House Bill hb0137

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137

        By Representative Goodlette

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to probate; amending s. 63.172,

  3         F.S.; providing for the right of inheritance

  4         with respect to adoption; amending s. 409.9101,

  5         F.S.; revising language with respect to

  6         recovery of payments made on behalf of certain

  7         Medicaid-eligible persons; amending s. 655.936,

  8         F.S., relating to the opening of a decedent's

  9         safe-deposit box; amending s. 731.005, F.S.,

10         relating to the Florida Probate Code; amending

11         s. 731.011, F.S.; providing reference to the

12         Florida Probate Rules with respect to the

13         determination of substantive rights under the

14         Florida Probate Code; amending s. 731.104,

15         F.S.; revising language with respect to the

16         verification of documents; amending s. 731.106,

17         F.S., relating to the assets of

18         nondomiciliaries; repealing s. 731.107, F.S.,

19         relating to adversary proceedings; amending s.

20         731.110, F.S.; revising language with respect

21         to proceedings concerning caveat; repealing s.

22         731.111, F.S., relating to notice to creditors;

23         amending s. 731.201, F.S.; revising general

24         definitions with respect to the Florida Probate

25         Code; amending s. 731.301, F.S.; revising

26         language with respect to notice; amending s.

27         731.303, F.S., relating to representation;

28         amending s. 732.101, F.S., relating to

29         intestate estates; amending s. 732.102, F.S.;

30         revising language with respect to the share of

31         the spouse; increasing the monetary amount of


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  1         certain shares; amending s. 732.103, F.S.,

  2         relating to the share of certain heirs;

  3         amending s. 732.107, F.S.; revising language

  4         with respect to escheat; amending s. 732.1101,

  5         F.S.; providing that aliens shall have the same

  6         right of inheritance as citizens; amending s.

  7         732.2025, F.S.; redefining the term "qualifying

  8         special needs trust" or "supplemental needs

  9         trust"; amending s. 732.2085, F.S., relating to

10         liability of direct recipients and

11         beneficiaries; amending s. 732.2125, F.S.;

12         revising language with respect to the right of

13         election; amending s. 732.2135, F.S.; revising

14         language with respect to time of election,

15         extensions, and withdrawal; amending s.

16         732.2145, F.S.; revising language with respect

17         to the order of contribution; amending s.

18         732.2155, F.S.; revising language with respect

19         to the effective date of certain trusts;

20         amending s. 732.218, F.S.; revising language

21         with respect to rebuttable presumptions;

22         amending s. 732.219, F.S., relating to

23         disposition upon death; amending s. 732.221,

24         F.S.; revising language with respect to

25         perfection of title of personal representative

26         or beneficiary; amending s. 732.222, F.S.,

27         relating to the purchaser for value or lender;

28         amending s. 732.223, F.S.; revising language

29         with respect to perfection of title of

30         surviving spouse; amending s. 732.302, F.S.;

31         revising language with respect to pretermitted


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  1         children; amending s. 732.401, F.S.; revising

  2         language with respect to descent of homestead;

  3         amending s. 732.4015, F.S.; revising language

  4         with respect to the definition of "owner" and

  5         "devise" concerning homestead; amending s.

  6         732.402, F.S.; revising language with respect

  7         to exempt property; amending s. 732.403, F.S.;

  8         revising language with respect to family

  9         allowance; amending s. 732.501, F.S.; revising

10         language with respect to who may make a will;

11         amending s. 732.502, F.S.; revising language

12         with respect to execution of wills; amending s.

13         732.503, F.S.; revising language with respect

14         to self-proof of will; amending s. 732.505,

15         F.S.; revising language with respect to

16         revocation by writing; amending s. 732.507,

17         F.S.; revising language with respect to effect

18         of subsequent marriage, birth, or dissolution

19         of marriage; amending s. 732.513, F.S.;

20         revising language with respect to devises to

21         trustees; amending s. 732.514, F.S., relating

22         to vesting of devises; amending s. 732.515,

23         F.S.; revising language with respect to

24         separate writing identifying devises of

25         tangible property; amending s. 732.6005, F.S.,

26         relating to rules of construction and

27         intention; amending s. 732.601, F.S.; revising

28         language with respect to the Simultaneous Death

29         Law; amending s. 732.603, F.S.; revising

30         language with respect to antilapse, deceased

31         devises, and class gifts; amending s. 732.604,


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  1         F.S., relating to the failure of a testamentary

  2         provision; amending s. 732.605, F.S., relating

  3         to change in securities, accessions, and

  4         nonademption; amending s. 732.606, F.S.,

  5         relating to nonademption of specific devises in

  6         certain cases; amending s. 732.701, F.S.;

  7         providing for agreements concerning succession

  8         executed by a nonresident under certain

  9         circumstances; amending s. 732.702, F.S.;

10         revising language with respect to waiver of

11         spousal rights; amending s. 732.801, F.S.;

12         revising language with respect to disclaimer of

13         interests in property passing by will or

14         intestate succession or under certain powers of

15         appointment; amending s. 732.804, F.S.;

16         providing for provisions relating to

17         disposition of the body; amending s. 732.901,

18         F.S., relating to production of wills,

19         eliminating language with respect to willful

20         failure to deposit the will; transferring and

21         renumbering ss. 732.910, 732.911, 732.912,

22         732.913, 732.914, 732.915, 732.916, 732.917,

23         732.918, 732.9185, 732.919, 732.921, 732.9215,

24         732.92155, 732.9216, and 732.922, F.S., to

25         chapter 765, F.S.; amending s. 733.101, F.S.,

26         relating to the venue of probate proceedings;

27         amending s. 733.103, F.S., relating to the

28         effect of probate; amending s. 733.104, F.S.;

29         revising language with respect to the

30         suspension of the statute of limitations in

31         favor of the personal representative; amending


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  1         s. 733.105, F.S.; revising language with

  2         respect to the determination of beneficiaries;

  3         amending s. 733.106, F.S.; revising language

  4         with respect to costs and attorney fees;

  5         amending s. 733.107, F.S., relating to the

  6         burden of proof in contests; amending s.

  7         733.109, F.S.; revising language with respect

  8         to the revocation of probate; amending s.

  9         733.201, F.S., relating to proof of wills;

10         amending s. 733.202, F.S.; providing that any

11         interested person may petition for

12         administration; repealing s. 733.203, F.S.,

13         relating to when notice is required; amending

14         s. 733.204, F.S.; revising language with

15         respect to the probate of a will written in a

16         foreign language; amending s. 733.205, F.S.,

17         relating to the probate of a notarial will;

18         amending s. 733.206, F.S., relating to the

19         probate of a resident after foreign probate;

20         amending s. 733.207, F.S.; revising

21         requirements with respect to the establishment

22         and probate of a lost or destroyed will;

23         amending s. 733.208, F.S.; revising language

24         with respect to the discovery of a later will;

25         amending s. 733.209, F.S.; providing

26         requirements with respect to the estates of

27         missing persons; amending s. 733.212, F.S.;

28         revising language with respect to the notice of

29         administration and filing of objections;

30         creating s. 733.2121, F.S.; providing for

31         notice to creditors and the filing of claims;


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  1         amending s. 733.2123, F.S., relating to

  2         adjudication before issuance of letters;

  3         amending s. 733.213, F.S.; providing that a

  4         will may not be construed until after it has

  5         been admitted to probate; amending s. 733.301,

  6         F.S.; revising language with respect to

  7         preference in the appointment of the personal

  8         representative; amending s. 733.302, F.S.;

  9         revising language with respect to who may be

10         appointed personal representative; amending s.

11         733.305, F.S., relating to trust companies and

12         other corporations and associations; amending

13         s. 733.306, F.S.; revising language with

14         respect to the effect of the appointment of a

15         debtor; amending s. 733.307, F.S., relating to

16         succession of administration; amending s.

17         733.308, F.S., relating to the administrator ad

18         litem; amending s. 733.309, F.S., relating to

19         the executor de son tort; creating s. 733.310,

20         F.S.; providing for when a personal

21         representative is not qualified; repealing s.

22         733.401, F.S., relating to the issuance of

23         letters; amending s. 733.402, F.S.; revising

24         language with respect to the bond of a

25         fiduciary; amending s. 733.403, F.S.; revising

26         language with respect to the amount of the

27         bond; amending s. 733.404, F.S., relating to

28         the liability of the surety; amending s.

29         733.405, F.S.; revising language with respect

30         to the release of surety; amending s. 733.406,

31         F.S.; revising language with respect to bond


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  1         premium allowable as an expense of

  2         administration; amending s. 733.501, F.S.;

  3         revising language with respect to curators;

  4         amending s. 733.502, F.S.; revising language

  5         with respect to the resignation of the personal

  6         representative; amending s. 733.503, F.S.;

  7         providing for the appointment of a successor

  8         upon the resignation of the personal

  9         representative; creating s. 733.5035, F.S.;

10         providing for the surrender of assets after

11         resignation; creating s. 733.5036, F.S.;

12         providing for accounting and discharge

13         following resignation; amending s. 733.504,

14         F.S.; revising language with respect to the

15         removal of the personal representative;

16         amending s. 733.505, F.S.; providing that a

17         petition for removal shall be filed in the

18         court having jurisdiction of the

19         administration; amending s. 733.506, F.S.;

20         revising language with respect to proceedings

21         for removal; creating s. 733.5061, F.S.;

22         providing for the appointment of a successor

23         upon removal of the personal representative;

24         repealing s. 733.507, F.S., relating to

25         administration following resignation or

26         removal; amending s. 733.508, F.S.; providing

27         for accounting and discharge upon removal;

28         amending s. 733.509, F.S.; revising language

29         with respect to surrender of assets upon

30         removal; amending s. 733.601, F.S.; revising

31         language with respect to time of accrual of


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  1         duties and powers; amending s. 733.602, F.S.,

  2         relating to the general duties of a personal

  3         representative; amending s. 733.603, F.S.,

  4         relating to when a personal representative may

  5         proceed without court order; amending s.

  6         733.604, F.S.; revising language with respect

  7         to inventory; repealing s. 733.605, F.S.,

  8         relating to appraisers; creating s. 733.6065,

  9         F.S.; providing for the opening of a

10         safe-deposit box; amending s. 733.607, F.S.;

11         revising language with respect to the

12         possession of the estate; amending s. 733.608,

13         F.S.; revising language with respect to the

14         general power of the personal representative;

15         amending s. 733.609, F.S.; revising language

16         with respect to improper exercise of power and

17         the breech of fiduciary duty; amending s.

18         733.610, F.S., relating to the sale,

19         encumbrance, or transaction involving a

20         conflict of interest; amending s. 733.611,

21         F.S.; revising language with respect to persons

22         dealing with the personal representative;

23         amending s. 733.612, F.S.; revising language

24         with respect to transactions authorized for the

25         personal representatives and exceptions

26         thereto; amending s. 733.6121, F.S., relating

27         to powers of the personal representative with

28         respect to environmental or human health laws

29         affecting property subject to administration;

30         amending s. 733.613, F.S.; revising language

31         with respect to the personal representatives'


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  1         right to sell real property; amending s.

  2         733.614, F.S., relating to the powers and

  3         duties of a successor personal representative;

  4         amending s. 733.615, F.S.; revising language

  5         with respect to joint personal representatives;

  6         amending s. 733.616, F.S.; revising language

  7         with respect to the powers of the surviving

  8         personal representatives; amending s. 733.617,

  9         F.S.; revising language with respect to

10         compensation of the personal representative;

11         amending s. 733.6171, F.S.; revising language

12         with respect to compensation of the attorney

13         for the personal representative; amending s.

14         733.6175, F.S.; revising language with respect

15         to proceedings for review of employment of

16         agents and compensation of personal

17         representatives and employees of the estate;

18         amending s. 733.619, F.S., relating to the

19         individual liability of the personal

20         representative; amending s. 733.701, F.S.;

21         revising language with respect to notifying

22         creditors; correcting cross references;

23         amending s. 733.702, F.S.; revising language

24         with respect to limitations on presentation of

25         claims; amending s. 733.703, F.S.; revising

26         language with respect to the form and manner of

27         presenting a claim; amending s. 733.704, F.S.,

28         relating to amendment of claims; amending s.

29         733.705, F.S.; revising language with respect

30         to payment of and objection to claims; amending

31         s. 733.707, F.S.; revising language with


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137


  1         respect to the order of payment of expenses and

  2         obligations; amending s. 733.708, F.S.;

  3         revising language with respect to compromise;

  4         amending s. 733.710, F.S., relating to claims

  5         against estates; amending s. 733.801, F.S.;

  6         providing that the personal representative

  7         shall pay as an expense of administration

  8         certain costs; amending s. 733.802, F.S.;

  9         revising language with respect to proceedings

10         for compulsory payment of devises or

11         distributive interest; amending s. 733.803,

12         F.S., relating to encumbered property; amending

13         s. 733.805, F.S.; revising language with

14         respect to the order in which assets are

15         appropriated; amending s. 733.806, F.S.,

16         relating to advancement; amending s. 733.808,

17         F.S.; revising language with respect to death

18         benefits and disposition of proceeds; amending

19         s. 733.809, F.S., relating to right of

20         retainer; amending s. 733.810, F.S.; revising

21         language with respect to distribution in kind

22         and valuation; amending s. 733.811, F.S.;

23         revising language with respect to the right or

24         title of distributee; amending s. 733.812,

25         F.S.; providing for improper distribution or

26         payment and liability of distributee; amending

27         s. 733.813, F.S., relating to protection of the

28         purchaser from the distributee; amending s.

29         733.814, F.S.; revising language with respect

30         to partition for the purpose of distribution;

31         amending s. 733.815, F.S.; providing for


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  1         private contracts among certain interested

  2         persons; amending s. 733.816, F.S., relating to

  3         the distribution of unclaimed property held by

  4         the personal representative; amending s.

  5         733.817, F.S.; revising language with respect

  6         to apportionment of estate taxes; amending s.

  7         733.901, F.S.; providing requirements with

  8         respect to final discharge; amending s.

  9         733.903, F.S.; revising language with respect

10         to subsequent administration; amending s.

11         734.101, F.S., relating to the foreign personal

12         representative; amending s. 734.102, F.S.;

13         revising language with respect to ancillary

14         administration; amending s. 734.1025, F.S.;

15         revising language with respect to the

16         nonresident decedent's testate estate with

17         property not exceeding a certain value in this

18         state; providing for the determination of

19         claims; amending s. 734.104, F.S., relating to

20         foreign wills; amending s. 734.201, F.S.,

21         relating to jurisdiction by act of a foreign

22         personal representative; amending s. 734.202,

23         F.S., relating to jurisdiction by act of

24         decedent; repealing s. 735.101, F.S., relating

25         to family administration and the nature of the

26         proceedings; repealing s. 735.103, F.S.,

27         relating to petition for family administration;

28         repealing s. 735.107, F.S., relating to family

29         administration distribution; amending s.

30         735.201, F.S.; increasing a monetary amount

31         with respect to summary administration;


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  1         amending s. 735.203, F.S.; revising language

  2         with respect to the petition for summary

  3         administration; amending s. 735.206, F.S.;

  4         revising language with respect to summary

  5         administration distribution; amending s.

  6         735.2063, F.S.; revising language with respect

  7         to notice to creditors; repealing s. 735.209,

  8         F.S., relating to joinder of heirs, devisees,

  9         or surviving spouse in summary administration;

10         amending s. 735.301, F.S., relating to

11         disposition without administration; amending s.

12         735.302, F.S.; revising language with respect

13         to income tax refunds in certain circumstances;

14         amending s. 737.3054, F.S.; revising language

15         with respect to trustee's duty to pay expenses

16         and obligations of grantor's estate; amending

17         s. 737.306, F.S.; revising language with

18         respect to personal liability of trustee;

19         creating s. 737.3061, F.S.; providing for

20         limitation on actions against certain trusts;

21         amending s. 737.308, F.S.; revising language

22         with respect to notice of trust; amending ss.

23         215.965, 660.46, and 737.111, F.S.; correcting

24         cross references; directing the Division of

25         Statutory Revision and Indexing to change the

26         title of certain parts of the Probate Code;

27         providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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  1         Section 1.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of

  2  section 63.172, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         63.172  Effect of judgment of adoption.--

  4         (1)  A judgment of adoption, whether entered by a court

  5  of this state, another state, or of any other place, has the

  6  following effect:

  7         (b)  It terminates all legal relationships between the

  8  adopted person and the adopted person's relatives, including

  9  the birth parents, except a birth parent who is a petitioner

10  or who is married to a petitioner, so that the adopted person

11  thereafter is a stranger to his or her former relatives for

12  all purposes, including inheritance and the interpretation or

13  construction of documents, statutes, and instruments, whether

14  executed before or after entry of the adoption judgment, that

15  do not expressly include the adopted person by name or by some

16  designation not based on a parent and child or blood

17  relationship, except that rights of inheritance shall be as

18  provided in the Florida Probate Code.

19         (c)  Except for rights of inheritance, it creates the

20  relationship between the adopted person and the petitioner and

21  all relatives of the petitioner that would have existed if the

22  adopted person were a blood descendant of the petitioner born

23  within wedlock. This relationship shall be created for all

24  purposes, including inheritance and applicability of statutes,

25  documents, and instruments, whether executed before or after

26  entry of the adoption judgment, that do not expressly exclude

27  an adopted person from their operation or effect.

28         Section 2.  Section 409.9101, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         409.9101  Recovery for payments made on behalf of

31  Medicaid-eligible persons.--


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  1         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Medicaid Estate

  2  Recovery Act."

  3         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature by this

  4  section to supplement Medicaid funds that are used to provide

  5  medical services to eligible persons. Medicaid estate recovery

  6  shall generally be accomplished by the agency through the

  7  filing a statement of claim claims against the estate of a

  8  estates of deceased Medicaid recipient recipients as provided

  9  in part VII of chapter 733. Recovery The recoveries shall be

10  made pursuant to federal authority in s. 13612 of the Omnibus

11  Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which amends s. 1917(b)(1)

12  of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. s. 1396p(b)(1).

13         (3)  Pursuant to s. 733.212(4)(a), the personal

14  representative of the estate of the decedent shall serve the

15  agency with a copy of the notice of administration of the

16  estate within 3 months after the first publication of the

17  notice, unless the agency has already filed a claim pursuant

18  to this section.

19         (3)(4)  The acceptance of public medical assistance, as

20  defined by Title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act,

21  including mandatory and optional supplemental payments under

22  the Social Security Act, shall create a debt to claim, as

23  defined in s. 731.201, in favor of the agency in as an

24  interested person as defined in s. 731.201. The claim amount

25  is calculated as the total amount paid to or for the benefit

26  of the recipient for medical assistance on behalf of the

27  recipient after the recipient he or she reached 55 years of

28  age. Payment of benefits to a person under the age of 55 years

29  does not create a debt. Upon filing of a statement of claim in

30  the probate proceeding, the agency shall be an interested

31  person as defined in s. 731.201 to the same extent as other


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  1  estate claimants There is no claim under this section against

  2  estates of recipients who had not yet reached 55 years of age.

