

  4  this section shall be disciplined by the board.

  5         (11)  A records owner furnishing copies of reports or

  6  records pursuant to this section shall charge no more than the

  7  actual cost of copying, including reasonable staff time, or

  8  the amount specified in administrative rule by the board.

  9         (12)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to

10  limit veterinarian consultations, as necessary.

11         Section 48.  Notwithstanding the transfer of the

12  Division of Medical Quality Assurance to the Department of

13  Health or any other provision of law to the contrary,

14  veterinarians licensed under chapter 474, Florida Statutes,

15  shall be governed by the treatment of impaired practitioner

16  provisions of s. 455.707, Florida Statutes, as if they were

17  under the jurisdiction of the Division of Medical Quality

18  Assurance, except that for veterinarians the Department of

19  Business and Professional Regulation shall, at its option,

20  exercise any of the powers granted to the Department of Health

21  by that section, and "board" shall mean board as defined in

22  chapter 474, Florida Statutes.

23         Section 49.  Section 475.045, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         475.045  Florida Real Estate Commission Education and

26  Research Foundation; Foundation Advisory Committee.--

27         (1)(a)  There is established a Florida Real Estate

28  Commission Education and Research Foundation, hereinafter

29  referred to as the "foundation," which shall be administered

30  by the commission Foundation Advisory Committee.



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  1         (b)  The purposes, objectives, and duties of the

  2  foundation are as follows:

  3         1.  To create and promote educational projects to

  4  expand the knowledge of the public and real estate licensees

  5  in matters pertaining to Florida real estate.

  6         2.  To augment the existing real estate programs by

  7  increasing the number of teaching personnel and real estate

  8  courses in the state in degree-granting programs in

  9  universities and colleges in this state.

10         3.  To conduct studies in all areas that relate

11  directly or indirectly to real estate or urban or rural

12  economics and to publish and disseminate the findings and

13  results of the studies.

14         4.  To assist the teaching program in real estate

15  offered by the universities, colleges, and real estate schools

16  registered pursuant to this chapter in the state, when

17  requested to do so.

18         5.  To develop and from time to time revise and update

19  materials for use in the courses in real estate offered by the

20  universities, colleges, and real estate schools registered

21  pursuant to this chapter in the state, when requested to do

22  so.

23         6.  To make studies of, and recommend changes in, state

24  statutes and municipal ordinances; provided, however, that

25  such studies are requested by the Governor or the presiding

26  officers of the Legislature.  The foundation shall maintain

27  political nonadvocacy.

28         7.  To periodically review the progress of persons

29  conducting such research and studies.  The results of any

30  research project or study shall not be published or

31  disseminated until it has been reviewed and approved in


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  1  writing by the commission advisory committee or its designated

  2  representative.

  3         8.  To prepare information of consumer interest

  4  concerning Florida real estate and to make the information

  5  available to the public and appropriate state agencies.

  6         (c)  The foundation may make a charge for its

  7  publications and may receive gifts and grants from

  8  foundations, individuals, and other sources for the benefit of

  9  the foundation.

10         (d)  A report of the activities and accomplishments of

11  the foundation shall be published annually.

12         (e)  On or before January 1 of each year, the

13  commission advisory committee shall file with the Governor,

14  the presiding officer of each house of the Legislature, and

15  the secretary of the department a complete and detailed

16  written report accounting for all funds received and disbursed

17  by the foundation during the preceding year.

18         (2)(a)  There is created the Foundation Advisory

19  Committee which is composed of nine persons appointed by the

20  Governor without regard to race, creed, sex, religion, or

21  national origin of the appointee, with the following

22  representation:

23         1.  Six active real estate licensees, one of whom may

24  be a real estate salesperson.  All licensees shall have been

25  active real estate licensees for at least the past 5 years.

26         2.  Three members shall be representatives of the

27  general public, and those appointed after October 1, 1988,

28  shall possess qualifications in the fields of education,

29  research, or consumer affairs which relate to the committee's

30  education and research activities.  Members representative of

31  the general public shall not be licensed real estate brokers


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  1  or salespersons and shall not have a financial interest, other

  2  than as consumers, in the practice of a licensed real estate

  3  broker or salesperson.

  4         (b)1.  No current member of the Florida Real Estate

  5  Commission shall be eligible for appointment to the Foundation

  6  Advisory Committee.

  7         2.  The chair of the Florida Real Estate Commission or

  8  a member of the commission designated by the chair shall serve

  9  as an ex officio nonvoting member of the advisory committee.

10         (c)1.  Except for the initial appointees, members of

11  the advisory committee shall hold office for staggered terms

12  of 4 years, with the terms of three members expiring on

13  January 31 of each odd-numbered year.  The current members may

14  complete their present terms unless removed for cause.

