House Bill 0821

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821

        By Representative Fuller

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to electric power service;

  3         providing a short title; amending s. 366.04,

  4         F.S.; prohibiting the Public Service Commission

  5         from approving certain liabilities or

  6         obligations of certain public utilities;

  7         providing an exception; granting the commission

  8         jurisdiction over operation of a coordinated

  9         electric power grid; requiring the commission

10         to provide for fair and efficient operation of

11         the power grid; restricting certain activities

12         by the commission; amending s. 366.041, F.S.;

13         requiring the commission to consider certain

14         attributes of service interruptions in setting

15         rates and charges; creating s. 366.042, F.S.;

16         providing definitions; providing for rate

17         reductions; requiring the commission to

18         determine the average southeastern rate for

19         each class of electric service; specifying

20         limitations on rate charges by public

21         utilities; requiring a public utility to

22         initiate a full rate case before the commission

23         under certain circumstances; providing

24         requirements; requiring compliance with certain

25         rate requirements by a time certain; creating

26         s. 366.043, F.S.; providing for publication of

27         electric service interruption information;

28         creating s. 366.044, F.S.; providing

29         legislative findings; prohibiting the

30         commission from approving certain rates,

31         charges, fees, pass-throughs, or adjustments;


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  1         requiring the commission to review certain

  2         historic electric dockets; providing for public

  3         hearings on such dockets; providing for refunds

  4         of certain charges; amending s. 366.06, F.S.;

  5         requiring the commission to conduct regular

  6         revenue requirements analysis cases for certain

  7         purposes; providing requirements and

  8         procedures; providing an effective date.


10         WHEREAS, a low-cost, reliable electric supply is vital

11  to the health, safety, and welfare of Floridians and the

12  economic development of this state, and

13         WHEREAS, Florida residents have the highest electric

14  bills in the southeastern United States and the second highest

15  electric bills of any state in the nation, and

16         WHEREAS, industrial electric rates in Florida are the

17  highest in the southeastern United States and the cost of

18  electricity is a major factor in the ability of this state to

19  attract and retain businesses that will provide employment for

20  Floridians, and

21         WHEREAS, businesses are experiencing record power

22  outages that result in untold lost production and adversely

23  impact their ability to effectively and competitively manage

24  their operations, and

25         WHEREAS, there has not been a full rate case hearing in

26  this state since 1985 and the true cost of providing electric

27  service has not been proven by Florida's electric utilities in

28  over 14 years, and

29         WHEREAS, the privilege of operating a monopoly

30  franchise for electric service in this state carries with it

31  the obligation to provide reliable electric service at the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821


  1  lowest possible price to the residents of this state, NOW,



  4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  6         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Florida

  7  Electric Rate Reduction, Reliability, and Fairness Act."

  8         Section 2.  Subsections (1) and (5) of section 366.04,

  9  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (7) is added to

10  said section, to read:

11         366.04  Jurisdiction of commission.--

12         (1)(a)  In addition to its existing functions, the

13  commission shall have jurisdiction to regulate and supervise

14  each public utility with respect to its rates and service;

15  assumption by it of liabilities or obligations as guarantor,

16  endorser, or surety; and the issuance and sale of its

17  securities, except a security which is a note or draft

18  maturing not more than 1 year after the date of such issuance

19  and sale and aggregating (together with all other

20  then-outstanding notes and drafts of a maturity of 1 year or

21  less on which such public utility is liable) not more than 5

22  percent of the par value of the other securities of the public

23  utility then outstanding.  In the case of securities having no

24  par value, the par value for the purpose of this section shall

25  be the fair market value as of the date of issue.  The

26  commission, upon application by a public utility, may

27  authorize the utility to issue and sell securities of one or

28  more offerings, or of one or more types, over a period of up

29  to 12 months; or, if the securities are notes or drafts

30  maturing not more than 1 year after the date of issuance and

31  sale, the commission, upon such application, may authorize the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821


  1  utility to issue and sell such securities over a period of up

  2  to 24 months.  The commission may take final action to grant

  3  an application by a public utility to issue and sell

  4  securities or to assume liabilities or obligations after

  5  having given notice in the Florida Administrative Weekly

  6  published at least 7 days in advance of final agency action.

