Senate Bill 0662e1

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  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trust funds; exempting from

  3         termination or modifying specified trust funds

  4         administered by state general-government

  5         agencies; amending s. 11.045, F.S.; modifying

  6         purposes for which moneys in the Legislative

  7         Lobbyist Registration Trust Fund may be used;

  8         amending s. 17.41, F.S.; revising provisions

  9         relating to funding of the Department of

10         Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing

11         Trust Fund and exemption of funds therein from

12         the general revenue service charge; amending s.

13         413.615, F.S.; establishing the endowment fund

14         principal of the Florida Endowment for

15         Vocational Rehabilitation for fiscal year

16         2000-2001 and providing for subsequent annual

17         increases; merging the State Property Insurance

18         Trust Fund into the Florida Casualty Insurance

19         Risk Management Trust Fund and renaming the

20         merged fund as the State Risk Management Trust

21         Fund; renaming parts I and II of chapter 284,

22         F.S., to conform; amending ss. 258.007,

23         272.185, 284.01, 284.03, 284.05, 284.14,

24         284.30, 284.36, 284.385, 284.44, 284.50,

25         287.025, 287.059, 331.350, 393.075, 402.3015,

26         409.175, 946.509, 985.406, and 985.409, F.S.,

27         to conform; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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  1         Section 1.  The Legislature finds that the following

  2  trust funds administered by the State Board of Administration

  3  are exempt from termination pursuant to Section 19(f), Article

  4  III of the State Constitution:

  5         (1)  The Florida Retirement Systems Trust Fund.

  6         (2)  The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund.

  7         (3)  The Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Trust Fund.

  8         (4)  The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

  9  Supplemental Trust Fund.

10         (5)  The Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

11         (6)  The Bond Proceeds Trust Fund.

12         (7)  The Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education

13  Expense Trust Fund.

14         (8)  The Department of the Lottery Fund pursuant to

15  section 24.120, Florida Statutes.

16         (9)  The Debt Service Trust Fund.

17         (10)  The Gas Tax Fund.

18         (11)  The Police and Firefighters' Premium Tax Trust

19  Fund.

20         (12)  The Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.

21         (13)  Funds of the Inland Protection Financing

22  Corporation created under section 376.3075, Florida Statutes.

23         (14)  Funds of the Investment Fraud Restoration

24  Financing Corporation created under section 517.1204, Florida

25  Statutes.

26         Section 2.  Subsection (8) of section 11.045, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         11.045  Lobbyists; registration and reporting;

29  exemptions; penalties.--

30         (8)  There is hereby created the Legislative Lobbyist

31  Registration Trust Fund, to be used for the purpose of funding


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  1  any office established for the administration of the

  2  registration of lobbyist lobbying the Legislature, including

  3  the payment of salaries and other expenses, and for the

  4  purpose of paying the expenses incurred by the Legislature in

  5  providing services to lobbyists.  The trust fund is not

  6  subject to the service charge to general revenue provisions of

  7  chapter 215. Fees collected pursuant to rules established in

  8  accordance with subsection (2) shall be deposited into the

  9  Legislative Lobbyist Registration Trust Fund.

10         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 17.41, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         17.41  Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco

13  Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.--

14         (2)  Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall

15  consist of all annual payments received by the state from

16  settlement of State of Florida v. American Tobacco Co., No.

17  95-1466AH (Fla. 15th Cir. Ct. 1996). All moneys received from

18  the settlement shall be deposited into the trust fund. Such

19  moneys and interest thereon and are exempt from the service

20  charges imposed under s. 215.20.

21         Section 4.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

22  413.615, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         413.615  Florida Endowment for Vocational

24  Rehabilitation.--


26         (c)  The State Board of Administration shall invest and

27  reinvest moneys of the endowment fund in accordance with the

28  provisions of ss. 215.44-215.53.  Moneys in the endowment fund

29  in excess of the endowment fund principal, or such lesser

30  amount as may be requested in writing by the foundation, shall

31  be annually transmitted to the foundation, based upon a fiscal


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  1  year which shall run from July 1 through June 30, and shall be

  2  deposited in the foundation's operating account, for

  3  distribution as provided in subsection (10).  The endowment

  4  fund principal shall be $1 $5 million for the 2000-2001

  5  1995-1996 fiscal year and shall be increased by 5 percent in

  6  each subsequent fiscal year.

