House Bill 0715c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000              CS/HB 715

        By the Committee on Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs
    and Representatives J. Miller, Farkas and Cantens

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to prompt payment and retainage

  3         reform; amending s. 218.72, F.S.; redefining

  4         the terms "purchase" and "construction

  5         services" and defining the terms "payment

  6         request" and "agent" for the purpose of the

  7         Florida Prompt Payment Act; amending s. 218.73,

  8         F.S.; providing for timely payment for

  9         nonconstruction services; amending s. 218.735,

10         F.S.; revising language with respect to timely

11         payment for purchases of construction services;

12         providing for timely payment of undisputed

13         portions of a payment request or invoice;

14         providing for an interest rate on payments due

15         from a local government not made within a

16         certain time period; amending s. 218.74, F.S.;

17         revising language with respect to procedures

18         for calculation of payment due dates; amending

19         s. 218.75, F.S.; revising language with respect

20         to mandatory interest; amending s. 218.76,

21         F.S.; revising language with respect to

22         improper invoices and resolution of disputes;

23         providing for the recovery of court costs and

24         attorney's fees under certain circumstances;

25         creating s. 255.049, F.S.; providing for the

26         retention of funds on public construction

27         contracts under certain circumstances; amending

28         s. 255.05, F.S.; revising language with respect

29         to the bond of a contractor constructing public

30         buildings; amending s. 715.12, F.S.; revising

31         language with respect to the Construction


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  1         Contract Prompt Payment Law; providing an

  2         effective date.


  4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  6         Section 1.  Subsections (2), (5), and (7) of section

  7  218.72, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections (8) and

  8  (9) are added to said section, to read:

  9         218.72  Definitions.--As used in this part:

10         (2)  "Local governmental entity" means a county or

11  municipal government, school board, school district,

12  authority, special taxing district, other political

13  subdivision, community college, or any office, board, bureau,

14  commission, department, branch, division, or institution

15  thereof or any project supported by county or municipal funds.

16         (5)  "Purchase" means the purchase of goods, or

17  services, or construction services, the purchase or lease of

18  personal property, or the lease of real property by a local

19  governmental entity.

20         (7)  "Construction services" means all labor, services,

21  and materials provided performed in connection with the

22  construction, alteration, repair, demolition, reconstruction,

23  or any other improvements to real property that require a

24  license under parts I and II of chapter 489.

25         (8)  "Payment request" means a contractor's written

26  request for payment for construction services provided through

27  a date certain.

28         (9)  "Agent" means project architect, project engineer,

29  or any other agency or person acting on behalf of the local

30  governmental entity.



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  1         Section 2.  Section 218.73, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         218.73  Timely payment for nonconstruction

  4  services.--The time at which payment is due for a purchase

  5  other than construction services by a local governmental

  6  entity, except for the purchase of construction services, is

  7  due must be calculated from:

  8         (1)  The date on which a proper invoice is received by

  9  the chief disbursement officer of the local governmental

10  entity after approval by the governing body, if required; or

11         (2)  If a proper invoice is not received by the local

12  governmental entity, the date:

13         (a)  On which delivery of personal property is accepted

14  by the local governmental entity;

15         (b)  On which services are completed;

16         (c)  On which the rental period begins; or

17         (d)  On which the local governmental entity and vendor

18  agree in a contract that provides dates relative to payment

19  periods;


21  whichever date is latest.

22         Section 3.  Section 218.735, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         218.735  Timely payment for purchases of construction

25  services.--

26         (1)  The due date for payment for the purchase of

27  construction services by a local governmental entity is

28  determined as follows:

29         (a)  If the project architect or project engineer must

30  approve the invoice prior to the invoice being submitted to

31  the local governmental entity, payment is due 20 business days


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  1  after the date on which the payment request or architect or

  2  engineer approves the invoice and the invoice is stamped as

  3  received as provided in s. 218.74(1).

  4         (b)  If the project architect or project engineer need

  5  not approve the invoice which is submitted by the contractor,

  6  payment is due 20 business days after the date on which the

  7  invoice is stamped as received as provided in s. 218.74(1).

  8         (2)  The local governmental entity may reject the

  9  payment request or invoice within 10 20 business days after

10  the date on which the payment request or invoice is stamped as

11  received as provided in s. 218.74(1).  The rejection must be

12  written and must specify the deficiency in the payment request

13  or invoice and the action necessary to make the payment

14  request or invoice proper.

