House Bill 0229c2

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000           CS/CS/HB 229

        By the Committees on Corrections, Governmental Operations
    and Representatives Crady, Fasano, Kilmer and Cantens

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of

  3         Corrections; providing legislative intent with

  4         respect to the release of information to the

  5         public which concerns persons under community

  6         supervision by the department; requiring the

  7         department to update such information;

  8         providing requirements with respect to the

  9         equipment provided to probation officers by the

10         department; providing conditions under which

11         probation officers may carry firearms;

12         requiring the department to submit an

13         information technology plan to the Legislature;

14         amending s. 121.021, F.S.; including certain

15         correctional probation officers within the

16         Special Risk Class of the Florida Retirement

17         System; amending s. 121.0515, F.S.; specifying

18         criteria for inclusion of correctional

19         probation officers in that class; providing for

20         inclusion of probation and parole circuit and

21         deputy circuit administrators in that class;

22         providing a finding of important state

23         interest; amending s. 775.089, F.S.; requiring

24         that payments collected from offenders be

25         applied toward victim restitution before

26         satisfying other financial obligations of the

27         offender; amending s. 948.01, F.S.; providing

28         that an offender who is convicted of or has

29         adjudication withheld for specified offenses

30         may not be placed on probation or community

31         control; prohibiting the court from continuing


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  1         community control or probation for an offender

  2         whom the court finds has committed an offense

  3         that is the same or similar to the original

  4         offense; amending s. 948.03, F.S.; providing

  5         additional requirements for offenders placed in

  6         community control; requiring the department to

  7         electronically monitor offenders sentenced to

  8         community control; providing requirements for

  9         polygraph examinations; amending s. 948.032,

10         F.S.; requiring that restitution be a condition

11         of community control; providing requirements

12         for the court in determining whether to revoke

13         an offender's community control; amending s.

14         948.04, F.S.; providing requirements for the

15         supervision of offenders placed on community

16         control; amending s. 948.06, F.S.; prohibiting

17         the court from continuing community control or

18         probation for an offender whom the court finds

19         has committed an offense that is the same or

20         similar to the original offense; amending s.

21         948.11, F.S.; requiring the Department of

22         Corrections to electronically monitor

23         offenders; providing effective dates.


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  It is the intent of the Legislature to make

28  information regarding offenders who are under community

29  supervision by the Department of Corrections easily accessible

30  to the public. For offenders who are being supervised in the

31  community by the department, except persons being supervised


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  1  under a pretrial intervention program, the department must

  2  compile and provide the names, current addresses, and offense

  3  convictions, regardless of adjudication, in a format that is

  4  reasonably accessible to the public. The department shall also

  5  make the photographs of such offenders accessible to the

  6  public. Any information that is provided to the public must be

  7  updated within 30 days after the department becomes aware of

  8  any change in the information concerning or the status of an

  9  offender. The provision of such information must be

10  accomplished within existing resources of the department. Upon

11  the discharge of an offender from supervision for any reason,

12  the department shall remove the information from the

13  compilation of information concerning offenders that are under

14  community supervision by the department within 30 days after

15  the department becomes aware of the discharge.

16         Section 2.  Within existing resources and as funding is

17  provided, the Department of Corrections shall provide

18  correctional probation officers with the use of radios and

19  cellular telephones to enhance the adequacy of supervision of

20  offenders and to protect officer safety when it is deemed

21  appropriate and as such equipment is available, as delineated

22  by rules adopted by the department.

23         Section 3.  (1)  A probation officer who requests to

24  carry a firearm while on duty shall carry a firearm issued by

25  the Department of Corrections. Such officer must be qualified

26  to carry the department-issued firearm as required by the

27  Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and the

28  department. The department shall begin efforts to implement

29  this section on the effective date of this act, but shall

30  fully implement this section by July 1, 2002. Until this

31  section has been fully implemented, the department may allow


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  1  probation officers to carry firearms in accordance with the

  2  laws, administrative rules, or departmental policies in

  3  existence at the time this section takes effect.

  4         (2)  This section shall take effect upon this act

  5  becoming a law.

