House Bill 0481c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 481

        By the Committee on Governmental Rules & Regulations and
    Representatives Minton, Fasano and Chestnut

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to grant proposals for

  3         community centers; authorizing the Department

  4         of Community Affairs to administer a grant

  5         program for funding the acquisition,

  6         renovation, or construction of community

  7         centers; authorizing counties, municipalities,

  8         special districts, and certain nonprofit

  9         corporations to apply for such grants;

10         requiring that a grant recipient provide

11         certain matching funds; providing for

12         preference to be given to certain projects;

13         providing requirements for grant recipients;

14         providing for a review panel to review grant

15         applications; providing for membership of the

16         review panel and terms of office; requiring the

17         review panel to annually recommend grant

18         recipients to the Secretary of Community

19         Affairs; providing that the department may not

20         allocate a project grant unless the funds are

21         appropriated by the Legislature; authorizing

22         the Department of Community Affairs to adopt

23         rules; providing an effective date.


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  Grants for acquisition, renovation, or

28  construction of community centers; funding; approval;

29  allocation.--

30         (1)(a)  The Department of Community Affairs may accept

31  and administer moneys appropriated to it for providing grants


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 481


  1  to counties, municipalities, special districts, and qualified

  2  corporations for the acquisition, renovation, or construction

  3  of community centers. As used in this section, the term

  4  "community center" means a free-standing building owned or

  5  managed by a county, municipality, special district, or

  6  qualified corporation that provides recreational

  7  opportunities, educational programs, and meeting rooms for the

  8  community. This definition also includes recreational centers

  9  or other similar facilities to the extent that they comply

10  with these criteria.

11         (b)  Eligible expenses shall include, but not be

12  limited to, feasibility studies, planning reports, property

13  appraisals, title searches, property purchases, surveys and

14  borings, site and facility plans, designs and permits, site

15  preparation, utility systems, site and facility security,

16  access features, building areas and spaces, equipment and

17  furniture, graphics and signage, landscape beautification, and

18  project management. Expenses that occur in the time period

19  that begins 2 calendar years prior to the announcement of a

20  grant application submission cycle and ends on the grant

21  completion date stipulated in the executed grant agreement for

22  a project shall be eligible for reimbursement. Should an

23  approved and recommended project be retained on a project list

24  for a subsequent grant cycle as described in paragraph (3)(b),

25  the original eligible expenses date shall remain in effect.

26         (2)(a)  A county, municipality, special district, or

27  qualified corporation may apply for a grant of state funds to

28  acquire, renovate, or construct a community center. As used in

29  this section, the term "special district" means a special

30  district, as defined in s. 189.403, Florida Statutes, that has

31  official responsibilities for the provision of community


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 481


  1  center facilities or services. As used in this section, the

  2  term "qualified corporation" means a corporation that is

  3  designated as a not-for-profit corporation pursuant to s.

  4  501(c)(3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; is

  5  described in, and allowed to receive contributions pursuant

  6  to, s. 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; and is a

  7  corporation not for profit incorporated under chapter 617,

  8  Florida Statutes.

  9         (b)  The state grant may be used to cover up to 75

10  percent of the project cost, and the county, municipality,

11  special district, or qualified corporation must demonstrate to

12  the department that funds are available and committed to the

13  project. The maximum amount that may be awarded to a single

14  project under this section is $1.5 million.

15         (c)  The county, municipality, special district, or

16  nonprofit corporation must demonstrate to the department that

17  the community supports the project and has dedicated funds to

18  operate and maintain the community center.

19         (d)  The department shall give preference to projects

20  that are located in:

21         1.  Enterprise zones, empowerment zones, and service

22  areas in which at least 75 percent of the residents are of low

23  or moderate income, as defined by the United States Department

24  of Housing and Urban Development; or

25         2.  Communities that have fewer than one community

26  center per 35,000 residents.

27         (e)  Up to 10 percent of the grant funds awarded under

28  this section may be used by the Department of Community

29  Affairs for administrative purposes contingent upon approval

30  of an expenditure plan pursuant to the legislative



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 481


  1  consultation and review requirements set forth in s. 216.177,

  2  Florida Statutes.

  3         (f)  Each applicant that receives a grant must

  4  continually monitor its performance under the grant-supported

  5  activities to ensure that time schedules are met, project

  6  objectives are accomplished within specified time periods, and

  7  other performance goals are achieved.

  8         (g)  Grants may not continue for more than 36 months.

  9         (3)(a)  A review panel shall review each application

10  for a grant to acquire, plan, design, permit, renovate, or

11  construct a community center which is submitted under

12  subsection (2). The Governor, the President of the Senate, and

13  the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each appoint

14  two members to serve on the review panel, and those six

15  members shall jointly appoint a seventh member to the panel.

16  Members of the panel shall be appointed to 3-year terms and

17  may not be reappointed to the panel within 1 year after

18  completing a 3-year term. In order to provide for staggered

19  terms, the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the

20  Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each initially

21  appoint one member to a 1-year term. A vacancy on the panel

22  shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the

23  same manner as the original appointment. The review panel

24  shall elect a chairperson from among its members to serve a

25  1-year term and the chairperson may be reelected.

26         (b)  Beginning in fiscal year 2002-2003, the review

27  panel shall annually submit to the Secretary of Community

28  Affairs for approval a list of all applications that the panel

29  recommends be included by the Department of Community Affairs

30  in its legislative budget request for an award of grants,

31  arranged in order of priority. However, for fiscal year


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 481


  1  2001-2002, the review panel must submit the list to the

  2  Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of

  3  the Senate by December 31, 2000. The department may allocate

  4  grants only for projects for which the Legislature has

  5  appropriated funds. Any project that is approved and

  6  recommended by the Secretary of Community Affairs but which is

  7  not funded by the Legislature shall be retained on the project

  8  list for the subsequent grant cycle. Thereafter, the grant

  9  applicant must submit the information required by the

10  department in compliance with the established deadline date of

11  the latest grant cycle in order to adequately indicate the

12  current status of the project.

13         (4)  The Department of Community Affairs shall adopt by

14  rule criteria to be applied by the review panel in

15  recommending applications for the award of grants and shall

16  adopt rules for administering this section.

17         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

18  law.













