Senate Bill 2464c2

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    Florida Senate - 2000                    CS for CS for SB 2464

    By the Committees on Criminal Justice, Education and Senator


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to juvenile justice education

  3         programs; amending s. 230.02, F.S.; providing

  4         for district school systems to provide

  5         instructional personnel at certain juvenile

  6         justice programs; amending s. 230.23161, F.S.;

  7         providing legislative intent; prescribing

  8         duties for the Department of Juvenile Justice

  9         and the Department of Education regarding

10         providing educational instruction to certain

11         delinquent youths; requiring certain delinquent

12         youths to participate in educational programs;

13         clarifying the FTE count requirements;

14         requiring a multi-agency plan; amending s.

15         232.032, F.S.; exempting youths in juvenile

16         justice programs from certain immunization

17         requirements; providing for followup; amending

18         s. 235.1975, F.S.; requiring the Department of

19         Juvenile Justice to notify the Department of

20         Education regarding certain actions taken

21         regarding the construction of new facilities;

22         creating s. 985.3155, F.S.; requiring both

23         departments to develop a plan for vocational

24         education in juvenile justice facilities;

25         providing powers, duties, and guidelines for

26         the plan; requiring a report; amending s.

27         985.316, F.S.; providing for compulsory

28         participation in education programs by youths

29         in custody; requiring a study; requiring a

30         review and the creation of a plan; providing

31         appropriations; amending s. 228.081, F.S.;


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  1         clarifying the educational option available to

  2         certain students; establishing responsibility

  3         for certain fees; amending s. 230.23, F.S.;

  4         requiring provision of educational services to

  5         certain minors and students who are detained in

  6         specified detention facilities; creating s.

  7         951.176, F.S.; requiring provision of

  8         educational services to certain minors and

  9         students who are detained in specified

10         detention facilities; providing an effective

11         date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 230.02, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         230.02  Scope of district system.--A district school

18  system shall include all public schools, classes, and courses

19  of instruction and all services and activities directly

20  related to education in that district which are under the

21  direction of the district school officials.  A district school

22  system may also include alternative site schools for

23  disruptive or violent youth. Such schools for disruptive or

24  violent youth may be funded by each district or provided

25  through cooperative programs administered by a consortium of

26  school districts, private providers, state and local law

27  enforcement agencies, and the Department of Juvenile Justice.

28  Pursuant to cooperative agreement, a district school system

29  shall provide instructional personnel at juvenile justice

30  facilities of 50 or more beds or slots with access to the

31  district school system database for the purpose of accessing


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  1  student academic, immunization and registration records for

  2  students assigned to the programs. Such access shall be in the

  3  same manner as provided to other schools in the district.

  4         Section 2.  Subsections (1), (5), (7), and (13) of

  5  section 230.23161, Florida Statutes, are amended and

  6  subsection (24) is added to that section to read:

  7         230.23161  Educational services in Department of

  8  Juvenile Justice programs.--

  9         (1)  The Legislature finds that education is the single

10  most important factor in the rehabilitation of adjudicated

11  delinquent youth in the custody of the Department of Juvenile

12  Justice in detention or commitment facilities. It is the

13  intent of the Legislature that youth in the juvenile justice

14  system be provided with equal opportunity and access to

15  quality and effective education that will meet the individual

16  needs of each child. The Department of Education shall serve

17  as the lead agency for juvenile justice education programs to

18  ensure that curriculum, support services, and resources are

19  provided to maximize the public's investment in the custody

20  and care of these youth. To this end, the Department of

21  Education and the Department of Juvenile Justice shall each

22  designate a Coordinator for Juvenile Justice Education

23  Programs to serve as the point of contact for resolving issues

24  not addressed by local district school boards and to ensure

25  each department's participation in the following activities:

26         (a)  Training, collaborating, and coordinating with the

27  Department of Juvenile Justice, local school districts,

28  educational contract providers, and juvenile justice

29  providers, whether state operated or contracted.




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  1         (b)  Collecting information on the academic performance

  2  of students in juvenile justice commitment and detention

  3  programs and reporting on the results.

  4         (c)  Developing academic and vocational protocols that

  5  provide guidance to school districts and providers in all

  6  aspects of education programming, including records transfer

  7  and transition.

  8         (d)  Prescribing the roles of program personnel and

  9  interdepartmental local school district or provider

10  collaboration strategies.


12  Annually, a cooperative agreement and plan for juvenile

13  justice education service enhancement shall be developed

14  between the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department

15  of Education and submitted to the Secretary of Juvenile

16  Justice and the Commissioner of Education by June 30.

17         (5)  A school day for any student serviced in a

18  Department of Juvenile Justice program shall be the same as

19  specified in s. 228.041(13). Educational services shall be

20  provided at times of the day most appropriate for the juvenile

21  justice program. School programming in juvenile justice

22  detention, commitment, and rehabilitation programs shall be

23  made available by the local school district during the

24  juvenile justice regular school year, as defined in s.

