House Bill 0069er

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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69


  2         An act relating to habitual juvenile offenders;

  3         providing a short title; amending s. 985.227,

  4         F.S.; revising language with respect to

  5         mandatory direct filing of information with

  6         respect to certain juvenile offenders; amending

  7         s. 985.233, F.S.; revising language with

  8         respect to alternatives for juveniles

  9         prosecuted as adults; reenacting s. 985.226,

10         F.S., relating to criteria for waiver of

11         juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing on motion

12         to transfer for prosecution as an adult; to

13         incorporate said amendments in reference

14         thereto; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Short title.--This act may be cited as the

19  "Habitual Juvenile Offender Accountability Act."

20         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 985.227, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         985.227  Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the

23  direct filing of an information in the criminal division of

24  the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory

25  criteria.--

26         (2)  MANDATORY DIRECT FILE.--

27         (a)  With respect to any child who was 16 or 17 years

28  of age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the

29  state attorney shall file an information if the child has been

30  previously adjudicated delinquent for an act classified as a

31  felony, which adjudication was for the commission of, attempt


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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1  to commit, or conspiracy to commit murder, sexual battery,

  2  armed or strong-armed robbery, carjacking, home-invasion

  3  robbery, aggravated battery, or aggravated assault, and the

  4  child is currently charged with a second or subsequent violent

  5  crime against a person.

  6         (b)  With respect to any child 16 or 17 years of age at

  7  the time an offense classified as a forcible felony, as

  8  defined in s. 776.08, was committed, the state attorney shall

  9  file an information if the child has previously been

10  adjudicated delinquent or had adjudication withheld for three

11  acts classified as felonies each of which occurred at least 45

12  days apart from each other.  This paragraph does not apply

13  when the state attorney has good cause to believe that

14  exceptional circumstances exist which preclude the just

15  prosecution of the juvenile in adult court. Notwithstanding

16  subsection (1), regardless of the child's age at the time the

17  alleged offense was committed, the state attorney must file an

18  information with respect to any child who previously has been

19  adjudicated for offenses which, if committed by an adult,

20  would be felonies and such adjudications occurred at three or

21  more separate delinquency adjudicatory hearings, and three of

22  which resulted in residential commitments as defined in s.

23  985.03(47).

24         (c)  The state attorney must file an information if a

25  child, regardless of the child's age at the time the alleged

26  offense was committed, is alleged to have committed an act

27  that would be a violation of law if the child were an adult,

28  that involves stealing a motor vehicle, including, but not

29  limited to, a violation of s. 812.133, relating to carjacking,

30  or s. 812.014(2)(c)6., relating to grand theft of a motor

31  vehicle, and while the child was in possession of the stolen


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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1  motor vehicle the child caused serious bodily injury to or the

  2  death of a person who was not involved in the underlying

  3  offense. For purposes of this section, the driver and all

  4  willing passengers in the stolen motor vehicle at the time

  5  such serious bodily injury or death is inflicted shall also be

  6  subject to mandatory transfer to adult court. "Stolen motor

  7  vehicle," for the purposes of this section, means a motor

  8  vehicle that has been the subject of any criminal wrongful

  9  taking. For purposes of this section, "willing passengers"

10  means all willing passengers who have participated in the

11  underlying offense.

12         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 985.233, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         985.233  Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives

15  for juveniles prosecuted as adults.--


17         (a)  Sentencing to adult sanctions.--

18         1.  Cases prosecuted on indictment.--If the child is

19  found to have committed the offense punishable by death or

20  life imprisonment, the child shall be sentenced as an adult.

21  If the juvenile is not found to have committed the indictable

22  offense but is found to have committed a lesser included

23  offense or any other offense for which he or she was indicted

24  as a part of the criminal episode, the court may sentence as

25  follows:

26         a.  As an adult pursuant to this section;

27         b.  Pursuant to chapter 958; or

28         c.  As a juvenile pursuant to this section.

29         2.  Other cases.--If a child who has been transferred

30  for criminal prosecution pursuant to information or waiver of

31  juvenile court jurisdiction is found to have committed a


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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1  violation of state law or a lesser included offense for which

  2  he or she was charged as a part of the criminal episode, the

  3  court may sentence as follows:

  4         a.  As an adult pursuant to this section;

  5         b.  Pursuant to chapter 958; or

  6         c.  As a juvenile pursuant to this section.

  7         3.  Notwithstanding any other provision to the

  8  contrary, if the state attorney is required to file a motion

  9  to transfer and certify the juvenile for prosecution as an

10  adult pursuant to s. 985.226(2)(b) and that motion is granted,

11  or if the state attorney is required to file an information

12  pursuant to s. 985.227(2)(a) or (b), the court must impose

13  adult sanctions.

14         4.3.  Any sentence imposing adult sanctions is presumed

15  appropriate, and the court is not required to set forth

16  specific findings or enumerate the criteria in this subsection

17  as any basis for its decision to impose adult sanctions.

18         5.4.  When a child has been transferred for criminal

19  prosecution as an adult and has been found to have committed a

20  violation of state law, the disposition of the case may

21  include the enforcement of any restitution ordered in any

22  juvenile proceeding.

23         (b)  Sentencing to juvenile sanctions.--For juveniles

24  transferred to adult court but who do not qualify for such

25  transfer pursuant to s. 985.226(2)(b) or s. 985.227(2)(a) or

26  (b), the court may impose juvenile sanctions under this

27  paragraph. If juvenile sentences are imposed, the court shall,

28  pursuant to this paragraph, In order to use this paragraph,

29  the court shall stay adjudication of guilt and instead shall

30  adjudge the child to have committed a delinquent act.

