583-232AX-08          Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Representative(s) Murman offered the following:
13         Amendment (with title amendment) 
14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert in lieu thereof:  
17         Section 1.  Section 394.499, Florida Statutes, is
18  created to read:
19         394.499  Integrated children's crisis stabilization
20  unit/juvenile addictions receiving facility services.--
21         (1)  Beginning July 1, 2001, the Department of Children
22  and Family Services, in consultation with the Agency for
23  Health Care Administration, is authorized to establish
24  children's behavioral crisis unit demonstration models in
25  Collier, Lee, and Sarasota Counties. By December 31, 2003, the
26  department shall submit to the President of the Senate, the
27  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the chairs of the
28  Senate and House committees that oversee departmental
29  activities a report that evaluates the number of clients
30  served, quality of services, performance outcomes, and
31  feasibility of continuing or expanding the demonstration
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    hbd0002                     11:00 am         01258-0056-102671

HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 models. Beginning July 1, 2004, subject to approval by the 2 Legislature, the department, in cooperation with the agency, 3 may expand the demonstration models to other areas in the 4 state. The children's behavioral crisis unit demonstration 5 models will integrate children's mental health crisis 6 stabilization units with substance abuse juvenile addictions 7 receiving facility services, to provide emergency mental 8 health and substance abuse services that are integrated within 9 facilities licensed and designated by the agency for children 10 under 18 years of age who meet criteria for admission or 11 examination under this section. The services shall be 12 designated as "integrated children's crisis stabilization 13 unit/juvenile addictions receiving facility services," shall 14 be licensed by the agency as children's crisis stabilization 15 units, and shall meet all licensure requirements for crisis 16 stabilization units. The department, in cooperation with the 17 agency, shall develop standards that address eligibility 18 criteria, clinical procedures, staffing requirements, 19 operational, administrative, and financing requirements, and 20 investigation of complaints for such integrated facility 21 services. Standards that are implemented specific to substance 22 abuse services shall meet or exceed existing standards for 23 addictions receiving facilities. 24 (2) Children eligible to receive integrated children's 25 crisis stabilization unit/juvenile addictions receiving 26 facility services include: 27 (a) A person under 18 years of age for whom voluntary 28 application is made by his or her guardian, if such person is 29 found to show evidence of mental illness and to be suitable 30 for treatment pursuant to s. 394.4625. A person under 18 years 31 of age may be admitted for integrated facility services only 2 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 after a hearing to verify that the consent to admission is 2 voluntary. 3 (b) A person under 18 years of age who may be taken to 4 a receiving facility for involuntary examination, if there is 5 reason to believe that he or she is mentally ill and because 6 of his or her mental illness, pursuant to s. 394.463: 7 1. Has refused voluntary examination after 8 conscientious explanation and disclosure of the purpose of the 9 examination; or 10 2. Is unable to determine for himself or herself 11 whether examination is necessary; and 12 a. Without care or treatment is likely to suffer from 13 neglect or refuse to care for himself or herself; such neglect 14 or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm 15 to his or her well-being; and it is not apparent that such 16 harm may be avoided through the help of willing family members 17 or friends or the provision of other services; or 18 b. There is a substantial likelihood that without care 19 or treatment he or she will cause serious bodily harm to 20 himself or herself or others in the near future, as evidenced 21 by recent behavior. 22 (c) A person under 18 years of age who wishes to enter 23 treatment for substance abuse and applies to a service 24 provider for voluntary admission, pursuant to s. 397.601. 25 (d) A person under 18 years of age who meets the 26 criteria for involuntary admission because there is good faith 27 reason to believe the person is substance abuse impaired 28 pursuant to s. 397.675 and, because of such impairment: 29 1. Has lost the power of self-control with respect to 30 substance use; and 31 2.a. Has inflicted, or threatened or attempted to 3 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 inflict, or unless admitted is likely to inflict, physical 2 harm on himself or herself or another; or 3 b. Is in need of substance abuse services and, by 4 reason of substance abuse impairment, his or her judgment has 5 been so impaired that the person is incapable of appreciating 6 his or her need for such services and of making a rational 7 decision in regard thereto; however, mere refusal to receive 8 such services does not constitute evidence of lack of judgment 9 with respect to his or her need for such services. 10 (e) A person under 18 years of age who meets the 11 criteria for examination or admission under paragraph (b) or 12 paragraph (d) and has a coexisting mental health and substance 13 abuse disorder. 14 (3) The department shall contract for an independent 15 evaluation of the children's behavioral crisis unit 16 demonstration models to identify the most effective ways to 17 provide integrated crisis stabilization unit/juvenile 18 addiction receiving facility services to children. The 19 evaluation shall be reported to the Legislature by December 20 31, 2003. 