Senate Bill 2302

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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2302

    By Senator Hargrett


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Public Employees

  3         Relations Commission; amending s. 447.203,

  4         F.S.; clarifying the definition of professional

  5         employee; amending section s. 447.205, F.S.;

  6         providing conforming language for the transfer

  7         of the Public Employees Relations Commission to

  8         the Department of Management Services and

  9         deleting obsolete language; amending s.

10         447.208, F.S.; clarifying the procedure for

11         appeals, charges, and petitions; amending s.

12         447.307, F.S.; authorizing the commission to

13         modify existing bargaining units; amending s.

14         447.503, F.S.; clarifying procedures; amending

15         s. 447.504, F.S.; authorizing the commission to

16         stay certain procedures; providing for the

17         transfer of the commission to the Department of

18         Management Services by a type two transfer;

19         repealing s. 447.609, F.S., relating to

20         representation in commission cases; providing

21         an effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (13) of section

26  447.203, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         447.203  Definitions.--As used in this part:

28         (13)  "Professional employee" means:

29         (a)  Any employee engaged in work requiring advanced

30  knowledge in a field of science or learning customarily

31  acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2302

  1  instruction and study in an institution of higher learning or

  2  a hospital, as distinguished from a general academic

  3  education, an apprenticeship, or training in the performance

  4  of routine mental or physical processes and in any two or more

  5  of the following categories:

  6         1.  Work predominantly intellectual and varied in

  7  character as opposed to routine mental, manual, mechanical, or

  8  physical work;

  9         2.  Work involving the consistent exercise of

10  discretion and judgment in its performance; and

11         3.  Work of such a character that the output produced

12  or the result accomplished cannot be standardized in relation

13  to a given period of time.; and

14         4.  Work requiring advanced knowledge in a field of

15  science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course

16  of specialized intellectual instruction and study in an

17  institution of higher learning or a hospital, as distinguished

18  from a general academic education, an apprenticeship, or

19  training in the performance of routine mental or physical

20  processes.

21         Section 2.  Subsections (1), (3), and (4) of section

22  447.205, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         447.205  Public Employees Relations Commission.--

24         (1)  There is hereby created within the Department of

25  Management Services Labor and Employment Security the Public

26  Employees Relations Commission, hereinafter referred to as the

27  "commission."  The commission shall be composed of a chair and

28  two full-time members to be appointed by the Governor, subject

29  to confirmation by the Senate, from persons representative of

30  the public and known for their objective and independent

31  judgment, who shall not be employed by, or hold any commission


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  1  with, any governmental unit in the state or any employee

  2  organization, as defined in this part, while in such office.

  3  In no event shall more than one appointee be a person who, on

  4  account of previous vocation, employment, or affiliation, is,

  5  or has been, classified as a representative of employers; and

  6  in no event shall more than one such appointee be a person

  7  who, on account of previous vocation, employment, or

  8  affiliation, is, or has been, classified as a representative

  9  of employees or employee organizations.  The commissioners

10  shall devote full time to commission duties and shall not

11  engage in any other business, vocation, or employment while in

12  such office. Beginning January 1, 1980, the chair shall be

13  appointed for a term of 4 years, one commissioner for a term

14  of 1 year, and one commissioner for a term of 2 years.

15  Thereafter, Every term of office shall be for 4 years; and

16  each term of the office of chair shall commence on January 1

17  of the second year following each regularly scheduled general

18  election at which a Governor is elected to a full term of

19  office.  In the event of a vacancy prior to the expiration of

20  a term of office, an appointment shall be made for the

21  unexpired term of that office. The chair shall be responsible

22  for the administrative functions of the commission and shall

23  have the authority to employ such personnel as may be

24  necessary to carry out the provisions of this part.  Once

25  appointed to the office of chair, the chair shall serve as

26  chair for the duration of the term of office of chair.

27  Nothing contained herein prohibits a chair or commissioner

28  from serving multiple terms.

29         (3)  The commission, in the performance of its powers

30  and duties under this part, shall not be subject to control,



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  1  supervision, or direction by the Department of Management

  2  Services Labor and Employment Security.

  3         (4)  The property, personnel, and appropriations

  4  related to the commission's specified authority, powers,

  5  duties, and responsibilities shall be provided to the

  6  commission by the Department of Management Services Labor and

  7  Employment Security.

  8         Section 3.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 447.208,

  9  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         447.208  Procedure with respect to certain appeals

11  under s. 447.207.--

12         (1)  Any person filing an appeal, charge, or petition

13  pursuant to subsection (6), subsection (8), or subsection (9)

14  of s. 447.207 shall be entitled to a hearing pursuant to

15  subsections (4) and (5) of s. 447.503 and in accordance with

16  chapter 120; however, the hearing shall be conducted within 30

17  days of the filing of an appeal with the commission, unless an

18  extension of time is granted by the commission for good cause

19  or unless the basis for the appeal is an allegation of abuse

20  or neglect under s. 415.1075, in which case the hearing by the

21  Public Employees Relations Commission may not be held until

22  the confirmed report of abuse or neglect has been upheld

23  pursuant to the procedures for appeal in s. 415.1075.

24  Discovery may be granted only upon a showing of extraordinary

25  circumstances. A party requesting discovery shall demonstrate

26  a substantial need for the information requested and an

27  inability to obtain relevant information by other means.  To

28  the extent that chapter 120 is inconsistent with these

29  provisions, the procedures contained in this section shall

30  govern.



