House Bill 0819c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000       CS/HBs 819 & 473

        By the Committee on Environmental Protection and
    Representatives Fuller, Levine, Greenstein and Healey

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to motor vehicle emissions;

  3         amending s. 325.202, F.S.; deleting the term

  4         "nonattainment area" and redefining the term

  5         "program area"; amending s. 320.055, F.S.;

  6         revising a cross reference to conform; amending

  7         s. 325.203, F.S.; deleting obsolete statutory

  8         language; amending s. 325.207, F.S.; providing

  9         for a new contract term with two 1-year

10         renewals; eliminating liquidated damages;

11         revising provisions relating to the termination

12         of motor vehicle emissions contracts; providing

13         for contracts in each program area; amending s.

14         325.2135, F.S.; revising procedures to be

15         included in motor vehicle emissions contracts;

16         providing an effective date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Section 325.202, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         325.202  Definitions.--As used in this act, the term:

23         (1)  "Air pollution control equipment" means any

24  equipment or feature installed by the manufacturer or replaced

25  with a device or system equivalent in design and function to

26  the part that was originally installed on the motor vehicle

27  which constitutes an operational element of the air pollution

28  control system or mechanism of a motor vehicle.

29         (2)  "Contractor" means any person, corporation, or

30  partnership with whom the department may enter into a contract

31  for the purchase, lease, design, construction, equipment,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000       CS/HBs 819 & 473


  1  maintenance, personnel, management, and operation of an

  2  inspection station.

  3         (3)  "Dealer certificate" means an inspection

  4  certificate issued to a motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle

  5  broker as defined in s. 320.27, mobile home dealer as defined

  6  in s. 320.77, or recreational vehicle dealer as defined in s.

  7  320.771, indicating that a motor vehicle has passed an

  8  emissions inspection, which grants the dealer or broker 12

  9  months in which to sell at retail the identified motor vehicle

10  owned by the dealer or broker.

11         (4)  "Department" means the Department of Highway

12  Safety and Motor Vehicles.

13         (5)  "Federal act" means the federal Clean Air Act, as

14  amended, and regulations issued by the United States

15  Environmental Protection Agency under that act.

16         (6)  "Inspection" means the determination of the level

17  of exhaust emissions of a motor vehicle and of the existence

18  of tampering.

19         (7)  "Inspection certificate" means a serially numbered

20  form issued by an inspection station, reinspection facility,

21  or self-inspector indicating that the identified motor vehicle

22  has been inspected and passed inspection.

23         (8)  "Inspection station" means a facility, other than

24  a self-inspection facility, situated in a permanent structure

25  or a mobile unit, for the purpose of conducting emissions

26  inspections of motor vehicles as required by this act.

27         (9)  "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle

28  required to be registered under s. 320.02.

29         (10)  "Nonattainment area" means an area which has been

30  designated by the administrator of the United States

31  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pursuant to the federal


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  1  act, as exceeding national primary or secondary ambient air

  2  quality standards for the pollutants carbon monoxide or ozone.

  3         (10)(11)  "Program area" means Hillsborough and

  4  Pinellas Counties, so long as the Department of Highway Safety

  5  and Motor Vehicles has a vendor under state contract to

  6  operate a motor vehicle inspection program in these counties.

  7  Additionally, "program area" includes counties that

  8  voluntarily request inclusion under the provision of s.

  9  325.204 designated by the Department of Environmental

10  Protection as air-quality nonattainment areas in accordance

11  with this act, counties which voluntarily request inclusion

12  pursuant to the provisions of s. 325.204, and counties

13  previously designated as nonattainment areas that are

14  operating under a United States

15  Environmental-Protection-Agency-approved maintenance plan.

16         (11)(12)  "Reinspection facility" means any motor

17  vehicle repair shop as defined in s. 559.903(7) which has been

18  licensed by the department pursuant to the provisions of s.

19  325.212.

20         (12)(13)  "Self-inspector" means any person or

21  governmental entity that owns or leases at least 25 motor

22  vehicles, including vehicles held for resale by a motor

23  vehicle dealer licensed under chapter 320, and is licensed by

24  the department to inspect such vehicles.

