Senate Bill sb1226e2

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  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to workforce development;

  3         amending s. 445.004, F.S.; specifying an

  4         additional member of the board of directors of

  5         Workforce Florida, Inc.; requiring certain

  6         funds to be expended for after-school care

  7         programs; prohibiting certain uses of such

  8         funds; prescribing eligibility criteria for

  9         certain organizations providing such programs;

10         amending s. 445.007, F.S.; providing

11         legislative intent relating to involving

12         certain persons in board activities; providing

13         legislative findings and intent; creating the

14         Digital Divide Council in the State Technology

15         Office; specifying membership; providing for

16         terms, filling vacancies, and compensation;

17         providing for council meetings and officers;

18         requiring the State Technology Office to

19         provide administrative and technical support;

20         providing powers and duties of the council;

21         authorizing design and implementation of

22         certain programs; providing program objectives

23         and goals; requiring the council to monitor,

24         review, and assess program performances;

25         requiring reports; providing an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) and

30  paragraph (a) of subsection (10) of section 445.004, Florida

31  Statutes, are amended to read:


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  1         445.004  Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose;

  2  membership; duties and powers.--

  3         (3)(a)  Workforce Florida, Inc., shall be governed by a

  4  board of directors, the number of directors to be determined

  5  by the Governor, whose membership and appointment must be

  6  consistent with Pub. L. No. 105-220, Title I, s. 111(b), and

  7  contain one member representing the licensed nonpublic

  8  postsecondary educational institutions authorized as

  9  individual training account providers, one member from the

10  staffing service industry, at least one member who is a

11  current or former recipient of welfare transition services as

12  defined in s. 445.002(3) or workforce services as provided in

13  s. 445.009(1), and five representatives of organized labor who

14  shall be appointed by the Governor. Notwithstanding s.

15  114.05(1)(f), the Governor may appoint remaining members to

16  Workforce Florida, Inc., from the current Workforce

17  Development Board and the WAGES Program State Board of

18  Directors, established pursuant to chapter 96-175, Laws of

19  Florida, to serve on the reconstituted board. By July 1, 2000,

20  the Workforce Development Board will provide to the Governor a

21  transition plan to incorporate the changes required by this

22  act and Pub. L. No. 105-220, specifying the manner of changes

23  to the board. This plan shall govern the transition, unless

24  otherwise notified by the Governor. The importance of

25  minority, gender, and geographic representation shall be

26  considered when making appointments to the board.

27         (10)  The workforce development strategy for the state

28  shall be designed by Workforce Florida, Inc., and shall be

29  centered around the strategies of First Jobs/First Wages,

30  Better Jobs/Better Wages, and High Skills/High Wages.



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  1         (a)  First Jobs/First Wages is the state's strategy to

  2  promote successful entry into the workforce through education

  3  and workplace experience that lead to self-sufficiency and

  4  career advancement. The components of the strategy include

  5  efforts that enlist business, education, and community support

  6  for students to achieve long-term career goals, ensuring that

  7  young people have the academic and occupational skills

  8  required to succeed in the workplace. A minimum of 15 percent

  9  of all Workforce Investment Act youth services funds shall be

10  expended for after-school care programs, through contracts

11  with qualified community-based organizations and faith-based

12  organizations, on an equal basis with other private

13  organizations, to provide after-school care programs to

14  eligible children 14 through 18 years of age. These programs

15  shall include academic tutoring, mentoring, and other

16  appropriate services. Similar services may be provided for

17  eligible children 6 through 13 years of age using Temporary

18  Assistance for Needy Families funds. Funds expended under this

19  paragraph may not be used for religious or sectarian purposes.