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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2302

  1         (3)  With respect to career service appeal hearings

  2  relating to demotions, suspensions, or dismissals pursuant to

  3  the provisions of this section:

  4         (a)  Upon a finding that just cause existed for the

  5  demotion, suspension, or dismissal, the commission shall

  6  affirm the demotion, suspension, or dismissal.

  7         (b)  Upon a finding that just cause did not exist for

  8  the demotion, suspension, or dismissal, the commission may

  9  order the reinstatement of the employee, with or without back

10  pay.

11         (c)  Upon a finding that just cause for disciplinary

12  action existed, but did not justify the severity of the action

13  taken, the commission may, in its limited discretion, reduce

14  the penalty.

15         (d)  The commission is limited in its discretionary

16  reduction of dismissals and suspensions to consider only the

17  following circumstances:

18         1.  The seriousness of the conduct as it relates to the

19  employee's duties and responsibilities.

20         2.  Action taken with respect to similar conduct by

21  other employees.

22         3.  The previous employment record and disciplinary

23  record of the employee.

24         4.  Extraordinary circumstances beyond the employee's

25  control which temporarily diminished the employee's capacity

26  to effectively perform his or her duties or which

27  substantially contributed to the violation for which

28  punishment is being considered.


30  The agency may present evidence to refute the existence of

31  these circumstances.


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2302

  1         (e)  Any order of the commission issued pursuant to

  2  this subsection may include back pay, if applicable, and an

  3  amount, to be determined by the commission and paid by the

  4  agency, for reasonable attorney's fees, witness fees, and

  5  other out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the prosecution

  6  of an appeal against an agency in which the commission

  7  sustains the employee. In determining the amount of an

  8  attorney's fee, the commission shall consider only the number

  9  of hours reasonably spent on the appeal, comparing the number

10  of hours spent on similar Career Service System appeals and

11  the reasonable hourly rate charged in the geographic area for

12  similar appeals, but not including litigation over the amount

13  of the attorney's fee. This paragraph applies to future and

14  pending cases.

15         Section 4.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section

16  447.307, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         447.307  Certification of employee organization.--

18         (3)

19         (b)  When an employee organization is selected by a

20  majority of the employees voting in an election, the

21  commission shall certify the employee organization as the

22  exclusive collective bargaining representative of all

23  employees in the unit. Certification is effective upon the

24  issuance of the final order by the commission or, if the final

25  order is appealed, at the time the appeal is exhausted or any

26  stay is vacated by the commission or the court. A party may

27  petition the commission, pursuant to its established

28  procedures, to modify an existing certification due to changed

29  circumstances, an inadvertent mistake by the commission in the

30  original bargaining unit description, or newly created or



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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2302

  1  deleted jobs, or to recognize a name change of the employee

  2  organization.

  3         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

  4  447.503, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         447.503  Charges of unfair labor practices.--It is the

  6  intent of the Legislature that the commission act as

  7  expeditiously as possible to settle disputes regarding alleged

  8  unfair labor practices.  To this end, violations of the

  9  provisions of s. 447.501 shall be remedied by the commission

10  in accordance with the following procedures and in accordance

11  with chapter 120; however, to the extent that chapter 120 is

12  inconsistent with the provisions of this section, the

13  procedures contained in this section shall govern:

14         (5)  Whenever the proceeding involves a disputed issue

15  of material fact and an evidentiary hearing is to be

16  conducted:

17         (a)  The commission shall issue and serve upon all

18  parties a notice of hearing before an assigned hearing officer

19  at a time and place specified therein.  Such notice shall be

20  issued at least 14 days prior to the scheduled hearing. If a

21  party fails to appear for the hearing, the hearing officer

22  shall, after waiting a reasonable time, open the record, note

23  the nonappearance, and close the hearing. Thereafter, the

24  hearing may be reconvened only if the party establishes that

25  the failure to appear was due to circumstances beyond his or

26  her control.

27         Section 6.  Subsection (4) of section 447.504, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         447.504  Judicial review.--

30         (4)  The commencement of proceedings under this section

31  shall not, unless specifically ordered by the district court


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2302

  1  of appeal, operate as a stay of the commission's order.

  2  However, the commission may stay determination of the amount

  3  of back pay, benefits, or attorney's fees until the court

  4  decides the appeal.

  5         Section 7.  All powers, duties, functions, rules,

  6  records, personnel, property, and unexpended balances of

  7  appropriations, allocations, and other funds of the Public

  8  Employees Relations Commission relating to the commission's

  9  specified authority, powers, duties, and responsibilities are

10  transferred by a type two transfer, as defined in section

11  20.06, Florida Statutes, to the Department of Management

12  Services.

13         Section 8.  Section 447.609, Florida Statutes, is

14  repealed.

15         Section 9.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

16  law.


18            *****************************************

19                          SENATE SUMMARY

20    Provides for the transfer of the Public Employees
      Relations Commission from the Department of Labor and
21    Employment Security to the Department of Management
      Services by a type two transfer pursuant to s. 20.06,
22    F.S. Clarifies the procedure for appeals, charges, and
      petitions. Authorizes the commission to modify existing
23    bargaining units. Clarifies procedures. Authorizes the
      commission to stay a determination of the amount of back
24    pay, benefits, or attorney's fees until the court decides
      the appeal.  Repeals s. 447.609, F.S., relating to
25    representation in commission cases.