  7  In taking final action on such application, the commission may

  8  deny authorization for the issuance or sale of a security or

  9  assumption of a liability or obligation if the security,

10  liability, or obligation is for nonutility purposes; and shall

11  deny authorization for the issuance or sale of a security or

12  assumption of a liability or obligation if the financial

13  viability of the public utility is adversely affected such

14  that the public utility's ability to provide reasonable

15  service at reasonable rates is jeopardized.  Securities issued

16  by a public utility or liabilities or obligations assumed by a

17  public utility as guarantor, endorser, or surety pursuant to

18  an order of the commission, which order is certified by the

19  clerk of the commission and which order approves or authorizes

20  the issuance and sale of such securities or the assumption of

21  such liabilities or obligations, shall not be invalidated by a

22  modification, repeal, or amendment to that order or by a

23  supplemental order; however, the commission's approval of the

24  issuance of securities or the assumption of liabilities or

25  obligations shall constitute approval only as to the legality

26  of the issue or assumption, and in no way shall it be

27  considered commission approval of the rates, service,

28  accounts, valuation, estimates, or determinations of cost or

29  any other such matter. The jurisdiction conferred upon the

30  commission shall be exclusive and superior to that of all

31  other boards, agencies, political subdivisions,


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  1  municipalities, towns, villages, or counties, and, in case of

  2  conflict therewith, all lawful acts, orders, rules, and

  3  regulations of the commission shall in each instance prevail.

  4         (b)  The commission shall not approve the assumption of

  5  liabilities or obligations as guarantor, endorser, or surety

  6  for, or the issuance or sale of securities by, any public

  7  utility which has, during the preceding 2 years, invested in,

  8  purchased, or constructed, on its own or through a parent,

  9  sister, or affiliated company, an electric generating plant

10  outside of this state unless the public utility has electric

11  reserve margins in this state which equal or exceed 20

12  percent.

13         (5)  The commission shall further have jurisdiction

14  over the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of

15  a coordinated electric power grid throughout Florida to assure

16  an adequate and reliable source of energy for operational and

17  emergency purposes in Florida and the avoidance of further

18  uneconomic duplication of generation, transmission, and

19  distribution facilities. In order to achieve the fair and

20  efficient operation of the electric power grid, the commission

21  shall ensure that no single utility, acting on its own or

22  together with another utility, is able to exercise excessive

23  control over the flow of electricity across the grid or

24  otherwise exert control over the grid which would hinder the

25  development of an efficient, fair, and competitive wholesale

26  market for electricity.

27         (7)  The commission shall not lobby, advocate, or take

28  any public position with respect to proposed federal

29  legislation unless:




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  1         (a)  Such action will advance a specific energy policy

  2  objective set forth in this chapter relating to the electric

  3  industry.

  4         (b)  The commission has first held a public meeting at

  5  which all interested parties are given an opportunity to voice

  6  their opinions on the proposed federal legislation and

  7  proposed position of the commission.

  8         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 366.041, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         366.041  Rate fixing; adequacy of facilities as

11  criterion.--

12         (1)  In fixing the just, reasonable, and compensatory

13  rates, charges, fares, tolls, or rentals to be observed and

14  charged for service within the state by any and all public

15  utilities under its jurisdiction, the commission is authorized

16  to give consideration, among other things, to the efficiency,

17  sufficiency, and adequacy of the facilities provided and the

18  services rendered; the cost of providing such service and the

19  value of such service to the public; the ability of the

20  utility to improve such service and facilities; and energy

21  conservation and the efficient use of alternative energy

22  resources; provided that no public utility shall be denied a

23  reasonable rate of return upon its rate base in any order

24  entered pursuant to such proceedings.  In its consideration

25  thereof, the commission shall have authority, and it shall be

26  the commission's duty, to hear service complaints, if any,

27  that may be presented by subscribers and the public during any

28  proceedings involving such rates, charges, fares, tolls, or

29  rentals; however, no service complaints shall be taken up or

30  considered by the commission at any proceedings involving

31  rates, charges, fares, tolls, or rentals unless the utility


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  1  has been given at least 30 days' written notice thereof, and

