House Bill hb1047

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1047

        By Representatives Hart, Miller, Bense, Wilson, Greenstein
    and Henriquez

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Career Fast Start

  3         Program; creating s. 239.515, F.S.;

  4         establishing the Career Fast Start Program;

  5         providing definitions; providing procedures for

  6         application to participate in the program;

  7         providing guidelines for program approval;

  8         providing requirements for approved programs;

  9         providing for funding of the program; providing

10         methodology for competitive funding of approved

11         programs; providing requirements for the

12         continuation of funding for programs; requiring

13         an interim report to the Florida Governor's

14         Alliance for the Employment of Disabled

15         Citizens; requiring an annual end-of-the-year

16         report to the alliance; requiring the alliance

17         to report annually to the Governor, the

18         Legislature, and the Agency for Workforce

19         Innovation on the effectiveness of the program;

20         requiring the alliance to provide for annual

21         audits of the program and to include audit

22         results in the report; providing an effective

23         date.


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  Section 239.515, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         239.515  Career Fast Start Program.--

30         (1)  There is established a Career Fast Start Program

31  to increase the number of students with disabilities in grades


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  1  10 through 12 who successfully complete an associate in arts

  2  degree, an associate in science degree, a vocational license

  3  or certificate, or a workforce development program. The goal

  4  of the program is the completion of a degree or occupational

  5  completion points by, and placement into competitive

  6  employment of, students who were identified as having a

  7  disability, in accordance with the requirements of chapter

  8  6A-6, Florida Administrative Code, prior to their senior year

  9  in high school and who otherwise would be unlikely to seek

10  admission to a community college, state university, or

11  independent postsecondary vocational institution without

12  special support and recruitment efforts. As part of the Career

13  Fast Start Program, the Florida Governor's Alliance for the

14  Employment of Disabled Citizens, in cooperation with community

15  colleges, independent postsecondary institutions, high

16  schools, businesses, and agencies serving youth with

17  disabilities, shall sponsor programs to develop leadership

18  skills, career counseling, and motivation and shall provide

19  grants for internships to further prepare students with

20  disabilities for postsecondary education and employment

21  opportunities.

22         (2)  As used in this section:

23         (a)  "The alliance" means the Florida Governor's

24  Alliance for the Employment of Disabled Citizens, which is

25  also known as the "Able Trust."

26         (b)  "Program participant" means a community college, a

27  public university, an independent postsecondary institution, a

28  high school, an agency serving youth with disabilities, or a

29  consortium of the above.

30         (3)  To apply to participate in the Career Fast Start

31  Program, a potential program participant must submit a


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  1  proposal to the Florida Governor's Alliance for the Employment

  2  of Disabled Citizens. Each proposal must contain the following

  3  information:

  4         (a)  A statement of purpose, which includes a

  5  description of the need for, and the results expected from,

  6  the proposed program.

  7         (b)  An identification of the service area which names

  8  the schools to be served and provides community and school

  9  demographics on the number and types of students with

10  disabilities and the number of high school graduates with

11  disabilities within the area.

12         (c)  An identification of existing programs for

13  providing employment training for persons with disabilities.

14         (d)  A description of the proposed training and

15  modifications needed to accommodate students who would

16  participate in the program.

17         (e)  A description of the program activities, which

18  must support the following goals:

19         1.  To motivate students to pursue a postsecondary

20  education.

21         2.  To develop students' basic learning and leadership

22  skills.

23         (f)  An evaluation component that provides for the

24  collection, maintenance, retrieval, and analysis of the data

25  required by this section.

26         (4)  The alliance shall consider proposals and

27  determine which proposals to implement as programs that will

28  strengthen the educational motivation and preparation of

29  students with disabilities to seek postsecondary education or

30  job training. In selecting proposals for approval, the

31  alliance shall give preference to:


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  1         (a)  Proposals submitted by a postsecondary institution

  2  and a business partner which include innovative approaches,

  3  provide a great variety of activities, and interact with

  4  business and industry in the development of the learning

  5  experience.

  6         (b)  A program that will use institutional, federal, or

  7  private resources to supplement state appropriations.

  8         (c)  Proposals that demonstrate commitment to the

  9  program by proposing to match the grant funds equally in cash

10  or services, with cash being the preferred contribution.

11         (d)  Proposals that demonstrate an interest in cultural

12  diversity and that address the unmet regional employment needs

13  of varying communities.

14         (e)  A program that identifies potential student

15  participants from among students who are not already enrolled

16  in similar programs that assist students with disabilities.

17         (f)  A program that includes a parental involvement

18  component.

19         (5)  Program applicants that are approved to

20  participate in the program must implement procedures that

21  provide consistent contact with students from the point at

22  which the student is selected to participate in the program

23  until he or she enrolls in a postsecondary educational

24  institution. These procedures must assist students in

25  selecting courses required for graduation from high school and

26  must include occupational forecasting for future job

27  availability and requirements for those positions.

