House Bill 4007c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000             CS/HB 4007

        By the Committees on Financial Services, Rules & Calendar
    and Representative Bitner

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Statutes;

  3         repealing or deleting various statutory

  4         provisions that have become obsolete, have had

  5         their effect, have served their purpose, or

  6         have been impliedly repealed or superseded;

  7         amending s. 288.99, F.S.; reiterating a

  8         deadline for certification as a certified

  9         capital company; deleting obsolete provisions

10         relating to applying for certification as a

11         certified capital company and for an allocation

12         of premium tax credits for potential investors;

13         amending s. 494.008, F.S.; updating an obsolete

14         cross reference relating to administrative

15         penalties and fines; repealing s. 495.171,

16         F.S., relating to the effective date of the

17         1967 revision of ch. 495, F.S., relating to

18         registration of trademarks and service marks,

19         and the repeal of former provisions; amending

20         s. 497.002, F.S.; deleting findings relating to

21         the need to regulate funeral and cemetery

22         services; repealing s. 606.01(1), F.S.,

23         relating to findings on the need for the

24         Florida Business Coordination Act; repealing s.

25         620.9901(1) and (3), F.S., relating to

26         applicability of the Revised Uniform

27         Partnership Act of 1995 over a specified

28         period; repealing ch. 622, F.S., relating to

29         foreign unincorporated associations; amending

30         s. 220.03, F.S.; correcting a cross reference,

31         to conform; repealing s. 657.067, F.S.,


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  1         relating to requirements for approval for

  2         conversion of credit unions from federal to

  3         state charter; repealing pt. II, ch. 657, F.S.,

  4         the Florida Credit Union Guaranty Corporation

  5         Act; amending ss. 655.057, 657.001, 657.002,

  6         657.005, 657.008, 657.021, 657.026, 657.031,

  7         657.0315, 657.038, 657.039, 657.043, 657.062,

  8         657.063, 657.064, 657.065, 657.066, and

  9         657.068, F.S.; revising or deleting references,

10         to conform; amending s. 716.02, F.S.; deleting

11         obsolete provisions relating to escheat of

12         funds in the possession of any federal court in

13         and for any district within this state;

14         repealing s. 717.137, F.S., relating to the

15         effect and application of the 1987 revision of

16         ch. 717, F.S., relating to disposition of

17         unclaimed property; providing an effective

18         date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Subsections (4) and (7) and paragraph (c)

23  of subsection (10) of section 288.99, Florida Statutes, are

24  amended to read:

25         288.99  Certified Capital Company Act.--



28         (a)  To operate as a certified capital company, a

29  corporation, partnership, or limited liability company must be

30  certified by the department by December 31, 1998, pursuant to



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  1  this act and must be registered and maintain an active status

  2  with the Department of State as required by law.

  3         (b)  An applicant for certification as a certified

  4  capital company must file a verified application with the

  5  department on or before December 1, 1998, in a form which the

  6  department may prescribe by rule.  The applicant shall submit

  7  a nonrefundable application fee of $7,500 to the department.

  8  The applicant shall provide:

  9         1.  The name of the applicant and the address of its

10  principal office and each office in this state.

11         2.  The applicant's form and place of organization and

12  the relevant organizational documents, bylaws, and amendments

13  or restatements of such documents, bylaws, or amendments.

14         3.  Evidence from the Department of State that the

15  applicant is registered with the Department of State as

16  required by law, maintains an active status with the

17  Department of State, and has not been dissolved or had its

18  registration revoked, canceled, or withdrawn.

19         4.  The applicant's proposed method of doing business.

20         5.  The applicant's financial condition and history,

21  including an audit report on the financial statements prepared

22  in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles

23  showing net capital of not less than $500,000 within 90 days

24  after the date the application is submitted to the department.

25  If the date of the application is more than 90 days after

26  preparation of the applicant's fiscal year-end financial

27  statements, the applicant may file financial statements

28  reviewed by an independent certified public accountant for the

29  period subsequent to the audit report, together with the

30  audited financial statement for the most recent fiscal year.

31  If the applicant has been in business less than 12 months, and


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  1  has not prepared an audited financial statement, the applicant

  2  may file a financial statement reviewed by an independent

  3  certified public accountant.

  4         (c)  On December 31, 1998, the department shall grant

  5  or deny certification as a certified capital company.  If the

  6  department denies certification within the time period

  7  specified, the department shall inform the applicant of the

  8  grounds for the denial.  If the department has not granted or

  9  denied certification within the time specified, the

10  application shall be deemed approved.  The department shall

11  approve the application if the department finds that:

12         1.  The applicant satisfies the requirements of

13  paragraph (b).

14         2.  No evidence exists that the applicant has committed

15  any act specified in paragraph (d).

16         3.  At least two of the principals have a minimum of 5

17  years of experience making venture capital investments out of

18  private equity funds, with not less than $20 million being

19  provided by third-party investors for investment in the early

20  stage of operating businesses. At least one full-time manager

21  or principal of the certified capital company who has such

22  experience must be primarily located in an office of the

23  certified capital company which is based in this state.

