Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 551642
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Sebesta moved the following amendment to amendment
12  (510902):
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 162, between lines 23 and 24,
17  insert:  
18         Section 107.  Section 331.367, Florida Statutes, is
19  amended to read:
20         331.367  Spaceport Management Council.--
21         (1)  The Spaceport Management Council is created within
22  the Spaceport Florida Authority to provide coordination
23  between government agencies and commercial operators for the
24  purpose of developing and recommendations on projects and
25  activities to that will increase the operability and
26  capabilities of Florida's space launch facilities, increase
27  statewide space-related industry and opportunities, and
28  promote space education, and research, and technology
29  development within the state. The council shall work to create
30  develop integrated facility and programmatic development plans
31  to address commercial, state, and federal requirements and to
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 identify appropriate private, state, and federal resources to 2 implement these plans. 3 (2) The council shall make recommendations regarding: 4 (a) The development of a spaceport master plan. 5 (b) The projects and levels of commercial financing 6 required from the Florida Commercial Space Financing 7 Corporation created by s. 331.407. 8 (c) Development and expansion of space-related 9 education and research facilities and programs within Florida 10 in consultation with the Florida Space Research Institute, 11 including recommendations to be provided to the State 12 University System, the Division of Community Colleges, and the 13 Department of Education. 14 (d) The regulation of spaceports and federal and state 15 policy. 16 (e) Appropriate levels of governmental and private 17 funding for sustainable Florida's approach to the Federal 18 Government regarding requests for funding of space 19 development. 20 (3) The council shall submit its recommendations to 21 the Governor and Lieutenant Governor and provide copies to the 22 Secretary of Transportation, the director of the Office of 23 Tourism, Trade and Economic Development, the associate 24 administrator for Space Transportation in the United States 25 Department of Transportation, the administrator of the 26 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Deputy 27 Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Plans and 28 Policy. 29 (4)(3)(a) The council shall consist of an executive 30 board consisting, which shall consist of representatives of 31 governmental organizations having with responsibilities for 2 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 developing or operating space transportation facilities, and a 2 Space Industry Committee, which shall consist of 3 representatives of Florida's space industry. 4 (b) The executive board consists of the following 5 individuals or their designees shall serve on the executive 6 board: 7 1. The executive director of the Spaceport Florida 8 Authority or his or her designee. 9 2. The director of the John F. Kennedy Space Center or 10 his or her designee. 11 3. The Commander of the United States Air Force 45th 12 Space Wing or his or her designee. 13 4. The Commander of the Naval Ordnance Test Unit or 14 his or her designee. 15 2.5. The Secretary of Transportation or his or her 16 designee. 17 3.6. The president of Enterprise Florida, Inc., or his 18 or her designee, as an ex officio nonvoting member. 19 4.7. The director of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and 20 Economic Development or his or her designee, as an ex officio 21 nonvoting member. 22 (c)1. Participation by the federal agencies having 23 space-related missions in the state will contribute to council 24 effectiveness, and the following installation heads or their 25 designees may serve as official liaisons to the council: the 26 director of the John F. Kennedy Space Center, the Commander of 27 the 45th Space Wing, and the Commander of the Naval Ordnance 28 Test Unit. 29 2. Federal liaison officials may attend and 30 participate in council meetings and deliberations, provide 31 federal-agency views on issues before the council, and present 3 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 issues of concern and make recommendations to the council. 2 3. The role of federal liaison officials is limited by 3 federal statutes and other constraints, but the determination 4 of this limitation is a federal function. 5 4. The fiduciary responsibility of the official 6 liaisons shall remain at all times with their respective 7 agencies. 8 5. To the extent that the advice or recommendations of 9 the official liaisons are not adopted or incorporated into the 10 final recommendations of the council, the official liaisons 11 may append to such final recommendations their advice, 12 recommendations, or opinions. 13 (4) Each member shall be appointed to serve for a 14 3-year term, beginning July 1. Initial appointments shall be 15 made no later than 60 days after the effective date of this 16 act. 17 (5) The executive board shall hold its initial meeting 18 no later than 30 days after the members have been appointed. 19 The Space Industry Committee shall hold its initial meeting no 20 later than 60 days after the members have been appointed. 21 (6) All council members must be residents of the 22 state. 23 (5)(7) The executive board council shall adopt bylaws 24 governing the manner in which the business of the council 25 shall be conducted. The bylaws shall specify the procedure by 26 which the chairperson of the council is elected. 27 (6)(8) The council shall provide infrastructure and 28 program requirements and develop other information to be 29 utilized in a 5-year spaceport master plan. The council shall 30 define goals and objectives concerning the development of 31 spaceport facilities and an intermodal transportation system 4 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 consistent with the goals of the Florida Transportation Plan 2 developed pursuant to s. 339.155. 3 (7)(9) The council shall provide requirements and 4 other information to be utilized in the development of a 5 5-year Spaceport Economic Development Plan, defining the goals 6 and objectives of the council concerning the development of 7 facilities for space manufacturing, research, technology and 8 development, and education educational facilities. 9 (8)(10) The council shall meet at the call of its 10 chairperson, at the request of two or more members of the 11 executive board a majority of its membership, or at such times 12 as may be prescribed in its bylaws. However, the council must 13 meet at least semiannually. A majority of voting members of 14 the council constitutes a quorum for the purpose of 15 transacting the business of the council. A majority vote of 16 the majority of the voting members present is sufficient for 17 any action of the council, unless the bylaws of the council 18 require a greater vote for a particular action. 19 Section 108. Section 331.368, Florida Statutes, is 20 amended to read: 21 331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.-- 22 (1) There is created the Florida Space Research 23 Institute, the purpose of which is to serve as an 24 industry-driven center for research, leveraging the state's 25 resources in a collaborative effort to support Florida's space 26 industry and its expansion, diversification, and transition to 27 commercialization. 