House Bill 0315c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 315

        By the Committee on Transportation and Representatives
    Rojas and Rubio

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Airport

  3         Authority Act; creating ss. 332.201, 332.202,

  4         332.203, 332.204, 332.205, 332.206, 332.207,

  5         332.208, 332.209, 332.210, and 332.211, F.S.,

  6         the Florida Airport Authority Act; providing

  7         definitions; providing that a county or

  8         contiguous counties may form an airport

  9         authority; providing for appointment of members

10         of the governing body of an authority;

11         providing for officers, employees, expenses,

12         removal from office, and application of

13         financial disclosure provisions; providing

14         purposes and powers of an authority; providing

15         restrictions on authority powers; providing for

16         issuance of bonds; providing that the county

17         may be appointed as an authority's agent for

18         construction; providing for acquisition of

19         lands and property; providing for cooperation

20         with other units, boards, agencies, and

21         individuals; providing a covenant of the state

22         with respect to bond issuance and agreements

23         with federal agencies; providing an exemption

24         from taxation; providing for applicability;

25         providing an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Sections 332.201, 332.202, 332.203,

30  332.204, 332.205, 332.206, 332.207, 332.208, 332.209, 332.210,

31  and 332.211, Florida Statutes, are created to read:


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  1         332.201  Short title.--Sections 332.201-332.211 may be

  2  cited as the "Florida Airport Authority Act."

  3         332.202  Definitions.--As used in this act:

  4         (1)  "Agency of the state" means and includes the state

  5  and any department of, or corporation, agency, or

  6  instrumentality created, designated, or established by, the

  7  state.

  8         (2)  "Airport" means any area of land or water, or any

  9  manmade object or facility located therein, which is used, or

10  intended for public use, for the landing and takeoff of

11  aircraft, and any appurtenant areas which are used, or

12  intended for public use, for airport buildings or other

13  airport facilities or rights-of-way.

14         (3)  "Airport system" means any and all airports within

15  the geographic boundaries of an airport authority established

16  pursuant to this act and appurtenant facilities thereto,

17  including, but not limited to, all approaches, roads, bridges,

18  and avenues of access for such airport.

19         (4)  "Authority" means an airport authority established

20  pursuant to this act which is a body politic and corporate and

21  a public instrumentality.

22         (5)  "Bonds" means and includes the notes, bonds,

23  refunding bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness or

24  obligations, in either temporary or definitive form, which an

25  authority issues pursuant to this act.

26         (6)  "Department" means the Department of

27  Transportation.

28         (7)  "Division" means the Division of Bond Finance of

29  the State Board of Administration.




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  1         (8)  "Express written consent" means prior express

  2  written consent given in the form of a resolution adopted by a

  3  board of county commissioners.

  4         (9)  "Federal agency" means and includes the United

  5  States, the President of the United States, and any department

  6  of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality created,

  7  designated, or established by, the United States.

  8         332.203  Airport authority; formation; membership.--

  9         (1)  Any county, or two or more contiguous counties,

10  may, by resolution adopted by the board of county

11  commissioners, form an airport authority, which shall be an

12  agency of the state, pursuant to this act.

13         (2)  The governing body of an authority shall consist

14  of not fewer than five nor more than nine voting members. The

15  district secretary of the affected department district shall

16  serve as a nonvoting member of the governing body of each

17  authority located within the district. Each member of the

18  governing body must at all times during his or her term of

19  office be a permanent resident of the county which he or she

20  is appointed to represent.

21         (a)  Two members of the governing body shall be

22  appointed for terms of 4 years by the Governor, subject to

23  confirmation by the Senate. Such persons may not hold elective

24  office during their terms of office.

25         (b)  For a single-county authority, the remaining

26  members shall be appointed by the board of county

27  commissioners for terms of 3 years.

28         (c)  For a multicounty authority, the remaining members

29  shall be apportioned, based on the population of such

30  counties, among the counties within the authority. Each such



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  1  member shall be appointed by the applicable board of county

  2  commissioners for a term of 3 years.