  3         (4)(5)  At the time of filing the claim, The agency may

  4  reserve the right to amend the claim as a matter of right up

  5  to 6 months after the service of a notice to creditors on the

  6  agency amounts based on medical claims submitted by providers

  7  subsequent to the agency's initial claim calculation.

  8         (5)(6)  The claim of the agency shall be the current

  9  total allowable amount of Medicaid payments as denoted in the

10  agency's provider payment processing system at the time the

11  agency's claim or amendment is filed. The agency's provider

12  processing system reports shall be admissible as prima facie

13  evidence in substantiating the agency's claim.

14         (7)  The claim of the agency under this section shall

15  constitute a Class 3 claim under s. 733.707(1)(c), as provided

16  in s. 414.28(1).

17         (6)(8)  The debt claim created under this section shall

18  not be enforced if the recipient is survived by:

19         (a)  A spouse;

20         (b)  A child or children under 21 years of age; or

21         (c)  A child or children who are blind or permanently

22  and totally disabled pursuant to the eligibility requirements

23  of Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

24         (7)(9)  In accordance with s. 4, Art. X of the State

25  Constitution, No debt claim under this section shall be

26  enforced against any property that is determined to be exempt

27  from the claims of creditors under the constitution or laws of

28  this state the homestead of the deceased Medicaid recipient

29  and is determined to be exempt from the claims of creditors of

30  the deceased Medicaid recipient.



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  1         (8)(10)  The agency shall not recover from an estate if

  2  doing so would cause undue hardship for a beneficiary the

  3  qualified heirs, as defined in s. 731.201. The personal

  4  representative of an estate and any beneficiary heir may

  5  request that the agency waive recovery of any or all of the

  6  debt when recovery would create a hardship. A hardship does

  7  not exist solely because recovery will prevent any

  8  beneficiaries heirs from receiving an anticipated inheritance.

  9  The following criteria shall be considered by the agency in

10  reviewing a hardship request:

11         (a)  The beneficiary heir:

12         1.  Currently resides in the residence of the decedent;

13         2.  Resided there at the time of the death of the

14  decedent;

15         3.  Has made the residence his or her primary residence

16  for the 12 months immediately preceding the death of the

17  decedent; and

18         4.  Owns no other residence;

19         (b)  The beneficiary heir would be deprived of food,

20  clothing, shelter, or medical care necessary for the

21  maintenance of life or health;

22         (c)  The beneficiary heir can document that he or she

23  provided full-time care to the recipient which delayed the

24  recipient's entry into a nursing home. The beneficiary heir

25  must be either the decedent's sibling or the son or daughter

26  of the decedent and must have resided with the recipient for

27  at least 1 year prior to the recipient's death; or

28         (d)  The cost involved in the sale of the property

29  would be equal to or greater than the value of the property.

30         (9)(11)  Instances arise in Medicaid estate-recovery

31  cases where the assets include a settlement of a claim against


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  1  a liable third party. The agency's claim under s. 409.910 must

  2  be satisfied prior to including the settlement proceeds as

  3  estate assets. The remaining settlement proceeds shall be

  4  included in the estate and be available to satisfy the

  5  Medicaid estate-recovery claim. The Medicaid estate-recovery

  6  share shall be one-half of the settlement proceeds included in

  7  the estate. Nothing in this subsection is intended to limit

  8  the agency's rights against other assets in the estate not

  9  related to the settlement. However, in no circumstances shall

10  the agency's recovery exceed the total amount of Medicaid

11  medical assistance provided to the recipient.

12         (10)(12)  In instances where there are no liquid assets

13  to satisfy the Medicaid estate-recovery claim, if there is

14  nonexempt personal property or nonhomestead real property

15  which is not protected homestead and the costs of sale will

16  not exceed the proceeds, the property shall be sold to satisfy

17  the Medicaid estate-recovery claim. Real property shall not be

18  transferred to the agency in any instance.

19         (11)(13)  The agency is authorized to adopt rules to

20  implement the provisions of this section.

21         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 655.936, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         655.936  Delivery of safe-deposit box contents or

24  property held in safekeeping to personal representative.--

25         (4)  The initial opening of the decedent's safe-deposit

26  box shall be conducted in the presence of any two of the

27  following persons:  an employee of the institution where the

28  box is located, the personal representative, or the personal

29  representative's attorney of record.  Each person who is

30  present must verify the contents of the box by signing a copy

31  of the inventory under penalties of perjury.  The personal


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  1  representative shall file the safe-deposit box inventory,

  2  together with a copy of the box entry record from a date which

  3  is 6 months prior to the date of death to the date of

  4  inventory, with the court within 10 days after the box is

  5  opened.  Unless otherwise ordered by the court, this inventory

  6  and the attached box entry record is subject to inspection

  7  only by persons entitled to inspect an inventory under s.

  8  733.604(1).  The personal representative may remove the

  9  contents of the box. Notwithstanding other provisions of this

10  section, the initial opening of any safe-deposit box of the

11  decedent must be conducted in the presence of an employee of

12  the institution where the box is located and the personal

13  representative.  The inventory of the contents of the box also

14  must be conducted in the presence of the employee and the

15  personal representative, each of whom must verify the contents

16  of the box by signing a copy of the inventory.  The personal

17  representative shall file the safe-deposit box inventory with

18  the court within 10 days after the box is opened.

19         Section 4.  Section 731.005, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         731.005  Short title.--Chapters 731-735 shall be known

22  and may be cited as the Florida Probate Code and herein

23  referred to as "the "code" in this act.

24         Section 5.  Section 731.011, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         731.011  Determination of substantive rights;

27  procedures.--The code became Florida Probate Code shall become

28  effective on January 1, 1976.  The substantive rights of all

29  persons that have vested prior to January 1, 1976, shall be

30  determined as provided in former chapters 731-737 and 744-746

31  as they existed prior to January 1, 1976.  The procedures for


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  1  the enforcement of vested substantive rights that have vested

  2  before January 1, 1976, shall be as provided in the Florida

  3  Probate Rules this code.

  4         Section 6.  Section 731.104, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         731.104  Verification of documents.--When verification

  7  of a document is required in this code or by rule, the

  8  document filed shall include an oath or affirmation as

  9  provided in the Florida Probate Rules or the following

10  statement:  "Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have

11  read the foregoing, and the facts alleged are true, to the

12  best of my knowledge and belief."  Any person who shall

13  willfully includes include a false statement in the document

14  shall be guilty of perjury and upon conviction shall be

15  punished accordingly.

16         Section 7.  Section 731.106, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         731.106  Assets of nondomiciliaries.--

19         (1)  For purposes of aiding the determination

20  concerning location of assets that may be relevant in cases

21  involving nondomiciliaries, A debt in favor of a

22  nondomiciliary, other than one evidenced by investment or

23  commercial paper or other instrument, is located in the county

24  where the debtor resides or, if the debtor is not a person

25  other than an individual, at the place where the debtor has

26  its principal office.  Commercial paper, investment paper, and

27  other instruments are located where the instrument is at the

28  time of death.

29         (2)  When a nonresident decedent, whether or not who is

30  a citizen of the United States, or a citizen or subject of a

31  foreign country provides by in her or his will that the


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  1  testamentary disposition of her or his tangible or intangible

  2  personal property having a situs within this state, or of her

  3  or his real property in this state, shall be construed and

  4  regulated by the laws of this state, the validity and effect

  5  of the dispositions shall be determined by Florida law. The

  6  court may, and in the case of a decedent who was at the time

  7  of death a resident of a foreign country the court shall,

  8  direct the personal representative appointed in this state to

  9  make distribution directly to those designated by the

10  decedent's will as beneficiaries of the tangible or intangible

11  property or to the persons entitled to receive the decedent's

12  personal estate under the laws of the decedent's domicile, as

13  the case may be.

14         Section 8.  Section 731.107, Florida Statutes, is

15  repealed:

16         731.107  Adversary proceedings.--The rules of civil

17  procedure shall be applied in any adversary proceeding in

18  probate.

19         Section 9.  Section 731.110, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         731.110  Caveat; proceedings.--

22         (1)  Any person, including a creditor, who If any

23  creditor of the estate of a decedent is apprehensive that an

24  estate, either testate or intestate, will be administered

25  without the creditor's knowledge, or if any person other than

26  a creditor is apprehensive that an estate may be administered,

27  or that a will may be admitted to probate, without the

28  person's knowledge, he or she may file a caveat with the

29  court.

30         (2)  A No caveat shall contain be effective unless it

31  contains the decedent's social security number, last known


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  1  residence address, and or date of birth, if they are known, as

  2  an identification number, a statement of the interest of the

  3  caveator in the estate, the name and specific residence

  4  address of the caveator, and, if the caveator, other than a

  5  state agency, is a nonresident of the county, the additional

  6  name and specific residence address of some person residing in

  7  the county, or office address of a member of The Florida Bar

  8  residing in Florida, designated as the agent of the caveator,

  9  upon whom service may be made.

10         Section 10.  Section 731.111, Florida Statutes, is

11  repealed:

12         731.111  Notice to creditors.--

13         (1)  When a notice to creditors is required, a notice

14  shall be published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks, two

15  publications being sufficient, in a newspaper published in the

16  county in which the estate is administered or, if there is no

17  newspaper published in the county, in a newspaper of general

18  circulation in that county.  Proof of publication shall be

19  filed. The notice shall notify all persons having claims or

20  demands against the estate to file their claims with the clerk

21  within the time periods set forth in s. 733.702 with respect

22  to notice of administration, or be forever barred.  The notice

23  shall contain the name of the decedent, the file number of the

24  estate, the designation and address of the court in which the

25  proceedings are pending, the name and address of the person

26  causing the notice to be published, and the name and address

27  of his or her attorney, and state the date of first

28  publication.

29         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1),

30  the Department of Revenue is not barred from filing a claim

31  against the estate of a decedent for taxes due under chapter


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  1  199 after the expiration of the time for filing claims

  2  provided in subsection (1), provided the department files its

  3  claim within 30 days after the service of the inventory or

  4  federal estate tax return on the department as provided in s.

  5  198.13, whichever shall last occur. Additionally, in the event

  6  that the information contained therein is amended or

  7  supplemented, the department has the right to file its claim

  8  or amend a previously filed claim within 30 days after the

  9  service of such information.

10         Section 11.  Section 731.201, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         731.201  General definitions.--Subject to additional

13  definitions in subsequent chapters that are applicable to

14  specific chapters or parts, and unless the context otherwise

15  requires, in this code, in s. 409.9101, and in chapters 737,

16  738, and 744:

17         (1)  "Authenticated," when referring to copies of

18  documents or judicial proceedings required to be filed with

19  the court under this code, shall mean a certified copy or a

20  copy authenticated according to the Federal Rules of Civil

21  Procedure 28 U.S.C. s. 1733 or s. 1741.

22         (2)  "Beneficiary" means heir at law, in an intestate

23  estate, and devisee, in a testate estate.  The term

24  "beneficiary" does not apply to an heir at law or a devisee

25  after that person's his or her interest in the estate has been

26  satisfied.  In the case of a devise to an existing trust or

27  trustee, or to a trust or trustee described by will, in the

28  absence of a conflict of interest of the trust, the trustee is

29  a beneficiary of the estate. An owner of a beneficial interest

30  in the trust is a beneficiary of the trust and is, in the



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  1  absence of a conflict of interest of the trust, not a

  2  beneficiary of the estate.

  3         (3)  "Child" includes a person entitled to take as a

  4  child under this code by intestate succession from the parent

  5  whose relationship is involved, and excludes any person who is

  6  only a stepchild, a foster child, a grandchild, or a more

  7  remote descendant.

  8         (4)  "Claim Claims" means a liability liabilities of

  9  the decedent, whether arising in contract, tort, or otherwise,

10  and funeral expense expenses.  The term does not include an

11  expense expenses of administration or estate, inheritance,

12  succession, or other death taxes.

13         (5)  "Clerk" means the clerk or deputy clerk of the

14  court.

15         (6)  "Court" means the circuit court.

16         (7)  "Curator" means a person appointed by the court to

17  take charge of the estate of a decedent until letters are

18  issued.

19         (8)  "Devise," when used as a noun, means a

20  testamentary disposition of real or personal property and,

21  when used as a verb, means to dispose of real or personal

22  property by will or trust.  The term includes "gift," "give,"

23  "bequeath," "bequest," and "legacy."  A devise is subject to

24  charges for debts, expenses, and taxes as provided in this

25  code, or in the will, or the trust.

26         (9)  "Devisee" means a person designated in a will or

27  trust to receive a devise.  In the case of a devise to an

28  existing trust or trustee, or to a trustee of a trust

29  described by will, the trust or trustee is the devisee. The

30  beneficiaries of the trust are not devisees.



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  1         (10)  "Distributee" means a person who has received

  2  estate property from a personal representative or other

  3  fiduciary other than as a creditor or purchaser. A

  4  testamentary trustee is a distributee only to the extent of

  5  distributed assets or increments to them remaining in the

  6  trustee's his or her hands.  A beneficiary of a testamentary

  7  trust to whom the trustee has distributed property received

  8  from a personal representative is a distributee.  For purposes

  9  of this provision, "testamentary trustee" includes a trustee

10  to whom assets are transferred by will, to the extent of the

11  devised assets.

12         (11)  "Domicile" means shall be a person's usual place

13  of dwelling and shall be synonymous with "residence."

14         (12)  "Estate" means the property of a decedent that is

15  the subject of administration.

16         (13)  "Exempt property" means the property of a

17  decedent's estate which is described in s. 732.402.

18         (14)  "File" means to file with the court or clerk.

19         (15)  "Foreign personal representative" means a

20  personal representative of another state or a foreign country.

21         (16)  "Formal notice" means formal notice under the

22  Florida Probate Rules s. 731.301(1).

23         (17)  "Grantor" means one who creates or adds to a

24  trust and includes "settlor" or "trustor" and a testator who

25  creates or adds to a trust.

26         (18)  "Heirs" or "heirs at law" means those persons,

27  including the surviving spouse, who are entitled under the

28  statutes of intestate succession to the property of a

29  decedent.

30         (19)  "Incompetent" means a minor or a person

31  adjudicated incompetent.


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  1         (20)  "Informal notice" or "notice" means informal

  2  notice under the Florida Probate Rules s. 731.301(2).

  3         (21)  "Interested person" means any person who may

  4  reasonably be expected to be affected by the outcome of the

  5  particular proceeding involved.  In any proceeding affecting

  6  the estate or the rights of a beneficiary in the estate, the

  7  personal representative of the estate shall be deemed to be an

  8  interested person.  In any proceeding affecting the expenses

  9  of the administration and obligations of a decedent's estate

10  of the estate, or any claims described in s. 733.702(1), the

11  trustee of a trust described in s. 733.707(3) is an interested

12  person in the administration of the grantor's estate.  The

13  term does not include a beneficiary an heir at law or a

14  devisee who has received complete his or her distribution.

15  The meaning, as it relates to particular persons, may vary

16  from time to time and must be determined according to the

17  particular purpose of, and matter involved in, any

18  proceedings.

19         (22)  "Letters" means authority granted by the court to

20  the personal representative to act on behalf of the estate of

21  the decedent and refers to what has been known as letters

22  testamentary and letters of administration. All letters shall

23  be designated "letters of administration."

24         (23)  "Other state" means any state of the United

25  States other than Florida and includes the District of

26  Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory

27  or possession subject to the legislative authority of the

28  United States.

29         (24)  "Parent" excludes any person who is only a

30  stepparent, foster parent, or grandparent.



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  1         (25)  "Personal representative" means the fiduciary

  2  appointed by the court to administer the estate and refers to

  3  what has been known as an administrator, administrator cum

  4  testamento annexo, administrator de bonis non, ancillary

  5  administrator, ancillary executor, or executor.

  6         (26)  "Petition" means a written request to the court

  7  for an order.

  8         (27)  "Probate of will" means all steps necessary to

  9  establish the validity of a will and to admit a will to

10  probate.

11         (28)  "Property" means both real and personal property

12  or any interest in it and anything that may be the subject of

13  ownership.

14         (29)  "Protected homestead" means the property

15  described in s. 4(a)(1), Art. X of the State Constitution

16  which at the death of the owner the exemption inures to the

17  owner's surviving spouse or heirs under s. 4(b), Art. X of the

18  State Constitution. For purposes of the code, real property

19  owned as tenants by the entirety is not protected homestead.

20         (30)(29)  "Residence" means a person's usual place of

21  dwelling. and is synonymous with "domicile."

22         (31)(30)  "Residuary devise" means a devise of the

23  assets of the estate which remain after the provision for any

24  devise which is to be satisfied by reference to a specific

25  property or type of property, fund, sum, or statutory amount.

26  If the will contains no devise which is to be satisfied by

27  reference to a specific property or type of property, fund,

28  sum, or statutory amount, "residuary devise" or "residue"

29  means a devise of all assets remaining after satisfying the

30  obligations of the estate.



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  1         (32)(31)  "Security" means a security as defined in s.

  2  517.021.

  3         (33)(32)  "Security interest" means a security interest

  4  as defined in s. 671.201.

  5         (34)(33)  "Trust" means an express trust, private or

  6  charitable, with additions to it, wherever and however

  7  created.  It also includes a trust created or determined by a

  8  judgment or decree under which the trust is to be administered

  9  in the manner of an express trust. "Trust" excludes other

10  constructive trusts, and it excludes resulting trusts;

11  conservatorships; personal representatives; custodial

12  arrangements pursuant to the Florida Uniform Transfers Gifts

13  to Minors Act; business trusts providing for certificates to

14  be issued to beneficiaries; common trust funds; land trusts

15  under s. 689.05; trusts created by the form of the account or

16  by the deposit agreement at a financial institution; voting

17  trusts; security arrangements; liquidation trusts; trusts for

18  the primary purpose of paying debts, dividends, interest,

19  salaries, wages, profits, pensions, or employee benefits of

20  any kind; and any arrangement under which a person is nominee

21  or escrowee for another.

22         (35)(34)  "Trustee" includes an original, additional,

23  surviving, or successor trustee, whether or not appointed or

24  confirmed by court.

25         (36)(35)  "Will" means an instrument, including a

26  codicil, executed by a person in the manner prescribed by this

27  code, which disposes of the person's property on or after his

28  or her death and includes an instrument which merely appoints

29  a personal representative or revokes or revises another will.

