House Bill 0375c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 375

        By the Committee on Crime & Punishment and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to criminal justice; amending

  3         s. 782.04, F.S.; making it a capital felony to

  4         commit the unlawful killing of a human being

  5         while perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate

  6         the act of resisting an officer with violence

  7         to his or her person; providing penalties for

  8         specified murders involving the perpetration of

  9         or the attempt to perpetrate the act of

10         resisting an officer with violence to his or

11         her person; reenacting ss. 775.0823(1), (2),

12         (3), (4), (5), and (6), 782.051, 903.133,

13         921.0022(3)(h), (i), and (j), and

14         947.146(3)(i), F.S., relating to violent

15         offenses committed against law enforcement

16         officers, correctional officers, state

17         attorneys, assistant state attorneys, justices,

18         or judges, attempted felony murder, bail on

19         appeal prohibited for certain felony

20         convictions, Criminal Punishment Code offense

21         severity ranking chart, Control Release

22         Authority; providing an effective date.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Section 782.04, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         782.04  Murder.--

29         (1)(a)  The unlawful killing of a human being:

30         1.  When perpetrated from a premeditated design to

31  effect the death of the person killed or any human being;


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  1         2.  When committed by a person engaged in the

  2  perpetration of, or in the attempt to perpetrate, any:

  3         a.  Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),

  4         b.  Arson,

  5         c.  Sexual battery,

  6         d.  Robbery,

  7         e.  Burglary,

  8         f.  Kidnapping,

  9         g.  Escape,

10         h.  Aggravated child abuse,

11         i.  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

12  adult,

13         j.  Aircraft piracy,

14         k.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

15  destructive device or bomb,

16         l.  Carjacking,

17         m.  Home-invasion robbery,

18         n.  Aggravated stalking,

19         o.  Murder of another human being,; or

20         p.  Resisting an officer with violence to his or her

21  person; or

22         3.  Which resulted from the unlawful distribution of

23  any substance controlled under s. 893.03(1), cocaine as

24  described in s. 893.03(2)(a)4., or opium or any synthetic or

25  natural salt, compound, derivative, or preparation of opium by

26  a person 18 years of age or older, when such drug is proven to

27  be the proximate cause of the death of the user,


29  is murder in the first degree and constitutes a capital

30  felony, punishable as provided in s. 775.082.



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  1         (b)  In all cases under this section, the procedure set

  2  forth in s. 921.141 shall be followed in order to determine

  3  sentence of death or life imprisonment.

  4         (2)  The unlawful killing of a human being, when

  5  perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and

  6  evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although

  7  without any premeditated design to effect the death of any

  8  particular individual, is murder in the second degree and

  9  constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by

10  imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as

11  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

12         (3)  When a person is killed in the perpetration of, or

13  in the attempt to perpetrate, any:

14         (a)  Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),

15         (b)  Arson,

16         (c)  Sexual battery,

17         (d)  Robbery,

18         (e)  Burglary,

19         (f)  Kidnapping,

20         (g)  Escape,

21         (h)  Aggravated child abuse,

22         (i)  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

23  adult,

24         (j)  Aircraft piracy,

25         (k)  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

26  destructive device or bomb,

27         (l)  Carjacking,

28         (m)  Home-invasion robbery,

29         (n)  Aggravated stalking, or

30         (o)  Murder of another human being, or



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  1         (p)  Resisting an officer with violence to his or her

  2  person,


  4  by a person other than the person engaged in the perpetration

  5  of or in the attempt to perpetrate such felony, the person

  6  perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate such felony is guilty

  7  of murder in the second degree, which constitutes a felony of

  8  the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of

  9  years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s.

10  775.083, or s. 775.084.

11         (4)  The unlawful killing of a human being, when

12  perpetrated without any design to effect death, by a person

13  engaged in the perpetration of, or in the attempt to

14  perpetrate, any felony other than any:

15         (a)  Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),

16         (b)  Arson,

17         (c)  Sexual battery,

18         (d)  Robbery,

19         (e)  Burglary,

20         (f)  Kidnapping,

21         (g)  Escape,

22         (h)  Aggravated child abuse,

23         (i)  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

24  adult,

25         (j)  Aircraft piracy,

26         (k)  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

27  destructive device or bomb,

28         (l)  Unlawful distribution of any substance controlled

29  under s. 893.03(1), cocaine as described in s. 893.03(2)(a)4.,

30  or opium or any synthetic or natural salt, compound,

31  derivative, or preparation of opium by a person 18 years of


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  1  age or older, when such drug is proven to be the proximate

  2  cause of the death of the user,

  3         (m)  Carjacking,

  4         (n)  Home-invasion robbery,

  5         (o)  Aggravated stalking, or

  6         (p)  Murder of another human being, or

  7         (q)  Resisting an officer with violence to his or her

  8  person,


10  is murder in the third degree and constitutes a felony of the

11  second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.