15         2.  Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment for the

16  unexpired portion of the term.  Each member shall serve until

17  the member's successor is qualified.

18         3.  Each member of the advisory committee is entitled

19  to per diem and travel expenses as set by legislative

20  appropriation for each day that the member engages in the

21  business of the advisory committee.

22         (3)  It is grounds for removal from the advisory

23  committee, if:

24         (a)  A broker or salesperson member of the committee

25  ceases to be an active licensee; or

26         (b)  A public member of the committee acquires a real

27  estate license or a financial interest in the practice of a

28  licensed real estate broker or salesperson.

29         (4)(a)  The committee shall elect a chair annually from

30  among its membership.



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  1         (b)  The committee shall meet not less than

  2  semiannually and, in addition, on call of its chair or on

  3  petition of any six of its members.

  4         (c)  The advisory committee is subject to the sunshine

  5  law pursuant to s. 286.011.

  6         (2)(5)(a)  The commission advisory committee shall

  7  solicit advice and information from real estate licensees, the

  8  commission, universities, colleges, real estate schools

  9  registered pursuant to this chapter and the general public for

10  the purpose of submitting proposals for carrying out the

11  purposes, objectives, and duties of the foundation.

12         (b)  The commission advisory committee shall select the

13  proposals that shall be funded and shall give priority to

14  projects with the greatest potential for direct or indirect

15  benefit to the public.

16         (c)  The commission advisory committee shall select the

17  university or college within the state or qualified full-time

18  faculty member of a university or college within the state

19  with the consent of the institution to perform the education

20  study, research study, or other project in accordance with the

21  purposes, objectives, and duties of the foundation.  In those

22  instances where no university or college within the state, or

23  qualified full-time faculty member of a university or college

24  within the state with the consent of the institution, submits

25  an acceptable proposal, a qualified person or persons may be

26  selected in accordance with law to perform the education

27  study, research study, or other project in accordance with the

28  purposes, objectives, and duties of the foundation.

29         (3)(6)(a)  The director of the Division of Real Estate

30  of the department, hereinafter referred to as the "director,"

31  or her or his designated representative shall submit to the


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  1  commission advisory committee, in advance of each fiscal year,

  2  a budget for expenditures of all funds provided for the

  3  foundation in a form that is related to the proposed schedule

  4  of activities for the review and approval of the commission

  5  advisory committee.

  6         (b)  The director shall submit to the commission

  7  advisory committee all proposals received for its review and

  8  approval in developing an educational and research agenda at

  9  the beginning of each fiscal year and shall continuously

10  inform the commission advisory committee of changes in its

11  substance and scheduling.

12         (4)(7)  The commission advisory committee shall have

13  the power and authority to adopt all rules necessary to

14  administer this section.

15         (5)(8)  Neither The foundation may not nor the

16  committee shall be permitted to fund or offer educational

17  courses designed to qualify persons for licensure or the

18  renewal of licenses pursuant to this chapter.

19         (6)(9)  Neither The foundation may not nor the

20  committee shall expend any funds for the purpose of employing

21  staff.

22         (7)(10)  The Treasurer shall invest $3 million from the

23  portion of the Professional Regulation Trust Fund credited to

24  the real estate profession, under the same limitations as

25  applied to investments of other state funds, and the income

26  earned thereon shall be available to the foundation to fund

27  the activities and projects authorized under this section.

28  However, any balance of such interest in excess of $1 million

29  shall revert to the portion of the Professional Regulation

30  Trust Fund credited to the real estate profession.  In the

31  event the foundation is abolished, the funds in the trust fund


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  1  shall revert to such portion of the Professional Regulation

  2  Trust Fund.

  3         Section 50.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (1)

  4  of section 477.0132, Florida Statutes, to read:

  5         477.0132  Hair braiding, hair wrapping, and body

  6  wrapping registration.--

  7         (1)

  8         (d)  Only the board may review, evaluate, and approve a

  9  course required of an applicant for registration under this

10  subsection in the occupation or practice of hair braiding,

11  hair wrapping, or body wrapping. A provider of such a course

12  is not required to hold a license under chapter 246.

13         Section 51.  Section 477.019, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         477.019  Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure;

16  supervised practice; license renewal; endorsement; continuing

17  education.--

18         (1)  A person desiring to be licensed as a

19  cosmetologist shall apply to the department for licensure.