30         Section 12.  Section 731.301, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         731.301  Notice; method and time; proof.--

  2         (1)  FORMAL NOTICE.--

  3         (a)  When formal notice to an interested person of a

  4  petition or other proceeding is required, the notice shall be

  5  given to the petitioner shall serve a copy of the petition to

  6  any interested person or that person's her or his attorney as

  7  provided in the Florida Probate Rules, if the interested

  8  person has appeared by attorney or requested that notice be

  9  sent to her or his attorney.  The petition shall be served:

10         1.  By any form of mail or by any commercial delivery

11  service approved by the chief judge of each judicial circuit,

12  requiring a signed receipt, as follows:

13         a.  On the interested person's attorney of record, if

14  any, or to the post-office address given in her or his demand

15  for notice, if any;

16         b.  On an individual, other than an incompetent, by

17  mailing a copy to the individual's dwelling house or usual

18  place of abode or to the place where she or he regularly

19  conducts her or his business or profession;

20         c.  On an incompetent person, by mailing a copy to the

21  incompetent, to the person having custody of the incompetent,

22  and to any legal guardian of the incompetent, at their

23  respective dwelling houses, usual places of abode, or regular

24  places of business or profession;

25         d.  On a corporation, by mailing a copy to the

26  corporation at its last known address; or

27         2.  As provided in chapter 48; or

28         3.  In the circumstances provided in chapter 49, in the

29  manner provided therein.

30         (b)  If there is no answer served on the petitioner

31  within 20 days from the service of the petition, the petition


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  1  shall be considered ex parte. If an answer is served, a

  2  hearing shall be set and reasonable notice given.

  3         (c)  If service is made under subparagraph (a)2. or

  4  subparagraph (a)3., proof shall be made as provided in chapter

  5  48 or chapter 49.  If service is made by mail under

  6  subparagraph (a)1., proof shall be by a verified statement of

  7  the person mailing service who shall attach the signed receipt

  8  or other evidence satisfactory to the court that delivery was

  9  made to, or refused by, the addressee or the addressee's

10  agent.

11         (2)(d)  Formal notice shall be sufficient to acquire

12  jurisdiction over the person receiving formal notice to the

13  extent of the person's interest in the estate.

14         (2)  INFORMAL NOTICE.--

15         (a)  When informal notice of a petition or other

16  proceeding is required or permitted, it shall be served on the

17  person or the person's attorney as provided in the Florida

18  Rules of Civil Procedure relating to service of pleadings.

19         (b)  Proof of service shall be made by filing an

20  attorney's certificate of service or, if filed by a person who

21  is not a member of The Florida Bar, by a verified statement.

22         (3)  EFFECT OF NOTICE.--Persons given notice of any

23  proceeding petition shall be bound by all orders entered in

24  that proceeding on the petition.

25         (4)  INFORMAL NOTICE REQUIRED.--Unless otherwise

26  specifically provided, informal notice of every petition

27  affecting property rights or interests must be given to

28  interested persons.

29         Section 13.  Section 731.303, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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  1         731.303  Representation.--In proceedings involving

  2  estates of decedents or trusts, the following apply:

  3         (1)  Interests to be affected shall be described in

  4  pleadings that give information by name or class, by reference

  5  to the instrument creating the interests, or in another

  6  appropriate manner.

  7         (1)(2)  Persons are bound by orders binding others in

  8  the following cases:

  9         (a)  Orders binding the sole holder or all coholders of

10  a power of revocation or a general, special, or limited power

11  of appointment, including one in the form of a power of

12  amendment or revocation to the extent that the power has not

13  become unexercisable in fact, bind all persons to the extent

14  that their interests, as persons who may take by virtue of the

15  exercise or nonexercise of the power, are subject to the

16  power.

17         (b)  To the extent there is no conflict of interest

18  between them or among the persons represented:

19         1.  Orders binding a guardian of the property bind the

20  ward whose estate he or she controls.

21         2.  Orders binding a trustee bind beneficiaries of the

22  trust in proceedings to probate a will, in establishing or

23  adding to a trust, in reviewing the acts or accounts of a

24  prior fiduciary, and in proceedings involving creditors or

25  other third parties.

26         3.  Orders binding a personal representative bind

27  persons interested in the undistributed assets of a decedent's

28  estate, in actions or proceedings by or against the estate.

29         (c)  An unborn or unascertained person, or a minor or

30  any other person under a legal disability, who is not

31  otherwise represented is bound by an order to the extent that


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  1  person's his or her interest is represented by another party

  2  having the same or greater quality of interest in the

  3  proceeding.

  4         (2)(3)  Orders binding a guardian of the person shall

  5  not bind the ward.

  6         (3)(4)  Notice is required as follows:

  7         (a)  Notice as prescribed by the Florida Probate Rules

  8  s. 731.301 shall be given to every interested person, or to

  9  one who can bind the interested person as described in

10  paragraph (1)(2)(a) or paragraph (1)(2)(b). Notice may be

11  given both to the interested person and to another who can

12  bind him or her.

13         (b)  Notice is given to unborn or unascertained persons

14  who are not represented pursuant to paragraph (1)(2)(a) or

15  paragraph (1)(2)(b) by giving notice to all known persons

16  whose interests in the proceedings are the same as, or of a

17  greater quality than, those of the unborn or unascertained

18  persons.

19         (4)(5)  If the court determines that representation of

20  the interest would otherwise be inadequate, the court may, at

21  any time, appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the

22  interests of an incapacitated incompetent person, an unborn or

23  unascertained person, a minor or any other person otherwise

24  under a legal disability, or a person whose identity or

25  address is unknown.  If not precluded by conflict of interest,

26  a guardian ad litem may be appointed to represent several

27  persons or interests.

28         (5)(6)  Agreements, waivers, consents, approvals,

29  accounts, or other statements that fully disclose the matters

30  that which are the subject of the such accounts or statements

31  and that bind the sole holder or all coholders of a general,


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  1  special, or limited power of appointment, including a power of

  2  amendment or revocation to the extent that the power has not

  3  become unexercisable in fact, bind all persons to the extent

  4  that their interests, as persons who may take by virtue of the

  5  exercise or nonexercise of the power, are subject to the

  6  power.

  7         Section 14.  Subsection (2) of section 732.101, Florida

  8  Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         732.101  Intestate estate.--

10         (2)  The decedent's death is the event that vests the

11  heirs' right to the decedent's intestate property.

12         Section 15.  Section 732.102, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         732.102  Spouse's share of intestate estate Share of

15  spouse.--

16         (1)  The intestate share of the surviving spouse is:

17         (1)(a)  If there is no surviving lineal descendant of

18  the decedent, the entire intestate estate.

19         (2)(b)  If there are surviving lineal descendants of

20  the decedent, all of whom are also lineal descendants of the

21  surviving spouse also, the first $60,000 $20,000 of the

22  intestate estate, plus one-half of the balance of the

23  intestate estate. Property allocated hereunder to the

24  surviving spouse to satisfy the $60,000 $20,000 shall be

25  valued at the fair market value on the date of distribution

26  the decedent's death.

27         (3)(c)  If there are surviving lineal descendants, one

28  or more of whom are not lineal descendants of the surviving

29  spouse, one-half of the intestate estate.

30         (2)  The court shall allot the property to which the

31  spouse is entitled, treating all beneficiaries equitably.


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  1         Section 16.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) and

  2  subsection (5) of section 732.103, Florida Statutes, are

  3  amended to read:

  4         732.103  Share of other heirs.--The part of the

  5  intestate estate not passing to the surviving spouse under s.

  6  732.102, or the entire intestate estate if there is no

  7  surviving spouse, descends as follows:

  8         (4)  If there is none of the foregoing, the estate

  9  shall be divided, one-half of which shall go to the decedent's

10  paternal, and the other half to the decedent's maternal,

11  kindred in the following order:

12         (c)  If there is either no paternal kindred or if there

13  is no maternal kindred, the estate shall go to such of the

14  other kindred who as shall survive, in the order stated above

15  aforesaid.

16         (5)  If there is no kindred of either part, the whole

17  of the such property shall go to the kindred of the last

18  deceased spouse of the decedent as if the deceased spouse had

19  survived the decedent and then died intestate entitled to the

20  estate.

21         Section 17.  Section 732.107, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         732.107  Escheat.--

24         (1)  When a person dies leaving an estate dies without

25  being survived by any person entitled to a part of it, that

26  part the property shall escheat to the state.

27         (2)(a)  In this event, or when doubt exists about the

28  existence of any person entitled to the estate, the personal

29  representative shall institute a proceeding for the

30  determination of beneficiaries, as provided in this code,

31  within 1 year after letters have been issued to him or her,


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  1  and notice shall be served on the Department of Legal Affairs.

  2  If the personal representative fails to institute the

  3  proceeding within the time fixed, it may be instituted by the

  4  Department of Legal Affairs.

  5         (b)  On or before January 15 of each year, each court

  6  shall furnish to the department a list of all estates being

  7  administered in which no person appears to be entitled to the

  8  property and the personal representative has not instituted a

  9  proceeding for the determination of beneficiaries.

10         (3)  If the court determines that there is no person

11  entitled to the estate and that the estate escheats, the

12  property Property that escheats shall be sold as provided in

13  the Florida Probate Rules and the proceeds paid to the

14  Treasurer of the state and deposited by him or her in the

15  State School Fund within a reasonable time to be fixed by the

16  court.

17         (3)(4)  At any time within 10 years after the payment

18  to the Treasurer granting of letters, a person claiming to be

19  entitled to the proceeds estate of the decedent may petition

20  to reopen the administration to and assert entitlement his or

21  her rights to the proceeds escheated property. If the claimant

22  is entitled to any of the estate of the decedent, the court

23  shall fix the amount to which he or she is entitled, and it

24  shall be repaid to him or her with interest at the legal rate

25  by the officials charged with the disbursement of state school

26  funds. Any entitlement shall include interest at the legal

27  rate. If no claim is timely asserted within the time fixed,

28  the title of the state's rights to state to the property and

29  the proceeds shall become absolute.

30         (4)(5)  The Department of Legal Affairs shall represent

31  the state in all proceedings concerning escheated estates.


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  1         (5)(6)(a)  If a person entitled to the proceeds funds

  2  assigns the his or her rights to receive payment to an

  3  attorney or private investigative agency which is duly

  4  licensed to do business in this state pursuant to a written

  5  agreement with that such person, the Department of Banking and

  6  Finance is authorized to make distribution in accordance with

  7  the such assignment.

  8         (b)  Payments made to an attorney or private

  9  investigative agency shall be promptly deposited into a trust

10  or escrow account which is regularly maintained by the

11  attorney or private investigative agency in a financial

12  institution authorized to accept such deposits and located in

13  this state.

14         (c)  Distribution by the attorney or private

15  investigative agency to the person entitled to the proceeds

16  funds shall be made within 10 days following final credit of

17  the deposit into the trust or escrow account at the financial

18  institution, unless a party to the agreement protests the in

19  writing such distribution in writing before it is made.

20         (d)  The department shall not be civilly or criminally

21  liable for any proceeds funds distributed pursuant to this

22  subsection, provided such distribution is made in good faith.

23         (7)  Except as herein provided, escheated estates shall

24  be administered as other estates.

25         Section 18.  Section 732.1101, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         732.1101  Aliens.--Aliens shall have the same rights of

28  inheritance as citizens No person is disqualified to take as

29  an heir because he or she, or a person through whom he or she

30  claims, is, or has been, an alien.



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  1         Section 19.  Subsection (8) of section 732.2025,

  2  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         732.2025  Definitions.--As used in ss.

  4  732.2025-732.2155, the term:

  5         (8)  "Qualifying special needs trust" or "supplemental

  6  needs trust" means a trust established for an ill or disabled

  7  surviving spouse with court approval before or after a

  8  decedent's death for such incapacitated surviving spouse, if,

  9  commencing on the decedent's death:

10         (a)  The income and principal are distributable to or

11  for the benefit of the spouse for life in the discretion of

12  one or more trustees less than half of whom are ineligible

13  family trustees.  For purposes of this paragraph, ineligible

14  family trustees include the decedent's grandparents and any

15  descendants of the decedent's grandparents who are not also

16  descendants of the surviving spouse; and

17         (b)  During the spouse's life, no person other than the

18  spouse has the power to distribute income or principal to

19  anyone other than the spouse.

20         (c)  The requirement for court approval and the

21  limitation on ineligible family trustees shall not apply if

22  the aggregate of the trust property as of the applicable

23  valuation date in a qualifying special needs trust is less

24  than $100,000.

25         Section 20.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

26  732.2085, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         732.2085  Liability of direct recipients and

28  beneficiaries.--

29         (3)  If a person pays the value of the property on the

30  date of a sale or exchange or contributes all of the property

31  received, as provided in paragraph (2)(b):


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  1         (a)  No further contribution toward satisfaction of the

  2  elective share shall be required with respect to that such

  3  property.

  4         Section 21.  Subsection (2) of section 732.2125,

  5  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         732.2125  Right of election; by whom exercisable.--The

  7  right of election may be exercised:

  8         (2)  With approval of the court having jurisdiction of

  9  the probate proceeding by an attorney in fact or a guardian of

10  the property of the surviving spouse, with approval of the

11  court having jurisdiction of the probate proceeding. The court

12  shall determine the election as the best interests of the

13  surviving spouse, during the spouse's probable lifetime,

14  require.

15         Section 22.  Section 732.2135, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         732.2135  Time of election; extensions; withdrawal.--

18         (1)  Except as provided in subsection (2), the election

19  must be filed within the earlier of 6 months of the date of

20  service of a copy of the first publication of notice of

21  administration on the surviving spouse, or an attorney in fact

22  or guardian of the property of the surviving spouse, or 2

23  years after the date of the decedent's death.

24         (2)  Within the period provided in subsection (1), the

25  surviving spouse or an attorney in fact or guardian of the

26  property of the surviving spouse may petition the court for an

27  extension of time for making an election. After notice and

28  hearing, the court For good cause shown the court may extend

29  the time for election. If the court grants the petition for an

30  extension, the election must be filed within the time allowed

31  by the extension.


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  1         (3)  The surviving spouse or an attorney in fact,

  2  guardian of the property, or personal representative of the

  3  surviving spouse may withdraw an election at any time within 8

  4  months of the decedent's death and before the court's order of

  5  contribution. If an election is withdrawn, the court may

  6  assess attorney's fees and costs against the surviving spouse

  7  or the surviving spouse's estate.

  8         (4)  A petition for an extension of the time for making

  9  the election or for approval to make the election shall toll

10  the time for making the election.

11         Section 23.  Subsections (1) and (4) of section

12  732.2145, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

13         732.2145  Order of contribution; personal

14  representative's duty to collect contribution.--

15         (1)  The court shall determine the elective share and

16  shall order contribution. All Contributions shall are to bear

17  interest at the statutory rate provided in s. 55.03(1)

18  beginning 90 days after from the date of the order of

19  contribution. The order of contribution is prima facie correct

20  in proceedings in any court or jurisdiction.

21         (4)  Nothing in this section limits the independent

22  right of the surviving spouse to collect the elective share as

23  provided in the order of contribution, and that right is

24  hereby conferred. If the surviving spouse brings an action to

25  enforce the an order of contribution, the judgment shall

26  include the surviving spouse's costs and reasonable attorney's

27  fees.

28         Section 24.  Subsection (4) of section 732.2155,

29  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         732.2155  Effective date; effect of prior waivers;

31  transition rules.--


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  1         (4)  Notwithstanding anything in s. 732.2045(1)(a) to

  2  the contrary, any trust created by the decedent before the

  3  effective date of ss. 732.201-732.2145 this section that meets

  4  the requirements of an elective share trust is treated as if

  5  the decedent created the trust after the effective date of

  6  these sections this subsection and in satisfaction of the

  7  elective share.

  8         Section 25.  Subsection (2) of section 732.218, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         732.218  Rebuttable presumptions.--In determining

11  whether ss. 732.216-732.228 apply to specific property, the

12  following rebuttable presumptions apply:

13         (2)  Real property located in this state, other than

14  homestead and real property held as tenants by the entirety

15  and homestead, and personal property wherever located acquired

16  by a married person while domiciled in a jurisdiction under

17  whose laws property could not then be acquired as community

18  property and title to which was taken in a form which created

19  rights of survivorship are presumed not to be property to

20  which these sections do not apply.

21         Section 26.  Section 732.219, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         732.219  Disposition upon death.--Upon the death of a

24  married person, one-half of the property to which ss.

25  732.216-732.228 apply is the property of the surviving spouse

26  and is not subject to testamentary disposition by the decedent

27  or distribution under the laws of succession of this state.

28  One-half of that property is the property of the decedent and

29  is subject to testamentary disposition or distribution under

30  the laws of succession of this state.  The decedent's one-half



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  1  of that the property is not in the elected estate subject to

  2  the surviving spouse's right to elect against the will.

  3         Section 27.  Section 732.221, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         732.221  Perfection of title of personal representative

  6  or beneficiary, heir, or devisee.--If the title to any

  7  property to which ss. 732.216-732.228 apply is held by the

  8  surviving spouse at the time of the decedent's death, the

  9  personal representative or a beneficiary an heir or devisee of

10  the decedent may institute an action to perfect title to the

11  property.  The personal representative has no fiduciary duty

12  to discover whether any property held by the surviving spouse

13  is property to which ss. 732.216-732.228 these sections apply,

14  unless a written demand is made by a beneficiary an heir,

15  devisee, or creditor of the decedent within 3 6 months after

16  service of a copy the first publication of the notice of

17  administration on the beneficiary or by a creditor within 3

18  months after the first publication of the notice to creditors.

19         Section 28.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

20  732.222, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         732.222  Purchaser for value or lender.--

22         (1)  If a surviving spouse has apparent title to

23  property to which ss. 732.216-732.228 apply, a purchaser for

24  value or a lender taking a security interest in the property

25  takes the his or her interest in the property free of any

26  rights of the personal representative or a beneficiary an heir

27  or devisee of the decedent.

28         (2)  If a personal representative or a beneficiary an

29  heir or devisee of the decedent has apparent title to property

30  to which ss. 732.216-732.228 apply, a purchaser for value or a

31  lender taking a security interest in the property takes that


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  1  his or her interest in the property free of any rights of the

  2  surviving spouse.

  3         Section 29.  Section 732.223, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         732.223  Perfection of title of surviving spouse.--If

  6  the title to any property to which ss. 732.216-732.228 apply

  7  was held by the decedent at the time of the decedent's his or

  8  her death, title of the surviving spouse may be perfected by

  9  an order of the probate court or by execution of an instrument

10  by the personal representative or the beneficiaries heirs or

11  devisees of the decedent with the approval of the probate

12  court.  The probate court in which the decedent's estate is

13  being administered has no duty to discover whether property

14  held by the decedent is property to which ss. 732.216-732.228

15  apply.  The personal representative has no duty to discover

16  whether property held by the decedent is property to which ss.

