Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1202
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 222646
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Dawson moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 134, before line 1,
16 insert:
17 Section 66. (1) This section may be cited as the
18 "Moses General Miles Act."
19 (2) For the purpose of establishing a long-term
20 residential care continuum of assisted living facilities for
21 low-income elderly living in urban distressed communities, and
22 as an additional source for community economic development
23 opportunities in specific targeted areas, the Institute on
24 Urban Policy and Commerce at Florida Agricultural and
25 Mechanical University is authorized to develop a grant program
26 to fund five pilot projects to be located in 5 of the 10 urban
27 distressed communities of Pensacola, Tallahassee,
28 Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg,
29 West Palm Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami-Dade. The funding
30 for the five pilot projects shall be provided to
31 not-for-profit community and faith-based organizations located
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Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1202
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 222646
1 in urban distressed communities. Each organization seeking
2 funding shall submit to a review panel a strategic plan that
3 outlines the need for and the location of assisted living
4 facilities for low-income elderly in the urban distressed
5 communities. The plan should incorporate public-private
6 partnerships that will be used for the development and
7 construction of the assisted living facilities in the urban
8 distressed communities. To be eligible for funding under this
9 program, a not-for-profit community and faith-based
10 organization must hold a current exemption from federal
11 taxation under s. 501(c)(3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue
12 Code. The institute shall develop criteria for the review of
13 the plans. The institute shall give priority consideration for
14 funding under this program to plans submitted by
15 neighborhood-based organizations that have as a principal part
16 of their missions the improvement of conditions for residents
17 of the neighborhoods in which the organizations are located.
18 The institute shall develop weighted criteria to be used in
19 evaluating applications from the community and faith-based
20 organizations.
21 (3) A review panel is created within the institute to
22 evaluate proposals for award of funding for the five pilot
23 projects. The review panel shall consist of seven members
24 appointed by the President of Florida Agricultural and
25 Mechanical University, as follows:
26 (a) One member who is affiliated with the Agency for
27 Health Care Administration.
28 (b) The Secretary of Health, or the secretary's
29 designee.
30 (c) The Secretary of the Department of Elderly
31 Affairs, or the secretary's designee.
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Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1202
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 222646
1 (d) The president of Enterprise Florida, Inc., or the
2 president's designee.
3 (e) One member who is from a private-sector investment
4 institution or organization.
5 (f) One member who is affiliated with the Office of
6 Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development.
7 (g) One member who is from a professional trade
8 organization representing long-term-care assisted living
9 facilities.
10 (h) One member who is affiliated with Workforce
11 Florida, Inc.
13 The director of the institute, or a designee, shall serve as
14 secretary to the review panel without voting rights.
15 (4) The institute shall develop and provide program
16 technical assistance support to the community and faith-based
17 organizations interested in this community economic
18 development initiative.
19 (5) The institute has the authority to adopt rules to
20 implement the provisions of his section.
21 Section 67. There is appropriated from the General
22 Revenue Fund to the Institute on Urban Policy and Commerce at
23 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University the sum of $1.5
24 million to develop and provide program technical assistance
25 support to community and faith-based organizations, and for
26 contracts for five pilot projects, pursuant to this act. The
27 institute is authorized to allocate up to $225,000 to each of
28 the five pilot projects.
30 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
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Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1202
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 222646
1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
2 And the title is amended as follows:
3 On page 11, line 8, after the first semicolon,
5 insert:
6 creating the "Moses General Miles Act";
7 authorizing the Institute on Urban Policy and
8 Commerce at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical
9 University to develop a grant program for pilot
10 projects in assisted living facility long-term
11 care for elderly persons in urban distressed
12 communities; providing for eligibility and
13 priority for funding; creating a review panel
14 to evaluate proposed pilot projects; providing
15 membership of the review panel; directing the
16 institute to provide program technical
17 assistance support; providing rulemaking
18 authority; providing an appropriation;
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