20         (2)  An applicant shall be eligible for licensure by

21  examination to practice cosmetology if the applicant:

22         (a)  Is at least 16 years of age or has received a high

23  school diploma.;

24         (b)  Pays the required application fee, which is not

25  refundable, and the required examination fee, which is

26  refundable if the applicant is determined to not be eligible

27  for licensure for any reason other than failure to

28  successfully complete the licensure examination.; and

29         (c)1.  Is authorized Holds an active valid license to

30  practice cosmetology in another state or country, has been so

31  authorized held the license for at least 1 year, and does not


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  1  qualify for licensure by endorsement as provided for in

  2  subsection (7) (6); or

  3         2.  Has successfully completed received a minimum of

  4  1,200 actual school hours of training and instruction, the

  5  minimum curriculum requirements of which are to be as

  6  established by rules adopted by the board. The required

  7  training and instruction, which shall include, but shall not

  8  be limited to, the equivalent of completion of services

  9  directly related to the practice of cosmetology. For purposes

10  of qualifying for licensure, all required training and

11  instruction must comply with the minimum curriculum

12  requirements as established by the board and must be completed

13  at or evaluated and certified to the board by at one of the

14  following, unless an applicant submits sufficient proof, as

15  determined by the board, of satisfactory completion of all

16  required training and instruction with his or her application

17  for evaluation by the board:

18         a.  A school of cosmetology licensed pursuant to

19  chapter 246.

20         b.  A cosmetology program within the public school

21  system of this state.

22         c.  The Cosmetology Division of the Florida School for

23  the Deaf and the Blind, provided the training programs comply

24  with the minimum curriculum requirements established by the

25  board division meets the standards of this chapter.

26         d.  A government-operated cosmetology program in this

27  state.


29  Certifications and evaluations of training and instruction by

30  each of the schools or programs listed in this paragraph shall

31  be done in accordance with rules adopted by the board.


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  1         (d)  Has successfully completed a licensure examination

  2  as established by the board.

  3         (3)  The board shall establish by rule procedures

  4  whereby a person may be determined to be eligible for

  5  licensure by examination after a the school or program listed

  6  in paragraph (2)(c) has certified may certify that a person

  7  has completed is qualified to take the required examination

  8  after the completion of a minimum of 1,000 actual school

  9  hours. If the person then passes the examination, he or she

10  shall have satisfied the training and instruction this

11  requirement; but if the person fails the examination, he or

12  she shall not be qualified to take the examination again until

13  the completion of the full requirements provided by this

14  section.

15         (4)(3)  Upon an applicant receiving a passing grade, as

16  established by board rule, on the examination and paying the

17  initial licensing fee, the department shall issue a license to

18  practice cosmetology.

19         (5)(4)  Following the completion of the first licensing

20  examination and pending the results of that examination and

21  issuance of a license to practice cosmetology, graduates of

22  licensed cosmetology schools or cosmetology programs offered

23  in public school systems, which schools or programs are

24  certified by the Department of Education, are eligible to

25  practice cosmetology, provided such graduates practice under

26  the supervision of a licensed cosmetologist in a licensed

27  cosmetology salon. A graduate who fails the first examination

28  may continue to practice under the supervision of a licensed

29  cosmetologist in a licensed cosmetology salon if the graduate

30  applies for the next available examination and until the

31  graduate receives the results of that examination. No graduate


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  1  may continue to practice under this subsection if the graduate

  2  fails the examination twice.

  3         (6)(5)  Renewal of license registration shall be

  4  accomplished pursuant to rules adopted by the board.

  5         (7)(6)  The board shall adopt rules specifying

  6  procedures for the licensure by endorsement of practitioners

  7  desiring to be licensed in this state who are authorized to

  8  practice cosmetology hold a current active license in another

  9  state or country, and who meet personal have met

10  qualifications substantially similar to, equivalent to, or

11  greater than the qualifications required of applicants for

12  licensure by examination in this state, and who can

13  demonstrate that they have successfully completed a written

14  licensure examination which is determined by the board to be

15  substantially similar to, equivalent to, or more stringent

16  than the examination required by from this state.

17         (8)(7)(a)  The board shall prescribe by rule continuing

18  education requirements intended to ensure protection of the

19  public through updated training of licensees and registered

20  specialists, not to exceed 16 hours biennially, as a condition

21  for renewal of a license or registration as a specialist under

22  this chapter. Continuing education courses shall include, but

23  not be limited to, the following subjects as they relate to

24  the practice of cosmetology:  human immunodeficiency virus and

25  acquired immune deficiency syndrome; Occupational Safety and

26  Health Administration regulations; workers' compensation

27  issues; state and federal laws and rules as they pertain to

28  cosmetologists, cosmetology, salons, specialists, specialty

29  salons, and booth renters; chemical makeup as it pertains to

30  hair, skin, and nails; and environmental issues. Courses given



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  1  at cosmetology conferences may be counted toward the number of

  2  continuing education hours required if approved by the board.