17  732.216-732.228 apply unless a written demand is made by the

18  surviving spouse or the spouse's successor in interest within

19  3 6 months after service of a copy of the first publication of

20  the notice of administration on the surviving spouse or the

21  spouse's successor in interest.

22         Section 30.  Section 732.302, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         732.302  Pretermitted children.--When a testator omits

25  to provide by in his or her will for any of his or her

26  children born or adopted after making the will and the child

27  has not received a part of the testator's property equivalent

28  to a child's part by way of advancement, the child shall

29  receive a share of the estate equal in value to that which the

30  child he or she would have received if the testator had died

31  intestate, unless:


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  1         (1)  It appears from the will that the omission was

  2  intentional; or

  3         (2)  The testator had one or more children when the

  4  will was executed and devised substantially all the estate to

  5  the other parent of the pretermitted child and that other

  6  parent survived the testator and is entitled to take under the

  7  will.


  9  The share of the estate that is assigned to the pretermitted

10  child shall be obtained in accordance with s. 733.805.

11         Section 31.  Section 732.401, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         732.401  Descent of homestead.--

14         (1)  If not devised as permitted by law and the Florida

15  Constitution, the homestead shall descend in the same manner

16  as other intestate property; but if the decedent is survived

17  by a spouse and lineal descendants, the surviving spouse shall

18  take a life estate in the homestead, with a vested remainder

19  to the lineal descendants in being at the time of the

20  decedent's death per stirpes.

21         (2)  Subsection (1) shall not apply to If the decedent

22  was domiciled in Florida and resided on real property that the

23  decedent and the surviving spouse owned as tenants by the

24  entirety, the real property shall not be homestead property.

25         Section 32.  Subsection (2) of section 732.4015,

26  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         732.4015  Devise of homestead.--

28         (2)  For the purposes of subsection (1), the term:

29         (a)  "Owner" includes the grantor settlor of a trust

30  described in s. 733.707(3) that is evidenced by a written

31  instrument which is in existence at the time of the grantor's


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  1  settlor's death as if the interest held in trust was owned by

  2  the grantor pursuant to which the settlor retained the right

  3  either alone or in conjunction with any other person to amend

  4  or revoke the trust at any time before his or her death.

  5         (b)  "Devise" includes a disposition by trust of that

  6  portion of the trust estate which, if titled in the name of

  7  the grantor settlor of the trust, would be the grantor's

  8  settlor's homestead.

  9         Section 33.  Subsections (4) and (6) of section

10  732.402, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (7) is

11  added to said section to read:

12         732.402  Exempt property.--

13         (4)  Exempt property shall be in addition to protected

14  homestead, statutory entitlements, and any property passing

15  under to the surviving spouse or heirs of the decedent under

16  s. 4, Art. X of the State Constitution or the decedent's will,

17  or by intestate succession, elective share, or family

18  allowance.

19         (6)  Persons entitled to exempt property shall be

20  deemed to have waived their rights under this section unless a

21  petition for determination of exempt property is filed by or

22  on behalf of the persons entitled to the exempt property

23  within 4 months after the date of service the first

24  publication of the notice of administration or within 40 days

25  from the date of termination of any proceeding involving the

26  construction, admission to probate, or validity of the will or

27  involving any other matter affecting any part of the estate

28  subject to this section.

29         (7)  Property determined as exempt under this section

30  shall be excluded from the value of the estate before



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  1  residuary, intestate, or pretermitted or elective shares are

  2  determined.

  3         Section 34.  Section 732.403, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         732.403  Family allowance.--In addition to protected

  6  homestead and statutory entitlements exempt property, if the

  7  decedent was domiciled in Florida at the time of death, the

  8  surviving spouse and the decedent's lineal heirs whom the

  9  decedent was supporting or was obligated to support or who

10  were in fact being supported by him or her are entitled to a

11  reasonable allowance in money out of the estate for their

12  maintenance during administration.  After notice and hearing,

13  The court may order this allowance to be paid as a lump sum or

14  in periodic installments.  The allowance shall not exceed a

15  total of $18,000 $6,000.  It shall be paid to the surviving

16  spouse, if living, for the use of the spouse and dependent

17  lineal heirs.  If the surviving spouse is not living, it shall

18  be paid to the lineal heirs or to the persons having their

19  care and custody. If any lineal heir is not living with the

20  surviving spouse, the allowance may be made partly to the

21  lineal heir or his or her guardian or other person having the

22  lineal heir's care and custody and partly to the surviving

23  spouse, as the needs of the dependent lineal heir and the

24  surviving spouse appear. The family allowance shall have the

25  priority established by s. 733.707.  The family allowance is

26  not chargeable against any benefit or share otherwise passing

27  to the surviving spouse or to the dependent lineal heirs by

28  intestate succession, elective share, or the will of the

29  decedent, unless the will otherwise provides. The death of any

30  person entitled to a family allowance terminates the his or

31  her right to that the part of the allowance not paid.  For


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  1  purposes of this section, the term "lineal heir" or "lineal

  2  heirs" means lineal ascendants and lineal descendants of the

  3  decedent.

  4         Section 35.  Section 732.501, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         732.501  Who may make a will.--Any person who is of

  7  sound mind and who is either 18 or more years of age or an

  8  emancipated minor 18 or more years of age who is of sound mind

  9  may make a will.

10         Section 36.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and

11  subsection (2) of section 732.502, Florida Statutes, are

12  amended to read:

13         732.502  Execution of wills.--Every will must be in

14  writing and executed as follows:

15         (1)(a)  Testator's signature.--

16         1.  The testator must sign the will at the end; or

17         2.  The testator's name must be subscribed at the end

18  of the will by some other person in the testator's presence

19  and by the testator's his or her direction.

20         (2)  Any will, other than a holographic or nuncupative

21  will, executed by a nonresident of Florida, either before or

22  after this law takes effect, is valid as a will in this state

23  if valid under the laws of the state or country where the will

24  was executed testator was at the time of execution.  A will in

25  the testator's handwriting that has been executed in

26  accordance with subsection (1) shall not be considered a

27  holographic will.

28         Section 37.  Section 732.503, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         732.503  Self-proof of will.--



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  1         (1)  A will or codicil executed in conformity with s.

  2  732.502(1) and (2) may be made self-proved at the time of its

  3  execution or at any subsequent date by the acknowledgment of

  4  it by the testator and the affidavits of the witnesses, each

  5  made before an officer authorized to administer oaths and

  6  evidenced by the officer's certificate attached to or

  7  following the will, in substantially the following form:



10  COUNTY OF ....

11         I,               , declare to the officer taking my

12  acknowledgment of this instrument, and to the subscribing

13  witnesses, that I signed this instrument as my will.



16                     ________________________

17                             Testator


19         We,         and         , have been sworn by the

20  officer signing below, and declare to that officer on our

21  oaths that the testator declared the instrument to be the

22  testator's will and signed it in our presence and that we each

23  signed the instrument as a witness in the presence of the

24  testator and of each other.



27                     ________________________

28                             Witness


30                     ________________________

31                             Witness


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  2         Acknowledged and subscribed before me by the testator,

  3  (type or print testator's name), who is personally known to me

  4  or who has produced (state type of identification - see s.

  5  117.05(5)(b)2.) as identification, and sworn to and subscribed

  6  before me by the witnesses, (type or print name of first

  7  witness) who is personally known to me or who has produced

  8  (state type of identification - see s. 117.05(5)(b)2.) as

  9  identification and (type or print name of second witness) who

10  is personally known to me or who has produced (state type of

11  identification - see s. 117.05(5)(b)2.) as identification, and

12  subscribed by me in the presence of the testator and the

13  subscribing witnesses, all on (date).

14                                       (Signature of Officer)   

15    (Print, type, or stamp commissioned name and affix official

16  seal) 


18         (2)  A will or codicil made self-proved under former

19  law, or executed in another state and made self-proved under

20  the laws of that state, shall be considered as self-proved

21  under this section.


23  STATE OF ....

24  COUNTY OF ....

25         We, ...., ...., and .... the testator and the

26  witnesses, respectively, whose names are signed to the

27  attached or foregoing instrument, having been sworn, declared

28  to the undersigned officer that the testator, in the presence

29  of witnesses, signed the instrument as the testator's last

30  will (codicil), that the testator (signed) (or directed

31  another to sign for him or her), and that each of the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

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  1  witnesses, in the presence of the testator and in the presence

  2  of each other, signed the will as a witness.

  3                                                ...(Testator)...

  4                                                 ...(Witness)...

  5                                                 ...(Witness)...

  6         Subscribed and sworn to before me by ...., the testator

  7  who is personally known to me or who has produced ...(type of

  8  identification)... as identification, and by ...., a witness

  9  who is personally known to me or who has produced ...(type of

10  identification)... as identification, and by ...., a witness

11  who is personally known to me or who has produced ...(type of

12  identification)... as identification, on ...., ...(year)....

13                              ...(Signature of Notary Public)...

14  ...(Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of Notary

15  Public)...


17         Section 38.  Section 732.505, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         732.505  Revocation by writing.--A will or codicil, or

20  any part of either, is revoked:

21         (1)  By a subsequent inconsistent will or codicil, even

22  though the subsequent inconsistent will or codicil does not

23  expressly revoke all previous wills or codicils, but the

24  revocation extends only so far as the inconsistency exists.

25         (2)  By a subsequent written will, codicil, or other

26  writing executed with the same formalities required for the

27  execution of wills declaring the revocation, if the same

28  formalities required for the execution of wills are observed

29  in the execution of the will, codicil, or other writing.

30         Section 39.  Section 732.507, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         732.507  Effect of subsequent marriage, birth, or

  2  dissolution of marriage.--

  3         (1)  Neither subsequent marriage, nor subsequent

  4  marriage and birth, nor or adoption of lineal descendants

  5  shall revoke the prior will of any person, but the

  6  pretermitted child or spouse shall inherit as set forth in ss.

  7  732.301 and 732.302, regardless of the prior will.

  8         (2)  Any provision provisions of a will executed by a

  9  married person that, which provision affects the spouse of

10  that person, shall become void upon the divorce of that person

11  or upon the dissolution or annulment of the marriage.  After

12  the dissolution, divorce, or annulment, the any such will

13  shall be administered and construed as if the former spouse

14  had died at the time of the dissolution, divorce, or annulment

15  of the marriage, unless the will or the dissolution or divorce

16  judgment expressly provides otherwise.

17         Section 40.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2), and

18  subsections (3) and (6) of section 732.513, Florida Statutes,

19  are amended to read:

20         732.513  Devises to trustee.--

21         (2)  The devise shall not be invalid for any or all of

22  the following reasons:

23         (d)  Because the only res of the trust is the possible

24  expectancy of receiving, as a named beneficiary, a devise

25  under a will or death benefits as described in s. 733.808, and

26  even though the testator or other person has reserved any or

27  all rights of ownership in the such death benefit policy,

28  contract, or plan, including the right to change the

29  beneficiary.




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  1         (3)  The devise shall dispose of property under the

  2  terms of the instrument that created the trust as previously

  3  or subsequently theretofore or thereafter amended.

  4         (6)  This section shall be cumulative to all laws

  5  touching upon the subject matter.

  6         Section 41.  Section 732.514, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         732.514  Vesting of devises.--The death of the testator

  9  is the event that vests the right to devises unless the

10  testator in the his or her will has provided that some other

11  event must happen before a devise vests shall vest.

12         Section 42.  Section 732.515, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         732.515  Separate writing identifying devises of

15  tangible property.--A will may refer to a written statement or

16  list referred to in the decedent's will shall to dispose of

17  items of tangible personal property, other than property used

18  in trade or business, not otherwise specifically disposed of

19  by the will, other than money and property used in trade or

20  business.  To be admissible under this section as evidence of

21  the intended disposition, the writing must be signed by the

22  testator and must describe the items and the devisees with

23  reasonable certainty.  The writing may be referred to as one

24  in existence at the time of the testator's death.  It may be

25  prepared before or after the execution of the will.  It may be

26  altered by the testator after its preparation.  It may be a

27  writing that has no significance apart from its effect upon

28  the dispositions made by the will.

29         Section 43.  Subsection (1) of section 732.6005,

30  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         732.6005  Rules of construction and intention.--


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  1         (1)  The intention of the testator as expressed in the

  2  his or her will controls the legal effect of the testator's

  3  dispositions.  The rules of construction expressed in this

  4  part shall apply unless a contrary intention is indicated by

  5  the will.

  6         Section 44.  Section 732.601, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         732.601  Simultaneous Death Law.--Unless a contrary

  9  intention appears in the governing instrument:

10         (1)  When title to property or its devolution depends

11  on priority of death and there is insufficient evidence that

12  the persons have died otherwise than simultaneously, the

13  property of each person shall be disposed of as if that person

14  he or she had survived, except as provided otherwise in this

15  law.

16         (2)  When two or more beneficiaries are designated to

17  take successively by reason of survivorship under another

18  person's disposition of property and there is insufficient

19  evidence that the beneficiaries died otherwise than

20  simultaneously, the property thus disposed of shall be divided

21  into as many equal parts as there are successive beneficiaries

22  and the parts shall be distributed to those who would have

23  taken if each designated beneficiary had survived.

24         (3)  When there is insufficient evidence that two joint

25  tenants or tenants by the entirety died otherwise than

26  simultaneously, the property so held shall be distributed

27  one-half as if one had survived and one-half as if the other

28  had survived. If there are more than two joint tenants and all

29  of them so died, the property thus distributed shall be in the

30  proportion that one bears to the whole number of joint

31  tenants.


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  1         (4)  When the insured and the beneficiary in a policy

  2  of life or accident insurance have died and there is

  3  insufficient evidence that they died otherwise than

  4  simultaneously, the proceeds of the policy shall be

  5  distributed as if the insured had survived the beneficiary.

  6         (5)  This law shall not apply in the case of wills,

  7  living trusts, deeds, or contracts of insurance in which

  8  provision has been made for distribution of property different

  9  from the provisions of this law.

10         Section 45.  Section 732.603, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         732.603  Antilapse; deceased devisee; class

13  gifts.--Unless a contrary intention appears in the will:

14         (1)  If a devisee or a beneficiary of a trust created

15  by a will who is a grandparent, or a lineal descendant of a

16  grandparent, of the testator:

17         (a)  Is dead at the time of the execution of the will

18  or at the termination of a trust interest created by a will,

19         (b)  Fails to survive the testator, or

20         (c)  Is required by the will to be treated as having if

21  he or she predeceased the testator,


23  then the descendants of the devisee or beneficiary take per

24  stirpes in place of the deceased devisee or beneficiary.  A

25  person who would have been a devisee under a class gift if

26  that person he or she had survived the testator shall be a

27  devisee for purposes of this section whether that person died

28  his or her death occurred before or after the execution of the

29  will.




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  1         (2)  If a devisee or a beneficiary of a trust created

  2  by a will who is not a grandparent, or a descendant of a

  3  grandparent, of the testator:

  4         (a)  Is dead at the time of the execution of the will

  5  or at the termination of a trust interest created in a will,

  6         (b)  Fails to survive the testator, or

  7         (c)  Is required by the will to be treated as having if

  8  he or she predeceased the testator,


10  then the testamentary disposition to the devisee or

11  beneficiary shall lapse unless an intention to substitute

12  another in his or her place appears in the will.

13         Section 46.  Subsection (2) of section 732.604, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         732.604  Failure of testamentary provision.--

16         (2)  Except as provided in s. 732.603, if the residue

17  is devised to two or more persons and the devise to share of

18  one of the residuary devisees fails for any reason, that

19  devise his or her share passes to the other residuary devisee,

20  or to the other residuary devisees in proportion to their

21  interests in the residue.

22         Section 47.  Section 732.605, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         732.605  Change in securities; accessions;

25  nonademption.--

26         (1)  If the testator intended a specific devise of

27  certain securities rather than their equivalent value, the

28  specific devisee is entitled only to:

29         (a)  As much of the devised securities as is a part of

30  the estate at the time of the testator's death.



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  1         (b)  Any additional or other securities of the same

  2  entity owned by the testator because of action initiated by

  3  the entity, excluding any acquired by exercise of purchase

  4  options.

  5         (c)  Securities of another entity owned by the testator

  6  as a result of a merger, consolidation, reorganization, or

  7  other similar action initiated by the entity.

  8         (d)  Securities of the same entity acquired as a result

  9  of a plan of reinvestment.

10         (2)  Distributions before death with respect to of a

11  specifically devised security, whether in cash or otherwise,

12  which are not provided for in subsection (1) are not part of

13  the specific devise.

14         Section 48.  Subsection (1) and paragraph (d) of

15  subsection (2) of section 732.606, Florida Statutes, are

16  amended to read:

17         732.606  Nonademption of specific devises in certain

18  cases; sale by guardian of the property; unpaid proceeds of

19  sale, condemnation, or insurance.--

20         (1)  If specifically devised property is sold by a

21  guardian of the property for the care and maintenance of the

22  ward or if a condemnation award or insurance proceeds are paid

23  to a guardian of the property as a result of condemnation,

24  fire, or casualty, the specific devisee has the right to a

25  general pecuniary devise equal to the net sale price, the

26  condemnation award, or the insurance proceeds.  This

27  subsection does not apply if, subsequent to the sale,

28  condemnation, or casualty, it is adjudicated that the

29  disability of the testator has ceased and the testator

30  survives the adjudication by 1 year. The right of the specific



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  1  devisee under this subsection is reduced by any right

  2  described in he or she has under subsection (2).

  3         (2)  A specific devisee has the right to the remaining

  4  specifically devised property and:

  5         (d)  Property owned by the testator at his or her death

  6  as a result of foreclosure, or obtained instead of

  7  foreclosure, of the security for the specifically devised

  8  obligation.