24         (b)(d)  The department may deny certification or

25  decertify a certified capital company if the grounds for

26  decertification are not removed or corrected within 90 days

27  after the notice of such grounds is received by the certified

28  capital company.  The department may deny certification or

29  decertify a certified capital company if the certified capital

30  company fails to maintain a net worth of at least $500,000, or



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  1  if the department determines that the applicant, or any

  2  principal or director of the certified capital company, has:

  3         1.  Violated any provision of this section;

  4         2.  Made a material misrepresentation or false

  5  statement or concealed any essential or material fact from any

  6  person during the application process or with respect to

  7  information and reports required of certified capital

  8  companies under this section;

  9         3.  Been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or

10  nolo contendere to, a crime against the laws of this state or

11  any other state or of the United States or any other country

12  or government, including a fraudulent act in connection with

13  the operation of a certified capital company, or in connection

14  with the performance of fiduciary duties in another capacity;

15         4.  Been adjudicated liable in a civil action on

16  grounds of fraud, embezzlement, misrepresentation, or deceit;

17  or

18         5.a.  Been the subject of any decision, finding,

19  injunction, suspension, prohibition, revocation, denial,

20  judgment, or administrative order by any court of competent

21  jurisdiction, administrative law judge, or any state or

22  federal agency, national securities, commodities, or option

23  exchange, or national securities, commodities, or option

24  association, involving a material violation of any federal or

25  state securities or commodities law or any rule or regulation

26  adopted under such law, or any rule or regulation of any

27  national securities, commodities, or options exchange, or

28  national securities, commodities, or options association; or

29         b.  Been the subject of any injunction or adverse

30  administrative order by a state or federal agency regulating

31  banking, insurance, finance or small loan companies, real


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  1  estate, mortgage brokers, or other related or similar

  2  industries.

  3         (e)  The certified capital company shall file a copy of

  4  its certification with the office by January 31, 1999.

  5         (c)(f)  Any offering material involving the sale of

  6  securities of the certified capital company shall include the

  7  following statement:  "By authorizing the formation of a

  8  certified capital company, the State of Florida does not

  9  endorse the quality of management or the potential for

10  earnings of such company and is not liable for damages or

11  losses to a certified investor in the company.  Use of the

12  word 'certified' in an offering does not constitute a

13  recommendation or endorsement of the investment by the State

14  of Florida.  Investments in a certified capital company prior

15  to the time such company is certified are not eligible for

16  premium tax credits.  If applicable provisions of law are

17  violated, the state may require forfeiture of unused premium

18  tax credits and repayment of used premium tax credits by the

19  certified investor."

20         (d)(g)  No insurance company or any affiliate of an

21  insurance company shall, directly or indirectly, manage or

22  control the direction of investments of a certified capital

23  company.  This prohibition does not preclude a certified

24  investor, insurance company, or any other party from

25  exercising its legal rights and remedies, which may include

26  interim management of a certified capital company, if a

27  certified capital company is in default of its obligations

28  under law or its contractual obligations to such certified

29  investor, insurance company, or other party.

30         (e)(h)  On or before December 31 of each year, each

31  certified capital company shall pay to the department an


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  1  annual, nonrefundable renewal certification fee of $5,000.  No

  2  renewal fees shall be required within 6 months after the date

  3  of initial certification.

  4         (f)(i)  The department shall administer and provide for

  5  the enforcement of certification requirements for certified

  6  capital companies as provided in this act.  The department may

  7  adopt any rules necessary to carry out its duties,

  8  obligations, and powers related to certification, renewal of

  9  certification, or decertification of certified capital

10  companies and may perform any other acts necessary for the

11  proper administration and enforcement of such duties,

12  obligations, and powers.

13         (g)(j)  Decertification of a certified capital company

14  under this subsection does not affect the ability of certified

15  investors in such certified capital company from claiming

16  future premium tax credits earned as a result of an investment

17  in the certified capital company during the period in which it

18  was duly certified.


20  PROCESS.--

21         (a)  The total amount of tax credits which may be

22  allocated by the office shall not exceed $150 million. The

23  total amount of tax credits which may be used by certified

24  investors under this act shall not exceed $15 million

25  annually.

26         (b)  The office shall be responsible for allocating

27  premium tax credits as provided for in this act to certified

28  capital companies.

29         (c)  Each certified capital company must apply to the

30  office for an allocation of premium tax credits for potential

31  certified investors by March 15, 1999, on a form developed by


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  1  the office with the cooperation of the Department of Revenue.

  2  The form shall be accompanied by an affidavit from each

  3  potential certified investor confirming that the potential

  4  certified investor has agreed to make an investment of

  5  certified capital in a certified capital company up to a

  6  specified amount, subject only to the receipt of a premium tax

  7  credit allocation pursuant to this subsection. No allocation

  8  shall be made to the potential investors of a certified

  9  capital company unless such certified capital company has

10  filed premium tax allocation claims that would result in an

11  allocation to the potential investors in such certified

12  capital company of not less than $15 million in the aggregate.

