Senate Bill 0876

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB 876

    By Senator King

    8-585-00                                             See HB 91

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to construction contracting;

  3         amending s. 489.105, F.S.; redefining terms to

  4         authorize certain air-conditioning contractors

  5         to install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter,

  6         extend, or design, when not prohibited by law,

  7         liquefied petroleum or natural gas fuel lines

  8         within buildings; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Paragraphs (f) and (g) of subsection (3) of

13  section 489.105, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

14         489.105  Definitions.--As used in this part:

15         (3)  "Contractor" means the person who is qualified

16  for, and shall only be responsible for, the project contracted

17  for and means, except as exempted in this part, the person

18  who, for compensation, undertakes to, submits a bid to, or

19  does himself or herself or by others construct, repair, alter,

20  remodel, add to, demolish, subtract from, or improve any

21  building or structure, including related improvements to real

22  estate, for others or for resale to others; and whose job

23  scope is substantially similar to the job scope described in

24  one of the subsequent paragraphs of this subsection. For the

25  purposes of regulation under this part, "demolish" applies

26  only to demolition of steel tanks over 50 feet in height;

27  towers over 50 feet in height; other structures over 50 feet

28  in height, other than buildings or residences over three

29  stories tall; and buildings or residences over three stories

30  tall. Contractors are subdivided into two divisions, Division

31  I, consisting of those contractors defined in paragraphs


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB 876
    8-585-00                                             See HB 91

  1  (a)-(c), and Division II, consisting of those contractors

  2  defined in paragraphs (d)-(q):

  3         (f)  "Class A air-conditioning contractor" means a

  4  contractor whose services are unlimited in the execution of

  5  contracts requiring the experience, knowledge, and skill to

  6  install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or

  7  design, when not prohibited by law, central air-conditioning,

  8  refrigeration, heating, and ventilating systems, including

  9  duct work in connection with a complete system only to the

10  extent such duct work is performed by the contractor as is

11  necessary to make complete an air-distribution system, boiler

12  and unfired pressure vessel systems, and all appurtenances,

13  apparatus, or equipment used in connection therewith, and any

14  duct cleaning and equipment sanitizing which requires at least

15  a partial disassembling of the system; to install, maintain,

16  repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or design, when not

17  prohibited by law, piping, insulation of pipes, vessels and

18  ducts, pressure and process piping, and pneumatic control

19  piping, and liquefied petroleum or natural gas fuel lines

20  within buildings; to replace, disconnect, or reconnect power

21  wiring on the load side of the dedicated existing electrical

22  disconnect switch; to install, disconnect, and reconnect low

23  voltage heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning control

24  wiring; and to install a condensate drain from an

25  air-conditioning unit to an existing safe waste or other

26  approved disposal other than a direct connection to a sanitary

27  system. The scope of work for such contractor shall also

28  include any excavation work incidental thereto, but shall not

29  include any work such as liquefied petroleum or natural gas

30  fuel lines within buildings, potable water lines or



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB 876
    8-585-00                                             See HB 91

  1  connections thereto, sanitary sewer lines, swimming pool

  2  piping and filters, or electrical power wiring.

  3         (g)  "Class B air-conditioning contractor" means a

  4  contractor whose services are limited to 25 tons of cooling

  5  and 500,000 Btu of heating in any one system in the execution

  6  of contracts requiring the experience, knowledge, and skill to

  7  install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or

  8  design, when not prohibited by law, central air-conditioning,

  9  refrigeration, heating, and ventilating systems, including

10  duct work in connection with a complete system only to the

11  extent such duct work is performed by the contractor as is

12  necessary to make complete an air-distribution system being

13  installed under this classification, and any duct cleaning and

14  equipment sanitizing which requires at least a partial

15  disassembling of the system; to install, maintain, repair,

16  fabricate, alter, extend, or design, when not prohibited by

17  law, piping and insulation of pipes, vessels, and ducts, and

18  liquefied petroleum or natural gas fuel lines within

19  buildings; to replace, disconnect, or reconnect power wiring

20  on the load side of the dedicated existing electrical

21  disconnect switch; to install, disconnect, and reconnect low

22  voltage heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning control

23  wiring; and to install a condensate drain from an

24  air-conditioning unit to an existing safe waste or other

25  approved disposal other than a direct connection to a sanitary

26  system. The scope of work for such contractor shall also

27  include any excavation work incidental thereto, but shall not

28  include any work such as liquefied petroleum or natural gas

29  fuel lines within buildings, potable water lines or

30  connections thereto, sanitary sewer lines, swimming pool

31  piping and filters, or electrical power wiring.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2000                                   SB 876
    8-585-00                                             See HB 91

  1         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


  3            *****************************************

  4                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises definitions to authorize Class A and Class B
  6    air-conditioning contractors to install, maintain,
      repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or design, when not
  7    prohibited by law, liquefied petroleum or natural gas
      fuel lines within buildings.