  7         Section 5.  The State Property Insurance Trust Fund

  8  created pursuant to section 284.01, Florida Statutes, is

  9  merged into the Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management

10  Trust Fund created pursuant to section 284.30, Florida

11  Statutes, which is renamed the "State Risk Management Trust

12  Fund."

13         Section 6.  Part I of chapter 284, Florida Statutes,

14  entitled "Florida Fire Insurance Trust Fund," is renamed

15  "State Property Claims"; and part II of chapter 284, Florida

16  Statutes, entitled "Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management

17  Trust Fund," is renamed "State Casualty Claims."

18         Section 7.  Subsection (1) of section 258.007, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         258.007  Powers of division.--

21         (1)  The Division of Recreation and Parks shall have

22  power to acquire in the name of the state any property, real

23  or personal, by purchase, grant, devise, condemnation,

24  donation, or otherwise, which in its judgment may be necessary

25  or proper toward the administration of the purposes of this

26  chapter; however, no property of any nature may be acquired by

27  purchase, lease, grant, donation, devise, or otherwise, under

28  conditions which shall pledge the credit of, or obligate in

29  any manner whatsoever, the state to pay any sum of money, and

30  the power of condemnation as herein granted is limited to the

31  acquisition of property or property rights which may be


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  1  required for state park purposes for parks under the

  2  jurisdiction of the Division of Recreation and Parks on July

  3  1, 1980.  Acquisition of such property or property rights

  4  shall not exceed an aggregate of 40 acres or 10 percent of the

  5  total acreage of the respective park as it existed on July 1,

  6  1980, whichever is less, and shall be restricted to properties

  7  wholly surrounded by state park property at the time of

  8  acquisition.  Express legislative approval is required for the

  9  acquisition by condemnation of any new area or memorial which

10  the division may desire for the purposes set forth in this

11  chapter, except that the division may maintain and insure with

12  the State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust Fund

13  buildings on property owned by the state or any of its

14  agencies.

15         Section 8.  Subsection (2) of section 272.185, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         272.185  Maintenance of Governor's Mansion by

18  Department of Management Services.--

19         (2)  The department shall insure the Governor's

20  Mansion, its contents, and all structures and appurtenances

21  thereto with the State Risk Management Property Insurance

22  Trust Fund as provided in s. 284.01.  The department may

23  purchase any necessary insurance either by a primary insurance

24  contract, excess coverage insurance, or reinsurance to cover

25  the contents of the mansion, whether title of the contents is

26  in the state or in any other person or entity not a resident

27  of the mansion, notwithstanding the provision of s. 287.025.

28         Section 9.  Subsection (1) of section 284.01, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         284.01  State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust

31  Fund; coverages to be provided.--


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  1         (1)  A state self-insurance fund, designated as the

  2  "State Property Insurance Trust Fund," is created to be set up

  3  by the Department of Insurance and administered with a program

  4  of risk management.  The State Risk Management Trust Fund

  5  shall insure those properties designated in subsection (2)

  6  which are owned by the state or its agencies, boards, or

  7  bureaus against loss from fire, lightning, sinkholes, and

  8  hazards customarily insured by extended coverage and loss from

  9  the removal of personal property from such properties when

10  endangered by covered perils.  Furthermore, the fund may also

11  insure the State Regional Office Building located in the City

12  of Jacksonville, Duval County, including the parking facility

13  owned by the City of Jacksonville, since such building is

14  jointly owned by the State of Florida and the City of

15  Jacksonville.  The City of Jacksonville shall be responsible

16  for the payment of all premiums charged by the fund to insure

17  property owned by the City of Jacksonville.  Flood insurance

18  shall be provided for state-owned structures and contents

19  designated in subsection (2) to the extent necessary to meet

20  self-insurance requirements of the National Flood Insurance

21  Program, as prescribed in rules and regulations of the Federal

22  Emergency Management Agency in 44 C.F.R. parts 59, 60, and 74,

23  effective October 1, 1986.