13         (d)  On or before April 1, 1999, the office shall

14  inform each certified capital company of its share of total

15  premium tax credits available for allocation to each of its

16  potential investors.

17         (c)(e)  If a certified capital company does not receive

18  certified capital equaling the amount of premium tax credits

19  allocated to a potential certified investor for which the

20  investor filed a premium tax allocation claim within 10

21  business days after the investor received a notice of

22  allocation, the certified capital company shall notify the

23  office by overnight common carrier delivery service of the

24  company's failure to receive the capital.  That portion of the

25  premium tax credits allocated to the certified capital company

26  shall be forfeited.  If the office must make a pro rata

27  allocation under paragraph (d) (f), the office shall

28  reallocate such available credits among the other certified

29  capital companies on the same pro rata basis as the initial

30  allocation.



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  1         (d)(f)  If the total amount of capital committed by all

  2  certified investors to certified capital companies in premium

  3  tax allocation claims exceeds the aggregate cap on the amount

  4  of credits that may be awarded, the premium tax credits that

  5  may be allowed to any one certified investor shall be

  6  allocated using the following ratio:


  8                       A/B = X/$150,000,000


10  where the letter "A" represents the total amount of certified

11  capital certified investors have agreed to invest in any one

12  certified capital company, the letter "B" represents the

13  aggregate amount of certified capital that all certified

14  investors have agreed to invest in all certified capital

15  companies, the letter "X" is the numerator and represents the

16  total amount of premium tax credits and certified capital that

17  may be allocated to a certified capital company in calendar

18  year 1999, and $150 million is the denominator and represents

19  the total amount of premium tax credits and certified capital

20  that may be allocated to all certified investors in calendar

21  year 1999. Any such premium tax credits are not first

22  available for utilization until annual filings are made in

23  2001 for calendar year 2000, and the tax credits may be used

24  at a rate not to exceed 10 percent annually.

25         (e)(g)  The maximum amount of certified capital for

26  which premium tax allocation claims may be filed on behalf of

27  any certified investor and its affiliates by one or more

28  certified companies may not exceed $15 million.

29         (f)(h)  To the extent that less than $150 million in

30  certified capital is raised in connection with the procedure

31  set forth in paragraphs (c)-(e) (c)-(g), the department may


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  1  adopt rules to allow a subsequent allocation of the remaining

  2  premium tax credits authorized under this section.

  3         (10)  DECERTIFICATION.--

  4         (c)  Any material violation of this section, or a

  5  finding that the certified capital company or any principal or

  6  director thereof has committed any act specified in paragraph

  7  (4)(b)(d), shall be grounds for decertification of the

  8  certified capital company. If the department determines that a

  9  certified capital company is no longer in compliance with the

10  certification requirements of this act, the department shall,

11  by written notice, inform the officers of such company that

12  the company may be subject to decertification 90 days after

13  the date of mailing of the notice, unless the deficiencies are

14  corrected and such company is again found to be in compliance

15  with all certification requirements.

16         Section 2.  Subsection (7) of section 494.008, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         494.008  Mortgages offered by land developers licensed

19  pursuant to the Florida Uniform Land Sales Practices Law;

20  requirements; prohibitions.--No mortgage loan which has a face

21  amount of $35,000 or less and is secured by vacant land

22  registered under the Florida Uniform Land Sales Practices Law,

23  chapter 498, shall be sold to a mortgagee, except a financial

24  institution, by any person unless all of the following

25  requirements are met:

26         (7)  Willful failure to comply with any of the above

27  provisions shall subject the person to the penalties of s.

28  494.0041 494.05.

29         Section 3.  Section 495.171, Florida Statutes, is

30  repealed.



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  1         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 497.002, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         497.002  Purpose and intent.--

  4         (1)  The Legislature recognizes that purchasers of

  5  preneed burial rights, funeral or burial merchandise, or

  6  funeral or burial services may suffer serious economic harm if

  7  purchase money is not set aside for future use as intended by

  8  the purchaser and that the failure to maintain cemetery

  9  grounds properly may cause significant emotional stress.

10  Therefore, It is necessary in the interest of the public

11  welfare to regulate certificateholders, licensees,

12  registrants, and cemetery companies in this state.  However,

13  restrictions shall be imposed only to the extent necessary to

14  protect the public from significant or discernible harm or

15  damage and not in a manner which will unreasonably affect the

16  competitive market.

17         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 606.01, Florida

18  Statutes, is repealed.

19         Section 6.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section

20  620.9901, Florida Statutes, are repealed.

21         Section 7.  Sections 622.01, 622.02, 622.03, 622.04,

22  622.05, 622.06, and 622.07, Florida Statutes, are repealed.