  3         (3)(a)  The governing body of each authority shall

  4  elect one of its members as its chair and shall elect a

  5  secretary and a treasurer, who need not be members of the

  6  authority. The chair, secretary, and treasurer shall hold

  7  their offices at the will of the governing body. A simple

  8  majority of the governing body constitutes a quorum, and the

  9  vote of a majority of those members present is necessary for

10  the governing body to take any action. A vacancy on a

11  governing body shall not impair the right of a quorum of the

12  governing body to exercise all of the rights and perform all

13  of the duties of the authority.

14         (b)  Upon the effective date of his or her appointment,

15  or as soon thereafter as practicable, each appointed member of

16  a governing body shall enter upon his or her duties.

17         (4)(a)  An authority may employ an executive secretary,

18  an executive director, its own counsel and legal staff,

19  technical experts, and such engineers and employees, permanent

20  or temporary, as it may require and shall determine the

21  qualifications and fix the compensation of such persons,

22  firms, or corporations. An authority may employ a fiscal agent

23  or agents; however, the authority must solicit sealed

24  proposals from at least three persons, firms, or corporations

25  for the performance of any services as fiscal agent. An

26  authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or

27  employees such of its power as it deems necessary to carry out

28  the purposes of this act, subject always to the supervision

29  and control of the authority.




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  1         (b)  Members of the governing body of an authority may

  2  be removed from office by the Governor for misconduct,

  3  malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office.

  4         (c)  Members of the governing body of an authority are

  5  entitled to receive from the authority their travel and other

  6  necessary expenses incurred in connection with the business of

  7  the authority as provided in s. 112.061, but they may not draw

  8  salaries or other compensation.

  9         (d)  Members of the governing body of an authority

10  shall be required to comply with the applicable financial

11  disclosure requirements of ss. 112.3145, 112.3148, and

12  112.3149.

13         332.204  Purposes and powers.--

14         (1)(a)  An authority created and established pursuant

15  to this act may acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain,

16  operate, own, and lease an airport system.

17         (b)  Construction of an airport system may be completed

18  by an authority in segments, phases, or stages, in a manner

19  which will permit the expansion of these segments, phases, or

20  stages to the desired airport configuration. Each authority,

21  in the construction of an airport system, may construct any

22  extensions of, additions to, or improvements to, the airport

23  system or appurtenant facilities, including all necessary

24  approaches, roads, bridges, and avenues of access, with such

25  changes, modifications, or revisions of the project that are

26  deemed desirable and proper. An authority may only add

27  additional airports to an airport system, under the terms and

28  conditions set forth in this act, with the prior express

29  written consent of the board of county commissioners of each

30  county located within the geographic boundaries of the

31  authority, and only if such additional airports are


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  1  financially feasible, and are compatible with the existing

  2  plans, projects, and programs of the authority.

  3         (2)  Each authority may exercise all powers necessary,

  4  appurtenant, convenient, or incidental to the carrying out of

  5  its purposes, including, but not limited to, the following

  6  rights and powers:

  7         (a)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, and

  8  complain and defend in all courts.

  9         (b)  To adopt, use, and alter at will a corporate seal.

10         (c)  To acquire, purchase, hold, lease as lessee, and

11  use any franchise or property, real, personal, or mixed,

12  tangible or intangible, or any interest therein necessary or

13  desirable for carrying out the purposes of the authority and

14  to sell, lease as lessor, transfer, and dispose of any

15  property or interest therein at any time acquired by it.

16         (d)  To enter into and make leases, either as lessee or

17  as lessor, in order to carry out the right to lease as set

18  forth in this act.

19         (e)  To fix, alter, charge, establish, and collect

20  rates, fees, rentals, and other charges for the services and

21  facilities of the airport system, which rates, fees, rentals,

22  and other charges must always be sufficient to comply with any

23  covenants made with the holders of any bonds issued pursuant

24  to this act.

25         (f)  To borrow money, make and issue negotiable notes,

26  bonds, refund bonds and other evidence of indebtedness, either

27  in temporary or definitive form, of the authority, which bonds

28  or other evidence of indebtedness may be issued pursuant to

29  the State Bond Act, to finance an airport system within the

30  geographic boundaries of the authority, and to provide for the

31  security of the bonds or other evidence of indebtedness and


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  1  the rights and remedies of the holders of the bonds or other

  2  evidence of indebtedness. Any bonds or other evidence of

  3  indebtedness pledging the full faith and credit of the state

  4  shall only be issued pursuant to the State Bond Act.