  6         Section 4.  The Department of Corrections shall submit

  7  to the Legislature an information technology plan by March 1,

  8  2001, identifying the current and future needs for computer

  9  equipment, software, and other equipment that can increase the

10  efficiency of probation officers.

11         Section 5.  Effective January 1, 2001, paragraph (b) of

12  subsection (15) of section 121.021, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases

15  as used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth

16  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:

17         (15)

18         (b)  Effective October 1, 1978, "special risk member"

19  means a member of the Florida Retirement System who is

20  designated as a special risk member by the division in

21  accordance with s. 121.0515.  Such member must be employed as

22  a law enforcement officer, a firefighter, or a correctional

23  officer and must meet certain other special criteria as set

24  forth in s. 121.0515. Effective January 1, 2001, the term

25  "special risk member" also includes any member who is employed

26  as a correctional probation officer and meets the special

27  criteria set forth in s. 121.0515(2)(e).

28         Section 6.  Effective January 1, 2001, subsection (2)

29  of section 121.0515, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         121.0515  Special risk membership; criteria;

31  designation and removal of classification; credits for past


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  1  service and prior service; retention of special risk normal

  2  retirement date.--

  3         (2)  CRITERIA.--A member, to be designated as a special

  4  risk member, must meet the following criteria:

  5         (a)  The member must be employed as a law enforcement

  6  officer and be certified, or required to be certified, in

  7  compliance with s. 943.1395; however, sheriffs and elected

  8  police chiefs shall be excluded from meeting the certification

  9  requirements of this paragraph.  In addition, the member's

10  duties and responsibilities must include the pursuit,

11  apprehension, and arrest of law violators or suspected law

12  violators; or the member must be an active member of a bomb

13  disposal unit whose primary responsibility is the location,

14  handling, and disposal of explosive devices; or the member

15  must be the supervisor or command officer of a member or

16  members who have such responsibilities; provided, however,

17  administrative support personnel, including, but not limited

18  to, those whose primary duties and responsibilities are in

19  accounting, purchasing, legal, and personnel, shall not be

20  included;

21         (b)  The member must be employed as a firefighter and

22  be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance with

23  s. 633.35 and be employed solely within the fire department of

24  the employer or agency of state government.  In addition, the

25  member's duties and responsibilities must include on-the-scene

26  fighting of fires or direct supervision of firefighting units,

27  or the member must be the supervisor or command officer of a

28  member or members who have such responsibilities; provided,

29  however, administrative support personnel, including, but not

30  limited to, those whose primary duties and responsibilities



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  1  are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and personnel, shall not

  2  be included;

  3         (c)  The member must be employed as a correctional

  4  officer and be certified, or required to be certified, in

  5  compliance with s. 943.1395.  In addition, the member's

  6  primary duties and responsibilities must be the custody, and

  7  physical restraint when necessary, of prisoners or inmates

  8  within a prison, jail, or other criminal detention facility,

  9  or while on work detail outside the facility, or while being

10  transported; or the member must be the supervisor or command

11  officer of a member or members who have such responsibilities;

12  provided, however, administrative support personnel,

13  including, but not limited to, those whose primary duties and

14  responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and

15  personnel, shall not be included; however, superintendents and

16  assistant superintendents shall participate in the Special

17  Risk Class; or

18         (d)  The member must be employed by a licensed Advance

19  Life Support (ALS) or Basic Life Support (BLS) employer as an

20  emergency medical technician or a paramedic and be certified

21  in compliance with s. 401.27.  In addition, the member's

22  primary duties and responsibilities must include on-the-scene

23  emergency medical care.  However, administrative support

24  personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary

25  responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and

26  personnel, shall not be included; or.

27         (e)  The member must be employed as a correctional

28  probation officer and be certified, or required to be

29  certified, in compliance with s. 943.1395.  In addition, the

30  member's primary duties and responsibilities must be the

31  supervised custody, surveillance, control, investigation, and


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  1  counseling of assigned inmates, probationers, parolees, or

  2  community controllees within institutions or the community, or

  3  the member must be the supervisor of a member or members who

  4  have such responsibilities. However, administrative support

  5  personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary

  6  duties and responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing,

  7  legal, and personnel, shall not be included. However,

  8  probation and parole circuit and deputy circuit administrators

  9  shall participate in the Special Risk Class.