25  228.041(43) and the summer school by the local school

26  district.

27         (7)  Participation in the program by students of

28  compulsory school attendance age as provided for in s. 232.01

29  shall be mandatory.  All students of noncompulsory

30  school-attendance age who have not received a high school

31  diploma or its equivalent shall participate in the educational


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  1  program, unless the student files a formal declaration of his

  2  or her intent to terminate school enrollment as described in

  3  s. 232.01(1)(c) and is afforded the opportunity to take the

  4  general education development test and attain a Florida high

  5  school general education development diploma prior to release

  6  from a facility. A youth who has received a high school

  7  diploma or its equivalent and is not employed shall

  8  participate in workforce development or other vocational or

  9  technical education or community college or university courses

10  while in the program, subject to available funding.

11         (13)  The local school district shall fund the

12  education program in a Department of Juvenile Justice facility

13  at the same or higher level of funding for equivalent students

14  in the county school system based on the funds generated by

15  state funding through the Florida Education Finance Program

16  for such students.  It is the intent of the Legislature that

17  the school district maximize its available local, state, and

18  federal funding to a juvenile justice program.

19         (a)  Juvenile justice education programs shall be

20  funded in the appropriate FEFP program based on the

21  educational services needed by the student for Department of

22  Juvenile Justice programs in accordance with s. 236.081.

23         (b)  Juvenile justice education programs to receive the

24  appropriate FEFP program funding for Department of Juvenile

25  Justice programs shall include those operated through a

26  contract with the Department of Juvenile Justice and which are

27  under purview of the Department of Juvenile Justice quality

28  assurance standards for education.

29         (c)  Consistent with the rules of the State Board of

30  Education, local school districts are authorized and required

31  to request an alternative FTE survey for Department of


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  1  Juvenile Justice programs experiencing fluctuations in student

  2  enrollment.

  3         (d)  FTE count periods shall be prescribed in rules of

  4  the State Board of Education and shall be the same for

  5  programs of the Department of Juvenile Justice as for other

  6  public school programs. The summer school period for students

  7  in Department of Juvenile Justice programs shall begin on the

  8  day immediately following the end of the regular school year

  9  and end on the day immediately preceding the subsequent

10  regular school year. Students shall be funded for no more than

11  25 hours per week of direct instruction. The Department of

12  Education shall develop a method which captures all direct

13  instructional time provided to such students during the summer

14  school period.

15         (24)  The Department of Juvenile Justice and the

16  Department of Education shall, in consultation with the

17  statewide Workforce Development Youth Council, school

18  districts, providers, and others, jointly develop a

19  multi-agency plan for vocational education which describes the

20  curriculum, goals, and outcome measures for vocational

21  programming in juvenile commitment facilities, pursuant to s.

22  985.3155.

23         Section 3.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of section

24  232.032, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         232.032  Immunization against communicable diseases;

26  school attendance requirements; exemptions.--

27         (3)  The provisions of this section shall not apply if:

28         (e)  An authorized school official issues a temporary

29  exemption, for a period not to exceed 30 school days, to

30  permit a child who transfers into a new county to attend class

31  until his or her records can be obtained. The public school


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  1  health nurse or authorized nonpublic school official is

  2  responsible for followup of each such child until proper

  3  documentation or immunizations are obtained. An exemption for

  4  30 days may be issued for a child who enters a juvenile

  5  justice program to permit the child to attend class until his

  6  or her records can be obtained or until the immunizations can

  7  be obtained. An authorized juvenile justice official is

  8  responsible for followup of each child who enters a juvenile

  9  justice program until proper documentation or immunizations

10  are obtained.

11         Section 4.  Section 235.1975, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         235.1975  Cooperative Development of Educational

14  Facilities in Juvenile Justice Programs.--

15         (1)  The Department of Juvenile Justice shall provide

16  early notice to school districts regarding the siting of new

17  juvenile justice facilities. School districts shall include

18  the projected number of students in the districts' annual

19  estimates. School districts must should be consulted regarding

20  the types of students expected to be assigned to commitment

21  facilities for education planning and budgeting purposes.

22         (2)  The Department of Juvenile Justice shall notify,

23  in writing, the Department of Education when a request for

24  proposals is issued for the construction or operation of a

25  commitment or detention facility anywhere in the state. The

26  Department of Juvenile Justice shall notify, in writing, the

27  appropriate school district when a request for proposals is

28  issued for the construction or operation of a commitment or

29  detention facility when a county or site is specifically

30  identified.