  5         (g)  To enter into contracts and to execute all

  6  instruments necessary or convenient for the carrying on of its

  7  business.

  8         (h)  Without limitation of the foregoing, to borrow

  9  money and accept grants from, and to enter into contracts,

10  leases, or other transactions with, any federal agency, the

11  state, any agency of the state or county, or any other public

12  body of the state.

13         (i)  To have the power of eminent domain, including the

14  procedural powers granted under chapters 73 and 74.

15         (j)  To pledge, hypothecate, or otherwise encumber all

16  or any part of the revenues, rates, fees, rentals, or other

17  charges or receipts of the authority, as security for all or

18  any of the obligations of the authority.

19         (k)  To do all acts and things necessary or convenient

20  for the conduct of its business and the general welfare of the

21  authority in order to carry out the powers granted to it by

22  law.

23         (l)  An airport authority may consider any unsolicited

24  proposals from private entities and all factors it deems

25  important in evaluating such proposals. The airport authority

26  shall adopt rules or policies in compliance with s. 334.30 for

27  the receipt, evaluation, and consideration of such proposals

28  in order to enter into agreements for the planning design,

29  engineering, construction, operation, ownership, or financing

30  of its airport system. Such rules must require substantially

31  similar technical information as is required by Rule


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  1  14-107.0011(3)(a)-(e), Florida Administrative Code. In

  2  accepting a proposal and entering into such an agreement, the

  3  airport authority and the private entity shall for all

  4  purposes be deemed to have complied with chapters 255 and 287.

  5  Similar proposals shall be reviewed and acted on by the

  6  authority in the order in which they were received. An

  7  additional airport may only be constructed under this

  8  paragraph with state and federal approval, and with the prior

  9  express written consent of the board of county commissioners

10  of each county located within the geographical boundaries of

11  the authority.

12         (3)  Any provision of law to the contrary

13  notwithstanding, the consent of any municipality is not

14  necessary for any project of an existing or new authority,

15  whether or not the project lies in whole or in part within the

16  boundaries of the municipality, if the project is consistent

17  with the locally adopted comprehensive plan and the statewide

18  aviation system plan. However, if a project is inconsistent

19  with the affected municipal comprehensive plan, the project

20  may not proceed without a hearing pursuant to ss. 120.569 and

21  120.57, at which it is determined that the project is

22  consistent with the statewide aviation system plan and the

23  applicable strategic regional plan, and at which it is

24  determined that regional interests clearly override the

25  interests of the municipality.

26         (4)  The use or pledge of any portion of county tax

27  funds may not be made without the prior express written

28  consent of the board of county commissioners of each county

29  located within the geographic boundaries of the authority.

30         (5)  Any authority formed pursuant to this act shall

31  comply with all statutory requirements of general application


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  1  which relate to the filing of any report or documentation

  2  required by law, including the requirements of ss. 189.4085,

  3  189.415, 189.417, and 189.418.

  4         (6)  No airport authority shall undertake any

  5  construction that is not consistent with federal aviation

  6  requirements, the statewide aviation system plan, and the

  7  county's comprehensive plan.

  8         (7)  The governing body of the county may enter into an

  9  interlocal agreement with an authority pursuant to chapter 163

10  for the joint performance or performance by either

11  governmental entity of any corporate function of the county or

12  authority necessary or appropriate to enable the authority to

13  fulfill the powers and purposes of this act and promote the

14  efficient and effective transportation of persons and goods in

15  such county.

16         332.205  Bonds.--With the prior express written consent

17  of the board of county commissioners of each county located

18  within the geographic boundaries of an authority, bonds may be

19  issued on behalf of an authority as provided by the State Bond

20  Act.

21         332.206  County may be appointed agent of authority for

22  construction.--The county may be appointed by the authority as

23  its agent for the purpose of constructing improvements to an

24  airport system and for the completion thereof. In such event,

25  the authority shall provide the county with complete copies of

26  all documents, agreements, resolutions, contracts, and

27  instruments relating thereto; shall request the county to do

28  such construction work, including the planning, surveying, and

29  actual construction of the completion and improvements to the

30  airport system; and shall transfer to the credit of an account

31  of the county the necessary funds therefor.