10         Section 7.  (1)  The Legislature finds that a proper

11  and legitimate state purpose is served when employees and

12  retirees of the state and its political subdivisions, and the

13  dependents, survivors, and beneficiaries of such employees and

14  retirees, are extended the basic protections afforded by

15  governmental retirement systems that provide fair and adequate

16  benefits and that are managed, administered, and funded in an

17  actuarially sound manner, as required by s. 14, Art. X of the

18  State Constitution and part VII of chapter 112, Florida

19  Statutes. Therefore, the Legislature determines and declares

20  that the provisions of sections 5 through 7 of this act

21  fulfill an important state interest.

22         (2)  This section shall take effect January 1, 2001.

23         Section 8.  Subsection (11) of section 775.089, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         775.089  Restitution.--

26         (11)(a)  The court may order the clerk of the court to

27  collect and dispense restitution payments in any case.

28         (b)  The court may order the Department of Corrections

29  to collect and dispense restitution and other payments from

30  persons remanded to its custody or supervision. If the

31  Department of Corrections collects other payments from


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  1  offenders or inmates in addition to restitution payments, such

  2  as cost of supervision, court costs, fines, or subsistence

  3  payments, any moneys collected must be applied first toward

  4  completely satisfying victim restitution before the payments

  5  by the offender or inmate may be applied toward any other

  6  financial obligation relating to the offender's or inmate's

  7  crime, prosecution, or sentence.

  8         Section 9.  Subsections (10) and (11) of section

  9  948.01, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         948.01  When court may place defendant on probation or

11  into community control.--

12         (10)  An offender may not be placed on probation or in

13  community control if:

14         (a)  Convicted of or adjudication withheld for:

15         1.  Murder pursuant to s. 782.04;

16         2.  Attempted felony murder pursuant to s. 782.051(1)

17  or (2);

18         3.  Aggravated manslaughter pursuant to s. 782.07(2) or

19  (3);

20         4.  Vehicular homicide pursuant to s. 782.071(2) or s.

21  316.193(3)(c)3.;

22         5.  Vessel homicide pursuant to s. 782.072(2) or s.

23  327.35(3)(c)3.;

24         6.  Aggravated assault pursuant to s. 784.021;

25         7.  Aggravated battery pursuant to s. 784.045;

26         8.  Aggravated stalking pursuant to s. 784.048(3), (4),

27  or (5);

28         9.  Kidnapping pursuant to s. 787.01;

29         10.  False imprisonment of a child under the age of 13

30  pursuant to s. 787.02(3);



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  1         11.  Making, possessing, throwing, projecting, placing,

  2  or discharging any destructive device, threat to do so, or

  3  false report thereof pursuant to s. 790.161(2), (3), or (4),

  4  s. 790.1615(2), s. 790.162, s. 790.163, or s. 790.164;

  5         12.  Sexual battery or attempted sexual battery

  6  pursuant to chapter 794;

  7         13.  Lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in

  8  the presence of a child under 16 years of age pursuant to s.

  9  800.04;

10         14.  Arson pursuant to s. 806.01 or s. 806.031;

11         15.  Armed burglary or burglary with assault or battery

12  pursuant to s. 810.02(2) or (3);

13         16.  Robbery or attempted robbery pursuant to s. 812.13

14  or s. 812.131(2)(a);

15         17.  Carjacking pursuant to s. 812.133;

16         18.  Home-invasion robbery pursuant to s. 812.135;

17         19.  Aggravated child abuse pursuant to s. 827.03(2);

18  or

19         20.  Aircraft piracy pursuant to s. 860.16; a forcible

20  felony as defined in s. 776.08, and

21         (b)  Previously convicted of or adjudication withheld

22  for an offense listed in paragraph (a) a forcible felony as

23  defined in s. 776.08.


25  Nothing in this subsection prohibits placement of certain

26  inmates on community control pursuant to s. 947.1747.  For the

27  purposes of this subsection, a forcible felony does not

28  include manslaughter or burglary.