15         (3)  If a payment request or an invoice is rejected

16  under subsection (2) or this subsection and the contractor

17  submits a corrected payment request or invoice which corrects

18  the deficiency specified in writing by the local governmental

19  entity, the corrected payment request or invoice must be paid

20  or rejected within 10 on the later of:

21         (a)  Ten business days after the date the corrected

22  payment request or invoice is stamped as received as provided

23  in s. 218.74(1); or

24         (b)  If the governing body is required by ordinance,

25  charter, or other law to approve or reject the corrected

26  invoice, the first business day after the next regularly

27  scheduled meeting of the governing body held after the

28  corrected invoice is stamped as received as provided in s.

29  218.74(1).

30         (4)  If a dispute between the local governmental entity

31  and the contractor cannot be resolved by the procedure in


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  1  subsection (3), the dispute must be resolved in accordance

  2  with the dispute resolution procedure prescribed in the

  3  construction contract or in any applicable ordinance.  In the

  4  absence of a prescribed procedure, the dispute must be

  5  resolved by the procedure specified in s. 218.76(2).

  6         (5)  If a local governmental entity disputes a portion

  7  of a payment request or an invoice, the undisputed portion

  8  shall be paid timely, in accordance with subsection (1). The

  9  payment time periods provided in this section for construction

10  services purchased by a local governmental entity shall not

11  affect contractual provisions or contractual covenants of a

12  local governmental entity in effect on September 30, 1995.

13         (6)  All payments due from a local governmental entity

14  and not made within the time periods period specified by this

15  section shall bear interest at the rate of 1 percent per

16  month, or the rate specified by contract, whichever is greater

17  as specified in s. 218.74(4).

18         Section 4.  Section 218.74, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         218.74  Procedures for calculation of payment due

21  dates.--

22         (1)  Each local governmental entity shall establish

23  procedures whereby each payment request or invoice received by

24  the local governmental entity is marked as received on the

25  date on which it is delivered to an agent or employee of the

26  local governmental entity or of a facility or office of the

27  local governmental entity.

28         (2)  The payment due date for a local governmental

29  entity for the purchase of goods or services other than

30  construction services is 45 days after the date specified in



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  1  s. 218.73.  The payment due date for the purchase of

  2  construction services is specified in s. 218.735.

  3         (3)  If the terms under which a purchase is made allow

  4  for partial deliveries and a payment request or proper invoice

  5  is submitted for a partial delivery, the time for payment for

  6  the partial delivery must be calculated from the time of the

  7  partial delivery and the submission of the payment request or

  8  invoice in the same manner as provided in s. 218.73 or s.

  9  218.735.

10         (4)  All payments, other than payments for construction

11  services, due from a local governmental entity and not made

12  within the time specified by this section bear interest from

13  30 days after the due date at the rate of 1 percent per month

14  on the unpaid balance. The vendor must invoice the local

15  governmental entity for any interest accrued in order to

16  receive the interest payment.  Any overdue period of less than

17  1 month is considered as 1 month in computing interest.

18  Unpaid interest is compounded monthly.  With respect to each

19  past due payment, interest ceases to accrue after interest on

20  that payment has accrued for 12 months. For the purposes of

21  this section, the term "1 month" means a period beginning on

22  any day of one month and ending on the same day of the

23  following month.

24         Section 5.  Section 218.75, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         218.75  Mandatory interest.--No contract between a

27  local governmental entity and a vendor or a provider of

28  construction services shall prohibit the collection of vendor

29  from invoicing the local governmental entity for late payment

30  interest charges allowable under this part.



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  1         Section 6.  Section 218.76, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         218.76  Improper invoice; resolution of disputes.--

  4         (1)  In any case in which an improper invoice is

  5  submitted by a vendor, the local governmental entity shall,

  6  within 10 days after the improper invoice is received by it,

  7  notify the vendor that the invoice is improper and indicate

  8  what corrective action on the part of the vendor is needed to

  9  make the invoice proper.

10         (2)  In the event a dispute occurs between a vendor and

11  a local governmental entity concerning payment of a payment

12  request or an invoice, such disagreement shall be finally

13  determined by the local governmental entity as provided in

14  this section.  Each local governmental entity shall establish

15  a dispute resolution procedure to be followed by the local

16  governmental entity in cases of such disputes.  Such procedure

17  shall provide that proceedings to resolve the dispute shall be

18  commenced not later than 45 days after the date on which the

19  payment request or proper invoice was received by the local

20  governmental entity and shall be concluded by final decision

21  of the local governmental entity not later than 60 days after

22  the date on which the payment request or proper invoice was

23  received by the local governmental entity.  Such procedures

24  shall not be subject to chapter 120, and such procedures shall

25  not constitute an administrative proceeding which prohibits a

26  court from deciding de novo any action arising out of the

27  dispute.  If the dispute is resolved in favor of the local

28  governmental entity, then interest charges shall begin to

29  accrue 10 15 days after the local governmental entity's final

30  decision.  If the dispute is resolved in favor of the vendor,



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  1  then interest shall begin to accrue as of the original date

  2  the payment became due.