25         (13)(14)  "Tamper" means to dismantle, remove, or

26  render ineffective any air pollution control equipment which

27  has been installed on a motor vehicle by the vehicle

28  manufacturer except to replace such device or system with a

29  device or system equivalent in design and function to the part

30  that was originally installed on the motor vehicle.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000       CS/HBs 819 & 473


  1         (14)(15)  "Short-term rental vehicle" means a motor

  2  vehicle leased without a driver and under a written agreement

  3  to one or more persons from time to time for a period of less

  4  than 3 months.

  5         Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 320.055, Florida

  6  Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         320.055  Registration periods; renewal periods.--The

  8  following registration periods and renewal periods are

  9  established:

10         (4)  For a vehicle subject to registration under s.

11  320.08(13), for vehicles subject to registration under s.

12  320.08(6)(a) that are short-term rental vehicles, as defined

13  in s. 325.202(14)(15), and for any vehicle for which a

14  registration period is not otherwise specified, the

15  registration period begins June 1 and ends May 31. For a

16  vehicle subject to this registration period, the renewal

17  period is the 30-day period beginning June 1.

18         Section 3.  Paragraphs (k) and (l) of subsection (4) of

19  section 325.203, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

20         325.203  Motor vehicles subject to annual inspection;

21  exemptions.--

22         (4)  The following motor vehicles are not subject to

23  inspection:

24         (k)  New motor vehicles, as defined in s. 319.001(4).

25  Such vehicles are exempt from the inspection requirements of

26  this act at the time of the first registration by the original

27  owner and, thereafter, are subject to the inspection

28  requirements of this act. Beginning May 1, 2000, such vehicles

29  are exempt from those inspection requirements for a period of

30  2 years from the date of purchase.



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  1         (l)  New motor vehicles as defined in s. 319.001(4)

  2  which are utilized as short-term rental vehicles and licensed

  3  under s. 320.08(6)(a). Such vehicles are exempt from the

  4  inspection requirements of this act at the time of the first

  5  registration. Said vehicles are also exempt from the

  6  inspection requirements of this act at the time of the first

  7  registration renewal by the original owner, provided this

  8  renewal occurs prior to the expiration of 12 months from the

  9  date of first registration of the motor vehicle. Beginning May

10  1, 2000, such vehicles are exempt from those inspection

11  requirements for a period of 2 years from the date of

12  purchase.

13         Section 4.  Subsections (8) and (11) of section

14  325.207, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

15         325.207  Inspection stations; department contracts;

16  inspection requirements; recordkeeping.--

17         (8)  Any contract authorized under this section shall

18  contain:

19         (a)  A contract term of 2 not less than 5 years of

20  actual test operations with two 1-year renewals that are

21  subject to the concurrence of the Department of Highway Safety

22  and Motor Vehicles and the Department of Environmental

23  Protection.

24         (b)  A clause stating that nothing in the contract

25  requires the state to purchase any asset or assume any

26  liability if such contract is not renewed.

27         (c)  Minimum requirements for adequate staff,

28  equipment, management, and operating hours which may include

29  evening or weekend hours or both.

30         (d)  Provisions for surveillance by the department of

31  the contractor to ensure compliance with emissions test


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  1  standards and applicable procedures, rules, regulations, and

  2  laws.

  3         (e)  Provision for the state, upon default of the

  4  contractor, to terminate the contract with the contractor and

  5  assume operation of the motor vehicle emissions inspection

  6  station.

  7         (f)  Provision for the state, upon termination of the

  8  term of the contract or upon assumption of the operation of

  9  the program pursuant to paragraph (e), to have transferred or

10  assigned to it, for reasonable compensation, any interest in

11  land, buildings, improvements, services, and equipment used by

12  the contractor in the operation of an inspection station.

13         (g)  Provision for the state, upon termination of the

14  term of the contract or upon assumption of the operation of

15  the program, to have transferred and assigned to it, for

16  reasonable compensation, any contract rights and related

17  obligations for land, buildings, improvements, and equipment

18  used by the contractor in the operation of the inspection

19  station.

20         (h)  A requirement that the contractor, in any

21  agreement executed by him or her for land, buildings,

22  improvements, and equipment used in the operation of the

23  inspection stations, reserve the right to assign to the state

24  any of his or her rights and obligations under such contract.

