House Bill 0035

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                  HB 35

        By Representatives Heyman, Bloom, Betancourt, Levine,
    Jacobs, Healey, Kosmas, Ritter, Melvin, Cosgrove, Wilson,
    Eggelletion, Henriquez, Stafford, Goode, Rayson, Kelly,
    Cantens, Prieguez, Edwards, Ritchie, Trovillion, Futch,
    (Additional Sponsors on Last Printed Page)

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to motor vehicle licenses;

  3         amending s. 320.06, F.S.; eliminating the

  4         requirement that a permanent validation sticker

  5         be issued in connection with each license plate

  6         and revising requirements relating to the

  7         annual validation sticker; requiring that an

  8         annual validation decal be issued in connection

  9         with each license plate in addition to the

10         annual validation sticker; providing

11         exemptions; amending ss. 320.03 and 320.031,

12         F.S.; providing for issuance of decals by tax

13         collectors and delivery of decals by mail;

14         amending s. 320.061, F.S.; providing a penalty

15         for altering a decal; amending s. 320.07, F.S.;

16         providing penalties for operating a motor

17         vehicle without a current decal; amending s.

18         320.071, F.S.; providing for issuance of decals

19         as part of the advance registration renewal

20         process; providing a penalty; amending s.

21         320.26, F.S.; providing a penalty for

22         counterfeiting decals; amending s. 320.261,

23         F.S.; providing a penalty for attaching a decal

24         to a vehicle to which the decal was not

25         assigned; amending ss. 320.04, 320.0607,

26         320.0657, 320.084, 320.10, and 921.0022, F.S.,

27         relating to service charges, replacement plates

28         and decals, fleet license plates, disabled

29         veterans' license plates, licensing of exempt

30         vehicles, and an offense severity ranking

31         chart, to conform; providing conditions for


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  1         implementing the act; providing an effective

  2         date.


  4         WHEREAS, stolen automobile license plates and

  5  validation stickers are increasingly being used by persons

  6  driving illegally or using automobiles in the commission of

  7  crimes, and

  8         WHEREAS, use of these stolen plates and stickers

  9  presents a serious problem for law enforcement officials, and

10         WHEREAS, an additional validation decal required to be

11  placed inside a vehicle, which would become invalid when

12  removed, would present a major impediment to the use of stolen

13  license plates, and

14         WHEREAS, such a decal would provide valuable

15  identifying information to law enforcement officials and

16  afford them added protection and safety, NOW, THEREFORE,


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 320.06,

21  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

22         320.06  Registration certificates, license plates, and

23  validation stickers, and validation decals generally.--

24         (1)(a)  Upon the receipt of an initial application for

25  registration and payment of the appropriate license tax and

26  other fees required by law, the department shall assign to the

27  motor vehicle a registration license number consisting of

28  letters and numerals or numerals and issue to the owner or

29  lessee a certificate of registration and one registration

30  license plate, unless two plates are required for display by

31  s. 320.0706, for each vehicle so registered.


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  1         (b)  Registration license plates bearing a graphic

  2  symbol and the alphanumeric system of identification shall be

  3  issued for a 5-year period. At the end of said 5-year period,

  4  upon renewal, the plate shall be replaced. The fee for such

  5  replacement shall be $10, $2 of which shall be paid each year

  6  before the plate is replaced, to be credited towards the next

  7  $10 replacement fee.  The fees shall be deposited into the

  8  Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund.  A credit or refund shall

  9  not be given for any prior years' payments of such prorated

10  replacement fee when the plate is replaced or surrendered

11  before the end of the 5-year period.  With each license plate,

12  there shall be issued a validation sticker showing the owner's

13  birth month, or the appropriate renewal period if the owner is

14  not a natural person, and the year of expiration. This

15  validation sticker shall be placed on the upper right left

16  corner of the license plate and shall be issued one time

17  during the life of the license plate, or upon request when it

18  has been damaged or destroyed. Except as provided in paragraph

19  (d), there shall also be issued with each license plate a

20  validation decal, which shall be placed on the inside lower

21  left corner of the front windshield on the driver's side.  The

22  validation decal shall bear the same number as the license

23  plate, display the month and year of registration expiration,

24  and contain such other information as the department requires.