  2  any proceeding may be extended, prior to final determination,

  3  for such period; further, no order hereunder shall be made

  4  effective until a reasonable time has been given the utility

  5  involved to correct the cause of service complaints,

  6  considering the factor of growth in the community and

  7  availability of necessary equipment. In the commission's

  8  consideration of rates, charges, fares, tolls, or rentals for

  9  electric service, the commission shall consider the frequency

10  and duration of service interruptions by a utility due to lack

11  of adequate electric reserve margins. Service interruptions

12  include all interruptions of normal continuous electric

13  service, including reductions in voltages and momentary

14  interruptions.

15         Section 4.  Sections 366.042, 366.043, and 366.044,

16  Florida Statutes, are created to read:

17         366.042  Electric rate reductions.--

18         (1)  As used in this section:

19         (a)  "Rate" or "rates" means the rates, charges,

20  pass-throughs, adjustments, fares, tolls, or fees observed and

21  charged for electric service within this state, but excludes

22  any taxes.

23         (b)  "Average southeastern rate" means the average rate

24  for customers in the same class of service in the states of

25  Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia,

26  West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

27         (2)  The commission shall determine the average

28  southeastern rate for each class of service using average

29  revenue per kilowatt-hour information for electric utilities

30  provided by the Energy Information Administration in the

31  United States Department of Energy.


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  1         (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law or any

  2  tariff filed with the commission, no public utility shall

  3  charge a rate to any customer in any:

  4         (a)  Residential class of service which exceeds the

  5  average southeastern rate for residential class customers;

  6         (b)  Commercial class of service which exceeds the

  7  average southeastern rate for commercial class customers; or

  8         (c)  Industrial class of service which exceeds the

  9  average southeastern rate for industrial class customers.

10         (4)  No public utility shall charge any rate which

11  exceeds the limits specified in this section until the utility

12  initiates a full rate case before the commission and proves by

13  clear and convincing evidence that the rate limitations are

14  unjust according to the criteria specified in this chapter and

15  that the cost of providing electric service in this state

16  exceeds the average cost of providing electric service in the

17  southeastern states.  Public Counsel shall, and any affected

18  customer may, be a party to such rate cases.

19         (5)  Each public utility shall comply with the electric

20  service rate requirements of this section no later than

21  January 1, 2001.

22         366.043  Publication of service interruptions.--Each

23  quarter, the commission shall publish, in one or more

24  newspapers of general circulation in the service territory of

25  each public utility, a summary of such utility's service

26  interruptions or curtailments during the previous period,

27  including, by customer class, the number of interruptions, the

28  duration of interruptions, and the number of customers

29  affected.  Interruptions include any interruptions of normal

30  continuous electric service including reductions in voltages

31  and momentary interruptions.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821


  1         366.044  Refunding of stranded costs improperly charged

  2  to consumers.--

  3         (1)  The Legislature finds that stranded costs have not

  4  arisen in this state and will not arise in this state unless

  5  there is retail competition in the provision of electric

  6  service in this state and that, therefore, it is unreasonable

  7  and unjust for any public utility to charge consumers for

  8  stranded costs.

  9         (2)  The commission shall not approve any electric

10  rate, charge, fee, pass-through, or adjustment, including any

11  adjustment to depreciation or amortization schedules, on the

12  basis of avoidance or recovery of stranded costs.