  3         (b)  Any person whose occupation or practice is

  4  confined solely to hair braiding, hair wrapping, or body

  5  wrapping is exempt from the continuing education requirements

  6  of this subsection.

  7         (c)  The board may, by rule, require any licensee in

  8  violation of a continuing education requirement to take a

  9  refresher course or refresher course and examination in

10  addition to any other penalty. The number of hours for the

11  refresher course may not exceed 48 hours.

12         Section 52.  Section 477.0201, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         477.0201  Specialty registration; qualifications;

15  registration renewal; endorsement.--

16         (1)  A Any person desiring to be registered is

17  qualified for registration as a specialist in any one or more

18  of the specialty practices within the practice of cosmetology

19  under this chapter shall apply to the department.

20         (2)  An applicant shall be eligible for registration as

21  a specialist in one or more of the specialty practices in the

22  practice of cosmetology if the applicant who:

23         (a)  Is at least 16 years of age or has received a high

24  school diploma.

25         (b)  Pays the required application fee, which is not

26  refundable.

27         (c)(b)  Has successfully completed all required

28  training and instruction for the specialty practice in which

29  registration is sought, the minimum curriculum requirements of

30  which are to be established by rules adopted by the board. The

31  required training and instruction shall include, but shall not


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  1  be limited to, the equivalent of completion of specialty

  2  services directly related to the practice of the specialty in

  3  which registration is sought. For purposes of qualifying for

  4  specialty registration, all required training and instruction

  5  must comply with the minimum curriculum requirements as

  6  established by the board and must be completed at or evaluated

  7  by one of the following, unless the applicant submits

  8  satisfactory proof, as determined by the board, of successful

  9  completion of all required training and instruction with his

10  or her application for evaluation by the board Has received a

11  certificate of completion in a specialty pursuant to s.

12  477.013(6) from one of the following:

13         1.  A school licensed pursuant to s. 477.023.

14         1.2.  A school of cosmetology or a school of the

15  specialty in which registration is sought, licensed pursuant

16  to chapter 246 or the equivalent licensing authority of

17  another state.

18         2.3.  A specialty program within the public school

19  system of this state.

20         3.4.  A specialty division within the Cosmetology

21  Division of the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind,

22  provided the training programs comply with minimum curriculum

23  requirements established by the board.

24         4.  A government-operated cosmetology program in this

25  state or a government-operated program in this state in the

26  specialty in which registration is sought.


28  Certifications and evaluations of training and instruction by

29  each of the schools or programs listed in this paragraph shall

30  be done in accordance with rules adopted by the board.



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  1         (2)  A person desiring to be registered as a specialist

  2  shall apply to the department in writing upon forms prepared

  3  and furnished by the department.

  4         (3)  Upon certification by the board and payment of

  5  paying the initial registration fee, the department shall

  6  register the applicant to practice in one or more of the

  7  specialty practice in which registration is sought practices

  8  within the practice of cosmetology.

  9         (4)  Renewal of registration shall be accomplished

10  pursuant to rules adopted by the board.

11         (5)  The board shall adopt rules specifying procedures

12  for the registration by endorsement of specialty practitioners

13  desiring to be registered in this state who are authorized to

14  practice the specialty in which registration is sought in

15  another state or country and who meet personal qualifications

16  have been registered or licensed and are practicing in states

17  which have registering or licensing standards substantially

18  similar to, equivalent to, or more stringent than the

19  qualifications required for applicants for registration in

20  standards of this state.

21         (6)  Pending issuance of registration, a person is

22  eligible to practice as a specialist upon submission of a

23  registration application that includes proof of successful

24  completion of the education requirements and payment of the

25  applicable fees required by this chapter, provided such

26  practice is under the supervision of a registered specialist

27  in a licensed specialty or cosmetology salon.

28         Section 53.  Section 492.101, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         492.101  Purpose.--It is hereby declared to be the

31  public policy of the state that, in order to safeguard the


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  1  life, health, property, and public well-being of its citizens,

  2  any person practicing or offering to practice geology in this

  3  state shall meet the requirements of this chapter the

  4  Department of Business and Professional Regulation and shall

  5  be licensed as provided in ss. 492.101-492.1165.

  6         Section 54.  Section 492.102, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         492.102  Definitions.--For the purposes of this chapter

  9  ss. 492.101-492.1165, unless the context clearly requires

10  otherwise:

11         (1)  "Board" means the Board of Professional

12  Geologists.

13         (2)  "Department" means the Department of Business and

14  Professional Regulation.

15         (3)  "Geology" means the science which includes the

16  treatment of the earth and its origin and history, in general;

17  the investigation of the earth's crust and interior and the

18  solids and fluids, including all surface and underground

19  waters, and gases which compose the earth; the study of the

20  natural agents, forces, and processes which cause changes in

21  the earth; and the utilization of this knowledge of the earth

22  and its solids, fluids, and gases, and their collective

23  properties and processes, for the benefit of humankind.