25  The vehicle identification number shall be incorporated into

26  the validation decal when determined to be feasible by the

27  department serially numbered validation sticker showing the

28  year of expiration, which sticker shall be placed on the upper

29  right corner of the license plate. Such license plate, and

30  validation sticker, and validation decal stickers shall be

31  issued based on the applicant's appropriate renewal period.


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  1  The registration period shall be a period of 12 months, and

  2  all expirations shall occur based on the applicant's

  3  appropriate registration period.  A vehicle with an

  4  apportioned registration shall be issued an annual license

  5  plate and a cab card that denote the declared gross vehicle

  6  weight for each apportioned jurisdiction in which the vehicle

  7  is authorized to operate.

  8         (c)  A registration license plate plates equipped with

  9  a validation sticker and a validation decal stickers shall be

10  valid for not more than 12 months and shall expire at midnight

11  on the last day of the registration period.  For each

12  registration period after the one in which the metal

13  registration license plate is issued, and until the license

14  plate is required to be replaced, a validation sticker and

15  validation decal showing the information specified in

16  paragraph (b) year of expiration shall be issued upon payment

17  of the proper license tax amount and fees and shall be valid

18  for not more than 12 months. When a license plate plates

19  equipped with a validation sticker and a validation decal

20  stickers are issued in any month other than the owner's birth

21  month or the designated registration period for any other

22  motor vehicle, the effective date shall reflect the birth

23  month or month and the year of renewal. However, when a

24  license plate or validation sticker and validation decal are

25  is issued for a period of less than 12 months, the applicant

26  shall pay the appropriate amount of license tax and the

27  applicable fee under the provisions of s. 320.14 in addition

28  to all other fees.  Validation stickers and validation decals

29  issued for vehicles taxed under the provisions of s.

30  320.08(6)(a), for any company which owns 250 vehicles or more,

31  or for semitrailers taxed under the provisions of s.


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  1  320.08(5)(a), for any company which owns 50 vehicles or more,

  2  may be placed on any vehicle in the fleet so long as the

  3  vehicle receiving the validation sticker and validation decal

  4  has the same owner's name and address as the vehicle to which

  5  the validation sticker and validation decal were was

  6  originally assigned. Validation stickers issued for

  7  semitrailers taxed under the provisions of s. 320.08(5)(a),

  8  for any company which owns 50 vehicles or more, may be placed

  9  on any vehicle in the fleet so long as the vehicle receiving

10  the validation sticker has the same owner's name and address

11  as the vehicle to which the validation sticker was originally

12  assigned.

13         (d)  Any vehicle taxed under s. 320.08(1), (2)(a),

14  (3)(d) or (e), (4)(g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), or (n),

15  (5), (7), (8), (9)(a) or (b), (10), (11), (12), or (15) is not

16  required to be issued or to display a validation decal.

17         (2)  The department shall provide the several tax

18  collectors and license plate agents with the necessary number

19  of validation stickers and validation decals.

20         Section 2.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), and (8) of

21  section 320.03, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

22         320.03  Registration; duties of tax collectors;

23  International Registration Plan.--

24         (1)  The tax collectors in the several counties of the

25  state, as authorized agents of the department, shall issue

26  registration certificates, registration license plates,

27  validation stickers, validation decals, and mobile home

28  stickers to applicants, subject to the requirements of law, in

29  accordance with rules of the department. Any person, firm, or

30  corporation representing itself, through advertising or naming

31  of the business, to be an authorized agent of the department


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  1  shall be deemed guilty of an unfair and deceptive trade

  2  practice as defined in part II of chapter 501.  No such

  3  person, firm, or corporation shall use either the state or

  4  county name as a part of their business name when such use can

  5  reasonably be interpreted as an official state or county

  6  office.

