Senate Bill 0606c1

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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

    By the Committee on Fiscal Policy and Senator Brown-Waite


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trust funds; re-creating the

  3         Public Records Modernization Trust Fund without

  4         modification; carrying forward current balances

  5         and continuing current sources and uses

  6         thereof; amending s. 28.24, F.S.; abrogating

  7         the expiration of provisions relating to the

  8         trust fund; providing an effective date.


10         WHEREAS, the Legislature wishes to extend the life of

11  the Public Records Modernization Trust Fund, which is

12  otherwise scheduled to be terminated pursuant to

13  constitutional mandate, and

14         WHEREAS, the Legislature has reviewed the trust fund

15  before its scheduled termination date and has found that it

16  continues to meet an important public purpose, and

17         WHEREAS, the Legislature has found that existing public

18  policy concerning the trust fund sets adequate parameters for

19  its use, NOW, THEREFORE,


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  (1)  The Public Records Modernization Trust

24  Fund, which is to be terminated pursuant to Section 19(f),

25  Article III of the State Constitution on November 4, 2000, is

26  re-created.

27         (2)  All current balances of the trust fund are carried

28  forward, and all current sources and uses of the trust fund

29  are continued.

30         Section 2.  Section 28.24, Florida Statutes, is amended

31  to read:


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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

  1         28.24  Service charges by clerk of the circuit

  2  court.--The clerk of the circuit court shall make the

  3  following charges for services rendered by the clerk's office

  4  in recording documents and instruments and in performing the

  5  duties enumerated. However, in those counties where the

  6  clerk's office operates as a fiscal unit of the county

  7  pursuant to s. 145.022(1), the clerk shall not charge the

  8  county for such services.


10                                                         Charges


12         (1)  For court attendance by each clerk or deputy

13  clerk, per day..........................................$75.00

14         (2)  For court minutes, per page.................. 5.00

15         (3)  For examining, comparing, correcting, verifying,

16  and certifying transcripts of record in appellate proceedings,

17  prepared by attorney for appellant or someone else other than

18  clerk, per page.......................................... 3.00

19         (4)  For preparing, numbering, and indexing an original

20  record of appellate proceedings, per instrument.......... 2.00

21         (5)  For certifying copies of any instrument in the

22  public records................................................

23  1.00

24         (6)  For verifying any instrument presented for

25  certification prepared by someone other than clerk, per page

26  ......................................................... 2.00

27         (7)  For making and reporting payrolls of jurors to

28  State Comptroller, per page, per copy.................... 5.00

29         (8)(a)  For making copies by photographic process of

30  any instrument in the public records consisting of pages of

31  not more than 14 inches by 8 1/2  inches, per page....... 1.00


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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

  1         (b)  For making copies by photographic process of any

  2  instrument in the public records of more than 14 inches by 8

  3  1/2  inches, per page.................................... 5.00

  4         (9)  For making microfilm copies of any public records:

  5         (a)  16 mm 100' microfilm roll................... 25.00

  6         (b)  35 mm 100' microfilm roll................... 35.00

  7         (c)  Microfiche, per fiche........................ 2.00

  8         (10)  For copying any instrument in the public records

  9  by other than photographic process, per page............. 4.00

10         (11)  For writing any paper other than herein

11  specifically mentioned, same as for copying, including signing

12  and sealing.............................................. 4.00

13         (12)  For indexing each entry not recorded........ 1.00

14         (13)  For receiving money into the registry of court:

15         (a)1.  First $500, percent........................... 2

16         2.  Each subsequent $100, percent.................... 1

17         (b)  Eminent domain actions, per deposit....... $100.00

18         (14)  For examining, certifying, and recording plats

19  and for recording condominium exhibits larger than 14 inches

20  by 8 1/2  inches:

21         (a)  First page ................................. 30.00

22         (b)  Each additional page........................ 15.00

23         (15)  For recording, indexing, and filing any

24  instrument not more than 14 inches by 8 1/2  inches, including

25  required notice to property appraiser where applicable:

26         (a)  First page or fraction thereof............... 5.00

27         (b)  Each additional page or fraction thereof..... 4.00

28         (c)  For indexing instruments recorded in the official

29  records which contain more than four names, per additional

30  name..................................................... 1.00



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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

  1         (d)  An additional service charge shall be paid to the

  2  clerk of the circuit court to be deposited in the Public

  3  Records Modernization Trust Fund for each instrument listed in

  4  s. 28.222, except judgments received from the courts and

  5  notices of lis pendens, recorded in the official records:

