Bill No. HB 1141
    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
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11  The Committee on State Administration offered the following:
13         Amendment (with title amendment) 
14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert in lieu thereof:  
17         Section 1.  Section 236.08106, Florida Statutes, is
18  amended to read:
19         236.08106  Excellent Teaching Program.--
20         (1)  The Legislature recognizes that teachers play a
21  critical role in preparing students to achieve the high levels
22  of academic performance expected by the Sunshine State
23  Standards. The Legislature further recognizes the importance
24  of identifying and rewarding teaching excellence and of
25  encouraging good teachers to become excellent teachers. The
26  Legislature finds that the National Board of Professional
27  Teaching Standards (NBPTS) has established high and rigorous
28  standards for accomplished teaching and has developed a
29  national voluntary system for assessing and certifying
30  teachers who demonstrate teaching excellence by meeting those
31  standards. It is therefore the Legislature's intent to provide
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HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1141 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 incentives for teachers to seek NBPTS certification and to 2 reward teachers who demonstrate teaching excellence by 3 attaining NBPTS certification and sharing their expertise with 4 other teachers. 5 (2) The Excellent Teaching Program is created to 6 provide categorical funding for monetary incentives and 7 compensation bonuses for teaching excellence. The Department 8 of Education shall distribute to each school district or to 9 the NBPTS an amount as prescribed annually by the Legislature 10 for the Excellent Teaching Program. For purposes of this 11 section, the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind shall 12 be considered a school district. Unless otherwise provided in 13 the General Appropriations Act, each distribution shall be the 14 sum of the amounts earned for the following incentives and 15 compensation bonuses: 16 (a) A fee subsidy to be paid by the Department of 17 Education to the NBPTS on behalf of each individual who is an 18 employee of a district school board or a public school within 19 the school district, who is certified by the district to have 20 demonstrated satisfactory teaching performance pursuant to s. 21 231.29 and who satisfies the prerequisites for participating 22 in the NBPTS certification program, and who agrees, in 23 writing, to pay 10 percent of the NBPTS participation fee and 24 to participate in the NBPTS certification program during the 25 school year for which the fee subsidy is provided. The fee 26 subsidy for each eligible participant shall be an amount equal 27 to 90 percent of the fee charged for participating in the 28 NBPTS certification program. The fee subsidy is a one-time 29 award and may not be duplicated for any individual. 30 (b) A portfolio-preparation incentive of $150 paid by 31 the Department of Education to each teacher employed by a 2 File original & 9 copies 04/12/01 hsa0005 05:21 pm 01141-sa -611599
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1141 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 district school board or a public school within a school 2 district who is participating in the NBPTS certification 3 program. The portfolio-preparation incentive is a one-time 4 award paid during the school year for which the NBPTS fee 5 subsidy is provided. 6 (c) An annual compensation bonus equal to 10 percent 7 of the prior fiscal year's statewide average salary for 8 classroom teachers to be distributed to the school district to 9 be paid to each individual who holds NBPTS certification and 10 is employed by the district school board or by a public school 11 within the school district. The district school board shall 12 distribute the annual compensation bonus to each individual 13 who meets the requirements of this paragraph and who is 14 certified annually by the district to have demonstrated 15 satisfactory teaching performance pursuant to s. 231.29. The 16 annual compensation bonus may be paid as a single payment or 17 divided into not more than three payments. 18 (d) An annual compensation bonus equal to 10 percent 19 of the prior fiscal year's statewide average salary for 20 classroom teachers to be distributed to the school district to 21 be paid to each individual who meets the requirements of 22 paragraph (c) and agrees, in writing, to provide the 23 equivalent of 12 workdays of mentoring and related services to 24 public school teachers within the state who do not hold NBPTS 25 certification. The district school board shall distribute the 26 annual compensation bonus in a single payment following the 27 completion of all required mentoring and related services for 28 the year. It is not the intent of the Legislature to remove 29 excellent teachers from their assigned classrooms; therefore, 30 credit may not be granted by a school district or public 31 school for mentoring or related services provided during the 3 File original & 9 copies 04/12/01 hsa0005 05:21 pm 01141-sa -611599
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1141 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 regular school day or during the 196 days of required service 2 for the school year. 3 4 A teacher for whom the state pays the certification fee and 5 who does not complete the certification program or does not 6 teach in a public school of this state for at least 1 year 7 after completing the certification program must repay the 8 amount of the certification fee to the state. However, a 9 teacher who completes the certification program but fails to 10 be awarded NBPTS certification is not required to repay the 11 amount of the certification fee if the teacher meets the 12 1-year teaching requirement. Repayment is not required of a 13 teacher who does not complete the certification program or 14 fails to fulfill the teaching requirement because of the 15 teacher's death or disability or because of other extenuating 16 circumstances as determined by the State Board of Education. 17 (3)(a) In addition to any other remedy available under 18 the law, any person who is a recipient of a certification fee 19 subsidy paid to the NBPTS and who is an employee of the state 20 or any of its political subdivisions is considered to have 21 consented, as a condition of employment, to the voluntary or 22 involuntary withholding of wages to repay to the state the 23 amount of such a certification fee subsidy awarded under this 24 section. Any such employee who defaults on the repayment of 25 such a certification fee subsidy must, within 60 days after 26 service of a notice of default by the Department of Education 27 to the employee, establish a repayment schedule which must be 28 agreed to by the department and the employee, for repaying the 29 defaulted sum through payroll deductions. The department may 30 not require the employee to pay more than 10 percent of the 31 employee's pay per pay period under such a repayment schedule 4 File original & 9 copies 04/12/01 hsa0005 05:21 pm 01141-sa -611599
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1141 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 or plan. If the employee fails to establish a repayment 2 schedule within the specified period of time or fails to meet 3 the terms and conditions of the agreed upon or approved 4 repayment schedule as authorized by this subsection, the 5 employee has breached an essential condition of employment and 6 is considered to have consented to the involuntary withholding 7 of wages or salary for the repayment of the certification fee 8 subsidy. 9 (b) A person who is employed by the state, or any of 10 its political subdivisions, may not be dismissed for having 11 defaulted on the repayment of the certification fee subsidy to 12 the state. 13 (4) The State Board of Education may adopt rules as 14 necessary to implement the provisions for payment of the fee 15 subsidies, incentives, and bonuses and for the repayment of 16 defaulted certification fee subsidies under this section. 17 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2001. 18 19 20 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 21 And the title is amended as follows: 22 On page 1, lines 2 through 8, 23 remove from the title of the bill: all of said lines 24 25 and insert in lieu thereof: 26 An act relating to education; amending s. 27 236.08106, F.S.; reclassifying bonuses provided 28 under the Excellent Teacher Program as 29 compensation; providing an effective date. 30 31 5 File original & 9 copies 04/12/01 hsa0005 05:21 pm 01141-sa -611599