House Bill 0865er

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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed


  2         An act relating to the Golden Gate Fire Control

  3         and Rescue District, Collier County; providing

  4         for codification of special laws regarding

  5         special districts; providing that the district

  6         is an independent special district; providing

  7         legislative intent; providing for applicability

  8         of chapters 191 and 189, F.S., and other

  9         general laws; providing a district charter;

10         providing boundaries; providing for a district

11         board; providing authority of the board;

12         providing for staff; providing duties and

13         powers of the board; providing for elections to

14         the board; providing salary of board members;

15         providing for removal of board members;

16         providing for revenue raising; providing for

17         increasing millage; providing for taxation;

18         providing findings; providing for capital

19         improvement impact fees; providing

20         severability; providing for liberal

21         construction; providing that this act shall

22         take precedence over any conflicting law to the

23         extent of such conflict; reenacting, amending,

24         repealing, and codifying chapters 67-1240,

25         79-443, 82-284, 84-413, 85-403, 87-498, 88-508,

26         88-512, 88-519, 89-451, 90-435, and 91-363,

27         Laws of Florida; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1         Section 1.  Intent.--Pursuant to sections 189.429 and

  2  191.015, Florida Statutes, this act constitutes the

  3  codification of all special acts relating to the Golden Gate

  4  Fire Control and Rescue District. It is the intent of the

  5  Legislature in enacting this law to provide a single,

  6  comprehensive special act charter for the district, including

  7  all current legislative authority granted to the district by

  8  its several legislative enactments, and to conform the charter

  9  to chapter 191, Florida Statutes, the Independent Special Fire

10  control District Act, and other provisions of general law.

11         Section 2.  Codification.--Chapters 67-1240, 79-443,

12  82-284, 84-413, 85-403, 87-498, 88-508, 88-512, 88-519,

13  89-451, 90-435, and 91-363, Laws of Florida, relating to the

14  Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue District, are codified,

15  reenacted, amended, and repealed as herein provided.

16         Section 3.  Charter.--The charter for the Golden Gate

17  Fire Control and Rescue District is re-recreated and reenacted

18  to read:

19                            ARTICLE I

20                             Preamble

21         Section 1.01  This act establishes a charter for the

22  Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue District, which district

23  was created by chapter 82-284, Laws of Florida. The district

24  shall be deemed created by said chapter for all purposes.

25         Section 1.02  This act supersedes and repeals all

26  previous special acts relating to the Golden Gate Fire Control

27  and Rescue District and sets forth within this charter those

28  matters, as applicable, which are covered by such previous

29  special acts. Amendments to this district charter may be made

30  only by special act of the Legislature. This act shall be



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  construed so as to preserve to the district all powers

  2  previously granted.

  3         Section 1.03  The district is organized and exists for

  4  all purposes set forth in this act and chapters 189 and 191,

  5  Florida Statutes, as they may be amended from time to time.

  6  All provisions of chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes, and

  7  all power and authority granted thereunder are hereby

  8  applicable to the Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue

  9  District.

10                            ARTICLE II

11                         Name of district

12         Section 2.01  The name of the district shall be: Golden

13  Gate Fire Control and Rescue District.

14         Section 2.02  The district shall be an independent

15  special district of the State of Florida and a body corporate

16  and politic.

17                           ARTICLE III

18                    Boundaries of the district

19         Section 3.01  The district shall include the following

20  described lands:


22         Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Sections 25,

23         26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36.


25         Township 48 South, Range 27 East, Sections 29,

26         30, 31, 32.


28         Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Sections 1,

29         2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20,

30         21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36.



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1         Township 49 South, Range 27 East, Sections 1,

  2         2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

  3         16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,

  4         28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.


  6         Township 49 South, Range 28 East, Sections 4,

  7         5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29,

  8         30, 31, 32, 33.


10         Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Sections 2,

11         3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16.