21 (4) The department, in cooperation with the agency, is 22 authorized to adopt rules regarding standards and procedures 23 for integrated children's crisis stabilization unit/juvenile 24 addictions receiving facility services. 25 Section 2. Nothing in s. 394.499, Florida Statutes, 26 shall be construed to require an existing crisis stabilization 27 unit or juvenile addictions receiving facility to convert to a 28 children's behavioral crisis unit. 29 Section 3. Subsections (13) and (14) are added to 30 section 394.66, Florida Statutes, to read: 31 394.66 Legislative intent with respect to substance 4 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 abuse and mental health services.--It is the intent of the 2 Legislature to: 3 (13) Promote best practices and the highest quality of 4 care in contracted alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health 5 services through achievement of national accreditation. 6 (14) Ensure that the state agencies licensing and 7 monitoring contracted providers perform in the most 8 cost-efficient and effective manner with limited duplication 9 and disruption to organizations providing services. 10 Section 4. Section 394.741, Florida Statutes, is 11 created to read: 12 394.741 Accreditation requirements for providers of 13 behavioral health care services.-- 14 (1) As used in this section, the term "behavioral 15 health care services" means mental health and substance abuse 16 treatment services. 17 (2) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 18 contrary, accreditation shall be accepted by the agency and 19 department in lieu of the agency's and department's facility 20 licensure on-site review requirements and shall be accepted as 21 a substitute for the department's administrative and program 22 monitoring requirements, except as required by subsections (3) 23 and (4): 24 (a) Any organization from which the department 25 purchases behavioral health care services that is accredited 26 by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare 27 Organizations or the Council on Accreditation for Children and 28 Family Services, or have those services that are being 29 purchased by the department accredited by CARF--the 30 Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission. 31 (b) Any mental health facility licensed by the agency 5 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 or any substance abuse component licensed by the department 2 that is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of 3 Healthcare Organizations, CARF--the Rehabilitation 4 Accreditation Commission, or the Council on Accreditation of 5 Children and Family Services. 6 (c) Any network of providers from which the department 7 or the agency purchase behavioral health care services 8 accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of 9 Healthcare Organizations, CARF--the Rehabilitation 10 Accreditation Commission, the Council on Accreditation of 11 Children and Family Services, or the National Committee for 12 Quality Assurance. A provider organization, which is part of 13 an accredited network, is afforded the same rights under this 14 part. 15 (3) For mental health services, the department and the 16 agency may adopt rules that establish: 17 (a) Additional standards for monitoring and licensing 18 accredited programs and facilities that the department and the 19 agency have determined are not specifically and distinctly 20 covered by the accreditation standards and processes. These 21 standards and the associated monitoring must not duplicate the 22 standards and processes already covered by the accrediting 23 bodies. 24 (b) An on-site monitoring process between 24 months 25 and 36 months after accreditation for nonresidential 26 facilities to assure that accredited organizations exempt from 27 licensing and monitoring activities under this part continue 28 to comply with critical standards. 29 (c) An on-site monitoring process between 12 months 30 and 24 months after accreditation for residential facilities 31 to assure that accredited organizations exempt from licensing 6 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 and monitoring activities under this part continue to comply 2 with critical standards. 3 (4) For substance abuse services, the department shall 4 conduct full licensure inspections every 3 years and shall 5 develop in rule criteria which would justify more frequent 6 inspections. 7 (5) The department and the agency shall be given 8 access to all accreditation reports, corrective action plans, 9 and performance data submitted to the accrediting 10 organizations. When major deficiencies, as defined by the 11 accrediting organization, are identified through the 12 accreditation process, the department and the agency may 13 perform followup monitoring to assure that such deficiencies 14 are corrected and that the corrections are sustained over 15 time. Proof of compliance with fire and health safety 16 standards will be submitted as required by rule. 17 (6) The department or agency, by accepting the survey 18 or inspection of an accrediting organization, does not forfeit 19 its rights to perform inspections at any time, including 20 contract monitoring to ensure that deliverables are provided 21 in accordance with the contract. 22 (7) The department and the agency shall report to the 23 Legislature by January 1, 2003, on the viability of mandating 24 all organizations under contract with the department for the 25 provision of behavioral health care services, or licensed by 26 the agency or department to be accredited. The department and 27 the agency shall also report to the Legislature by January 1, 28 2003, on the viability of privatizing all licensure and 29 monitoring functions through an accrediting organization. 