23         Section 8.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section

24  220.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         220.03  Definitions.--

26         (1)  SPECIFIC TERMS.--When used in this code, and when

27  not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible

28  with the intent thereof, the following terms shall have the

29  following meanings:

30         (e)  "Corporation" includes all domestic corporations;

31  foreign corporations qualified to do business in this state or


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  1  actually doing business in this state; joint-stock companies;

  2  limited liability companies, under chapter 608; common-law

  3  declarations of trust, under chapter 609; corporations not for

  4  profit, under chapter 617; agricultural cooperative marketing

  5  associations, under chapter 618; professional service

  6  corporations, under chapter 621; foreign unincorporated

  7  associations, under chapter 622; private school corporations,

  8  under chapter 623; foreign corporations not for profit which

  9  are carrying on their activities in this state; and all other

10  organizations, associations, legal entities, and artificial

11  persons which are created by or pursuant to the statutes of

12  this state, the United States, or any other state, territory,

13  possession, or jurisdiction. The term "corporation" does not

14  include proprietorships, even if using a fictitious name;

15  partnerships of any type, as such; limited liability companies

16  that are taxable as partnerships for federal income tax

17  purposes; state or public fairs or expositions, under chapter

18  616; estates of decedents or incompetents; testamentary

19  trusts; or private trusts.

20         Section 9.  Section 657.067, Florida Statutes, is

21  repealed.

22         Section 10.  Sections 657.25, 657.251, 657.252,

23  657.253, 657.254, 657.256, 657.257, 657.258, 657.259, 657.260,

24  657.261, 657.262, 657.263, 657.264, 657.265, 657.266, 657.267,

25  657.268, and 657.269, Florida Statutes, are repealed.

26         Section 11.  Subsections (3) and (7) of section

27  655.057, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

28         655.057  Records; limited restrictions upon public

29  access.--

30         (3)  The provisions of this section do not prevent or

31  restrict:


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  1         (a)  Publishing reports required to be submitted to the

  2  department pursuant to s. 655.045(2)(a) or required by

  3  applicable federal statutes or regulations to be published.

  4         (b)  Furnishing records or information to any other

  5  state, federal, or foreign agency responsible for the

  6  regulation or supervision of financial institutions, including

  7  Federal Home Loan Banks.

  8         (c)  Furnishing records or information, in the case of

  9  a credit union, to the Florida Credit Union Guaranty

10  Corporation, Inc.

11         (c)(d)  Disclosing or publishing summaries of the

12  condition of financial institutions and general economic and

13  similar statistics and data, provided that the identity of a

14  particular financial institution is not disclosed.

15         (d)(e)  Reporting any suspected criminal activity, with

16  supporting documents and information, to appropriate law

17  enforcement and prosecutorial agencies.

18         (e)(f)  Furnishing information upon request to the

19  State Treasurer regarding the financial condition of any

20  financial institution that is, or has applied to be,

21  designated as a qualified public depository pursuant to

22  chapter 280.


24  Any confidential information or records obtained from the

25  department pursuant to this subsection shall be maintained as

26  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

27         (7)  Materials supplied to the department or to

28  employees of any financial institution by other governmental

29  agencies, federal or state, or the Florida Credit Union

30  Guaranty Corporation, Inc., shall remain the property of the

31  submitting agency or the corporation, and any document request


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  1  must be made to the appropriate agency.  Any confidential

  2  documents supplied to the department or to employees of any

  3  financial institution by other governmental agencies, federal

  4  or state, or by the Florida Credit Union Guaranty Corporation,

  5  Inc., shall be confidential and exempt from the provisions of

  6  s. 119.07(1).  Such information shall be made public only with

  7  the consent of such agency or the corporation.

  8         Section 12.  Section 657.001, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         657.001  Short title.--This chapter part may be cited

11  as the "Florida Credit Union Act."

12         Section 13.  Section 657.002, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         657.002  Definitions.--As used in this chapter part:

15         (1)  "Capital" means shares, deposits, and equity.

16         (2)  "Central credit union" means a credit union the

17  membership of which includes, but is not limited to, other

18  credit unions, members of credit unions, credit union

19  employees, employees of organizations serving credit unions,

20  and the families of such members.

21         (3)  "Corporate credit union" means any central credit

22  union organized pursuant to any state or federal act for the

23  purpose of serving other credit unions.

24         (4)  "The corporation" means the Florida Credit Union

25  Guaranty Corporation, Inc.

26         (4)(5)  "Correspondent" means that person designated on

27  an application to organize a credit union as the person to

28  whom all correspondence regarding the application should be

29  sent.

30         (5)(6)  "Credit union" means any cooperative society

31  organized pursuant to this chapter part.


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  1         (6)(7)  "Department" means the Department of Banking

  2  and Finance.

  3         (7)(8)  "Deposits" means that portion of the capital

  4  paid into the credit union by members on which a contractual

  5  rate of interest will be paid.

  6         (8)(9)  "Equity" means undivided earnings, reserves,

  7  and allowance for loan losses.

  8         (9)(10)  "Foreign credit union" means a credit union

  9  organized and operating under the laws of another state.