13         (3)(a)  The commission shall review the commission's

14  electric dockets for the last 10 years and identify any docket

15  or other proceeding in which the commission has approved the

16  recovery of stranded costs by any public utility.  In

17  reviewing such electric dockets, the commission shall consider

18  all potential methods of recovering stranded costs, including

19  whether a public utility has accelerated or otherwise altered

20  the utility's depreciation or amortization schedules.  If the

21  commission identifies a docket in which the commission

22  approved the recovery of stranded costs, the commission shall

23  initiate a new docket to determine by public hearing the

24  amount of such stranded costs and order a refund to consumers

25  of such amount with interest.

26         (b)  The affected public utility may appear as a party

27  in any docket initiated pursuant to this section and present

28  evidence contesting whether consumers were charged for

29  stranded costs and the amount of stranded costs to be

30  refunded.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821


  1         (c)  An electric consumer or group of consumers may

  2  petition the commission to conduct a public hearing pursuant

  3  to this section. The petition shall identify the public

  4  utility involved and the docket in which the commission

  5  approved the charging of stranded costs to consumers.

  6         Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 366.06, Florida

  7  Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         366.06  Rates; procedure for fixing and changing.--

  9         (2)(a)  Whenever the commission finds, upon request

10  made or upon its own motion, that the rates demanded, charged,

11  or collected by any public utility for public utility service,

12  or that the rules, regulations, or practices of any public

13  utility affecting such rates, are unjust, unreasonable,

14  unjustly discriminatory, or in violation of law; that such

15  rates are insufficient to yield reasonable compensation for

16  the services rendered; that such rates yield excessive

17  compensation for services rendered; or that such service is

18  inadequate or cannot be obtained, the commission shall order

19  and hold a public hearing, giving notice to the public and to

20  the public utility, and shall thereafter determine just and

21  reasonable rates to be thereafter charged for such service and

22  promulgate rules and regulations affecting equipment,

23  facilities, and service to be thereafter installed, furnished,

24  and used.

25         (b)  During the 5-year period starting January 1, 2000,

26  and ending December 31, 2004, and during each successive

27  5-year period, the commission shall conduct at least one full

28  revenue requirements analysis case to determine and fix fair,

29  just, and reasonable rates, charges, and fares that may be

30  charged or collected by each public utility for the utility's

31  electric service.  The Public Counsel shall be a party to each


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821


  1  case and shall zealously advocate for the lowest possible

  2  rates for electric service for the citizens of this state.

  3  The Public Counsel may not agree to any settlement or

  4  compromise of any such case until after such time as the

  5  Public Counsel has obtained substantial discovery from the

  6  affected public utility concerning the utility's cost of

  7  service.  Any customer of the public utility and any other

  8  affected party may be a party to the case. Nothing in this

  9  subsection shall prevent the commission from conducting cases

10  more frequently than once every 5 years.

11         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.






















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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 821


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Prohibits the Public Service Commission from approving
  4    liabilities or obligations of a public utility which
      invests in electric power generating plants in other
  5    states and fails to maintain at least a 20 percent
      reserve margin in Florida.

  7    Grants the commission jurisdiction over operation of a
      coordinated electric power grid, requires the commission
  8    to provide for fair and efficient operation of the power
      grid by ensuring that no single utility exercises
  9    excessive control over the grid, and restricts the
      commission's federal lobbying activities.

11    Requires the commission to consider service interruption
      frequencies and durations in setting rates and charges.

13    Provides for rate reductions by requiring the commission
      to determine the average southeastern rate for each class
14    of electric service and specifing limitations on rate
      charges by public utilities.

16    Requires public utilities to publish electric service
      interruption information.

18    Prohibits the commission from approving rates, charges,
      fees, pass-throughs, or adjustments based on stranded
19    costs, requires the commission to review past 10-year
      electric dockets for stranded costs evidence in the
20    commission's rate cases, and provides for public hearings
      and refunds of such costs.

22    See bill for details.









