CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
  1                                .
  2                                .
  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________

  5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW





10  ______________________________________________________________

11  Representative(s) Casey offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  The baseball field at Florida A & M

18  University is hereby designated as the "Oscar A. Moore-Costa

19  Kittles Baseball Field."

20         Section 2.  The tennis courts at Florida A & M

21  University are hereby designated as the "Althea Gibson Tennis

22  Courts."

23         Section 3.  The Athletic Center at Florida Atlantic

24  University's Boca Raton Campus is hereby designated as the

25  "Tom Oxley Athletic Center and Fields."

26         Section 4.  A new Fine Arts Building at Florida

27  Atlantic University's John D. MacArthur Campus in Jupiter is

28  hereby designated as the "Hibel Fine Arts Building" in

29  recognition of Edna Hibel.

30         Section 5.  New classroom and office space for the

31  College of Business at Florida Atlantic University's Boca


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  Raton Campus is hereby designated as the "Carl DeSantis

  2  Pavilion."

  3         Section 6.  The new presidential residence at Florida

  4  Atlantic University's Boca Raton Campus is hereby designated

  5  as the "Eleanor R. Baldwin House."

  6         Section 7.  Academic Building #2, which houses the

  7  Colleges of Arts & Sciences and Business at Florida Gulf Coast

  8  University, is hereby designated as "Charles B. Reed Hall" in

  9  recognition of the former chancellor of the State University

10  System of Florida.

11         Section 8.  The Student Services Building at Florida

12  Gulf Coast University is hereby designated as the "Roy E.

13  McTarnaghan Hall" in recognition of the founding president of

14  Florida Gulf Coast University.

15         Section 9.  The Seminole Golf Course at Florida State

16  University is hereby designated as the "Don A. Veller Seminole

17  Golf Course."

18         Section 10.  Building #76 at Florida State University

19  is hereby designated as "William A. Tanner Hall."

20         Section 11.  Building #1012, located on the Panama City

21  Campus of Florida State University, is hereby designated as

22  the "Larson M. Bland Conference Center."

23         Section 12.  The new clubhouse building at the Seminole

24  Golf Course at Florida State University is hereby designated

25  as the "David Middleton Golf Center."

26         Section 13.  The building known as the Administration

27  Building located at the University of Central Florida is

28  hereby designated as "Millican Hall" in recognition of Dr.

29  Charles N. Millican, the founding president of the University

30  of Central Florida.

31         Section 14.  The building known as the Humanities and


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  Fine Arts Building at the University of Central Florida is

  2  hereby designated as "Colbourn Hall" in recognition of Dr.

  3  Trevor Colbourn, the second president of the University of

  4  Central Florida.

  5         Section 15.  The facility to house the Honors College

  6  at the University of Central Florida is hereby designated as

  7  "Burnett Hall."

  8         Section 16.  The Cancer Center at the University of

  9  Florida is hereby designated as the "Jerry W. and Judith S.

10  Davis Cancer Center."

11         Section 17.  The University Athletic Center at the

12  University of Florida is hereby designated as the "L. Gale

13  Lemerand Athletics Center."

14         Section 18.  The tennis facility at the University of

15  Florida is hereby designated as the "Alfred A. Ring Tennis

16  Complex."

17         Section 19.  The Center for the Performing Arts at the

18  University of Florida is hereby designated as the "Curtis M.

19  Phillips Center for the Performing Arts."

20         Section 20.  The Golf Management and Learning Center at

21  the University of North Florida is hereby designated as the

22  "John and Geraldine Hayt Golf Management and Learning Center."

23         Section 21.  The student residence at the University of

24  South Florida currently known as Gamma Hall is hereby

25  designated as "Betty Castor Hall," in recognition of the fifth

26  president of the University of South Florida.

27         Section 22.  The IFAS North Florida Research and

28  Education Center located at Quincy, Florida, is designated as

29  the "Fount May, Sr., Research Center."

30         Section 23.  Senator Howard C. Forman Human Services

31  Campus designation; markers.--


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         (1)  The property on University Drive and Pembroke Road

  2  in Pembroke Pines, upon which the state mental institution,

  3  the state veterans' home, and other human services

  4  institutions are located, is hereby designated as the Senator

  5  Howard C. Forman Human Services Campus.

  6         (2)  The Department of Children and Family Services is

  7  authorized to erect suitable markers for the "Senator Howard

  8  C. Forman Human Services Campus designation made by subsection

  9  (1).

10         Section 24.  The School of Architecture building at the

11  University Park Campus of the Florida International University

12  is hereby designated as the "Paul L. Cejas School of

13  Architecture Building."

14         Section 25.  The new residence hall at the University

15  of West Florida is hereby designated as "John G. Martin Hall."

16         Section 26.  The renovated student services area at the

17  University of Central Florida is hereby designated as the

18  "Jimmy A. Ferrell Student Services Commons."

19         Section 27.  The state veterans' home in Pembroke Pines

20  is hereby designated as the "Alexander 'Sandy' Nininger, Jr.,

21  State Veterans' Nursing Home."

22         Section 28.  The respective universities set forth in

23  this act are authorized to erect suitable markers for the

24  designations made by this act.

