House Bill 0987er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987


  2         An act relating to Polk County; amending

  3         chapter 8378, Laws of Florida, 1919, as

  4         amended; revising the law relating to the Lake

  5         Region Lakes Management District; expanding the

  6         territorial boundaries of the district;

  7         providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Section 1 of chapter 8378, Laws of Florida,

12  1919, as amended, is amended to read:

13         Section 1.  Purpose and Territorial Boundaries.--That

14  for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, operating,

15  maintaining and protecting a system of boat canals, drainage

16  canals, dams, locks and other proper and necessary works in

17  connection therewith, for the purpose of aiding in flood

18  control, lake level management, and protecting, maintaining

19  and improving the water quality in the lakes and canals in

20  conjunction with state, county and city agencies, for the

21  purpose of connecting the lakes within or adjacent to the

22  boundaries hereinafter prescribed and for moving waters out of

23  such lakes, and for the purpose of promoting access to the

24  lakes and the public convenience, utility and welfare, the

25  Lake Region Lakes Management District (the "district"), in

26  Polk County has been created and established, and is hereby

27  confirmed, as an independent special district, the territorial

28  boundaries of which are as follows, to wit:


30         Beginning at the center of east line of section

31         2, or township twenty-eight (28) south, of


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    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987

  1         range twenty-six (26) east; thence south with

  2         section line between section one (1) and two

  3         (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), thirteen (13)

  4         and fourteen (14), twenty-three (23) and

  5         twenty-four (24), to the northeast corner of

  6         section twenty-six (26) said township and

  7         range;


  9         Thence east on section line to northeast corner

10         of northwest quarter of section twenty-five

11         (25), thence south with the half section line

12         to the center of section thirteen (13),

13         township 29 south, range 26 east;


15         Thence west on the half section line to the

16         southwest corner of the northwest quarter of

17         section line to the southwest corner of the

18         northwest quarter of section sixteen (16) said

19         township and range;


21         Thence north with section line to the northwest

22         corner of the southwest quarter of section four

23         (4), said township and range;


25         Thence west with the half section line to

26         center of section six (6) said township and

27         range;


29         Thence north with half section line to the

30         northwest corner of northeast quarter (NE 1/4)



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987

  1         of section thirty-one (31), township 28 south,

  2         range 26 east;


  4         Thence west with section line to southeast

  5         corner of section twenty-five (25), township 28

  6         south, range 25 east;


  8         Thence north with the section line to the

  9         northeast corner of section twenty-four (24),

10         said township and range;


12         Thence west to center of north line of section

13         twenty-four (24); thence north with half

14         section line to center of section one (1),

15         township 28, range 25;


17         Thence east with the half section line to the

18         northeast corner of southeast quarter (SE 1/4)

19         of section two (2), township 28 south, range 26

20         east, the point of beginning; embracing within

21         said district the following lands, viz;


23         The south half of sections two, three, four,

24         five and six and all of sections seven, eight,

25         nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,

26         seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty,

27         twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,

28         twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight,

29         twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-two, thirty-three,

30         thirty-four, and thirty-five and the west half

31         of sections twenty-five and thirty-six and the


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    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987

  1         east half of section thirty-one in township 28

  2         south, range 26 east and all of sections two,

  3         three, four, nine, ten and eleven, and the west

  4         half of section one and twelve and the north

  5         half of sections five, fourteen, fifteen and

  6         sixteen and the northeast quarter of section

  7         six and the northwest quarter of section

  8         thirteen in township 29 south, range 26 east,

  9         and the east half of sections twelve and

10         thirteen, and the southeast quarter of section

11         one in township 28 south, range 25 east.