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  1         (3)  The Department of Juvenile Justice shall also is

  2  also required to notify the district school superintendent

  3  within 30 days after: of

  4         (a)  The award of a contract for the construction or

  5  operation of a commitment or detention facility within that

  6  school district.

  7         (b)  Obtaining a permit to begin construction of a new

  8  detention or commitment facility within that school district.

  9         (4)  All juvenile justice educational facilities must

10  meet the state requirements for educational facilities

11  prescribed by rules of the State Board of Education. Beginning

12  July 1, 2000, all facility designs or substantial renovations

13  plans must be approved by the Department of Education prior to

14  construction. Juvenile justice facilities appropriated after

15  July 1, 2000, which do not meet education specifications after

16  that date will not be certified for occupancy.

17         Section 5.  Section 985.3155, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         985.3155  Multi-agency plan for vocational education.--

20         (1)  The Department of Juvenile Justice and the

21  Department of Education shall, in consultation with the

22  statewide Workforce Development Youth Council, school

23  districts, providers, and others, jointly develop a

24  multi-agency plan for vocational education that establishes

25  the curriculum, goals, and outcome measures for vocational

26  programs in juvenile commitment facilities. The plan must

27  include:

28         (a)  Provisions for maximizing appropriate state and

29  federal funding sources, including funds under the Workforce

30  Investment Act and the Perkins Act;



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  1         (b)  The responsibilities of both departments and all

  2  other appropriate entities; and

  3         (c)  A detailed implementation schedule.


  5  The plan must be submitted to the Governor, the President of

  6  the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by

  7  May 1, 2001.

  8         (2)  The plan must define vocational programming that

  9  is appropriate based upon:

10         (a)  The age and assessed educational abilities and

11  goals of the youth to be served; and

12         (b)  The typical length of stay and custody

13  characteristics at the commitment program to which each youth

14  is assigned.

15         (3)  The plan must include a definition of vocational

16  programming that includes the following classifications of

17  commitment facilities that will offer vocational programming

18  by one of the following types:

19         (a)  Type A.--Programs that teach personal

20  accountability skills and behaviors that are appropriate for

21  youth in all age groups and ability levels and that lead to

22  work habits that help maintain employment and living

23  standards.

24         (b)  Type B.--Programs that include Type A program

25  content and an orientation to the broad scope of career

26  choices, based upon personal abilities, aptitudes, and

27  interests. Exploring and gaining knowledge of occupation

28  options and the level of effort required to achieve them is an

29  essential prerequisite to skill training.




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  1         (c)  Type C.--Programs that include Type A program

  2  content and the vocational competencies or the prerequisites

  3  needed for entry into a specific occupation.

  4         (4)  The plan must also address strategies to

  5  facilitate involvement of business and industry in the design,

  6  delivery, and evaluation of vocational programming in juvenile

  7  justice commitment facilities and aftercare programs,

  8  including apprenticeship and work experience programs,

  9  mentoring and job shadowing, and other strategies that lead to

10  post-release employment. Incentives for business involvement,

11  such as tax breaks, bonding, and liability limits should be

12  investigated, implemented where appropriate, or recommended to

13  the Legislature for consideration.

14         (5)  The Department of Juvenile Justice and the

15  Department of Education shall each align its respective agency

16  policies, practices, technical manuals, contracts,

17  quality-assurance standards, performance-based-budgeting

18  measures, and outcome measures with the plan in commitment

19  facilities by July 31, 2001. Each agency shall provide a

20  report on the implementation of this section to the Governor,

21  the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

22  Representatives by August 31, 2001.

23         (6)  All provider contracts executed by the Department

24  of Juvenile Justice or the school districts after January 1,

25  2002, must be aligned with the plan.

26         (7)  The planning and execution of quality assurance

27  reviews conducted by the Department of Education or the

28  Department of Juvenile Justice after August 1, 2002, must be

29  aligned with the plan.

30         (8)  Outcome measures reported by the Department of

31  Juvenile Justice, the Department of Education, and the


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  1  Juvenile Justice Accountability Board for youth released on or

  2  after January 1, 2002, should include outcome measures that

  3  conform to the plan.

  4         Section 6.  Subsection (5) is added to section 985.316,

  5  Florida Statutes, to read:

  6         985.316  Aftercare.--

  7         (5)  Participation in the educational program by

  8  students of compulsory school attendance age pursuant to s.

  9  232.01 is mandatory for juvenile justice youth on aftercare or

10  postcommitment community control status. A student of

11  noncompulsory school-attendance age who has not received a

12  high school diploma or its equivalent must participate in the

13  educational program. A youth who has received a high school

14  diploma or its equivalent and is not employed must participate

15  in workforce development or other vocational or technical

16  education or attend a community college or a university while

17  in the program, subject to available funding.