24         (4)  "Geologist" means an individual who, by reason of

25  her or his knowledge of geology, soils, mathematics, and the

26  physical and life sciences, acquired by education and

27  practical experience, is capable of practicing the science of

28  geology.

29         (5)  "Qualified geologist" means an individual who

30  possesses all the qualifications for licensure under the



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  1  provisions of this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165, except that

  2  such person is not licensed.

  3         (6)  "Professional geologist" means an individual who

  4  is licensed as a geologist under the provisions of this

  5  chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.

  6         (7)  "Practice of professional geology" means the

  7  performance of, or offer to perform, geological services,

  8  including, but not limited to, consultation, investigation,

  9  evaluation, planning, and geologic mapping, but not including

10  mapping as prescribed in chapter 472, relating to geological

11  work, except as specifically exempted by this chapter ss.

12  492.101-492.1165.  Any person who practices any specialty

13  branch of the profession of geology, or who by verbal claim,

14  sign, advertisement, letterhead, card, or any other means

15  represents herself or himself to be a professional geologist,

16  or who through the use of some title implies that she or he is

17  a professional geologist or that she or he is licensed under

18  this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165, or who holds herself or

19  himself out as able to perform or does perform any geological

20  services or work recognized as professional geology, shall be

21  construed to be engaged in the practice of professional

22  geology.

23         Section 55.  Section 492.104, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         492.104  Authority to make rules.--The Board of

26  Professional Geologists has authority to adopt rules pursuant

27  to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this chapter ss.

28  492.101-492.1165. Every licensee shall be governed and

29  controlled by this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165 and the rules

30  adopted by the board.  The board is authorized to set, by

31  rule, fees for application, examination, certificate of


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  1  authorization, late renewal, initial licensure, and license

  2  renewal.  These fees should not exceed the cost of

  3  implementing the application, examination, initial licensure,

  4  and license renewal or other administrative process and shall

  5  be established as follows:.

  6         (1)  The application fee shall not exceed $150 and

  7  shall be nonrefundable.

  8         (2)  The examination fee shall not exceed $250 and

  9  shall be refundable if the applicant is found to be ineligible

10  to take the licensure examination.

11         (3)  The initial license fee shall not exceed $100.

12         (4)  The biennial renewal fee shall not exceed $150.

13         (5)  The fee for a certificate of authorization shall

14  not exceed $350 and the fee for renewal of the certificate

15  shall not exceed $350.

16         (6)  The fee for reactivation of an inactive license

17  shall not exceed $50.

18         (7)  The fee for a provisional license shall not exceed

19  $400.

20         (8)  The fee for application, examination, and

21  licensure for a license by endorsement shall be as provided in

22  this section for licenses in general.

23         Section 56.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and

24  subsection (3) of section 492.105, Florida Statutes, are

25  amended to read:

26         492.105  Licensure by examination; requirements;

27  fees.--

28         (1)  Any person desiring to be licensed as a

29  professional geologist shall apply to the department to take

30  the licensure examination. The written licensure examination

31  shall be designed to test an applicant's qualifications to


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  1  practice professional geology, and shall include such subjects

  2  as will tend to ascertain the applicant's knowledge of the

  3  theory and the practice of professional geology and may

  4  include such subjects as are taught in curricula of accredited

  5  colleges and universities. The department shall examine each

  6  applicant who the board certifies:

  7         (c)  Has not committed any act or offense in any

  8  jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining

  9  a professional geologist licensed pursuant to this chapter ss.

10  492.101-492.1165.

11         (3)  The department shall not issue a license to any

12  applicant who is under investigation in any jurisdiction for

13  an offense which would constitute a violation of this chapter

14  ss. 492.101-492.1165. Upon completion of the investigation,

15  the disciplinary provisions of s. 492.113 shall apply.

16         Section 57.  Section 492.107, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         492.107  Seals.--

19         (1)  The board shall prescribe, by rule, a form of

20  seal, including its electronic form, to be used by persons

21  holding valid licenses. All geological papers, reports, and

22  documents prepared or issued by the licensee shall be signed

23  by the licensee, dated, and sealed by the licensee who

24  performed or is responsible for the supervision, direction, or

25  control of the work contained in the papers, reports, or

26  documents stamped with said seal. Such signature, date, and

27  seal shall be evidence of the authenticity of that to which

28  they are affixed. Geological papers, reports, and documents

29  prepared or issued by the licensee may be transmitted

30  electronically provided they have been signed by the licensee,

31  dated, and electronically sealed. It is unlawful for any


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  1  person to sign stamp or seal any document as a professional

  2  geologist unless that person holds a current, active license

  3  as a professional geologist which has not with a seal after

  4  that person's license has expired or been revoked or

  5  suspended, unless reinstated or reissued.

