House Bill 0947

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2000                 HB 947

        By Representative Crow

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to guardianship; amending s.

  3         744.702, F.S.; providing legislative intent;

  4         amending s. 744.7021, F.S.; providing that the

  5         head of the Statewide Public Guardianship

  6         Office is the Statewide Public Guardian;

  7         providing for compensation; requiring a

  8         proposed statewide public guardianship plan to

  9         be submitted to the Governor and Legislature;

10         prescribing the location of the Statewide

11         Public Guardianship Office; providing for the

12         appointment by the Statewide Public Guardian of

13         advisory councils for development of curriculum

14         and training programs for public guardians;

15         authorizing a court to appoint the Statewide

16         Public Guardian to investigate the conduct of

17         any guardian appointed by the court; providing

18         for fees to be paid by the guardianship for

19         such services when ordered by the court;

20         amending s. 744.703, F.S.; allowing a public

21         guardian to serve more than one judicial

22         circuit; requiring a public guardianship office

23         in each circuit; requiring a nonattorney public

24         guardian to employ an attorney; amending s.

25         744.704, F.S.; authorizing a public guardian to

26         serve as a guardian advocate for a person under

27         ch. 393 or ch. 394, F.S., under certain

28         circumstances; amending s. 744.705, F.S.;

29         authorizing public guardians to recover from

30         the ward's assets the costs of administering

31         the guardianship; providing a limitation;


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  1         providing for deposit of such funds in the

  2         Department of Elderly Affairs Administrative

  3         Trust Fund to the account of the Public

  4         Guardian; amending s. 744.708, F.S.; conforming

  5         provisions; amending s. 744.709, F.S.;

  6         providing for a waiver of the oath requirement

  7         of a public guardian; providing that certain

  8         information held by privately owned nursing

  9         homes, group homes, adult living facilities, or

10         hospitals relating to their patients or

11         residents is not subject to force discovery in

12         an action brought to admit their answers as an

13         admission against interest; providing an

14         effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Section 744.702, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         744.702  Legislative intent.--The Legislature finds

21  that private guardianship is inadequate where there is no

22  willing and responsible family member or friend, other person,

23  bank, or corporation available to serve as guardian for an

24  incapacitated person, and such person does not have adequate

25  income or wealth for the compensation of a private guardian.

26  The Legislature further finds that it is against state policy

27  to allow a person to be adjudicated incapacitated and fail to

28  provide that person with a guardian to exercise those rights

29  that the court finds should be delegated to a guardian. The

30  Legislature further finds that it is against state policy to

31  allow a person who is functionally incapable of exercising the


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  1  rights enumerated in s. 744.3215(1)(a)-(o) and s.

  2  744.3215(3)(a)-(g) to be without the protection of

  3  guardianship because such person does not have adequate income

  4  or wealth for the compensation of a private guardian. The

  5  Legislature intends through this act to establish the

  6  Statewide Public Guardianship Office, and require permit the

  7  establishment of offices of public guardian for the purpose of

  8  providing guardianship services for incapacitated persons when

  9  no private guardian is available. The Legislature finds that

10  the number of persons in the state in need of guardianship and

11  financially unable to afford the cost of a private guardian

12  constitutes a crisis that must be addressed by the Executive

13  and Legislative branches at the earliest possible date. It is

14  therefore the intent of the Legislature that by not later than

15  July 1, 2001, there be an office of public guardian

16  established in each judicial circuit, staffed to appropriately

17  manage the demand for public guardianship services in each

18  judicial circuit. The Legislature further finds that

19  alternatives to guardianship and less intrusive means of

20  assistance should always be explored, including, but not

21  limited to, guardian advocates, before an individual's rights

22  are removed through an adjudication of incapacity. The purpose

23  of this legislation is to provide a public guardian only to

24  those persons whose needs cannot be met through less drastic

25  means of intervention and to ensure that each person who needs

26  a guardian and who meets the income and asset limitation as

27  set forth in s. 744.704, will have access to the court to have

28  his or her need for a guardian addressed. The Legislature

29  finds that those persons requiring public guardianship are the

30  responsibility of the state and that the state should properly

31  fund public guardianship services. The Legislature further


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  1  finds that the practice of courts requiring or appointing

