House Bill 0601e1

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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to aquaculture; amending s.

  3         190.003, F.S.; including the owner of a

  4         long-term ground lease from a governmental

  5         entity within the definition of "landowner";

  6         giving the board of trustees authority for

  7         taking final agency action on leasing; amending

  8         s. 190.005, F.S.; providing that the

  9         establishment of a community development

10         district must include the consent of all

11         landowners whose lands are to be included in

12         the district; amending s. 190.012, F.S.;

13         authorizing community development districts to

14         fund certain environmental costs under certain

15         circumstances; amending s. 190.021, F.S.;

16         providing that certain ground leases shall not

17         be subject to a lien or encumbrance for

18         described taxes; amending s. 253.002, F.S.;

19         providing duties of the Department of

20         Agriculture and Consumer Services with respect

21         to certain state lands; amending s. 253.01,

22         F.S.; providing for disposition of fees for

23         aquaculture leases; amending s. 253.67, F.S.;

24         revising definitions; amending s. 253.71, F.S.;

25         revising aquaculture lease contract fee and

26         performance requirements; amending s. 253.72,

27         F.S.; providing requirements for the marking of

28         leased areas; amending s. 253.75, F.S.;

29         requiring the Board of Trustees of the Internal

30         Improvement Trust Fund to request comments by

31         the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         regarding certain submerged land leases;

  2         amending s. 270.22, F.S.; conforming

  3         disposition of rental fees for aquaculture

  4         leases; amending s. 328.76, F.S.; providing for

  5         use of certain commercial vessel registration

  6         fees for aquaculture law enforcement and

  7         quality control programs; amending s. 370.06,

  8         F.S.; deleting authority of the Department of

  9         Agriculture and Consumer Services to issue

10         certain special activity licenses under ch.

11         370, F.S.; clarifying requirements relating to

12         the educational seminar for applicants for an

13         Apalachicola Bay oyster harvesting license;

14         amending s. 370.07, F.S.; providing for the

15         distribution of funds from the Florida

16         Saltwater Products Promotion Trust Fund;

17         providing for transfer of responsibilities

18         relating to the Apalachicola Bay oyster

19         surcharge from the Department of Environmental

20         Protection to the Department of Agriculture and

21         Consumer Services; amending s. 370.13, F.S.;

22         providing for a depredation endorsement on a

23         saltwater products license; amending s. 370.16,

24         F.S.; revising regulation of noncultured

25         shellfish harvesting; providing for protection

26         of shellfish and aquaculture products;

27         repealing s. 370.16(1), (2), (3), (4), (5),

28         (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (13), (16),

29         (17), (19), (22), (24), (25), (26), and (27),

30         F.S., relating to regulation and enforcement of

31         oyster and shellfish leases by the Department


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         of Environmental Protection, protection and

  2         development of oyster and shellfish resources,

  3         and regulation of processing for commercial

  4         use; amending ss. 370.161 and 372.071, F.S.;

  5         correcting cross references; amending s.

  6         372.6673, F.S.; requiring certain transfer of

  7         funds from the alligator management program for

  8         products marketing and education; amending s.

  9         372.6674, F.S.; requiring certain transfer of

10         funds from the alligator management program for

11         products marketing and education; amending s.

12         373.046, F.S.; revising regulatory

13         responsibility under pt. IV of ch. 373, F.S.,

14         for aquacultural activities; amending ss.

15         403.814, 409.2598, and 500.03, F.S.; correcting

16         cross references; amending ss. 570.18 and

17         570.29, F.S.; conforming provisions relating to

18         organization of the Department of Agriculture

19         and Consumer Services; creating s. 570.61,

20         F.S.; providing powers and duties of the

21         Division of Aquaculture of the Department of

22         Agriculture and Consumer Services; creating s.

23         570.62, F.S.; providing for appointment and

24         duties of a division director; amending s.

25         597.003, F.S.; requiring a portion of profits

26         from aquaculture contracts to be set aside for

27         funding certain aquaculture projects; amending

28         s. 370.26, F.S.; transferring certain

29         responsibilities relating to aquaculture

30         development from the Department of

31         Environmental Protection to the Department of


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  1         Agriculture and Consumer Services; amending s.

  2         597.004, F.S.; revising provisions relating to

  3         aquaculture certificates of registration;

  4         amending s. 597.0041, F.S.; providing an

  5         administrative fine; providing penalties;

  6         amending s. 597.005, F.S.; requiring review of

  7         aquaculture legislative budget requests by the

  8         Aquaculture Review Council; amending s.

  9         597.006, F.S.; revising membership of the

10         Aquaculture Interagency Coordinating Council;

11         creating s. 597.010, F.S.; providing for

12         regulation and enforcement of shellfish leases

13         by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer

14         Services; providing for continuation of leases

15         previously issued under ch. 370, F.S.;

16         providing for rental fees, fee adjustments,

17         late fees, and forfeiture for nonpayment of

18         fees; providing a lease surcharge for certain

19         purposes; providing for rules; providing

20         cultivation requirements for leased lands;

21         restricting the inheriting or transfer of

22         leases; requiring a deposit for investigations

23         relating to petitions for cancellation of

24         leases to natural reefs; providing for

25         inclusion of natural reefs in leased areas

26         under certain circumstances; restricting leases

27         available in Franklin County; providing

28         prohibitions; providing for shellfish

29         protection and development; providing for

30         special activity licenses for harvest or

31         cultivation of oysters, clams, mussels, and


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         crabs; providing for uncultured shellfish

  2         harvesting seasons in Apalachicola Bay;

  3         restricting harvest of shellfish by mechanical

  4         means; providing a penalty; providing for

  5         enhancement of oyster and clam industries by

  6         the counties; prohibiting dredging of dead

  7         shells; providing for cooperation with the

  8         United States Fish and Wildlife Service;

  9         providing requirements for vessels harvesting,

10         gathering, or transporting oysters or clams for

11         commercial purposes; providing a definition;

12         renumbering and amending s. 370.071, F.S.;

13         providing that regulation of shellfish

14         processors includes processors processing

15         scallops; providing for a fee for licensure or

16         certification of processing facilities;

17         authorizing an administrative fine for

18         violation of rules relating to regulation of

19         shellfish processors; providing intent

20         language; providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Subsection (13) of section 190.003, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         190.003  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

27  term:

28         (13)  "Landowner" means the owner of a freehold estate

29  as appears by the deed record, including a trustee, a private

30  corporation, and an owner of a condominium unit; it does not

31  include a reversioner, remainderman, mortgagee, or any


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  governmental entity, who shall not be counted and need not be

  2  notified of proceedings under this act. "Landowner" also means

  3  the owner of a ground lease from a governmental entity, which

  4  leasehold interest has a remaining term, excluding all renewal

  5  options, in excess of 50 years.

  6         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  7  190.005, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         190.005  Establishment of district.--

  9         (1)  The exclusive and uniform method for the

10  establishment of a community development district with a size

11  of 1,000 acres or more shall be pursuant to a rule, adopted

12  under chapter 120 by the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

13  Commission, granting a petition for the establishment of a

14  community development district.

15         (a)  A petition for the establishment of a community

16  development district shall be filed by the petitioner with the

17  Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission.  The petition

18  shall contain:

19         1.  A metes and bounds description of the external

20  boundaries of the district. Any real property within the

21  external boundaries of the district which is to be excluded

22  from the district shall be specifically described, and the

23  last known address of all owners of such real property shall

24  be listed. The petition shall also address the impact of the

25  proposed district on any real property within the external

26  boundaries of the district which is to be excluded from the

27  district.

28         2.  The written consent to the establishment of the

29  district by all landowners whose the owner or owners of 100

30  percent of the real property is to be included in the district

31  or documentation demonstrating that the petitioner has control


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  by deed, trust agreement, contract, or option of 100 percent

  2  of the real property to be included in the district and, in

  3  the case where real property to be included in the district is

  4  owned by a governmental entity and subject to a ground lease

  5  as described in s. 190.003(13), the written consent by such

  6  governmental entity.

  7         3.  A designation of five persons to be the initial

  8  members of the board of supervisors, who shall serve in that

  9  office until replaced by elected members as provided in s.

10  190.006.

11         4.  The proposed name of the district.

12         5.  A map of the proposed district showing current

13  major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors and outfalls if

14  in existence.

15         6.  Based upon available data, the proposed timetable

16  for construction of the district services and the estimated

17  cost of constructing the proposed services. These estimates

18  shall be submitted in good faith but shall not be binding and

19  may be subject to change.

20         7.  A designation of the future general distribution,

21  location, and extent of public and private uses of land

22  proposed for the area within the district by the future land

23  use plan element of the effective local government

24  comprehensive plan of which all mandatory elements have been

25  adopted by the applicable general-purpose local government in

26  compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning

27  and Land Development Regulation Act.

28         8.  A statement of estimated regulatory costs in

29  accordance with the requirements of s. 120.541.

30         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 190.012, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         190.012  Special powers; public improvements and

  2  community facilities.--The district shall have, and the board

  3  may exercise, subject to the regulatory jurisdiction and

  4  permitting authority of all applicable governmental bodies,

  5  agencies, and special districts having authority with respect

  6  to any area included therein, any or all of the following

  7  special powers relating to public improvements and community

  8  facilities authorized by this act:

  9         (1)  To finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire,

10  construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate,

11  and maintain systems, facilities, and basic infrastructures

12  for the following:

13         (a)  Water management and control for the lands within

14  the district and to connect some or any of such facilities

15  with roads and bridges.

16         (b)  Water supply, sewer, and wastewater management,

17  reclamation, and reuse or any combination thereof, and to

18  construct and operate connecting intercepting or outlet sewers

19  and sewer mains and pipes and water mains, conduits, or

20  pipelines in, along, and under any street, alley, highway, or

21  other public place or ways, and to dispose of any effluent,

22  residue, or other byproducts of such system or sewer system.

23         (c)  Bridges or culverts that may be needed across any

24  drain, ditch, canal, floodway, holding basin, excavation,

25  public highway, tract, grade, fill, or cut and roadways over

26  levees and embankments, and to construct any and all of such

27  works and improvements across, through, or over any public

28  right-of-way, highway, grade, fill, or cut.

29         (d)1.  District roads equal to or exceeding the

30  specifications of the county in which such district roads are

31  located, and street lights.


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         2.  Buses, trolleys, transit shelters, ridesharing

  2  facilities and services, parking improvements, and related

  3  signage.

