Bill No. CS/HB 1361, 2nd Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 475386
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  Senator Peaden moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 14, lines 5-19, delete those lines
16  and insert:  
17         (5)  NUMBER OF SCHOOLS.--
18         (a)  The number of newly created charter schools is
19  limited to no more than 28 in each school district that has
20  100,000 or more students, no more than 20 in each school
21  district that has 50,000 to 99,999 students, and no more than
22  12 in each school district with fewer than 50,000 students.
23         (b)  An existing public school which converts to a
24  charter school shall not be counted towards the limit
25  established by paragraph (a).
27  Notwithstanding any limit established by this subsection, a
28  district school board or a charter school applicant shall have
29  the right to request an increase of the limit on the number of
30  charter schools authorized to be established within the
31  district from the State Board of Education.
    9:57 AM   05/03/01                              h1361c1c-01m0d

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1361, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 475386 1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 2 And the title is amended as follows: 3 On page 1, lines 26 and 27, delete those lines 4 5 and insert: 6 cooperatives; authorizing 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 9:57 AM 05/03/01 h1361c1c-01m0d