House Bill 0891

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 891

        By Representatives Byrd, Wise, Lynn, Sembler, Fasano,
    Feeney, Goodlette, Arnall, Bense, Kilmer, Murman, Peaden,
    Melvin, Gay, Constantine, Alexander, Dockery, Lacasa, Putnam,
    Bronson, Cantens, Kelly, Sorensen, Tullis and J. Miller

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Teachers Lead

  3         Program; amending s. 24.115, F.S.; requiring

  4         the transfer of unclaimed lottery prize money

  5         to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund to

  6         support the Florida Teachers Lead Program;

  7         amending s. 24.121, F.S.; revising provisions

  8         relating to the deposit of funds to the

  9         Educational Enhancement Trust Fund to include

10         unclaimed lottery prize money; amending s.

11         231.67, F.S., relating to the Florida Teachers

12         Lead Program; removing obsolete language

13         relating to an appropriation; providing intent;

14         including unclaimed lottery prize money in

15         funds to be distributed by the Commissioner of

16         Education; revising the method of distribution

17         of funds; revising the definition of "classroom

18         teacher" for purposes of this section;

19         providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 24.115, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         24.115  Payment of prizes.--

26         (2)  All unclaimed prize money shall be transferred to

27  the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund to support the Florida

28  Teachers Lead Program pursuant to s. 231.67 added to the pool

29  from which future prizes are to be awarded or used for special

30  prize promotions.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 891


  1         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 24.121, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         24.121  Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds

  4  for public education.--

  5         (2)  Each fiscal year, at least 38 percent of the gross

  6  revenue from the sale of lottery tickets and other earned

  7  revenue, excluding application processing fees, and all

  8  unclaimed lottery prize money pursuant to s. 24.115(2), shall

  9  be deposited in the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund, which

10  is hereby created in the State Treasury to be administered by

11  the Department of Education. The Department of the Lottery

12  shall transfer moneys to the Educational Enhancement Trust

13  Fund at least once each quarter. Funds in the Educational

14  Enhancement Trust Fund shall be used to the benefit of public

15  education in accordance with the provisions of this act.

16  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a maximum of $180

17  million of lottery revenues transferred to the Educational

18  Enhancement Trust Fund in fiscal year 1997-1998 and for 30

19  years thereafter shall be reserved as needed and used to meet

20  the requirements of the documents authorizing the bonds issued

21  by the state pursuant to s. 235.187 or s. 235.2195 or

22  distributed to school districts for the Classrooms First

23  Program as provided in s. 235.187. Such lottery revenues are

24  hereby pledged to the payment of debt service on bonds issued

25  by the state pursuant to s. 235.187 or s. 235.2195. Debt

26  service payable on bonds issued by the state pursuant to s.

27  235.187 or s. 235.2195 shall be payable from the first lottery

28  revenues transferred to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund

29  in each fiscal year. Amounts distributable to school districts

30  that request the issuance of bonds pursuant to s. 235.187(3)

31  are hereby pledged to such bonds pursuant to s. 11(d), Art.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 891


  1  VII of the State Constitution. The amounts distributed through

  2  the Classrooms First Program shall equal $145 million in each

  3  fiscal year. These funds are intended to provide up to $2.5

  4  billion for public school facilities.

  5         Section 3.  Section 231.67, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         231.67  The Florida Teachers Lead Program

  8  established.--

  9         (1)  There is hereby appropriated from the General

10  Revenue Fund to the Department of Education the sum of $31.5

11  million for The Florida Teachers Lead Program is established

12  to provide funds for classroom teachers to purchase supplies

13  to assist teaching in the classroom. From all unclaimed

14  lottery prize money from prior year lottery operations

15  transferred to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund pursuant

16  to s. 24.115(2) and any other the funds appropriated annually

17  in the General Appropriations Act, the Commissioner of

18  Education shall calculate an amount for each school district

19  which is proportional to each district's share of the total

20  number of full-time public school classroom teachers in this

21  state.

22         (2)  The Florida Teachers Lead Program funds shall be

23  deposited into each school's internal account and made

24  available to be expended at the discretion of each classroom

25  teacher to assist teaching and learning in the classroom. Each

26  teacher's allocation shall remain available for the teacher's

27  use until the full amount is expended.

28         (3)  This one-time appropriation shall be made

29  available to each classroom teacher in the amount of $250.

30  Florida Teachers Lead Program These funds shall be provided by

31  the district school board to each teacher as a direct stipend


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 891


  1  for the purchase of classroom materials and supplies and are

  2  in addition to any other funds appropriated for public school

  3  operations. The expenditure of these funds shall be at the

  4  sole discretion of the recipient pursuant to the purpose of

  5  this section. The funds expended by individual teachers shall

  6  not be subject to state or local competitive bidding

  7  requirements.

  8         (3) (4)  For purposes of this section, the term

  9  "classroom teacher" includes any full-time member of the

10  district's instructional staff of record on September 1 of

11  each year certified teachers whose full-time job

12  responsibility is the classroom instruction of students in

13  prekindergarten through grade 12 and media specialists. Only

14  school district personnel employed in these positions are

15  eligible for the Florida Teachers Lead Program.

16         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.


18            *****************************************

19                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires the transfer of unclaimed lottery prize money to
21    the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund to support the
      Florida Teachers Lead Program. Revises provisions
22    relating to the deposit of funds to the Educational
      Enhancement Trust Fund to include unclaimed lottery prize
23    money. Revises provisions relating to the Florida
      Teachers Lead Program. Removes obsolete language relating
24    to an appropriation. Provides intent. Includes unclaimed
      lottery prize money in funds to be distributed by the
25    Commissioner of Educational. Revises the method of
      distribution of funds. Revises the definition of
26    "classroom teacher" for purposes of the program.