  4         (e)  Investigation and remediation costs associated

  5  with the cleanup of actual or perceived environmental

  6  contamination within the district under the supervision or

  7  direction of a competent governmental authority unless the

  8  covered costs benefit any person who is a landowner within the

  9  district and who caused or contributed to the contamination.

10         (f)(e)  Conservation areas, mitigation areas, and

11  wildlife habitat, including the maintenance of any plant or

12  animal species, and any related interest in real or personal

13  property.

14         (g)(f)  Any other project within or without the

15  boundaries of a district when a local government issued a

16  development order pursuant to s. 380.06 or s. 380.061

17  approving or expressly requiring the construction or funding

18  of the project by the district, or when the project is the

19  subject of an agreement between the district and a

20  governmental entity and is consistent with the local

21  government comprehensive plan of the local government within

22  which the project is to be located.

23         Section 4.  Subsection (10) is added to section

24  190.021, Florida Statutes, to read:

25         190.021  Taxes; non-ad valorem assessments.--

26         (10)  LAND OWNED BY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY.--Except as

27  otherwise provided by law, no levy of ad valorem taxes or

28  non-ad valorem assessments under this chapter, chapter 170, or

29  chapter 197, or otherwise, by a board of a district on

30  property of a governmental entity that is subject to a ground

31  lease, as described in s. 190.003(13), shall constitute a lien


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  or encumbrance on the underlying fee interest of such

  2  governmental entity.

  3         Section 5.  Section 253.002, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         253.002  Department of Environmental Protection, and

  6  water management districts, and Department of Agriculture and

  7  Consumer Services; duties with respect to state lands.--

  8         (1)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall

  9  perform all staff duties and functions related to the

10  acquisition, administration, and disposition of state lands,

11  title to which is or will be vested in the Board of Trustees

12  of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. However, upon the

13  effective date of rules adopted pursuant to s. 373.427, a

14  water management district created under s. 373.069 shall

15  perform the staff duties and functions related to the review

16  of any application for authorization to use board of

17  trustees-owned submerged lands necessary for an activity

18  regulated under part IV of chapter 373 for which the water

19  management district has permitting responsibility as set forth

20  in an operating agreement adopted pursuant to s. 373.046(4);

21  and effective July 1, 2000, the Department of Agriculture and

22  Consumer Services shall perform the staff duties and functions

23  related to the review of applications and compliance with

24  lease conditions for use of board of trustees-owned submerged

25  lands under leases issued pursuant to ss. 253.67-253.75 and s.

26  597.010. Unless expressly prohibited by law, the board of

27  trustees may delegate to the department any statutory duty or

28  obligation relating to the acquisition, administration, or

29  disposition of lands, title to which is or will be vested in

30  the board of trustees. The board of trustees may also delegate

31  to any water management district created under s. 373.069 the


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  authority to take final agency action, without any action on

  2  behalf of the board, on applications for authorization to use

  3  board of trustees-owned submerged lands for any activity

  4  regulated under part IV of chapter 373 for which the water

  5  management district has permitting responsibility as set forth

  6  in an operating agreement adopted pursuant to s. 373.046(4).

  7  This water management district responsibility under this

  8  subsection shall be subject to the department's general

  9  supervisory authority pursuant to s. 373.026(7). The board of

10  trustees may also delegate to the Department of Agriculture

11  and Consumer Services the authority to take final agency

12  action on behalf of the board on applications to use board of

13  trustees-owned submerged lands for any activity for which that

14  department has responsibility pursuant to ss. 253.67-253.75

15  and s. 597.010. However, the board of trustees shall retain

16  authority to take final agency action on establishing any

17  areas for leasing, new leases, expanding existing lease areas,

18  or changing the type of lease activity in existing leases.

19  Upon issuance of an aquaculture lease or other real property

20  transaction relating to aquaculture, the Department of

21  Agriculture and Consumer Services must send a copy of the

22  document and the accompanying survey to the Department of

23  Environmental Protection.

24         (2)  Delegations to the department, or a water

25  management district, or the Department of Agriculture and

26  Consumer Services of authority to take final agency action on

27  applications for authorization to use submerged lands owned by

28  the board of trustees, without any action on behalf of the

29  board of trustees, shall be by rule. Until rules adopted

30  pursuant to this subsection become effective, existing

31  delegations by the board of trustees shall remain in full


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  force and effect. However, the board of trustees is not

  2  limited or prohibited from amending these delegations. By

  3  December 31, 1995, The board of trustees shall adopt by rule

  4  any delegations of its authority to take final agency action

  5  without action by the board of trustees on applications for

  6  authorization to use board of trustees-owned submerged lands.

  7  Any final agency action, without action by the board of

  8  trustees, taken by the department, or a water management

  9  district, or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer

10  Services on applications to use board of trustees-owned

11  submerged lands shall be subject to the provisions of s.

12  373.4275. Notwithstanding any other provision of this

13  subsection, the board of trustees, the Department of Legal

14  Affairs, and the department retain the concurrent authority to

15  assert or defend title to submerged lands owned by the board

16  of trustees.

17         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

18  253.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         253.01  Internal Improvement Trust Fund established.--

20         (1)

21         (b)  All revenues received from application fees

22  charged by the Division of State Lands for the use in any

23  manner, lease, conveyance, or release of any interest in or

24  for the sale of state lands, except revenues from such fees

25  charged by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

26  for aquaculture leases under ss. s. 253.71(2) and 597.010,

27  must be deposited into the Internal Improvement Trust Fund.

28  The fees charged by the division for reproduction of records

29  relating to state lands must also be placed into the fund.

30  Revenues received by the Department of Agriculture and

31  Consumer Services for aquaculture leases under ss. 253.71(2)


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  and 597.010 shall be deposited in the General Inspection Trust

  2  Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

  3         Section 7.  Section 253.67, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         253.67  Definitions.--As used in ss. 253.67-253.75:

  6         (1)  "Aquaculture" means the cultivation of aquatic

  7  organisms.

  8         (2)(4)  "Board" means the Board of Trustees of the

  9  Internal Improvement Trust Fund.

10         (3)  "Department" means the Department of Agriculture

11  and Consumer Services Environmental Protection.

12         (4)(2)  "Water column" means the vertical extent of

13  water, including the surface thereof, above a designated area

14  of submerged bottom land.

15         Section 8.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

16  subsection (4) of section 253.71, Florida Statutes, are

17  amended to read:

18         253.71  The lease contract.--When the board has

19  determined that the proposed lease is not incompatible with

20  the public interest and that the applicant has demonstrated

21  his or her capacity to perform the operations upon which the

22  application is based, it may proceed to consummate a lease

23  contract having the following features in addition to others

24  deemed desirable by the board:

25         (2)  RENTAL FEES.--

26         (a)  The lease contract shall specify such amount of

27  rental per acre of leased bottom as may be agreed to by the

28  parties and shall take the form of fixed rental to be paid

29  throughout the term of the lease.  Beginning January 1, 1990,

30  a surcharge of $5 per acre, or any fraction of an acre, per

31  annum shall be levied upon each lease according to the


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  1  guidelines set forth in s. 597.010(7) 370.16(4)(b). Beginning

  2  January 1, 2001, the surcharge shall be increased to $10 per

  3  acre, or any fraction of an acre, per annum.

  4         (4)  PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS.--Failure of the lessee

  5  to perform effective cultivation shall constitute ground for

  6  cancellation of the lease and forfeiture to the state of all

  7  the works, improvements, and animal and plant life in and upon

  8  the leased land and water column.  Effective cultivation shall

  9  consist of the grow out of the aquaculture product according

10  to the business plan provided in the lease contract guidelines

11  set forth in s. 370.16(4)(e).

12         Section 9.  Section 253.72, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         253.72  Marking of leased areas; restrictions on public

15  use.--

16         (1)  The board shall require all lessees to stake off

17  and mark the areas under lease according to the conditions of

18  the lease agreement and rules of the board, by appropriate

19  ranges, monuments, stakes, buoys, and fences, so placed as not

20  to interfere unnecessarily with navigation and other

21  traditional uses of the surface.  All lessees shall cause the

22  area under lease and the names of the lessees to be shown by

23  signs appropriately placed pursuant to regulations of the

24  board.

25         (2)  Except to the extent necessary to permit the

26  effective development of the species of animal or plant life

27  being cultivated by the lessee, the public shall be provided

28  with means of reasonable ingress and egress to and from the

29  leased area for traditional water activities such as boating,

30  swimming, and fishing.  All limitations upon the use by the

31  public of the areas under lease that are authorized by the


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  1  terms of the lease shall be clearly posted by the lessee

  2  pursuant to rules regulations by the board. Any person

  3  willfully violating posted restrictions commits shall be

  4  guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as

  5  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

  6         (3)  To assist in protecting shellfish aquaculture

  7  products produced on leases authorized pursuant to this

  8  chapter and chapter 597 370, harvesting shellfish is

  9  prohibited within a distance of 25 feet outside lawfully

10  marked lease boundaries or within setback and access corridors

11  within specifically designated high-density aquaculture lease

12  areas and aquaculture use zones.

13         Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 253.75, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         253.75  Studies and recommendations by the department

16  and the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; designation

17  of recommended traditional and other use zones; supervision of

18  aquaculture operations.--

19         (1)  Prior to the granting of any lease under this act,

20  the board shall request comments a recommendation by the

21  department, when the application relates to tidal bottoms, and

22  by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, when the

23  application relates to bottom land covered by fresh or salt

24  water. Such comments recommendations shall be based on such

25  factors as an assessment of the probable effect of the

26  proposed lease leasing arrangement on the lawful rights of

27  riparian owners, navigation, commercial and sport fishing, and

28  the conservation of fish or other wildlife or other programs

29  under the constitutional or statutory authority of the Fish

30  and Wildlife Conservation Commission natural resources,

31  including beaches and shores.


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  1         Section 11.  Subsection (2) of section 270.22, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         270.22  Proceeds of state lands to go into Internal

  4  Improvement Trust Fund; exception.--

  5         (2)  Rental fees for aquaculture leases pursuant to s.

  6  253.71(2) shall be deposited into the General Inspection Trust

  7  Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

  8  Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund of the Department of

  9  Environmental Protection.  Such fees generated by

10  shellfish-related aquaculture leases shall be used for

11  shellfish-related aquaculture activities, including research,

12  lease compliance inspections, mapping, and siting.