20  To provide after-school care programs under this paragraph, a

21  community-based organization or a faith-based organization

22  must be a nonprofit organization that holds a current

23  exemption from federal taxation under s. 501(c)(3) or (4) of

24  the Internal Revenue Code or must be a religious organization

25  that is not required to apply for recognition of its exemption

26  from federal taxation under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal

27  Revenue Code.

28         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 445.007, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         445.007  Regional workforce boards.--



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  1         (1)  One regional workforce board shall be appointed in

  2  each designated service delivery area and shall serve as the

  3  local workforce investment board pursuant to Pub. L. No.

  4  105-220. The membership of the board shall be consistent with

  5  Pub. L. No. 105-220, Title I, s. 117(b), and contain one

  6  representative from a nonpublic postsecondary educational

  7  institution that is an authorized individual training account

  8  provider within the region and confers certificates and

  9  diplomas, one representative from a nonpublic postsecondary

10  educational institution that is an authorized individual

11  training account provider within the region and confers

12  degrees, and three representatives of organized labor.

13  Individuals serving as members of regional workforce

14  development boards or local WAGES coalitions, as of June 30,

15  2000, are eligible for appointment to regional workforce

16  boards, pursuant to this section. It is the intent of the

17  Legislature that, whenever possible and to the greatest extent

18  practicable, membership of a regional workforce board include

19  persons who are current or former recipients of welfare

20  transition assistance as defined in s. 445.002(3) or workforce

21  services as provided in s. 445.009(1), or that such persons be

22  included as ex officio members of the board or of committees

23  organized by the board. The importance of minority and gender

24  representation shall be considered when making appointments to

25  the board. If the regional workforce board enters into a

26  contract with an organization or individual represented on the

27  board of directors, the contract must be approved by a

28  two-thirds vote of the entire board, and the board member who

29  could benefit financially from the transaction must abstain

30  from voting on the contract. A board member must disclose any



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  1  such conflict in a manner that is consistent with the

  2  procedures outlined in s. 112.3143.

  3         Section 3.  Legislative findings and intent; Digital

  4  Divide Council; powers and duties; program objectives and

  5  goals; review and assessment of program performances; annual

  6  report.--

  7         (1)  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND INTENT.--The Legislature

  8  finds as follows:

  9         (a)  Frequent access to use of information technology

10  and possession of the knowledge and skills required to use

11  information technology productively is becoming increasingly

12  more important to being competitively qualified for

13  high-skill, high-wage employment.

14         (b)  The availability of reasonable opportunities to

15  have frequent access to use of information technology and to

16  obtain the education and training necessary to acquire the

17  knowledge and skills required to use information technology

18  productively is critical to becoming competitively qualified

19  for high-skill, high-wage employment.

20         (c)  Families that are living near or below the poverty

21  level are without adequate economic resources to have

22  reasonable opportunities to obtain frequent access to use of

23  information technology or the education and training necessary

24  to acquire the knowledge and skills required to become

25  competively qualified for high-skill, high-wage employment.

26         (d)  The absence of such economic resources divides

27  such families from those who have adequate economic resources

28  to have such opportunities, places such families at risk of

29  never realizing their employment and income earning potential,

30  and prevents the state's economy from prospering to the extent



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  1  possible if such families realized their employment and income

  2  earning potential.

  3         (e)  The divide between the members of such at-risk

  4  families and those who have adequate economic resources to

  5  have reasonable opportunities to obtain access to frequent use

  6  of information technology and the education and training

  7  necessary to acquire the knowledge and skills required to

  8  become competitively qualified for high-skill, high-wage

  9  employment could be reduced, and the economy of the state

10  could be enhanced, by designing and implementing programs that

11  provide such opportunities to members of such at-risk

12  families.


14  It is the intent of the Legislature to provide the authority

15  and resources reasonably necessary to facilitate design and

16  implementation of such programs.

17         (2)  DIGITAL DIVIDE COUNCIL.--The Digital Divide

18  Council is created in the State Technology Office. The council

19  shall consist of:

20         (a)  The chief information officer in the State

21  Technology Office.

22         (b)  The director of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

23  Economic Development in the Executive Office of the Governor.

24         (c)  The president of Workforce Florida, Inc.