29         (11)  The court may also impose a split sentence

30  whereby the defendant is sentenced to a term of probation



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  1  which may be followed by a period of incarceration or, with

  2  respect to a felony, into community control, as follows:

  3         (a)  If the offender meets the terms and conditions of

  4  probation or community control, any term of incarceration may

  5  be modified by court order to eliminate the term of

  6  incarceration.

  7         (b)  If the offender does not meet the terms and

  8  conditions of probation or community control, the court may

  9  revoke, modify, or continue the probation or community control

10  as provided in s. 948.06. An offender on community control who

11  has been found by the court to have committed a subsequent

12  offense that is the same or substantially similar to the

13  offense for which the offender was originally sentenced to

14  community control may not be continued on community control,

15  given a new sentence of community control or any form of

16  probation, or released from supervision without the imposition

17  of an incarcerative sentence, unless the offender has served

18  his or her statutory maximum sentence under s. 775.082 or as

19  otherwise authorized by law. For purposes of this section, a

20  time-served sentence does not constitute the imposition of an

21  incarcerative sentence. However, if the offender is under

22  supervision for an offense ranked as level 1 or level 2 under

23  the Criminal Punishment Code, the court may use its discretion

24  in sentencing the offender for a violation of his or her

25  community control. For purposes of this section, the term

26  "substantially similar offense" means any offense that is

27  proscribed within the same statutory chapter as the offense

28  for which the offender was originally sentenced to community

29  control, including those sections of chapter 777 applicable

30  thereto.  If the probation or community control is revoked,

31  the court may impose any sentence that it could have imposed


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  1  at the time the offender was placed on probation or community

  2  control. The court may not provide credit for time served for

  3  any portion of a probation or community control term toward a

  4  subsequent term of probation or community control. However,

  5  the court may not impose a subsequent term of probation or

  6  community control which, when combined with any amount of time

  7  served on preceding terms of probation or community control

  8  for offenses pending before the court for sentencing, would

  9  exceed the maximum penalty allowable as provided in s.

10  775.082. Such term of incarceration shall be served under

11  applicable law or county ordinance governing service of

12  sentences in state or county jurisdiction. This paragraph does

13  not prohibit any other sanction provided by law.

14         Section 10.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), and (5) of

15  section 948.03, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

16         948.03  Terms and conditions of probation or community

17  control.--

18         (1)  The court shall determine the terms and conditions

19  of probation or community control.  Conditions specified in

20  paragraphs (a) through and including (n) (m) do not require

21  oral pronouncement at the time of sentencing and may be

22  considered standard conditions of probation. Conditions

23  specified in paragraphs (a) through and including (n) (m) and

24  (2)(a) do not require oral pronouncement at sentencing and may

25  be considered standard conditions of community control.  These

26  conditions may include among them the following, that the

27  probationer or offender in community control shall:

28         (a)  Report to the probation officers and parole

29  supervisors as directed.

30         (b)  Permit such probation officers supervisors to

31  visit him or her at his or her home or elsewhere.


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  1         (c)  Work faithfully at suitable employment insofar as

  2  may be possible.

  3         (d)  Remain within a specified place.

  4         (e)  Make reparation or restitution to the aggrieved

  5  party for the damage or loss caused by his or her offense in

  6  an amount to be determined by the court.  The court shall make

  7  such reparation or restitution a condition of probation,

  8  unless it determines that clear and compelling reasons exist

  9  to the contrary. If the court does not order restitution, or

10  orders restitution of only a portion of the damages, as

11  provided in s. 775.089, it shall state on the record in detail

12  the reasons therefor.

13         (f)  Effective July 1, 1994, and applicable for

14  offenses committed on or after that date, make payment of the

15  debt due and owing to a county or municipal detention facility

16  under s. 951.032 for medical care, treatment, hospitalization,

17  or transportation received by the felony probationer while in

18  that detention facility. The court, in determining whether to

19  order such repayment and the amount of such repayment, shall

20  consider the amount of the debt, whether there was any fault

21  of the institution for the medical expenses incurred, the

22  financial resources of the felony probationer, the present and

23  potential future financial needs and earning ability of the

24  probationer, and dependents, and other appropriate factors.