  9         Section 49.  Subsection (1) of section 732.701, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         732.701  Agreements concerning succession.--

12         (1)  No agreement to make a will, to give a devise, not

13  to revoke a will, not to revoke a devise, not to make a will,

14  or not to make a devise shall be binding or enforceable unless

15  the agreement is in writing and signed by the agreeing party

16  in the presence of two attesting witnesses. Such an agreement

17  executed by a nonresident of Florida, either before or after

18  this law takes effect, is valid in this state if valid when

19  executed under the laws of the state or country where the

20  agreement was executed, whether or not the agreeing party is a

21  Florida resident at the time of death.

22         Section 50.  Section 732.702, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         732.702  Waiver of spousal right to elect and of other

25  rights.--

26         (1)  The rights right of election of a surviving

27  spouse, the rights of the surviving spouse as intestate

28  successor or as a pretermitted spouse, and the rights of the

29  surviving spouse to an elective share, intestate share,

30  pretermitted share, homestead, exempt property, and family

31  allowance, and preference in appointment as personal


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  1  representative of an intestate estate or any of those rights

  2  them, may be waived, wholly or partly, before or after

  3  marriage, by a written contract, agreement, or waiver, signed

  4  by the waiving party in the presence of two subscribing

  5  witnesses. The requirement of witnesses shall be applicable

  6  only to contracts, agreements, or waivers signed by Florida

  7  residents after the effective date of this law. Any contract,

  8  agreement, or waiver executed by a nonresident of Florida,

  9  either before or after this law takes effect, is valid in this

10  state if valid when executed under the laws of the state or

11  country where it was executed, whether or not he or she is a

12  Florida resident at the time of death. Unless the waiver it

13  provides to the contrary, a waiver of "all rights," or

14  equivalent language, in the property or estate of a present or

15  prospective spouse, or a complete property settlement entered

16  into after, or in anticipation of, separation, dissolution of

17  marriage, or divorce, is a waiver of all rights to elective

18  share, intestate share, pretermitted share, homestead

19  property, exempt property, and family allowance, and

20  preference in appointment as personal representative of an

21  intestate estate, by the waiving party each spouse in the

22  property of the other and a renunciation by the waiving party

23  each of all benefits that would otherwise pass to the waiving

24  party either from the other by intestate succession or by the

25  provisions of any will executed before the written contract,

26  agreement, or waiver or property settlement.

27         (2)  Each spouse shall make a fair disclosure to the

28  other of that spouse's his or her estate if the agreement,

29  contract, or waiver is executed after marriage.  No disclosure

30  shall be required for an agreement, contract, or waiver

31  executed before marriage.


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  1         (3)  No consideration other than the execution of the

  2  agreement, contract, or waiver shall be necessary to its

  3  validity, whether executed before or after marriage.

  4         Section 51.  Subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and

  5  (7) of section 732.801, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  6         732.801  Disclaimer of interests in property passing by

  7  will or intestate succession or under certain powers of

  8  appointment.--

  9         (2)  SCOPE OF RIGHT TO DISCLAIM.--

10         (a)  A beneficiary may disclaim his or her succession

11  to any interest in property that, unless disclaimed, would

12  pass to the beneficiary:

13         1.  By intestate succession or devise.

14         2.  Under descent of homestead, exempt property, or

15  family allowance or under s. 222.13.

16         3.  Through exercise or nonexercise of a power of

17  appointment exercisable by will.

18         4.  Through testamentary exercise or nonexercise of a

19  power of appointment exercisable by either deed or will.

20         5.  As beneficiary of a testamentary trust.

21         6.  As a beneficiary of a testamentary gift to any

22  nontestamentary trust.

23         7.  As donee of a power of appointment created by will.

24         8.  By succession in any manner described in this

25  subsection to a disclaimed interest.

26         9.  In any manner not specifically enumerated herein

27  under a testamentary instrument.

28         (b)  Disclaimer may be made for a minor, incompetent,

29  incapacitated person, or deceased beneficiary by the guardian

30  or personal representative if the court having jurisdiction of



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  1  the estate of the minor, incompetent, incapacitated person, or

  2  deceased beneficiary upon petition finds that the disclaimer:

  3         1.  Is in the best interests of those interested in the

  4  estate of the beneficiary and of those who take the

  5  beneficiary's interest by virtue of the disclaimer and

  6         2.  Is not detrimental to the best interests of the

  7  beneficiary.


  9  The determination shall be made on a petition filed for that

10  purpose and served on all interested persons.  If ordered by

11  the court, the guardian or personal representative shall

12  execute and record the disclaimer on behalf of the beneficiary

13  within the time and in the manner in which the beneficiary

14  could disclaim if he or she were living, of legal age, and

15  competent.


17         (a)  Unless the decedent or a donee of a power of

18  appointment has otherwise provided by will or other

19  appropriate instrument with reference to the possibility of a

20  disclaimer by the beneficiary, the interest disclaimed shall

21  descend, be distributed, or otherwise be disposed of in the

22  same manner as if the disclaimant had died immediately

23  preceding the death or other event that caused him or her to

24  become finally ascertained as a beneficiary and the

25  disclaimant's interest to become indefeasibly fixed both in

26  quality and quantity.  The disclaimer shall relate to that

27  date for all purposes, whether recorded before or after the

28  death or other event.  An interest in property disclaimed

29  shall never vest in the disclaimant.  If the provisions of s.

30  732.603 would have been applicable had the disclaimant in fact



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  1  died immediately preceding the death or other event, they

  2  shall be applicable to the disclaimed interest.

  3         (b)  Unless the his or her disclaimer instrument so

  4  provides, a beneficiary who disclaims any interest that would

  5  pass to him or her in any manner described in subsection (2)

  6  shall not be excluded from sharing in any other interest to

  7  which he or she may be entitled in any manner described in the

  8  subsection, including subparagraph (2)(a)8., even though the

  9  interest includes disclaimed assets by virtue of the

10  beneficiary's disclaimer.



13         (a)  To be A disclaimer shall be in, a writing and

14  shall declare the disclaimer and its extent, describe the

15  interest in property disclaimed, and be executed signed,

16  witnessed, and acknowledged in the manner provided for the

17  conveyance of real property.

18         (b)  A disclaimer shall be effective and irrevocable

19  when the instrument is recorded by the clerk where the estate

20  of the decedent is or has been administered.  If no

21  administration has been commenced, it may be recorded

22  recording may be made with the clerk of any county where venue

23  of administration is proper.

24         (c)  The person disclaiming shall deliver or mail a

25  copy of the disclaimer instrument to the personal

26  representative, trustee, or other person having legal title

27  to, or possession of, the property in which the disclaimed

28  interest exists.  No representative, trustee, or other person

29  shall be liable for any otherwise proper distribution or other

30  disposition made without actual notice of the disclaimer or,

31  if the disclaimer is waived or barred as hereinafter provided,


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  1  for any otherwise proper distribution or other disposition

  2  made in reliance on the disclaimer, if the distribution or

  3  disposition is made without actual notice of the facts

  4  constituting the waiver or bar of barring the right to

  5  disclaim.

  6         (5)  TIME FOR RECORDING DISCLAIMER.--To be effective a

  7  disclaimer shall be recorded at any time after the creation of

  8  the interest, but in any event within 9 months after the event

  9  giving rise to the right to disclaim, including the death of

10  the decedent; or, if the disclaimant is not finally

11  ascertained as a beneficiary or the disclaimant's interest has

12  not become indefeasibly fixed both in quality and quantity at

13  the death of the decedent, then the disclaimer shall be

14  recorded not later than 6 months after the event that would

15  cause the him or her to become finally ascertained and his or

16  her interest to become indefeasibly fixed both in quality and

17  quantity.  However, a disclaimer may be effective if recorded

18  at any time after the creation of the interest, upon the

19  written consent of all interested parties as provided in s.

20  731.302.


22         (a)  The right to disclaim otherwise conferred by this

23  section shall be barred if the disclaimant beneficiary is

24  insolvent at the time of recording the disclaimer the event

25  giving rise to the right to disclaim and also by:

26         1.  Making a voluntary assignment or transfer of, a

27  contract to assign or transfer, or an encumbrance of, an

28  interest in real or personal property.

29         2.  Giving a written waiver of the right to disclaim

30  the succession to an interest in real or personal property.



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  1         3.  Making any sale or other disposition of an interest

  2  in real or personal property pursuant to judicial process by

  3  the beneficiary before recording he or she has recorded a

  4  disclaimer.

  5         (b)  The acceptance, assignment, transfer, encumbrance,

  6  or written waiver of the right to disclaim a part of an

  7  interest in property, or the sale pursuant to judicial process

  8  of a part of an interest in property, shall not bar the right

  9  to disclaim any other part of the interest in property.

10         (7)  EFFECT OF RESTRAINTS.--The right to disclaim

11  granted by this section is shall exist irrespective of any

12  limitation imposed on the interest of the disclaimant in the

13  nature of an express or implied spendthrift provision or

14  similar restriction.

15         Section 52.  Section 732.804, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         732.804  Provisions relating to disposition of the body

18  cremation.--Before issuance of letters, any person may carry

19  out written instructions of the decedent relating to the

20  decedent's body and funeral and burial arrangements. The fact

21  that cremation occurred pursuant to a written direction

22  provision of a will or any written contract signed by the

23  decedent that the in which he or she expressed the intent that

24  his or her body be cremated is a complete defense to a cause

25  of action against any person acting or relying on that

26  direction the personal representative or person providing the

27  services.

28         Section 53.  Section 732.901, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         732.901  Production of wills.--



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  1         (1)  The custodian of a will must deposit the will with

  2  the clerk of the court having venue of the estate of the

  3  decedent within 10 days after receiving information that the

  4  testator is dead.  The custodian must supply the testator's

  5  date of death or social security number to the clerk upon

  6  deposit.  Willful failure to deposit the will with the clerk

  7  within the time period specified shall render the custodian

  8  responsible for all costs and damages sustained by anyone if

  9  the court finds that the custodian had no just or reasonable

10  cause for withholding the deposit of the will.

11         (2)  Upon By petition and notice of it served on him or

12  her, the custodian of any will may be compelled to produce and

13  deposit the will as provided in subsection (1).  All costs,

14  damages, and a reasonable attorney's fee shall be adjudged to

15  petitioner against the delinquent custodian if the court finds

16  that the custodian had no just or reasonable cause for failing

17  to withholding the deposit of the will.

18         Section 54.  Section 732.910, Florida Statutes, is

19  transferred and renumbered as section 765.510, Florida

20  Statutes.

21         Section 55.  Section 732.911, Florida Statutes, is

22  transferred and renumbered as section 765.511, Florida

23  Statutes.

24         Section 56.  Section 732.912, Florida Statutes, is

25  transferred and renumbered as section 765.512, Florida

26  Statutes.

27         Section 57.  Section 732.913, Florida Statutes, is

28  transferred and renumbered as section 765.513, Florida

29  Statutes.




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  1         Section 58.  Section 732.914, Florida Statutes, is

  2  transferred and renumbered as section 765.514, Florida

  3  Statutes.

  4         Section 59.  Section 732.915, Florida Statutes, is

  5  transferred and renumbered as section 765.515, Florida

  6  Statutes.

  7         Section 60.  Section 732.916, Florida Statutes, is

  8  transferred and renumbered as section 765.516, Florida

  9  Statutes.

10         Section 61.  Section 732.917, Florida Statutes, is

11  transferred and renumbered as section 765.517, Florida

12  Statutes.

13         Section 62.  Section 732.918, Florida Statutes, is

14  transferred and renumbered as section 765.518, Florida

15  Statutes.

16         Section 63.  Section 732.9185, Florida Statutes, is

17  transferred and renumbered as section 765.5185, Florida

18  Statutes.

19         Section 64.  Section 732.919, Florida Statutes, is

20  transferred and renumbered as section 765.519, Florida

21  Statutes.

22         Section 65.  Section 732.921, Florida Statutes, is

23  transferred and renumbered as section 765.521, Florida

24  Statutes.

25         Section 66.  Section 732.9215, Florida Statutes, is

26  transferred and renumbered as section 765.5215, Florida

27  Statutes.

28         Section 67.  Section 732.92155, Florida Statutes, is

29  transferred and renumbered as section 765.52155, Florida

30  Statutes.



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  1         Section 68.  Section 732.9216, Florida Statutes, is

  2  transferred and renumbered as section 765.5216, Florida

  3  Statutes.

  4         Section 69.  Section 732.922, Florida Statutes, is

  5  transferred and renumbered as section 765.522, Florida

  6  Statutes.

  7         Section 70.  Section 733.101, Florida Statutes, is

  8  amended to read:

  9         733.101  Venue of probate proceedings.--

10         (1)  The venue for of probate of all wills and granting

11  of letters shall be:

12         (a)  In the county in this state where the decedent was

13  domiciled had his or her domicile.

14         (b)  If the decedent had no domicile in this state,

15  then in any county where the decedent's decedent was possessed

16  of any property is located.

17         (c)  If the decedent had no domicile in this state and

18  possessed no property in this state, then in the county where

19  any debtor of the decedent resides.

20         (2)  For the purpose of this section, a married woman

21  whose husband is an alien or a nonresident of Florida may

22  establish or designate a separate domicile in this state.

23         (3)  Whenever a When any proceeding is filed laying

24  venue in an improper the wrong county, the court may transfer

25  the action in the same manner as provided in the Florida Rules

26  of Civil Procedure.  Any action taken by the court or the

27  parties before the transfer is not affected by because of the

28  improper venue.

29         Section 71.  Subsection (2) of section 733.103, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:

31         733.103  Effect of probate.--


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  1         (2)  In any collateral action or proceeding relating to

  2  devised property, the probate of a will in Florida shall be

  3  conclusive of its due execution; that it was executed by a

  4  competent testator, free of fraud, duress, mistake, and undue

  5  influence; and of the fact that the will was unrevoked on the

  6  testator's death.

  7         Section 72.  Section 733.104, Florida Statutes, is

  8  amended to read:

  9         733.104  Suspension of statutes of limitation in favor

10  of the personal representative.--

11         (1)  If a person entitled to bring an action dies

12  before the expiration of the time limited for the commencement

13  of the action and the cause of action survives, the action may

14  be commenced by that person's his or her personal

15  representative before the later of the expiration of the

16  statute or 12 months after the expiration and within 12 months

17  from the date of the decedent's death.

18         (2)  If a person against whom a cause of action exists

19  dies before the expiration of the time limited for

20  commencement of the action and the cause of action survives,

21  if a claim is timely filed shall be filed on the cause of

22  action, and it shall then proceed as other claims against the

23  estate, notwithstanding the expiration of the time limited for

24  commencement of the action shall not apply.

25         Section 73.  Section 733.105, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         733.105  Determination of beneficiaries.--

28         (1)  When property passes by intestate succession or

29  under a will to a person not sufficiently identified in the

30  will is unclear and there is the personal representative is in

31  doubt about:


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  1         (a)  Who is entitled to receive any part of the

  2  property it or part of it, or

  3         (b)  The shares and amounts that any person is entitled

  4  to receive,


  6  any interested person the personal representative may petition

  7  the court to determine beneficiaries or their shares file a

  8  petition setting forth the names, residences, and post office

  9  addresses of all persons in interest, except creditors of the

10  decedent, so far as known or ascertainable by diligent search

11  and inquiry, and the nature of their respective interests,

12  designating those who are believed by the personal

13  representative to be minors or incompetents and stating

14  whether those so designated are under legal guardianship in

15  this state.  If the personal representative believes that

16  there are, or may be, persons whose names are not known to him

17  or her who have claims against, or interest in, the estate as

18  heirs or devisees, the petition shall so state.

19         (2)  After formal notice and hearing, the court shall

20  enter an order determining the heirs or devisees or the shares

21  and amounts they are entitled to receive, or both.  Any

22  personal representative who makes distribution or takes any

23  other action pursuant to an the order determining

24  beneficiaries shall be fully protected.

25         (3)  When it is necessary to determine who are or were

26  the heirs or devisees, the court may make a determination, on

27  the petition of any interested person, in like proceedings and

28  after formal notice, irrespective of whether the estate of the

29  deceased person is administered or, if administered, whether

30  the administration of the estate has been closed or the

31  personal representative discharged.  A separate civil action


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  1  to determine beneficiaries may be brought under this

  2  subsection when an estate has not been is not being

  3  administered.

  4         Section 74.  Subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section

  5  733.106, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  6         733.106  Costs and attorney's attorney fees.--

  7         (2)  A person nominated as personal representative of

  8  the last known will, or any proponent of a the will if the

  9  person so nominated does not act within a reasonable time, if

10  in good faith justified in offering the will in due form for

11  probate, shall receive his or her costs and attorney's

12  attorney fees from out of the estate even though probate is

13  denied or revoked he or she is unsuccessful.

14         (3)  Any attorney who has rendered services to an

15  estate is entitled to compensation from an estate may apply

16  for an order awarding attorney fees, and after informal notice

17  to the personal representative and all persons bearing the

18  impact of the payment the court shall enter its order on the

19  petition.

20         (4)  When costs and attorney's attorney fees are to be

21  paid from out of the estate, the court may, in its discretion,

22  direct from what part of the estate they shall be paid.

23         Section 75.  Section 733.107, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         733.107  Burden of proof in contests.--In all

26  proceedings contesting the validity of a will, the burden

27  shall be upon the proponent of the will to establish prima

28  facie its formal execution and attestation.  Thereafter, the

29  contestant shall have the burden of establishing the grounds

30  on which the probate of the will is opposed or revocation is

31  sought.


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  1         Section 76.  Section 733.109, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         733.109  Revocation of probate.--

  4         (1)  A proceeding to revoke the probate of a will shall

  5  be brought in the court having jurisdiction over the

  6  administration. Any interested person, including a beneficiary

  7  under a prior will, unless except those barred under s.

  8  733.212 or s. 733.2123, may commence the proceeding, before

  9  final discharge of the personal representative, petition the

10  court in which the will was admitted to probate for revocation

11  of probate.

12         (a)  The petition shall state the interest of the

13  petitioner and the grounds for revocation.

14         (b)  The petition shall be served upon the personal

15  representative and all interested persons by formal notice,

16  and thereafter proceedings shall be conducted as an adversary

17  proceeding under the rules of civil procedure.

18         (2)  Pending the determination of any petition for

19  revocation of probate, the personal representative shall

20  proceed with the administration of the estate as if no

21  revocation proceeding had been commenced, except that no

22  distribution may be made to beneficiaries devisees in

23  contravention of the rights of those who, but for the will,

24  would be entitled to the property disposed of.

25         (3)  Revocation of probate of a will shall not affect

26  or impair the title to the property theretofore purchased in

27  good faith for value from the personal representative prior to

28  an order of revocation.

29         Section 77.  Subsection (3) of section 733.201, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:

31         733.201  Proof of wills.--


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  1         (3)  If it appears to the court that the attesting

  2  witnesses cannot be found or that they have become incompetent

  3  after the execution of the will or their testimony cannot be

  4  obtained within a reasonable time, a will may be admitted to

  5  probate upon the oath of the personal representative nominated

  6  by the will as provided in subsection (2), whether or not the

  7  nominated personal representative he or she is interested in

  8  the estate, or upon the oath of any person having no interest

  9  in the estate under the will stating, that the person he or

10  she believes the writing exhibited to be the true last will of

11  the decedent.

12         Section 78.  Section 733.202, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         733.202  Petition.--Any interested person may petition

15  for administration.

16         (1)  A verified petition for administration may be

17  filed by any interested person.