25         (d)  The director of the Agency for Workforce

26  Innovation.

27         (e)  The chair of, Inc.

28         (f)  The Commissioner of Education.

29         (g)  The executive director of the State Board of

30  Community Colleges.



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  1         (h)  The executive director of the State Board for

  2  Career Education.

  3         (i)  The chair of the Network Access Point of the

  4  Americas.

  5         (j)  A representative of the information technology

  6  industry in this state appointed by the Speaker of the House

  7  of Representatives.

  8         (k)  A representative of the information technology

  9  industry in this state appointed by the President of the

10  Senate.

11         (l)  Two members of the House of Representatives, who

12  shall be ex officio, nonvoting members of the council,

13  appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one

14  of whom shall be a member of the Republican caucus and the

15  other of whom shall be a member of the Democratic caucus.

16         (m)  Two members of the Senate, who shall be ex

17  officio, nonvoting members of the council, appointed by the

18  President of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the

19  Republican caucus and the other of whom shall be a member of

20  the Democratic caucus.


22  COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS.--The appointed members of the council

23  shall serve an initial term of 1 year commencing July 1, 2001,

24  and ending June 30, 2002, and successor appointees shall serve

25  a term of 2 years, the first of which shall commence July 1,

26  2002, and end June 30, 2004. Successive 2-year terms shall

27  commence and end on the same schedule in subsequent years. Any

28  vacancy in the membership of the council resulting from

29  resignation, incapacity, or death shall be filled within 30

30  days after the date the vacancy is effective. The appointed

31  members of the council shall serve without compensation, but


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  1  such appointees and the other members of the council shall be

  2  entitled to receive per diem and reimbursement for travel

  3  expenses as provided in section 112.061, Florida Statutes.

  4  Payment of such per diem and reimbursement of such travel

  5  expenses may be made from appropriations authorized to be used

  6  for such purposes.


  8  council shall conduct its initial meeting by August 1, 2001,

  9  and shall meet thereafter at least once every 60 days. In its

10  initial meeting, the members of the council shall elect a

11  member to serve as chair and another to serve as vice chair,

12  each for a term of 1 year from the date of the election. Any

13  vacancy in the offices of chair and vice chair resulting from

14  resignation, incapacity, or death shall be filled by similar

15  election within 30 days after the date the vacancy is

16  effective.


18  SUPPORT COSTS.--The State Technology Office shall provide such

19  administrative and technical support to the council as is

20  reasonably necessary for the council to effectively and timely

21  carry out its duties and responsibilities. All direct and

22  indirect costs of providing such support and performing the

23  other duties assigned to the State Technology Office related

24  to design and implementation of the programs authorized by

25  this section may be paid from appropriations authorized to be

26  used for such purposes.

27         (6)  POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNCIL.--The council,

28  through the State Technology Office, is authorized and

29  empowered to facilitate the design and implementation of

30  programs that are aimed at achieving the objectives and goals

31  stated in this section. The State Technology Office shall


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  1  present and demonstrate to the council the design

  2  characteristics and functional elements of each program

  3  proposed to be implemented to achieve the objectives and goals

  4  stated in this section and each such program shall be reviewed

  5  and approved by the council before being implemented. Such

  6  programs shall initially be implemented as pilot programs in a

  7  minimum of six different areas of the state to develop model

  8  programs that are likely to be successful if implemented

  9  throughout the state. The areas of the state where the pilot

10  programs are implemented shall be selected by the council with

11  the objectives of testing the merits of the programs in each

12  geographic region of the state and providing equal exposure of

13  the programs to urban and rural communities alike.

14  Implementation of all such pilot and model programs shall be

15  administered by and through the local workforce development

16  boards and each such board shall coordinate and confirm the

17  ready availability and timely delivery of all elements of such

18  programs to ensure the highest probability of such programs

19  achieving their intended results.