  2  professional guardians to provide public guardianship services

  3  without remuneration discourages the establishment of private

  4  guardian services by those who cannot afford to operate a

  5  professional guardianship business that is burdened with

  6  non-fee-producing public guardianship services. As such, this

  7  practice creates a crisis in the availability of guardianship

  8  services for all economic levels of wards in the state. The

  9  Legislature finds that there is an increasing need for

10  guardianship services not only among the elderly, but among

11  people of all ages including those who are developmentally

12  disabled. It is the legislative intent that the Statewide

13  Public Guardianship Office be the provider of support for all

14  public guardianship services through whatever agency or under

15  whatever program these services are needed and that the

16  services of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office are not

17  to be construed as limited to providing guardian services to

18  the elderly. The Legislature further finds that the

19  guardianship profession is largely unregulated and that in the

20  interest of protecting the public, and in the interest of

21  raising the standards and accountability of professional

22  guardians, the law should provide for registration, licensure,

23  and educational training requirements for professional

24  guardians. The licensure and regulation of professional

25  guardians should be through and administered by the Statewide

26  Public Guardianship Office. The Legislature further finds that

27  there is no agency available in the state for courts to turn

28  to as a guardianship ombudsman. There are cases in which

29  guardians are appointed, often friends or family members, when

30  the issue is raised either upon suggestion of the court or by

31  petition of a third party as to the adequacy of the services


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  1  provided by the guardian, and in which there is reason to

  2  believe that a disinterested agency should evaluate and report

  3  to the court concerning the propriety and appropriateness of

  4  the guardian's services. The Legislature finds that it is in

  5  the best interest of wards that the Statewide Public

  6  Guardianship Office have the authority to investigate and

  7  report to courts when requested.

  8         Section 2.  Section 744.7021, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         744.7021  Statewide Public Guardianship Office.--There

11  is hereby created the Statewide Public Guardianship Office

12  within the Department of Elderly Affairs. The Department of

13  Elderly Affairs shall provide administrative support and

14  service to the office to the extent requested by the Statewide

15  Public Guardian executive director within the available

16  resources of the department. The Statewide Public Guardianship

17  Office may request the assistance of the Inspector General of

18  the Department of Elderly Affairs in providing auditing

19  services, and the Office of General Counsel of the department

20  may provide assistance in rulemaking and other matters as

21  needed to assist the Statewide Public Guardianship Office. The

22  Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall not be subject to

23  control, supervision, or direction by the Department of

24  Elderly Affairs in the performance of its duties.

25         (1)  The head of the Statewide Public Guardianship

26  Office is the Statewide Public Guardian executive director,

27  who shall be appointed by the Governor. The Statewide Public

28  Guardian executive director must be a licensed attorney who

29  has with a background in guardianship law and knowledge of

30  social services available to meet the needs of incapacitated

31  persons, shall serve on a full-time basis, and shall


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  1  personally, or through representatives of the office, carry

  2  out the purposes and functions of the Statewide Public

  3  Guardianship Office in accordance with state and federal law.

  4  The Statewide Public Guardian executive director shall serve

  5  at the pleasure of and report to the Governor and shall be

  6  compensated at the same annual salary set by law for the

  7  public defender in each judicial circuit.

  8         (2)  The Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall,

  9  within available resources, have oversight responsibilities

10  for all public guardians.

11         (a)  The office shall review the current public

12  guardian programs in Florida and other states.

13         (b)  The office, in consultation with local

14  guardianship offices, shall develop statewide performance

15  measures and standards.

16         (c)  The office shall review the various methods of

17  funding guardianship programs, the kinds of services being

18  provided by such programs, and the demographics of the wards.

19  In addition, the office shall review and make recommendations

20  regarding the feasibility of recovering a portion or all of

21  the costs of providing public guardianship services from the

22  assets or income of the wards.

23         (d)  No later than October 1, 2000, the office shall

24  submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the

25  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice

26  of the Supreme Court an interim report describing the progress

27  of the office in meeting the goals as described in this

28  section. No later than January 1, 2001 October 1, 2001, the

29  office shall submit to the Governor, the President of the

30  Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the

31  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court a proposed public


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  1  guardianship plan including alternatives for meeting the

  2  state's guardianship needs. This plan shall may include

  3  recommendations for less than the entire state, may include a

  4  phase-in system, and shall include estimates of the cost of

  5  each of the alternatives. Each year thereafter, the office

  6  shall provide a status report and provide further

  7  recommendations to address the need for public guardianship

  8  services and related issues.