13         Section 12.  Section 328.76, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         328.76  Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund;

16  vessel registration funds; appropriation and distribution.--

17         (1)  Except as otherwise specified and less any

18  administrative costs, all funds collected from the

19  registration of vessels through the Department of Highway

20  Safety and Motor Vehicles and the tax collectors of the state

21  shall be deposited in the Marine Resources Conservation Trust

22  Fund for recreational channel marking; public launching

23  facilities; law enforcement and quality control programs;

24  aquatic weed control; manatee protection, recovery, rescue,

25  rehabilitation, and release; and marine mammal protection and

26  recovery. The funds collected pursuant to s. 328.72(1) shall

27  be transferred as follows:

28         (a)  In each fiscal year, an amount equal to $1 for

29  each vessel registered in this state shall be transferred to

30  the Save the Manatee Trust Fund for manatee and marine mammal



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  1  research, protection, and recovery in accordance with the

  2  provisions of s. 370.12(4)(a).

  3         (b)  In addition, in each fiscal year, an amount equal

  4  to 50 cents for each vessel registered in this state shall be

  5  transferred to the Save the Manatee Trust Fund in accordance

  6  with the provisions of s. 370.12(4)(b) for use by those

  7  facilities approved to rescue, rehabilitate, and release

  8  manatees as authorized pursuant to the Fish and Wildlife

  9  Service of the United States Department of the Interior.

10         (c)  Two dollars from each noncommercial vessel

11  registration fee, except that for class A-1 vessels, shall be

12  transferred to the Invasive Plant Control Trust Fund for

13  aquatic weed research and control.

14         (d)  Forty percent of the registration fees from

15  commercial vessels shall be used for law enforcement and

16  quality control programs.

17         (d)(e)  Forty percent of the registration fees from

18  commercial vessels shall be transferred to the Invasive Plant

19  Control Trust Fund for aquatic plant research and control.

20         (e)  Forty percent of the registration fees from

21  commercial vessels shall be transferred by the Department of

22  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, on a monthly basis, to the

23  General Inspection Trust Fund of the Department of Agriculture

24  and Consumer Services. These funds shall be used for shellfish

25  and aquaculture law enforcement and quality control programs.

26         (2)  All funds collected pursuant to s. 370.06(2) shall

27  be deposited in the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund.

28  Such funds shall be used to pay the cost of implementing the

29  saltwater products license program. Additional proceeds from

30  the licensing revenue shall be distributed among the following

31  program functions:


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  1         (a)  No more than 15 percent shall go to marine law

  2  enforcement;

  3         (b)  Twenty-five No more than 25 percent shall go to

  4  the Florida Saltwater Products Promotion Trust Fund within the

  5  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, on a monthly

  6  basis, for the purpose of providing marketing and extension

  7  services including industry information and education; and

  8         (c)  The remainder shall go to the Fish and Wildlife

  9  Conservation Commission, for use in marine research and

10  statistics development, including quota management.

11         Section 13.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) and

12  paragraph (e) of subsection (5) of section 370.06, Florida

13  Statutes, are amended to read:

14         370.06  Licenses.--


16         (c)  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer

17  Services is authorized to issue special activity licenses, in

18  accordance with s. 370.071, to permit the harvest or

19  cultivation of oysters, clams, mussels, and crabs when such

20  activities relate to quality control, sanitation, public

21  health regulations, innovative technologies for aquaculture

22  activities, or the protection of shellfish resources provided

23  in this chapter.


25         (e)  Each person who applies for an Apalachicola Bay

26  oyster harvesting license shall, before receiving the license

27  for the first time, attend an educational seminar of not more

28  than 16 hours length, developed and conducted jointly by the

29  Department of Environmental Protection's Apalachicola National

30  Estuarine Research Reserve, the Division of Law Enforcement of

31  the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' Apalachicola

  2  District Shellfish Environmental Assessment Laboratory. The

  3  seminar shall address, among other things, oyster biology,

  4  conservation of the Apalachicola Bay, sanitary care of

  5  oysters, small business management, and water safety. The

  6  seminar shall be offered five times per year, and each person

  7  attending shall receive a certificate of participation to

  8  present when obtaining an Apalachicola Bay oyster harvesting

  9  license.  The educational seminar is not required for renewal

10  of an Apalachicola Bay oyster harvesting license.

11         Section 14.  Paragraph (j) of subsection (2) and

12  paragraphs (f), (h), (i), and (k) of subsection (3) of section

13  370.07, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

14         370.07  Wholesale and retail saltwater products

15  dealers; regulation.--

16         (2)  LICENSES; AMOUNT, TRUST FUND.--

17         (j)  License or privilege taxes, together with any

18  other funds derived from the Federal Government or from any

19  other source, shall be deposited in a Florida Saltwater

20  Products Promotion Trust Fund to be administered by the

21  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the sole

22  purpose of promoting all fish and saltwater products produced

23  in this state, except that 4 percent of the total wholesale

24  and retail saltwater products dealers license fees collected

25  shall be deposited into the Marine Resources Conservation

26  Trust Fund administered by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

27  Commission for the purpose of processing wholesale and retail

28  saltwater products dealers licenses.


30         (f)  The Department of Revenue shall collect the

31  surcharge for transfer into the General Inspection Trust Fund


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  1  of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Marine

  2  Resources Conservation Trust Fund of the Department of

  3  Environmental Protection.

  4         (h)  Annually, the Department of Agriculture and

  5  Consumer Services and the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

  6  Commission Environmental Protection shall furnish the

  7  Department of Revenue with a current list of wholesale dealers

  8  in the state.

  9         (i)  Collections received by the Department of Revenue

10  from the surcharge shall be transferred quarterly to the

11  General Inspection Trust Fund of the Department of Agriculture

12  and Consumer Services Department of Environmental Protection

13  Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund, less the costs of

14  administration.

15         (k)  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer

16  Services Environmental Protection shall use or distribute

17  funds generated by this surcharge, less reasonable costs of

18  collection and administration, to fund the following oyster

19  management and restoration programs in Apalachicola Bay:

20         1.  The relaying and transplanting of live oysters.

21         2.  Shell planting to construct or rehabilitate oyster

22  bars.

23         3.  Education programs for licensed oyster harvesters

24  on oyster biology, aquaculture, boating and water safety,

25  sanitation, resource conservation, small business management,

26  and other relevant subjects.

27         4.  Research directed toward the enhancement of oyster

28  production in the bay and the water management needs of the

29  bay.

30         Section 15.  Subsection (8) is added to section 370.13,

31  Florida Statutes, to read:


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         370.13  Stone crab; regulation.--

  2         (8)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

  3  shall issue a depredation endorsement on the saltwater

  4  products license, which shall entitle the license holder to

  5  possess and use up to 75 stone crab traps and up to 75 blue

  6  crab traps, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, for

  7  the incidental take of destructive or nuisance stone crabs or

  8  blue crabs within one mile of aquaculture shellfish beds.  Any

  9  marine aquaculture producer as defined by s. 370.26 F.S., who

10  raises shellfish may obtain a depredation endorsement by

11  providing an aquaculture registration certificate to the

12  Commission.  No stone crabs or blue crabs taken under this

13  provision may be sold or offered for sale.

14         Section 16.  Subsections (1) through (11), (13), (16),

15  (17), (19), (22), and (24) through (27) of section 370.16,

16  Florida Statutes, are repealed, and subsections (12), (14),

17  (15), (18), (20), (21), (23), and (28) of said section are

18  amended to read:

19         370.16  Noncultured shellfish harvesting Oysters and

20  shellfish; regulation.--



23         (a)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall

24  improve, enlarge, and protect the natural oyster and clam

25  reefs of this state to the extent it may deem advisable and

26  the means at its disposal will permit.

27         (a)(b)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

28  shall, to the same extent, assist in protecting shellfish

29  aquaculture products produced on leased or granted reefs in

30  the hands of lessees or grantees from the state. Harvesting

31  shellfish is prohibited within a distance of 25 feet outside


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  lawfully marked lease boundaries or within setback and access

  2  corridors within specifically designated high-density

  3  aquaculture lease areas and aquaculture use zones.

  4         (b)(c)  The department, in cooperation with the

  5  commission, shall provide the Legislature with recommendations

  6  as needed for the development and the proper protection of the

  7  rights of the state and private holders therein with respect

  8  to the oyster and clam business.



11         (a)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

12  shall by rule set the noncultured consider setting the

13  shellfish harvesting seasons in the Apalachicola Bay. as

14  follows:

15         1.  The open season shall be from October 1 to July 31

16  of each year.

17         2.  The entire bay, including private leased or granted

18  grounds, shall be closed to shellfish harvesting from August 1

19  to September 30 of each year for the purpose of oyster

20  relaying and transplanting and shell planting.

21         (b)  If the commission changes the harvesting seasons

22  by rule as set forth in this subsection, for 3 years after the

23  new rule takes effect, the commission, in cooperation with the

24  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shall monitor

25  the impacts of the new harvesting schedule on the bay and on

26  local shellfish harvesters to determine whether the new

27  harvesting schedule should be discontinued, retained, or

28  modified.  In monitoring the new schedule and in preparing its

29  report, the commission shall consider the following

30  information shall be considered:



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  1         1.  Whether the bay benefits ecologically from the new

  2  harvesting schedule being closed to shellfish harvesting from

  3  August 1 to September 30 of each year.

  4         2.  Whether the new harvesting schedule enhances the

  5  enforcement of shellfish harvesting laws in the bay.

  6         3.  Whether the new harvesting schedule enhances

  7  natural shellfish production, oyster relay and planting

  8  programs, and shell planting programs in the bay.

  9         4.  Whether the new harvesting schedule has more than a

10  short-term adverse economic impact, if any, on local shellfish

11  harvesters.

12         (c)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission by

13  rule shall consider restricting harvesting on shellfish grants

14  or leases to the same days of the week as harvesting on public

15  beds.



18         (a)  It is unlawful to use a dredge or any means or

19  implement other than hand tongs in removing oysters from the

20  natural or artificial state reefs. This restriction shall

21  apply to all areas of the Apalachicola Bay for all shellfish

22  harvesting, excluding private grounds leased or granted by the

23  state prior to July 1, 1989, if the lease or grant

24  specifically authorizes the use of implements other than hand

25  tongs for harvesting.  Except in the Apalachicola Bay, upon

26  the payment of $25 annually, for each vessel or boat using a

27  dredge or machinery in the gathering of clams or mussels, a

28  special activity license may be issued by the Fish and

29  Wildlife Conservation Commission pursuant to s. 370.06 for

30  such use to such person.