28 (2) The institute shall operate as a public/private 29 partnership under the direction of a board composed of: 30 (a) A representative of the Spaceport Florida 31 Authority. 5 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 (b) A representative of Enterprise Florida, Inc. 2 (c) A representative of the Florida Aviation Aerospace 3 Alliance. 4 (d) A representative of the Florida Space Business 5 Roundtable. 6 (e) Additional private-sector representatives from the 7 space industry selected collaboratively by the core members 8 specified in paragraphs (a)-(d). The additional space industry 9 representatives under this paragraph must comprise the 10 majority of members of the board and must be from geographic 11 regions throughout the state. Each private-sector 12 representative shall serve a term of 3 years. 13 (f) Two representatives from the educational community 14 who are selected collaboratively by the core members specified 15 in paragraphs (a)-(d) and who are engaged in research or 16 instruction related to the space industry. One representative 17 must be from a community college, and one representative must 18 be from a public or private university. Each educational 19 representative shall serve a term of 2 years. 20 (g) Annually, the members of the board shall select 21 one of the members to serve as chair, who shall be responsible 22 for convening and leading meetings of the board. 23 (h) The board members are considered to be volunteers 24 as defined in s. 110.501, and shall serve with all protections 25 provided to volunteers of state agencies under s. 768.1355. 26 (3) The Florida Space Research Institute may: 27 (a) Acquire property under such conditions as the 28 board considers necessary, and sell or otherwise dispose of 29 the property. 30 (b) Serve as a coordinating organization among public 31 and private academic institutions, the State University 6 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 System, industry, and government agencies to support the 2 expansion and diversification of the state's space industry 3 and to support research and education programs. 4 (c) Execute contracts and other documents, adopt 5 proceedings, and perform any acts determined by the board to 6 be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. 7 (d) Establish a personnel-management system and 8 procedures, rules, and rates governing administrative and 9 financial operations of the institute. 10 (e) Acquire, accept, or administer grants, contracts, 11 and fees from other organizations to perform activities that 12 are consistent with the purposes of this section. 13 (f) Work in partnership with the Spaceport Florida 14 Authority, Enterprise Florida, Inc., and other organizations 15 to support their programs to promote the state as a center for 16 space enterprise, research, and technology development. 17 (4)(3) The board of the Florida Space Research 18 Institute shall: 19 (a) Set the strategic direction for the space-related 20 research priorities of the state and its space-related 21 businesses, the scope of research projects for the institute, 22 and the timeframes for completion. 23 (b) Invite the participation of public and private 24 academic institutions universities, including, but not limited 25 to, the University of Central Florida, the University of 26 Florida, the University of South Florida, Florida State 27 University, Florida Institute of Technology, and the 28 University of Miami. 29 (c) Select a lead university to: 30 1. Serve as coordinator of research for and as the 31 administrative entity of the institute; 7 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 2. Support the institute's development of a statewide 2 space research agenda and programs; and 3 3. Develop, and update as necessary, a report 4 recommending ways that the state's public and private 5 universities can work in partnership to support the state's 6 space-industry requirements, which report must be completed by 7 December 15, 2000. 8 (d) Establish a partnership with the state Workforce 9 Development Board, or its successor entity, under which the 10 institute coordinates the workforce-training requirements 11 identified by the space industry and supports development of 12 workforce-training initiatives to meet such requirements, 13 using training providers approved by the board or its 14 successor entity. 15 (e) Comanage, with the National Aeronautics and Space 16 Administration and subject to the terms of an agreement with 17 NASA, operation of a Space Experiment Research and Processing 18 Laboratory, if such a facility is constructed on land of the 19 John F. Kennedy Space Center. The institute shall carry out 20 such responsibility through a consortium of public and private 21 universities in the state led by the University of Florida. 22 (f) Develop initiatives to foster the participation of 23 the state's space industry in the International Space Station 24 and to help the state maintain and enhance its competitive 25 position in the commercial space-transportation industry. 26 (g) Pursue partnerships with the National Aeronautics 27 and Space Administration to coordinate and conduct research in 28 fields including, but not limited to, environmental 29 monitoring; agriculture; aquatics; resource reutilization 30 technologies for long-duration space missions; and spaceport 31 technologies which support current or next-generation launch 8 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 vehicles and range systems. 2 (h) Pursue partnerships with the National Aeronautics 3 and Space Administration for the conduct of space-related 4 research using computer technology to connect experts in a 5 given field of science who are in disparate locations and to 6 perform research experiments in a real-time, virtual 7 environment. 8 (i) Appoint or dismiss, as considered necessary by the 9 board, a person to act as executive director of the institute, 10 who shall have such title, functions, duties, powers, and 11 salary as the board prescribes. 12 (5)(4) By December 15 of each year, the institute 13 shall submit a report of its activities and accomplishments 14 for the year to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and 15 the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The report shall 16 also include recommendations regarding actions the state 17 should take to enhance the development of space-related 18 businesses, including: 19 (a) Future research activities. 20 (b) The development of capital and technology 21 assistance to new and expanding industries. 22 (c) The removal of regulatory impediments. 23 (d) The establishment of business development 24 incentives. 25 (e) The initiation of education and training programs 26 to ensure a skilled workforce. 27 28 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 29 30 31 9 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1053, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 551642 1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 2 And the title is amended as follows: 3 On page 172, line 9, after the semicolon, 4 5 insert: 6 amending s. 331.367, F.S.; revising the 7 membership and functions of entities under the 8 Spaceport Management Council; amending s. 9 331.368, F.S.; revising provisions relating to 10 the authority of the Florida Space Research 11 Institute; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 4:25 PM 05/03/01 h1053c2c-2020a