25         (g)  Support his or her legal dependents to the best of

26  his or her ability.

27         (h)  Make payment of the debt due and owing to the

28  state under s. 960.17, subject to modification based on change

29  of circumstances.

30         (i)  Pay any application fee assessed under s.

31  27.52(1)(c) and attorney's fees and costs assessed under s.


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  1  938.29, subject to modification based on change of

  2  circumstances.

  3         (j)  Not associate with persons engaged in criminal

  4  activities or violate any law.

  5         (k)1.  Submit to random testing as directed by the

  6  correctional probation officer or the professional staff of

  7  the treatment center where he or she is receiving treatment to

  8  determine the presence or use of alcohol or controlled

  9  substances. The offender shall pay the costs for drug testing,

10  unless the offender meets any of the criteria set forth in s.

11  948.09(3).

12         2.  If the offense was a controlled substance violation

13  and the period of probation immediately follows a period of

14  incarceration in the state correction system, the conditions

15  shall include a requirement that the offender submit to random

16  substance abuse testing intermittently throughout the term of

17  supervision, upon the direction of the correctional probation

18  officer as defined in s. 943.10(3).

19         (l)  Be prohibited from possessing, carrying, or owning

20  any firearm unless authorized by the court and consented to by

21  the probation officer.

22         (m)  Be prohibited from using intoxicants to excess or

23  possessing any drugs or narcotics unless prescribed by a

24  physician. The probationer or community controllee shall not

25  knowingly visit places where intoxicants, drugs, or other

26  dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed, or used.

27         (n)  Promptly submit to the taking of a digitized

28  photograph at the request of a probation officer.

29         (o)(n)  Attend an HIV/AIDS awareness program consisting

30  of a class of not less than 2 hours or more than 4 hours in

31  length, the cost for which shall be paid by the offender, if


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  1  such a program is available in the county of the offender's

  2  residence.

  3         (p)(o)  Pay not more than $1 per month during the term

  4  of probation or community control to a nonprofit organization

  5  established for the sole purpose of supplementing the

  6  rehabilitative efforts of the Department of Corrections.

  7         (2)(a)  The court shall require intensive supervision

  8  and surveillance for an offender placed into community

  9  control, which may include but is not limited to:

10         1.  Specified contact with the parole and probation

11  officer.

12         2.  Confinement to an agreed-upon residence during

13  hours away from employment and public service activities.

14         3.  Mandatory public service.

15         4.  Supervision by the Department of Corrections by

16  means of an electronic monitoring device or system.

17         (b)  For an offender placed on criminal quarantine

18  community control, the court shall require:

19         1.  Electronic monitoring 24 hours per day.

20         2.  Confinement to a designated residence during

21  designated hours.

22         (3)(a)1.  The Department of Corrections may, At the

23  direction of the sentencing court, the Department of

24  Corrections shall its discretion, electronically monitor an

25  offender sentenced to community control.

26         2.  The Department of Corrections shall electronically

27  monitor an offender sentenced to criminal quarantine community

28  control 24 hours per day.

29         (b)  Any offender placed on community control who

30  violates the terms and conditions of community control and is



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  1  restored to community control may be supervised by means of an

  2  electronic monitoring device or system.

  3         (c)  For those offenders being electronically

  4  monitored, the Department of Corrections shall develop

  5  procedures to determine, investigate, and report the

  6  offender's noncompliance with the terms and conditions of

  7  sentence 24 hours per day.  All reports of noncompliance shall

  8  be immediately investigated by a community control officer.

  9         (d)  The Department of Corrections may contract with

10  local law enforcement agencies to assist in the location and

11  apprehension of offenders who are in noncompliance as reported

12  by the electronic monitoring system. This contract is intended

13  to provide the department a means for providing immediate

14  investigation of noncompliance reports, especially after

15  normal office hours.

16         (5)  Conditions imposed pursuant to this subsection, as

17  specified in paragraphs (a) and (b), do not require oral

18  pronouncement at the time of sentencing and shall be

19  considered standard conditions of probation or community

20  control for offenders specified in this subsection.

