Senate Bill hb9197

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9197

        By Representative Thrasher

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commending United States Senator

  3         Connie Mack for his outstanding service and

  4         contributions to the United States of America

  5         and to the State of Florida.


  7         WHEREAS, Connie Mack was elected in 1982 to the United

  8  States House of Representatives to represent the 13th

  9  Congressional District of Florida, and served in the House of

10  Representatives for three terms with honor and distinction,

11  and

12         WHEREAS, Congressman Connie Mack was elected in 1988 to

13  the United States Senate in one of the closest elections in

14  the history of the State of Florida, and

15         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack was overwhelmingly

16  reelected to the United States Senate in 1994, thus becoming

17  the first Republican in Florida to be reelected to the United

18  States Senate since reconstruction, and

19         WHEREAS, as chairman of the Senate Republican

20  Conference, Senator Connie Mack is the third-ranking member of

21  the Senate Republican leadership, and

22         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack is to be commended for his

23  commitment to the belief that success and prosperity emerge

24  from the spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship that

25  resides within individuals, not government, and to the belief

26  in the principles of less taxing, less spending, less

27  government, and more freedom, and

28         WHEREAS, because of his commitment to conservative

29  principles, Senator Connie Mack was strongly considered by

30  Republican presidential nominee Senator Robert J. Dole of

31  Kansas to be his Vice Presidential running mate in 1996, and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9197


  1         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack is a fervent supporter of

  2  efforts to promote freedom, protect human rights, and defend

  3  democratic principles both in this county and around the

  4  world, and

  5         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack believes the Federal

  6  Government should play an integral role in furthering medical

  7  research, and is to be commended for his efforts to increase

  8  federal funding for medical research being conducted at the

  9  National Institutes of Health, and

10         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack and his wife, Priscilla

11  Mack, both cancer survivors, have worked tirelessly to promote

12  early-detection cancer programs, cancer-prevention programs,

13  and innovative cancer treatment options, and have been

14  recognized for their efforts by such organizations as the

15  American Cancer Society, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer

16  Foundation, the National Coalition for Cancer Survivors, and

17  the Don Shula Foundation, and Senator Connie Mack co-founded

18  the United States Senate Cancer Coalition to heighten public

19  awareness of the importance of cancer research, and

20         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack has fought hard to protect

21  and restore the Everglades as well as safeguard Florida's

22  environmentally sensitive coastal lands and waters from the

23  dangers of oil and natural gas exploration and drilling, and

24         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack is to be commended for his

25  efforts to ensure that the State of Florida receives its fair

26  share of federal funds from Washington, D.C., and has

27  successfully fought for increased federal transportation

28  funding so that our state can keep up with the infrastructure

29  demands caused by our ever-increasing population, and




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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                HR 9197


  1         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack has fought for more Major

  2  League Baseball in Florida, and his efforts were featured in a

  3  60 Minutes segment, and

  4         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack's vision, determination,

  5  and commitment have helped make our state a better place to

  6  live, work, and raise a family, and

  7         WHEREAS, Senator Connie Mack has been a principled and

  8  compassionate leader in Congress for nearly 18 years and has

  9  represented the State of Florida in our nation's capital with

10  distinction, honor, and integrity, and, NOW, THEREFORE,


12  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

13  Florida:


15         That the House of Representatives of the State of

16  Florida commends United States Senator Connie Mack for his

17  outstanding service and contributions to the United States of

18  America and to the citizens of the great State of Florida.

19         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

20  be presented to United States Senator Connie Mack as a

21  tangible token of the sentiments herein.












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