25         (i)  No damages of any type, including liquidated

26  damages, shall be A procedure for determining the damages

27  payable by the state to the contractor if the Legislature

28  abolishes the inspection program at any time prior to the

29  conclusion of the contract term.  This procedure must specify

30  that the contractor and the department have 120 days from the

31  effective date of the termination of the program to negotiate


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  1  an amount to be paid to the contractor as reasonable

  2  compensation for its loss resulting from the termination of

  3  the contract due to the termination of the program.  If the

  4  contractor and the department are not able to agree to an

  5  amount by the end of the 120-day period, the department shall

  6  determine the amount of reasonable compensation and notify the

  7  contractor in writing of its determination within 14 days of

  8  the end of the negotiation period and shall offer the

  9  contractor a point of entry to a proceeding under ss. 120.569

10  and 120.57 pursuant to the department's rules of procedure.

11  This provision must specify that payment of such compensation

12  to the contractor is subject to appropriation of funds for

13  this purpose by the Legislature and that the department agrees

14  in good faith to request the Legislature to appropriate the

15  funds to pay such reasonable compensation.  The damages

16  recoverable by the contractor if the Legislature abolishes the

17  program shall be limited to the funds appropriated by the

18  Legislature pursuant to this section.

19         (j)  Any other provision, including periodic audits of

20  inspection fees collected, deemed necessary by the department

21  for the administration or enforcement of the emissions

22  inspection contract.

23         (k)  A provision requiring compliance with minority

24  business enterprise procurement goals set forth in s. 287.0945

25  in contracts for the construction of inspection stations and

26  for document printing costs and costs associated with the

27  maintenance, repair, reconstruction, renovation, and expansion

28  of inspection stations. Each contractor shall submit to the

29  department no later than March 1 of each year an affidavit

30  certifying compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.



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  1         (l)  A provision requiring a performance bond of $1

  2  million, which the department may, after the second year of

  3  inspection operations under the contract, elect to waive

  4  entirely, reduce in amount, or waive in exchange for another

  5  appropriate means of security in a like or reduced amount.

  6         (m)  A provision requiring that the contractor

  7  determine, for each county in the program area, the

  8  availability of county facilities formerly used for the

  9  inspection of motor vehicles and that the contractor explore

10  with appropriate county officials the feasibility of the

11  contractor's acquisition or lease of such facilities, if any,

12  for use as inspection stations.

13         (n)  A provision authorizing the department to amend

14  the contract if the Legislature enacts legislation that

15  changes the number of motor vehicle model years that are

16  subject to inspection requirements.

17         (o)  A provision authorizing the contract to be amended

18  or canceled by the department upon statewide implementation of

19  clean fuel requirements promulgated by the United States

20  Environmental Protection Agency.

21         (11)  Before accepting proposals, the department shall

22  divide the state into three or more contract zones. The

23  department shall contract with a private contractor for the

24  exclusive right to conduct vehicle inspections in each program

25  area zone. However, any contractor may bid on more than one

26  zone, and the department may contract with a contractor to

27  conduct vehicle inspections in more than one contract zone.

28         Section 5.  Section 325.2135, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         325.2135  Motor vehicle emissions inspection program;

31  contracts; fees.--The department may extend the current


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  1  emissions inspection program contracts for a period of time

  2  sufficient to implement new contracts resulting from

  3  competitive proposals, and shall enter into and implement one

  4  contract or more contracts by June 30, 2000, for a biennial

  5  inspection program for vehicles, except the current model year

  6  and the two prior model years, using the basic test for

  7  hydrocarbon emissions and carbon monoxide emissions. The

  8  requirements for the program included in the contract

  9  proposals must be based on the requirements under this chapter

10  unless those requirements conflict with this section. No

11  contract entered into under this subsection may be for longer

12  than 2 7 years, with two additional 1-year renewal terms in

13  accordance with the provision of s. 325.207(8)(a). Any

14  contract authorized under this section must contain a

15  provision that, after 4 years, the department reserves the

16  right to cancel the contract upon 6 months' notice to the

17  contractor. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 325.214, the

18  fee for motor vehicle inspection proposed by the Department of

19  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may not exceed $19 per

20  inspection.

21         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.