  3         (3)  In an action to recover amounts due under ss.

  4  218.70-218.75, the prevailing party shall be entitled to

  5  recover court costs and attorney's fees at trial and on

  6  appeal.

  7         Section 7.  Section 255.049, Florida Statutes, is

  8  created to read:

  9         255.049  Retention of funds on public construction

10  projects.--

11         (1)  This section shall apply to all public

12  construction projects, including projects for which a payment

13  and performance bond is provided pursuant to s. 255.05 and

14  projects with local governmental entities as defined in s.

15  218.72(2) for which a payment and performance bond has been

16  provided. This section shall not apply to contracts with the

17  Department of Transportation for road and bridge construction

18  and maintenance, which are governed by chapter 337.

19         (2)  If a project is exempt from the bond requirements

20  of s. 255.05 or the local governmental entity, the contractor

21  may elect to provide a payment bond in the amount of the

22  direct contract price, in which event the provisions of this

23  section shall apply.

24         (3)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to

25  alter or amend the procedures for payment of vouchers by state

26  agencies and the judicial branch as set forth in s. 215.422.

27         (4)  For purposes of this section, "payment request"

28  means a contractor's written request for payment for labor,

29  services, and materials provided through a date certain.

30         (5)  When a governmental entity makes progress payments

31  under a construction contract, such progress payments shall be


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  1  made monthly, or at such more frequent intervals as stipulated

  2  in the contract, and shall be based on the total value of the

  3  work that the contractor has performed and the materials

  4  furnished or properly stored to the date of the payment

  5  request, less any amounts previously paid, and less any amount

  6  to be retained.  If the contractor has provided a payment bond

  7  for the work to be performed, the amount retained shall not

  8  exceed 5 percent of the amount to be paid pursuant to the

  9  payment request.

10         (6)  Any amounts retained by a governmental entity

11  pursuant to subsection (5) shall be released, as follows:

12         (a)  Each individual subcontract shall be considered a

13  separate division of the contract for purposes of release of

14  retained amounts, and the governmental entity shall release

15  all retained amounts for each subcontract within 90 days after

16  the date the governmental entity receives a notice of

17  completion for that subcontract.

18         (b)  A notice of completion shall be in substantially

19  the following form:

20                       NOTICE OF COMPLETION

21         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that:

22         1.  The undersigned is an owner or officer of a

23  contractor/subcontractor who has made improvements to the

24  following-described property located in .... County, Florida:

25         a.  Street address, if known: .............

26         b.  Legal description of the property, if known: .....

27         c.  Description of the project: .........

28         2.  The full name of the undersigned

29  contractor/subcontractor is: .............

30         3.  The complete address of the undersigned

31  contractor/subcontractor is: .............


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  1         4.  The amount of money remaining due the undersigned

  2  contractor/subcontractor, including retainage, is $.........

  3         5.  The name of the party with whom the undersigned

  4  contracted: .............

  5         6.  The contractor's/subcontractor's work was completed

  6  on ...[date completed]...

  7         The undersigned certifies that he/she is the ...[insert

  8  owner or title of corporate officer]... of the undersigned

  9  contractor/subcontractor, has read the foregoing Notice of

10  Completion, and the facts stated herein are true and correct.

11         DATED .............

12                       .........................................

13                            Signature of Owner/Corporate Officer

14                       .........................................

15                         Printed Name of Owner/Corporate Officer

16         (c)  For construction projects that are built in

17  phases, each phase shall be treated as a separate contract for

18  purposes of release of retained amounts pursuant to this

19  paragraph, and retained amounts shall be released within 90

20  days after the date a governmental entity receives a notice of

21  completion for the work performed by a contractor or

22  subcontractor for that phase of the project.

23         (d)  The contract between a governmental entity and

24  contractor may specify a shorter time period for disbursing

25  all or any portion of the final payment and the retainage.