  9         (e)  The office may provide assistance to local

10  governments or entities in pursuing grant opportunities. The

11  office shall review and make recommendations in the annual

12  report on the availability and efficacy of seeking Medicaid

13  matching funds. The office shall diligently seek ways to use

14  existing programs and services to meet the needs of public

15  wards.

16         (f)  The office shall develop a guardianship training

17  program. The training program may be offered to all guardians

18  whether public or private. The office shall establish a

19  curriculum committee to develop the training program specified

20  in this part. The curriculum committee shall include, but not

21  be limited to, probate judges. A fee may be charged to private

22  guardians in order to defray the cost of providing the

23  training. In addition, a fee may be charged to any training

24  provider for up to the actual cost of the review and approval

25  of their curriculum. Any fees collected pursuant to this

26  paragraph shall be deposited in the Department of Elderly

27  Affairs Administrative Trust Fund to be used for the

28  guardianship training program. In order to facilitate

29  development of guardianship training programs and the

30  establishment of curriculum and in order to have the

31  assistance of academicians in the area of mental health, the


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  1  Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall be housed at the

  2  Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute on the

  3  campus of the University of South Florida. The institute shall

  4  provide adequate office space and support services as

  5  necessary for the Statewide Public Guardianship Office. This

  6  does not preclude the establishment of a second office in the

  7  Department of Elderly Affairs in Tallahassee.

  8         (3)  The office may conduct or contract for

  9  demonstration projects, within funds appropriated or through

10  gifts, grants, or contributions for such purposes, to

11  determine the feasibility or desirability of new concepts of

12  organization, administration, financing, or service delivery

13  designed to preserve the civil and constitutional rights of

14  persons of marginal or diminished capacity. Any gifts, grants,

15  or contributions for such purposes shall be deposited in the

16  Department of Elderly Affairs Administrative Trust Fund.

17         (4)  The Statewide Public Guardian may appoint advisory

18  councils to facilitate the collection of expertise for the

19  development of curriculum and training programs as well as the

20  proposed public guardianship plan. Council members shall serve

21  without compensation other than reimbursement for reasonably

22  incurred expenses.

23         (5)  The Statewide Public Guardian may be appointed by

24  any court in the state to investigate and report to the court

25  as to the propriety of the conduct of any guardian appointed

26  by the court. Upon completion of the investigation as ordered

27  by the court, the Statewide Public Guardian may petition the

28  guardianship for fees, and when there are sufficient assets,

29  such fees must be deposited with the Department of Elderly

30  Affairs Administrative Trust Fund to the account of the

31  Statewide Public Guardian and shall be made available to the


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  1  Statewide Public Guardian to supplement the budgets of the

  2  several public guardians and to underwrite the costs of the

  3  Statewide Public Guardian in conducting such investigations.

  4         (6)(4)  The office has authority to adopt rules

  5  pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to carry out the

  6  provisions of this section.

  7         Section 3.  Section 744.703, Florida Statutes, is

  8  amended to read:

  9         744.703  Office of public guardian; appointment,

10  notification.--

11         (1)  The Statewide Public Guardian executive director

12  of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office, after

13  consultation with the chief judge and other circuit judges

14  within a the judicial circuit and with appropriate advocacy

15  groups and individuals and organizations who are knowledgeable

16  about the needs of incapacitated persons, shall may establish,

17  within a county in the judicial circuit or within the judicial

18  circuit, an office of public guardian and if so established,

19  shall create a list of persons best qualified to serve as the

20  public guardian, and such qualifications shall include review

21  pursuant to s. 744.3135. The public guardian must have

22  knowledge of the legal process and knowledge of social

23  services available to meet the needs of incapacitated persons.

24  A public guardian appointed under this section may serve more

25  than one circuit; however, there must be an open and

26  adequately staffed office providing public guardianship

27  services within each judicial circuit, notwithstanding the

28  fact that a particular public guardian may serve one or more

29  circuits, and all of the circuits must be served and a circuit

30  may not be divided among several public guardians. A public

31  guardian who is not an attorney must have a staff attorney or


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  1  contract with an attorney to perform the legal functions of

  2  the wards. A nonprofit corporation under s. 744.309(5) may be

  3  appointed public guardian only if:

  4         (a)  It has been granted tax-exempt status from the

  5  United States Internal Revenue Service; and

  6         (b)  It maintains a staff of professionally qualified

  7  individuals to carry out the guardianship functions, including

  8  a staff attorney who has experience in probate areas and

  9  another person who has a master's degree in social work, or a

10  gerontologist, psychologist, registered nurse, or nurse

11  practitioner.