  6         (2)  No licensee registrant shall affix or permit to be

  7  affixed her or his the registrant's seal or name to any

  8  geologic reports, papers, or other documents which depict work

  9  which the licensee registrant is not licensed to perform or

10  which was not performed by or under the responsible

11  supervision, direction, or control of the licensee is beyond

12  the registrant's profession or specialty therein.

13         Section 58.  Subsection (2) of section 492.108, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         492.108  Licensure by endorsement; requirements;

16  fees.--

17         (2)  The department shall issue a license to practice

18  professional geology to any applicant who successfully

19  complies with the requirements of this section.  The

20  department shall not issue a license to any applicant who is

21  under investigation in any jurisdiction for an offense which

22  would constitute a violation of this chapter ss.

23  492.101-492.1165.  Upon completion of the investigation, the

24  disciplinary provisions of s. 492.113 shall apply.

25         Section 59.  Section 492.111, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         492.111  Practice of professional geology by a firm,

28  corporation, or partnership; certificate of

29  authorization.--The practice of, or offer to practice,

30  professional geology by individual professional geologists

31  licensed under the provisions of this chapter ss.


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  1  492.101-492.1165 through a firm, corporation, or partnership

  2  offering geological services to the public through

  3  individually licensed professional geologists as agents,

  4  employees, officers, or partners thereof is permitted subject

  5  to the provisions of this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165,

  6  provided that:

  7         (1)  At all times that it offers geological services to

  8  the public, the firm, corporation, or partnership has on file

  9  with the department the name and license number of one or more

10  individuals who hold a current, active license as a

11  professional geologist in the state and are serving as a

12  geologist of record for the firm, corporation, or partnership.

13  A geologist of record may be any principal officer or employee

14  of such firm or corporation, or any partner or employee of

15  such partnership, who holds a current, active license as a

16  professional geologist in this state, or any other

17  Florida-licensed professional geologist with whom the firm,

18  corporation, or partnership has entered into a long-term,

19  ongoing relationship, as defined by rule of the board, to

20  serve as one of its geologists of record. It shall be the

21  responsibility of the firm, corporation, or partnership and

22  the geologist of record to notify the department of any

23  changes in the relationship or identity of that geologist of

24  record within 30 days after such change. One or more of the

25  principal officers, employees, or agents of such firm or

26  corporation, or partners, employees, or agents of such

27  partnership, who act in its behalf as professional geologists

28  in this state are licensed as provided in ss.

29  492.101-492.1165.

30         (2)  The firm, corporation, or partnership has been

31  issued a certificate of authorization by the department as


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  1  provided in this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.  For purposes

  2  of this section, a certificate of authorization shall be

  3  required of any firm, corporation, partnership, association,

  4  or person practicing under a fictitious name and offering

  5  geological services to the public; except that, when an

  6  individual is practicing geology in his or her own name, he or

  7  she shall not be required to obtain a certificate of

  8  authorization under this section.  Such certificate of

  9  authorization shall be renewed every 2 years.

10         (3)  All final geological papers or documents involving

11  the practice of the profession of geology which have been

12  prepared or approved for the use of such firm, corporation, or

13  partnership, for delivery to any person for public record with

14  the state, shall be dated and bear the signature and seal of

15  the professional geologist or professional geologists who

16  prepared or approved them.

17         (4)  The fact that a licensed geologist practices

18  through a corporation or partnership shall not relieve the

19  registrant from personal liability for negligence, misconduct,

20  or wrongful acts committed by him or her. Partnership and all

21  partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the

22  negligence, misconduct, or wrongful acts committed by their

23  agents, employees, or partners while acting in a professional

24  capacity.  Any officer, agent, or employee of a corporation

25  shall be personally liable and accountable only for negligent

26  acts, wrongful acts, or misconduct committed by him or her or

27  committed by any person under his or her direct supervision

28  and control, while rendering professional services on behalf

29  of the corporation.  The personal liability of a shareholder

30  of a corporation, in his or her capacity as shareholder, shall

31  be no greater than that of a shareholder-employee of a


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  1  corporation incorporated under chapter 607.  The corporation

  2  shall be liable up to the full value of its property for any

  3  negligent acts, wrongful acts, or misconduct committed by any

  4  of its officers, agents, or employees while they are engaged

  5  on behalf of the corporation in the rendering of professional

  6  services.

  7         (5)  The firm, corporation, or partnership desiring a

  8  certificate of authorization shall file with the department an

  9  application therefor, upon a form to be prescribed by the

10  department, accompanied by the required application fee.