13         Section 3.02  In the event that any area, tract, or

14  parcel of land within the boundaries of the district shall

15  hereafter become annexed to a municipality, such area, tract,

16  or parcel of land shall be regarded as removed from the

17  district as of the next January 1 following such annexation

18  for the purpose of the levy of general ad valorem taxes by the

19  district. On and after the effective date of annexation, the

20  district shall be relieved of providing fire service to the

21  annexed area. The municipality and the district may reach an

22  agreement to determine what portion, if any, of the existing

23  indebtedness or property of the district shall be assumed by

24  the municipality of which the annexed territory will become a

25  part, the fair value of such indebtedness or property, and the

26  manner of transfer and financing. Nothing herein shall relieve

27  the property annexed from the payment of general obligation

28  debt service incurred by the district before annexation.

29                            ARTICLE IV

30                      Powers of the district



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1         Section 4.01  The district board of commissioners shall

  2  have the authority and responsibility for and on behalf of the

  3  people residing, visiting, or passing through the district to

  4  establish, equip, operate, and maintain a fire department and

  5  rescue service, including, but not limited to, providing fire

  6  hydrants or other types of water supply, buildings for housing

  7  fire equipment and personnel, training facilities for fire and

  8  rescue, and other buildings deemed necessary by the district

  9  board to provide adequate protection from unwanted fire and to

10  carry out rescue operations. The district board shall have the

11  authority to accept gifts or donations of equipment or money

12  for use by the district. The district board shall have the

13  authority to purchase, lease, sell, exchange, or otherwise

14  acquire and dispose of property intended for use by the

15  district and to borrow money, issue bonds, and enter into term

16  indebtedness, provided reputable institutions or companies are

17  used and provided all agreements are within the laws of the

18  State of Florida. In addition, the district board shall have

19  the authority to extend its services beyond the district

20  boundaries, provided it is in cooperation with another

21  governmental entity, whether federal, state, county, or

22  municipal.

23         Section 4.02  The district board shall have the

24  authority to provide a paid staff to carry out its

25  responsibilities. This staff shall serve at the pleasure of

26  the district board. The district board shall also have the

27  authority to promulgate rules and regulations related to fire

28  prevention and life safety, and to take whatever steps

29  necessary to enforce these rules and regulations. These rules

30  and regulations shall have the same force and effect as law 10

31  days after copies thereof, executed by the district board


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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  president and secretary, have been posted in at least three

  2  public places.

  3         Section 4.03  The duties and powers of the board of

  4  commissioners shall be as set forth in this act and chapter

  5  191, Florida Statutes, as they may be amended from time to

  6  time.

  7                            ARTICLE V

  8                         Governing board

  9         Section 5.01  Pursuant to chapter 98-489, Laws of

10  Florida, and as previously approved by referendum vote of the

11  qualified electors of the district, the district shall be

12  governed by a district board consisting of three commissioners

13  who are residents of the district.

14         Section 5.02  In accordance with section 191.005,

15  Florida Statutes, the board shall be elected in nonpartisan

16  elections by the electors of the district. Except as provided

17  in this act and in chapter 191, Florida Statutes, such

18  elections shall be held at the time and in the manner

19  prescribed by law for holding general elections in accordance

20  with section 189.405(2)(a) and (3), Florida Statutes, and each

21  member shall be elected for a term of 4 years and serve until

22  the member's successor assumes office. Candidates for the

23  board shall qualify with the Collier County Supervisor of

24  Elections. Each candidate for a seat on the board shall

25  designate, at the time the candidate qualifies, the seat on

26  the board for which the candidate is qualifying. The cost of

27  such elections shall be paid from funds of the district.

28         Section 5.03  It shall be considered a conflict of

29  interest and unlawful for board members to enter into any type

30  of agreement with the district which will bring about

31  personal, monetary, or other gain, or to individually


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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  interfere with the day-to-day operations of the district

  2  staff.

  3         Section 5.04  In accordance with section 191.005,

  4  Florida Statutes, members of the board may each be paid, from

  5  the funds of the district, a salary or honorarium for his or

  6  her services in an amount not to exceed $500 per month for

  7  each member. In addition, members may be reimbursed for travel

  8  and per diem expenses as provided in section 112.061, Florida

  9  Statutes.

10         Section 5.05  The district board shall remove any

11  member who has three consecutive, unexcused absences from

12  regularly scheduled meetings. The board shall adopt policies

13  by resolution defining excused and unexcused absences.