10         (10)(11)  "Immediate family" means parents, children,

11  spouse, or surviving spouse of the member, or any other

12  relative by blood, marriage, or adoption.

13         (11)(12)  "Limited field of membership" means the

14  defined group of persons designated as eligible for membership

15  in the credit union who:

16         (a)  Have a similar profession, occupation, or formal

17  association with an identifiable purpose; or

18         (b)  Reside within an identifiable neighborhood,

19  community, rural district, or county; or

20         (c)  Are employed by a common employer; or

21         (d)  Are employed by the credit union; and


23  members of the immediate family of persons within such group.

24         (12)(13)  "Shares" means that portion of the capital

25  paid into the credit union by members on which dividends may

26  be paid.

27         (13)(14)  "Unimpaired capital" means capital which is

28  not impaired by losses that exceed applicable reserves.

29         Section 14.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section

30  657.005, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         657.005  Notice of intent to organize; investigation by

  2  department; application for authority to organize a credit

  3  union.--

  4         (3)  The application shall be submitted to the

  5  department on forms and in the manner prescribed by rules

  6  adopted by the department and shall be accompanied by a

  7  nonrefundable filing fee of $250.  Such application shall

  8  include:

  9         (d)  Any information required by the department to be

10  submitted to the corporation or insuring agency.

11         Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section

12  657.008, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         657.008  Place of doing business.--

14         (6)(a)  The department may authorize foreign credit

15  unions to establish branches in Florida if all of the

16  following criteria are met:

17         1.  The state in which the foreign credit union's home

18  office is located permits Florida credit unions to do business

19  in the state under restrictions that are no greater than those

20  placed upon a domestic credit union doing business in that

21  state.  For this purpose, such restrictions shall include, but

22  are not limited to, any fees, bonds, or other charges levied

23  on domestic credit unions doing business in that state.

24         2.  The deposits of such foreign credit union and its

25  proposed Florida branch will be insured or guaranteed by an

26  insurer or guarantor acceptable to the department.  Insurance

27  or guarantee of accounts comparable to that provided by the

28  Florida Credit Union Guaranty Corporation is deemed to be

29  acceptable; however, acceptance of insurance or guarantee of

30  accounts by any insuring or guaranteeing agencies or companies

31  shall be subject to a determination by the department that the


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  1  insuring or guaranteeing agency or company is in sound

  2  financial condition and that its reserves with respect to its

  3  insured or guaranteed accounts are no less than those of the

  4  Florida Credit Union Guaranty Corporation.

  5         3.  The credit union's field of membership is so

  6  limited as to be within that meaning of that term as defined

  7  in s. 657.002.

  8         Section 16.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (7) of section

  9  657.021, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         657.021  Board of directors; executive committee.--

11         (7)  The board of directors must exercise the following

12  duties which are nondelegable:

13         (e)  Adequately provide for reserves as required by

14  this chapter part or by rules or order of the department or as

15  otherwise determined necessary by the board.

16         Section 17.  Section 657.026, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         657.026  Supervisory or audit committee.--

19         (1)  There shall be a supervisory or audit committee of

20  at least three members, which may be elected by the membership

21  or appointed by the board, or the board may appoint an audit

22  committee of directors in the manner prescribed in the bylaws.

23  An officer or employee may not serve on the supervisory or

24  audit committee.

25         (2)  The supervisory or audit committee may audit, or

26  cause to be audited, the financial statements of the credit

27  union to determine compliance with policy, to ensure that

28  generally accepted accounting principles are consistently

29  applied, and to ensure an adequate system of internal

30  controls.

31         (3)  The supervisory or audit committee shall:


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  1         (a)  Make or cause to be made a comprehensive annual

  2  audit of the credit union, in accordance with the rules of the

  3  department.

  4         (b)  Make or cause to be made such supplementary audits

  5  or examinations as it deems necessary or as are requested by

  6  the board of directors or the department.

  7         (c)  Submit a report of every required audit or

  8  examination within a reasonable time to the board of directors

  9  with a copy to the department and, depending upon which

10  organization is applicable, a copy to the corporation or the

11  National Credit Union Administration.

12         (d)  Make a summary report, to the membership at the

13  annual meeting, of any audits or examinations conducted during

14  the preceding year.

15         (4)  The supervisory or audit committee shall notify

16  the board of directors, the department, and, as applicable,

17  either the corporation or the National Credit Union

18  Administration of any violation of this chapter part, any

19  violation of the certificate of authorization or bylaws of the

20  credit union, or any practice of the credit union deemed by

21  the supervisory or audit committee to be unsafe, unsound, or

22  unauthorized.

23         (5)  For the purposes of this section subsection,

24  two-thirds of the members of the supervisory or audit

25  committee constitutes a quorum.