24         Section 10.  Section 284.03, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         284.03  Deficits in fund supplied from General Revenue

27  Fund; repayment.--Should a loss occur upon property insured in

28  the State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust Fund that

29  would require more funds, to pay the amount of any loss

30  covered by insurance in said fund, than are at that time

31  available in said fund, in that event there is appropriated


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  1  out of any funds in the General Revenue Fund not otherwise

  2  appropriated a sum which, added to the sum then available in

  3  the said State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust Fund,

  4  shall be sufficient to pay the amount of the covered loss.  In

  5  the event any funds shall be paid out of the General Revenue

  6  Fund under this provision, such amounts so paid out of the

  7  General Revenue Fund shall be returned to it out of the first

  8  available assets of the State Risk Management said Insurance

  9  Trust Fund after paying any necessary expenses as provided in

10  s. 284.02(2) and (3).

11         Section 11.  Section 284.05, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         284.05  Inspection of insured state property.--The

14  Department of Insurance shall inspect all permanent buildings

15  insured by the State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust

16  Fund, and whenever conditions are found to exist which, in the

17  opinion of the Department of Insurance, are hazardous from the

18  standpoint of destruction by fire or other loss, the

19  Department of Insurance may order the same repaired or

20  remedied, and the agency, board, or person in charge of such

21  property is required to have such dangerous conditions

22  immediately repaired or remedied upon written notice from the

23  Department of Insurance of such hazardous conditions.  Such

24  amounts as may be necessary to comply with such notice or

25  notices shall be paid by the Department of Management Services

26  or by the agency, board, or person in charge of such property

27  out of any moneys appropriated for the maintenance of the

28  respective agency or for the repairs or permanent improvement

29  of such properties or from any incidental or contingent funds

30  they may have on hand. In the event of a disagreement between

31  the Department of Insurance and the agency, board, or person


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  1  having charge of such property as to the necessity of the

  2  repairs or remedies ordered, the matter in disagreement shall

  3  be determined by the Department of Management Services.

  4         Section 12.  Section 284.14, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         284.14  State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust

  7  Fund; leasehold interest.--In the event the state or any

  8  department or agency thereof has acquired or hereafter

  9  acquires a leasehold interest in any improved real property

10  and by the terms and provisions of said lease it is obligated

11  to insure such premises against loss by fire or other hazard

12  to such premises, it shall insure such premises in the State

13  Risk Management Property Insurance Trust Fund as required by

14  the terms of said lease or as required by the provisions of

15  this chapter.  No state agency shall enter into or acquire any

16  such leasehold interest until the coverages required to be

17  maintained by the provisions of the lease are approved in

18  writing by the Department of Insurance.

19         Section 13.  Section 284.30, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         284.30  State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk

22  Management Trust Fund; coverages to be provided.--A state

23  self-insurance fund, designated as the "State Florida Casualty

24  Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund," is created to be set up

25  by the Department of Insurance and administered with a program

26  of risk management, which fund is to provide insurance, as

27  authorized by s. 284.33, for workers' compensation, general

28  liability, fleet automotive liability, federal civil rights

29  actions under 42 U.S.C. s. 1983 or similar federal statutes,

30  and court-awarded attorney's fees in other proceedings against

31  the state except for such awards in eminent domain or for


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  1  inverse condemnation or for awards by the Public Employees

  2  Relations Commission.  A party to a suit in any court, to be

  3  entitled to have his or her attorney's fees paid by the state

  4  or any of its agencies, must serve a copy of the pleading

  5  claiming the fees on the Department of Insurance; and

  6  thereafter the department shall be entitled to participate

  7  with the agency in the defense of the suit and any appeal

  8  thereof with respect to such fees.

