House Bill hb0011

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                  HB 11

        By Representative Heyman

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to State Uniform Traffic

  3         Control; amending s. 316.655, F.S.; providing

  4         for enhanced penalties for certain violations

  5         of chapter 316, F.S.; creating s. 318.211,

  6         F.S.; providing for the disposition of such

  7         enhanced penalties; providing an effective

  8         date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Section 316.655, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         316.655  Penalties; enhanced fines in certain

15  circumstances.--

16         (1)  A violation of any of the provisions of this

17  chapter, except those violations with a specific criminal

18  charge, as enumerated in s. 318.17, are infractions, as

19  defined in s. 318.13(3). Except for violations of s. 316.302,

20  infractions of this chapter are punishable as provided in

21  chapter 318. Any person convicted of a violation of or

22  otherwise found to be in violation of s. 316.063, s. 316.3025,

23  s. 316.516, s. 316.545, or s. 316.550 shall be punished as

24  specifically provided in that section.

25         (2)  Drivers convicted of a violation of any offense

26  prohibited by this chapter or any other law of this state

27  regulating motor vehicles may have their driving privileges

28  revoked or suspended by the court if the court finds such

29  revocation or suspension warranted by the totality of the

30  circumstances resulting in the conviction and the need to

31  provide for the maximum safety for all persons who travel on


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                  HB 11


  1  or who are otherwise affected by the use of the highways of

  2  the state. In determining whether suspension or revocation is

  3  appropriate, the court shall consider all pertinent factors,

  4  including, but not limited to, such factors as the extent and

  5  nature of the driver's violation of this chapter, the number

  6  of persons killed or injured as the result of the driver's

  7  violation of this chapter, and the extent of any property

  8  damage resulting from the driver's violation of this chapter.

  9         (3)  Any operator of a motor vehicle operating a motor

10  vehicle in violation of this chapter, when the operator is

11  engaged in a secondary activity which results in driver

12  inattention, shall be subject to penalty enhancement of double

13  the amount of the fine established under s. 318.18. The amount

14  of the enhanced fine shall be distributed as provided for in

15  s. 318.211.

16         Section 2.  Section 318.211, Florida Statutes, is

17  created to read:

18         318.211  Enhanced penalties for certain violations of

19  chapter 316; distribution.--Moneys collected for violations

20  described in s. 316.655(3) shall be distributed as follows:

21         (1)  Forty-five percent of the enhanced penalty amount

22  shall be deposited in the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury

23  Rehabilitation Trust Fund for the purposes set forth in s.

24  381.79.

25         (2)  Twenty-five percent of the enhanced penalty amount

26  shall be paid to the Department of Children and Family

27  Services for deposit into the Child Welfare Training Trust

28  Fund pursuant to s. 402.40, in memory of Helen Marie Witty.

29         (3)  Ten percent of the enhanced penalty amount shall

30  be deposited into the County Article V Trust Fund of the

31  county in which the penalty was collected.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                  HB 11


  1         (4)  Ten percent of the enhanced penalty amount shall

  2  be deposited in the endowment fund of the Florida Endowment

  3  Foundation for Vocational Rehabilitation established pursuant

  4  to s. 413.615.

  5         (5)  Ten percent of the enhanced penalty amount shall

  6  be deposited in the Criminal Justice Standards and Training

  7  Trust Fund created pursuant to s. 943.25(2).

  8         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2001.


10            *****************************************

11                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides for an enhanced penalty for violations of
13    chapter 316, F.S., when a person operating a motor
      vehicle is engaged in a secondary activity which results
14    in driver inattention and a violation of chapter 316.
      Provides for the disposition of penalties so collected.
15    See bill for details.


















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.