30 (8) The accreditation requirements of this section 31 shall apply to contracted organizations that are already 7 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 accredited immediately upon becoming law. 2 Section 5. Subsection (5) of section 394.90, Florida 3 Statutes, is amended to read: 4 394.90 Inspection; right of entry; records.-- 5 (5)(a) The agency shall may accept, in lieu of its own 6 inspections for licensure, the survey or inspection of an 7 accrediting organization, if the provider is accredited 8 according to the provisions of s. 394.741 and the agency 9 receives the report of the accrediting organization. The 10 department, in consultation with the agency, shall develop, 11 and adopt by rule, specific criteria for assuring that the 12 accrediting organization has specific standards and experience 13 related to the program area being licensed, specific criteria 14 for accepting the standards and survey methodologies of an 15 accrediting organization, delineations of the obligations of 16 accrediting organizations to assure adherence to those 17 standards, criteria for receiving, accepting and maintaining 18 the confidentiality of the survey and corrective action 19 reports, and allowance for the agency's participation in 20 surveys. 21 (b) The agency shall conduct compliance investigations 22 and sample validation inspections to evaluate the inspection 23 process of accrediting organizations to ensure minimum 24 standards are maintained as provided in Florida statute and 25 rule. The agency may conduct a lifesafety inspection in 26 calendar years in which an accrediting organization survey is 27 not conducted and shall conduct a full state inspection, 28 including a lifesafety inspection, if an accrediting 29 organization survey has not been conducted within the previous 30 36 months. The agency, by accepting the survey or inspection 31 of an accrediting organization, does not forfeit its right to 8 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 perform inspections. 2 Section 6. Subsection (3) of section 397.403, Florida 3 Statutes, is amended to read: 4 397.403 License application.-- 5 (3) The department shall accept proof of accreditation 6 by CARF--the Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission on 7 Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) or the Joint 8 Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations 9 (JCAHCO), or through any other nationally recognized 10 certification process that is acceptable to the department and 11 meets the minimum licensure requirements under this chapter, 12 in lieu of requiring the applicant to submit the information 13 required by paragraphs (1)(a)-(c). 14 Section 7. Subsection (2) of section 397.411, Florida 15 Statutes, is amended to read: 16 397.411 Inspection; right of entry; records.-- 17 (2)(a) The department shall may accept, in lieu of its 18 own inspections for licensure, the survey or inspection of an 19 accrediting organization, if the provider is accredited 20 according to the provisions of s. 394.741 and the department 21 receives the report of the accrediting organization. The 22 department shall develop, and adopt by rule, specific criteria 23 for assuring that the accrediting organization has specific 24 standards and experience related to the program area being 25 licensed; specific criteria for accepting the standards and 26 survey methodologies of an accrediting organization; 27 delineations of the obligations of accrediting organizations 28 to assure adherence to those standards; criteria for 29 receiving, accepting, and maintaining the confidentiality of 30 the survey and corrective action reports; and allowance for 31 the department's participation in surveys. 9 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 (b) The department shall conduct compliance 2 investigations and sample validation inspections to evaluate 3 the inspection process of accrediting organizations to ensure 4 minimum standards are maintained as provided in Florida 5 statute and rule. The department may conduct a fire, safety, 6 and health inspection in calendar years in which an 7 accrediting organization survey is not conducted and shall 8 conduct a full state inspection, including a lifesafety 9 inspection, if an accrediting organization survey has not been 10 conducted within the previous 36 months. The department, by 11 accepting the survey or inspection of an accrediting 12 organization, does not forfeit its right to perform 13 inspections. 14 Section 8. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section 15 409.1671, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 16 409.1671 Foster care and related services; 17 privatization.-- 18 (4)(a) The department shall establish a quality 19 assurance program for privatized services. The quality 20 assurance program shall be based on standards established by a 21 national accrediting organization such as the Council on 22 Accreditation of Services for Families and Children, Inc. 23 (COA) or CARF--the Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission the 24 Council on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). 