House Bill 9195

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9195

        By Representatives Kelly and Albright

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring Donn Dughi for his

  3         accomplishments as a photographer and service

  4         to the Florida House of Representatives.


  6         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi was born July 9, 1932, in Hampton

  7  Beach, New Hampshire, but has been a resident of Florida since

  8  1935, and

  9         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi attended St. Petersburg Junior

10  College and Florida State University, receiving a Bachelor of

11  Arts Degree in English, and during his collegiate career not

12  only studied under Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Shaara,

13  author of The Killer Angels, but also wrote for F.S.U.'s Smoke

14  Signals, the St. Petersburg Times, and the Clearwater Sun, and

15         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi attended boot camp at the famous

16  Parris Island, South Carolina, and served in the United States

17  Marine Corps during the Korean War from 1951 to 1954, and

18         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi has covered events in state

19  government as a photographer since 1963, particularly events

20  in the Florida House of Representatives, first as a cameraman

21  for television station WCTV in Tallahassee, Florida, then in

22  1970 as a photographer for United Press International, and

23  since June 30, 1992, as an employee of the Florida House of

24  Representatives, and

25         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi's photographs have been displayed

26  in Florida, in other states, and across the world in

27  newspapers, in nationally recognized magazines such as Sports

28  Illustrated and LIFE, and in the halls of the Florida House of

29  Representatives, and




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9195


  1         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi, over the years, has provided many

  2  photographic memories for members and staff of the Florida

  3  House of Representatives and their families, and

  4         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi has also been a mentor to numerous

  5  young photographers, giving them instruction and providing

  6  them with an example of how a smart, resourceful news

  7  photographer should work, and

  8         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi has helped some student

  9  photographers gain access to academic scholarships while

10  providing others with work through United Press International

11  so they could make a living while learning their craft, and

12         WHEREAS, Donn Dughi has touched the lives of many

13  people in and around state government with his special talents

14  as photographer, mentor, and friend, NOW, THEREFORE,


16  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

17  Florida:


19         That the House of Representatives of the State of

20  Florida hereby salutes Donn Dughi for his many accomplishments

21  over the years as a photographer of events in state government

22  in the State of Florida, and especially for those that

23  recorded the moments, both the serious and the light-hearted,

24  of the House of Representatives.

25         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

26  be provided to Donn Dughi as a tangible token of the

27  sentiments expressed herein.