  9         Section 14.  Section 284.36, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         284.36  Appropriation deposits; premium

12  payment.--Premiums for coverage by the State Florida Casualty

13  Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund as calculated on all

14  coverages shall be billed and charged to each state agency

15  according to coverages obtained by the fund for their benefit,

16  and such obligations shall be paid promptly by each agency

17  from its operating budget upon presentation of a bill

18  therefor.  After the first year of operation, premiums to be

19  charged to all departments of the state are to be computed on

20  a retrospective rating arrangement based upon actual losses

21  accruing to the fund, taking into account reasonable

22  expectations, the maintenance and stability of the fund, and

23  the cost of insurance.

24         Section 15.  Section 284.385, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         284.385  Reporting and handling of claims.--All

27  departments covered by the State Florida Casualty Insurance

28  Risk Management Trust Fund under this part shall immediately

29  report all known or potential claims to the Department of

30  Insurance for handling, except employment complaints which

31  have not been filed with the Florida Human Relations


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  1  Commission, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or any

  2  similar agency.  When deemed necessary, the Department of

  3  Insurance shall assign or reassign the claim to counsel.  The

  4  assigned counsel shall report regularly to the Department of

  5  Insurance on the status of any such claims or litigation as

  6  required by the Department of Insurance.  No such claim shall

  7  be compromised or settled for monetary compensation without

  8  the prior approval of the Department of Insurance.  All

  9  departments shall cooperate with the Department of Insurance

10  in its handling of claims.  The Department of Insurance, the

11  Department of Management Services, and the Department of

12  Banking and Finance, with the cooperation of the state

13  attorneys and the clerks of the courts, shall develop a system

14  to coordinate the exchange of information concerning claims

15  for and against the state, its agencies, and its subdivisions,

16  to assist in collection of amounts due to them.  The covered

17  department shall have the responsibility for the settlement of

18  any claim for injunctive or affirmative relief under 42 U.S.C.

19  s. 1983 or similar federal or state statutes.  The payment of

20  a settlement or judgment for any claim covered and reported

21  under this part shall be made only from the State Florida

22  Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund.

23         Section 16.  Subsections (3), (5), (6), and (7) of

24  section 284.44, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         284.44  Salary indemnification costs of state

26  agencies.--

27         (3)  For the purposes of this section, "salary

28  indemnification costs" means the payments made to employees

29  for temporary total disability benefits.  After an employee

30  has been eligible for disability benefits for 10 weeks, salary

31  indemnification costs shall be funded from the State Florida


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  1  Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund in accordance

  2  with the provisions of this part for those agencies insured by

  3  the fund.

  4         (5)  If a state agency demonstrates to the Executive

  5  Office of the Governor and the chairs of the legislative

  6  appropriations committees that no funds are available to pay

  7  initial salary indemnification costs for a specific claim

  8  pursuant to this section without adversely impacting its

  9  ability to perform statutory responsibilities, the Executive

10  Office of the Governor may direct the Division of Risk

11  Management to fund all salary indemnification costs for that

12  specific claim from the State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk

13  Management Trust Fund and waive the state agency reimbursement

14  requirement.

15         (6)  The Division of Risk Management shall prepare

16  quarterly reports to the Executive Office of the Governor and

17  the chairs of the legislative appropriations committees

18  indicating for each state agency the total amount of salary

19  indemnification benefits paid to claimants and the total

20  amount of reimbursements from state agencies to the State

21  Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund for

22  initial costs for the previous quarter.  These reports shall

23  also include information for each state agency indicating the

24  number of cases and amounts of initial salary indemnification

25  costs for which reimbursement requirements were waived by the

26  Executive Office of the Governor pursuant to this section.

27         (7)  If a state agency fails to pay casualty increase

28  premiums or salary indemnification reimbursements within 30

29  days after being billed, the Division of Risk Management shall

30  advise the Comptroller.  After verifying the accuracy of the

31  billing, the Comptroller shall transfer the appropriate amount


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  1  from any available funds of the delinquent state agency to the

  2  State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund.

  3         Section 17.  Subsection (2) of section 284.50, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         284.50  Loss prevention program; safety coordinators;