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  1         332.207  Acquisition of lands and property.--

  2         (1)  For the purposes of this act, an airport authority

  3  may acquire private or public property and property rights,

  4  including rights of access, air, view, and light, by gift,

  5  devise, purchase, or condemnation by eminent domain

  6  proceedings, as the authority may deem necessary for any of

  7  the purposes of this act, including, but not limited to, any

  8  lands reasonably necessary for securing applicable permits,

  9  areas necessary for management of access, borrow pits,

10  drainage ditches, water retention areas, replacement access

11  for landowners whose access is impaired due to the improvement

12  of an airport system, and replacement rights-of-way for

13  relocated rail and utility facilities; or for existing,

14  proposed, or anticipated transportation facilities within the

15  airport system. The authority may also condemn any material

16  and property necessary for such purposes.

17         (2)  The right of eminent domain conferred by this act

18  must be exercised by an authority in the manner provided by

19  law.

20         (3)  When an authority acquires property for an airport

21  system it is not subject to any liability imposed by chapter

22  376 or chapter 403 for preexisting soil or groundwater

23  contamination due solely to its ownership. This subsection

24  does not affect the rights or liabilities of any past or

25  future owners of the acquired property nor does it affect the

26  liability of any governmental entity for the results of its

27  actions which create or exacerbate a pollution source. An

28  authority and the Department of Environmental Protection may

29  enter into interagency agreements for the performance,

30  funding, and reimbursement of the investigative and remedial

31  acts necessary for property acquired by the authority.


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  1         332.208  Cooperation with other units, boards,

  2  agencies, and individuals.--Express authority and power is

  3  given and granted to any county, municipality, drainage

  4  district, road and bridge district, school district, or other

  5  political subdivision, board, commission, or individual in or

  6  of this state to enter into contracts, leases, conveyances, or

  7  other agreements within the provisions and purposes of this

  8  act with an authority. An authority may enter into contracts,

  9  leases, conveyances, and other agreements, to the extent

10  consistent with this chapter and chapters 330, 331, and 333

11  and other provisions of the laws of the state, with any

12  political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of the state

13  and any federal agency, corporation, and individual, for the

14  purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act.

15         332.209  Covenant of the state.--The state does hereby

16  pledge to, and agrees with, any person, firm, corporation, or

17  federal or state agency subscribing to or acquiring the bonds

18  to be issued by an authority for the purposes of this act that

19  the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in

20  an authority and the department until all bonds at any time

21  issued, together with the interest thereon, are fully paid and

22  discharged, insofar as the same affects the rights of the

23  holders of bonds issued hereunder. The state does further

24  pledge to, and agrees with, the United States that, in the

25  event any federal agency constructs, or contributes any funds

26  for the completion, extension, or improvement of, an airport

27  system or any part or portion thereof, the state will not

28  alter or limit the rights and powers of an authority and the

29  department in any manner which would be inconsistent with the

30  continued maintenance and operation of the airport system or

31  the completion, extension, or improvement thereof or which


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  1  would be inconsistent with the due performance of any

  2  agreement between the authority and any such federal agency,

  3  and the authority and the department shall continue to have

  4  and may exercise all powers granted so long as the same shall

  5  be necessary or desirable for carrying out the purposes of

  6  this act and the purposes of the United States in the

  7  completion, extension, or improvement of the airport system or

  8  any part or portion thereof.

  9         332.210  Exemption from taxation.--The effectuation of

10  the authorized purposes of an airport authority is in all

11  respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the

12  increase of their commerce and prosperity, and for the

13  improvement of their health and living conditions. For this

14  reason, an authority is not required to pay any taxes or

15  assessments of any kind or nature whatsoever upon any property

16  acquired by it or used by it for such purposes or upon any

17  revenues at any time received by it. The bonds issued by or on

18  behalf of an authority, their transfer, and the income

19  therefrom, including any profits made on the sale thereof, are

20  exempt from taxation of any kind by the state or by any

21  political subdivision or other taxing agency or

22  instrumentality thereof. The exemption granted by this section

23  does not apply to any tax imposed under chapter 220 on

24  interest, income, or profits on debt obligations owned by

25  corporations.

26         332.211  Exemption from applicability.--This act does

27  not apply in a county in which an authority has been created

28  pursuant to a general or special act of the Legislature for

29  the purpose of owning, building, or operating an airport.

30         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.