13         And:


15         Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 2,

16         Township 28 South, Range 26 East, Polk County,

17         Florida;


19         Run thence Easterly, along the north line

20         thereof, to the Northeast corner of the West

21         one-half of the Northeast quarter of said

22         Section 2;


24         Thence Southerly, along said east line of the

25         west one-half of the Northeast quarter of said

26         Section 2, to the Southeast corner thereof;


28         Thence Westerly, along the south line of the

29         west one-half of the Northeast quarter and the

30         south line of the Northwest quarter of said

31         Section 2, to the Southeast corner of the north


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987

  1         one-half of Section 3, Township 28 South, Range

  2         26 East;


  4         Thence continue Westerly, along the south line

  5         of the North one-half of said Section 3, to the

  6         southeast corner of the north one-half of

  7         Section 4, Township 28 South, Range 26 East;


  9         Thence continue Westerly, along the south line

10         of the north one-half of said Section 4, to the

11         southeast corner of the north one-half of

12         Section 5, Township 28 South, Range 26 East;


14         Thence continue Westerly, along the south line

15         of the north one-half of said Section 5, to the

16         southeast corner of the north one-half of

17         Section 6, Township 28 South, Range 26 East;


19         Thence continue Westerly, along the south line

20         of the north one-half of said Section 6, to the

21         southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of

22         Section 1, Township 28 South, Range 25 East;


24         Thence continue Westerly, along the south line

25         of the Northeast quarter and the south line of

26         the Northwest quarter of said Section 1, to the

27         southwest corner of the East one-half of the

28         Northwest quarter of said Section 1;





CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987

  1         Thence Northerly, along the west line of the

  2         East one-half of the Northwest quarter of said

  3         Section 1, to the northwest corner thereof;


  5         Thence Easterly, along the north line of the

  6         East one-half of the Northwest quarter of said

  7         Section 1, to the southwest corner of the South

  8         one-half of the Southeast quarter of Section

  9         36, Township 27 South, Range 25 East;


11         Thence Northerly, along the west line of the

12         South one-half of the Southeast quarter of said

13         Section 36, to the northwest corner thereof;


15         Thence Easterly, along the north line of the

16         South one-half of the Southeast quarter of said

17         Section 36, to the northeast corner thereof,

18         also being a point on the westerly line of

19         Section 31, Township 27 South, Range 26 East;


21         Thence Northerly, along the west line of said

22         Section 31, to the southwest corner of Section

23         30, Township 27 South, Range 26 East;


25         Thence continue Northerly, along the west line

26         of said Section 30, to the southwest corner of

27         Section 19, Township 27 South, Range 26 East;


29         Thence continue Northerly, along the west line

30         of said Section 19, to the northwest corner

31         thereof;


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    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987


  2         Thence Easterly, along the north line of said

  3         Section 19, to the northwest corner of Section

  4         20, Township 27 South, Range 26 East;


  6         Thence continue Easterly, along the north line

  7         of said Section 20, to the southwest corner of

  8         the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter

  9         of Section 17, Township 27 South, Range 26

10         East;


12         Thence Northerly, along the west line of the

13         Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of

14         said Section 17, to the northwest corner

15         thereof;


17         Thence Easterly, along the north line of the

18         Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of

19         said Section 17, to the northeast corner

20         thereof;


22         Thence Southerly, along the east line of the

23         Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of

24         said Section 17, to the Northwest corner of

25         Section 21, Township 27 South, Range 26 East;


27         Thence Easterly, along the north line of said

28         Section 21, to the northeast corner thereof;


30         Thence Southerly, along the east line of said

31         Section 21, to the northwest corner of the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2000 Legislature                                        HB 987

  1         Southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 27

  2         South, Range 26 East;


  4         Thence Easterly, along the north line of the

  5         Southwest quarter of said Section 22, to the

  6         northeast corner thereof;


  8         Thence Southerly, along the east line of the

  9         Southwest quarter of said Section 22, to the

10         southeast corner thereof, also being a point on

11         the north line of Section 27, Township 27

12         South, Range 26 East;


14         Thence Easterly, along the north line of said

15         Section 27, to the northeast corner thereof;


17         Thence Southerly, along the east line of said

18         Section 27, to the northeast corner of Section

19         34, Township 27 South, Range 26 East;


21         Thence continue Southerly, along the east line

22         of said Section 34, to the southeast corner

23         thereof and the Point of Beginning.


25         All of the above lands lying in Polk County,

26         Florida.


28         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

29  law.


