House Bill 0961e1
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HB 961, First Engrossed/ntc
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Sarasota County Public
3 Hospital Board, Sarasota County; amending
4 chapter 26468, Laws of Florida, 1949, as
5 amended, to provide that candidates for
6 hospital board seats shall be grouped by seat
7 as provided in the Florida Election Code;
8 providing an effective date.
10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12 Section 1. Whereas the Sarasota County Public Hospital
13 Board has determined the election of its Board members will be
14 conducted by the supervisor of elections as authorized by
15 Section 189.405(2)(a), Subsection (3) of Section 1 of Chapter
16 26468, Laws of Florida, 1949, as amended by Chapter 86-373,
17 Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
18 Section 1.
19 (3) The membership of the hospital board shall consist
20 of nine members, all of whom must be qualified electors of the
21 Sarasota County Public Hospital District. Commencing with the
22 election of 1988, two such members must reside in each of said
23 hospital board districts. All members shall be elected in a
24 partisan election by the qualified electors of the Sarasota
25 County Public Hospital District. Two members who are residents
26 of the southern district shall be elected to district seats in
27 1986 and every fourth year thereafter; two members who are
28 residents of the northern district shall be elected to
29 district seats in 1986 and every fourth year thereafter; one
30 member who is a resident of the central district shall be
31 elected to a district seat in 1986 and every fourth year
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HB 961, First Engrossed/ntc
1 thereafter; one member who is a resident of the central
2 district shall be elected to a district seat in 1988 and every
3 fourth year thereafter; and three members shall be elected to
4 at-large seats in 1988 and every fourth year thereafter.
5 Candidates for the six district seats and the three at-large
6 seats shall not be numerically or otherwise grouped for a
7 specific seat on primary or general election ballots, as
8 provided in the Florida Election Code. although Candidates for
9 district seats shall be placed in districts on primary and
10 general election ballots. In any year in which hospital board
11 district seats are to be filled, the hospital board district
12 (northern, central, or southern) shall be printed on the
13 ballot beneath the name of the office. The format of the
14 ballot shall be in conformity with the Florida Election Code.
15 The names of candidates in the district shall be arranged
16 thereunder, followed by printed words instructing the voters
17 to vote for the number of candidates to be elected from such
18 hospital board district in that year. In any year in which
19 at-large seats are to filled, the names of candidates for the
20 at-large seats shall be printed on the ballot beneath the name
21 of the office in a single group, which shall be followed by
22 printed words instructing the voters to vote for the number of
23 candidates to be elected to at-large seats in that year. Four
24 members, who were elected for 4-year terms in the election of
25 November 1982, and one member who was elected for a 2-year
26 term in the election of 1984, shall serve until the expiration
27 of their terms of office; and five members shall be elected
28 for 4-year terms in 1986 and each fourth year thereafter. Four
29 members, who were elected for 4-year terms in the election of
30 November 1984, shall serve until the expiration of their terms
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
HB 961, First Engrossed/ntc
1 of office; and four members shall be elected for 4-year terms
2 in 1988 and each fourth year thereafter.
3 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
4 law.