House Bill 0649

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 649

        By Representative Gay

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to retirement; amending s.

  3         121.011, F.S.; providing for the preservation

  4         of rights of members of the Florida Retirement

  5         System with respect to the Florida Millennium

  6         Retirement System; amending s. 121.021, F.S.;

  7         redefining the terms "system" and "member";

  8         providing a definition of "qualified

  9         participant"; amending s. 121.051, F.S.;

10         providing for compulsory participation in the

11         Florida Millennium Retirement System after a

12         certain date; creating s. 121.0525, F.S.;

13         providing for election to terminate

14         participation in the Florida Retirement System

15         and to participate in the Florida Millennium

16         Retirement System; creating s. 121.0535, F.S.;

17         providing for the transfer of lump sum payments

18         to the qualified participants' accounts in the

19         Florida Millennium Retirement System; creating

20         s. 121.0545, F.S.; providing for the transfer

21         of assets to the Florida's Future Trust Fund;

22         providing effective dates.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (3) of

27  section 121.011, Florida Statutes, to read:

28         121.011  Florida Retirement Systems System.--

29         (3)  PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS.--

30         (h)  The rights of members of the retirement system as

31  of May 31, 2000, shall not be impaired, nor shall their


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 649


  1  benefits be reduced by virtue of any part of this chapter,

  2  except if an eligible member of the Florida Retirement System

  3  elects to participate in the Florida Millennium Retirement

  4  System, then he or she shall be transferred to the Florida

  5  Millennium Retirement System on or before June 1, 2001, and

  6  shall be subject to the provisions of the Florida Millennium

  7  Retirement System established pursuant to this chapter.

  8         Section 2.  Subsections (3) and (12) of section

  9  121.021, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (55) is

10  added to said section, to read:

11         121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases

12  as used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth

13  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:

14         (3)  "System" means the general retirement system

15  established by this chapter to be known and cited as the

16  "Florida Retirement System." or the general retirement system

17  established pursuant to s. 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code

18  and cited as the "Florida Millennium Retirement System."

19         (12)  "Member" means any officer or employee who is

20  covered under the Florida Retirement System or any officer or

21  employee who is covered or who becomes covered under the

22  Florida Millennium Retirement System or who becomes covered

23  under this system in accordance with this chapter.  On and

24  after December 1, 1970, all new members and those members

25  transferring from existing systems shall be divided into the

26  following classes: "Special Risk Class," as provided in s.

27  121.0515(2); "Special Risk Administrative Support Class," as

28  provided in s. 121.0515(7); "Elected Officers' Class," as

29  provided in s. 121.052; "Senior Management Service Class," as

30  provided in s. 121.055; and "Regular Class," which consists of

31  all members who are not in the Special Risk Class, Special


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  1  Risk Administrative Support Class, Elected Officers' Class, or

  2  Senior Management Service Class.

  3         (55)  "Qualified participant" means an individual who

  4  is a participant of the Florida Millennium Retirement System

  5  and who meets one of the following requirements:

  6         (a)  An individual who is first employed and entered

  7  upon the payroll of his or her employer on or after June 1,

  8  2000, and who before June 1, 2000, would have been eligible to

  9  be a member of the Florida Retirement System.

10         (b)  An individual who elects to terminate membership

11  in the Florida Retirement System and who elects to participate

12  in the Florida Millennium Retirement System in the manner

13  prescribed in s. 121.0525.

14         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

15  121.051, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (e) is

16  added to said subsection, to read:

17         121.051  Participation in the system.--


19         (a)  The provisions of this law shall be compulsory as

20  to all officers and employees, except elected officers who

21  meet the requirements of s. 121.052(3), who are employed on or

22  after December 1, 1970, and before May 31, 2000, of an

23  employer other than those referred to in paragraph (2)(b), and

24  each officer or employee, as a condition of employment, shall

25  become a member of the system as of his or her date of

26  employment, except that a person who is retired from any state

27  retirement system and is reemployed on or after December 1,

28  1970, shall not be permitted to renew his or her membership in

29  any state retirement system except as provided in s.