25 The department may develop a request for proposal for such 26 oversight. This program must be developed and administered at 27 a statewide level. The Legislature intends that the department 28 be permitted to have limited flexibility to use funds for 29 improving quality assurance. To this end, effective January 1, 30 2000, the department may transfer up to 0.125 percent of the 31 total funds from categories used to pay for these 10 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 contractually provided services, but the total amount of such 2 transferred funds may not exceed $300,000 in any fiscal year. 3 When necessary, the department may establish, in accordance 4 with s. 216.177, additional positions that will be exclusively 5 devoted to these functions. Any positions required under this 6 paragraph may be established, notwithstanding ss. 7 216.262(1)(a) and 216.351. The department, in consultation 8 with the community-based agencies that are undertaking the 9 privatized projects, shall establish minimum thresholds for 10 each component of service, consistent with standards 11 established by the Legislature. Each program operated under 12 contract with a community-based agency must be evaluated 13 annually by the department. The department shall submit an 14 annual report regarding quality performance, outcome measure 15 attainment, and cost efficiency to the President of the 16 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the 17 minority leader of each house of the Legislature, and the 18 Governor no later than January 31 of each year for each 19 project in operation during the preceding fiscal year. 20 Section 9. Behavioral Health Service Delivery 21 Strategies.-- 22 (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND INTENT.--The Legislature 23 finds that a management structure that places the 24 responsibility for mental health and substance abuse treatment 25 services within a single entity and that contains a flexible 26 funding arrangement will allow for customized services to meet 27 individual client needs and will provide incentives for 28 provider agencies to serve persons in the target population 29 who have the most complex treatment and support needs. The 30 Legislature recognizes that in order for the state's publicly 31 funded mental health and substance abuse treatment systems to 11 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 evolve into a single well-integrated behavioral health system, 2 a transition period is needed and demonstration sites must be 3 established where new ideas and technologies can be tested and 4 critically reviewed. 5 (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term: 6 (a) "Behavioral health services" means mental health 7 services and substance abuse treatment services that are 8 provided with state and federal funds. 9 (b) "Managing entity" means an entity that manages the 10 delivery of behavioral health services. 11 (3) SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGIES.--The Department of 12 Children and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care 13 Administration shall develop service delivery strategies that 14 will improve the coordination, integration, and management of 15 the delivery of mental health and substance abuse treatment 16 services to persons with emotional, mental, or addictive 17 disorders. It is the intent of the Legislature that a 18 well-managed service delivery system will increase access for 19 those in need of care, improve the coordination and continuity 20 of care for vulnerable and high-risk populations, redirect 21 service dollars from restrictive care settings and out-of-date 22 service models to community-based psychiatric rehabilitation 23 services, and reward cost-effective and appropriate care 24 patterns. The Legislature recognizes that the Medicaid, mental 25 health, and substance abuse treatment programs are three 26 separate systems and that each has unique characteristics, 27 including unique requirements for eligibility. To move toward 28 a well-integrated system of behavioral health care services 29 will require careful planning and implementation. It is the 30 intent of the Legislature that the service delivery strategies 31 will be the first phase of transferring the provision and 12 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 management of mental health and substance abuse treatment 2 services provided by the Department of Children and Family 3 Services and the Medicaid program from traditional 4 fee-for-service and unit-cost contracting methods to 5 risk-sharing arrangements. As used in this section, the term 6 "behavioral health care services" means mental health services 7 and substance abuse treatment services that are provided with 8 state and federal funds. 9 (4) CONTRACT FOR SERVICES.-- 10 (a) The Department of Children and Family Services and 11 the Agency for Health Care Administration may contract for the 12 provision or management of behavioral health services with a 13 managing entity in at least two geographic areas. Both the 14 Department of Children and Family Services and the Agency for 15 Health Care Administration must contract with the same 16 managing entity in any distinct geographic area where the 17 strategy operates. This managing entity shall be accountable 18 for the delivery of behavioral health services specified by 19 the department and the agency for children, adolescents, and 20 adults. The geographic area must be of sufficient size in 21 population and have enough public funds for behavioral health 22 services to allow for flexibility and maximum efficiency. 23 Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 409.912(3)(b) 1. and 2., 24 Florida Statutes, at least one service delivery strategy must 25 be in one of the service districts in the catchment area of G. 26 Pierce Wood Memorial Hospital. 