26         (7)  A prime contractor shall retain no greater

27  percentage from a subcontractor than the governmental entity

28  is retaining from the prime contractor for the subcontractor's

29  work, and shall release all retained amounts to the

30  subcontractor within 10 days after receiving the retained

31  amounts from the governmental entity.  A subcontractor shall


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  1  retain no greater percentage from a sub-subcontractor than the

  2  contractor is retaining from the subcontractor for the

  3  sub-subcontractor's work, and shall release all retained

  4  amounts to the sub-subcontractor within 10 days after

  5  receiving the retained amounts from the contractor.

  6         (8)  Any payment of retainage provided for in this

  7  section which has not been made within 10 days after the due

  8  date specified in this section shall bear interest at the rate

  9  of 1 percent per month or the rate specified by contract,

10  whichever is greater, calculated from the date the payment is

11  due until the date the payment is made.  This interest cannot

12  be waived, by contract or otherwise, prior to the date of

13  payment.

14         (9)  The provisions of this section are not intended to

15  impair the rights of any governmental entity, contractor, or

16  subcontractor, in the event of a good faith dispute, to

17  withhold payment without incurring any obligation to pay

18  interest.  The retaining party shall notify the party whose

19  retainage is being withheld, in writing, of the amount of

20  payment withheld and the reason for nonpayment. For purposes

21  of this section, a "good faith dispute" means a documented

22  dispute concerning:

23         (a)  Unsatisfactory job progress;

24         (b)  Defective work not remedied;

25         (c)  Third-party claims filed or reasonable evidence

26  that claims will be filed;

27         (d)  Failure to make timely payments for labor,

28  equipment, or materials;

29         (e)  Damage to the governmental entity, the prime

30  contractor, or a subcontractor; or



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  1         (f)  Reasonable evidence that the contract or

  2  subcontract cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the

  3  contract or subcontract.

  4         (10)  Retainage shall not be held to secure the

  5  performance of work which is not included on the initial

  6  punchlist or defective work list and is covered under a

  7  warranty provided by a contractor, a subcontractor, a

  8  sub-subcontractor, or a manufacturer.

  9         (11)  In any action for payment of retained amounts due

10  under this section, the prevailing party shall be entitled to

11  recover court costs and attorney's fees, at trial and on

12  appeal.

13         Section 8.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and

14  paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 255.05, Florida

15  Statutes, are amended to read:

16         255.05  Bond of contractor constructing public

17  buildings; form; action by materialmen.--

18         (1)(a)  Any person entering into a formal contract with

19  the state or any county, city, or political subdivision

20  thereof, or other public authority, for the construction of a

21  public building, for the prosecution and completion of a

22  public work, or for repairs upon a public building or public

23  work shall be required, before commencing the work or before

24  recommencing the work after a default or abandonment, to

25  execute, deliver to the public owner, and record in the public

26  records of the county where the improvement is located, a

27  payment and performance bond with a surety insurer authorized

28  to do business in this state as surety. The bond must state on

29  its front page: the name, principal business address, and

30  phone number of the contractor, the surety, the owner of the

31  property being improved, and, if different from the owner, the


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  1  contracting public entity; the contract number assigned by the

  2  contracting public entity; and a description of the project

  3  sufficient to identify it, such as including, if applicable, a

  4  legal description or and the street address of the property

  5  being improved, and a general description of the improvement.

  6  Such bond shall be conditioned solely upon the contractor's

  7  performance of the construction work that the contractor

  8  perform the contract in the time and manner prescribed in the

  9  contract and the contractor's prompt payment promptly make

10  payments to all persons defined in s. 713.01 who furnished

11  labor, services, or materials for whose claims derive directly

12  or indirectly from the prosecution of the work provided for in

13  the contract. Any claimant may apply to the governmental

14  entity having charge of the work for copies of the contract

15  and bond and shall thereupon be furnished with a certified

16  copy of the contract and bond. The claimant shall have a right

17  of action against the contractor and surety for the amount due

18  him or her, including unpaid finance charges due under the

19  claimant's contract. Such action shall not involve the public

20  authority in any expense.  When such work is done for the

21  state and the contract is for $100,000 or less, no payment and

22  performance bond shall be required. At the discretion of the

23  official or board awarding such contract when such work is

24  done for any county, city, political subdivision, or public

25  authority, any person entering into such a contract which is

26  for $200,000 or less may be exempted from executing the

27  payment and performance bond. When such work is done for the

28  state, the Secretary of the Department of Management Services

29  may delegate to state agencies the authority to exempt any

30  person entering into such a contract amounting to more than

31  $100,000 but less than $200,000 from executing the payment and


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  1  performance bond. In the event such exemption is granted, the

  2  officer or officials shall not be personally liable to persons

  3  suffering loss because of granting such exemption. The

  4  Department of Management Services shall maintain information

  5  on the number of requests by state agencies for delegation of

  6  authority to waive the bond requirements by agency and project

  7  number and whether any request for delegation was denied and

  8  the justification for the denial.

