House Bill 0381

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 381

        By Representative Murman

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Transition to Teaching

  3         Act; creating the Transition to Teaching Act

  4         with the intent of addressing the need of

  5         high-poverty school districts for teachers;

  6         defining terms; providing procedures for

  7         applying to participate in the program;

  8         specifying authorized activities and uses of

  9         funds; authorizing the Commissioner of

10         Education to grant emergency certificates to

11         program participants under certain

12         circumstances; requiring a program participant

13         to serve in a high-poverty school district for

14         3 years; requiring the Commissioner of

15         Education to establish requirements to ensure

16         that program participants fulfill their service

17         obligation or repay any stipend or financial

18         incentive received; requiring the commissioner

19         to distribute awards equitably; authorizing

20         funding for the award of contracts, grants, or

21         cooperative agreements for activities

22         authorized by this act; requiring the State

23         Board of Education to adopt rules; providing an

24         effective date.


26         WHEREAS, school districts in Florida are having an

27  increasingly difficult time finding qualified, quality

28  teachers to fill positions in critical shortage areas, and

29         WHEREAS, since 1994, more than 3,000 retired members of

30  the military have become teachers through the federal Troops

31  to Teachers program, and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 381


  1         WHEREAS, the downsizing of the military and the

  2  shrinking pool of military retirees create the necessity to

  3  pursue additional potential labor pools, NOW, THEREFORE,


  5  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  7         Section 1.  (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be

  8  cited as the "Transition to Teaching Act."

  9         (2)  PURPOSE.--The purpose of this act is to address

10  the need of high-poverty school districts for highly qualified

11  teachers in specific subject areas, such as mathematics,

12  science, foreign languages, bilingual education, and special

13  education, by:

14         (a)  Continuing to participate in and enhancing

15  Florida's involvement in the federal Troops to Teachers

16  program which recruits and supports the placement of such

17  teachers.

18         (b)  Recruiting, preparing, placing, and supporting

19  professionals interested in changing careers who have

20  knowledge and experience that will help them become such

21  teachers.

22         (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

23         (a)  "High-poverty school district" means a school

24  district in which the percentage of children ages 5 through 17

25  from families below the poverty level is 20 percent or

26  greater, or in which the number of such children exceeds

27  10,000.

28         (b)  "Program participants" means professionals who:

29         1.  Hold at least a baccalaureate degree.

30         2.  Demonstrate interest in, and commitment to,

31  becoming a teacher.


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  1         3.  Have knowledge and experience relevant to teaching

  2  a high-need subject area in a high-poverty school district.

  3         (4)  APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE.--A district school

  4  board, institution of higher education, or other provider of

  5  teacher training may apply for funds to conduct activities

  6  authorized by this act by submitting an application to the

  7  Commissioner of Education which contains such information as

  8  the commissioner requires, including:

  9         (a)  A description of the target group of professionals

10  changing careers upon which the applicant will focus in

11  carrying out its program under this act, including a

12  description of the characteristics of that target group that

13  shows how the knowledge and experience of its members are

14  relevant to meeting the purpose of this act.

15         (b)  A description of how the applicant will identify

16  and recruit program participants.

17         (c)  A description of the training that program

18  participants will receive and how that training will relate to

19  their certification as teachers.

20         (d)  A description of how the applicant will ensure

21  that program participants are placed and teach in high-poverty

22  local educational agencies.

23         (e)  A description of the teacher induction services

24  (which may be provided through existing induction programs)

25  the program participants will receive throughout at least

26  their first year of teaching.

27         (f)  A description of how the applicant will

28  collaborate, as needed, with other institutions, agencies, or

29  organizations to recruit, train, place, and support program

30  participants under this act, including evidence of the



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  1  commitment of those institutions, agencies, or organizations

  2  to the applicant's program.

  3         (g)  A description of how the applicant will evaluate

  4  the progress and effectiveness of its program, including:

  5         1.  The program's goals and objectives.

  6         2.  The performance indicators the applicant will use

  7  to measure the program's progress.

  8         3.  The outcome measures that will be used to determine

  9  the program's effectiveness.

10         (h)  An assurance that the applicant will provide to

11  the commissioner such information as the commissioner deems

12  necessary to determine the overall effectiveness of programs

13  under this act.


15  awarded according to this section may be used for:

16         (a)  Recruiting program participants, including

17  informing them of opportunities offered by the program and

18  putting them in contact with other institutions, agencies, or

19  organizations that would train, place, and support them.

20         (b)  Training stipends and other financial incentives

21  for program participants, not to exceed $5,000 per

22  participant.

23         (c)  Assisting institutions of higher education or

24  other providers of teacher training to tailor their training

25  to meet the particular needs of professionals who are changing

26  their careers to teaching.

27         (d)  Placement activities, including identifying

28  high-poverty school districts with a need for the particular

29  skills and characteristics of the newly trained program

30  participants and assisting those participants to obtain

31  employment in those school districts.


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  1         (e)  Postplacement induction or support activities for

  2  program participants.

  3         (6)  EMERGENCY CERTIFICATION.--Upon the request of the

  4  school board of the district in which the program participant

  5  will be employed, the Commissioner of Education may grant a

  6  1-year emergency teaching certificate to a program participant

  7  upon completion of training according to this section.

  8         (7)  PERIOD OF SERVICE; REPAYMENT.--A participant in a

  9  program authorized by this section, who completes his or her

10  training, must serve in a high-poverty school district for at

11  least 3 years. The commissioner shall establish such

12  requirements as he or she deems appropriate to ensure that

13  program participants who receive a training stipend or other

14  financial incentive, but fail to complete their service

15  obligation, repay all or a portion of such stipend or other

16  incentive.

17         (8)  EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION.--To the extent

18  practicable, the commissioner shall make awards under this act

19  that support programs in different geographic regions of the

20  state.

21         (9)  FUNDING.--The Commissioner of Education is

22  authorized to use funds provided annually in the General

23  Appropriations Act for the Transition to Teaching Act to award

24  grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements to institutions

25  of higher education and public and private nonprofit agencies

26  or organizations for activities authorized by this act.

27         (10)  RULEMAKING.--The State Board of Education shall

28  adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement

29  the provisions of this section.

30         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.



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  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Transition to Teaching Act with the intent of
  4    addressing the need of high-poverty school districts for
      teachers. Defines terms. Provides procedures for applying
  5    to participate in the program. Specifies authorized
      activities and uses of funds. Authorizes the Commissioner
  6    of Education to grant emergency certificates to program
      participants under certain circumstances. Requires a
  7    program participant to serve in a high-poverty school
      district for 3 years. Requires the Commissioner of
  8    Education to establish requirements to ensure that
      program participants fulfill their service obligation or
  9    repay any stipend or financial incentive received.
      Requires the commissioner to distribute awards equitably.
10    Authorizes funding for the award of contracts, grants, or
      cooperative agreements for activities authorized by this
11    act. Requires the State Board of Education to adopt



