27 (b) Under one of the service delivery strategies, the 28 Department of Children and Family Services may contract with a 29 prepaid mental health plan that operates under s. 409.912, 30 Florida Statutes, to be the managing entity. Under this 31 strategy, the Department of Children and Family Services is 13 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 not required to competitively procure those services and, 2 notwithstanding other provisions of law, may employ 3 prospective payment methodologies that the department finds 4 are necessary to improve client care or institute more 5 efficient practices. The Department of Children and Family 6 Services may employ in its contract any provision of the 7 current prepaid behavioral health care plan authorized under 8 s. 409.912(3)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes, or any other 9 provision necessary to improve quality, access, continuity, 10 and price. Any contracts under this strategy in Area 6 of the 11 Agency for Health Care Administration or in the prototype 12 region under s. 20.19(7), Florida Statutes, of the Department 13 of Children and Family Services may be entered with the 14 existing substance abuse treatment provider network if an 15 administrative services organization is part of its network. 16 In Area 6 of the Agency for Health Care Administration or in 17 the prototype region of the Department of Children and Family 18 Services, the Department of Children and Family Services and 19 the Agency for Health Care Administration may employ 20 alternative service delivery and financing methodologies, 21 which may include prospective payment for certain population 22 groups. The population groups that are to be provided these 23 substance abuse services would include at a minimum: 24 individuals and families receiving family safety services; 25 Medicaid-eligible children, adolescents, and adults who are 26 substance-abuse-impaired; or current recipients and persons at 27 risk of needing cash assistance under Florida's welfare reform 28 initiatives. 29 (c) Under the second service delivery strategy, the 30 Department of Children and Family Services and the Agency for 31 Health Care Administration shall competitively procure a 14 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 contract for the management of behavioral health services with 2 a managing entity. The Department of Children and Family 3 Services and the Agency for Health Care Administration may 4 purchase from the managing entity the management services 5 necessary to improve continuity of care and access to care, 6 contain costs, and improve quality of care. The managing 7 entity shall manage and coordinate all publicly funded 8 diagnostic or assessment services, acute care services, 9 rehabilitative services, support services, and continuing care 10 services for persons who meet the financial criteria specified 11 in part IV of chapter 394, Florida Statutes, for publicly 12 funded mental health and substance abuse treatment services or 13 for persons who are Medicaid eligible. The managing entity 14 shall be solely accountable for a geographic area and shall 15 coordinate the emergency care system. The managing entity may 16 be a network of existing providers with an administrative 17 services organization that can function independently, may be 18 an administrative services organization that is independent of 19 local provider agencies, or may be an entity of state or local 20 government. 21 (d) Under both strategies, the Department of Children 22 and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care 23 Administration may: 24 1. Establish benefit packages based on the level of 25 severity of illness and level of client functioning; 26 2. Align and integrate procedure codes, standards, or 27 other requirements if it is jointly determined that these 28 actions will simplify or improve client services and 29 efficiencies in service delivery; 30 3. Use prepaid per capita and prepaid aggregate 31 fixed-sum payment methodologies; and 15 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 4. Modify their current procedure codes to increase 2 clinical flexibility, encourage the use of the most effective 3 interventions, and support rehabilitative activities. 4 (e) The cost of the managing entity contract shall be 5 funded through a combination of funds from the Department of 6 Children and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care 7 Administration. To operate the managing entity, the Department 8 of Children and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care 9 Administration may not expend more than 10 percent of the 10 annual appropriations for mental health and substance abuse 11 treatment services prorated to the geographic areas and must 12 include all behavioral health Medicaid funds, including 13 psychiatric inpatient funds. This restriction does not apply 14 to a prepaid behavioral health plan that is authorized under 15 s. 409.912(3)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes. 16 (f) Contracting and payment mechanisms for services 17 should promote flexibility and responsiveness and should allow 18 different categorical funds to be combined. The service array 19 should be determined by using needs assessment and best 20 practice models. 21 (5) STATEWIDE ACTIONS.--If Medicaid appropriations for 22 Community Mental Health Services or Mental Health Targeted 23 Case Management are reduced in Fiscal Year 2001-02, the agency 24 and the department shall jointly develop and implement 25 strategies that reduce service costs in a manner that 26 mitigates the impact on persons in need of those services. The 27 agency and department may employ any methodologies on a 28 regional or statewide basis necessary to achieve the 29 reduction, including but not limited to use of case rates, 30 prepaid per capita contracts, utilization management, expanded 31 use of care management, use of waivers from the Health Care 16 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 Financing Administration to maximize federal matching of 2 current local and state funding, modification or creation of 3 additional procedure codes, and certification of match or 4 other management techniques. 5 (6) GOALS.