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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         (b)  Special activity licenses issued to harvest

  2  shellfish by dredge or other mechanical means from privately

  3  held shellfish leases or grants in Apalachicola Bay shall

  4  include, but not be limited to, the following conditions:

  5         (b)1.  The use of any mechanical harvesting device

  6  other than ordinary hand tongs for taking shellfish for any

  7  purpose from public shellfish beds in Apalachicola Bay shall

  8  be unlawful.

  9         (c)2.  The possession of any mechanical harvesting

10  device on the waters of Apalachicola Bay from 5 p.m. until

11  sunrise shall be unlawful.

12         3.  Leaseholders or grantees shall telephonically

13  notify the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission no less

14  than 48 hours prior to each day's use of a dredge or scrape in

15  order to arrange for a commission officer to be present on the

16  lease or grant area while a dredge or scrape is used on the

17  lease or grant. Under no circumstances may a dredge or scrape

18  be used without a commission officer present.

19         4.  Only two dredges or scrapes per lease or grant may

20  be possessed or operated at any time.

21         (d)5.  Each vessel used for the transport or deployment

22  of a dredge or scrape shall prominently display the lease or

23  grant number or numbers, in numerals which are at least 12

24  inches high and 6 inches wide, in such a manner that the lease

25  or grant number or numbers are readily identifiable from both

26  the air and the water.  The commission shall apply other

27  statutes, rules, or conditions necessary to protect the

28  environment and natural resources from improper transport,

29  deployment, and operation of a dredge or scrape.  Any

30  violation of this paragraph or of any other statutes, rules,

31  or conditions referenced in the special activity license shall


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  be considered a violation of the license and shall result in

  2  revocation of the license and forfeiture of the bond submitted

  3  to the commission as a prerequisite to the issuance of this

  4  license.

  5         (e)(c)  Oysters may be harvested from natural or public

  6  or private leased or granted grounds by common hand tongs or

  7  by hand, by scuba diving, free diving, leaning from vessels,

  8  or wading.  In the Apalachicola Bay, this provision shall

  9  apply to all shellfish.


11  The commission shall apply other statutes, rules, or

12  conditions necessary to protect the environment and natural

13  resources from improper transport, deployment, and operation

14  of a dredge or scrape. Any violation of this subsection or of

15  any other statutes, rules, or conditions referenced in the

16  special activity license shall be considered a violation of

17  the license and shall result in revocation of the license and

18  forfeiture of the bond submitted to the commission as a

19  prerequisite to the issuance of this license.


21  HANDLED.--Each packer, canner, corporation, firm, commission

22  person, or dealer in fish shall, on the first day of each

23  month, make a return under oath to the Fish and Wildlife

24  Conservation Commission, as to the number of oysters, clams,

25  and shellfish purchased, caught, or handled during the

26  preceding month.  Whoever is found guilty of making any false

27  affidavit to any such report is guilty of perjury and punished

28  as provided by law, and any person who fails to make such

29  report shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by

30  imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 6 months.



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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1         (a)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission may

  2  establish and maintain necessary patrols of the salt waters of

  3  Florida, with authority to use such force as may be necessary

  4  to capture any vessel or person violating the provisions of

  5  the laws relating to oysters and clams, and may establish

  6  ports of entry at convenient locations where the severance or

  7  privilege tax levied on oysters and clams may be collected or

  8  paid and may make such rules and regulations as it may deem

  9  necessary for the enforcement of such tax.

10         (b)  Each person in any way dealing in shellfish

11  harvesting from public reefs or beds shall keep a record, on

12  blanks or forms prescribed by the commission, of all oysters,

13  clams, and shellfish taken, purchased, used, or handled by him

14  or her, with the name of the persons from whom purchased, if

15  purchased, together with the quantity and the date taken or

16  purchased, and shall exhibit this account at all times when

17  requested so to do by the commission or any conservation

18  agent; and he or she shall, on the first day of each month,

19  make a return under oath to the commission as to the number of

20  oysters, clams, and shellfish purchased, caught, or handled

21  during the preceding month. The commission may require

22  detailed returns whenever it deems them necessary.


24  OYSTER AND CLAM LAWS, ETC.--Vessels, with their cargoes,

25  violating the provisions of the laws relating to oysters and

26  clams may be seized by anyone duly and lawfully authorized to

27  make arrests under this section or by any sheriff or the

28  sheriff's deputies, and taken into custody, and when not

29  arrested by the sheriff or the sheriff's deputies, delivered

30  to the sheriff of the county in which the seizure is made, and

31  shall be liable to forfeiture, on appropriate proceedings


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  being instituted by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

  2  Commission, before the courts of that county.  In such case

  3  the cargo shall at once be disposed of by the sheriff, for

  4  account of whom it may concern.  Should the master or any of

  5  the crew of said vessel be found guilty of using dredges or

  6  other instruments in fishing oysters on natural reefs contrary

  7  to law, or fishing on the natural oyster or clam reefs out of

  8  season, or unlawfully taking oysters or clams belonging to a

  9  lessee, such vessel shall be declared forfeited by the court,

10  and ordered sold and the proceeds of the sale shall be

11  deposited with the Treasurer to the credit of the General

12  Revenue Fund; any person guilty of such violations shall not

13  be permitted to have any license provided for in this chapter

14  within a period of 1 year from the date of conviction.

15  Pending proceedings such vessel may be released upon the owner

16  furnishing bond, with good and solvent security in double the

17  value of the vessel, conditioned upon its being returned in

18  good condition to the sheriff to abide the judgment of the

19  court.


21  dredging of dead shell deposits is prohibited in the state.


23         (a)  All vessels used for the harvesting, gathering, or

24  transporting of noncultured oysters for commercial use shall

25  be constructed and maintained to prevent contamination or

26  deterioration of oysters. To this end, all such vessels shall

27  be provided with false bottoms and bulkheads fore and aft to

28  prevent oysters from coming in contact with any bilge water.

29  No dogs or other animals shall be allowed at any time on

30  vessels used to harvest or transport oysters.  A violation of



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  1  any provision of this subsection shall result in at least the

  2  revocation of the violator's license.

  3         (b)  For the purpose of this subsection, "commercial

  4  use" shall be a quantity of more than 4 bushels, or more than

  5  2 gallons, of shucked oysters, per person or per boat, or any

  6  number or quantity of oysters if the oysters are to be sold.

  7         Section 17.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

  8  370.161, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  9         370.161  Oyster bottom land grants made pursuant to ch.

10  3293.--

11         (1)  All grants previously issued by the several boards

12  of county commissioners under the authority of chapter 3293,

13  1881, Laws of Florida, shall be subject to provisions of s.

14  597.010 370.16, relating to the marking of such lands, the

15  payment of rents, the cultivation of such lands and the

16  forfeiture provisions.

17         (2)  Any grantee of lands referred to in subsection (1)

18  shall mark such lands and begin cultivation thereof as set

19  forth in s. 597.010 370.16, within 90 days after the effective

20  date of this act. The rentals prescribed by s. 597.010 370.16,

21  shall be payable immediately upon the effective date of this

22  act and in accordance with the provisions of said section.

23         Section 18.  Section 372.071, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         372.071  Powers of arrest by agents of Department of

26  Environmental Protection or Fish and Wildlife Conservation

27  Commission.--Any certified law enforcement officer of the

28  Department of Environmental Protection or the Fish and

29  Wildlife Conservation Commission, upon receiving information,

30  relayed to her or him from any law enforcement officer

31  stationed on the ground, on the water, or in the air, that a


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  1  driver, operator, or occupant of any vehicle, boat, or airboat

  2  has violated any section of chapter 327, chapter 328, chapter

  3  370, or this chapter, or s. 597.010 or s. 597.020, may arrest

  4  the driver, operator, or occupant for violation of said laws

  5  when reasonable and proper identification of the vehicle,

  6  boat, or airboat and reasonable and probable grounds to

  7  believe that the driver, operator, or occupant has committed

  8  or is committing any such offense have been communicated to

  9  the arresting officer by the other officer stationed on the

10  ground, on the water, or in the air.

11         Section 19.  Subsection (4) of section 372.6673,

12  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         372.6673  Taking and possession of alligators; trapping

14  licenses; fees.--

15         (4)  No person shall take any alligator egg occurring

16  in the wild or possess any such egg unless such person has

17  obtained, or is a licensed agent of another person who has

18  obtained, an alligator egg collection permit. The alligator

19  egg collection permit shall be required in addition to the

20  alligator farming license provided in paragraph (2)(d).  The

21  commission is authorized to assess a fee for issuance of the

22  alligator egg collection permit of up to $5 per egg authorized

23  to be taken or possessed pursuant to such permit. Irrespective

24  of whether a fee is assessed, of which $1 per egg collected

25  and retained, excluding eggs collected on private wetland

26  management areas, shall may be transferred from the alligator

27  management program to the General Inspection Trust Fund, to be

28  administered by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer

29  Services for the purpose of providing marketing and education

30  services with respect to alligator products produced in this

31  state, notwithstanding other provisions in this chapter.


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  1         Section 20.  Subsection (2) of section 372.6674,

  2  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         372.6674  Required tagging of alligators and hides;

  4  fees; revenues.--The tags provided in this section shall be

  5  required in addition to any license required under s.

  6  372.6673.

  7         (2)  The commission may require that an alligator hide

  8  validation tag (CITES tag) be affixed to the hide of any

  9  alligator taken from the wild and that such hide be possessed,

10  purchased, sold, offered for sale, or transported in

11  accordance with commission rule.  The commission is authorized

12  to assess a fee of up to $30 for each alligator hide

13  validation tag issued. Irrespective of whether a fee is

14  assessed, of which $5 per validated hide, excluding those

15  validated from public hunt programs and alligator farms, shall

16  may be transferred from the alligator management program to

17  the General Inspection Trust Fund, to be administered by the

18  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the

19  purpose of providing marketing and education services with

20  respect to alligator products produced in this state,

21  notwithstanding other provisions in this chapter.

22         Section 21.  Subsection (5) of section 373.046, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         373.046  Interagency agreements.--

25         (5)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 403.927, when

26  any operating agreement is developed pursuant to subsection

27  (4),:

28         (a)  the department shall have regulatory

29  responsibility under part IV of this chapter for:

30         1.  All saltwater aquaculture activities located on

31  sovereignty submerged land or in the water column above such


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  land and adjacent facilities directly related to the

  2  aquaculture activity.