18         Section 7.  The Department of Education, in

19  consultation with the Department of Juvenile Justice, school

20  districts, and providers, shall conduct a study to determine

21  the precise funding level needed to provide the specialized

22  education programs, including academic and vocational

23  programs, to youth in juvenile justice programs. The results

24  of this study may be used to establish a unique program cost

25  factor beginning in fiscal year 2001-2002 for juvenile justice

26  education programs. The results of the study must be presented

27  to the Governor and Legislature by January 1, 2001. The sum of

28  $100,000 in nonrecurring general revenue is appropriated from

29  the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Education for

30  the purpose of conducting the study.



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  1         Section 8.  The Department of Education, in

  2  consultation with the Department of Juvenile Justice, shall

  3  conduct a review and analysis of existing education facilities

  4  in Department of Juvenile Justice facilities to determine the

  5  adequacy of the facilities for educational use. This

  6  information must be used to generate a 3-year plan to provide

  7  adequate space, equipment, furnishings, and technology,

  8  including retrofitting. The Department of Education shall

  9  submit this plan to the Governor, the President of the Senate,

10  the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Secretary

11  of Juvenile Justice by January 1, 2001. The plan must contain

12  sufficient detail for the development of a fixed capital

13  outlay budget request. The sum of $100,000 in nonrecurring

14  general revenue is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund

15  to the Department of Education for the purpose of conducting

16  the study.

17         Section 9.  Subsection (4) of section 228.081, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         228.081  Other public educational services.--

20         (4)  The Department of Education shall ensure that

21  school districts notify students in juvenile justice

22  residential or nonresidential facilities who attain the age of

23  16 years of the provisions of s. 232.01(1)(c) regarding

24  compulsory school attendance and make available the option of

25  enrolling in a program to attain a Florida high school general

26  education development diploma by taking the general education

27  development test prior to release from the facility. School

28  districts or community colleges, or both, shall waive GED

29  testing fees for youth in Department of Juvenile Justice

30  residential programs and shall, upon request, designate

31  schools operating for the purpose of providing educational


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  1  services to youth in Department of Juvenile Justice programs

  2  as GED testing centers, subject to GED testing center

  3  requirements. The administrative fees for the general

  4  education development test required by the Department of

  5  Education are the responsibility of school districts and may

  6  be required of providers by contractual agreement.

  7         Section 10.  Paragraph (p) is added to subsection (4)

  8  of section 230.23, Florida Statutes, to read:

  9         230.23  Powers and duties of school board.--The school

10  board, acting as a board, shall exercise all powers and

11  perform all duties listed below:


13  SCHOOLS.--Adopt and provide for the execution of plans for the

14  establishment, organization, and operation of the schools of

15  the district, including, but not limited to, the following:

16         (p)  Educational services in detention

17  facilities.--Minors who have not graduated from high school

18  and eligible students with disabilities under the age of 22

19  who have not graduated with a standard diploma or its

20  equivalent who are detained in a county or municipal detention

21  facility as defined in s. 951.23 shall be offered educational

22  services by the local school district in which the facility is

23  located. These educational services shall be based upon the

24  estimated length of time the youth will be in the facility and

25  the youth's current level of functioning. School district

26  superintendents or their designees shall be notified by the

27  county sheriff or chief correctional officer, or his or her

28  designee, upon the assignment of a youth under the age of 21

29  to the facility. A cooperative agreement with the local school

30  district and applicable law enforcement units shall be



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  1  developed to address the notification requirement and the

  2  provision of educational services to these youth.

  3         Section 11.  Section 951.176, Florida Statutes, is

  4  created to read:

  5         951.176  Provision of education programs for

  6  youth.--Minors who have not graduated from high school and

  7  eligible students with disabilities under the age of 22 who

  8  have not graduated with a standard diploma or its equivalent

  9  who are detained in a county or municipal detention facility

10  as defined in s. 951.23 shall be offered educational services

11  by the local school district in which the facility is located.

12  These educational services shall be based upon the estimated

13  length of time the youth will be in the facility and the

14  youth's current level of functioning. School district

15  superintendents or their designees shall be notified by the

16  county sheriff or chief correctional officer, or his or her

17  designee, upon the assignment of a youth under the age of 21

18  to the facility. A cooperative agreement with the local school

19  district and applicable law enforcement units shall be

20  developed to address the notification requirement and the

21  provision of educational services to these youth.

22         Section 12.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
25                     CS for Senate Bill 2464


27  Provides that specified youths being detained in jail must be
    provided educational services by the local school district.