30  121.091(4)(h) for a person who recovers from disability, and

31  as provided in s. 121.091(9)(b)8. for a person who is elected


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  1  to public office, and, effective July 1, 1991, as provided in

  2  s. 121.122 for all other retirees.  Officers and employees of

  3  the University Athletic Association, Inc., a nonprofit

  4  association connected with the University of Florida, employed

  5  on and after July 1, 1979, shall not participate in any

  6  state-supported retirement system. Any person appointed on or

  7  after July 1, 1989, to a faculty position in a college at the

  8  J. Hillis Miller Health Center at the University of Florida or

  9  the Medical Center at the University of South Florida which

10  has a faculty practice plan provided by rule adopted by the

11  Board of Regents shall not participate in the Florida

12  Retirement System.  A faculty member so appointed shall

13  participate in the optional retirement program on the basis of

14  his or her state-funded compensation, notwithstanding the

15  provisions of s. 121.35(2)(a).

16         (e)  The provisions of the Florida Millennium

17  Retirement System established pursuant to s. 401(k) of the

18  Internal Revenue Code shall be compulsory as to all officers

19  and employees who are first employed on or after June 1, 2000,

20  and each officer or employee, as a condition of employment,

21  shall become a member of the Florida Millennium Retirement

22  System as of his or her date of employment.

23         Section 4.  Section 121.0525, Florida Statutes, is

24  created to read:

25         121.0525  Election to terminate participation in the

26  Florida Retirement System and to participate in the Florida

27  Millennium Retirement System.--

28         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),

29  the Department of Management Services shall provide an

30  opportunity for each officer or employee who is a member of

31  the Florida Retirement System on June 1, 2000, to elect in


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  1  writing to terminate membership in the Florida Retirement

  2  System and to elect to become a qualified participant in the

  3  Florida Millennium Retirement System.  An election made by a

  4  member under this subsection is irrevocable.  The Department

  5  of Management Services shall accept written elections under

  6  this subsection from members during the period beginning June

  7  1, 2000, to October 31, 2000.  A member who does not make a

  8  written election or who does not file the election during the

  9  period specified in this subsection continues to be a member

10  of the Florida Retirement System.  A member who makes and

11  files a written election under this subsection elects to do

12  all of the following:

13         (a)  Cease to be a member of the Florida Retirement

14  System effective 12 midnight May 31, 2001.

15         (b)  Become a qualified participant in the Florida

16  Millennium Retirement System effective 12:01 a.m., June 1,

17  2001.

18         (c)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,

19  waive all of his or her rights to a pension, an annuity, a

20  retirement allowance, an insurance benefit, or any other

21  benefit under this chapter effective 12 midnight May 31, 2001.

22  This subsection does not affect a person's right to health

23  benefits provided in s. 112.363.

24         (2)  This subsection applies to an individual who was a

25  vested member of the Florida Retirement System on June 1,

26  2000, and who terminates employment upon which that membership

27  is based on or after June 1, 2000, but on or before May 31,

28  2001.  Before the termination of his or her employment, an

29  individual described in this subsection may elect in writing

30  to terminate membership in the Florida Retirement System and

31  become a qualified participant in the Florida Millennium


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  1  Retirement System.  An election made by the member under this

  2  subsection is irrevocable.  The Department of Management

  3  Services shall accept written elections under this subsection

  4  from a member during the period beginning June 1, 2000, and

  5  ending on May 31, 2001.  A member described in this subsection

  6  who does not make a written election or who does not file the

  7  election before the termination of his or her employment

  8  continues to be a member of the Florida Retirement System.  A

  9  member who makes and files a written election under this

10  subsection to terminate membership in the Florida Retirement

11  System elects to do all of the following:

12         (a)  Cease to be a member of the Florida Retirement

13  System and become a qualified participant in the Florida

14  Millennium Retirement System effective 12 midnight on the day

15  immediately preceding the date of the termination of

16  employment.

17         (b)  Become a former qualified participant in the

18  Florida Millennium Retirement System effective 12:01 a.m. on

19  the day immediately following the date described in paragraph

20  (a).

21         (c)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,

22  waive all of his or her rights to a pension, an annuity, a

23  retirement allowance, an insurance benefit, or any other

24  benefit under this chapter effective 12 midnight May 31, 2001.

25  This subsection does not affect a person's right to health

26  benefits provided in s. 112.363.