  7         (2)  The department may require each tax collector to

  8  give a bond, payable to the department, conditioned that the

  9  tax collector faithfully and truly perform the duties imposed

10  upon him or her according to the requirements of law and the

11  rules and regulations of the department and that the tax

12  collector pay over and account for all validation stickers,

13  validation decals, records, and other property and money that

14  comes into his or her possession or control by reason of such

15  service.  The amount of the bond is to be determined by the

16  department based on an amount not more than 10 percent above

17  the average of the daily deposits of each tax collector.

18         (3)  Each tax collector shall keep a full and complete

19  record and account of all validation stickers, validation

20  decals, mobile home stickers, or other properties received by

21  him or her from the department, or from any other source, and

22  shall make prompt remittance of moneys collected by him or her

23  at such times and in such manner as prescribed by law.

24         (8)  If the applicant's name appears on the list

25  referred to in s. 316.1001(4) or s. 316.1967(6), a license

26  plate or revalidation sticker and revalidation decal may not

27  be issued until that person's name no longer appears on the

28  list or until the person presents a receipt from the clerk

29  showing that the fines outstanding have been paid. The tax

30  collector and the clerk of the court are each entitled to

31  receive monthly, as costs for implementing and administering


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  1  this subsection, 10 percent of the civil penalties and fines

  2  recovered from such persons. If the tax collector has private

  3  tag agents, such tag agents are entitled to receive a pro rata

  4  share of the amount paid to the tax collector, based upon the

  5  percentage of license plates, and revalidation stickers, and

  6  revalidation decals issued by the tag agent compared to the

  7  total issued within the county. The authority of any private

  8  agent to issue license plates shall be revoked, after notice

  9  and a hearing as provided in chapter 120, if he or she issues

10  any license plate, or revalidation sticker or revalidation

11  decal contrary to the provisions of this subsection. This

12  section applies only to the annual renewal in the owner's

13  birth month of a motor vehicle registration and does not apply

14  to the transfer of a registration of a motor vehicle sold by a

15  motor vehicle dealer licensed under this chapter, except for

16  the transfer of registrations which is inclusive of the annual

17  renewals. This section does not affect the issuance of the

18  title to a motor vehicle, notwithstanding s. 319.23(7)(b).

19         Section 3.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 320.031,

20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         320.031  Mailing of registration certificates, license

22  plates, and validation stickers, and validation decals.--

23         (1)  The department and the tax collectors of the

24  several counties of the state may at the request of the

25  applicant use United States mail service to deliver

26  registration certificates and renewals thereof, license

27  plates, mobile home stickers, and validation stickers, and

28  validation decals to applicants.

29         (2)  A mail service charge may be collected for each

30  registration certificate, license plate, mobile home sticker,

31  and validation sticker, and validation decal mailed by the


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  1  department or any tax collector. Each registration

  2  certificate, license plate, mobile home sticker, and

  3  validation sticker, and validation decal shall be mailed by

  4  first-class mail unless otherwise requested by the applicant.

  5  The amount of the mail service charge shall be the actual

  6  postage required, rounded to the nearest 5 cents, plus a

  7  25-cent handling charge.  The mail service charge is in

  8  addition to the service charge provided by s. 320.04.

  9         Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

10  320.04, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

11         320.04  Registration service charge.--

12         (1)(a)  There shall be a service charge of $2.50 for

13  each application which is handled in connection with original

14  issuance, duplicate issuance, or transfer of any license

15  plate, mobile home sticker, or validation sticker, or

16  validation decal, or with transfer or duplicate issuance of

17  any registration certificate.  There may also be a service

18  charge of up to $1 for the issuance of each license plate

19  validation sticker, validation decal, vessel decal, and mobile

20  home sticker issued from an automated vending facility or

21  printer dispenser machine which shall be payable to and

22  retained by the department to provide for automated vending

23  facilities or printer dispenser machines used to dispense such

24  stickers and decals by each tax collector's or license tag

25  agent's employee.