  9         (2)(a)1.  If a claimant is no longer furnishing labor,

10  services, or materials on a project, a contractor or the

11  contractor's agent or attorney may elect to shorten the

12  prescribed time in this paragraph within which an action to

13  enforce any claim against a payment bond provided pursuant to

14  this section may be commenced by recording in the clerk's

15  office a notice in substantially the following form:


17                    NOTICE OF CONTEST OF CLAIM

18                       AGAINST PAYMENT BOND



21  To: ...(Name and address of claimant)...

22         You are notified that the undersigned contests your

23  notice of nonpayment, dated ............, ........, and served

24  on the undersigned on ............, ........, and that the

25  time within which you may file suit to enforce your claim is

26  limited to 60 days after the date of service of this notice.


28         DATED on ............, .........



31  Signed:...(Contractor or Attorney)...


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  3  The claim of any claimant upon whom such notice is served and

  4  who fails to institute a suit to enforce his or her claim

  5  against the payment bond within 60 days after service of such

  6  notice shall be extinguished automatically. The clerk shall

  7  mail a copy of the notice of contest to the claimant at the

  8  address shown in the notice of nonpayment or most recent

  9  amendment thereto and shall certify to such service on the

10  face of such notice and record the notice. Service is complete

11  upon mailing.

12         2.  A claimant, except a laborer, who is not in privity

13  with the contractor shall, before commencing or not later than

14  45 days after commencing to furnish labor, materials, or

15  supplies for the prosecution of the work, furnish the

16  contractor with a notice that he or she intends to look to the

17  bond for protection. A claimant who is not in privity with the

18  contractor and who has not received payment for his or her

19  labor, materials, or supplies shall deliver to the contractor

20  and to the surety written notice of the performance of the

21  labor or delivery of the materials or supplies and of the

22  nonpayment. The notice of nonpayment may be served at any time

23  during the progress of the work or thereafter but not before

24  45 days after the first furnishing of labor, services, or

25  materials, and not later than 90 days after the final

26  furnishing of the labor, services, or materials by the

27  claimant or, with respect to rental equipment, not later than

28  90 days after the date that the rental equipment was last on

29  the job site available for use. No action for the labor,

30  materials, or supplies may be instituted against the

31  contractor or the surety unless both notices have been given.


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  1  Notices required or permitted under this section may be served

  2  in accordance with s. 713.18. An action, except for an action

  3  exclusively for recovery of retainage, must be instituted

  4  against the contractor or the surety on the payment bond or

  5  the payment provisions of a combined payment and performance

  6  bond within 1 year after the performance of the labor or

  7  completion of delivery of the materials or supplies. An action

  8  exclusively for recovery of retainage must be instituted

  9  against the contractor or the surety within 1 year after the

10  performance of the labor or completion of delivery of the

11  materials or supplies, or within 90 days after the

12  contractor's receipt of final payment (or the payment estimate

13  containing the owner's final reconciliation of quantities if

14  no further payment is earned and due as a result of deductive

15  adjustments) by the contractor or surety, whichever comes

16  last. A claimant may not waive in advance his or her right to

17  bring an action under the bond against the surety. In any

18  action brought to enforce a claim against a payment bond under

19  this section, the prevailing party is entitled to recover a

20  reasonable fee for the services of his or her attorney for

21  trial and appeal or for arbitration, in an amount to be

22  determined by the court, which fee must be taxed as part of

23  the prevailing party's costs, as allowed in equitable actions.

24  The time periods for service of a notice of nonpayment or for

25  bringing an action against a contractor or a surety shall be

26  measured from the last day of furnishing labor, services, or

27  materials by the claimant and shall not be measured by other

28  standards, such as the issuance of a certificate of occupancy

29  or the issuance of a certificate of substantial completion.

30         Section 9.  Section 715.12, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         715.12  Construction Contract Prompt Payment Law.--

  2         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Construction

  3  Contract Prompt Payment Law."

  4         (2)  This section applies only to written contracts to

  5  improve real property entered into after December 31, 1992,

  6  and for which a construction lien or claim against the payment

  7  bond is authorized under part I of chapter 713.