26         Section 18.  Subsections (10), (13), (16), and (28) of

27  section 657.031, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

28         657.031  Powers.--A credit union shall have the power

29  to:

30         (10)  Borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness

31  for a loan or loans in the usual course of its business and


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  1  secure such obligations by mortgage or pledge of any of its

  2  assets. Aggregate borrowings shall not exceed 50 percent of

  3  the unimpaired capital of the credit union.  However, this

  4  percentage limitation shall not apply to loans from the

  5  corporation or from the National Credit Union Administration.

  6         (13)  Invest funds, as provided in this chapter part.

  7         (16)  Hold membership in central credit unions or

  8  corporate credit unions organized under this chapter part or

  9  under any other state or federal acts and membership in

10  associations and organizations of credit unions.

11         (28)  Perform any act necessary to obtain and maintain

12  membership in the corporation or obtain and maintain insurance

13  of accounts through the National Credit Union Administration.

14         Section 19.  Subsection (2) of section 657.0315,

15  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         657.0315  Contracts for providing goods, products, or

17  services.--

18         (2)  Enforcement of this section may be made only by

19  the board of directors of the credit union, unless the

20  contract had been authorized by specific action of the board;

21  by the corporation or National Credit Union Administration if

22  it is directed to assume control of the assets and business of

23  the credit union pursuant to s. 657.062; or by the liquidator

24  appointed pursuant to s. 657.063 or s. 657.064.

25         Section 20.  Subsections (9) and (15) of section

26  657.038, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         657.038  Loan powers.--

28         (9)  A loan may not be made to any corporation, except

29  to the Florida Credit Union Guaranty Corporation, Inc., or a

30  corporation in which the credit union holds an equity

31  interest.


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  1         (15)  If approved by the board of directors, a credit

  2  union may extend credit to other credit unions, or to the

  3  corporation, in an amount not greater than 25 percent of the

  4  unimpaired capital of the lending credit union.

  5         Section 21.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  6  657.039, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         657.039  Loan powers; extension of credit to directors,

  8  officers, committee members, and certain employees.--

  9         (1)  A credit union may extend credit to its officers,

10  directors, credit manager, members of its supervisory, audit,

11  and credit committees, and any other person authorized to

12  approve extensions of credit, provided:

13         (a)  The extension of credit complies with all

14  requirements under this chapter part with respect to credit

15  extended to other borrowers and is not on terms more favorable

16  than those extended to other borrowers.

17         Section 22.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) and

18  subsection (9) of section 657.043, Florida Statutes, are

19  amended to read:

20         657.043  Reserves.--

21         (4)  RISK ASSETS DEFINED.--The following assets shall

22  be considered risk assets:

23         (a)  All loans, except:

24         1.  Loans fully secured by a pledge of shares or

25  deposits in the lending credit union, equal to and maintained

26  to at least the amount of the loan outstanding.

27         2.  Loans which are purchased from liquidating credit

28  unions and guaranteed by the corporation or insured by the

29  National Credit Union Administration or other insuring

30  agencies.

31         3.  Investments in or loans to the corporation.


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  1         (9)  GUARANTY ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT.--The amount of any

  2  liability arising out of a guaranty assistance agreement with

  3  the corporation or National Credit Union Administration must

  4  be maintained as a reserve and be included in the

  5  determination of undivided earnings of the credit union.

  6         Section 23.  Subsection (1) of section 657.062, Florida

  7  Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         657.062  Assumption of control by guarantor or

  9  insurer.--

10         (1)  The department may direct the corporation or the

11  National Credit Union Administration, whichever is applicable,

12  to assume control of the property, assets, and business of its

13  member credit union and to operate it subject to the

14  directions of the department:

15         (a)  Whenever the department finds that the credit

16  union:

17         1.  Is engaging or has engaged in an unsafe or unsound

18  practice;

19         2.  Is violating or has violated any provision of this

20  chapter; or

21         3.  Is violating or has violated any department rule,

22  department order, or written agreement entered into with the

23  department,


25  in such a manner that the credit union is threatened with

26  imminent insolvency.

27         (b)  Whenever a majority of the members of the board of

28  directors of the credit union have been removed by the

29  department or shall have resigned.

30         Section 24.  Subsection (2) of section 657.063, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:


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  1         657.063  Involuntary liquidation.--

  2         (2)  The liquidator must be appointed by the

  3  department. The corporation or The National Credit Union

  4  Administration, whichever is applicable, must be given the

  5  right of first refusal. The department may appoint another

  6  entity if refused by the primary guarantor or insurer.

  7         Section 25.  Subsections (1), (4), (5), and (7) of

  8  section 657.064, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  9         657.064  Voluntary liquidation.--A credit union may

10  elect to dissolve voluntarily and liquidate its affairs in the

11  following manner:

12         (1)  Before considering any resolution pertaining to

13  voluntary liquidation by the board of directors, the credit

14  union must inform the department and the corporation or the

15  National Credit Union Administration, whichever is applicable,

16  of the time and place of the meeting of the board of

17  directors.  The notification must be transmitted at least 5

18  days before the board of directors meets.

