House Bill 0657

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HCR 657

        By Representative Pruitt

  1                   House Concurrent Resolution

  2         A concurrent resolution confirming the

  3         appointment of William Oliver Monroe to the

  4         position of Auditor General.


  6         WHEREAS, Article III, section 2 of the State

  7  Constitution provides that the Legislature shall appoint an

  8  auditor to serve at its pleasure, and

  9         WHEREAS, by enactment of chapter 69-82, Laws of

10  Florida, the Legislature exercised that appointment by

11  designating the Auditor General chosen pursuant to section

12  11.42, Florida Statutes, as the constitutional auditor

13  required under Article III, section 2 of the State

14  Constitution, and

15         WHEREAS, the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee

16  appointed William Oliver Monroe to the position of Auditor

17  General on December 7, 1999, and

18         WHEREAS, section 11.42, Florida Statutes, provides that

19  the appointment of the Auditor General must be confirmed by

20  the Senate and the House of Representatives, NOW, THEREFORE,


22  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

23  Florida, the Senate Concurring:


25         That the appointment of William Oliver Monroe to the

26  position of Auditor General by the Joint Legislative Auditing

27  Committee under section 11.42, Florida Statutes, is confirmed.