18         (2)  The petition for administration shall contain:

19         (a)  A statement of the interest of the petitioner, the

20  petitioner's name and address, and the name and office address

21  of his or her attorney.

22         (b)  The name, last known address, social security

23  number, and date and place of death of the decedent and the

24  state and county of the decedent's domicile.

25         (c)  So far as is known, the names and addresses of the

26  beneficiaries and the dates of birth of any who are minors.

27         (d)  A statement showing venue.

28         (e)  The priority under part III of the person whose

29  appointment as the personal representative is sought.

30         (f)  A statement of the approximate value and nature of

31  the assets so the clerk can ascertain the amount of the filing


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  1  fee and the court can determine the amount of any bond

  2  authorized by this code.

  3         (3)  If the decedent was a nonresident of this state,

  4  the petition shall state whether domiciliary proceedings are

  5  pending in another state or country, if known, and, if so, the

  6  name and address of the foreign personal representative and

  7  the court issuing letters.

  8         (4)  In an intestate estate, the petition shall:

  9         (a)  State that after the exercise of reasonable

10  diligence the petitioner is unaware of any unrevoked wills or

11  codicils or, if the petitioner is aware of any unrevoked wills

12  or codicils, why the wills or codicils are not being probated,

13  or

14         (b)  Otherwise give the facts concerning the will or

15  codicil.

16         (5)  In a testate estate, the petition shall:

17         (a)  Identify all unrevoked wills and codicils being

18  presented for probate.

19         (b)  State that the petitioner is unaware of any other

20  unrevoked will or codicil or, if the petitioner is aware of

21  any other unrevoked will or codicil, why the other will or

22  codicil is not being probated.

23         (c)  State that the original of the decedent's last

24  will is in the possession of the court or accompanies the

25  petition or that an authenticated copy of a will probated in

26  another jurisdiction accompanies the petition.

27         Section 79.  Section 733.203, Florida Statutes, is

28  repealed:

29         733.203  Notice; when required.--




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  1         (1)  If a caveat has been filed by an heir or a devisee

  2  under a will other than that being offered for probate, the

  3  procedure provided for in s. 733.2123 shall be followed.

  4         (2)  Except as may otherwise be provided in this part,

  5  no notice need be given of the petition for administration or

  6  of the order granting letters when it appears that the

  7  petitioner is entitled to preference of appointment. Before

  8  letters shall be granted to any person who is not entitled to

  9  preference, formal notice shall be served on all known persons

10  qualified to act as personal representative and entitled to

11  preference equal to or greater than the applicant, unless

12  those entitled to preference waive it in writing.

13         Section 80.  Subsection (2) of section 733.204, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         733.204  Probate of a will written in a foreign

16  language.--

17         (2)  In admitting the will to probate, the court shall

18  establish its correct English translation.  If the original

19  will is not or cannot be filed, a photographic copy of the

20  original will shall be filed.  At any time during the

21  administration any interested person may have the correctness

22  of the translation, or any part, redetermined after formal

23  notice to all other interested persons. No personal

24  representative who complies in good faith with the English

25  translation of the will as may then be established by the

26  court shall thereafter be held liable for doing as a result of

27  having done so.

28         Section 81.  Section 733.205, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         733.205  Probate of notarial will.--



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  1         (1)  When a copy of a notarial will in the possession

  2  of a notary entitled to its custody in a foreign state or

  3  country, the laws of which state or country require that the

  4  will remain in the custody of the such notary, duly

  5  authenticated by the notary, whose official position,

  6  signature, and seal of office are further authenticated by an

  7  American consul, vice consul, or other American consular

  8  officer within whose jurisdiction the notary is a resident, is

  9  presented to the court, it may be admitted to probate if the

10  original could have been admitted to probate in this state.

11         (2)  The duly authenticated copy shall be prima facie

12  evidence of its purported execution and of the facts stated in

13  the certificate in compliance with subsection (1).

14         (3)  Any interested person notified may oppose the

15  probate of such a notarial will or may petition for revocation

16  of probate of such a notarial will, as in the case of original

17  probate of a will in this state.

18         Section 82.  Subsection (3) of section 733.206, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         733.206  Probate of will of resident after foreign

21  probate.--

22         (3)  Any interested person may oppose the probate of

23  the will, or may petition for revocation of the probate of the

24  will, as in the case of the original probate of a will in this

25  state.

26         Section 83.  Section 733.207, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         733.207  Establishment and probate of lost or destroyed

29  will.--Any interested person may establish the full and

30  precise terms of a lost or destroyed will and offer the will

31  for probate.


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  1         (1)  The establishment and probate of a lost or

  2  destroyed will shall be in one proceeding.  The court shall

  3  recite, and thereby establish and preserve, the full and

  4  precise terms and provisions of the will in the order

  5  admitting it to probate.

  6         (2)  The petition for probate of a lost or destroyed

  7  will shall contain a copy of the will or its substance. The

  8  testimony of each witness must be reduced to writing and filed

  9  and shall be evidence in any contest of the will if the

10  witness has died or moved from the state.

11         (3)  No lost or destroyed will shall be admitted to

12  probate unless formal notice has been given to those who, but

13  for the will, would be entitled to the property thereby

14  devised.  The specific content of the will must be clearly and

15  distinctly proved by the testimony of two disinterested

16  witnesses, or, if a correct copy is provided, it shall be

17  proved by one disinterested witness.

18         Section 84.  Section 733.208, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         733.208  Discovery of later will.--On the discovery of

21  a later will or codicil expressly or impliedly revoking the

22  probated will in whole or in part, pending or during

23  administration, any interested person may petition to revoke

24  the probate of the earlier will or to probate the later will

25  or codicil offer the later will for probate.  The proceedings

26  shall be similar to those for revocation of probate.  No later

27  will or codicil may be offered after the testate or intestate

28  estate has been completely administered and the personal

29  representative discharged closing of the estate.

30         Section 85.  Section 733.209, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         733.209  Estates of missing persons.--Any interested

  2  person may petition to administer the estate of a missing

  3  person; however, no personal representative shall be appointed

  4  until the court determines the missing person is dead. The

  5  estates of missing persons shall be administered in the same

  6  manner as other estates.  A petition for administration of the

  7  estate shall request entry of an order declaring the death of

  8  a missing person prior to appointing a personal representative

  9  and commencing administration.

10         Section 86.  Section 733.212, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         733.212  Notice of administration; filing of objections

13  and claims.--

14         (1)  The personal representative shall promptly publish

15  a notice of administration.  The notice shall contain the name

16  of the decedent, the file number of the estate, the

17  designation and address of the court in which the proceedings

18  are pending, the name and address of the personal

19  representative, and the name and address of the personal

20  representative's attorney and state the date of first

21  publication. The notice shall require all interested persons

22  to file with the court:

23         (a)  All claims against the estate within the time

24  periods set forth in s. 733.702, or be forever barred.

25         (b)  Any objection by an interested person on whom

26  notice was served that challenges the validity of the will,

27  the qualifications of the personal representative, venue, or

28  jurisdiction of the court within the later of 3 months after

29  the date of the first publication of the notice or 30 days

30  after the date of service of a copy of the notice on the

31  objecting person.


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  1         (2)  Publication shall be once a week for 2 consecutive

  2  weeks, two publications being sufficient, in a newspaper

  3  published in the county where the estate is administered or,

  4  if there is no newspaper published in the county, in a

  5  newspaper of general circulation in that county.

  6         (1)(3)  The personal representative shall promptly

  7  serve a copy of the notice of administration on the following

  8  persons who are known to the personal representative:

  9         (a)  The decedent's surviving spouse;

10         (b)  Beneficiaries; and

11         (c)  The trustee of any trust described in s.

12  733.707(3); and, of which the decedent was grantor

13         (d)  Persons who may be entitled to exempt property


15  in the manner provided for service of formal notice, unless

16  served under s. 733.2123.  The personal representative may

17  similarly serve a copy of the notice on any devisees under a

18  known prior will or heirs or others who claim or may claim an

19  interest in the estate.

20         (2)  The notice shall state the name of the decedent,

21  the file number of the estate, the designation and address of

22  the court in which the proceedings are pending, whether the

23  estate is testate or intestate, and, if testate, the date of

24  the will and any codicils, the name and address of the

25  personal representative, and the name and address of the

26  personal representative's attorney.  The notice shall state

27  that interested persons are required to file with the court

28  any objection by an interested person on whom the notice was

29  served that challenges the validity of the will, the

30  qualifications of the personal representative, venue, or

31  jurisdiction of the court within 3 months after the date of


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  1  service of a copy of the notice of administration on the

  2  objecting person.

  3         (3)  Any interested person on whom a copy of the notice

  4  of administration was served must object to the validity of

  5  the will, the qualifications of the personal representative,

  6  venue, or jurisdiction of the court by filing a petition or

  7  other pleading requesting relief in accordance with the

  8  Florida Probate Rules within 3 months after the date of

  9  service of a copy of the notice of administration on the

10  objecting person or those objections are forever barred. The

11  appointment of a personal representative or a successor

12  personal representative shall not extend or renew the period

13  for filing objections under this section, unless a new will or

14  codicil is admitted.

15         (4)(a)  The personal representative shall promptly make

16  a diligent search to determine the names and addresses of

17  creditors of the decedent who are reasonably ascertainable and

18  shall serve on those creditors a copy of the notice within 3

19  months after the first publication of the notice. Under s.

20  409.9101, the Agency for Health Care Administration is

21  considered a reasonably ascertainable creditor in instances

22  where the decedent had received Medicaid assistance for

23  medical care after reaching 55 years of age. Impracticable and

24  extended searches are not required.  Service is not required

25  on any creditor who has filed a claim as provided in this

26  part; a creditor whose claim has been paid in full; or a

27  creditor whose claim is listed in a personal representative's

28  timely proof of claim if the personal representative notified

29  the creditor of that listing.

30         (4)(b)  The personal representative is not individually

31  liable to any person for giving notice under this section


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  1  subsection, regardless of whether it is later determined that

  2  such notice was not required by this section.  The service of

  3  notice in accordance with this section subsection shall not be

  4  construed as conferring any right admitting the validity or

  5  enforceability of a claim.

  6         (5)(c)  If the personal representative in good faith

  7  fails to give notice required by this section subsection, the

  8  personal representative is not liable to any person for the

  9  failure. Liability, if any, for the failure in such a case is

10  on the estate.

11         (5)  Objections under paragraph (1)(b), by persons on

12  whom notice was served, that are not filed within the later of

13  3 months after the date of first publication of the notice or

14  30 days after the date of service of a copy of the notice on

15  the objecting person are forever barred.

16         (6)  If a will or codicil is subsequently admitted to

17  probate, the personal representative shall promptly serve a

18  copy of a new notice of administration as required for an

19  initial will admission. Claims under paragraph (1)(a) are

20  barred as provided in s. 733.702.

21         Section 87.  Section 733.2121, Florida Statutes, is

22  created to read:

23         733.2121  Notice to creditors; filing of claims.--

24         (1)  Unless creditors' claims are otherwise barred by

25  s. 733.710, the personal representative shall promptly publish

26  a notice to creditors.  The notice shall contain the name of

27  the decedent, the file number of the estate, the designation

28  and address of the court in which the proceedings are pending,

29  the name and address of the personal representative, the name

30  and address of the personal representative's attorney, and the

31  date of first publication.  The notice shall state that


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  1  creditors must file claims against the estate with the court

  2  within the time periods set forth in ss. 733.702 and 733.710,

  3  or be forever barred.

  4         (2)  Publication shall be once a week for 2 consecutive

  5  weeks, in a newspaper published in the county where the estate

  6  is administered or, if there is no newspaper published in the

  7  county, in a newspaper of general circulation in that county.

  8         (3)(a)  The personal representative shall promptly make

  9  a diligent search to determine the names and addresses of

10  creditors of the decedent who are reasonably ascertainable,

11  even if the claims are unmatured, contingent, or unliquidated,

12  and shall promptly serve a copy of the notice on those

13  creditors.  Impracticable and extended searches are not

14  required.  Service is not required on any creditor who has

15  filed a claim as provided in this part, whose claim has been

16  paid in full, or whose claim is listed in a personal

17  representative's timely filed proof of claim.

18         (b)  The personal representative is not individually

19  liable to any person for giving notice under this section,

20  even if it is later determined that notice was not required.

21  The service of notice to creditors in accordance with this

22  section shall not be construed as admitting the validity or

23  enforceability of a claim.

24         (c)  If the personal representative in good faith fails

25  to give notice required by this section, the personal

26  representative is not liable to any person for the failure.

27  Liability, if any, for the failure is on the estate.

28         (d)  If a decedent at the time of death was 55 years of

29  age or older, and was not survived by a spouse, a child or

30  children under 21 years of age at the time of death, or a

31  child or children who are blind or permanently and totally


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  1  disabled pursuant to the eligibility requirements of Title XIX

  2  (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act, the personal

  3  representative shall promptly serve a copy of the notice to

  4  creditors on the Agency for Health Care Administration within

  5  3 months after the first publication of the notice to

  6  creditors, unless the agency has already filed a statement of

  7  claim in the estate proceedings.

  8         (e)  If the Department of Revenue has not previously

  9  been served with a copy of the notice to creditors, then

10  service of the inventory on the Department of Revenue shall be

11  the equivalent of service of a copy of the notice to

12  creditors.

13         (4)  Claims are barred as provided in ss. 733.702 and

14  733.710.

15         Section 88.  Section 733.2123, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         733.2123  Adjudication before issuance of letters.--A

18  petitioner may serve formal notice of the his or her petition

19  for administration on interested persons. A copy of the will

20  offered for proposed to be admitted to probate shall be

21  attached to the notice. No person who is served with formal

22  notice of the petition for administration prior to the

23  issuance of letters or who has waived notice may challenge the

24  validity of the will, testacy of the decedent, qualifications

25  of the personal representative, venue, or jurisdiction of the

26  court, except in connection with the proceedings before

27  issuance of letters.

28         Section 89.  Section 733.213, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         733.213  Probate as prerequisite to judicial petition

31  for construction of will.--A will may not be construed until


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  1  it has been admitted to probate No pleading seeking

  2  construction of a will may be maintained until the will has

  3  first been probated.

  4         Section 90.  Section 733.301, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         733.301  Preference in appointment of personal

  7  representative.--

  8         (1)  In the granting of letters of administration, the

  9  following order of preference preferences shall be observed:

10         (a)(1)  In testate estates:

11         1.(a)  The personal representative, or his or her

12  successor, nominated by the will or pursuant to a power

13  conferred in the will.

14         2.(b)  The person selected by a majority in interest of

15  the persons entitled to the estate.

16         3.(c)  A devisee under the will.  If more than one

17  devisee applies, the court may select exercise its discretion

18  in selecting the one best qualified.

19         (b)(2)  In intestate estates:

20         1.(a)  The surviving spouse.

21         2.(b)  The person selected by a majority in interest of

22  the heirs.

23         3.(c)  The heir nearest in degree.  If more than one

24  applies, the court may select exercise its discretion in

25  selecting the one best qualified for the office.

26         (2)(3)  A guardian of the property of a ward who if

27  competent would be entitled to appointment as, or to select,

28  the a personal representative may exercise the right to select

29  the personal representative.

30         (3)(4)  In either a testate or an intestate estate, if

31  no application is made by any of the persons described named


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  1  in subsection (1) or subsection (2), the court shall appoint a

  2  capable person; but no person may be appointed under this

  3  subsection:

  4         (a)  Who works for, or holds public office under, the

  5  court.

  6         (b)  Who is employed by, or holds office under, any

  7  judge exercising probate jurisdiction.

  8         (4)(5)  After letters have been granted in either a

  9  testate or an intestate estate, if a person who was entitled

10  to, and has not waived, preference over the person appointed

11  at the time of the his or her appointment and on whom formal

12  notice was not served seeks the appointment, the letters

13  granted may be revoked and the person entitled to preference

14  may have letters granted to him or her after formal notice and

15  hearing.

16         (5)(6)  After letters have been granted in either a

17  testate or an intestate estate, if any will is subsequently

18  admitted to probate the letters shall be revoked and new

19  letters granted as provided in subsection (1).

20         Section 91.  Section 733.302, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         733.302  Who may be appointed personal

23  representative.--Subject to the limitations in this part, any

24  person who is sui juris and who is a resident of Florida at

25  the time of the death of the person whose estate is to be

26  administered he or she seeks to administer is qualified to act

27  as personal representative in Florida.  A person who has been

28  convicted of a felony or who, from sickness, intemperance, or

29  want of understanding, is incompetent to discharge the duties

30  of a personal representative is not qualified.



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  1         Section 92.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

  2  733.305, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         733.305  Trust companies and other corporations and

  4  associations.--

  5         (1)  All trust companies incorporated under the laws of

  6  Florida the state, all state banking corporations and state

  7  savings associations authorized and qualified to exercise

  8  fiduciary powers in Florida, and all national banking

  9  associations and federal savings and loan associations

10  authorized and qualified to exercise fiduciary powers in

11  Florida shall be entitled to act as personal representatives

12  and curators of estates.

13         (2)  When a qualified corporation has been named as a

14  personal representative in a will and subsequently thereafter

15  transfers its business and assets to, consolidates or merges

16  with, or is in any manner provided by law succeeded by,

17  another qualified corporation, on the death of the testator,

18  the successor corporation may qualify as personal

19  representative, and the court may issue letters to the

20  successor corporation unless the will provides otherwise.

21         Section 93.  Section 733.306, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         733.306  Effect of appointment of debtor.--The

24  appointment of a debtor as personal representative shall not

25  extinguish the debt due to the decedent.  This section shall

26  not prevent a testator from releasing a debtor by will.

27         Section 94.  Section 733.307, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         733.307  Succession of administration.--The No personal

30  representative of the estate of a deceased personal

31  representative is not as such shall be authorized to


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  1  administer the estate of the first decedent.  On the death of

  2  a the sole or surviving personal representative, the court

  3  shall appoint a successor personal representative to complete

  4  the administration of the estate.

  5         Section 95.  Section 733.308, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         733.308  Administrator ad litem.--When it is necessary

  8  that an estate must be represented and the there is no

  9  personal representative is unable to do so of the estate, the

10  court shall appoint an administrator ad litem without bond to

11  represent the estate in that for that particular proceeding.

12  The fact that the personal representative is seeking

13  reimbursement for claims against the decedent paid by the

14  personal representative does not require appointment of an

15  administrator ad litem.

16         Section 96.  Section 733.309, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         733.309  Executor de son tort.--No person shall be

19  liable to a creditor of a decedent as executor de son tort,

20  but any person taking, converting, or intermeddling with the

21  property of a decedent shall be liable to the personal

22  representative or curator, when appointed, for the value of

23  all the property so taken or converted and for all damages to

24  the estate caused by the his or her wrongful action. This

25  section shall not be construed to prevent a creditor of a

26  decedent from suing anyone in possession of property

27  fraudulently conveyed by the decedent to set aside the

28  fraudulent conveyance.