--The goal of the service delivery 6 strategies is to provide a design for an effective 7 coordination, integration, and management approach for 8 delivering effective behavioral health services to persons who 9 are experiencing a mental health or substance abuse crisis, 10 who have a disabling mental illness or substance abuse 11 disorder and will require extended services in order to 12 recover from their illness, or who need brief treatment or 13 supportive interventions to avoid a crisis or disability. 14 Other goals of the models include the following: 15 (a) Improve accountability for a local system of 16 behavioral health care services to meet performance outcomes 17 and standards. 18 (b) Assure continuity of care for all children, 19 adolescents, and adults who enter the publicly funded 20 behavioral health service system. 21 (c) Provide early diagnosis and treatment 22 interventions to enhance recovery and prevent hospitalization. 23 (d) Improve assessment of local needs for behavioral 24 health services. 25 (e) Improve the overall quality of behavioral health 26 services through the use of best practice models. 27 (f) Demonstrate improved service integration between 28 behavioral health programs and other programs, such as 29 vocational rehabilitation, education, child welfare, primary 30 health care, emergency services, and criminal justice. 31 (g) Provide for additional testing of creative and 17 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 flexible strategies for financing behavioral health services 2 to enhance individualized treatment and support services. 3 (h) Control the costs of services without sacrificing 4 quality of care. 5 (i) Coordinate the admissions and discharges from 6 state mental health hospitals and residential treatment 7 centers. 8 (j) Improve the integration, accessibility, and 9 dissemination of behavioral health data for planning and 10 monitoring purposes. 11 (k) Promote specialized behavioral health services to 12 residents of assisted living facilities. 13 (l) Reduce the admissions and the length of stay for 14 dependent children in residential treatment centers. 15 (m) Provide services to abused and neglected children 16 and their families as indicated in court-ordered case plans. 17 (7) ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS.-- 18 (a) The managing entity must demonstrate the ability 19 of its network of providers to comply with the pertinent 20 provisions of chapters 394 and 397, Florida Statutes, and to 21 assure the provision of comprehensive behavioral health 22 services. The network of providers shall include, but is not 23 limited to, mental health centers, substance abuse treatment 24 providers, hospitals, licensed psychiatrists, licensed 25 psychiatric nurses, and mental health professionals licensed 26 under chapter 490 or chapter 491, Florida Statutes. A 27 behavioral health client served by the network under the 28 service delivery strategies may reside in his or her own home 29 or in settings including, but not limited to, assisted living 30 facilities, skilled nursing facilities, foster homes, or group 31 homes. 18 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 (b) The target population to be served in the service 2 delivery strategies must include children, adolescents, and 3 adults who fall into the following categories: 4 1. Adults in mental health crisis; 5 2. Older adults in crisis; 6 3. Adults with serious and persistent mental illness; 7 4. Adults with substance abuse problems; 8 5. Adults with forensic involvement; 9 6. Older adults with severe and persistent mental 10 illness; 11 7. Older adults with substance abuse problems; 12 8. Children and adolescents with serious emotional 13 disturbances as defined in s. 394.492(6), Florida Statutes; 14 9. Children with substance abuse problems as defined 15 in s. 397.93(2), Florida Statutes; 16 10. Children and adolescents in state custody pursuant 17 to chapter 39, Florida Statutes; and 18 11. Children and adolescents in residential commitment 19 programs of the Department of Juvenile Justice pursuant to 20 chapter 985, Florida Statutes. 21 (c) The service delivery strategies must include a 22 continuing care system for persons whose clinical and 23 functional status indicates the need for these services. These 24 persons will be eligible for a range of treatment, 25 rehabilitative, and support services until they no longer need 26 the services to maintain or improve their level of 27 functioning. Given the long-term nature of some mental and 28 addictive disorders, continuing care services should be 29 sensitive to the variable needs of individuals across time and 30 shall be designed to help assure easy access for persons with 31 these long-term problems. The Department of Children and 19 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 Family Services shall develop criteria for the continuing care 2 program for behavioral health services. 3 (d) A local body or group must be identified by the 4 district administrator of the Department of Children and 5 Family Services to serve in an advisory capacity to the 6 behavioral health service delivery strategy and must include 7 representatives of the local school system, the judicial 8 system, county government, public and private Baker Act 9 receiving facilities, and law enforcement agencies; a consumer 10 of the public behavioral health system; and a family member of 11 a consumer of the publicly funded system. This advisory body 12 may be the community alliance established under section 13 20.19(6), Florida Statutes, or any other suitable established 14 local group. 15 (e) The managing entity shall ensure that written 16 cooperative agreements are developed among the judicial 17 system, the criminal justice system, and the local behavioral 18 health providers in the geographic area which define 19 strategies and alternatives for diverting, from the criminal 20 justice system to the civil system as provided under part I of 21 chapter 394, Florida Statutes, or chapter 397, Florida 22 Statutes, persons with behavioral health problems who are 23 arrested for a misdemeanor. These agreements must also address 24 the provision of appropriate services to persons with 25 behavioral health problems who leave the criminal justice 26 system. 