House Bill 0299e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                             CS/HBs 299 & 231, First Engrossed/ntc

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the National World War II

  3         Memorial; providing an appropriation to help

  4         fund the construction of the National World War

  5         II Memorial; providing an effective date.


  7         WHEREAS, the American Battle Monuments Commission was

  8  authorized by Public Law 103-32 to establish a National World

  9  War II Memorial in our nation's capital, and

10         WHEREAS, the memorial will honor the 16 million men and

11  women who served in the Armed Forces of the United States

12  during World War II, the 406,000 who died, and the millions

13  who supported the war effort from home, and

14         WHEREAS, the memorial will be a monument to the spirit,

15  sacrifice, and commitment of the American people to the common

16  defense of the nation and to the broader causes of peace and

17  freedom from tyranny throughout the world, and

18         WHEREAS, the memorial will inspire future generations

19  of Americans, deepening their appreciation of the

20  accomplishments of the World War II generation in helping to

21  secure freedom and democracy for our nation and the world, and

22         WHEREAS, the American Battle Monuments Commission is

23  seeking contributions from all fifty states in an amount equal

24  to $1 for each person who was a resident of the state and

25  served in the Armed Forces during World War II, and

26         WHEREAS, most states have already introduced

27  legislation to participate in this dollar-per-veteran

28  campaign, and an ever-increasing number of states have

29  subsequently passed that legislation to provide for their

30  portion of the funds sought under the campaign, and



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                             CS/HBs 299 & 231, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         WHEREAS, it is estimated that the State of Florida had

  2  248,000 residents who served in the Armed Forces during World

  3  War II, and, of those, 3,174 paid the ultimate sacrifice,

  4  giving their lives defending freedom, and

  5         WHEREAS, today almost 600,000 World War II veterans

  6  proudly call Florida home, and

  7         WHEREAS, it is fitting, proper, and an honor for the

  8  State of Florida to contribute its portion to the National

  9  World War II Memorial as a way of honoring our World War II

10  veterans and our citizens who supported the war effort from

11  home, NOW, THEREFORE,


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Pursuant to the fiscal year 2000-2001

16  General Appropriations Act, the American Battle Monuments

17  Commission shall receive the sum of $248,000, an amount equal

18  to $1 for each person who was a resident of the State of

19  Florida and served in the Armed Forces of the United States

20  during World War II, such sum to be deposited into the

21  National World War II Memorial Fund as Florida's contribution

22  toward the construction of the National World War II Memorial

23  on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

24         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.