  3         2.  aquaculture activities that meet or exceed the

  4  thresholds for aquaculture general permits authorized pursuant

  5  to ss. 370.26 and 403.814.

  6         3.  Aquaculture activities within the Northwest Florida

  7  Water Management District.

  8         (b)  Water management districts shall have regulatory

  9  responsibility under part IV of this chapter for aquaculture

10  activities not retained by the department in paragraph (a).

11         (c)  Upon agreement by the applicant, the department,

12  and the applicable water management district, the department

13  and water management district may reassign the regulatory

14  responsibilities described in paragraphs (a) and (b), based on

15  the specific aquaculture operation, to achieve a more

16  efficient and effective permitting process.

17         Section 22.  Subsection (11) of section 403.814,

18  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         403.814  General permits; delegation.--

20         (11)  Upon agreement by the applicant, the department,

21  and the applicable water management district, the department

22  and water management district may reassign the regulatory

23  responsibilities described in s. 373.046(5)(a) and (b), based

24  on the specific aquaculture operation, to achieve a more

25  efficient and effective permitting process.

26         Section 23.  Subsection (1) of section 409.2598,

27  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         409.2598  Suspension or denial of new or renewal

29  licenses; registrations; certifications.--

30         (1)  The Title IV-D agency may petition the court that

31  entered the support order or the court that is enforcing the


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  support order to deny or suspend the license, registration, or

  2  certificate issued under chapter 231, chapter 370, chapter

  3  372, chapter 409, part II of chapter 455, or chapter 559, or

  4  s. 328.42, or s. 597.010 of any obligor with a delinquent

  5  child support obligation or who fails, after receiving

  6  appropriate notice, to comply with subpoenas, orders to

  7  appear, orders to show cause, or similar orders relating to

  8  paternity or child support proceedings. However, a petition

  9  may not be filed until the Title IV-D agency has exhausted all

10  other available remedies. The purpose of this section is to

11  promote the public policy of the state as established in s.

12  409.2551.

13         Section 24.  Paragraph (n) of subsection (1) of section

14  500.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         500.03  Definitions of terms; construction;

16  applicability.--

17         (1)  For the purpose of this chapter, the term:

18         (n)  "Food establishment" means any factory, food

19  outlet, or any other facility manufacturing, processing,

20  packing, holding, or preparing food, or selling food at

21  wholesale or retail. The term does not include any business or

22  activity that is regulated under chapter 370, chapter 509, or

23  chapter 601. The term also does not include any establishments

24  that pack fruits and vegetables in their raw or natural

25  states, including those fruits or vegetables that are washed,

26  colored, or otherwise treated in their unpeeled, natural form

27  before they are marketed.

28         Section 25.  Section 570.18, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         570.18  Organization of departmental work.--In the

31  assignment of functions to the 12 11 divisions of the


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  department created in s. 570.29, the department shall retain

  2  within the Division of Administration, in addition to

  3  executive functions, those powers and duties enumerated in s.

  4  570.30.  The department shall organize the work of the other

  5  11 10 divisions in such a way as to secure maximum efficiency

  6  in the conduct of the department. The divisions created in s.

  7  570.29 are solely to make possible the definite placing of

  8  responsibility.  The department shall be conducted as a unit

  9  in which every employee, including each division director, is

10  assigned a definite workload, and there shall exist between

11  division directors a spirit of cooperative effort to

12  accomplish the work of the department.

13         Section 26.  Subsections (4) through (11) of section

14  570.29, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (5)

15  through (12), respectively, and a new subsection (4) is added

16  to said section to read:

17         570.29  Departmental divisions.--The department shall

18  include the following divisions:

19         (4)  Aquaculture.

20         Section 27.  Section 570.61, Florida Statutes, is

21  created to read:

22         570.61  Division of Aquaculture; powers and

23  duties.--The powers and duties of the Division of Aquaculture

24  shall include, but are not limited to, administering the

25  aquaculture certification program; enforcing shellfish

26  sanitation standards; administering the aquaculture and

27  shellfish lease programs; ensuring that shellfish processing

28  facilities comply with applicable food safety requirements;

29  mitigating, creating, and enhancing natural shellfish

30  harvesting areas; providing education to fishermen and

31  aquaculturists; promoting aquaculture development; purchasing


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  1  commodities as necessary to carry out the provisions of this

  2  section; receiving and accepting grants, aids, gifts, and

  3  donations; providing grants, aids, and other technical

  4  assistance; and ensuring the safety of Florida waters.

  5         Section 28.  Section 570.62, Florida Statutes, is

  6  created to read:

  7         570.62  Director; duties.--

  8         (1)  The director of the Division of Aquaculture shall

  9  be appointed by the commissioner and shall serve at the

10  commissioner's pleasure.

11         (2)  The director shall supervise, direct, and

12  coordinate the activities of the division, exercise such other

13  powers and duties as authorized by the commissioner, and

14  enforce the provisions of chapter 597, the rules adopted

15  thereunder, and any other chapter or rule necessary to carry

16  out the responsibilities of the division.

17         Section 29.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section

18  597.003, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsections (3),

19  (4), and (5) of section 370.26, Florida Statutes, are

20  renumbered as paragraphs (l) and (k) of said subsection (1)

21  and amended, to read:

22         597.003  Powers and duties of Department of Agriculture

23  and Consumer Services.--

24         (1)  The department is hereby designated as the lead

25  agency in encouraging the development of aquaculture in the

26  state and shall have and exercise the following functions,

27  powers, and duties with regard to aquaculture:

28         (f)  Submit the list of research and development

29  projects proposed to be funded through the department as

30  identified in the state aquaculture plan, along with the

31  department's legislative budget request to the Governor, the


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  1  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

  2  Representatives. If funded, these projects shall be contracted

  3  for by the Division of Aquaculture and shall require

  4  public-private partnerships, when appropriate. The contracts

  5  shall require a percentage of the profit generated by the

  6  project to be deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund

  7  solely for funding aquaculture projects recommended by the

  8  Aquaculture Review Council.

  9         (k)(4)  The department shall Make available state lands

10  and the water column for the purpose of producing aquaculture

11  products when the aquaculture activity is compatible with

12  state resource management goals, environmental protection, and

13  propriety interest and when such state lands and waters are

14  determined to be suitable for aquaculture development by the

15  Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

16  pursuant to s. 253.68; and be responsible for all saltwater

17  aquaculture activities located on sovereignty submerged land

18  or in the water column above such land and adjacent facilities

19  directly related to the aquaculture activity.

20         1.(a)  The department shall act in cooperation with

21  other state and local agencies and programs to identify and

22  designate sovereignty lands and waters that would be suitable

23  for aquaculture development.

24         2.(b)  The department shall identify and evaluate

25  specific tracts of sovereignty submerged lands and water

26  columns in various areas of the state to determine where such

27  lands and waters are suitable for leasing for aquaculture

28  purposes.  Nothing in this subparagraph or subparagraph 1.

29  paragraph or paragraph (a) shall preclude the applicant from

30  applying for sites identified by the applicant.



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  1         3.  The department shall provide assistance in

  2  developing technologies applicable to aquaculture activities,

  3  evaluate practicable production alternatives, and provide

  4  agreements to develop innovative culture practices.

  5         (l)(3)  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer

  6  Services shall Act as a clearinghouse for aquaculture

  7  applications, and act as a liaison between the Fish and

  8  Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Division of State Lands,

  9  the Department of Environmental Protection district offices,

10  other divisions within the Department of Environmental

11  Protection, and the water management districts. The department

12  of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall be responsible for

13  regulating marine aquaculture producers, except as

14  specifically provided herein.

15         Section 30.  Subsections (1), (2), and (4) and

16  paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 597.004, Florida

17  Statutes, are amended to read:

18         597.004  Aquaculture certificate of registration.--

19         (1)  SHELLFISH CERTIFICATION.--Any person engaging in

20  shellfish aquaculture must be certified by the department.

21  The applicant for a certificate of registration shall submit

22  the following to the department:

23         (a)  Applicant's name/title.

24         (b)  Company name.

25         (c)  Complete mailing address.

26         (d)  Legal property description of all aquaculture

27  facilities.

28         (e)  Actual physical street address for each

29  aquaculture facility.

30         (f)(e)  Description of production facilities.

31         (g)(f)  Aquaculture products to be produced.


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  1         (h)(g)  Fifty dollar annual registration fee.


  3         (a)  Any person engaging in nonshellfish aquaculture,

  4  except as otherwise provided in this section, must be

  5  certified by the department.  The applicant for a certificate

  6  of registration for nonshellfish products shall submit the

  7  following to the department:

  8         1.  The information requested in subsection (1) above.

  9         (i)2.  Documentation that the rules adopted herein have

10  been complied with in accordance with paragraph (2)(a) (b)

11  below.

12         (2)  RULES.--

13         (a)(b)  The department, in consultation with the

14  Department of Environmental Protection, the water management

15  districts, environmental groups, and representatives from the

16  affected farming groups, shall adopt rules to:

17         1.  Specify the requirement of best-management

18  practices to be implemented by holders of aquaculture

19  certificates of registration.

20         2.  Establish procedures for holders of aquaculture

21  certificates of registration to submit the notice of intent to

22  comply with best-management practices.

23         3.  Establish schedules for implementation of

24  best-management practices, and of interim measures that can be

25  taken prior to adoption of best-management practices. Interim

26  measures may include the continuation of regulatory

27  requirements in effect on June 30, 1998.

28         4.  Establish a system to assure the implementation of

29  best-management practices, including recordkeeping

30  requirements.



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  1         (b)  Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection shall

  2  become effective pursuant to the applicable provisions of

  3  chapter 120, but must be submitted to the President of the

  4  Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for

  5  review by the Legislature.  The rules shall be referred to the

  6  appropriate committees of substance and scheduled for review

  7  during the first available regular session following adoption.

  8  Except as otherwise provided by operation of law, such rules

  9  shall remain in effect until rejected or modified by act of

10  the Legislature.

11         (c)  Notwithstanding any provision of law, the

12  Department of Environmental Protection is not authorized to

13  institute proceedings against any person certified under this

14  section to recover any costs or damages associated with

15  contamination of groundwater or surface water, or the

16  evaluation, assessment, or remediation of contamination of

17  groundwater or surface water, including sampling, analysis,

18  and restoration of potable water supplies, where the

19  contamination of groundwater or surface water is determined to

20  be the result of aquaculture practices, provided the holder of

21  an aquaculture certificate of registration:

22         1.  Provides the department with a notice of intent to

23  implement applicable best-management practices adopted by the

24  department;

25         2.  Implements applicable best-management practices as

26  soon as practicable according to rules adopted by the

27  department; and

28         3.  Implements practicable interim measures identified

29  and adopted by the department which can be implemented

30  immediately, or according to rules adopted by the department.



