House Bill 4003

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 4003

        By the Committee on Rules & Calendar and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Statutes;

  3         repealing various statutory provisions that

  4         have become obsolete, have had their effect,

  5         have served their purpose, or have been

  6         impliedly repealed or superseded; repealing s.

  7         228.056(20)(b), F.S., relating to review of the

  8         operation of charter schools during the 2000

  9         Regular Session by the Legislature; repealing

10         s. 228.057(7), F.S., relating to development of

11         the public school parental choice incentive

12         program by the Department of Education;

13         repealing s. 228.0855, F.S., the "Florida Model

14         School Consortia Act of 1985"; repealing s.

15         228.087, F.S., relating to summer camp programs

16         in mathematics, science, and computers;

17         repealing s. 228.0875, F.S., relating to the

18         Governor's Summer Colleges residential

19         programs; repealing s. 228.088, F.S., relating

20         to utilization of security programs at high

21         schools and secondary schools; repealing s.

22         228.201, F.S., relating to a prohibition on

23         mandatory screening or testing for sickle-cell

24         trait; repealing s. 228.502, F.S., the

25         Education Success Incentive Program; repealing

26         s. 229.021, F.S., relating to meeting dates of

27         the State Board of Education; repealing s.

28         229.52, F.S., relating to the clearinghouse for

29         information on educational programs of value to

30         the economic development of the state;

31         repealing s. 229.551(3)(c), F.S., relating to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 4003


  1         development of an educational evaluation

  2         program; repealing s. 229.602(9), F.S., the

  3         Mathematics and Science Partnership Program;

  4         repealing s. 229.603, F.S., the Instructional

  5         Technology Grant Program; repealing ss.

  6         229.6054 and 229.6055, F.S., relating to intent

  7         and encouragement with respect to international

  8         education programs; repealing s. 229.6058,

  9         F.S., the school readiness pilot program;

10         repealing s. 229.78, F.S., relating to

11         expenditure of funds for maintenance of the

12         Department of Education; repealing ss.

13         229.8055, 229.8056, and 229.8058, F.S.,

14         relating to the Florida Environmental Education

15         Act, the Office of Environmental Education, and

16         the Advisory Council on Environmental

17         Education; amending ss. 112.324, 372.072,

18         403.4131, and 589.277, F.S.; deleting

19         references, to conform; repealing s. 230.106,

20         F.S., relating to a referendum on election of

21         school board members from single-member

22         residence areas in certain counties; repealing

23         s. 230.2215, F.S., relating to the state plan

24         for school board member professional

25         development; amending s. 228.053, F.S.;

26         deleting a cross reference, to conform;

27         repealing s. 230.23162, F.S., relating to

28         transfer of the Alternative Education Institute

29         to the Department of Management Services;

30         repealing s. 230.303(2), F.S., relating to the

31         salaries of certain school superintendents;


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  1         repealing s. 231.002(2), F.S., relating to

  2         review and reporting associated with improving

  3         teacher quality; repealing s. 231.087(7), F.S.,

  4         relating to review and repeal of the Management

  5         Training Act; repealing s. 235.001, F.S., the

  6         short title of the Educational Facilities Act;

  7         repealing s. 235.014(13), F.S., relating to

  8         funding for fixed capital outlay purposes for

  9         fiscal year 1999-2000; repealing ss. 235.436,

10         235.437, 235.438, and 235.4391, F.S., relating

11         to full school utilization programs; providing

12         an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (20) of section

17  228.056, Florida Statutes, is repealed.

18         Section 2.  Subsection (7) of section 228.057, Florida

19  Statutes, is repealed.

20         Section 3.  Section 228.0855, Florida Statutes, is

21  repealed.

22         Section 4.  Section 228.087, Florida Statutes, is

23  repealed.

24         Section 5.  Section 228.0875, Florida Statutes, is

25  repealed.

26         Section 6.  Section 228.088, Florida Statutes, is

27  repealed.

28         Section 7.  Section 228.201, Florida Statutes, is

29  repealed.

30         Section 8.  Section 228.502, Florida Statutes, is

31  repealed.


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  1         Section 9.  Section 229.021, Florida Statutes, is

  2  repealed.

  3         Section 10.  Section 229.52, Florida Statutes, is

  4  repealed.

  5         Section 11.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

  6  229.551, Florida Statutes, is repealed.

  7         Section 12.  Subsection (9) of section 229.602, Florida

  8  Statutes, is repealed.

  9         Section 13.  Section 229.603, Florida Statutes, is

10  repealed.