  6         1.  First page ................................... 1.00

  7         2.  Each additional page ......................... 0.50


  9  Said fund shall be held in trust by the clerk and used

10  exclusively for equipment and maintenance of equipment,

11  personnel training, and technical assistance in modernizing

12  the public records system of the office.  In a county where

13  the duty of maintaining official records exists in an office

14  other than the office of the clerk of the circuit court, the

15  clerk of the circuit court is entitled to 25 percent of the

16  moneys deposited into the trust fund for equipment,

17  maintenance of equipment, training, and technical assistance

18  in modernizing the system for storing records in the office of

19  the clerk of the circuit court.  The fund may not be used for

20  the payment of travel expenses, membership dues, bank charges,

21  staff-recruitment costs, salaries or benefits of employees,

22  construction costs, general operating expenses, or other costs

23  not directly related to obtaining and maintaining equipment

24  for public records systems or for the purchase of furniture or

25  office supplies and equipment not related to the storage of

26  records. On or before December 1, 1995, and on or before

27  December 1 of each year immediately preceding each year during

28  which the trust fund is scheduled for legislative review under

29  s. 19(f)(2), Art. III of the State Constitution, each clerk of

30  the circuit court shall file a report on the Public Records

31  Modernization Trust Fund with the President of the Senate and


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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

  1  the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The report must

  2  itemize each expenditure made from the trust fund since the

  3  last report was filed; each obligation payable from the trust

  4  fund on that date; and the percentage of funds expended for

  5  each of the following:  equipment, maintenance of equipment,

  6  personnel training, and technical assistance.  The report must

  7  indicate the nature of the system each clerk uses to store,

  8  maintain, and retrieve public records and the degree to which

  9  the system has been upgraded since the creation of the trust

10  fund. This paragraph expires November 4, 2000, and the

11  Legislature shall review this paragraph to determine the

12  necessity for the Public Records Modernization Trust Fund

13  prior to that date.

14         (16)  Oath, administering, attesting, and sealing, not

15  otherwise provided for herein............................ 2.00

16         (17)  For validating certificates, any authorized

17  bonds, each.............................................. 2.00

18         (18)  For preparing affidavit of domicile......... 5.00

19         (19)  For exemplified certificates, including signing

20  and sealing...................................................

21  4.00

22         (20)  For authenticated certificates, including signing

23  and sealing...................................................

24  4.00

25         (21)(a)  For issuing and filing a subpoena for a

26  witness, not otherwise provided for herein (includes writing,

27  preparing, signing, and sealing)..............................

28  4.00

29         (b)  For signing and sealing only................. 1.00

30         (22)  For issuing venire facias (includes writing,

31  preparing, signing, and sealing)......................... 5.00


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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

  1         (23)  For paying of witnesses and making and reporting

  2  payroll to State Comptroller, per copy, per page......... 5.00

  3         (24)  For approving bond.......................... 5.00

  4         (25)  For searching of records, for each year's search

  5  ......................................................... 1.00

  6         (26)  For processing an application for a tax deed sale

  7  (includes application, sale, issuance, and preparation of tax

  8  deed, and disbursement of proceeds of sale), other than excess

  9  proceeds ............................................... 60.00

10         (27)  For disbursement of excess proceeds of tax deed

11  sale, first $100 or fraction thereof.....................10.00

12         (28)  Upon receipt of an application for a marriage

13  license, for preparing and administering of oath; issuing,

14  sealing, and recording of the marriage license; and providing

15  a certified copy........................................ 20.00

16         (29)  For solemnizing matrimony.................. 20.00

17         (30)  For sealing any court file or expungement of any

18  record.................................................. 25.00

19         (31)  For receiving and disbursing all restitution

20  payments, per payment.................................... 2.00

21         (32)  Postal charges incurred by the clerk of the

22  circuit court in any mailing by certified or registered mail

23  shall be paid by the party at whose instance the mailing is

24  made.

25         (33)  For furnishing an electronic copy of information

26  contained in a computer database: a fee as provided for in

27  chapter 119.

28         Section 3.  This act shall take effect November 4,

29  2000.




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    Florida Senate - 2000                            CS for SB 606

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                              SB 606


  4  This amendment repeals current language establishing the trust
    fund expiration date and the schedule for the next review of
  5  the Public Records Modernization Trust Fund.


