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  1         (d)  There is a presumption of compliance with state

  2  groundwater and surface water standards if the holder of an

  3  aquaculture certificate of registration implements

  4  best-management practices that have been verified by the

  5  Department of Environmental Protection to be effective at

  6  representative sites and complies with the following:

  7         1.  Provides the department with a notice of intent to

  8  implement applicable best-management practices adopted by the

  9  department;

10         2.  Implements applicable best-management practices as

11  soon as practicable according to rules adopted by the

12  department; and

13         3.  Implements practicable interim measures identified

14  and adopted by the department which can be implemented

15  immediately, or according to rules adopted by the department.

16         (e)  The department shall provide, by December 31,

17  1999, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the

18  House of Representatives, a progress report concerning the

19  development, implementation, and effectiveness of

20  best-management practices to prevent contamination of

21  groundwater and surface water.

22         (f)  This section does not limit federally delegated

23  regulatory authority.

24         (g)  Any aquatic plant producer permitted by the

25  department pursuant to s. 369.25 shall also be subject to the

26  requirements of this section subsection.

27         (h)  Any alligator producer with an alligator farming

28  license and permit to establish and operate an alligator farm

29  shall be issued an aquaculture certificate of registration

30  pursuant to this section subsection (1) above. This chapter

31  does not supersede the authority under chapter 372, chapter


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  1  373, or chapter 403 to regulate alligator farms and alligator

  2  farmers.


  4  PRODUCTS.--Aquaculture products shall be identified while

  5  possessed, processed, transported, or sold as provided in this

  6  subsection, except those subject to the rules of the Fish and

  7  Wildlife Conservation Commission as they relate to alligators

  8  only.

  9         (a)  Aquaculture products shall be identified by an

10  aquaculture certificate of registration number from harvest to

11  point of sale.  Any person who possesses aquaculture products

12  must show, by appropriate receipt, bill of sale, bill of

13  lading, or other such manifest where the product originated.

14         (b)  Marine aquaculture products shall be transported

15  in containers that separate such product from wild stocks, and

16  shall be identified by tags or labels that are securely

17  attached and clearly displayed.

18         (c)  Each aquaculture registrant who sells food

19  products labeled as "aquaculture or farm raised" must have

20  such products containerized and clearly labeled in accordance

21  with s. 500.11.  Label information must include the name,

22  address, and aquaculture certification number.  This

23  requirement is designed to segregate the identity of wild and

24  aquaculture products.


26         (b)  Aquaculture shellfish must be sold and handled in

27  accordance with s. 597.020 shellfish handling regulations of

28  the Department of Environmental Protection established to

29  protect public health.




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  1         Section 31.  Subsection (2) of section 597.0041,

  2  Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (4) is added to

  3  said section, to read:

  4         597.0041  Prohibited acts; penalties.--

  5         (2)(a)  Any person who violates any provision of this

  6  chapter or any rule promulgated hereunder is subject to a

  7  suspension or revocation of his or her certificate of

  8  registration or license under this chapter.  The department

  9  may, in lieu of, or in addition to the suspension of

10  revocation, impose on the violator an administrative fine in

11  an amount not to exceed $1,000 per violation per day.

12         (b)  Except as provided in subsection (4), any person

13  who violates any provision of this chapter, or rule hereunder,

14  commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as

15  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

16         (4)  Any person who violates any provision of s.

17  597.010 or s. 597.020, or any rule adopted under those

18  sections, commits a misdemeanor of the second degree,

19  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083 for the

20  first offense; and for the second or any subsequent offense

21  within a 12-month period, commits a misdemeanor of the first

22  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

23         Section 32.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

24  597.005, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         597.005  Aquaculture Review Council.--

26         (3)  RESPONSIBILITIES.--The primary responsibilities of

27  the Aquaculture Review Council are to:

28         (c)  Submit to the commissioner on an annual basis:

29         1.  A prioritized list of research projects to be

30  included in the department's legislative budget request. Each

31  year, the council shall review the aquaculture legislative


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  1  budget requests submitted to the department and rank them

  2  according to the state aquaculture plan.

  3         2.  Recommendations to be forwarded to the Speaker of

  4  the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate

  5  on legislation needed to help the aquaculture industry.

  6         3.  Recommendations on aquaculture projects,

  7  activities, research, and regulation and other needs to

  8  further the development of the aquaculture industry.

  9         Section 33.  Subsection (1) of section 597.006, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         597.006  Aquaculture Interagency Coordinating

12  Council.--

13         (1)  CREATION.--The Legislature finds and declares that

14  there is a need for interagency coordination with regard to

15  aquaculture by the following agencies: the Department of

16  Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Office of Tourism,

17  Trade, and Economic Development Department of Commerce, the

18  Department of Community Affairs, the Department of

19  Environmental Protection, the Department of Labor and

20  Employment Security, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

21  Commission, the statewide consortium of universities under the

22  Florida Institute of Oceanography, Florida Agricultural and

23  Mechanical University, the Institute of Food and Agricultural

24  Sciences at the University of Florida, and the Florida Sea

25  Grant Program, and each water management district. It is

26  therefore the intent of the Legislature to hereby create an

27  Aquaculture Interagency Coordinating Council to act as an

28  advisory body as defined in s. 20.03(9).

29         Section 34.  Section 597.010, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:

31         597.010  Shellfish regulation; leases.--


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  1         (1)  LEASE, APPLICATION FORM.--When any qualified

  2  person desires to lease a part of the bottom, water column, or

  3  bed of any of the water of this state for the purpose of

  4  growing oysters or clams, as provided for in this section, he

  5  or she shall present to the department a written application

  6  pursuant to s. 253.69.

  7         (2)  LANDS TO BE LEASED.--The lands leased shall be as

  8  compact as possible, taking into consideration the shape of

  9  the body of water and the condition of the bottom as to

10  hardness, or soft mud or sand, or other conditions that would

11  render the bottoms desirable or undesirable for the purpose of

12  oyster or clam cultivation.

13         (3)  SURVEYS, PLATS, AND MAPS OF REEFS.--The department

14  shall accept, adopt, and use official reports, surveys, and

15  maps of oyster, clam, or other shellfish grounds made under

16  the direction of any authority of the United States as prima

17  facie evidence of the natural oyster and clam reefs and beds,

18  for the purpose and intent of this chapter. The department may

19  also make surveys of any natural oyster or clam reefs or beds

20  when it deems such surveys necessary and where such surveys

21  are made pursuant to an application for a lease, the cost

22  thereof may be charged to the applicant as a part of the cost

23  of his or her application.



26  REGULATIONS.--When a survey of the lands to be leased has been

27  completed pursuant to s. 253.69 and filed with the department,

28  and the cost thereof paid by the applicant, the department may

29  execute in duplicate a lease of the water bottoms to the

30  applicant.  One duplicate, with a plat or map of the water

31  bottoms so leased, shall be delivered to the applicant, and


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  1  the other, with a plat or map of the bottom so leased, shall

  2  be retained by the department and registered in a lease book

  3  which shall be kept exclusively for that purpose by the

  4  department; thereafter the lessees shall enjoy the exclusive

  5  use of the lands and all oysters and clams, shell, and cultch

  6  grown or placed thereon shall be the exclusive property of

  7  such lessee as long as he or she shall comply with the

  8  provisions of this chapter and chapter 253.  The department

  9  shall require the lessee to stake off and mark the water

10  bottoms leased, by such ranges, monuments, stakes, buoys,

11  etc., so placed and made as not to interfere with the

12  navigation, as it may deem necessary to locate the same to the

13  end that the location and limits of the lands embraced in such

14  lease be easily and accurately found and fixed, and such

15  lessee shall keep the same in good condition during the open

16  and closed oyster or clam season. All leases shall be marked

17  according to the standards set forth in s. 253.72. The

18  department may stipulate in each individual lease contract the

19  types, shape, depth, size, and height of marker or corner

20  posts. Failure on the part of the lessee to comply with the

21  orders of the department to this effect within the time fixed

22  by it, and to keep the markers, etc., in good condition during

23  the open and closed oyster or clam season, shall subject such

24  lessee to a fine not exceeding $100 for each and every such

25  offense.

26         (5)  LEASES IN PERPETUITY; RENT.--

27         (a)  All leases issued previously under the provisions

28  of s. 370.16 shall be enforced under the authority of this

29  chapter, notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, and

30  shall continue in perpetuity under such restrictions as stated

31  in the lease agreement. The annual rental fee charged for all


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  1  leases shall consist of the minimum rate of $15 per acre, or

  2  any fraction of an acre, per year and shall be adjusted on

  3  January 1, 1995, and every 5 years thereafter, based on the

  4  5-year average change in the Consumer Price Index. Rent shall

  5  be paid in advance of January 1 of each year or in the case of

  6  a new lease at the time of signing, regardless of who holds

  7  the lease.

  8         (b)  All fees collected under this subsection and

  9  subsection (6) shall be deposited in the General Inspection

10  Trust Fund and shall be used for shellfish aquaculture

11  activities.

12         (6)  FORFEITURE FOR NONPAYMENT--All leases shall

13  stipulate that failure to timely pay the rent on or before

14  January 1 of each year shall cause the department, at its

15  discretion, to terminate and cancel the lease after the

16  department has given the lessee 30 days' written notice of the

17  nonpayment. If after receiving the notice the lessee chooses

18  to keep the lease, the lessee shall pay the rental fee plus a

19  $50 late fee within the 30-day period. After the 30-day notice

20  has expired, the department may take possession of the lease

21  and all improvements, assets, clams, and oysters thereon.


23  surcharge of $10 per acre, or any fraction of an acre, per

24  annum shall be levied upon each lease, other than a perpetual

25  lease granted pursuant to chapter 370 prior to 1985, and

26  deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund. The purpose

27  of the surcharge is to provide a mechanism to have financial

28  resources immediately available for improvement of lease areas

29  and for cleanup and rehabilitation of abandoned or vacated

30  lease sites.  The department is authorized to adopt rules

31  necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection.