21         (a)  Effective for probationers or community

22  controllees whose crime was committed on or after October 1,

23  1995, and who are placed under supervision for violation of

24  chapter 794, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, the court

25  must impose the following conditions in addition to all other

26  standard and special conditions imposed:

27         1.  A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The court

28  may designate another 8-hour period if the offender's

29  employment precludes the above specified time, and such

30  alternative is recommended by the Department of Corrections.

31  If the court determines that imposing a curfew would endanger


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  1  the victim or any potential victim, the court may consider

  2  alternative sanctions.

  3         2.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a

  4  prohibition on living within 1,000 feet of a school, day care

  5  center, park, playground, or other place where children

  6  regularly congregate, as prescribed by the court.

  7         3.  Active participation in and successful completion

  8  of a sex offender treatment program with therapists

  9  specifically trained to treat sex offenders, at the

10  probationer's or community controllee's own expense. If a

11  specially trained therapist is not available within a 50-mile

12  radius of the probationer's or community controllee's

13  residence, the offender shall participate in other appropriate

14  therapy.

15         4.  A prohibition on any contact with the victim,

16  directly or indirectly, including through a third person,

17  unless approved by the victim, the offender's therapist, and

18  the sentencing court.

19         5.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a

20  prohibition, until successful completion of a sex offender

21  treatment program, on unsupervised contact with a child under

22  the age of 18, unless authorized by the sentencing court

23  without another adult present who is responsible for the

24  child's welfare, has been advised of the crime, and is

25  approved by the sentencing court.

26         6.  If the victim was under age 18, a prohibition on

27  working for pay or as a volunteer at any school, day care

28  center, park, playground, or other place where children

29  regularly congregate.

30         7.  Unless otherwise indicated in the treatment plan

31  provided by the sexual offender treatment program, a


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  1  prohibition on viewing, owning, or possessing any obscene,

  2  pornographic, or sexually stimulating visual or auditory

  3  material, including telephone, electronic media, computer

  4  programs, or computer services that are relevant to the

  5  offender's deviant behavior pattern.

  6         8.  A requirement that the probationer or community

  7  controllee must submit two specimens of blood to the Florida

  8  Department of Law Enforcement to be registered with the DNA

  9  data bank.

10         9.  A requirement that the probationer or community

11  controllee make restitution to the victim, as ordered by the

12  court under s. 775.089, for all necessary medical and related

13  professional services relating to physical, psychiatric, and

14  psychological care.

15         10.  Submission to a warrantless search by the

16  community control or probation officer of the probationer's or

17  community controllee's person, residence, or vehicle.

18         (b)  Effective for a probationer or community

19  controllee whose crime was committed on or after October 1,

20  1997, and who is placed on sex offender probation or sex

21  offender community control for a violation of chapter 794, s.

22  800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, in addition to any other

23  provision of this subsection, the court must impose the

24  following conditions of probation or community control:

25         1.  As part of a treatment program, participation at

26  least annually in polygraph examinations by polygraphers who

27  are specifically trained to polygraph sex offenders to obtain

28  information necessary for risk management and treatment and to

29  reduce the sex offender's denial mechanisms. A polygraph

30  examination must be conducted by a polygrapher trained

31  specifically in the use of the polygraph for the monitoring of


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  1  sex offenders, where available, and shall be paid by the sex

  2  offender. The results of the polygraph examination shall not

  3  be used as evidence in court to prove that a violation of

  4  probation or community control community supervision has

  5  occurred.

  6         2.  Maintenance of a driving log and a prohibition

  7  against driving a motor vehicle alone without the prior

  8  approval of the supervising officer.

  9         3.  A prohibition against obtaining or using a post

10  office box without the prior approval of the supervising

11  officer.

12         4.  If there was sexual contact, a submission to, at

13  the probationer's or community controllee's expense, an HIV

14  test with the results to be released to the victim and/or the

15  victim's parent or guardian.

16         5.  Electronic monitoring when deemed necessary by the

17  community control or probation officer and his or her

18  supervisor, and ordered by the court at the recommendation of

19  the Department of Corrections.