28  Institutions that participate must provide on-campus academic

29  or job training activities, job profiling and career

30  counseling activities during summer vacation, and

31  opportunities for interacting with business leaders and


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  1  employers, mentors, tutors, or role models. Each program

  2  participant is encouraged to use its resources to meet program

  3  objectives. Each program participant must establish an

  4  advisory committee composed of high school personnel and

  5  business leaders to provide advice and assistance in

  6  implementing the program.

  7         (6)  Funding for the Career Fast Start Program in the

  8  amount of $5 million shall be provided annually in the General

  9  Appropriations Act. From these funds, an annual allocation

10  shall be provided to the alliance to conduct the program.

11  Approved programs must be funded competitively according to

12  the following methodology:

13         (a)  Eighty percent of funds appropriated annually to

14  the Career Fast Start Program must be distributed as grants to

15  projects that include, at a minimum:

16         1.  A summer business internship program.

17         2.  A minimum number of hours of academic instructional

18  and developmental activities, career counseling, and personal

19  counseling.

20         (b)  The remaining 20 percent of funds appropriated

21  annually may be used by the Florida Governor's Alliance for

22  the Employment of Disabled Citizens for college preparatory

23  leadership training programs.

24         (c)  Projects funded for 3 consecutive years must have

25  a cumulative institutional cash match of not less than 50

26  percent of the total cost of the project over the 3-year

27  period. Any Career Fast Start Program operating for 3 years

28  which does not provide the minimum 50 percent institutional

29  cash match shall not be considered for continued funding.

30         (7)  On or before February 15 of each year, each

31  participant or consortium of participants shall submit to the


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  1  alliance an interim report of program expenditures and

  2  participant information as requested by the alliance.

  3         (8)  On or before October 15 of each year, each program

  4  participant shall submit to the alliance an end-of-the-year

  5  report on the effectiveness of its participation in the

  6  program during the preceding fiscal year. The end-of-the-year

  7  report must include, without limitation:

  8         (a)  An itemization of program expenditures by funding

  9  category, including:  state grant funds, institutional

10  matching contributions disaggregated by cash and in-kind

11  services, and outside funding sources disaggregated by cash

12  and in-kind services.

13         (b)  The number of students participating by grade

14  level, gender, race, and disability.

15         (c)  The student identification number and social

16  security number, if available, the name of the public school

17  attended, and the gender, ethnicity, grade level, and grade

18  point average of each student participant at the time of entry

19  into the program.

20         (d)  The grade point average, grade level, and

21  promotion status of each student participant at the end of the

22  academic year and notification of suspension or expulsion of a

23  participant, if applicable.

24         (e)  The number and percentage of participants eligible

25  for high school graduation who receive a standard high school

26  diploma or a high school equivalency diploma pursuant to s.

27  229.814.

28         (f)  The number and percentage of 12th grade

29  participants who are accepted for enrollment and who enroll in

30  a postsecondary institution and the programs of study in which

31  they are enrolled.


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  1         (g)  The number of participants who receive

  2  scholarships, grant aid, and work-study awards.

  3         (h)  The number and percentage of participants who

  4  enroll in a public postsecondary institution and who fail to

  5  achieve a passing score, as defined in State Board of

  6  Education rule, on college placement tests pursuant to s.

  7  240.117.

  8         (i)  The number and percentage of participants who

  9  enroll in a postsecondary institution and have a minimum

10  cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its

11  equivalent, by the end of the second semester.

12         (j)  A statement of how the program addresses the two

13  program goals identified in paragraph (3)(e).

14         (k)  A brief description and analysis of program

15  characteristics and activities critical to program success.

16         (l)  A description of the cooperation received from

17  other units, organizations, businesses, or agencies.

18         (m)  An explanation of the program's outcomes,

19  including data related to student performance on the measures

20  provided for in paragraph (3)(f).

21         (9)(a)  By February 15 of each year, the alliance shall

22  submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the

23  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Agency for

24  Workforce Innovation a report that evaluates the effectiveness

25  of the Career Fast Start Program.

26         (b)  The alliance shall provide for an annual audit of

27  the program by an independent certified accounting firm and

28  shall include the results of the audit in the report.

29         (10)  The head of the Agency for Workforce Innovation

30  shall be invited to attend all board meetings of the alliance.

31         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1047


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Establishes the Career Fast Start Program. Defines terms.
  4    Provides procedures for applying to participate in the
      program. Provides guidelines for program approval.
  5    Provides requirements for approved programs. Provides for
      funding the program. Provides methodology for competitive
  6    funding of approved programs. Provides requirements for
      the continuation of funding for programs. Requires an
  7    interim report to the Florida Governor's Alliance for the
      Employment of Disabled Citizens. Requires an annual
  8    end-of-the-year report to the alliance. Requires the
      alliance to report to the Governor, the Legislature, and
  9    the Agency for Workforce Innovation annually on the
      effectiveness of the program. Requires the alliance to
10    provide for annual audits of the program.























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