26         Section 5.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

27  320.0607, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

28         320.0607  Replacement license plates, validation

29  sticker, validation decal, or mobile home sticker.--

30         (1)  Any law enforcement officer or department license

31  and registration inspector may at any time inspect a license


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  1  plate, validation sticker, or validation decal for proper

  2  display and legibility as prescribed by chapter 316.  A

  3  damaged or defaced plate, sticker, or decal may be required to

  4  be replaced.

  5         (2)  When a license plate, mobile home sticker,

  6  validation sticker, or validation decal has been lost, stolen,

  7  or destroyed, the owner of the motor vehicle or mobile home

  8  for which the plate, sticker, or decal was issued shall make

  9  application to the department for a replacement. The

10  application shall contain the plate, sticker, or decal number

11  being replaced and a statement that the item was lost, stolen,

12  or destroyed. If the application includes a copy of the police

13  report prepared in response to a report of a stolen plate,

14  sticker, or decal, such plate, sticker, or decal must be

15  replaced at no charge.

16         Section 6.  Section 320.061, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         320.061  Unlawful to alter motor vehicle registration

19  certificates, license plates, mobile home stickers, or

20  validation stickers, or validation decals; penalty.--No person

21  shall alter the original appearance of any registration

22  license plate, mobile home sticker, validation sticker,

23  validation decal, or vehicle registration certificate issued

24  for and assigned to any motor vehicle or mobile home, whether

25  by mutilation, alteration, defacement, or change of color or

26  in any other manner.  Any person who violates the provisions

27  of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second

28  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

29         Section 7.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

30  320.0657, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         320.0657  Permanent registration; fleet license

  2  plates.--

  3         (2)(a)  The owner or lessee of a fleet of motor

  4  vehicles shall, upon application in the manner and at the time

  5  prescribed and upon approval by the department and payment of

  6  the license tax prescribed under s. 320.08(2), (3), (4),

  7  (5)(a) and (b), (6)(a), (7), and (8), be issued permanent

  8  fleet license plates. All vehicles with a fleet license plate

  9  shall have the company's name or logo and unit number

10  displayed so that they are readily identifiable. No annual

11  validation sticker or validation decal is required.

12         Section 8.  Subsection (3) of section 320.07, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         320.07  Expiration of registration; annual renewal

15  required; penalties.--

16         (3)  The operation of any motor vehicle without having

17  attached thereto a registration license plate, and validation

18  sticker, and, where required, validation decal stickers, or

19  the use of any mobile home without having attached thereto a

20  mobile home sticker, for the current registration period shall

21  subject the owner thereof, if he or she is present, or, if the

22  owner is not present, the operator thereof to the following

23  penalty provisions:

24         (a)  Any person whose motor vehicle or mobile home

25  registration has been expired for a period of 6 months or less

26  commits a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a

27  nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.

28         (b)  Any person whose motor vehicle or mobile home

29  registration has been expired for more than 6 months shall

30  upon a first offense be subject to the penalty provided in s.

31  318.14.


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  1         (c)  Any person whose motor vehicle or mobile home

  2  registration has been expired for more than 6 months shall

  3  upon a second or subsequent offense be guilty of a misdemeanor

  4  of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or

  5  s. 775.083.

  6         (d)  However, no operator shall be charged with a

  7  violation of this subsection if the operator can show,

  8  pursuant to a valid lease agreement, that the vehicle had been

  9  leased for a period of 30 days or less at the time of the

10  offense.

11         Section 9.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 320.071,

12  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

13         320.071  Advance registration renewal; procedures.--

14         (2)  Upon the filing of the application and payment of

15  the appropriate license tax under s. 320.08, service charges

16  required by s. 320.04, and any additional fees required by

17  law, the department or its agent shall issue to the owner of

18  the motor vehicle or mobile home a validation sticker and

19  validation decal or mobile home sticker, as appropriate,

20  which, when affixed to the license plate and windshield or

21  mobile home, shall renew the registration for the appropriate

22  registration period.

23         (3)  Any person who uses a mobile home sticker, or

24  validation sticker, or validation decal without lawful

25  authority or who willfully violates any rule of the department

26  relating to this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the

27  second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.