27 (f) Managing entities must submit data to the 28 Department of Children and Family Services and the Agency for 29 Health Care Administration on the use of services and the 30 outcomes for all enrolled clients. Managing entities must meet 31 performance standards developed by the Agency for Health Care 20 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 Administration and the Department of Children and Family 2 Services related to: 3 1. The rate at which individuals in the community 4 receive services, including persons who receive followup care 5 after emergencies. 6 2. Clinical improvement of individuals served, 7 clinically and functionally. 8 3. Reduction of jail admissions. 9 4. Consumer and family satisfaction. 10 5. Satisfaction of key community constituents such as 11 law enforcement agencies, juvenile justice agencies, the 12 courts, the schools, local government entities, and others as 13 appropriate for the locality. 14 (g) The Agency for Health Care Administration may 15 establish a certified match program, which must be voluntary. 16 Under a certified match program, reimbursement is limited to 17 the federal Medicaid share to Medicaid-enrolled strategy 18 participants. The agency shall take no action to implement a 19 certified match program without ensuring that the consultation 20 provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, have been met. 21 The agency may seek federal waivers that are necessary to 22 implement the behavioral health service delivery strategies. 23 (h)1. The Department of Children and Family Services, 24 in consultation with the Agency for Health Care 25 Administration, shall prepare an amendment by October 31, 26 2001, to the 2001 master state plan required under s. 27 394.75(1), Florida Statutes, which describes each service 28 delivery strategy, including at least the following details: 29 a. Operational design; 30 b. Counties or service districts included in each 31 strategy; 21 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 c. Expected outcomes; and 2 d. Timeframes. 3 2. The amendment shall specifically address the 4 application of each service delivery strategy to substance 5 abuse services, including: 6 a. The development of substance abuse service 7 protocols; 8 b. Credentialing requirements for substance abuse 9 services; and 10 c. The development of new service models for 11 individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance 12 abuse disorders. 13 3. The amendment must specifically address the 14 application of each service delivery strategy to the child 15 welfare system, including: 16 a. The development of service models that support 17 working with both children and their families in a 18 community-based care system and that are specific to the child 19 welfare system. 20 b. A process for providing services to abused and 21 neglected children and their families as indicated in 22 court-ordered case plans. 23 (8) MONITORING AND EVALUATION.--The Department of 24 Children and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care 25 Administration shall provide routine monitoring and oversight 26 of and technical assistance to the managing entities. The 27 Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute shall 28 conduct an ongoing formative evaluation of each strategy to 29 identify the most effective methods and techniques used to 30 manage, integrate, and deliver behavioral health services. The 31 entity conducting the evaluation shall report to the 22 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 Department of Children and Family Services, the Agency for 2 Health Care Administration, the Executive Office of the 3 Governor, and the Legislature every 12 months regarding the 4 status of the implementation of the service delivery 5 strategies. The report must include a summary of activities 6 that have occurred during the past 12 months of implementation 7 and any problems or obstacles that prevented, or may prevent 8 in the future, the managing entity from achieving performance 9 goals and measures. The first status report is due January 1, 10 2002. After the service delivery strategies have been 11 operational for 1 year, the status report must include an 12 analysis of administrative costs and the status of the 13 achievement of performance outcomes. Upon receiving the annual 14 report from the evaluator, the Department of Children and 15 Family Services and the Agency for Health Care Administration 16 shall jointly make any recommendations to the Executive Office 17 of the Governor regarding changes in the service delivery 18 strategies or in the implementation of the strategies, 19 including timeframes. 20 Section 10. Behavioral Health Services Integration 21 Workgroup.-- 22 (1) The Secretary of Children and Family Services 23 shall establish the Behavioral Health Services Integration 24 Workgroup, which, at a minimum, shall include representatives 25 from the following: Department of Juvenile Justice, the 26 Department of Corrections, and the Department of Education; 27 the Office of Drug Control Policy; the Agency for Health Care 28 Administration; and county jails, homeless coalitions, county 29 government, providers of behavioral health services, public 30 and private Baker Act receiving facilities, providers of child 31 protection services, assisted living facilities serving 23 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 behavioral health clients, and consumers of behavioral health 2 services and their families. The Behavioral Health Services 3 Integration Workgroup shall assess barriers to the effective 4 and efficient integration of mental health and substance abuse 5 treatment services across various systems, propose solutions 6 to these barriers, and ensure that plans for mental health and 7 substance abuse treatment services which are required by 8 statute consider these solutions. Under chapter 216, Florida 9 Statutes, the Department of Children and Family Services may 10 transfer up to $200,000 to support the Behavioral Health 11 Services Integration Workgroup. 