11         Section 14.  Sections 229.6054 and 229.6055, Florida

12  Statutes, are repealed.

13         Section 15.  Section 229.6058, Florida Statutes, is

14  repealed.

15         Section 16.  Section 229.78, Florida Statutes, is

16  repealed.

17         Section 17.  Sections 229.8055, 229.8056, and 229.8058,

18  Florida Statutes, are repealed.

19         Section 18.  Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (7)

20  of section 112.324, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         112.324  Procedures on complaints of violations.--

22         (7)  If, in cases pertaining to complaints other than

23  complaints against impeachable officers or members of the

24  Legislature, upon completion of a full and final investigation

25  by the commission, the commission finds that there has been a

26  violation of this part or of s. 8, Art. II of the State

27  Constitution, it shall be the duty of the commission to report

28  its findings and recommend appropriate action to the proper

29  disciplinary official or body as follows, and such official or

30  body shall have the power to invoke the penalty provisions of

31  this part, including the power to order the appropriate


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  1  elections official to remove a candidate from the ballot for a

  2  violation of s. 112.3145 or s. 8(a) and (h), Art. II of the

  3  State Constitution:

  4         (a)  The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the

  5  House of Representatives, jointly, in any case concerning the

  6  Public Counsel, members of the Public Service Commission,

  7  members of the Public Service Commission Nominating Council,

  8  the Auditor General, or members of the Legislative Committee

  9  on Intergovernmental Relations, or members of the Advisory

10  Council on Environmental Education.

11         (c)  The President of the Senate, in any case

12  concerning an employee of the Senate; the Speaker of the House

13  of Representatives, in any case concerning an employee of the

14  House of Representatives; or the President and the Speaker,

15  jointly, in any case concerning an employee of a committee of

16  the Legislature whose members are appointed solely by the

17  President and the Speaker or in any case concerning an

18  employee of the Public Counsel, Public Service Commission,

19  Auditor General, or Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental

20  Relations, or Advisory Council on Environmental Education.

21         Section 19.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

22  372.072, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         372.072  Endangered and Threatened Species Act.--


25         (b)  Recognizing that citizen awareness is a key

26  element in the success of this plan, the commission and the

27  Office of Environmental Education of the Department of

28  Education are encouraged to work together to develop a public

29  education program with emphasis on, but not limited to, both

30  public and private schools.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 4003


  1         Section 20.  Subsection (1) of section 403.4131,

  2  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         403.4131  "Keep Florida Beautiful, Incorporated";

  4  placement of signs.--

  5         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that a

  6  coordinated effort of interested businesses, environmental and

  7  civic organizations, and state and local agencies of

  8  government be developed to plan for and assist in implementing

  9  solutions to the litter and solid waste problems in this state

10  and that the state provide financial assistance for the

11  establishment of a nonprofit organization with the name of

12  "Keep Florida Beautiful, Incorporated," which shall be

13  registered, incorporated, and operated in compliance with

14  chapter 617.  This nonprofit organization shall coordinate the

15  statewide campaign and operate as the grassroots arm of the

16  state's effort and shall serve as an umbrella organization for

17  volunteer-based community programs.  The organization shall be

18  dedicated to helping Florida and its local communities solve

19  solid waste problems, to developing and implementing a

20  sustained litter prevention campaign, and to act as a working

21  public-private partnership in helping to implement the state's

22  Solid Waste Management Act. As part of this effort, Keep

23  Florida Beautiful, Incorporated, in cooperation with the

24  Environmental Education Foundation and the Florida Advisory

25  Council on Environmental Education, shall strive to educate

26  citizens, visitors, and businesses about the important

27  relationship between the state's environment and economy.

28  Keep Florida Beautiful, Incorporated, is encouraged to explore

29  and identify economic incentives to improve environmental

30  initiatives in the area of solid waste management. The

31  membership of the board of directors of this nonprofit


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  1  organization may include representatives of the following

  2  organizations: the Florida League of Cities, the Florida

  3  Association of Counties, the Governor's Office, the Florida

  4  Chapter of the National Solid Waste Management Association,

  5  the Florida Recyclers Association, the Center for Marine

  6  Conservation, Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Associated

  7  Industries of Florida, the Florida Soft Drink Association, the

  8  Florida Petroleum Council, the Retail Grocers Association of

  9  Florida, the Florida Retail Federation, the Pulp and Paper

10  Association, the Florida Automobile Dealers Association, the

11  Beer Industries of Florida, the Florida Beer Wholesalers

12  Association, and the Distilled Spirits Wholesalers.

13         Section 21.  Subsection (5) of section 589.277, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         589.277  Tree planting programs.--

16         (5)  The Division of Forestry shall assist the Office

17  of Environmental Education of the Department of Education in

18  developing programs that teach the importance of trees in the

19  urban, rural, and global environment.