12  775.083, or s. 775.084.

13         Section 2.  For the purpose of incorporating the

14  amendment to section 782.04, Florida Statutes, in references

15  thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes set

16  forth below are reenacted to read:

17         775.0823  Violent offenses committed against law

18  enforcement officers, correctional officers, state attorneys,

19  assistant state attorneys, justices, or judges.--Any provision

20  of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Legislature does

21  hereby provide for an increase and certainty of penalty for

22  any person convicted of a violent offense against any law

23  enforcement or correctional officer, as defined in s.

24  943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or (9); against any state

25  attorney elected pursuant to s. 27.01 or assistant state

26  attorney appointed under s. 27.181; or against any justice or

27  judge of a court described in Art. V of the State

28  Constitution, which offense arises out of or in the scope of

29  the officer's duty as a law enforcement or correctional

30  officer, the state attorney's or assistant state attorney's



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  1  duty as a prosecutor or investigator, or the justice's or

  2  judge's duty as a judicial officer, as follows:

  3         (1)  For murder in the first degree as described in s.

  4  782.04(1), if the death sentence is not imposed, a sentence of

  5  imprisonment for life without eligibility for release.

  6         (2)  For attempted murder in the first degree as

  7  described in s. 782.04(1), a sentence pursuant to the Criminal

  8  Punishment Code.

  9         (3)  For murder in the second degree as described in s.

10  782.04(2) and (3), a sentence pursuant to the Criminal

11  Punishment Code.

12         (4)  For attempted murder in the second degree as

13  described in s. 782.04(2) and (3), a sentence pursuant to the

14  Criminal Punishment Code.

15         (5)  For murder in the third degree as described in s.

16  782.04(4), a sentence pursuant to the Criminal Punishment

17  Code.

18         (6)  For attempted murder in the third degree as

19  described in s. 782.04(4), a sentence pursuant to the Criminal

20  Punishment Code.


22  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 948.01, with respect to

23  any person who is found to have violated this section,

24  adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence shall not be

25  suspended, deferred, or withheld.

26         782.051  Attempted felony murder.--

27         (1)  Any person who perpetrates or attempts to

28  perpetrate any felony enumerated in s. 782.04(3) and who

29  commits, aids, or abets an intentional act that is not an

30  essential element of the felony and that could, but does not,

31  cause the death of another commits a felony of the first


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  1  degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not

  2  exceeding life, or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

  3  s. 775.084, which is an offense ranked in level 9 of the

  4  Criminal Punishment Code. Victim injury points shall be scored

  5  under this subsection.

  6         (2)  Any person who perpetrates or attempts to

  7  perpetrate any felony other than a felony enumerated in s.

  8  782.04(3) and who commits, aids, or abets an intentional act

  9  that is not an essential element of the felony and that could,

10  but does not, cause the death of another commits a felony of

11  the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.

12  775.083, or s. 775.084, which is an offense ranked in level 8

13  of the Criminal Punishment Code. Victim injury points shall be

14  scored under this subsection.

15         (3)  When a person is injured during the perpetration

16  of or the attempt to perpetrate any felony enumerated in s.

17  782.04(3) by a person other than the person engaged in the

18  perpetration of or the attempt to perpetrate such felony, the

19  person perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate such felony

20  commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided

21  in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, which is an offense

22  ranked in level 7 of the Criminal Punishment Code. Victim

23  injury points shall be scored under this subsection.

24         903.133  Bail on appeal; prohibited for certain felony

25  convictions.--Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 903.132, no

26  person adjudged guilty of a felony of the first degree for a

27  violation of s. 782.04(2) or (3), s. 787.01, s. 794.011(4), s.

28  806.01, s. 893.13, or s. 893.135, or adjudged guilty of a

29  violation of s. 794.011(2) or (3), shall be admitted to bail

30  pending review either by posttrial motion or appeal.



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  1         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

  2  ranking chart.--



  5  Florida           Felony

  6  Statute           Degree             Description


  8                              (h)  LEVEL 8

  9  316.193

10   (3)(c)3.a.        2nd      DUI manslaughter.

11  327.35(3)(c)3.     2nd      Vessel BUI manslaughter.

12  777.03(2)(a)       1st      Accessory after the fact, capital

13                              felony.

14  782.04(4)          2nd      Killing of human without design

15                              when engaged in act or attempt of

16                              any felony other than arson,

17                              sexual battery, robbery,

18                              burglary, kidnapping, aircraft

19                              piracy, or unlawfully discharging

20                              bomb.