28  775.083.

29         Section 10.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section

30  320.084, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:



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  1         320.084  Free motor vehicle license plate to certain

  2  disabled veterans.--

  3         (3)  The department shall, as it deems necessary,

  4  require each person to whom a motor vehicle license plate has

  5  been issued pursuant to subsection (1) to apply to the

  6  department for reissuance of his or her registration license

  7  plate.  Upon receipt of the application and proof of the

  8  applicant's continued eligibility, the department shall issue

  9  a new permanent "DV" numerical motor vehicle license plate

10  which shall be of the colors red, white, and blue similar to

11  the colors of the United States flag. The operation of a motor

12  vehicle displaying a "DV" license plate from a previous issue

13  period or a noncurrent validation sticker or validation decal

14  after the date specified by the department shall subject the

15  owner if he or she is present, otherwise the operator, to the

16  penalty provided in s. 318.18(2).  Such permanent license

17  plate shall be removed upon sale of the vehicle, but may be

18  transferred to another vehicle owned by such veteran in the

19  manner prescribed by law.  The license number of each plate

20  issued under this section shall be identified by the letter

21  designation "DV."  Upon request of any such veteran, the

22  department is authorized to issue a designation plate

23  containing only the letters "DV," to be displayed on the front

24  of the vehicle.

25         (4)(a)  With the issuance of each new permanent "DV"

26  numerical motor vehicle license plate, the department shall

27  initially issue, without cost to the applicant, a validation

28  sticker reflecting the owner's birth month and a validation

29  decal serially numbered validation sticker reflecting the

30  information specified in s. 320.06(1)(b) year of expiration.



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  1  The initial sticker reflecting the year of expiration may not

  2  exceed 15 months.

  3         (b)  There shall be a service charge in accordance with

  4  the provisions of s. 320.04 for each initial application or

  5  renewal of registration and an additional sum of 50 cents on

  6  each license plate and validation sticker as provided in s.

  7  320.06(3)(b).

  8         (c)  Registration under this section shall be renewed

  9  annually during the applicable renewal period on forms

10  prescribed by the department, which shall include, in addition

11  to any other information required by the department, a

12  certified statement as to the continued eligibility of the

13  applicant to receive the special "DV" license plate. Any

14  applicant who falsely or fraudulently submits to the

15  department the certified statement required by this paragraph

16  is guilty of a noncriminal violation and is subject to a civil

17  penalty of $50.

18         Section 11.  Subsection (2) of section 320.10, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         320.10  Exemptions.--

21         (2)  Any such vehicle or mobile home, except one owned

22  or operated exclusively by the Federal Government, shall be

23  furnished a license plate, validation sticker, and validation

24  decal, or mobile home sticker upon the proper application to

25  the department and upon the payment of $3 to cover the cost of

26  same. For any motor vehicle or mobile home which is exempt

27  under paragraph (1)(a), there shall be issued a license plate,

28  validation sticker, validation decal, or mobile home sticker

29  prescribed by s. 320.06; and for any vehicle which is exempt

30  under paragraphs (1)(c)-(h), there shall be issued a license

31  plate under series "X."  Vehicles exempt under this provision


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  1  must be equipped with proper license plates showing such

  2  exempt status.

  3         Section 12.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  4  320.26, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         320.26  Counterfeiting license plates, validation

  6  stickers, validation decals, mobile home stickers, cab cards,

  7  trip permits, or special temporary operational permits

  8  prohibited; penalty.--

  9         (1)(a)  No person shall counterfeit registration

10  license plates, validation stickers, validation decals, or

11  mobile home stickers, or have in his or her possession any

12  such plates, or stickers, or decals; nor shall any person

13  manufacture, sell, or dispose of registration license plates,

14  validation stickers, validation decals, or mobile home

15  stickers in the state without first having obtained the

16  permission and authority of the department in writing.

17         (b)  No person shall counterfeit, alter, or manufacture

18  International Registration Plan cab cards, trip permits,

19  special temporary permits, or temporary operational permits;

20  nor shall any person sell or dispose of International

21  Registration Plan cab cards, trip permits, special temporary

22  permits, or temporary operational permits without first having

23  obtained the permission and authority of the department in

24  writing.