29         Section 97.  Section 733.310, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:



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  1         733.310  Personal representative not qualified.--Any

  2  time a personal representative knows or should have known that

  3  he or she would not be entitled to appointment if application

  4  for appointment were then made, the personal representative

  5  shall promptly file and serve a notice setting forth the

  6  reasons. A personal representative who fails to comply with

  7  this section shall be personally liable for costs, including

  8  attorney's fees, incurred in any removal proceeding, if the

  9  personal representative is removed. This liability shall be

10  cumulative to any other provided by law.

11         Section 98.  Section 733.401, Florida Statutes, is

12  repealed:

13         733.401  Issuance of letters.--

14         (1)  After the petition for administration is filed:

15         (a)  The will, if any, shall be proved as provided

16  elsewhere in this code and shall be admitted to probate.

17         (b)  The court shall appoint the person entitled and

18  qualified to be personal representative.

19         (c)  The court shall determine the amount of any bond

20  required under this part.  The clerk may approve the bond in

21  the amount determined by the court and shall not charge a

22  service fee.

23         (d)  Any required oath or designation of, and

24  acceptance by, a resident agent shall be filed.

25         (2)  Upon compliance with all of the foregoing, letters

26  shall be issued to the personal representative.

27         (3)  Mistaken noncompliance with any of the

28  requirements of subsection (1) shall not be jurisdictional.

29         Section 99.  Section 733.402, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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  1         733.402  Bond of fiduciary personal representative;

  2  when required; form.--

  3         (1)  Unless the bond requirement has been waived by the

  4  will or by the court testator waived the requirement, every

  5  fiduciary person to whom letters are granted shall execute and

  6  file a bond with surety, as defined in s. 45.011, to be

  7  approved by the clerk without a service fee. The bond shall be

  8  payable to the Governor and the Governor's successors in

  9  office, conditioned on the performance of all duties as

10  personal representative according to law.  The bond must be

11  joint and several.

12         (2)  No bond executed by a personal representative or

13  curator shall be void or invalid because of an informality in

14  it or an informality or illegality in the appointment of the

15  fiduciary. The bond shall have the same force as if the

16  appointment had been legally made and the bond executed in

17  proper form.

18         (3)  The requirements of this section shall not apply

19  to banks and trust companies authorized by law to act as

20  personal representative.

21         (4)  On petition by any interested person or on the

22  court's own motion, the court may waive the requirement of

23  filing a bond, require a bond, increase or decrease the bond,

24  or require additional surety.

25         Section 100.  Section 733.403, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         733.403  Amount of bond.--

28         (1)  All bonds required by this part shall be in the

29  penal sum that the court deems sufficient after consideration

30  of the gross value of the estate, the relationship of the

31  personal representative to the beneficiaries, exempt property


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  1  and any family allowance, the type and nature of assets, known

  2  creditors, and liens and encumbrances on the assets.

  3         (2)  On petition by any interested person or on the

  4  court's own motion, the court may waive the requirement of

  5  filing a bond, require a personal representative or curator to

  6  give bond, increase or decrease the bond, or require

  7  additional surety.

  8         Section 101.  Section 733.404, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         733.404  Liability of surety.--No surety for any

11  personal representative or curator shall be charged beyond the

12  value of the assets of an estate because of any omission or

13  mistake in pleading or of false pleading of the personal

14  representative or curator.

15         Section 102.  Section 733.405, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         733.405  Release of surety.--

18         (1)  Subject to the limitations of this section, on the

19  petition of any interested person, the surety is entitled to

20  be released from liability for the future acts and omissions

21  of the fiduciary On petitioning the surety, or the personal

22  representative of a surety, on the bond of any personal

23  representative or curator shall be entitled as a matter of

24  right to be released from future liability upon the bond.

25         (2)  Pending the hearing of the petition, the court may

26  restrain the fiduciary principal from acting in his or her

27  representative capacity, except to preserve the estate.

28         (3)  On hearing, the court shall enter an order

29  prescribing the amount of the new bond for the fiduciary

30  personal representative or curator and the date when the bond

31  shall be filed. If the fiduciary principal fails to give the


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  1  new bond, the fiduciary he or she shall be removed at once,

  2  and further proceedings shall be had as in cases of removal.

  3         (4)  The original surety or sureties shall remain be

  4  liable in accordance with the terms of its original bond for

  5  all acts and omissions of the fiduciary that occur prior to

  6  personal representative or surety until he or she has given

  7  the approval of the new surety and filing and approval of the

  8  bond and, after the giving of the new bond, shall remain

  9  liable for all the principal's acts to the time of the filing

10  and approval of the new bond. The new surety shall be liable

11  on its bond for the principal's acts only after the filing and

12  approval of the new bond.

13         Section 103.  Section 733.406, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         733.406  Bond premium allowable as expense of

16  administration or costs.--A personal representative Any

17  receiver, assignee, trustee, committee, guardian, executor or

18  administrator, or other fiduciary required by law to give bond

19  shall pay the reasonable premium as an expense of

20  administration as such, may include as part of his or her

21  lawful expense such reasonable sum paid such an insurer for

22  such suretyship not exceeding 1 percent per annum on the

23  amount of the bond, as the head of department, board, court,

24  judge or officer by whom, or the court or body in which, he or

25  she was appointed allows; and in all actions or proceedings

26  the party entitled to recover costs may include therein such

27  reasonable sum as may have been paid such an insurer executing

28  or guaranteeing any bond or undertaking therein.

29         Section 104.  Section 733.501, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         733.501  Curators.--


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  1         (1)  When it is necessary, the court may appoint a

  2  curator after and issue letters of curatorship to take charge

  3  of the estate of a decedent until letters are granted.  If the

  4  person entitled to letters is a resident of the county where

  5  the property is situated, no curator shall be appointed until

  6  formal notice is given to the person apparently so entitled to

  7  letters of administration. The curator may be authorized to

  8  perform any duty or function of a personal representative. If

  9  there is great danger that any of the decedent's property is

10  likely to wasted, destroyed, or removed beyond the

11  jurisdiction of the court and if the appointment of a curator

12  would be delayed by giving notice, the court may appoint a

13  curator without giving notice. On appointment, the court shall

14  direct the person in possession of the effects of the decedent

15  to deliver them to the curator.  The order may be enforced by

16  contempt.

17         (2)  If there is great danger that the property or any

18  part of it is likely to be wasted, destroyed, or removed

19  beyond the jurisdiction of the court and if the appointment of

20  a curator would be delayed by giving notice, the court may

21  appoint a curator without giving notice.

22         (3)  On special order of the court, the curator may be

23  authorized to perform any duty or function of a personal

24  representative.

25         (2)(4)  Bond shall be required of the curator as the

26  court deems necessary to secure the property.  No bond shall

27  be required of banks and trust companies as curators.

28         (5)  The curator shall file an inventory of the

29  property within 20 days.  When the personal representative

30  qualifies, the curator shall immediately account and deliver

31  all assets of the estate in his or her hands to the personal


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  1  representative within 20 days, and in default shall be subject

  2  to the provisions of this code relating to removal of personal

  3  representatives.

  4         (3)(6)  Curators shall be allowed reasonable

  5  compensation for their services and the court may consider the

  6  provisions of s. 733.617.

  7         (4)  Curators shall be subject to removal and

  8  surcharge.

  9         Section 105.  Section 733.502, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         733.502  Resignation of personal representative.--A

12  personal representative may resign and be relieved of his or

13  her office. Notice of the petition shall be given to all

14  interested persons. Before relieving the personal

15  representative from his or her duties and obligations, the

16  court shall require the personal representative to file a true

17  and correct account of his or her administration and deliver

18  to his or her successor or to his or her joint personal

19  representative all of the property of the decedent and all

20  records concerning the estate. After notice to all interested

21  persons, the court may accept the resignation and then revoke

22  the letters of the resigning personal representative if the

23  interests of the estate are not jeopardized by the

24  resignation. The acceptance of the resignation, after

25  compliance with this section, shall not exonerate the any

26  personal representative or the his or her surety from

27  liability previously incurred.

28         Section 106.  Section 733.503, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         733.503  Appointment of successor upon

31  resignation.--When the personal representative's resignation


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  1  is accepted, the court shall appoint a personal representative

  2  or shall appoint a curator to serve until a successor personal

  3  representative is appointed If there is no joint personal

  4  representative, a successor must be appointed and qualified

  5  before a personal representative may be relieved of his or her

  6  duties and obligations as provided in s. 733.502.

  7         Section 107.  Section 733.5035, Florida Statutes, is

  8  created to read:

  9         733.5035  Surrender of assets after resignation.--When

10  the resignation has been accepted by the court, all estate

11  assets, records, documents, papers, and other property of or

12  concerning the estate in the resigning personal

13  representative's possession or control shall immediately be

14  surrendered to the successor fiduciary. The court may

15  establish the conditions and specify the assets and records,

16  if any, that the resigning personal representative may retain

17  until the final accounting of the resigning personal

18  representative has been approved.

19         Section 108.  Section 733.5036, Florida Statutes, is

20  created to read:

21         733.5036  Accounting and discharge following

22  resignation.--

23         (1)  A resigning personal representative shall file and

24  serve a final accounting of the personal representative's

25  administration.

26         (2)  After determination and satisfaction of the

27  liability, if any, of the resigning personal representative,

28  after compensation of the personal representative and the

29  attorney and other persons employed by the personal

30  representative, and upon receipt of evidence that

31  undistributed estate assets have been delivered to the


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  1  successor fiduciary, the personal representative shall be

  2  discharged, the bond released, and the surety discharged.

  3         Section 109.  Section 733.504, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         733.504  Causes of Removal of personal representative;

  6  causes for removal.--A personal representative may be removed

  7  and the his or her letters revoked for any of the following

  8  causes, and the removal shall be in addition to any penalties

  9  prescribed by law:

10         (1)  Adjudication of incompetency.

11         (2)  Physical or mental incapacity rendering the

12  personal representative incapable of the discharge of his or

13  her duties.

14         (3)  Failure to comply with any order of the court,

15  unless the order has been superseded on appeal.

16         (4)  Failure to account for the sale of property or to

17  produce and exhibit the assets of the estate when so required.

18         (5)  The Wasting or maladministration of the estate.

19         (6)  Failure to give bond or security for any purpose.

20         (7)  Conviction of a felony.

21         (8)  Insolvency of, or the appointment of a receiver or

22  liquidator for, any corporate personal representative.

23         (9)  The Holding or acquiring by the personal

24  representative of conflicting or adverse interests against the

25  estate that will or may adversely interfere with the

26  administration of the estate as a whole.  This cause of

27  removal shall not apply to the surviving spouse because of the

28  exercise of the right to the elective share, family allowance,

29  or exemptions, as provided elsewhere in this code.




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  1         (10)  Revocation of the probate of the decedent's will

  2  that authorized or designated the appointment of the such

  3  personal representative.

  4         (11)  Removal of domicile from Florida, if domicile was

  5  a requirement of initial appointment the personal

  6  representative is no longer qualified under part III of this

  7  chapter.

  8         (12)  The personal representative would not now be

  9  entitled to appointment.

10         Section 110.  Section 733.505, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         733.505  Jurisdiction in removal proceedings.--A

13  petition for removal shall be filed in the court having

14  jurisdiction of the administration issuing the letters.

15         Section 111.  Section 733.506, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         733.506  Proceedings for removal.--Proceedings for

18  removal of a personal representative may be commenced by the

19  court or upon the petition of an by any interested person or

20  joint personal representative. The court shall revoke the

21  letters of a removed personal representative. The removal of a

22  personal representative shall not exonerate the removed

23  personal representative or the removed personal

24  representative's surety from any liability.

25         Section 112.  Section 733.5061, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         733.5061  Appointment of successor upon removal.--When

28  a personal representative is removed, the court shall appoint

29  a personal representative or shall appoint a curator to serve

30  until a successor personal representative is appointed.



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  1         Section 113.  Section 733.507, Florida Statutes, is

  2  repealed:

  3         733.507  Administration following resignation or

  4  removal.--When a personal representative has resigned or is

  5  removed and there is a remaining personal representative, no

  6  other personal representative shall be appointed unless the

  7  will otherwise requires.  The remaining personal

  8  representative, together with any successor personal

  9  representative, if appointed, shall complete the

10  administration of the estate.  If the resigned or removed

11  personal representative is a sole personal representative, the

12  court shall appoint a successor personal representative as

13  provided in s. 733.301.

14         Section 114.  Section 733.508, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         733.508  Accounting and discharge of removed personal

17  representatives upon removal.--

18         (1)  A removed personal representative shall file and

19  serve a final accounting of that personal representative's

20  administration.

21         (2)  After determination and satisfaction of the

22  liability, if any, of the removed personal representative,

23  after compensation of that personal representative and the

24  attorney and other persons employed by that personal

25  representative, and upon receipt of evidence that the estate

26  assets have been delivered to the successor fiduciary, the

27  removed personal representative shall be discharged, the bond

28  released, and the surety discharged. A removed personal

29  representative shall file a full, true, and correct account of

30  his or her administration within 30 days after removal.



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  1         Section 115.  Section 733.509, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         733.509  Surrender of assets upon removal.--Upon entry

  4  of an order removing a personal representative, the removed

  5  personal representative shall immediately deliver all estate

  6  assets, records, documents, papers, and other property of or

  7  concerning the estate in the removed personal representative's

  8  possession or control to the remaining personal representative

  9  or successor fiduciary The removed personal representative

10  shall deliver to the remaining or successor personal

11  representative all of the property of the decedent and all

12  records, documents, papers, and other property of or

13  concerning the estate.

14         Section 116.  Section 733.601, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         733.601  Time of accrual of duties and powers.--The

17  duties and powers of a personal representative commence upon

18  his or her appointment. The powers of a personal

19  representative relate back in time to give acts by the person

20  appointed, occurring before appointment and beneficial to the

21  estate, the same effect as those occurring after appointment

22  thereafter. Before issuance of letters, a person named

23  executor in a will may carry out written instructions of the

24  decedent relating to the decedent's body and funeral and

25  burial arrangements. A personal representative may ratify and

26  accept acts on behalf of the estate done by others when the

27  acts would have been proper for a personal representative.

28         Section 117.  Section 733.602, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         733.602  General duties.--



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  1         (1)  A personal representative is a fiduciary who shall

  2  observe the standards of care applicable to trustees as

  3  described by s. 737.302. A personal representative is under a

  4  duty to settle and distribute the estate of the decedent in

  5  accordance with the terms of the decedent's will and this code

  6  as expeditiously and efficiently as is consistent with the

  7  best interests of the estate. A personal representative shall

  8  use the authority conferred upon him or her by this code, the

  9  authority in the will, if any, and the authority of any order

10  of the court in proceedings to which he or she is party, for

11  the best interests of interested persons, including creditors

12  as well as beneficiaries.

13         (2)  A personal representative shall not be liable for

14  any act of administration or distribution if the act was

15  authorized at the time. Subject to other obligations of

16  administration, a probated will is authority to administer and

17  distribute the estate according to its terms. An order of

18  appointment of a personal representative is authority to

19  distribute apparently intestate assets to the heirs of the

20  decedent if, at the time of distribution, the personal

21  representative is not aware of a proceeding challenging

22  intestacy or a proceeding questioning the his or her

23  appointment or fitness to continue. Nothing in this section

24  affects the duty of the personal representative to administer

25  and distribute the estate in accordance with the rights of

26  interested persons.

27         Section 118.  Section 733.603, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         733.603  Personal representative to proceed without

30  court order.--A personal representative shall proceed

31  expeditiously with the settlement and distribution of a


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  1  decedent's estate and, except as otherwise specified by this

  2  code or ordered by the court, shall do so without

  3  adjudication, order, or direction of the court. A personal

  4  representative may invoke the jurisdiction of the court to

  5  resolve judicial questions concerning the estate or its

  6  administration.

  7         Section 119.  Section 733.604, Florida Statutes, is

  8  amended to read:

  9         733.604  Inventory.--

10         (1)(a)  Unless an inventory has been previously filed

11  Within 60 days after issuance of letters, a personal

12  representative who is not a curator or a successor to another

13  personal representative who has previously discharged the duty

14  shall file a verified an inventory of property of the estate,

15  listing it with reasonable detail and including for each

16  listed item its estimated fair market value at the date of the

17  decedent's death. Unless otherwise ordered by the court for

18  good cause shown, the any such inventory or amended or

19  supplementary inventory is subject to inspection only by the

20  clerk of the court, or the clerk's representative, the

21  personal representative, and the personal representative's

22  attorney, and other interested persons.

23         (b)  The initial opening of any safe-deposit box of the

24  decedent must be conducted in the presence of an employee of

25  the institution where the box is located and the personal

26  representative. The inventory of the contents of the box also

27  must be conducted in the presence of the employee and the

28  personal representative, each of whom must verify the contents

29  of the box by signing a copy of the inventory. The personal

30  representative shall file the safe-deposit box inventory with

31  the court within 10 days after the box is opened.


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  1         (2)  The personal representative shall serve a copy of

  2  the inventory on the Department of Revenue, as provided in s.

  3  199.062(4), the surviving spouse, each heir at law in an

  4  intestate estate, each residuary beneficiary in a testate

  5  estate, and any other interested person who may request it;

  6  and the personal representative shall file proof of such

  7  service. The inventory shall be verified by the personal

  8  representative.

  9         (2)(3)  If the personal representative learns of any

10  property not included in the original inventory, or learns

11  that the estimated value or description indicated in the

12  original inventory for any item is erroneous or misleading,

13  the personal representative he or she shall file a verified

14  prepare an amended or supplementary inventory showing any the

15  estimated value of the new items and their estimated value

16  item at the date of the decedent's death, or the revised

17  estimated value or description; and the personal

18  representative shall serve a copy of the amended or

19  supplementary inventory on each person on whom a copy of the

20  inventory was served and shall file proof of such service.

21  The amended or supplementary inventory shall be verified by

22  the personal representative.

23         (3)(4)  Upon written request to the personal

24  representative, a beneficiary shall be furnished a written

25  explanation of how the inventory value for an asset was

26  determined, or, if an appraisal was obtained, a copy of the

27  appraisal, as follows:

28         (a)  To a residuary beneficiary or heir in an intestate

29  estate, regarding all inventoried assets.

30         (b)  To any other beneficiary, regarding all assets

31  distributed or proposed to be distributed to that beneficiary.