20         Section 11.  Section 948.032, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         948.032  Condition of probation or community control;

23  restitution.--If a defendant is placed on probation or

24  community control, any restitution ordered under s. 775.089

25  shall be a condition of the probation or community control.

26  The court may revoke probation or community control if the

27  defendant fails to comply with the order.  In determining

28  whether to revoke probation or community control, the court

29  shall consider the defendant's employment status, earning

30  ability, and financial resources; the willfulness of the

31  defendant's failure to pay; and any other special


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  1  circumstances that may have a bearing on the defendant's

  2  ability to pay.

  3         Section 12.  Section 948.04, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         948.04  Period of probation or community control; duty

  6  of probationer or offender on community control; early

  7  termination.--

  8         (1)  Defendants found guilty of felonies who are placed

  9  on probation shall be under supervision not to exceed 2 years

10  unless otherwise specified by the court.  No defendant placed

11  on probation pursuant to s. 948.01(6) or s. 948.034 is subject

12  to the probation limitations of this subsection.  A defendant

13  who is placed on probation or community control for a

14  violation of chapter 794 or chapter 827 is subject to the

15  maximum level of supervision provided by the supervising

16  agency or as otherwise directed by the sentencing court

17  pursuant to s. 948.03, and that supervision shall continue

18  through the full term of the court-imposed probation or

19  community control.

20         (2)  Upon the termination of the period of probation,

21  the probationer shall be released from probation and is not

22  liable to sentence for the offense for which probation was

23  allowed. During the period of probation or community control,

24  the probationer or offender on community control shall perform

25  the terms and conditions of his or her probation or community

26  control.

27         (3)  If a the probationer or offender on community

28  control has performed satisfactorily, has not been found in

29  violation of any terms or conditions of supervision, and has

30  met all financial sanctions imposed by the court, including,

31  but not limited to, fines, court costs, and restitution, the


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  1  Department of Corrections may recommend early termination of

  2  probation or community control to the court at any time before

  3  the scheduled termination date.

  4         Section 13.  Subsections (1) and (4) of section 948.06,

  5  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  6         948.06  Violation of probation or community control;

  7  revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay

  8  restitution or cost of supervision.--

  9         (1)  Whenever within the period of probation or

10  community control there are reasonable grounds to believe that

11  a probationer or offender in community control has violated

12  his or her probation or community control in a material

13  respect, any law enforcement officer who is aware of the

14  probationary or community control status of the probationer or

15  offender in community control or any parole or probation

16  officer supervisor may arrest or request any county or

17  municipal law enforcement officer to arrest such probationer

18  or offender without warrant wherever found and forthwith

19  return him or her to the court granting such probation or

20  community control. Any committing magistrate may issue a

21  warrant, upon the facts being made known to him or her by

22  affidavit of one having knowledge of such facts, for the

23  arrest of the probationer or offender, returnable forthwith

24  before the court granting such probation or community control.

25  Any parole or probation officer supervisor, any officer

26  authorized to serve criminal process, or any peace officer of

27  this state is authorized to serve and execute such warrant.

28  The court, upon the probationer or offender being brought

29  before it, shall advise him or her of such charge of violation

30  and, if such charge is admitted to be true, may forthwith

31  revoke, modify, or continue the probation or community control


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  1  or place the probationer into a community control program. If