31  Adjudication of delinquency shall not be deemed a conviction,


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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1  nor shall it operate to impose any of the civil disabilities

  2  ordinarily resulting from a conviction. The court shall impose

  3  an adult sanction or a juvenile sanction and may not sentence

  4  the child to a combination of adult and juvenile punishments.

  5  An adult sanction or a juvenile sanction may include

  6  enforcement of an order of restitution or community control

  7  previously ordered in any juvenile proceeding. However, if the

  8  court imposes a juvenile sanction and the department

  9  determines that the sanction is unsuitable for the child, the

10  department shall return custody of the child to the sentencing

11  court for further proceedings, including the imposition of

12  adult sanctions. Upon adjudicating a child delinquent under

13  subsection (1), the court may:

14         1.  Place the child in a community control program

15  under the supervision of the department for an indeterminate

16  period of time until the child reaches the age of 19 years or

17  sooner if discharged by order of the court.

18         2.  Commit the child to the department for treatment in

19  an appropriate program for children for an indeterminate

20  period of time until the child is 21 or sooner if discharged

21  by the department.  The department shall notify the court of

22  its intent to discharge no later than 14 days prior to

23  discharge.  Failure of the court to timely respond to the

24  department's notice shall be considered approval for

25  discharge.

26         3.  Order disposition pursuant to s. 985.231 as an

27  alternative to youthful offender or adult sentencing if the

28  court determines not to impose youthful offender or adult

29  sanctions.

30         (c)  Imposition of adult sanctions upon failure of

31  juvenile sanctions.--If a child proves not to be suitable to a


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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1  community control program or for a treatment program under the

  2  provisions of subparagraph (b)2., the court may revoke the

  3  previous adjudication, impose an adjudication of guilt,

  4  classify the child as a youthful offender when appropriate,

  5  and impose any sentence which it may lawfully impose, giving

  6  credit for all time spent by the child in the department.

  7         (d)  Recoupment of cost of care in juvenile justice

  8  facilities.--When the court orders commitment of a child to

  9  the Department of Juvenile Justice for treatment in any of the

10  department's programs for children, the court shall order the

11  natural or adoptive parents of such child, the natural father

12  of such child born out of wedlock who has acknowledged his

13  paternity in writing before the court, or guardian of such

14  child's estate, if possessed of assets which under law may be

15  disbursed for the care, support, and maintenance of the child,

16  to pay fees to the department equal to the actual cost of the

17  care, support, and maintenance of the child, unless the court

18  determines that the parent or legal guardian of the child is

19  indigent. The court may reduce the fees or waive the fees upon

20  a showing by the parent or guardian of an inability to pay the

21  full cost of the care, support, and maintenance of the child.

22  In addition, the court may waive the fees if it finds that the

23  child's parent or guardian was the victim of the child's

24  delinquent act or violation of law or if the court finds that

25  the parent or guardian has made a diligent and good faith

26  effort to prevent the child from engaging in the delinquent

27  act or violation of law. When the order affects the

28  guardianship estate, a certified copy of the order shall be

29  delivered to the judge having jurisdiction of the guardianship

30  estate.



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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1         (e)  Further proceedings heard in adult court.--When a

  2  child is sentenced to juvenile sanctions, further proceedings

  3  involving those sanctions shall continue to be heard in the

  4  adult court.


  6  It is the intent of the Legislature that the criteria and

  7  guidelines in this subsection are mandatory and that a

  8  determination of disposition under this subsection is subject

  9  to the right of the child to appellate review under s.

10  985.234.

11         Section 4.  For the purpose of incorporating the

12  amendment to section 985.233, Florida Statutes, in references

13  thereto, the following sections or subdivisions of Florida

14  Statutes, are reenacted to read:

15         985.226  Criteria for waiver of juvenile court

16  jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as

17  an adult.--

18         (2)  INVOLUNTARY WAIVER.--

19         (b)  Mandatory waiver.--

20         1.  If the child was 14 years of age or older, and if

21  the child has been previously adjudicated delinquent for an

22  act classified as a felony, which adjudication was for the

23  commission of, attempt to commit, or conspiracy to commit

24  murder, sexual battery, armed or strong-armed robbery,

25  carjacking, home-invasion robbery, aggravated battery,

26  aggravated assault, or burglary with an assault or battery,

27  and the child is currently charged with a second or subsequent

28  violent crime against a person; or

29         2.  If the child was 14 years of age or older at the

30  time of commission of a fourth or subsequent alleged felony

31  offense and the child was previously adjudicated delinquent or


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    2000 Legislature                                   CS/CS/HB 69

  1  had adjudication withheld for or was found to have committed,

  2  or to have attempted or conspired to commit, three offenses

  3  that are felony offenses if committed by an adult, and one or

  4  more of such felony offenses involved the use or possession of

  5  a firearm or violence against a person;


  7  the state attorney shall request the court to transfer and

  8  certify the child for prosecution as an adult or shall provide

  9  written reasons to the court for not making such request, or

10  proceed pursuant to s. 985.227(1).  Upon the state attorney's

11  request, the court shall either enter an order transferring

12  the case and certifying the case for trial as if the child

13  were an adult or provide written reasons for not issuing such

14  an order.

15         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

16  law.