  8         (3)  The terms used in this section have the same

  9  definitions as the terms defined in s. 713.01.  As used in

10  this section, the term:

11         (a)  "Obligor" means an owner, contractor,

12  subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor who has an obligation to

13  make payments under a contract that is subject to this

14  section.

15         (b)  "Obligee" means a contractor, subcontractor,

16  sub-subcontractor, or materialman who is entitled to receive

17  payments under a contract that is subject to this section.

18         (c)  "Chain of contracts" means the contracts between

19  the owner and the contractor, the contractor and any

20  subcontractor or materialman, the subcontractor and any

21  sub-subcontractor or materialman, and the sub-subcontractor

22  and any materialman.

23         (d)  "Payment request" means an obligee's written

24  request for payment for labor, services, and materials

25  provided through a date certain.

26         (4)  Payment is due from an obligor to must pay an

27  obligee with whom the obligor has a contract within 10 days

28  after the date when all of the following events have occurred:

29         (a)  The obligee is entitled to a payment at the time

30  and under the terms specified in the contract between the



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  1  obligor and the obligee, and the obligee has furnished the

  2  obligor with a written payment request for payment; and

  3         (b)  The obligor, except an owner, has been paid for

  4  the obligee's labor, services, or materials described in the

  5  obligee's payment request for payment by the person

  6  immediately above the obligor in the chain of contracts; and

  7         (c)  The obligee has furnished the obligor with all

  8  affidavits or waivers required for the owner to make proper

  9  payments under s. 713.06. This provision shall not be

10  interpreted to require an obligee to waive lien rights or bond

11  rights in advance of receiving payment.

12         (5)(a)  Any payment due under the provisions of this

13  section subsection (4), excluding any amounts withheld

14  pursuant to subsection (10) (7), shall bear interest at the

15  rate of 1 percent per month or the rate specified in the

16  contract, whichever is greater specified in s. 55.03, computed

17  beginning on the 10th 14th day after payment is due pursuant

18  to subsection (4).

19         (b)  If the payment request for payment is incomplete

20  or contains an error, the obligor has 10 14 days within which

21  to return the payment request for payment to the obligee for

22  completion or correction. The obligor must specify in writing

23  the reasons for the return of the payment request and the

24  action necessary to correct the payment request for payment.

25  If the obligor does not return the payment request for

26  payment, together with the specified reasons within 10 days

27  after the obligor's receipt of the payment refusal the time

28  provided in paragraph (a), the obligor must pay interest as

29  provided in paragraph (a).  If the obligor does return the

30  payment request for payment within the time provided in this

31  paragraph (a), the time period for computing interest begins


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  1  to run on the 10th 14th day after the obligor receives a

  2  corrected payment request which corrects the deficiency

  3  specified in writing by the obligor, request for payment is

  4  completed or corrected and payment is otherwise due pursuant

  5  to subsection (4).

  6         (6)(a)  The right to receive interest on a payment

  7  under this section is not an exclusive remedy.  This section

  8  does not modify the remedies available to any person under the

  9  terms of a contract or under any other statute.  This section

10  does not modify the rights of any person to recover

11  prejudgment interest awarded to the prevailing party in any

12  civil action or arbitration case.  During the period that

13  interest accrues under this section, the interest rate shall

14  be the rate specified in s. 55.03 or the rate specified in the

15  contract, whichever is greater. A person shall not be entitled

16  to receive both the contract interest and the statutory

17  interest specified in this section.

18         (b)  This section does not create a separate cause of

19  action other than for the collection of interest due pursuant

20  to subsection (5).

21         (b)(c)  If an obligor pays an amount less than the full

22  amount due under the contract between the obligor and the

23  obligee, the obligor may designate the portion of the labor,

24  services, or materials to which the payment applies.  In the

25  absence of such a designation by the obligor, the obligee may

26  apply the payment in any manner the obligee deems appropriate.

27  This paragraph does not modify the obligation to make or

28  demand a designation under the provisions of s. 713.14.

29         (c)(d)  An obligee may not waive the right to receive

30  interest before a payment is due under a contract subject to

31  this section. An obligee may waive the interest due on any


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  1  late payment on or after the date the payment is due under

  2  subsection (4).

