House Bill 9095

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9095

        By Representative Lynn

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring Doris Leeper.


  4         WHEREAS, born in Charlotte, North Carolina, Doris

  5  Leeper graduated from Duke University in 1951 with a degree in

  6  art history, and 10 years later moved to Florida to devote

  7  herself full time to sculpture and painting, and

  8         WHEREAS, an artist whose love for art and the

  9  environment took root in childhood trips to the beach, Doris

10  Leeper made her home on a wild stretch of oceanfront near New

11  Smyrna Beach and shortly thereafter joined her passionate

12  commitment to Florida's ecology to an already-existing

13  movement to establish the area as Canaveral National Seashore,

14  and

15         WHEREAS, in addition to numerous one-person shows in

16  major museums within the state and across the nation, Doris

17  Leeper's works have been included in many outstanding

18  exhibitions, both here and abroad, and she has executed major

19  commissions for many corporations, universities, and museums

20  and the State of Florida, and

21         WHEREAS, Ms. Leeper is the possessor of uncommon

22  creativity and vision, unflagging courage and commitment, and

23  outstanding zeal and leadership abilities, qualities which

24  have played a major role in Florida's becoming one of the

25  leading states in the nation in cultural funding and

26  enrichment, and perhaps one of her most notable achievements

27  has been her founding in 1977 of the Atlantic Center for the

28  Arts, which attracts some of the world's great painters,

29  sculptors, poets, playwrights, and musicians as master artists

30  and provides selected associate artists an opportunity to

31  collaborate with and learn from the masters, and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9095


  1         WHEREAS, renowned not only for her magnificent works of

  2  art, Ms. Leeper is internationally recognized for her

  3  accomplishment of seemingly impossible dreams and for her

  4  devotion to many causes, attributes which have resulted in her

  5  being sought after to serve on numerous boards and councils

  6  and becoming the recipient of honors that include honorary

  7  doctorate degrees from both Stetson and Duke Universities and

  8  her induction on October 29, 1999, into the Florida Artists

  9  Hall of Fame, NOW, THEREFORE,


11  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

12  Florida:


14         That the House of Representatives pauses in its

15  deliberations to further honor Doris Leeper, artist, educator,

16  arts activist, innovative thinker, and environmentalist, and

17  to express its heartfelt gratitude for the contributions she

18  has made to the state, the nation, and the world.

19         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

20  be presented to Doris Leeper as a tangible token of the

21  sentiments expressed herein.