14                            ARTICLE VI

15                             Finances

16         Section 6.01  The powers, functions, and duties of the

17  district regarding ad valorem taxation, bond issuance, other

18  revenue-raising capabilities, budget preparation and approval,

19  liens and foreclosure of liens, use of tax deeds and tax

20  certificates as appropriate for non-ad valorem assessments,

21  and contractual agreements, and the methods for financing the

22  district and for collecting non-ad valorem assessments, fees,

23  or service charges, shall be as set forth in this act, in

24  chapters 170, 189, 191, and 197, Florida Statutes, and in any

25  applicable general or special law as they may be amended from

26  time to time.

27         Section 6.02  The district board shall annually make an

28  itemized estimate of the amount of money required to carry out

29  the provisions of this act for the next fiscal year, which

30  shall be from October 1 to and including the next succeeding

31  September 30, which estimate shall show for what purpose the


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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  moneys are required and the amount necessary to be raised by

  2  taxation within the district.

  3         Section 6.03  The total millage for the district shall

  4  not exceed 1 mill in any one fiscal year. However, the total

  5  millage may be increased pursuant to section 191.009, Florida

  6  Statutes, after such increase has been approved by referendum.

  7         Section 6.04  Taxes herein provided for shall be

  8  assessed and collected in the same manner as provided for the

  9  assessment and collection of county taxes and subject to the

10  same commission and fees for assessing and collecting as for

11  the assessment and collection of county taxes.

12         Section 6.05  All warrants for the payment of labor,

13  equipment, materials, and other allowable expenses incurred by

14  the district board in carrying out the provisions of this act

15  shall be payable on accounts and vouchers approved by the

16  district board.

17         Section 6.06  It is the responsibility of the district

18  board to provide adequate bonding to protect the assets of the

19  district. The district may issue general obligation bonds,

20  assessment bonds, revenue bonds, notes, bond anticipation

21  notes, or other evidences of indebtedness in accordance with

22  section 191.012, Florida Statutes.

23         Section 6.07  The district board shall allow for the

24  collection of impact fees for capital improvement on new

25  construction within the district.

26         (1)(a)  It is hereby found and determined that Collier

27  County is located in one of the fastest growing areas in the

28  nation. New construction and resulting population growth is

29  placing a strain upon the capabilities of the district to

30  continue to provide the high level of professional fire



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  protection and related emergency services for which the

  2  residents of the district pay and which they deserve.

  3         (b)  It is readily apparent that additional equipment

  4  and facilities will be needed to meet the expanded commercial

  5  and residential growth within the district, at a cost beyond

  6  that which can be provided from current and anticipated ad

  7  valorem tax revenues assessed, collected, and received by the

  8  district.

  9         (c)  It is hereby declared that the cost of new

10  facilities and equipment for fire protection and related

11  emergency services shall be borne by new users of the

12  district's services to the extent that new construction

13  requires new facilities and equipment, but only to that

14  extent.

15         (d)  It is therefore the legislative intent of this

16  section to transfer to the new user of the district's fire

17  protection and related emergency services a fair share of the

18  costs that new users impose on the district for new

19  facilities.

20         (e)  It is hereby declared that the amounts of impact

21  fees for capital improvement provided for in this section are

22  just, reasonable, and equitable.

23         (2)  No person shall issue or obtain a building permit

24  for new residential dwelling units or new commercial or

25  industrial structures within the district, or issue or obtain

26  construction plan approval for new mobile home developments

27  located within the district, until the developer thereof shall

28  have paid the applicable impact fee for capital improvement to

29  the district hereinafter set forth.

30         (3)  Impact fees for capital improvement to be assessed

31  and collected hereunder shall be as follows, unless revised


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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  pursuant to the provisions of section 191.009(4), Florida

  2  Statutes:

  3         (a)  Each new residential dwelling unit: $0.15 per

  4  square foot of living area.

  5         (b)  New commercial or industrial structures: $0.30 per

  6  square foot of usable area.

  7         (c)  New mobile home developments: $0.15 per square

  8  foot of permitted living area.