19         (4)  Upon adoption by the board of directors of a

20  resolution recommending that the credit union be voluntarily

21  liquidated, the corporation or the National Credit Union

22  Administration, whichever is applicable, may restrict control

23  or give directions with respect to the continued business of

24  the credit union pending consideration of the voluntary

25  liquidation by the members.  During such period, no member

26  shall withdraw an aggregate amount in excess of the insurance

27  or guaranty covered by the credit union. No new extensions of

28  credit shall be funded during the period between the board of

29  directors' adoption of the resolution recommending the

30  voluntary liquidation and the membership meeting called to

31  consider the voluntary liquidation, except for loans fully


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  1  secured by a pledge of shares and for the funding of

  2  outstanding loan commitments approved before the board of

  3  directors adopts the resolution.

  4         (5)  The notice required by subsection (3) shall also

  5  be mailed to the department within 5 days after the action of

  6  the board of directors.  Within 10 days after the meeting of

  7  the membership, the board of directors shall notify the

  8  department and the corporation or the National Credit Union

  9  Administration, whichever is applicable, in writing of the

10  action taken by the members.

11         (7)  The corporation or The National Credit Union

12  Administration, whichever is applicable, shall have the right

13  of first refusal to be appointed as liquidator of any

14  liquidating credit union which it guarantees or insures.  The

15  liquidator shall have all of the powers provided in s. 657.063

16  regarding involuntary liquidation.  If the corporation or the

17  National Credit Union Administration shall decline to serve as

18  liquidator, the board of directors shall appoint a reasonable

19  person as liquidator and specify the extent of

20  responsibilities and authority delegated to the liquidator.

21         Section 26.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

22  657.065, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         657.065  Merger.--

24         (1)  Any state or federal credit union may merge with

25  another state or federal credit union under the existing

26  certificate of authorization of the other credit union,

27  pursuant to any plan agreed upon by the majority of the board

28  of directors of each credit union joining in the merger, if:

29         (b)  The merger is consented to by the corporation or

30  the National Credit Union Administration, whichever is

31  applicable; and


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  1         Section 27.  Section 657.066, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         657.066  Conversion from state credit union to federal

  4  credit union and conversely.--Any credit union organized under

  5  this chapter part may convert into a federal credit union and

  6  any federal credit union may convert into a credit union

  7  organized pursuant to this chapter part upon approval of the

  8  authority under the supervision of which the converted credit

  9  union will operate and upon compliance with applicable laws.

10         (1)  Any action by the board of directors proposing

11  conversion shall be by resolution and shall require the

12  affirmative vote of an absolute majority of the board of

13  directors.  Upon adoption of a resolution relating to

14  conversion, a copy of the resolution shall be mailed to each

15  member, together with a notice setting forth the time,

16  location, and purpose of a meeting of the membership which

17  shall be held not less than 10 nor more than 30 days following

18  the mailing of the notice.

19         (2)  A ballot allowing an affirmative or negative vote

20  on the proposed conversion shall also be mailed to each

21  member. Any ballot received by the credit union prior to the

22  meeting called to consider the conversion shall be counted

23  along with the votes cast at the meeting.  Each member shall

24  have but one vote.  A majority of the votes cast by the

25  members shall be required to approve the conversion.

26         (3)  Within 10 days after the approval of the

27  membership, the board of directors shall cause to be

28  transmitted to the authority under the supervision of which

29  the converted credit union will operate a copy of the

30  resolution adopted by the board of directors and approved by

31  the membership.


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  1         (4)  Upon the written approval of the authority under

  2  the supervision of which the converting credit union is to

  3  operate, the converting credit union shall become a credit

  4  union under this chapter or under the laws of the United

  5  States, as the case may be, and thereupon all assets shall

  6  become the property of the converted credit union, subject to

  7  all existing liabilities against the credit union.  All shares

  8  and deposits shall remain intact. Any federal credit union

  9  seeking to convert to a state-chartered credit union shall pay

10  a nonrefundable filing fee of $500.  The department may

11  conduct an examination of any converting federal credit union

12  before approving the conversion and the converting credit

13  union shall pay a nonrefundable examination fee as provided in

14  s. 655.411(1)(b).

15         (5)  Every conversion must be completed within 90 days

16  after the approval of the authority under the supervision of

17  which the converted credit union will operate.  Upon receiving

18  its certificate of authorization or charter from the authority

19  under the supervision of which the converted credit union will

20  operate, the old certificate of authorization or charter shall

21  be returned to the proper authority and shall be canceled.

22         (6)  In consummation of the conversion, the old credit

23  union may execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the newly

24  chartered credit union the instruments of transfer necessary

25  to accomplish the transfer of any property and all right,

26  title, and interest therein.

