Senate Bill 2334

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2334

    By Senator Mitchell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to property taxes; amending s.

  3         193.621, F.S.; defining the term "facility" for

  4         purposes of ad valorem tax assessments of

  5         pollution-control devices; providing for

  6         improvements used to control pollution and

  7         certain facilities used in connection with a

  8         poultry-raising operation to be assessed at a

  9         value no greater than the facility's market

10         value as salvage; providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Section 193.621, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         193.621  Assessment of pollution control devices.--

17         (1)  If it becomes necessary for any person, firm or

18  corporation owning or operating a manufacturing or industrial

19  plant or installation to construct or install a facility, as

20  is hereinafter defined in this section, in order to eliminate

21  or reduce industrial air or water pollution, any such facility

22  or facilities shall be deemed to have value for purposes of

23  assessment for ad valorem property taxes no greater than its

24  market value as salvage.  Any facility as herein defined in

25  this section which is heretofore constructed shall be assessed

26  in accordance with this section.

27         (2)  If the owner of any manufacturing or industrial

28  plant or installation finds shall find it necessary in the

29  control of industrial contaminants to demolish and reconstruct

30  that plant or installation in whole or part and the property

31  appraiser determines that such demolition or reconstruction


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2334

  1  does not substantially increase the capacity or efficiency of

  2  such plant or installation or decrease the unit cost of

  3  production, then in that event, such demolition or

  4  reconstruction shall not be deemed to increase the value of

  5  such plant or installation for ad valorem tax assessment

  6  purposes.

  7         (3)  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, nothing

  8  in this section shall prevent an increase in the assessment of

  9  the plant or installation:

10         (a)  In any year where the taxable property in the

11  county is being reassessed or revalued; or

12         (b)  If the assessed value of such plant or

13  installation or parts thereof, during the year preceding the

14  removal, was less than its just value as required by s. 4,

15  Art. VII of the State Constitution, and s. 193.011; or

16         (c)  In the 10th year after the completion of the

17  reconstruction and replacement and thereafter.


19  The provisions of this subsection shall apply only if the

20  demolition or removal shall commence prior to September 1,

21  1969, and if the reconstruction and replacements, in lieu

22  thereof are completed and installed prior to September 1,

23  1971.

24         (4)  The terms "facility" or "facilities" as used in

25  this section shall be deemed to include any device, fixture,

26  other improvement to land which is located thereon or attached

27  thereto, equipment, or machinery used primarily for the

28  control or abatement of pollution or contaminants from

29  manufacturing or industrial plants or installations, or any

30  compost or litter facility constructed for or used in

31  connection with a poultry-raising operation or dairy


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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2334

  1  operation. The terms do but shall not include any public or

  2  private domestic sewerage system or treatment works.

  3         (5)  Any taxpayer claiming the right of assessments for

  4  ad valorem taxes under the provisions of this section law

  5  shall so state in a return filed as provided by law giving a

  6  brief description of the facility. The property appraiser may

  7  require the taxpayer to produce such additional evidence as

  8  may be necessary to establish taxpayer's right to have such

  9  properties classified hereunder for assessments.

10         (6)  If a property appraiser is in doubt whether a

11  taxpayer is entitled, in whole or in part, to an assessment

12  under this section, he or she may refer the matter to the

13  Department of Environmental Protection for a recommendation.

14  If the property appraiser so refers the matter, he or she

15  shall notify the taxpayer of such action. The Department of

16  Environmental Protection shall immediately consider whether or

17  not such taxpayer is so entitled and certify its

18  recommendation to the property appraiser.

19         (7)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall

20  adopt promulgate rules and regulations regarding the

21  application of the tax assessment provisions of this section

22  for the consideration of the several county property

23  appraisers of this state. Such rules and regulations shall be

24  distributed to the several county property appraisers of this

25  state.

26         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.







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    Florida Senate - 2000                                  SB 2334

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Provides for improvements to land which are used for
      certain types of pollution control and compost or litter
  4    facilities used in connection with a poultry-raising
      operation or dairy operation to be assessed, for purposes
  5    of ad valorem taxation, at a value no greater than the
      market value of the improvement or facility as salvage.

