10  "Living area" shall be defined as that area of any structure

11  that is covered by a roof. "Permitted living area" means 25

12  percent of the area covered by the individual lots.

13         (4)  For the purpose of this section, each unit of any

14  multifamily structure, whether it be a duplex, triplex,

15  cooperative apartment, or condominium or similar type

16  structure shall be considered and constitute a residential

17  dwelling unit.

18         (5)  For purposes of this section, motels, hotels,

19  shopping centers, churches, nursing homes, hospitals,

20  congregate living facilities (when not part of an actual

21  residence), schools, fraternal lodges, veterans' lodges, or

22  similar type structures shall be considered commercial

23  structures.

24         (6)  Impact fees for capital improvement collected by

25  the district pursuant to this section shall be kept and

26  maintained as a separate fund from other revenues of the

27  district and shall be used exclusively for the acquisition,

28  purchase, or construction of new facilities and equipment, or

29  portions thereof, required to provide fire protection and

30  related emergency services to new construction.



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  "New facilities and equipment" means land, buildings, and

  2  capital equipment, including, but not limited to, such fire

  3  and emergency vehicles and communications equipment as may,

  4  from time to time, be deemed necessary by the district to

  5  provide fire protection and related emergency services to the

  6  areas of new construction.

  7         (7)  The impact fees for capital improvement collected

  8  hereunder shall not be used for the acquisition, purchase, or

  9  construction of facilities or equipment which must be obtained

10  in any event to meet the needs of the district, regardless of

11  growth within the district.

12         (8)  The district board shall maintain adequate records

13  to ensure that impact fees for capital improvement collected

14  hereunder are expended only for permissible new facilities or

15  equipment.

16         (9)  The impact fee for capital improvement called for

17  in this section may be reduced by 50 percent if the owner of

18  the permitted structure will install fire sprinklers in

19  accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 13, unless such fire sprinklers

20  are mandated or required to be installed by any local, state,

21  or federal law, rule, ordinance, statute, or fire code.

22                           ARTICLE VII

23                          Miscellaneous

24         Section 7.01  All contracts, obligations, rules,

25  resolutions, or policies of any nature existing on the date of

26  enactment of this act shall remain in full force and effect,

27  and this act shall in no way affect the validity of such

28  contracts, obligations, rules, resolutions, or policies.

29         Section 7.02  This act shall not affect the terms of

30  office of the present district board, nor shall it affect the



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1  terms and conditions of employment of any employees of the

  2  district.

  3         Section 7.03  Requirements for financial disclosure,

  4  meeting notices, reporting, public records maintenance, and

  5  planning shall be as set forth in this act and in chapters

  6  189, 191, and 286, Florida Statutes, as they may be amended

  7  from time to time.

  8         Section 4.  Repeal of prior special acts.--Chapter

  9  67-1240, Laws of Florida; subsection (3) of section 2 of

10  chapter 79-443, Laws of Florida; chapter 82-284, Laws of

11  Florida; chapter 84-413, Laws of Florida; chapter 85-403, Laws

12  of Florida; chapter 87-498, Laws of Florida; chapter 88-508,

13  Laws of Florida; chapter 88-512, Laws of Florida; section 2 of

14  chapter 88-519, Laws of Florida; chapter 89-451, Laws of

15  Florida; chapter 90-435, Laws of Florida; and chapter 91-363,

16  Laws of Florida, are repealed 10 days after the effective date

17  of this act.

18         Section 5.  Severability.--It is declared to be the

19  intent of the Legislature that if any section, subsection,

20  sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this act is for any

21  reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of

22  competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a

23  separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such

24  holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining

25  portions hereof.

26         Section 6.  Liberal construction.--The provisions of

27  this act shall be liberally construed in order to effectively

28  carry out the purposes of this act in the interest of the

29  public health, welfare, and safety of the citizens served by

30  the district.



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    2000 Legislature                       HB 865, First Engrossed

  1         Section 7.  Conflict.--In the event of a conflict of

  2  any provision of this act with the provisions of any other

  3  act, the provisions of this act shall control to the extent of

  4  such conflict.

  5         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  6  law.

























