Senate Bill 2226

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2226

    By Senator Silver


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to certified domestic violence

  3         centers; providing for the capital improvement

  4         of such centers; creating a grant program for

  5         awarding funds to such centers; providing

  6         application requirements; prescribing uses of

  7         the funds; providing duties of the Department

  8         of Children and Family Services; providing

  9         rulemaking authority for the establishment of

10         criteria for the disbursement of funds;

11         providing an effective date.


13         WHEREAS, domestic violence remains one of the leading

14  social problems in this state, and

15         WHEREAS, Florida has led the nation in legislative

16  efforts to reduce domestic violence, and victims are coming

17  forward in record numbers to seek help, and

18         WHEREAS, the state's responses to domestic violence

19  include the services provided by the state's certified

20  domestic violence centers, which provide mandated services

21  including a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, case

22  management information and referral, assessment of resident

23  children, and community education and professional training,

24  and

25         WHEREAS, these services are designed to interrupt the

26  cycle of violence by enhancing the safety and self-sufficiency

27  of victims of domestic violence, and

28         WHEREAS, emergency shelter is particularly critical,

29  since the period of separation brings with it escalating risk

30  of homicide, and



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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2226

  1         WHEREAS, many of the domestic violence centers in this

  2  state are in need of renovation and repair, and others are

  3  inadequate beyond repair, making it necessary for the center

  4  to build or purchase a new facility, and

  5         WHEREAS, since the ever-increasing demand for services

  6  has prevented certified domestic violence centers from using

  7  already scarce resources to meet capital needs, there is a

  8  prevalent need for a funding process to address the growing

  9  needs of the centers, NOW, THEREFORE,


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Certified domestic violence centers;

14  capital improvement grant program.--There is established a

15  certified domestic violence center capital improvement grant

16  program.

17         (1)  A certified domestic violence center as defined in

18  section 39.905, Florida Statutes, may apply to the Department

19  of Children and Family Services for a capital improvement

20  grant. The grant application must provide information that

21  includes:

22         (a)  A statement specifying the capital improvement

23  that the certified domestic violence center proposes to make

24  with the grant funds.

25         (b)  The proposed strategy for making the capital

26  improvement.

27         (c)  The organizational structure that will carry out

28  the capital improvement.

29         (d)  Evidence that the certified domestic violence

30  center has difficulty in obtaining funding or that funds

31  available for the proposed improvement are inadequate.


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2226

  1         (e)  Evidence that the funds will assist in meeting the

  2  needs of victims of domestic violence and their children in

  3  the certified domestic violence center service area.

  4         (f)  Evidence of a satisfactory recordkeeping system to

  5  account for fund expenditures.

  6         (g)  Evidence of ability to generate local match.

  7         (2)  Certified domestic violence centers as defined in

  8  section 39.905, Florida Statutes, may receive funding subject

  9  to legislative appropriation, upon application to the

10  Department of Children and Family Services, for projects to

11  construct, acquire, repair, improve, or upgrade systems,

12  facilities, or equipment, subject to availability of funds. An

13  award of funds under this section must be made in accordance

14  with a needs assessment developed by the Florida Coalition

15  Against Domestic Violence and the Department of Children and

16  Family Services. The department annually shall perform this

17  needs assessment and shall rank in order of need those centers

18  that are requesting funds for capital improvement.

19         (3)  The Department of Children and Family Services

20  shall establish criteria for awarding any remaining funds,

21  which must be used exclusively for the support and assistance

22  of certified domestic violence centers as defined in section

23  39.905, Florida Statutes.

24         (4)  The Department of Children and Family Services

25  shall ensure that the funds awarded under this section are

26  used solely for the purposes specified in this section. The

27  total amount of grant moneys awarded under this section may

28  not exceed the amount appropriated for this program.

29         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.




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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2226

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Creates a grant program for disbursing funds to provide
      for the capital improvement of certified domestic
  4    violence centers. Provides requirements for applications.
      Provides duties of the Department of Children and Family
  5    Services and the Florida Coalition Against Domestic
      Violence. Provides rulemaking authority to the
  6    department. Provides restrictions on uses of the grant
