12         (2)  The Statewide Public Guardian executive director

13  shall appoint or contract with a public guardian from the list

14  of candidates described in subsection (1). A public guardian

15  must meet the qualifications for a guardian as prescribed in

16  s. 744.309(1)(a). Upon appointment of a the public guardian,

17  the Statewide Public Guardian executive director shall notify

18  the chief judge of the judicial circuit and the Chief Justice

19  of the Supreme Court of Florida, in writing, of the

20  appointment.

21         (3)  If the needs of the county or circuit do not

22  require a full-time public guardian, a part-time public

23  guardian may be appointed at reduced compensation.

24         (4)  A public guardian, whether full-time or part-time,

25  may not hold any position that would create a conflict of

26  interest.

27         (5)  The public guardian is to be appointed for a term

28  of 4 years, after which her or his appointment must be

29  reviewed by the Statewide Public Guardian executive director,

30  and may be reappointed for a term of up to 4 years. The

31  Statewide Public Guardian executive director may suspend a


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  1  public guardian with or without the request of the chief

  2  judge. If a public guardian is suspended, the Statewide Public

  3  Guardian executive director shall appoint an acting public

  4  guardian as soon as possible to serve until such time as a

  5  permanent replacement is selected. A public guardian may be

  6  removed from office during the term of office only by the

  7  Statewide Public Guardian, executive director who must consult

  8  with the chief judge prior to said removal. A recommendation

  9  of removal made by the chief judge must be considered by the

10  Statewide Public Guardian executive director.

11         (6)  Public guardians who have been previously

12  appointed by a chief judge prior to the effective date of this

13  act pursuant to this section may continue in their positions

14  until the expiration of their term pursuant to their

15  agreement. However, oversight of all public guardians shall

16  transfer to the Statewide Public Guardianship Office upon the

17  effective date of this act. The executive director of the

18  Statewide Public Guardian Guardianship Office shall be

19  responsible for all future appointments of public guardians

20  pursuant to this act.

21         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 744.704, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended and subsection (10) is added to said

23  section to read:

24         744.704  Powers and duties.--

25         (1)  A public guardian may serve as a guardian of a

26  person adjudicated incapacitated under this chapter, as a

27  guardian advocate for a person adjudicated under chapter 393,

28  or as a guardian advocate for a person under chapter 394:

29         (a)  If there is no family member or friend, other

30  person, bank, or corporation willing and qualified to serve as

31  guardian; and


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  1         (b)  If the assets of the ward do not exceed the asset

  2  level for Medicaid eligibility, plus $2,000 exclusive of

  3  homestead and exempt property as defined in s. 4, Art. X of

  4  the State Constitution, and the ward's income, from all

  5  sources, is less than $6,000 $4,000 per year. Income from

  6  public welfare programs, supplemental security income,

  7  optional state supplement, a disability pension, or a social

  8  security pension shall be excluded in such computation.

  9  However, a ward whose total income, counting excludable

10  income, exceeds $30,000 a year may not be served.

11         (10)  A public guardian may not be compelled to serve

12  as a guardian advocate for a person under chapter 394 if the

13  public guardian finds that he or she does not have sufficient

14  staff to do so.

15         Section 5.  Section 744.705, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         744.705  Costs of public guardian.--

18         (1)  All Costs of administration, including filing

19  fees, shall be paid from the budget of the office of public

20  guardian.  No costs of administration, including filing fees,

21  shall be recovered from the assets or the income of the ward

22  except as provided in this section.

23         (2)  In any proceeding for appointment of a public

24  guardian, or in any proceeding involving the estate of a ward

25  for whom a public guardian has been appointed guardian, the

26  court may waive any court costs or filing fees.