27         (3)  If an individual who was a former nonvested member

28  of the Florida Retirement System on June 1, 2000, is

29  reemployed and by virtue of that employment is again eligible

30  for membership in the Florida Retirement System, the

31  individual shall elect in writing to remain a member of the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 649


  1  Florida Retirement System or to terminate membership in the

  2  Florida Retirement System and become a qualified participant

  3  in the Florida Millennium Retirement System. An election by an

  4  individual under this subsection is irrevocable.  The

  5  Department of Management Services shall accept written

  6  elections under this subsection from a deferred member or a

  7  former nonvested member during the period beginning on the

  8  date of the individual's reemployment and ending upon the

  9  expiration of 60 days after the date of that reemployment.  A

10  former nonvested member who makes and files a written election

11  to remain a member of the Florida Retirement System retains

12  all rights and is subject to all conditions as a member of the

13  Florida Retirement System under this chapter.  A former

14  nonvested member who does not make a written election or who

15  does not file the election during the period specified in this

16  subsection continues to be a member of the Florida Retirement

17  System.  A former nonvested member who makes and files a

18  written election to terminate membership in the Florida

19  Retirement System elects to do all of the following:

20         (a)  Cease to be a member of the Florida Retirement

21  System effective 12 midnight on the last day of the payroll

22  period that includes the date of the election.

23         (b)  Become a qualified participant in the Florida

24  Millennium Retirement System effective 12:01 a.m. on the first

25  day of the payroll period immediately following the date of

26  the election.

27         (c)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,

28  waive all of his or her rights to a pension, an annuity, a

29  retirement allowance, an insurance benefit, or any other

30  benefit under this act effective 12 midnight May 31, 2001.



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  1  This subsection does not affect a person's right to health

  2  benefits provided in s. 112.363.

  3         (4)  After consultation with the Department of

  4  Management Services' actuary and the State Board of

  5  Administration, the department shall determine the method by

  6  which a member or former nonvested member shall make a written

  7  election under this section.  If the member or former

  8  nonvested member is married at the time of the election, the

  9  election is not effective unless the election is signed by the

10  individual's spouse.  However, this requirement may be waived

11  if the spouse's signature cannot be obtained because of

12  extenuating circumstances.

13         Section 5.  Section 121.0535, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         121.0535  Transfer of lump sum payment.--

16         (1)  The Department of Management Services shall direct

17  the state treasurer to transfer a lump sum amount from the

18  Florida Retirement System to the qualified participant's

19  account on or before 12 midnight May 31, 2001.  The Department

20  of Management Services, based on actuarial calculations, shall

21  calculate the amount to be transferred, which shall be the

22  actuarial equivalent single-sum value of the employee's

23  accrued retirement on the date of the transfer.

24         (2)  For employees who have no vested benefits in the

25  Florida Retirement System, the Department of Management

26  Services, based on actuarial calculations, shall transfer to

27  the qualified participant's account on or before 12 midnight

28  May 31, 2001, the actuarial equivalent single-sum value of the

29  employee's accrued retirement benefit on the date of the

30  transfer.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 649


  1         Section 6.  (1)  Section 121.0545, Florida Statutes, is

  2  created to read:

  3         121.0545  Transfer of assets to the Florida's Future

  4  Trust Fund.--On or before July 1, 2001, the Department of

  5  Management Services shall:

  6         (1)  Determine or direct the determination of the total

  7  actuarial liability of the Florida Retirement System for those

  8  members who have elected to remain in the Florida Retirement

  9  System and those retired Florida Retirement System members.

10         (2)  Purchase annuities sufficient to meet the total

11  liability of the Florida Retirement System.

12         (3)  Transfer the assets of the Florida Retirement

13  System Trust Fund, with the exception of the annuities

14  referenced above, to the Florida's Future Trust Fund.

15         (2)  This section shall take effect July 1, 2000, if HB

16  .... or similar legislation creating the Florida's Future

17  Trust Fund is adopted in the same legislative session or an

18  extension thereof.

19         Section 7.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

20  act shall take effect upon becoming a law.


22            *****************************************

23                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides for a Florida Millennium Retirement System for
25    employees employed on or after May 31, 2000. See bill for