27         Section 28.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

28  subsection (4) of section 657.068, Florida Statutes, are

29  amended to read:

30         657.068  Central credit unions.--



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  1         (2)  Membership in a central credit union shall be

  2  limited to:

  3         (a)  Credit unions organized and operating under this

  4  chapter part or any other credit union act;

  5         (4)  A central credit union shall have all the powers

  6  of any credit union organized under this chapter part and

  7  shall have the following powers, notwithstanding any

  8  limitations or restrictions herein:

  9         (a)  A central credit union may make loans to other

10  credit unions, purchase shares of and make deposits in other

11  credit unions, and obtain or acquire the assets and

12  liabilities of any credit union operating in this state which

13  liquidates, provided such assets are otherwise eligible for

14  investment by the acquiring credit union.

15         (b)  A central credit union may invest in and grant

16  loans to associations of credit unions, central funds of

17  credit unions, or organizations chartered to provide services

18  to credit unions.

19         Section 29.  Section 716.02, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         716.02  Escheat of funds in the possession of federal

22  agencies.--All property within the provisions of subsections

23  (1), (2), (3), and (4) and (5), are declared to have

24  escheated, or to escheat, including all principal and interest

25  accruing thereon, and to have become the property of the

26  state.

27         (1)  All money or other property which has remained in,

28  or has been deposited in the custody of, or under the control

29  of, any court of the United States, in and for any district

30  within this state, or which has been deposited with and is in

31  the custody of any depository, registry, clerk or other


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  1  officer of such court, or the United States treasury, which

  2  money or other property the rightful owner or owners thereof,

  3  either:

  4         (a)  Has been unknown for a period of 5 or more

  5  consecutive years; or,

  6         (b)  Has died, without having disposed thereof, and

  7  without having left heirs, next of kin or distributees, or

  8         (c)  Has made no demand for such money or other

  9  property for 5 years;


11  are declared to have escheated, or to escheat, together with

12  all interest accrued thereon, and to have become the property

13  of the state.

14         (2)  After June 16, 1947, all money or other property

15  which has remained in, or has been deposited in the custody

16  of, or under the control of, any court of the United States,

17  in and for any district within this state, for a period of 4

18  years, the rightful owner or owners of which, either:

19         (a)  Shall have been unknown for a period of 4 years;

20  or,

21         (b)  Shall have died without having disposed thereof,

22  and without having left or without leaving heirs, next of kin

23  or distributees; or,

24         (c)  Shall have failed within 4 years to demand the

25  payment or delivery of such funds or other property;


27  is hereby declared to have escheated, or to escheat, together

28  with all interest accrued thereon, and to have become the

29  property of the state.

30         (2)(3)  All money or other property which has remained

31  in, or has been deposited in the custody of, or under the


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  1  control of any officer, department or agency of the United

  2  States for 5 or more consecutive years, which money or other

  3  property had its situs or source in this state, except as

  4  hereinafter provided in subsection (3) (4), the sender of

  5  which is unknown, or who sent the money or other property for

  6  an unknown purpose, or money which is credited as "unknown,"

  7  and which said governmental agency is unable to credit to any

  8  particular account, or the sender of which has been unknown

  9  for a period of 5 or more consecutive years; or when known,

10  has died without having disposed thereof, and without leaving

11  heirs, next of kin or distributees, or for any reason is

12  unclaimed from such governmental agency.

13         (3)(4)  In the event any money is due to any resident

14  of this state as a refund, rebate or tax rebate from the

15  United States Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the United

16  States Treasurer, or other governmental agency or department,

17  which said resident will, or is likely to have her or his

18  rights to apply for and secure such refund or rebate barred by

19  any statute of limitations or, in any event, has failed for a

20  period of 1 year after said resident could have filed a claim

21  for said refund or rebate, the Department of Banking and

22  Finance is hereby appointed agent of such resident to demand,

23  file and apply for said refund or rebate, and is hereby

24  appointed to do any act which a natural person could do to

25  recover said money, and it is hereby declared that when the

26  department files said application or any other proceeding to

27  secure said refund or rebate, its agency is coupled with an

28  interest in the money sought and money recovered.

29         (4)(5)  It is the purpose of this chapter to include

30  all funds or other property in the possession of the

31  government of the United States, and of its departments,


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  1  officers, and agencies, which property has its situs in this

  2  state or belonged to a resident thereof, and not to limit the

  3  application of this chapter by the naming of any particular

  4  agency.  This chapter shall include all funds held in the

  5  United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Comptroller of

  6  Currency, United States Treasury, Department of Internal

  7  Revenue, federal courts, registry of federal courts, and such

  8  evidences of indebtedness as adjusted service bonds, old

  9  matured debts issued prior to 1917, unclaimed and interest

10  thereon, postal savings bonds, liberty bonds, victory notes,

11  treasury bonds, treasury notes, certificates of indebtedness,

12  treasury bills, treasurer's savings certificates, bonuses and

13  adjusted compensation, allotments, and all unclaimed refunds

14  or rebates of whatever kind or nature, which are subjects of

15  escheat, under the terms of this chapter.  Provided, however,

16  that nothing in this chapter shall be construed to mean that

17  any refunds due ratepayers under order of any court of the

18  United States shall become the property of the state.

19         Section 30.  Section 717.137, Florida Statutes, is

20  repealed.

21         Section 31.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

22  law.