  3         (d)(e)  Unless the contract specifically provides to

  4  the contrary, A dispute between an obligor and obligee does

  5  not permit the obligor to withhold any payment due under this

  6  section, including payment of retainage, payment from the

  7  obligee or from any other obligee for labor, services, or

  8  materials provided to the obligor and which are not subject to

  9  or affected by the dispute.

10         (e)  An obligor shall not withhold any payment due

11  under this section, including payment of retainage, for work

12  which is not included on the initial punchlist or defective

13  work list and is covered under a warranty of the obligee, any

14  other obligee, or a manufacturer.

15         (7)(a)  An owner and a contractor may agree to a

16  provision that allows the owner to withhold a portion of each

17  progress payment, which shall be released as follows:

18         (a)  If the contractor has provided a payment bond for

19  the work to be performed, the amount retained shall not exceed

20  5 percent of the amount to be paid pursuant to the payment

21  request.  Each individual subcontract shall be considered a

22  separate division of the contract for purposes of release of

23  retained amounts, and the owner shall release all retained

24  amounts for each subcontract within 30 days after the date the

25  owner receives a notice of completion for that subcontract.

26         (b)  If the contractor has not provided a payment bond

27  for the work to be performed, the owner may withhold a portion

28  of each progress payment until substantial completion of the

29  entire project, and shall pay the balance of all moneys owed

30  on the project in accordance with subsection (8).



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  1         (c)  A notice of completion shall be in substantially

  2  the following form:

  3                       NOTICE OF COMPLETION

  4         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that:

  5         1.  The undersigned is an owner or officer of a

  6  contractor/subcontractor who has made improvements to the

  7  following-described property located in .... County, Florida:

  8         a.  Street address, if known: .............

  9         b.  Legal description of the property, if known: .....

10         c.  Description of the project: .........

11         2.  The full name of the undersigned

12  contractor/subcontractor is: .............

13         3.  The complete address of the undersigned

14  contractor/subcontractor is: .............

15         4.  The amount of money remaining due the undersigned

16  contractor/subcontractor, including retainage, is $.........

17         5.  The name of the party with whom the undersigned

18  contracted: .............

19         6.  The contractor's/subcontractor's work was completed

20  on ...[date completed]...

21         The undersigned certifies that he/she is the ...[insert

22  owner or title of corporate officer]... of the undersigned

23  contractor/subcontractor, has read the foregoing Notice of

24  Completion, and the facts stated herein are true and correct.

25         DATED .............

26                       .........................................

27                            Signature of Owner/Corporate Officer

28                       .........................................

29                         Printed Name of Owner/Corporate Officer

30         (d)  For construction projects that are built in

31  phases, each phase shall be treated as a separate contract for


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  1  purposes of release of retained amounts pursuant to this

  2  subsection, and retained amounts shall be released within 30

  3  days after the date the owner receives a notice of completion

  4  for the work performed by the subcontractor on that phase of

  5  the project.

  6         (e)  A prime contractor shall retain no greater

  7  percentage from a subcontractor than the owner is retaining

  8  from the prime contractor for the subcontractor's work, and

  9  shall release all retained amounts to the subcontractor within

10  10 days after receiving the retained amounts from the owner.

11  A subcontractor shall retain no greater percentage from a

12  sub-subcontractor than the contractor is retaining from the

13  subcontractor for the sub-subcontractor's work, and shall

14  release all retained amounts to the sub-subcontractor within

15  10 days after receiving the retained amounts from the

16  contractor.

17         (f)  Any payment of retainage provided for in this

18  section which has not been made within 10 days after the due

19  date specified in this subsection shall bear interest at the

20  rate of 1 percent per month or the rate specified by contract,

21  whichever is greater, calculated from the date the payment is

22  due until the date the payment is made.  This interest cannot

23  be waived, by contract or otherwise, prior to the date of

24  payment.

25         (8)  An The owner shall pay a the contractor the

26  balance of the contract price, including all remaining the

27  amounts withheld from the progress payments, within 14 days

28  after any of the following events occur:.

29         (a)1.  Pursuant to the terms of the contract, an

30  architect or engineer certifies that the project is

31  substantially complete and, within the time provided in the


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  1  contract between the owner and the contractor, the owner

  2  submits a written punchlist to the contractor and the

  3  contractor substantially completes all of the items on the

  4  punchlist.

  5         (b)2.  The issuance of a certificate of occupancy for

  6  the project, and within the time provided in the contract

  7  between the owner and the contractor, the owner submits a

  8  written punchlist to the contractor and the contractor

  9  substantially completes all of the items on the punchlist.

