Bill No. SB 1132
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 874234
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  Senator Brown-Waite moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 3, lines 30 and 31, delete those lines
16  and insert:  
17         Section 2.  Subsection (7) of section 197.502, Florida
18  Statutes, is amended to read:
19         197.502  Application for obtaining tax deed by holder
20  of tax sale certificate; fees.--
21         (7)  On county-held certificates for which If there are
22  no bidders at the public sale, the clerk shall enter the land
23  on a list entitled "lands available for taxes" and shall
24  immediately notify the county commission and all other persons
25  holding certificates against the land that the land is
26  available. During the first 90 days after the land is placed
27  on the list of lands available for taxes, the county may
28  purchase the land for the opening bid.  Thereafter, any
29  person, the county, or any other governmental unit may
30  purchase the land from the clerk, without further notice or
31  advertising, for the opening bid, except that when the county
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1132 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 874234 1 or other governmental unit is the purchaser for its own use, 2 the board of county commissioners may cancel omitted years' 3 taxes, as provided under s. 197.447. Interest on the opening 4 bid continues to accrue through the month of sale as 5 prescribed by s. 197.542. 6 Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 197.512, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 197.512 Notice, form of publication for obtaining tax 9 deed by holder.-- 10 (3) Except when the land is redeemed according to law 11 Upon ultimate disposition of the application for a tax deed, 12 the clerk shall record enter his or her certificate of notice 13 and his or her certificate of advertising in the public 14 records of the county with such other relevant documents as 15 may be required by the department. 16 Section 4. Section 197.542, Florida Statutes, is 17 amended to read: 18 197.542 Sale at public auction.-- 19 (1) The lands advertised for sale to the highest 20 bidder as a result of an application filed under s. 197.502 21 shall be sold at public auction by the clerk of the circuit 22 court, or his or her deputy, of the county where the lands are 23 located on the date, at the time, and at the location as set 24 forth in the published notice, which shall be during the 25 regular hours the clerk's office is open. At the time and 26 place, the clerk shall read the notice of sale and shall offer 27 the lands described in the notice for sale to the highest 28 bidder for cash at public outcry. The amount required to 29 redeem the tax certificate, plus the amounts paid by the 30 holder to the clerk of the circuit court in charges for costs 31 of sale, redemption of other tax certificates on the same 2 2:17 PM 04/25/01 s1132c-10202
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1132 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 874234 1 lands, and all other costs to the applicant for tax deed, plus 2 interest thereon at the rate of 1.5 percent per month for the 3 period running from the month after the date of application 4 for the deed through the month of sale and costs incurred for 5 the service of notice provided for in s. 197.522(2), shall be 6 considered the bid of the certificateholder for the property. 7 However, if the land to be sold is assessed on the latest tax 8 roll as homestead property, the bid of the certificateholder 9 shall be increased to include an amount equal to one-half of 10 the assessed value of the homestead property as required by s. 11 197.502. If there are no higher bids, the land shall be 12 struck off and sold to the certificateholder, who shall 13 forthwith pay to the clerk the documentary stamp tax and 14 recording fees due, and a tax deed shall thereupon be issued 15 and recorded by the clerk. 16 (2) If there are other bids, the certificateholder 17 shall have the right to bid as others present may bid, and the 18 property shall be struck off and sold to the highest bidder. 19 The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable cash 20 deposit of $200 at the time of the sale, to be applied to the 21 sale price at the time of full payment. Notice of this deposit 22 requirement shall be posted at the auction site, and the clerk 23 may require that bidders show their willingness and ability to 24 post the cost deposit. If full payment of the final bid and of 25 documentary stamp tax and recording fees is not made within 24 26 hours, excluding weekends and legal holidays, the clerk shall 27 cancel all bids, readvertise the sale as provided in this 28 section, and pay all costs of the sale from the deposit. Any 29 remaining funds must be applied toward the opening bid. The 30 clerk may refuse to recognize the bid of any person who has 31 previously bid and refused, for any reason, to honor such bid. 3 2:17 PM 04/25/01 s1132c-10202
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1132 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 874234 1 (3)(2) The clerk of the circuit court shall demand 2 immediate payment of an amount equal to the highest bid plus 3 applicable documentary stamp taxes and recording fees. If full 4 payment is not received by the clerk within 24 hours after the 5 advertised time of the sale, the clerk shall cancel the bids 6 and readvertise the property for sale. If the sale is canceled 7 for any reason, the clerk shall immediately readvertise the 8 sale to be held no later than 30 days after from the date the 9 sale was canceled. Only one advertisement is shall be 10 necessary. No further notice is shall be required. The amount 11 of the statutory (opening) bid shall be increased by the cost 12 of advertising, additional clerk's fees as provided for in s. 13 28.24(26), and interest as provided for in subsection (1). 14 The clerk shall receive full payment prior to the issuance of 15 the tax deed. 16 Section 5. This section and section 1 of this act 17 shall take effect upon becoming a law and sections 2, 3, and 4 18 shall take effect October 1, 2001, as to sales for which the 19 respective application for obtaining a tax deed is filed on or 20 after October 1, 2001. 21 22 23 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 24 And the title is amended as follows: 25 On page 1, line 6, 26 27 after the semicolon insert: 28 amending s. 197.502, F.S.; amending procedures 29 that apply if there are no bidders at a public 30 sale of property against which tax certificates 31 are held; prescribing the period during which 4 2:17 PM 04/25/01 s1132c-10202
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1132 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 874234 1 interest on the opening bid continues to 2 accrue; amending s. 197.512, F.S.; providing an 3 exception to certain recording duties of the 4 clerk; amending s. 197.542, F.S.; revising 5 procedures relating to the sale at public 6 auction of lands on which an application for 7 tax deed has been obtained; requiring the high 8 bidder to post a nonrefundable cash deposit at 9 the time of the sale; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 2:17 PM 04/25/01 s1132c-10202