21  782.051(2)         1st      Attempted felony murder while

22                              perpetrating or attempting to

23                              perpetrate a felony not

24                              enumerated in s. 782.04(3).

25  782.071(2)         1st      Committing vehicular homicide and

26                              failing to render aid or give

27                              information.

28  782.072(2)         1st      Committing vessel homicide and

29                              failing to render aid or give

30                              information.



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  1  790.161(3)         1st      Discharging a destructive device

  2                              which results in bodily harm or

  3                              property damage.

  4  794.011(5)         2nd      Sexual battery, victim 12 years

  5                              or over, offender does not use

  6                              physical force likely to cause

  7                              serious injury.

  8  800.04(4)          2nd      Lewd or lascivious battery.

  9  806.01(1)          1st      Maliciously damage dwelling or

10                              structure by fire or explosive,

11                              believing person in structure.

12  810.02(2)(a)       1st,PBL  Burglary with assault or battery.

13  810.02(2)(b)       1st,PBL  Burglary; armed with explosives

14                              or dangerous weapon.

15  810.02(2)(c)       1st      Burglary of a dwelling or

16                              structure causing structural

17                              damage or $1,000 or more property

18                              damage.

19  812.13(2)(b)       1st      Robbery with a weapon.

20  812.135(2)         1st      Home-invasion robbery.

21  825.102(2)         2nd      Aggravated abuse of an elderly

22                              person or disabled adult.

23  825.103(2)(a)      1st      Exploiting an elderly person or

24                              disabled adult and property is

25                              valued at $100,000 or more.

26  837.02(2)          2nd      Perjury in official proceedings

27                              relating to prosecution of a

28                              capital felony.





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  1  837.021(2)         2nd      Making contradictory statements

  2                              in official proceedings relating

  3                              to prosecution of a capital

  4                              felony.

  5  860.121(2)(c)      1st      Shooting at or throwing any

  6                              object in path of railroad

  7                              vehicle resulting in great bodily

  8                              harm.

  9  860.16             1st      Aircraft piracy.

10  893.13(1)(b)       1st      Sell or deliver in excess of 10

11                              grams of any substance specified

12                              in s. 893.03(1)(a) or (b).

13  893.13(2)(b)       1st      Purchase in excess of 10 grams of

14                              any substance specified in s.

15                              893.03(1)(a) or (b).

16  893.13(6)(c)       1st      Possess in excess of 10 grams of

17                              any substance specified in s.

18                              893.03(1)(a) or (b).

19  893.135(1)(a)2.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

20                              than 2,000 lbs., less than 10,000

21                              lbs.

22  893.135

23   (1)(b)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

24                              200 grams, less than 400 grams.

25  893.135

26   (1)(c)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

27                              more than 14 grams, less than 28

28                              grams.





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  1  893.135

  2   (1)(d)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

  3                              more than 200 grams, less than

  4                              400 grams.

  5  893.135

  6   (1)(e)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

  7                              than 5 kilograms, less than 25

  8                              kilograms.

  9  893.135

10   (1)(f)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

11                              than 28 grams, less than 200

12                              grams.

13  893.135

14   (1)(g)1.b.        1st      Trafficking in flunitrazepam, 14

15                              grams or more, less than 28

16                              grams.

17  895.03(1)          1st      Use or invest proceeds derived

18                              from pattern of racketeering

19                              activity.

20  895.03(2)          1st      Acquire or maintain through

21                              racketeering activity any

22                              interest in or control of any

23                              enterprise or real property.

24  895.03(3)          1st      Conduct or participate in any

25                              enterprise through pattern of

26                              racketeering activity.

27                              (i)  LEVEL 9

28  316.193

29   (3)(c)3.b.        1st      DUI manslaughter; failing to

30                              render aid or give information.



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  1  782.04(1)          1st      Attempt, conspire, or solicit to

  2                              commit premeditated murder.

  3  782.04(3)          1st,PBL   Accomplice to murder in

  4                              connection with arson, sexual

  5                              battery, robbery, burglary, and

  6                              other specified felonies.

  7  782.051(1)         1st      Attempted felony murder while

  8                              perpetrating or attempting to

  9                              perpetrate a felony enumerated in

10                              s. 782.04(3).

11  782.07(2)          1st      Aggravated manslaughter of an

12                              elderly person or disabled adult.

13  787.01(1)(a)1.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping; hold for ransom or

14                              reward or as a shield or hostage.

15  787.01(1)(a)2.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping with intent to commit

16                              or facilitate commission of any

17                              felony.

18  787.01(1)(a)4.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping with intent to

19                              interfere with performance of any

20                              governmental or political

21                              function.

