House Bill 9033

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9033

        By Representative Bloom

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring Dan Levenson on the

  3         occasion of his 100th birthday, for his

  4         continued humanitarian and philanthropic

  5         activities.


  7         WHEREAS, born in 1900 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the

  8  outstanding humanitarian and philanthropist Dan Levenson has

  9  been a resident of Florida for over 50 years and now resides

10  in Hollywood, Florida, and

11         WHEREAS, in 1917, Mr. Levenson was denied admission to

12  the University of Petrograd solely on the basis of his

13  religion and, in 1920, with the aid of an organization devoted

14  to helping immigrants, he arrived in New York City and began a

15  career in insurance, later making his fortune in real estate,

16  and

17         WHEREAS, Mr. Levenson began an effort which evolved

18  into helping hundreds of Russian Jews relocate to Israel,

19  assisting many more to remain safely in their homeland, and

20  enabling dozens of people to settle in the United States, and

21         WHEREAS, in addition to helping families escape

22  oppression and build new lives in freedom, Dan Levenson has

23  devoted his energy, his fortune, and himself to assuring that

24  thousands of young people in both the United States and Israel

25  are granted the opportunity to attend universities, and,

26  through their own generosity, Mr. Levenson together with his

27  late beloved wife, Ethel, have provided such opportunities and

28  have caused dozens of others to embrace Dan's ideals by

29  becoming major benefactors of these important institutions,

30  and



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9033


  1         WHEREAS, responsible for tens of millions of dollars in

  2  gifts to a variety of educational and health care institutions

  3  in Israel and the United States, Mr. Levenson has been honored

  4  by dozens of community organizations and institutions for his

  5  generosity, his wisdom, his energy, and his dedication to his

  6  fellowman, and

  7         WHEREAS, on March 27, 2000, Dan Levenson will celebrate

  8  the centennial anniversary of his birth, NOW, THEREFORE,


10  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

11  Florida:


13         That the House of Representatives wishes to express its

14  sincerest gratitude and indebtedness for all of Dan Levenson's

15  important accomplishments and contributions throughout his 100

16  remarkable years of life, and extends its best wishes to Mr.

17  Levenson for many more years of good health, continued active

18  participation in the organizations he loves, and success in

19  all his endeavors on behalf of the educational and health care

20  institutions he supports.


22         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution

23  be presented to Dan Levenson and his family members as a

24  tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.