20         Section 22.  Section 230.106, Florida Statutes, is

21  repealed.

22         Section 23.  Section 230.2215, Florida Statutes, is

23  repealed.

24         Section 24.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (12) of

25  section 228.053, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         228.053  Developmental research schools.--

27         (12)  EXCEPTIONS TO LAW.--To encourage innovative

28  practices and facilitate the mission of the developmental

29  research schools, in addition to the exceptions to law

30  specified in s. 229.592, the following exceptions shall be

31  permitted for developmental research schools:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 4003


  1         (a)  The methods and requirements of the following

  2  statutes shall be held in abeyance:  ss. 230.01; 230.02;

  3  230.03; 230.04; 230.05; 230.061; 230.10; 230.105; 230.11;

  4  230.12; 230.15; 230.16; 230.17; 230.173; 230.18; 230.19;

  5  230.201; 230.202; 230.21; 230.22; 230.2215; 230.2318; 230.232;

  6  230.24; 230.241; 230.26; 230.28; 230.30; 230.303; 230.31;

  7  230.32; 230.321; 230.33; 230.35; 230.39; 230.63; 230.64;

  8  230.643; 234.01; 234.021; 234.112; 236.25; 236.261; 236.29;

  9  236.31; 236.32; 236.35; 236.36; 236.37; 236.38; 236.39;

10  236.40; 236.41; 236.42; 236.43; 236.44; 236.45; 236.46;

11  236.47; 236.48; 236.49; 236.50; 236.51; 236.52; 236.55;

12  236.56; 237.051; 237.071; 237.091; 237.201; 237.40; and

13  316.75. With the exception of subsection (16) of s. 230.23, s.

14  230.23 shall be held in abeyance. Reference to school boards

15  in s. 230.23(16) shall mean the president of the university or

16  the president's designee.

17         Section 25.  Section 230.23162, Florida Statutes, is

18  repealed.

19         Section 26.  Subsection (2) of section 230.303, Florida

20  Statutes, is repealed.

21         Section 27.  Subsection (2) of section 231.002, Florida

22  Statutes, is repealed.

23         Section 28.  Subsection (7) of section 231.087, Florida

24  Statutes, is repealed.

25         Section 29.  Section 235.001, Florida Statutes, is

26  repealed.

27         Section 30.  Subsection (13) of section 235.014,

28  Florida Statutes, is repealed.

29         Section 31.  Sections 235.436, 235.437, 235.438, and

30  235.4391, Florida Statutes, are repealed.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HB 4003


  1         Section 32.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  2  law.


  4            *****************************************

  5                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Repeals various statutory provisions that have become
  7    obsolete, have had their effect, have served their
      purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded.
  8    Repeals provisions relating to review of the operation of
      charter schools during the 2000 Regular Session by the
  9    Legislature; development of the public school parental
      choice incentive program by the Department of Education;
10    the "Florida Model School Consortia Act of 1985"; summer
      camp programs in mathematics, science, and computers; the
11    Governor's Summer Colleges residential programs;
      utilization of security programs at high schools and
12    secondary schools; a prohibition on mandatory screening
      or testing for sickle-cell trait; the Education Success
13    Incentive Program; meeting dates of the State Board of
      Education; the clearinghouse for information on
14    educational programs of value to the economic development
      of the state; development of an educational evaluation
15    program; the Mathematics and Science Partnership Program;
      the Instructional Technology Grant Program; intent and
16    encouragement with respect to international education
      programs; the school readiness pilot program; expenditure
17    of funds for maintenance of the Department of Education;
      the Florida Environmental Education Act, the Office of
18    Environmental Education, and the Advisory Council on
      Environmental Education; a referendum on election of
19    school board members from single-member residence areas
      in certain counties; the state plan for school board
20    member professional development; transfer of the
      Alternative Education Institute to the Department of
21    Management Services; the salaries of certain school
      superintendents; review and reporting associated with
22    improving teacher quality; review and repeal of the
      Management Training Act; the short title of the
23    Educational Facilities Act; funding for fixed capital
      outlay purposes for fiscal year 1999-2000; and full
24    school utilization programs.







