Senate Bill 2258c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 2258

    By the Committee on Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military
    Affairs; and Senator Hargrett


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to economic development;

  3         creating an inner city redevelopment assistance

  4         grants program; providing duties of the Office

  5         of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development;

  6         prescribing eligibility requirements for

  7         grants; providing expected outcomes from

  8         grants; creating the Inner City Redevelopment

  9         Review Panel and providing its membership and

10         duties; providing an appropriation; providing

11         an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  There is created an Inner City

16  Redevelopment Assistance Grants Program to be administered by

17  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development. The

18  office shall develop criteria for awarding these grants which

19  give weighted consideration to urban high-crime areas as

20  identified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. These

21  criteria shall also be weighted to immediate creation of jobs

22  for residents in the targeted areas.

23         Section 2.  Eligibility requirements for grant

24  proposals are as follows:

25         (1)  An eligible grant recipient must serve within one

26  of the 13 urban high-crime job tax credit areas and be:

27         (a)  A community-based organization;

28         (b)  A community development corporation;

29         (c)  A faith-based organization;

30         (d)  A nonprofit community development organization;

31         (e)  A nonprofit economic development organization; or


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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 2258

  1         (f)  Another nonprofit organization serving the

  2  nominated area.

  3         (2)  Each applicant must submit a letter of support

  4  from the local government serving the targeted urban area.

  5         (3)  Each applicant must submit a proposal response

  6  outlining the work plan proposed using the grant funding, as

  7  well as proposed performance measures and expected, measurable

  8  outcomes.

  9         (4)  Eligible uses of grant funding must result in the

10  creation of job opportunities for residents of targeted areas.

11         (5)  Applicants are urged to leverage grant funds with

12  other existing resources.

13         Section 3.  In order to enhance public participation

14  and involvement in the redevelopment of inner city areas,

15  there is created within the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

16  Economic Development the Inner City Redevelopment Review

17  Panel.

18         (1)  The review panel shall consist of seven members

19  who represent different areas of the state, who are appointed

20  by the Director of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

21  Development, and who are qualified, through the demonstration

22  of special interest, experience, or education, in the

23  redevelopment of the state's inner-city areas, as follows:

24         (a)  One member must be affiliated with the Black

25  Business Investment Board;

26         (b)  One member must be affiliated with the Institute

27  on Urban Policy and Commerce at Florida Agricultural and

28  Mechanical University;

29         (c)  One member must be affiliated with the Office of

30  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development;



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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 2258

  1         (d)  One member must be the president of Enterprise

  2  Florida, Inc., or the president's designee;

  3         (e)  One member must be the Secretary of Community

  4  Affairs or the secretary's designee;

  5         (f)  One member must be affiliated with Better

  6  Jobs/Better Wages of Workforce Florida, Inc., if such body is

  7  created. Otherwise, one member must be the president and chief

  8  operating officer of the Florida Workforce Development Board;

  9  and

10         (g)  One member must be affiliated with the First

11  Job/First Wages Council of Workforce Florida, Inc., if such

12  body is created. Otherwise, one member must be the Secretary

13  of Labor and Employment Security or the secretary's designee.

14         (2)  The importance of minority and gender

15  representation must be considered when making appointments to

16  the panel, and the geographic representation of panel members

17  must also be considered.

18         (3)  Members of the review panel shall be appointed for

19  4-year terms. A person may not serve more than two consecutive

20  terms on the panel.

21         (4)  Members shall elect a chairperson annually. A

22  member may not be elected to consecutive terms as chairperson.

23         (5)  All action taken by the review panel shall be by

24  majority vote of those present. The Director of the Office of

25  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development or the director's

26  designee shall serve without voting rights as secretary to the

27  panel. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development

28  shall provide necessary staff assistance to the panel.

29         (6)  It is the responsibility of the panel to evaluate

30  proposals for awards of inner city redevelopment grants

31  administered by the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic


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    Florida Senate - 2000                           CS for SB 2258

  1  Development. The panel shall review and evaluate all proposals

  2  for grants and shall make recommendations, including a

  3  priority ranking, reflecting such evaluation.

  4         Section 4.  The sum of $5.7 million is appropriated to

  5  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development from

  6  the General Revenue Fund for fiscal year 2000-2001 to

  7  administer the provisions of this bill.

  8         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
11                             SB 2258


13  The CS differs from the bill as filed in that it changes the
    membership of the newly created Inner City Redevelopment
14  Review Panel.

