12 (2) The Behavioral Health Services Integration 13 Workgroup shall submit a report to the Governor, the President 14 of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives 15 by January 1, 2002, regarding the Workgroup's progress toward 16 achieving the goals specified in subsection (1). 17 Section 11. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 18 law. 19 20 21 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 22 And the title is amended as follows: 23 remove from the title of the bill: the entire title 24 25 and insert in lieu thereof: 26 A bill to be entitled 27 An act relating to substance abuse and mental 28 health services; creating s. 394.499, F.S.; 29 authorizing the Department of Children and 30 Family Services, in consultation with the 31 Agency for Health Care Administration, to 24 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 establish children's behavioral crisis unit 2 demonstration models to provide integrated 3 emergency mental health and substance abuse 4 services to persons under 18 years of age at 5 facilities licensed as children's crisis 6 stabilization units; providing for standards, 7 procedures, and requirements for services; 8 providing eligibility criteria; requiring the 9 department to report on the initial 10 demonstration models; providing for expanding 11 the demonstration models; providing for 12 independent evaluation and report; providing 13 rulemaking authority; amending s. 394.66, F.S.; 14 providing legislative intent relating to the 15 accreditation and cost-efficiency of substance 16 abuse and mental health service providers; 17 creating s. 394.741, F.S., relating to 18 accreditation requirements for providers of 19 behavioral health care services; defining the 20 term "behavioral health care services"; 21 requiring the accreditation of certain entities 22 to be accepted in lieu of licensure, 23 administrative, and program monitoring 24 requirements; authorizing the adoption of 25 rules; requiring that the Department of 26 Children and Family Services and the Agency for 27 Health Care Administration be allowed access to 28 all accreditation reports, corrective action 29 plans, and performance data submitted to 30 accrediting organizations; authorizing followup 31 monitoring by the department and the agency if 25 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 major deficiencies are identified through the 2 accreditation process; preserving the right of 3 the department and agency to perform 4 inspections, including contract monitoring; 5 requiring the department and the agency to 6 report to the Legislature on the viability of 7 mandating accreditation and privatizing 8 licensure and monitoring functions; specifying 9 that the accreditation requirements of s. 10 394.741, F.S., apply to contracted 11 organizations that are already accredited; 12 amending s. 394.90, F.S., relating to substance 13 abuse and mental health services; revising 14 provisions relating to licensure, 15 accreditation, and inspection of facilities, to 16 conform; providing a cross reference; amending 17 s. 397.411, F.S., relating to substance abuse 18 service providers; revising provisions relating 19 to licensure, accreditation, and inspection of 20 facilities, to conform; providing a cross 21 reference; amending ss. 397.403 and 409.1671, 22 F.S.; revising the name of the Commission on 23 Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities; 24 providing legislative findings with respect to 25 providing mental health and substance abuse 26 treatment services; permitting the Department 27 of Children and Family Services and the Agency 28 for Health Care Administration to contract for 29 the establishment of two behavioral health 30 service delivery strategies to test methods and 31 techniques for coordinating, integrating, and 26 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671
HOUSE AMENDMENT 583-232AX-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1258, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 managing the delivery of mental health services 2 and substance abuse treatment services for 3 persons with emotional, mental, or addictive 4 disorders; requiring a managing entity for each 5 service delivery strategy; requiring that costs 6 be shared by the Department of Children and 7 Family Services and the Agency for Health Care 8 Administration; specifying the goals of the 9 service delivery strategies; specifying the 10 target population of persons to be enrolled 11 under each strategy; requiring a continuing 12 care system; requiring an advisory body for 13 each demonstration model; requiring certain 14 cooperative agreements; providing reporting 15 requirements; requiring an independent entity 16 to evaluate the service delivery strategies; 17 requiring annual reports; creating a Behavioral 18 Health Services Integration Workgroup; 19 requiring the Secretary of Children and Family 20 Services to appoint members to the Workgroup; 21 providing authority for a transfer of funds to 22 support the Workgroup; requiring the Workgroup 23 to report to the Governor and the Legislature; 24 providing an effective date. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 File original & 9 copies 04/25/01 hbd0002 11:00 am 01258-0056-102671