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  1         (a)  Moneys in the fund that are not needed currently

  2  for cleanup and rehabilitation of abandoned or vacated lease

  3  sites shall be deposited with the Treasurer to the credit of

  4  the fund and may be invested in such manner as is provided for

  5  by statute. Interest received on such investment shall be

  6  credited to the fund.

  7         (b)  Funds within the General Inspection Trust Fund

  8  from receipts from the surcharge established in this section

  9  shall be disbursed for the following purposes and no others:

10         1.  Administrative expenses, personnel expenses, and

11  equipment costs of the department related to the improvement

12  of lease areas, the cleanup and rehabilitation of abandoned or

13  vacated aquaculture lease sites, and the enforcement of

14  provisions of this section.

15         2.  All costs involved in the improvement of lease

16  areas and the cleanup and rehabilitation of abandoned or

17  vacated lease sites.

18         3.  All costs and damages which are the proximate

19  results of lease abandonment or vacation.

20         4.  Reward payments made pursuant to s. 597.0045.


22  The department shall recover to the use of the fund from the

23  person or persons abandoning or vacating the lease, jointly

24  and severally, all sums owed or expended from the fund.

25         (8)(a)  CULTIVATION REQUIREMENTS.--Effective

26  cultivation shall consist of the growing of the oysters or

27  clams in a density suitable for commercial harvesting over the

28  amount of bottom prescribed by law.  This commercial density

29  shall be accomplished by the planting of seed oysters, shell,

30  and cultch of various descriptions.  The department may

31  stipulate in each individual lease contract the types, shape,


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  1  depth, size, and height of cultch materials on lease bottoms

  2  according to the individual shape, depth, location, and type

  3  of bottom of the proposed lease.  Each lessee leasing lands

  4  under the provisions of this section or s. 253.71 shall begin,

  5  within 1 year after the date of such lease, bona fide

  6  cultivation of the same, and shall, by the end of the second

  7  year after the commencement of such lease, have placed under

  8  cultivation at least one-half of the leased area and shall

  9  each year thereafter place in cultivation at least one-fourth

10  of the leased area until the whole, suitable for bedding of

11  oysters or clams, shall have been put in cultivation. The

12  cultivation requirements for perpetuity leases granted

13  pursuant to chapter 370 prior to 1985 under previously

14  existing law shall comply with the conditions stated in the

15  lease agreement, and the lessee or grantee is authorized to

16  plant the leased or granted submerged land in both oysters and

17  clams.

18         (b)  These stipulations apply to all leases granted

19  after the effective date of this section.  All leases existing

20  prior to the effective date of this section will operate under

21  the law that was in effect when the leases were granted.

22         (c)  When evidence is gathered by the department and

23  such evidence conclusively shows a lack of effective

24  cultivation, the department may revoke leases and return the

25  bottoms in question to the public domain.

26         (d)  The department has the authority to adopt rules

27  pertaining to the water column over shellfish leases. All

28  cultch materials in place 6 months after the formal adoption

29  and publication of rules establishing standards for cultch

30  materials on shellfish leases that do not comply with such

31  rules may be declared a nuisance by the department.  The


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  1  department has the authority to direct the lessee to remove

  2  such cultch in violation of this section.  The department may

  3  cancel a lease upon the refusal by the lessee violating such

  4  rules to remove unlawful cultch materials, and all

  5  improvements, cultch, marketable oysters, and shell shall

  6  become the property of the state.  The department has the

  7  authority to retain, dispose of, or remove such materials in

  8  the best interest of the state.

  9         (9)  LEASES TRANSFERABLE, ETC.--The leases in chapters

10  253 and 370 shall be inheritable and transferable, in whole or

11  in part, and shall also be subject to mortgage, pledge, or

12  hypothecation and shall be subject to seizure and sale for

13  debts as any other property, rights, and credits in this

14  state, and this provision shall also apply to all buildings,

15  betterments, and improvements thereon. Leases granted under

16  this section cannot be transferred, by sale or barter, in

17  whole or in part, without the written, express approval of the

18  department, and such a transferee shall pay a $50 transfer fee

19  before department approval may be given. Leases inherited or

20  transferred will be valid only upon receipt of the transfer

21  fee and approval by the department. The department shall keep

22  proper indexes so that all original leases and all subsequent

23  changes and transfers can be easily and accurately

24  ascertained.


26  BEDS.--Any person, within 6 months after the execution of any

27  lease, may file a petition with the department for the purpose

28  of determining whether a natural oyster or clam reef or bed

29  having an area of not less than 100 square yards existed

30  within the leased area on the date of the lease, with

31  sufficient natural or maternal oysters or clams thereon (not


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  1  including coon oysters) to have constituted a stratum

  2  sufficient to have been resorted to by the public generally

  3  for the purpose of gathering the same to sell for a

  4  livelihood. The petition shall be in writing addressed to the

  5  department, verified under oath, stating the location and

  6  approximate area of the natural reef or bed and the claim or

  7  interest of the petitioner therein and requesting the

  8  cancellation of the lease to the natural reef or bed. A

  9  petition may not be considered unless it is accompanied by a

10  deposit of $500 to defray the expense of the department's

11  investigation of the matter. Upon receipt of such petition,

12  the department shall cause an investigation to be made into

13  the truth of the allegations of the petition, and, if found

14  untrue, the $500 deposit shall be retained by the department

15  to defray the expense of the investigation, but should the

16  allegations of the petition be found true and the leased

17  premises to contain a natural oyster or clam reef or bed, as

18  described in this subsection, the $500 deposit shall be

19  returned to the petitioner and the costs and expenses of the

20  investigation taxed against the lessee and the lease canceled

21  to the extent of the natural reef or bed and the same shall be

22  marked with buoys and stakes and notices placed thereon

23  showing the same to be a public reef or bed, the cost of the

24  markers and notices to be taxed against the lessee.


26  LEASE.--

27         (a)  When an application for a submerged land lease for

28  cultivating shellfish is filed, and when a resource survey of

29  such lands identifies natural oyster or clam reefs or beds,

30  the department shall determine if such reefs and beds are to

31  be included in the leased area. The department, if it deems it


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  1  to be in the best interest of the state, may include such

  2  natural reefs or beds in a lease. In those cases where a

  3  natural area is included in a lease, the department shall fix

  4  a reasonable value on the same, to be paid by the applicant

  5  for lease of such submerged land. No natural reefs shall be

  6  included in any shellfish or aquaculture lease granted in

  7  Franklin County.

  8         (b)  The department shall determine and settle all

  9  disputes as to boundaries between lessees. The department

10  shall, in all cases, determine whether a particular submerged

11  land area contains a natural reef or bed or whether it is

12  suitable for raising oysters or clams.

13         (12)  FRANKLIN COUNTY LEASES.--On and after the

14  effective date of this section, the only leases available in

15  Franklin County shall be those issued pursuant to ss.

16  253.67-253.75; chapter 370 leases shall no longer be

17  available. The department shall require in the lease agreement

18  such restrictions as it deems necessary to protect the

19  environment, the existing leaseholders, and public fishery.


21  AREAS.--

22         (a)  Any person who willfully takes oysters, shells,

23  cultch, or clams bedded or planted by a licensee under this

24  chapter, or grantee under the provisions of heretofore

25  existing laws, or riparian owner who may have heretofore

26  planted the same on his or her riparian bottoms, or any

27  oysters or clams deposited by anyone making up a cargo for

28  market, or who willfully carries or attempts to carry away the

29  same without permission of the owner thereof, or who willfully

30  or knowingly removes, breaks off, destroys, or otherwise

31  injures or alters any stakes, bounds, monuments, buoys,


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  1  notices, or other designations of any natural oyster or clam

  2  reefs or beds or private bedding or propagating grounds, or

  3  who willfully injures, destroys, or removes any other

  4  protection around any oyster or clam reefs or beds, or who

  5  willfully moves any bedding ground stakes, buoys, marks, or

  6  designations placed by the department, commits a violation of

  7  this section.

  8         (b)  Harvesting shellfish is prohibited within a

  9  distance of 25 feet outside lawfully marked lease boundaries

10  or within setback and access corridors within specifically

11  designated high-density aquaculture lease areas and

12  aquaculture use zones.

13         (14)  SHELLFISH DEVELOPMENT.--

14         (a)  The department shall improve, enlarge, and protect

15  the natural oyster and clam reefs and beds of this state to

16  the extent it may deem advisable and the means at its disposal

17  will permit.

18         (b)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

19  shall, to the same extent, assist in protecting shellfish

20  aquaculture products produced on leased or granted reefs and

21  beds.

22         (c)  The department, in cooperation with the

23  commission, shall provide the Legislature with recommendations

24  as needed for the development and the proper protection of the

25  rights of the state and private holders therein with respect

26  to the oyster and clam business.

27         (15)  SPECIAL ACTIVITY LICENSES.--The department is

28  authorized to issue special activity licenses, in accordance

29  with s. 597.020, to permit the harvest or cultivation of

30  oysters, clams, mussels, and crabs.



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  2  WITHOUT OBTAINING LEASE.--Any person staking off the water

  3  bottoms of this state, or bedding oysters on the bottoms of

  4  the waters of this state, without previously leasing same as

  5  required by law commits a violation of this section, and shall

  6  acquire no rights by reason of such staking off. This

  7  provision does not apply to grants heretofore made under the

  8  provisions of any heretofore existing laws or to artificial

  9  beds made heretofore by a riparian owner or his or her

10  grantees on the owner's riparian bottoms.



13         (a)  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

14  shall by rule set the noncultured shellfish harvesting seasons

15  in Apalachicola Bay.

16         (b)  If the commission changes the harvesting seasons

17  by rule as set forth in this subsection, for 3 years after the

18  new rule takes effect, the commission, in cooperation with the

19  department, shall monitor the impacts of the new harvesting

20  schedule on the bay and on local shellfish harvesters to

21  determine whether the new harvesting schedule should be

22  discontinued, retained, or modified.  In monitoring the new

23  schedule and in preparing its report, the following

24  information shall be considered:

25         1.  Whether the bay benefits ecologically from the new

26  harvesting schedule.

27         2.  Whether the new harvesting schedule enhances the

28  enforcement of shellfish harvesting laws in the bay.

29         3.  Whether the new harvesting schedule enhances

30  natural shellfish production, oyster relay and planting

31  programs, and shell planting programs in the bay.


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  1         4.  Whether the new harvesting schedule has more than a

  2  short-term adverse economic impact, if any, on local shellfish

  3  harvesters.