11         (6)  The department may refuse to issue a certificate

12  of authorization if any facts exist which would entitle the

13  department to suspend or revoke an existing certificate of

14  authorization or if the department, after giving persons

15  involved a full and fair hearing, determines that any of the

16  officers or directors of said firm or corporation, or partners

17  of said partnership, have violated the provisions of s.

18  492.113.

19         Section 60.  Paragraphs (a), (b), and (g) of subsection

20  (1) of section 492.112, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         492.112  Prohibitions; penalties.--

22         (1)  A person may not knowingly:

23         (a)  Practice geology unless the person is licensed

24  under this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.

25         (b)  Use the name or title "Professional Geologist" or

26  any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations,

27  or device tending to indicate that the person holds an active

28  license as a geologist when the person is not licensed under

29  this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.

30         (g)  Conceal information relative to violations of this

31  chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.


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  1         Section 61.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  2  492.113, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         492.113  Disciplinary proceedings.--

  4         (1)  The following acts constitute grounds for which

  5  the disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken:

  6         (a)  Violation of any provision of s. 492.112 or any

  7  other provision of this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.

  8         Section 62.  Section 492.116, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         492.116  Exemptions.--The following persons are

11  specifically exempted from this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165,

12  provided, however, that all final geological papers or

13  documents which have been prepared by a person exempt under

14  subsection (1), subsection (2), subsection (3), or subsection

15  (4) for delivery to any person for public record with the

16  state shall be dated and bear the signature and seal of the

17  professional geologist or professional geologists who prepared

18  or approved them:

19         (1)  Persons engaged solely in teaching the science of

20  geology.

21         (2)  Persons engaged in geological research which does

22  not affect the health, safety, or well-being of the public.

23         (3)  Officers and employees of the United States

24  Government, the State of Florida, water management districts,

25  or other local or regional governmental entities practicing

26  solely as such officers or employees.

27         (4)  Regular full-time employees of a corporation not

28  engaged in the practice of professional geology as such, who

29  are directly supervised by a person licensed as a professional

30  geologist under this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2211


  1         (5)  A person employed on a full-time basis as a

  2  geologist by an employer engaged in the business of

  3  developing, mining, or treating ores, other minerals, and

  4  petroleum resources if that person engages in geological

  5  practice exclusively for and as an employee of such employer

  6  and does not hold herself or himself out and is not held out

  7  as available to perform any geological services for persons

  8  other than her or his employer.

  9         Section 63.  Section 492.1165, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         492.1165  Construction of chapter ch. 87-403.--Nothing

12  in this chapter ss. 492.101-492.1165 as enacted by chapter

13  87-403, Laws of Florida, shall be construed to prevent or

14  prohibit the practice of any profession or trade for which a

15  license is required under any other law of this state, or the

16  practice by registered professional engineers.

17         Section 64.  The sum of $500,000 is hereby appropriated

18  from the Professional Regulation Trust Fund to the Department

19  of Business and Professional Regulation for the purpose of

20  disbursing funds to any private corporation or business entity

21  to offset startup costs incurred in the implementation of s.

22  455.32, Florida Statutes, the Management Privatization Act,

23  pursuant to a contract executed by the department.

24         Section 65.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.









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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2211


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises various provisions of law relating to regulation
  4    of professions under the Department of Business and
      Professional Regulation.

  6    Provides disqualification from applying for and denial of
      deputy pilot certification for being found guilty of, or
  7    having pled guilty or nolo contendere to, certain crimes.
      Provides for deposit and disposition of amounts received
  8    from imposition of pilotage rates pending rendition of a
      final order regarding such rates. Provides requirements
  9    regarding an administrative law judge's recommended order
      in a dispute relating to action or proposed action of the
10    Pilotage Rate Review Board.

      Revises provisions relating to translation of
12    examinations in Spanish. Provides for approval of
      continuing education providers. Authorizes the department
13    to adopt rules to provide for waiver of license renewal
      fees for a limited period of time for any profession
14    whose trust fund moneys are in excess of the amount
      required to cover the necessary functions of its
15    regulatory board, or the department when there is no

17    Creates the Management Privatization Act. Authorizes the
      department to contract with a corporation or other
18    business entity to perform support services specified
      pursuant to contract. Provides contract requirements.
19    Provides corporation powers and responsibilities.
      Establishes reporting and audit requirements. Provides
20    for future review and repeal.