  6  Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee

  7  recognition program.--

  8         (2)  There shall be an Interagency Advisory Council on

  9  Loss Prevention composed of the safety coordinators from each

10  department and representatives designated by the Division of

11  State Fire Marshal and the Division of Risk Management.  The

12  chair of the council shall be the Director of the Division of

13  Risk Management or his or her designee.  The council shall

14  meet at least quarterly to discuss safety problems within

15  state government, to attempt to find solutions for these

16  problems, and, when possible, to assist in the implementation

17  of the solutions.  If the safety coordinator of a department

18  or office is unable to attend a council meeting, an alternate,

19  selected by the department head or his or her designee, shall

20  attend the meeting to represent and provide input for that

21  department or office on the council.  The council is further

22  authorized to provide for the recognition of employees,

23  agents, and volunteers who make exceptional contributions to

24  the reduction and control of employment-related accidents.

25  The necessary expenses for the administration of this program

26  of recognition shall be considered an authorized

27  administrative expense payable from the State Florida Casualty

28  Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund.

29         Section 18.  Subsection (3) of section 287.025, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         287.025  Prohibition against certain insurance coverage

  2  on specified state property or insurable subjects.--

  3         (3)  Any items, property, or insurable subjects titled

  4  in the name of the state or its departments, divisions,

  5  bureaus, commissions, or agencies which are not included or

  6  insured by the State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust

  7  Fund under chapter 284 or specifically designated not to be

  8  insured by this section shall be eligible subjects for

  9  insurance coverage through commercial insurance carriers as

10  otherwise provided by law.

11         Section 19.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

12  287.059, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         287.059  Private attorney services.--

14         (2)  No agency shall contract for private attorney

15  services without the prior written approval of the Attorney

16  General, except that such written approval is not required for

17  private attorney services:

18         (c)  Necessary to represent the state in litigation

19  involving the State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management

20  Trust Fund pursuant to part II of chapter 284.

21         Section 20.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

22  331.350, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         331.350  Insurance coverage of the authority; safety

24  program.--

25         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the

26  State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust Fund

27  established under s. 284.01 shall not insure buildings and

28  property owned or leased by the authority.

29         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the

30  State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund



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  1  established under s. 284.30 shall not insure against any

  2  liability of the authority.

  3         Section 21.  Subsection (2) of section 393.075, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         393.075  General liability coverage.--

  6         (2)  The Division of Risk Management of the Department

  7  of Insurance shall provide coverage through the Department of

  8  Children and Family Services to any person who owns or

  9  operates a foster care facility or group home facility solely

10  for the Department of Children and Family Services, who cares

11  for children placed by developmental services staff of the

12  department, and who is licensed pursuant to s. 393.067 to

13  provide such supervision and care in his or her place of

14  residence.  The coverage shall be provided from the general

15  liability account of the State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk

16  Management Trust Fund.  The coverage is limited to general

17  liability claims arising from the provision of supervision and

18  care of children in a foster care facility or group home

19  facility pursuant to an agreement with the department and

20  pursuant to guidelines established through policy, rule, or

21  statute.  Coverage shall be subject to the limits provided in

22  ss. 284.38 and 284.385, and the exclusions set forth therein,

23  together with other exclusions as may be set forth in the

24  certificate of coverage issued by the trust fund. A person

25  covered under the general liability account pursuant to this

26  subsection shall immediately notify the Division of Risk

27  Management of the Department of Insurance of any potential or

28  actual claim.

29         Section 22.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (6) of section

30  402.3015, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         402.3015  Subsidized child care program; purpose; fees;

  2  contracts.--

  3         (6)

  4         (f)  The Division of Risk Management of the Department

  5  of Insurance shall provide coverage through the department to

  6  the community child care coordinating agencies for the

  7  subsidized child care program. The coverage shall be provided

  8  from the general liability account of the State Florida

  9  Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust Fund, and the

10  coverage shall be primary. The coverage is limited to general

11  liability claims arising from the management of the subsidized

12  child care program under a contract with the department and

13  under guidelines established through policy, rule, or law.