  6         (a)  It is unlawful to use a dredge or any means or

  7  implement other than hand tongs in removing oysters from the

  8  natural or artificial state reefs or beds. This restriction

  9  shall apply to all areas of Apalachicola Bay for all shellfish

10  harvesting, excluding private grounds leased or granted by the

11  state prior to July 1, 1989, if the lease or grant

12  specifically authorizes the use of implements other than hand

13  tongs for harvesting.  Except in Apalachicola Bay, upon the

14  payment of $25 annually, for each vessel or boat using a

15  dredge or machinery in the gathering of clams or mussels, a

16  special activity license may be issued by the Fish and

17  Wildlife Conservation Commission pursuant to subsection (15)

18  or s. 370.06 for such use to such person.

19         (b)  Approval by the department to harvest shellfish by

20  dredge or other mechanical means from privately held shellfish

21  leases or grants in Apalachicola Bay shall include, but not be

22  limited to, the following conditions:

23         1.  The use of any mechanical harvesting device other

24  than ordinary hand tongs for taking shellfish for any purpose

25  from public shellfish beds in Apalachicola Bay shall be

26  unlawful.

27         2.  The possession of any mechanical harvesting device

28  on the waters of Apalachicola Bay from 5 p.m. until sunrise

29  shall be unlawful.

30         3.  Leaseholders or grantees shall notify the

31  department no less than 48 hours prior to each day's use of a


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  1  dredge or scrape in order for the department to notify the

  2  Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission that a mechanical

  3  harvesting device will be deployed.

  4         4.  Only two dredges or scrapes per lease or grant may

  5  be possessed or operated at any time.

  6         5.  Each vessel used for the transport or deployment of

  7  a dredge or scrape shall prominently display the lease or

  8  grant number or numbers, in numerals which are at least 12

  9  inches high and 6 inches wide, in such a manner that the lease

10  or grant number or numbers are readily identifiable from both

11  the air and the water.


13  Any violation of this paragraph or of any other statutes,

14  rules, or conditions referenced in the lease agreement shall

15  be considered a violation of the license and shall result in

16  revocation of the lease or a denial of use or future use of a

17  mechanical harvesting device.

18         (c)  Oysters may be harvested from natural or public or

19  private leased or granted grounds by common hand tongs or by

20  hand, by scuba diving, free diving, leaning from vessels, or

21  wading.  In Apalachicola Bay, this provision shall apply to

22  all shellfish.


24         (a)  The department shall designate areas for the

25  taking of oysters and clams to be planted on leases, grants,

26  and public areas. Oysters, clams, and mussels may be taken for

27  relaying or transplanting at any time during the year so long

28  as, in the opinion of the department, the public health will

29  not be endangered. The amount of oysters, clams, and mussels

30  to be obtained for relaying or transplanting, the area relayed

31  or transplanted to, and relaying or transplanting time periods


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  1  shall be established in each case by the department. However,

  2  the department shall not allow shellfish to be relayed due to

  3  marine biotoxins, except to a department approved depuration

  4  plant.

  5         (b)  Application for a special activity license issued

  6  pursuant to subsection (15) for obtaining oysters, clams, or

  7  mussels for relaying from closed public shellfish harvesting

  8  areas to open areas or certified controlled purification

  9  plants or for transplanting sublegal-sized oysters, clams, or

10  mussels must be made to the department. In return, the

11  department may assign an area and a period of time for the

12  oysters, clams, or mussels to be relayed or transplanted to be

13  taken.  All relaying and transplanting operations shall take

14  place under the direction of the department.

15         (c)  Relayed oysters, clams, or mussels shall not be

16  subsequently harvested for any reason without written

17  permission or public notice from the department.

18         (20)  OYSTER AND CLAM REHABILITATION.--The board of

19  county commissioners of the several counties may appropriate

20  and expend such sums as it may deem proper for the purpose of

21  planting or transplanting oysters, clams, oyster shell, clam

22  shell, or cultch or to perform such other acts for the

23  enhancement of the oyster and clam industries of the state,

24  out of any sum in the county treasury not otherwise

25  appropriated.

26         (21)  DREDGING OF DEAD SHELLS PROHIBITED.--The dredging

27  of dead shell deposits is prohibited in the state.


29  SERVICE.--The department shall cooperate with the United

30  States Fish and Wildlife Service, under existing federal laws,

31  rules, and regulations, and is authorized to accept donations,


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  1  grants, and matching funds from the Federal Government in

  2  order to carry out its oyster resource and development

  3  responsibilities.  The department is further authorized to

  4  accept any and all donations including funds, oysters, or

  5  oyster shells.


  7         (a)  Except for oysters used directly in the half-shell

  8  trade, 50 percent of all shells from oysters and clams shucked

  9  commercially in the state shall be and remain the property of

10  the department when such shells are needed and required for

11  rehabilitation projects and planting operations, in

12  cooperation with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

13  Commission, when sufficient resources and facilities exist for

14  handling and planting such shell, and when the collection and

15  handling of such shell is practicable and useful, except that

16  bona fide holders of leases and grants may retain 75 percent

17  of such shell as they produce for aquacultural purposes.

18  Storage, transportation, and planting of shells so retained by

19  lessees and grantees shall be carried out under the conditions

20  of the lease agreement or with the written approval of the

21  department and shall be subject to such reasonable time limits

22  as the department may fix. In the event of an accumulation of

23  an excess of shells, the department is authorized to sell

24  shells only to private growers for use in oyster or clam

25  cultivation on bona fide leases and grants. No profit shall

26  accrue to the department in these transactions, and shells are

27  to be sold for the estimated moneys spent by the department to

28  gather and stockpile the shells. Planting of shells obtained

29  from the department by purchase shall be subject to the

30  conditions set forth in the lease agreement or in the written

31  approval as issued by the department.  Any shells not claimed


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                                     CS/CS/HB 601, First Engrossed

  1  and used by private oyster cultivators 10 years after shells

  2  are gathered and stockpiled may be sold at auction to the

  3  highest bidder for any private use.

  4         (b)  Whenever the department determines that it is

  5  unfeasible to collect oyster or clam shells, the shells become

  6  the property of the producer.

  7         (c)  Whenever oyster or clam shells are owned by the

  8  department and it is not useful or feasible to use them in the

  9  rehabilitation projects, and when no leaseholder has exercised

10  his or her option to acquire them, the department may sell

11  such shells for the highest price obtainable. The shells thus

12  sold may be used in any manner and for any purpose at the

13  discretion of the purchaser.

14         (d)  Moneys derived from the sale of shell shall be

15  deposited in the General Inspection Trust Fund for shellfish

16  programs.

17         (e)  The department may publish notice, in a newspaper

18  serving the county, of its intention to collect the oyster and

19  clam shells and shall notify, by certified mail, each shucking

20  establishment from which shells are to be collected.  The

21  notice shall contain the period of time the department intends

22  to collect the shells in that county and the collection

23  purpose.

24         (24)  OYSTER CULTURE.--The department, in cooperation

25  with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the

26  Department of Environmental Protection, shall protect all clam

27  beds, oyster beds, shellfish grounds, and oyster reefs from

28  damage or destruction resulting from improper cultivation,

29  propagation, planting, or harvesting and control the pollution

30  of the waters over or surrounding beds, grounds, or reefs, and

31  to this end the Department of Health is authorized and


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  1  directed to lend its cooperation to the department, to make

  2  available its laboratory testing facilities and apparatus.


  4         (a)  All vessels used for the harvesting, gathering, or

  5  transporting of oysters or clams for commercial purposes shall

  6  be constructed and maintained to prevent contamination or

  7  deterioration of shellfish. To this end, all such vessels

  8  shall be provided with false bottoms and bulkheads fore and

  9  aft to prevent onboard shellfish from coming in contact with

10  any bilge water.  No dogs or other animals shall be allowed at

11  any time on vessels used to harvest or transport shellfish.  A

12  violation of any provision of this subsection shall result in

13  at least the revocation of the violator's license.

14         (b)  For the purpose of this subsection, "harvesting,

15  gathering, or transporting of oysters or clams for commercial

16  purposes" means to harvest, gather, or transport oysters or

17  clams with the intent to sell and shall apply to a quantity of

18  two or more bags of oysters per vessel or more than one

19  5-gallon bucket of unshucked hard clams per person or more

20  than two 5-gallon buckets of unshucked hard clams per vessel.

21         Section 35.  Section 370.071, Florida Statutes, is

22  renumbered as section 597.020, Florida Statutes, and amended

23  to read:

24         597.020 370.071  Shellfish processors; regulation.--

25         (1)  The department of Agriculture and Consumer

26  Services, hereinafter referred to as department, is authorized

27  to adopt by rule regulations, specifications, and codes

28  relating to sanitary practices for catching, cultivating,

29  handling, processing, packaging, preserving, canning, smoking,

30  and storing of oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, and crabs.

31  The department is also authorized to license shellfish


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  1  processors who handle aquaculture facilities used to culture

  2  oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, and crabs when such

  3  activities relate to quality control, sanitary, and public

  4  health practices pursuant to this section and chapter 500 and

  5  s. 370.06(4).  The department is also authorized to license or

  6  certify, for a fee determined by rule, facilities used for

  7  processing oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, and crabs, to

  8  levy an administrative fine of up to $1,000 per violation per

  9  day or to suspend or revoke such licenses or certificates upon

10  satisfactory evidence of any violation of rules adopted

11  pursuant to this section, and to seize and destroy any

12  adulterated or misbranded shellfish products as defined by

13  rule.

14         (2)  A shellfish processing plant certification license

15  is required to operate any facility in which oysters, clams,

16  mussels, scallops, or crabs are processed, including but not

17  limited to: an oyster, clam, or mussel, or scallop cannery; a

18  shell stock dealership; an oyster, clam, or mussel, or scallop

19  shucking plant; an oyster, clam, or mussel, or scallop

20  repacking plant; an oyster, clam, or mussel, or scallop

21  controlled purification plant; or a crab or soft-shell crab

22  processing or shedding plant.

23         (3)  The department may suspend or revoke any shellfish

24  processing plant certification license upon satisfactory

25  evidence that the licensee has violated any regulation,

26  specification, or code adopted under this section and may

27  seize and destroy any shellfish product which is defined by

28  rule to be an adulterated or misbranded shellfish product.

29         Section 36.  Notwithstanding any other legislation

30  passed and either signed by the governor or allowed to become

31  law without signature to the contrary, the Legislature intends


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  1  that this bill be its full and total intent, regardless of

  2  when it is presented to the Secretary of State.

  3         Section 37.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.




