27         (3)  At the time of filing and simultaneously with the

28  filing of a ward's annual accounting, report, and plan, or at

29  such time as the ward's assets exceed or can be expected to

30  exceed the Medicaid asset limitation, the public guardian may

31  file a petition to recover all or some of the costs


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  1  attributable to the administration of the guardianship. The

  2  petition must be itemized and show the method of charges for

  3  direct case management and charges for purely administrative

  4  functions. The petition must be verified and must

  5  affirmatively show that all competing needs of the ward have

  6  been met and can reasonably be expected to be met in the

  7  coming reporting year. At no time may an award of recovery of

  8  costs for the year exceed the average annual cost per award of

  9  providing guardianship services to all persons served by the

10  public guardian. Any award collected for cost recovery must be

11  deposited in the Department of Elderly Affairs Administrative

12  Trust Fund to the account of Public Guardian and must be made

13  available to the Statewide Public Guardian to supplement the

14  budgets of the several public guardians.

15         Section 6.  Subsections (4) and (8) of section 744.708,

16  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

17         744.708  Reports and standards.--

18         (4)  Within 6 months of his or her appointment as

19  guardian of a ward, the public guardian shall submit to the

20  clerk of the court for placement in the ward's guardianship

21  file and to the executive director of the Statewide Public

22  Guardian Guardianship Office a report on his or her efforts to

23  locate a family member or friend, other person, bank, or

24  corporation to act as guardian of the ward and a report on the

25  ward's potential to be restored to capacity.

26         (8)  The term "professional," for purposes of this

27  part, does shall not include the public guardian nor the

28  executive director of the Statewide Public Guardian

29  Guardianship Office.  The term "professional" is shall be

30  limited to those persons who exercise direct supervision of

31  individual wards under the direction of the public guardian.


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  1         Section 7.  Section 744.709, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         744.709  Surety bond.--Upon taking office, a public

  4  guardian shall file a bond with surety as prescribed in s.

  5  45.011 to be approved by the clerk, unless bond is waived by

  6  the chief judge of the judicial circuit. The bond shall be

  7  payable to the Governor and the Governor's successors in

  8  office, in the penal sum of not less than $5,000 nor more than

  9  $25,000, conditioned on the faithful performance of all duties

10  by the guardian.  The amount of the bond shall be fixed by the

11  majority of the judges within the judicial circuit.  In form

12  the bond shall be joint and several. The bond shall be

13  purchased from the funds of the local office of public

14  guardian.

15         Section 8.  In responses to surveys by the Statewide

16  Public Guardianship Office as to whether patients or residents

17  are unable to give informed consent for medical treatment or

18  are unable to conduct their affairs, the opinions of any

19  privately owned nursing home, group home, adult living

20  facility, or hospital whose patients or residents receive

21  public funds that contribute to the cost of their care are not

22  subject to forced discovery in any action brought against them

23  to admit their answers as an admission against interest.

24         Section 9.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.









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  1            *****************************************

  2                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

  3    Substantially amends ch. 744, F.S., relating to public
      guardianship. Provides legislative intent. Provides that
  4    the head of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office is
      the Statewide Public Guardian. Provides for compensation
  5    of the Statewide Public Guardian. Requires the Statewide
      Public Guardianship Office to submit a proposed statewide
  6    public guardianship plan to the Governor and the
      Legislature. Prescribes the location of the office of the
  7    Statewide Public Guardianship Office. Provides for the
      appointment by the Statewide Public Guardian of advisory
  8    councils for development of curriculum and training
      programs for public guardians. Authorizes a court to
  9    appoint the Statewide Public Guardian to investigate the
      conduct of any guardian appointed by the court. Provides
10    for the recovery of fees from the guardianship for such
      services when ordered by the court. Allows a public
11    guardian to serve more than one circuit, but requires
      that a public guardian office be located in each circuit.
12    Mandates that a nonattorney public guardian hire an
      attorney. Allows a public guardian to serve as a guardian
13    advocate for a person under ch. 393 or ch. 394, F.S.,
      under certain circumstances. Authorizes a public guardian
14    to recover from the ward's assets the costs of
      administering the guardianship. Provides a limitation on
15    the amount to be recovered. Provides for deposit of funds
      recovered into the Department of Elderly Affairs
16    Administrative Trust Fund to the account of Public
      Guardian. Provides for the waiver of the oath of a public
17    guardian upon court order. Provides that certain
      information provided by privately owned nursing homes,
18    group homes, adult living facilities, or hospitals
      relating to their patients or residents is not subject to
19    forced discovery in an action brought to admit their
      answers as an admission against interest.