25         Section 29.  The Bartow Agricultural Center is hereby

26  redesignated as the "Bob Crawford Agricultural Center."

27         Section 30.  The Science and Education Building at the

28  Southeast Campus of Florida Atlantic University in Davie is

29  renamed the "Senator James A. Scott Building."

30         Section 31.  Frank Wacha Bridge designation; markers.--

31         (1)  The bridge on the Jensen Beach Causeway in Martin


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  County is hereby designated as the "Frank Wacha Bridge."

  2         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

  3  erect suitable markers designating the "Frank Wacha Bridge" as

  4  described in subsection (1).

  5         Section 32.  The new middle/high school in Washington

  6  County is designated as the "Thomas Joseph Roulhac Middle/High

  7  School."

  8         Section 33.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  9  law.



12  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

13  And the title is amended as follows:

14  remove from the title of the bill:  the entire title


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17                  A bill to be entitled

18         An act relating to the designation of buildings

19         and facilities; designating the baseball field

20         at Florida A & M University as the "Oscar A.

21         Moore-Costa Kittles Baseball Field";

22         designating the tennis courts at Florida A & M

23         University as the "Althea Gibson Tennis

24         Courts"; designating the Athletic Center at

25         Florida Atlantic University's Boca Raton Campus

26         as the "Tom Oxley Athletic Center and Fields";

27         designating a new Fine Arts Building at Florida

28         Atlantic University's John D. MacArthur Campus

29         in Jupiter as the "Hibel Fine Arts Building";

30         designating new classroom and office space for

31         the College of Business at Florida Atlantic


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         University's Boca Raton Campus as the "Carl

  2         DeSantis Pavilion"; designating the new

  3         presidential residence at Florida Atlantic

  4         University's Boca Raton Campus as the "Eleanor

  5         R. Baldwin House"; designating Academic

  6         Building #2 at Florida Gulf Coast University as

  7         "Charles B. Reed Hall"; designating the Student

  8         Services Building at Florida Gulf Coast

  9         University as "Roy E. McTarnaghan Hall";

10         designating the Seminole Golf Course at Florida

11         State University as the "Don A. Veller Seminole

12         Golf Course"; designating Building #76 at

13         Florida State University as "William A. Tanner

14         Hall"; designating Building #1012 on the Panama

15         City Campus of Florida State University as the

16         "Larson M. Bland Conference Center";

17         designating the new clubhouse building at the

18         Seminole Golf Course at Florida State

19         University as the "David Middleton Golf

20         Center"; designating the Administration

21         Building at the University of Central Florida

22         as "Millican Hall"; designating the Humanities

23         and Fine Arts Building at the University of

24         Central Florida as "Colbourn Hall"; designating

25         the facility to house the Honors College at the

26         University of Central Florida as "Burnett

27         Hall"; designating the Cancer Center at the

28         University of Florida as the "Jerry W. and

29         Judith S. Davis Cancer Center"; designating the

30         University Athletic Center at the University of

31         Florida as the "L. Gale Lemerand Athletics


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         Center"; designating the tennis facility at the

  2         University of Florida as the "Alfred A. Ring

  3         Tennis Complex"; designating the Center for the

  4         Performing Arts at the University of Florida as

  5         the "Curtis M. Phillips Center for the

  6         Performing Arts"; designating the Golf

  7         Management and Learning Center at the

  8         University of North Florida as the "John and

  9         Geraldine Hayt Golf Management and Learning

10         Center"; designating the student residence

11         currently known as Gamma Hall at the University

12         of South Florida as "Betty Castor Hall";

13         designating the IFAS North Florida Research and

14         Education Center as the "Fount May, Sr.,

15         Research Center"; designating the School of

16         Architecture building at the University Park

17         Campus of the Florida International University

18         as the "Paul L. Cejas School of Architecture

19         Building"; designating the new residence hall

20         at the University of West Florida as "John G.

21         Martin Hall"; designating certain property at

22         University Drive and Pembroke Road in Pembroke

23         Pines as the Senator Howard C. Forman Human

24         Services Campus"; authorizing the erection of

25         suitable markers; designating the renovated

26         student services area at the University of

27         Central Florida as the "Jimmy A. Ferrell

28         Student Services Commons"; designating the

29         state veterans' home in Pembroke Pines as the

30         "Alexander 'Sandy' Nininger, Jr., State

31         Veterans' Nursing Home"; designating the Bartow


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                         Bill No. SB 294, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         Agricultural Center as the "Bob Crawford

  2         Agricultural Center;" designating the Science

  3         and Education Building at the Southeast Campus

  4         of Florida Atlantic University in Davie as the

  5         "Senator James A. Scott Building"; designating

  6         a bridge on the Jensen Beach Causeway in Martin

  7         County as the "Frank Wacha Bridge"; designating

  8         a school in Washington County as the "Thomas

  9         Joseph Roulhac Middle/High School"; authorizing

10         the respective universities to erect suitable

11         markers; providing an effective date.






















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