25         (2)  Any person who violates this section is guilty of

26  a felony of the third degree.

27         (a)  If the violator is a natural person, he or she is

28  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

29  775.084.

30         (b)  If the violator is an association or corporation,

31  it is punishable as provided in s. 775.083, and the official


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  1  of the association or corporation under whose direction or

  2  with whose knowledge, consent, or acquiescence such violation

  3  occurred may be punished as provided in s. 775.082, in

  4  addition to the fine which may be imposed upon such

  5  association or corporation.

  6         Section 13.  Section 320.261, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         320.261  Attaching registration license plate not

  9  assigned unlawful; penalty.--Any person who knowingly attaches

10  to any motor vehicle or mobile home any registration license

11  plate, or who knowingly attaches any validation sticker or

12  mobile home sticker to a registration license plate, or who

13  knowingly attaches any validation decal to a motor vehicle,

14  which plate, or sticker, or decal was not issued and assigned

15  or lawfully transferred to such vehicle, is guilty of a

16  misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.

17  775.082 or s. 775.083.

18         Section 14.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

19  921.0022, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

21  ranking chart.--



24  Florida           Felony

25  Statute           Degree             Description


27                              (a)  LEVEL 1

28  24.118(3)(a)       3rd      Counterfeit or altered state

29                              lottery ticket.




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  1  212.054(2)(b)      3rd      Discretionary sales surtax;

  2                              limitations, administration, and

  3                              collection.

  4  212.15(2)(b)       3rd      Failure to remit sales taxes,

  5                              amount greater than $300 but less

  6                              than $20,000.

  7  319.30(5)          3rd      Sell, exchange, give away

  8                              certificate of title or

  9                              identification number plate.

10  319.35(1)(a)       3rd      Tamper, adjust, change, etc., an

11                              odometer.

12  320.26(1)(a)       3rd      Counterfeit, manufacture, or sell

13                              registration license plates, or

14                              validation stickers, or

15                              validation decals.

16  322.212(1)         3rd      Possession of forged, stolen,

17                              counterfeit, or unlawfully issued

18                              driver's license; possession of

19                              simulated identification.

20  322.212(4)         3rd      Supply or aid in supplying

21                              unauthorized driver's license or

22                              identification card.

23  322.212(5)(a)      3rd      False application for driver's

24                              license or identification card.

25  370.13(3)(a)       3rd      Molest any stone crab trap, line,

26                              or buoy which is property of

27                              licenseholder.

28  370.135(1)         3rd      Molest any blue crab trap, line,

29                              or buoy which is property of

30                              licenseholder.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                  HB 35


  1  372.663(1)         3rd      Poach any alligator or

  2                              crocodilia.

  3  414.39(2)          3rd      Unauthorized use, possession,

  4                              forgery, or alteration of food

  5                              stamps, Medicaid ID, value

  6                              greater than $200.

  7  414.39(3)(a)       3rd      Fraudulent misappropriation of

  8                              public assistance funds by

  9                              employee/official, value more

10                              than $200.

11  443.071(1)         3rd      False statement or representation

12                              to obtain or increase

13                              unemployment compensation

14                              benefits.

15  458.327(1)(a)      3rd      Unlicensed practice of medicine.

16  466.026(1)(a)      3rd      Unlicensed practice of dentistry

17                              or dental hygiene.

18  509.151(1)         3rd      Defraud an innkeeper, food or

19                              lodging value greater than $300.

20  517.302(1)         3rd      Violation of the Florida

21                              Securities and Investor

22                              Protection Act.

23  562.27(1)          3rd      Possess still or still apparatus.

24  713.69             3rd      Tenant removes property upon

25                              which lien has accrued, value

26                              more than $50.

27  812.014(3)(c)      3rd      Petit theft (3rd conviction);

28                              theft of any property not

29                              specified in subsection (2).