22  787.02(3)(a)       1st      False imprisonment; child under

23                              age 13; perpetrator also commits

24                              aggravated child abuse, sexual

25                              battery, or lewd or lascivious

26                              battery, molestation, conduct, or

27                              exhibition.

28  790.161            1st      Attempted capital destructive

29                              device offense.

30  794.011(2)         1st      Attempted sexual battery; victim

31                              less than 12 years of age.


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  1  794.011(2)         Life     Sexual battery; offender younger

  2                              than 18 years and commits sexual

  3                              battery on a person less than 12

  4                              years.

  5  794.011(4)         1st      Sexual battery; victim 12 years

  6                              or older, certain circumstances.

  7  794.011(8)(b)      1st      Sexual battery; engage in sexual

  8                              conduct with minor 12 to 18 years

  9                              by person in familial or

10                              custodial authority.

11  800.04(5)(b)       1st      Lewd or lascivious molestation;

12                              victim less than 12 years;

13                              offender 18 years or older.

14  812.13(2)(a)       1st,PBL  Robbery with firearm or other

15                              deadly weapon.

16  812.133(2)(a)      1st,PBL  Carjacking; firearm or other

17                              deadly weapon.

18  827.03(2)          1st      Aggravated child abuse.

19  847.0145(1)        1st      Selling, or otherwise

20                              transferring custody or control,

21                              of a minor.

22  847.0145(2)        1st      Purchasing, or otherwise

23                              obtaining custody or control, of

24                              a minor.

25  859.01             1st      Poisoning food, drink, medicine,

26                              or water with intent to kill or

27                              injure another person.

28  893.135            1st      Attempted capital trafficking

29                              offense.

30  893.135(1)(a)3.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

31                              than 10,000 lbs.


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  1  893.135

  2   (1)(b)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

  3                              400 grams, less than 150

  4                              kilograms.

  5  893.135

  6   (1)(c)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

  7                              more than 28 grams, less than 30

  8                              kilograms.

  9  893.135

10   (1)(d)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

11                              more than 400 grams.

12  893.135

13   (1)(e)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

14                              than 25 kilograms.

15  893.135

16   (1)(f)1.c.        1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

17                              than 200 grams.

18                              (j)  LEVEL 10

19  782.04(2)          1st,PBL  Unlawful killing of human; act is

20                              homicide, unpremeditated.

21  787.01(1)(a)3.     1st,PBL  Kidnapping; inflict bodily harm

22                              upon or terrorize victim.

23  787.01(3)(a)       Life     Kidnapping; child under age 13,

24                              perpetrator also commits

25                              aggravated child abuse, sexual

26                              battery, or lewd or lascivious

27                              battery, molestation, conduct, or

28                              exhibition.

29  782.07(3)          1st      Aggravated manslaughter of a

30                              child.



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  1  794.011(3)         Life     Sexual battery; victim 12 years

  2                              or older, offender uses or

  3                              threatens to use deadly weapon or

  4                              physical force to cause serious

  5                              injury.

  6  876.32             1st      Treason against the state.

  7         947.146  Control Release Authority.--

  8         (3)  Within 120 days prior to the date the state

  9  correctional system is projected pursuant to s. 216.136 to

10  exceed 99 percent of total capacity, the authority shall

11  determine eligibility for and establish a control release date

12  for an appropriate number of parole ineligible inmates

13  committed to the department and incarcerated within the state

14  who have been determined by the authority to be eligible for

15  discretionary early release pursuant to this section.  In

16  establishing control release dates, it is the intent of the

17  Legislature that the authority prioritize consideration of

18  eligible inmates closest to their tentative release date.  The

19  authority shall rely upon commitment data on the offender

20  information system maintained by the department to initially

21  identify inmates who are to be reviewed for control release

22  consideration.  The authority may use a method of objective

23  risk assessment in determining if an eligible inmate should be

24  released.  Such assessment shall be a part of the department's

25  management information system. However, the authority shall

26  have sole responsibility for determining control release

27  eligibility, establishing a control release date, and

28  effectuating the release of a sufficient number of inmates to

29  maintain the inmate population between 99 percent and 100

30  percent of total capacity.  Inmates who are ineligible for



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  1  control release are inmates who are parole eligible or inmates

  2  who:

  3         (i)  Are convicted, or have been previously convicted,

  4  of committing or attempting to commit murder in the first,

  5  second, or third degree under s. 782.04(1), (2), (3), or (4),

  6  or have ever been convicted of any degree of murder or

  7  attempted murder in another jurisdiction;


  9  In making control release eligibility determinations under

10  this subsection, the authority may rely on any document

11  leading to or generated during the course of the criminal

12  proceedings, including, but not limited to, any presentence or

13  postsentence investigation or any information contained in

14  arrest reports relating to circumstances of the offense.

15         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2000.
