      Defines "absolute auction." Revises requirements relating
22    to the conduct, administration, approval, and scope of
      the examination for licensure as an auctioneer. Specifies
23    that an auction may only be conducted by an active
      licensee. Provides requirements for auctioneer
24    apprentices. Adds requirements and responsibilities
      relating to the conduct of an auction. Deletes exceptions
25    from a requirement that auctions be conducted pursuant to
      a written agreement. Provides for disciplinary action and
26    penalties against licensees who fail to account for
      certain property. Authorizes the designee of the
27    Secretary of Business and Professional Regulation to sign
      vouchers for payment or disbursement from the Auctioneer
28    Recovery Fund. Revises conditions of recovery from the
      Auctioneer Recovery Fund. Provides for recovery from the
29    fund pursuant to an order issued by the Florida Board of
      Auctioneers. Deletes a requirement that notice be given
30    to the board at the time action is commenced. Provides
      limitations on bringing claims for certain acts. Provides
31    subrogation rights for the fund.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2211


  1    Revises requirements for licensure as a community
      association manager, to include certain prelicensure
  2    education. Provides for provider approval. Provides
      authority to inspect and audit community associations and
  3    community association managers and businesses.

      Repeals a provision relating to a prohibition on employee
  5    leasing companies and groups from including employees who
      engage in services or arrangements that are not within
  6    the definition of employee leasing. Modifies
      qualifications for licensure as an employee leasing
  7    company group. Provides prohibitions against offering to
      practice employee leasing without being licensed and
  8    against the use of certain titles relating to employee
      leasing without being registered.

10    Provides rulemaking authority to the Board of Funeral
      Directors and Embalmers relating to inspection of direct
11    disposal establishments, funeral establishments, and
      cinerator facilities and the records of each
12    establishment or facility. Requires board approval of
      continuing education providers. Revises provisions
13    relating to continuing education hours. Revises
      provisions relating to registration as a direct disposer,
14    including fee-setting responsibility, and prohibits the
      department from issuing future registrations. Prohibits
15    colocation of certain direct disposal establishments with
      more than one funeral establishment or direct disposal
16    establishment. Revises provisions relating to
      registration of centralized embalming facilities to
17    provide for operating procedures. Provides requirements
      for full-time embalmers in charge.

19    Updates references relating to regulation of engineering
      to incorporate provisions relating to the Florida
20    Engineers Management Corporation and engineers performing
      building code inspector duties. Defines the term "retired
21    professional engineer." Revises educational requirements
      for licensure by endorsement. Grants the Board of
22    Professional Engineers rulemaking authority to establish
      biennial licensure renewal procedures. Replaces
23    continuing education provisions with provisions requiring
      certain demonstration of continuing professional
24    competency. Separates provisions relating to building
      code training from provisions relating to licensure
25    reactivation requirements. Requires final bid documents
      to be signed, dated, and sealed and authorizes the
26    electronic transfer of such documents. Provides a penalty
      for concealing information relative to violations of ch.
27    471, F.S., relating to engineering.

      Extends operation of provisions authorizing licensure to
29    practice public accounting based on certain experience.
      Authorizes the use of certain titles relating to public
30    accountancy by persons not licensed in this state and
      provides requirements with respect thereto.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 2211


  1    Revises the definition of "veterinarian" to specify that
      such a person is a health care practitioner. Revises and
  2    provides exemptions from regulation under ch. 474, F.S.,
      relating to veterinary medical practice. Provides that
  3    certain exempt persons are duly licensed practitioners
      for purposes of prescribing drugs or medicinal supplies.
  4    Provides that criteria for providers of continuing
      veterinary medical education shall be approved by the
  5    board. Increases the administrative fine. Requires
      limited service permittees to register each location and
  6    pay a registration fee. Provides requirements for certain
      temporary rabies vaccination efforts. Provides permit and
  7    other requirements for persons who are not licensed
      veterinarians, but who desire to own and operate a
  8    veterinary medical establishment. Provides disciplinary
      actions applicable to holders of premises permits.
  9    Provides requirements with respect to ownership and
      control of veterinary medical patient records. Provides
10    for the furnishing of reports or copies of records.
      Provides for participation of veterinarians in impaired
11    practitioner treatment programs.

      Abolishes the Florida Real Estate Commission Education
13    and Research Foundation Advisory Committee and transfers
      its duties to the commission.

15    Restricts to the Board of Cosmetology authority to
      review, evaluate, and approve courses required for hair
16    braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping registration,
      and exempts providers of such courses from licensure
17    under ch. 246, F.S., relating to nonpublic postsecondary
      institutions. Revises requirements for licensure to
18    practice cosmetology, including fees. Revises
      requirements for registration as a specialist in a
19    specialty practice within the practice of cosmetology,
      including fees.

21    Updates cross references in provisions relating to
      regulation of professional geology. Revises provisions
22    relating to the use of seals by licensed geologists.
      Provides requirements relating to geologists of record
23    for firms, corporations, and partnerships.

      See bill for details.