14  Coverage shall be limited as provided in ss. 284.38 and

15  284.385, and the exclusions set forth therein, together with

16  other exclusions that are set forth in the certificate of

17  coverage issued by the trust fund, shall apply. A community

18  child care coordinating agency covered under the general

19  liability account pursuant to this paragraph shall immediately

20  notify the Division of Risk Management of the Department of

21  Insurance of any potential or actual claim.

22         Section 23.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (14) of

23  section 409.175, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

24         409.175  Licensure of family foster homes, residential

25  child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.--

26         (14)(a)  The Division of Risk Management of the

27  Department of Insurance shall provide coverage through the

28  Department of Children and Family Services to any person who

29  owns or operates a family foster home solely for the

30  Department of Children and Family Services and who is licensed

31  to provide family foster home care in her or his place of


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  1  residence.  The coverage shall be provided from the general

  2  liability account of the State Florida Casualty Insurance Risk

  3  Management Trust Fund, and the coverage shall be primary.  The

  4  coverage is limited to general liability claims arising from

  5  the provision of family foster home care pursuant to an

  6  agreement with the department and pursuant to guidelines

  7  established through policy, rule, or statute. Coverage shall

  8  be limited as provided in ss. 284.38 and 284.385, and the

  9  exclusions set forth therein, together with other exclusions

10  as may be set forth in the certificate of coverage issued by

11  the trust fund, shall apply. A person covered under the

12  general liability account pursuant to this subsection shall

13  immediately notify the Division of Risk Management of the

14  Department of Insurance of any potential or actual claim.

15         Section 24.  Section 946.509, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         946.509  Insurance of property leased or acquired by

18  the corporation.--

19         (1)  The State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust

20  Fund created under s. 284.01 shall insure all property

21  eligible for coverage under part I of chapter 284 which is

22  leased by the department to the corporation or which is

23  subsequently acquired and owned by the corporation and subject

24  to the reversionary ownership interest of the state

25  established in s. 946.505.

26         (2)  Coverage under the State Risk Management Property

27  Insurance Trust Fund of property leased to or otherwise

28  acquired by the corporation shall be secured and maintained

29  through the existing policy and account of the Department of

30  Corrections with the Division of Risk Management of the

31  Department of Insurance.  All matters, including premium


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  1  calculations, assessments and payments, retrospective premium

  2  adjustments, reporting requirements, and other requirements,

  3  concerning coverage of such property under the State Risk

  4  Management Property Insurance Trust Fund shall be conducted as

  5  if all such property were owned solely by the department.

  6  Except as required by chapter 284, if the corporation finds

  7  that it is more economical to do so, the corporation may

  8  secure private insurance coverage on all or a portion of the

  9  activities of or properties used by the corporation. If

10  coverage through the State Risk Management Property Insurance

11  Trust Fund is not secured, the corporation must present

12  documentation of insurance coverage to the Division of Risk

13  Management equal to the coverage that could otherwise be

14  provided by the State Risk Management Property Insurance Trust

15  Fund.

16         Section 25.  Subsection (8) of section 985.406, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         985.406  Juvenile justice training academies

19  established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training

20  Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund

21  created.--



24  FUND.--Pursuant to s. 284.30, the Division of Risk Management

25  of the Department of Insurance is authorized to insure a

26  private agency, individual, or corporation operating a

27  state-owned training school under a contract to carry out the

28  purposes and responsibilities of any program of the

29  department. The coverage authorized herein shall be under the

30  same general terms and conditions as the department is insured

31  for its responsibilities under chapter 284.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 662                                  First Engrossed

  1         Section 26.  Section 985.409, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         985.409  Participation of certain programs in the State

  4  Florida Casualty Insurance Risk Management Trust

  5  Fund.--Pursuant to s. 284.30, the Division of Risk Management

  6  of the Department of Insurance is authorized to insure a

  7  private agency, individual, or corporation operating a

  8  state-owned training school under a contract to carry out the

  9  purposes and responsibilities of any program of the

10  department. The coverage authorized herein shall be under the

11  same general terms and conditions as the department is insured

12  for its responsibilities under chapter 284.

13         Section 27.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


