  2  probation or community control is revoked, the court shall

  3  adjudge the probationer or offender guilty of the offense

  4  charged and proven or admitted, unless he or she has

  5  previously been adjudged guilty, and impose any sentence which

  6  it might have originally imposed before placing the

  7  probationer on probation or the offender into community

  8  control. If such violation of probation or community control

  9  is not admitted by the probationer or offender, the court may

10  commit him or her or release him or her with or without bail

11  to await further hearing, or it may dismiss the charge of

12  probation or community control violation. If such charge is

13  not at that time admitted by the probationer or offender and

14  if it is not dismissed, the court, as soon as may be

15  practicable, shall give the probationer or offender an

16  opportunity to be fully heard on his or her behalf in person

17  or by counsel. After such hearing, the court may revoke,

18  modify, or continue the probation or community control or

19  place the probationer into community control. An offender on

20  community control who has been found by the court to have

21  committed a subsequent offense that is the same or

22  substantially similar to the offense or offenses for which the

23  offender was originally sentenced to community control may not

24  be continued on community control, given a new sentence of

25  community control or any form of probation, or be released

26  from supervision without the imposition of an incarcerative

27  sentence, unless the offender has served his or her statutory

28  maximum sentence under s. 775.082 or as otherwise authorized

29  by law. For purposes of this section, a time-served sentence

30  does not constitute the imposition of an incarcerative

31  sentence. However, if the offender is under supervision for an


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  1  offense ranked as level 1 or level 2 under the Criminal

  2  Punishment Code, the court may use its discretion in

  3  sentencing the offender for a violation of his or her

  4  community control. For purposes of this section, the term

  5  "substantially similar offense" means any offense that is

  6  proscribed within the same statutory chapter as the offense

  7  for which the offender was originally sentenced to community

  8  control, including those sections of chapter 777 applicable

  9  thereto. If such probation or community control is revoked,

10  the court shall adjudge the probationer or offender guilty of

11  the offense charged and proven or admitted, unless he or she

12  has previously been adjudged guilty, and impose any sentence

13  which it might have originally imposed before placing the

14  probationer or offender on probation or into community

15  control.

16         (4)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

17  section, a probationer or an offender in community control who

18  is arrested for violating his or her probation or community

19  control in a material respect may be taken before the court in

20  the county or circuit in which the probationer or offender was

21  arrested. That court shall advise him or her of such charge of

22  a violation and, if such charge is admitted, shall cause him

23  or her to be brought before the court which granted the

24  probation or community control. If such violation is not

25  admitted by the probationer or offender, the court may commit

26  him or her or release him or her with or without bail to await

27  further hearing. The court, as soon as is practicable, shall

28  give the probationer or offender an opportunity to be fully

29  heard on his or her behalf in person or by counsel. After such

30  hearing, the court shall make findings of fact and forward the

31  findings to the court which granted the probation or community


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  1  control and to the probationer or offender or his or her

  2  attorney. The findings of fact by the hearing court are

  3  binding on the court which granted the probation or community

  4  control.  Upon the probationer or offender being brought

  5  before it, the court which granted the probation or community

  6  control may revoke, modify, or continue the probation or

  7  community control or may place the probationer into community

  8  control as provided in this section. A court may not place an

  9  offender on a lesser form of supervision through a

10  modification or imposition of a new sentence after a

11  revocation if the court finds an offender has violated his or

12  her community supervision in any material respect. In

13  addition, a court may not terminate an offender's community

14  supervision as a result of an offender's violation without

15  imposing a further penalty, unless the person has served his

16  or her statutory maximum sentence under s. 775.082 or as

17  otherwise authorized by law. For purposes of this section, a

18  time-served sentence does not constitute a further penalty.

19         Section 14.  Section 948.11, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         948.11  Electronic monitoring devices.--

22         (1)  Pursuant to chapter 287, the Department of

23  Corrections shall issue a request for proposal for electronic

24  monitoring devices to be utilized by the department for

25  purposes of electronic monitoring under this section or any

26  other section of law which authorizes electronic monitoring.

27  Electronic monitoring devices certified for use by the

28  department must be licensed by the FCC, must be capable of

29  maintaining full operation on a backup power source for 8

30  hours, and must meet such other necessary and vital

31  specifications as may be set by the department for


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  1  tamper-alert, efficient, and economical usage.  The provisions

  2  of this section do not apply to passive devices.

  3         (2)  The Department of Corrections must maintain the

  4  capability to electronically monitor offenders through

  5  radio-frequency devices and global-positioning-system devices

  6  to the extent that funding is provided by the Legislature.

  7  Options for electronic monitoring of offenders should be

  8  maintained for use by sentencing courts to maximize public

  9  safety and to make the appropriate monitoring of offenders as

10  cost-efficient as possible.

11         Section 15.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

12  act shall take effect October 1, 2000.



