10         (c)3.  The owner or a tenant of the owner takes

11  possession of the construction project and, within the time

12  provided in the contract between the owner and the contractor,

13  the owner submits a written punchlist to the contractor and

14  the contractor substantially completes all of the items on the

15  punchlist.


17  Any funds retained by the owner beyond the time period

18  specified in this subsection shall accrue interest at the rate

19  specified in subsection (5), computed from the date the

20  payment is due to the date the payment is received by the

21  contractor.  If the contract between the owner and the

22  contractor does not provide a time period for the owner to

23  submit a written punchlist to the contractor, the time period

24  shall be 15 days from the issuance of the certificate of

25  substantial completion, the issuance of the certificate of

26  occupancy, or the date the owner or the owner's tenant takes

27  possession of the project, whichever first occurs.  If no

28  written punchlist is given to the contractor within the time

29  provided in this subsection, interest begins to accrue 14 days

30  after the issuance of the certificate of substantial

31  completion, the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, or


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  1  the date the owner or the owner's tenant takes possession of

  2  the project, whichever first occurs.  For construction

  3  projects that are to be built in phases, this subsection

  4  applies to each phase of the total project. The contract

  5  between the owner and the contractor may specify a shorter

  6  time period for disbursing all or any portion of the final

  7  payment and the retainage.

  8         (b)  Except as provided in paragraph (a), an obligor

  9  and obligee may agree to a provision that allows the obligor

10  to withhold a portion of each progress payment until

11  completion of the entire project.  The amounts withheld shall

12  bear interest 14 days after payment of such amounts are due

13  under the terms of the contract between the obligor and

14  obligee and the other requirements of subsection (4) have been

15  satisfied.

16         (9)(c)  An obligee may, from time to time, withdraw all

17  or any portion of the amount retained from progress payments

18  upon depositing with the obligor:

19         1.  United States Treasury bonds, United States

20  Treasury notes, United States Treasury certificates of

21  indebtedness, or United States Treasury bills;

22         2.  Bonds or notes of the State of Florida; or

23         3.  Certificates of deposit, within the insured limits,

24  from a state or national bank or state or federal savings and

25  loan association authorized to do business in this state.


27  Amounts may not be withdrawn in excess of the market value of

28  the securities listed in subparagraphs 1., 2., and 3. at the

29  time of such withdrawal or in excess of the par value of such

30  securities, whichever is less.  The obligee shall execute and

31  deliver all documents reasonably required to allow the obligor


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  1  to document the transfer and the obligee shall pay any

  2  recording or registration costs incurred by the obligor in

  3  connection with the transfer. The obligor shall pay the

  4  obligee any interest or income earned on the securities so

  5  deposited within 30 days after the date such interest or

  6  income is received by the obligor.  If the deposit is in the

  7  form of coupon bonds, the obligor shall deliver each coupon to

  8  the obligee within 30 days after the date the coupon matures.

  9  An obligee may withdraw funds retained from progress payments

10  only to the extent the obligor has withdrawn such funds for

11  the obligee's labor, services, or materials from the person

12  immediately above the obligor in the chain of contracts.

13         (10)  The provisions of this section are not intended

14  to impair the rights of any obligor, in the event of a good

15  faith dispute, to withhold payment from an obligee without

16  incurring any obligation to pay a late payment interest

17  penalty.  The obligor shall notify the obligee, in writing, of

18  the amount of payment withheld and the reason for nonpayment.

19  The time for payment of the amounts withheld, and the

20  subsequent calculation of time periods for accrual of late

21  payment interest penalties on the amounts, shall be calculated

22  from the date the obligee notifies the obligor, in writing,

23  that the reason for the good faith dispute has been cured and

24  payment is due.  For purposes of this section, a "good faith

25  dispute" means a documented dispute concerning:

26         (a)  Unsatisfactory job progress;

27         (b)  Defective work not remedied;

28         (c)  Third-party claims filed or reasonable evidence

29  that claims will be filed;

30         (d)  Failure to make timely payments for labor,

31  equipment, or materials;


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  1         (e)  Damage to the owner, the prime contractor, or a

  2  subcontractor; or

  3         (f)  Reasonable evidence that the contract or

  4  subcontract cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the

  5  contract or subcontract.

  6         (11)  In an action for payment of amounts due under

  7  this section, the prevailing party shall be entitled to

  8  recover court costs and attorney's fees, at trial and on

  9  appeal.

10         Section 10.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000,

11  and shall apply to construction contracts entered into on or

12  after the effective date.



