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                  HB 35


  1  812.081(2)         3rd      Unlawfully makes or causes to be

  2                              made a reproduction of a trade

  3                              secret.

  4  815.04(4)(a)       3rd      Offense against intellectual

  5                              property (i.e., computer

  6                              programs, data).

  7  817.52(2)          3rd      Hiring with intent to defraud,

  8                              motor vehicle services.

  9  826.01             3rd      Bigamy.

10  828.122(3)         3rd      Fighting or baiting animals.

11  831.04(1)          3rd      Any erasure, alteration, etc., of

12                              any replacement deed, map, plat,

13                              or other document listed in s.

14                              92.28.

15  831.31(1)(a)       3rd      Sell, deliver, or possess

16                              counterfeit controlled

17                              substances, all but s. 893.03(5)

18                              drugs.

19  832.041(1)         3rd      Stopping payment with intent to

20                              defraud $150 or more.

21  832.05

22   (2)(b)&(4)(c)     3rd      Knowing, making, issuing

23                              worthless checks $150 or more or

24                              obtaining property in return for

25                              worthless check $150 or more.

26  838.015(3)         3rd      Bribery.

27  838.016(1)         3rd      Public servant receiving unlawful

28                              compensation.

29  838.15(2)          3rd      Commercial bribe receiving.

30  838.16             3rd      Commercial bribery.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                  HB 35


  1  843.18             3rd      Fleeing by boat to elude a law

  2                              enforcement officer.

  3  847.011(1)(a)      3rd      Sell, distribute, etc., obscene,

  4                              lewd, etc., material (2nd

  5                              conviction).

  6  849.01             3rd      Keeping gambling house.

  7  849.09(1)(a)-(d)   3rd      Lottery; set up, promote, etc.,

  8                              or assist therein, conduct or

  9                              advertise drawing for prizes, or

10                              dispose of property or money by

11                              means of lottery.

12  849.23             3rd      Gambling-related machines;

13                              "common offender" as to property

14                              rights.

15  849.25(2)          3rd      Engaging in bookmaking.

16  860.08             3rd      Interfere with a railroad signal.

17  860.13(1)(a)       3rd      Operate aircraft while under the

18                              influence.

19  893.13(2)(a)2.     3rd      Purchase of cannabis.

20  893.13(6)(a)       3rd      Possession of cannabis (more than

21                              20 grams).

22  893.13(7)(a)10.    3rd      Affix false or forged label to

23                              package of controlled substance.

24  934.03(1)(a)       3rd      Intercepts, or procures any other

25                              person to intercept, any wire or

26                              oral communication.

27         Section 15.  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

28  Vehicles shall not implement the provisions of this act until

29  automated vending facilities or printer dispenser machines

30  have been installed and the department has begun to assess the

31  service charge for such automated vending facilities and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                  HB 35


  1  printer dispenser machines as authorized by s. 320.04, Florida

  2  Statutes.

  3         Section 16.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001,

  4  and shall first apply to the year 2002 validation decals and

  5  stickers, with issuance to begin October 1, 2001.


  7            *****************************************

  8                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides that an annual validation decal be issued in
10    connection with each license plate in addition to the
      annual validation sticker. Eliminates the requirement for
11    a permanent validation sticker. Provides penalties for
      operating a motor vehicle without a current validation
12    decal. See bill for details.



15            *****************************************

16                       ADDITIONAL SPONSORS

17  Greenstein, Frankel, Effman, Brown, Gottlieb, Ryan, J. Miller,
    Valdes, Dennis, Crady, Ogles, Crow, Bainter, Boyd, Stansel,
18  Turnbull, Sublette, Roberts, Murman, Byrd, Wasserman Schultz,
    L. Miller, Hill, Bush, Morroni, Spratt, Russell, Fiorentino,
19  Wiles, Sanderson, Villalobos, K. Smith, Lynn, Diaz de la
    Portilla, Minton, Bronson, Hafner, Argenziano, Merchant,
20  Barreiro, C. Green, Sorensen, Detert, Waters, Lawson and Rojas