20         (7)  PROGRAM OBJECTIVES AND GOALS.--The programs

21  authorized by this section shall have the following objectives

22  and goals:

23         (a)  Maximizing efficient and productive use of

24  existing facilities, equipment, personnel, programs, and funds

25  available from federal, state, and local government agencies

26  and from any private person or entity.

27         (b)  Using innovative concepts employing newly

28  developed technologies in educating and training those who are

29  enrolled in the programs authorized by this section.

30         (c)  Developing viable partnerships between public

31  agencies and private persons and entities based on mutual


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  1  commitment to responsible and dedicated participation in

  2  designing and implementing the programs authorized by this

  3  section.

  4         (d)  Recruiting, enrolling, retaining, and graduating

  5  as many at-risk family members as feasible to ensure that they

  6  have reasonable opportunities to obtain access to frequent use

  7  of information technology and the education and training

  8  necessary to competitively qualify them for high-skill,

  9  high-wage employment.

10         (e)  Reducing the number of underachieving and failing

11  students in the state's public school systems who are members

12  of at-risk families.

13         (f)  Reducing the number of underemployed and

14  unemployed members of at-risk families.

15         (g)  Using information technology to facilitate

16  achievement of the Sunshine State Standards by all children

17  enrolled in the state's K-12 school system who are members of

18  at-risk families.

19         (h)  Training teachers in the state's K-12 school

20  system to efficiently and effectively use information

21  technology to plan, teach, and administer all courses of

22  instruction required and available by election of children

23  enrolled in the system.

24         (i)  Using information technology to enable members of

25  at-risk families who are no longer enrolled in K-12 schools to

26  obtain the education needed to achieve successful completion

27  of general education development test preparation to earn a

28  high school diploma, an applied technology diploma, a

29  vocational certificate, an associate of arts degree, or a

30  baccalaureate degree.



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  1         (j)  Bridge the digital divide in developing a

  2  competitive workforce to meet the employment needs of

  3  state-based information technology businesses and establish

  4  this state as having the most information technology ready

  5  workforce in the western hemisphere.


  7  PERFORMANCES; REPORTING RESULTS.--The council, through the

  8  State Technology Office, shall continually monitor, review,

  9  and evaluate the progress of performances realized from

10  implementation of the programs authorized by this section. The

11  State Technology Office shall prepare and submit a report to

12  the council at least 10 days before each of its meetings

13  subsequent to its initial meeting and each such report shall,

14  at a minimum, identify and describe the functional elements of

15  each program being implemented and identify and describe the

16  facilities, equipment, personnel, programs, and funds used to

17  design and implement the program. For each such program, the

18  report shall also identify by name, address, age, and sex the

19  school-age children, and their older siblings and parents, who

20  are enrolled in the program, state the educational level

21  achieved by each enrollee as of the date he or she enrolled in

22  the program, state the attendance and achievement level

23  recorded for each enrollee in the program, evaluate the

24  progress each enrollee is making toward successful completion

25  of the program, and identify by name, address, age, and sex

26  each enrollee who successfully completes the program. For each

27  such program that is designed to prepare enrollees for

28  high-skill, high-wage employment, the report shall identify

29  each enrollee who successfully completes the program, describe

30  each such employment position for which each enrollee has

31  applied, identify by name, address, and nature of business


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  1  each employer based in this state to whom each such

  2  application for employment has been addressed, state the

  3  results each enrollee obtained from making each such

  4  application, and describe the nature of any employment

  5  obtained and terms of compensation being earned from such

  6  employment by each enrollee as a result of making such

  7  applications.

  8         (9)  ANNUAL REPORT.--By March 1, 2002, the council,

  9  through the State Technology Office, shall report to the

10  Executive Office of the Governor, the Speaker of the House of

11  Representatives, and the President of the Senate the results

12  of the council's monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating such

13  programs since their inception and the council's

14  recommendations as to whether such programs should be

15  continued and expanded to achieve the objectives and goals

16  stated in this section.

17         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

18  law.















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