Senate Bill 0092er
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2000 Legislature SB 92, 2nd Engrossed
2 An act relating to education; amending s.
3 232.425, F.S., relating to student standards
4 for participation in interscholastic
5 extracurricular student activities; deleting
6 intent language regarding providing a mechanism
7 for all students to participate in
8 interscholastic extracurricular activities;
9 revising provisions relating to the grade point
10 average required for participation in
11 interscholastic extracurricular student
12 activities; requiring a contract to be executed
13 upon a student's falling below a certain
14 cumulative grade point average; amending s.
15 232.61, F.S., relating to bylaws relating to
16 student eligibility adopted by the governing
17 organization for athletics; providing an
18 effective date.
20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
22 Section 1. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 232.425,
23 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
24 232.425 Student standards for participation in
25 interscholastic extracurricular student activities;
26 regulation.--
27 (2) The Legislature recognizes the importance of
28 interscholastic extracurricular student activities as a
29 complement to the academic curriculum. Participation in a
30 comprehensive extracurricular and academic program contributes
31 to student development of the social and intellectual skills
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2000 Legislature SB 92, 2nd Engrossed
1 necessary to become a well-rounded adult. It is the intent of
2 the Legislature to provide the mechanism for all students in
3 Florida to participate in interscholastic extracurricular
4 activities. As used in this section, the term
5 "extracurricular" means any school-authorized or
6 education-related activity occurring during or outside the
7 regular instructional school day.
8 (3)(a) To be eligible to participate in
9 interscholastic extracurricular student activities, a student
10 entering the 9th grade during the 1997-1998 school year and
11 thereafter must:
12 1. Maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or above on a
13 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the previous semester or a
14 cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale,
15 or its equivalent, in the courses required by s. 232.246(1).
16 2. Execute and fulfill the requirements of an academic
17 performance contract between the student, the school district,
18 the appropriate governing association, and the student's
19 parents or guardian, if the student's cumulative grade point
20 average falls below 2.0, or its equivalent, on a 4.0 scale in
21 the courses required by s. 232.246(1) or, for In order to be
22 eligible under this section, students who entered the 9th
23 grade prior to the 1997-1998 school year, if the student's
24 must maintain a cumulative grade point average falls below of
25 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the courses
26 required by s. 232.246(1) that are taken after July 1, 1997,
27 or have an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or
28 above. At a minimum, the contract must require that the
29 student attend summer school, or its graded equivalent,
30 between grades 9 and 10 or grades 10 and 11, as necessary.
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2000 Legislature SB 92, 2nd Engrossed
1 3. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or
2 above on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the courses
3 required by s. 232.246(1) during his or her junior or senior
4 year. Eligibility for the first semester of the 1997-1998
5 school year for those students who entered the 9th grade prior
6 to the 1997-1998 school year shall be based on the school
7 board's policy in effect for the 1996-1997 school year.
8 4. Additionally, a student must Maintain satisfactory
9 conduct and, if a student is convicted of, or is found to have
10 committed, a felony or a delinquent act which would have been
11 a felony if committed by an adult, regardless of whether
12 adjudication is withheld, the student's participation in
13 interscholastic extracurricular activities is contingent upon
14 established and published school board policy.
15 (b) Any student who is exempt from attending a full
16 school day under s. 228.041(13) must maintain the grade point
17 average required by this section and pass each class for which
18 he or she is enrolled.
19 (c) An individual home education student is eligible
20 to participate at the a public school to which the student
21 would be assigned according to district school attendance area
22 policies or which the student could choose to attend pursuant
23 to district or interdistrict controlled open enrollment
24 provisions, or and may develop an agreement to participate at
25 a nonpublic school, in the interscholastic extracurricular
26 activities of that school, provided the following conditions
27 are met:
28 1. The home education student must meet the
29 requirements of the home education program pursuant to s.
30 232.0201.
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2000 Legislature SB 92, 2nd Engrossed
1 2. During the period of participation at a school, the
2 home education student must demonstrate educational progress
3 as required in paragraph (b) in all subjects taken in the home
4 education program by a method of evaluation agreed upon by the
5 parent or guardian and the principal which may include: review
6 of the student's work by a certified teacher chosen by the
7 parent; grades earned through correspondence; grades earned in
8 courses taken at a community college, university, or trade
9 school; standardized test scores above the 35th percentile; or
10 any other method designated in s. 232.0201.
11 3. The home education student must meet the same
12 residency requirements as other students in the school at
13 which he or she participates.
14 4. The home education student must meet the same
15 standards of acceptance, behavior, and performance as required
16 of other students in extracurricular activities.
17 5. The student must register with the school his or
18 her intent to participate in interscholastic extracurricular
19 activities as a representative of the school before the
20 beginning date of the season for the activity in which he or
21 she wishes to participate. A home education student must be
22 able to participate in curricular activities if that is a
23 requirement for an extracurricular activity.
24 6. A student who transfers from a home education
25 program to a public school before or during the first grading
26 period of the school year is academically eligible to
27 participate in interscholastic extracurricular activities
28 during the first grading period provided the student has a
29 successful evaluation from the previous school year, pursuant
30 to subparagraph 2.
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2000 Legislature SB 92, 2nd Engrossed
1 7. Any public school or nonpublic school student who
2 has been unable to maintain academic eligibility for
3 participation in interscholastic extracurricular activities is
4 ineligible to participate in such activities as a home
5 education student until the student has successfully completed
6 one grading period in home education pursuant to subparagraph
7 2. to become eligible to participate as a home education
8 student.
9 Section 2. Section 232.61, Florida Statutes, is
10 amended to read:
11 232.61 Governing organization for athletics; adoption
12 of bylaws.--The organization shall adopt bylaws that, unless
13 specifically provided by statute, establish eligibility
14 requirements for all students who participate in high school
15 athletic competition in its member schools. The bylaws
16 governing residence and transfer shall allow the student to be
17 eligible in the school in which he or she first enrolls each
18 school year, or makes himself or herself a candidate for an
19 athletic team by engaging in a practice prior to enrolling in
20 any member school. The student shall be eligible in that
21 school so long as he or she remains enrolled in that school.
22 Subsequent eligibility shall be determined and enforced
23 through the organization's bylaws. Where the student lives,
24 with whom the student lives, or which school the student
25 attended the previous year shall not be a factor in
26 determining eligibility. The organization shall also adopt
27 bylaws that specifically prohibit the recruiting of students
28 for athletic purposes. The bylaws shall prescribe penalties
29 and an appeals process for athletic recruiting violations.
30 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
31 law.