CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 339

    Amendment No. ___

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________






10  ______________________________________________________________

11  Senator Holzendorf moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 1, line 19,


16  insert:

17         Section 1.  Subsection (1) and paragraph (a) of

18  subsection (6) of section 627.410, Florida Statutes, are

19  amended to read:

20         627.410  Filing, approval of forms.--

21         (1)  No basic insurance policy or annuity contract

22  form, or application form where written application is

23  required and is to be made a part of the policy or contract,

24  or group certificates issued under a master contract delivered

25  in this state, or printed rider or endorsement form or form of

26  renewal certificate, shall be delivered or issued for delivery

27  in this state, unless the form has been filed with the

28  department at its offices in Tallahassee by or in behalf of

29  the insurer which proposes to use such form and has been

30  approved by the department. This provision does not apply to

31  surety bonds or to policies, riders, endorsements, or forms of

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 339

    Amendment No. ___

  1  unique character which are designed for and used with relation

  2  to insurance upon a particular subject (other than as to

  3  individual or small group or group health insurance coverage

  4  insuring 51 or more persons for which the premiums prefund

  5  future health care costs beyond the current policy year, such

  6  as long-term care and Medicare supplement coverages health

  7  insurance), or which relate to the manner of distribution of

  8  benefits or to the reservation of rights and benefits under

  9  life or health insurance policies and are used at the request

10  of the individual policyholder, contract holder, or

11  certificateholder.  As to group insurance policies effectuated

12  and delivered outside this state but covering persons resident

13  in this state, the group certificates to be delivered or

14  issued for delivery in this state shall be filed with the

15  department for information purposes only.

16         (6)(a)  An insurer shall not deliver or issue for

17  delivery or renew in this state any health insurance policy

18  form until it has filed with the department a copy of every

19  applicable rating manual, rating schedule, change in rating

20  manual, and change in rating schedule; if rating manuals and

21  rating schedules are not applicable, the insurer must file

22  with the department applicable premium rates and any change in

23  applicable premium rates. This provision does not apply to

24  rating manuals, rating schedules, changes in rating manuals or

25  schedules, or if rating manuals or schedules are not

26  applicable, to premium rates or changes in such rates,

27  relating to policies, riders, endorsements, or forms of unique

28  character which are designed for and used with relation to

29  insurance upon a particular subject or to benefits under group

30  health insurance policies insuring 51 or more persons for

31  which the premiums do not prefund future health care costs

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HB 339

    Amendment No. ___

  1  beyond the current policy year, such as long-term care and

  2  Medicare supplement coverage, and are used at the request of

  3  the individual policyholder, contract holder, or

  4  certificateholder.


  6  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



  9  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

10  And the title is amended as follows:

11         On page 1, line 2, delete that line


13  and insert:

14         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

15         627.410, F.S.; modifying filing requirements

16         for approval of health insurance policy forms

17         and rates by the Department of Insurance;















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