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  1  Upon the written request of a beneficiary for any asset

  2  specifically devised to that beneficiary, a beneficiary for

  3  any asset received by that beneficiary in satisfaction of a

  4  general devise, or a residuary beneficiary of a intestate

  5  estate or an heir of an intestate estate, for any asset not

  6  specifically devised, the personal representative shall

  7  promptly furnish a written explanation of how the inventory

  8  value for the asset was determined, including whether the

  9  personal representative obtained an independent appraisal for

10  that asset and from whom the appraisal was obtained. The

11  personal representative must notify each beneficiary of that

12  beneficiary's rights under this subsection the right to

13  request information regarding determination of the inventory

14  value of an asset.  Neither a request nor the failure to

15  request information under this subsection affects any rights

16  of a beneficiary in subsequent proceedings concerning any

17  accounting of the personal representative or the propriety of

18  any action of the personal representative.

19         Section 120.  Section 733.605, Florida Statutes, is

20  repealed:

21         733.605  Appraisers.--The personal representative may

22  employ a qualified and disinterested appraiser to assist him

23  or her in ascertaining the fair market value of any asset at

24  the date of the decedent's death or any other date that may be

25  appropriate, the value of which may be subject to reasonable

26  doubt. Different persons may be employed to appraise different

27  kinds of assets included in the estate.

28         Section 121.  Section 733.6065, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         733.6065  Opening safe-deposit box.--The initial

31  opening of the decedent's safe-deposit box shall be conducted


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  1  in the presence of any two of the following persons:  an

  2  employee of the institution where the box is located, the

  3  personal representative, or the personal representative's

  4  attorney of record.  Each person who is present must verify

  5  the contents of the box by signing a copy of the inventory

  6  under penalties of perjury.  The personal representative shall

  7  file the safe-deposit box inventory, together with a copy of

  8  the box entry record from a date which is 6 months prior to

  9  the date of death to the date of inventory, with the court

10  within 10 days after the box is opened.  Unless otherwise

11  ordered by the court, this inventory and the attached box

12  entry record is subject to inspection only by persons entitled

13  to inspect an inventory under s. 733.604(1).  The personal

14  representative may remove the contents of the box.

15         Section 122.  Section 733.607, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         733.607  Possession of estate.--

18         (1)  Except as otherwise provided by a decedent's will,

19  every personal representative has a right to, and shall take

20  possession or control of, the decedent's property, except the

21  protected homestead, but any real property or tangible

22  personal property may be left with, or surrendered to, the

23  person presumptively entitled to it unless possession of the

24  property by the personal representative will be necessary for

25  purposes of administration. The request by a personal

26  representative for delivery of any property possessed by a

27  beneficiary is conclusive evidence that the possession of the

28  property by the personal representative is necessary for the

29  purposes of administration, in any action against the

30  beneficiary for possession of it. The personal representative

31  shall take all steps reasonably necessary for the management,


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  1  protection, and preservation of the estate until distribution

  2  and. He or she may maintain an action to recover possession of

  3  property or to determine the title to it.

  4         (2)  If, after providing for statutory entitlements and

  5  all devises other than residuary devises, the assets of the

  6  decedent's estate are insufficient to pay the expenses of the

  7  administration and obligations of the decedent's estate and

  8  enforceable claims of the decedent's creditors, the personal

  9  representative is entitled to payment from the trustee of a

10  trust described in s. 733.707(3), in the amount the personal

11  representative certifies in writing to be required to satisfy

12  the such insufficiency.

13         Section 123.  Section 733.608, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         733.608  General power of the personal

16  representative.--

17         (1)  All real and personal property of the decedent,

18  except the protected homestead, within this state and the

19  rents, income, issues, and profits from it shall be assets in

20  the hands of the personal representative:

21         (a)(1)  For the payment of devises, debts, family

22  allowance, elective share, estate and inheritance taxes,

23  claims, charges, and expenses of the administration and

24  obligations of the decedent's estate.

25         (b)(2)  To enforce contribution and equalize

26  advancement.

27         (c)(3)  For distribution.

28         (2)  If property that reasonably appears to the

29  personal representative to be protected homestead is not in

30  the possession of a person who appears to have an interest in

31  the property, the personal representative is authorized, but


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  1  not required, to take possession of that property for the

  2  limited purpose of preserving, insuring, and protecting it for

  3  the heir or beneficiary, pending a determination of its

  4  homestead status.  If the personal representative takes

  5  possession of that property, any rents and revenues may be

  6  collected by the personal representative for the account of

  7  the heir or beneficiary, but the personal representative shall

  8  have no duty to rent or otherwise make the property

  9  productive.

10         Section 124.  Section 733.609, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         733.609  Improper exercise of power; breach of

13  fiduciary duty.--A personal representative's fiduciary duty is

14  the same as the fiduciary duty of a trustee of an express

15  trust and a personal representative is liable to interested

16  persons for damage or loss resulting from the breach of this

17  duty.  In all actions for breach of fiduciary duty or

18  challenging the exercise of or failure to exercise a personal

19  representative's powers, the court shall award taxable costs

20  as in chancery actions, including attorney's fees If the

21  exercise of power concerning the estate is improper or in bad

22  faith, the personal representative is liable to interested

23  persons for damage or loss resulting from a breach of his or

24  her fiduciary duty to the same extent as a trustee of an

25  express trust. In all actions challenging the proper exercise

26  of a personal representative's powers, the court shall award

27  taxable costs as in chancery actions, including attorney's

28  fees.

29         Section 125.  Section 733.610, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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  1         733.610  Sale, encumbrance or transaction involving

  2  conflict of interest.--Any sale or encumbrance to the personal

  3  representative or the personal representative's his or her

  4  spouse, agent, or attorney, or any corporation or trust in

  5  which the personal representative has a substantial beneficial

  6  interest, or any transaction that is affected by a conflict of

  7  interest on the part of the personal representative, is

  8  voidable by any interested person except one who has consented

  9  after fair disclosure, unless:

10         (1)  The will or a contract entered into by the

11  decedent expressly authorized the transaction; or

12         (2)  The transaction is approved by the court after

13  notice to interested persons.

14         Section 126.  Section 733.611, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         733.611  Persons dealing with the personal

17  representative; protection.--Except as provided in s.

18  733.613(1), a person who in good faith either assists or deals

19  for value with a personal representative or deals with him or

20  her for value is protected as if the personal representative

21  acted properly exercised his or her power. The fact that a

22  person knowingly deals with the personal representative does

23  not alone require the person to inquire into the authority of

24  the personal representative existence of his or her power, the

25  limits on the power, or the propriety of its exercise.  A

26  person is not bound to see to the proper application of estate

27  assets paid or delivered to the personal representative. This

28  The protection here expressed extends to instances in which a

29  procedural irregularity or jurisdictional defect occurred in

30  proceedings leading to the issuance of letters, including a

31  case in which the alleged decedent is alive.  This protection


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  1  is in addition to any protection afforded by The protection

  2  here expressed is not by substitution for that provided in

  3  comparable provisions of the laws relating to commercial

  4  transactions and laws simplifying transfers of securities by

  5  fiduciaries.

  6         Section 127.  Section 733.612, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         733.612  Transactions authorized for the personal

  9  representative; exceptions.--Except as otherwise provided by

10  the will or court by order of court, and subject to the

11  priorities stated in s. 733.805, without court order of court,

12  a personal representative, acting reasonably for the benefit

13  of the interested persons, may properly:

14         (1)  Retain assets owned by the decedent, pending

15  distribution or liquidation, including those in which the

16  personal representative is personally interested or that are

17  otherwise improper for fiduciary trust investments.

18         (2)  Perform or compromise, or, when proper, refuse to

19  perform performance of, the decedent's contracts.  In

20  performing the decedent's enforceable contracts by the

21  decedent to convey or lease real property, among other

22  possible courses of action, the personal representative may:

23         (a)  Convey the real property for cash payment of all

24  sums remaining due or for the purchaser's note for the sum

25  remaining due, secured by a mortgage on the property land.

26         (b)  Deliver a deed in escrow, with directions that the

27  proceeds, when paid in accordance with the escrow agreement,

28  be paid as provided to the distributees of the decedent, as

29  designated in the escrow agreement.

30         (3)  Receive assets from fiduciaries or other sources.



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  1         (4)  Invest funds as provided in ss. 518.10-518.14,

  2  considering the amount to be invested, liquidity needs of the

  3  estate, and the time until distribution will be made If funds

  4  are not needed to meet debts and expenses currently payable

  5  and are not immediately distributable, deposit or invest

  6  liquid assets of the estate, including moneys received from

  7  the sale of other assets, in federally insured

  8  interest-bearing accounts, readily marketable secured loan

  9  arrangements, or other prudent investments that would be

10  reasonable for use by trustees.

11         (5)  Acquire or dispose of an asset, excluding real

12  property in this or another state, for cash or on credit and

13  at public or private sale, and manage, develop, improve,

14  exchange, partition, or change the character of an estate

15  asset.

16         (6)  Make ordinary or extraordinary repairs or

17  alterations in buildings or other structures; demolish

18  improvements; or erect new party walls or buildings.

19         (7)  Enter into a lease, as lessor or lessee, for a

20  term within, or extending beyond, the period of

21  administration, with or without an option to renew.

22         (8)  Enter into a lease or arrangement for exploration

23  and removal of minerals or other natural resources or enter

24  into a pooling or unitization agreement.

25         (9)  Abandon property when it is valueless or so

26  encumbered, or in a such condition, that it is of no benefit

27  to the estate.

28         (10)  Vote, or refrain from voting, stocks or other

29  securities in person or by general or limited proxy.




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  1         (11)  Pay calls, assessments, and other sums chargeable

  2  or accruing against, or on account of, securities, unless

  3  barred by the provisions relating to claims.

  4         (12)  Hold property in the name of a nominee or in

  5  other form without disclosure of the interest of the estate,

  6  but the personal representative is liable for any act of the

  7  nominee in connection with the property so held.

  8         (13)  Insure the assets of the estate against damage

  9  or, loss, and liability and insure against personal and

10  fiduciary liability himself or herself against liability to

11  third persons.

12         (14)  Borrow money, with or without security, to be

13  repaid from the estate assets or otherwise, other than real

14  property, and advance money for the protection of the estate.

15         (15)  Extend, renew, or in any manner modify any

16  obligation owing to the estate. If the personal representative

17  holds a mortgage, security interest, or other lien upon

18  property of another person, he or she may accept a conveyance

19  or transfer of encumbered assets from the owner in

20  satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by its lien instead

21  of foreclosure.

22         (16)  Pay taxes, assessments, and other expenses

23  incident to the administration of the estate.

24         (17)  Sell or exercise stock subscription or conversion

25  rights or consent, directly or through a committee or other

26  agent, to the reorganization, consolidation, merger,

27  dissolution, or liquidation of a corporation or other business

28  enterprise.

29         (18)  Allocate items of income or expense to either

30  estate income or principal, as permitted or provided by law.



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  1         (19)  Employ persons, including, but not limited to,

  2  attorneys, accountants, auditors, appraisers, investment

  3  advisers, and others, even if they are one and the same as the

  4  personal representative or are associated with the personal

  5  representative, to advise or assist the personal

  6  representative in the performance of his or her administrative

  7  duties; act upon the recommendations of those such employed

  8  persons without independent investigation; and, instead of

  9  acting personally, employ one or more agents to perform any

10  act of administration, whether or not discretionary. Any fees

11  and compensation paid to a any such person who is the same as,

12  associated with, or employed by, the personal representative

13  shall be taken into consideration in determining the personal

14  representative's compensation.

15         (20)  Prosecute or defend claims or proceedings in any

16  jurisdiction for the protection of the estate and of the

17  personal representative in the performance of his or her

18  duties.

19         (21)  Sell, mortgage, or lease any personal property of

20  the estate or any interest in it for cash, credit, or for part

21  cash or part credit, and with or without security for the

22  unpaid balance.

23         (22)  Continue any unincorporated business or venture

24  in which the decedent was engaged at the time of his or her

25  death:

26         (a)  In the same business form for a period of not more

27  than 4 months from the date of his or her appointment, if

28  continuation is a reasonable means of preserving the value of

29  the business, including good will.

30         (b)  In the same business form for any additional

31  period of time that may be approved by court order of court.


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  1         (23)  Provide for exoneration of the personal

  2  representative from personal liability in any contract entered

  3  into on behalf of the estate.

  4         (24)  Satisfy and settle claims and distribute the

  5  estate as provided in this code.

  6         (25)  Enter into agreements with the proper officer or

  7  department head, commissioner, or agent of any department of

  8  the government of the United States, waiving the statute of

  9  limitations concerning the assessment and collection of any

10  federal tax or any deficiency in a federal tax.

11         (26)  Make partial part distribution to the

12  beneficiaries of any part of the estate not necessary to

13  satisfy claims, expenses of administration, taxes, family

14  allowance, exempt property, and an elective share, in

15  accordance with the decedent's will or as authorized by

16  operation of law.

17         (27)  Execute any instruments necessary in the exercise

18  of the personal representative's powers.

19         Section 128.  Section 733.6121, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         733.6121  Powers of personal representatives conferred

22  by this part in relation to environmental or human health laws

23  affecting property subject to administration or to property

24  subject to administration contaminated with hazardous or toxic

25  substances; liability.--

26         (1)  Except as otherwise provided by the will or by

27  court order of court, and subject to s. 733.805, the personal

28  representative has, without court authorization, the powers

29  specified in subsection (2).




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  1         (2)  A personal representative has the power, acting

  2  reasonably and for the benefit of the interested persons

  3  parties:

  4         (a)  To inspect or investigate, or cause to be

  5  inspected or investigated, property subject to administration,

  6  including interests in sole proprietorships, partnerships, or

  7  corporations and any assets owned by any such a business

  8  entity for the purpose of determining compliance with an

  9  environmental law affecting that property or to respond to an

10  actual or threatened violation of an environmental law

11  affecting that property;

12         (b)  To take, on behalf of the estate, any action

13  necessary to prevent, abate, or otherwise remedy an actual or

14  potential violation of an environmental law affecting property

15  subject to administration, either before or after initiation

16  of an enforcement action by a governmental body;

17         (c)  To settle or compromise at any time any claim

18  against the estate or the personal representative that may be

19  asserted by a governmental body or private party which

20  involves the alleged violation of an environmental law

21  affecting property subject to administration over which the

22  personal representative has responsibility;

23         (d)  To disclaim any power granted by any document,

24  statute, or rule of law which, in the sole judgment of the

25  personal representative, could cause the personal

26  representative to incur personal liability, or the estate to

27  incur liability, under any environmental law;

28         (e)  To decline to serve as a personal representative,

29  or having undertaken to serve as a personal representative, to

30  resign at any time, if the personal representative believes

31  that there is or could be a conflict of interest in his or her


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  1  fiduciary capacity and in his or her individual capacity

  2  because of potential claims or liabilities that could be

  3  asserted against it on behalf of the estate by reason of the

  4  type or condition of the assets held; or

  5         (f)  To charge against the assets of the estate the

  6  cost of any inspection, investigation, review, abatement,

  7  response, cleanup, or remedial action considered reasonable by

  8  the personal representative that this section authorizes the

  9  personal representative to take; and, in the event of the

10  closing or termination of the estate or the transfer of the

11  estate property to another personal representative, to hold

12  moneys sufficient to cover the cost of cleaning up any known

13  environmental problem.

14         (3)  A personal representative is not personally liable

15  to any beneficiary or any other party for a decrease in value

16  of assets in an estate by reason of the personal

17  representative's compliance or efforts to comply with an

18  environmental law, specifically including any reporting

19  requirement under that law.

20         (4)  A personal representative who acquires ownership

21  or control of a vessel or other property without having owned,

22  operated, or materially participated in the management of that

23  vessel or property before assuming ownership or control as

24  personal representative is not considered an owner or operator

25  for purposes of liability under chapter 376, chapter 403, or

26  any other environmental law.  A personal representative who

27  willfully, knowingly, or recklessly causes or exacerbates a

28  release or threatened release of a hazardous substance is

29  personally liable for the cost of the response, to the extent

30  that the release or threatened release is attributable to the

31  personal representative's activities.  This subsection does


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  1  not preclude the filing of claims against the assets that

  2  constitute the estate held by the personal representative or

  3  the filing of actions against the personal representative as

  4  representative of the estate in his or her representative

  5  capacity. In any such an action, an award or judgment against

  6  the personal representative must be satisfied only from the

  7  assets of the estate.

  8         (5)  Neither the acceptance by the personal

  9  representative of the property or a failure by the personal

10  representative to inspect or investigate the property creates

11  any inference of as to whether there is liability under an

12  environmental law with respect to that property.

13         (6)  For the purposes of this section, the term

14  "environmental law" means a federal, state, or local law,

15  rule, regulation, or ordinance that relates to protection of

16  the environment or human health, and the term "hazardous

17  substance" means a substance, material, or waste defined as

18  hazardous or toxic, or any contaminant, pollutant, or

19  constituent thereof, or otherwise regulated by an

20  environmental law.

21         (7)  This section applies to any estate admitted to

22  probate on or after July 1, 1995.

23         Section 129.  Section 733.613, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         733.613  Personal representative's right to sell real

26  property.--

27         (1)  When a personal representative of an a decedent

28  dying intestate estate, or whose testator has not conferred

29  upon him or her a power of sale or whose testator has granted

30  a power of sale but the his or her power is so limited by the

31  will or by operation of law that it cannot be conveniently


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  1  exercised, shall consider that it is for the best interest of

  2  the estate and of those interested in it that real property be

  3  sold, the personal representative may sell it at public or

  4  private sale.  No title shall pass until the sale is

  5  authorized or confirmed by the court authorizes or confirms

  6  the sale.  Petition for authorization or confirmation of sale

  7  shall set forth the reasons for the sale, a description of the

  8  property sold or to be sold, and the price and terms of the

  9  sale. Except when interested persons have joined in the

10  petition for sale of real property or have consented to the

11  sale, notice of the petition shall be given. No bona fide

12  purchaser shall be required to examine any proceedings before

13  the order of sale.

14         (2)  When a decedent's will confers specific power to

15  sell or mortgage real property or a general power to sell any

16  asset of the estate, the personal representative may sell,

17  mortgage, or lease, without authorization or confirmation of

18  court, any real property of the estate or any interest therein

19  for cash or credit, or for part cash and part credit, and with

20  or without security for unpaid balances.  The sale, mortgage,

21  or lease need not be justified by a showing of necessity, and

22  the sale pursuant to power of sale shall be valid.

23         (3)  In a sale or mortgage which occurs under a

24  specific power to sell or mortgage real property, or under a

25  court order authorizing or confirming that act, the purchaser

26  or lender takes title free of claims of creditors of the

27  estate and entitlements of estate beneficiaries.

28         Section 130.  Section 733.614, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         733.614  Powers and duties of successor personal

31  representative.--A successor personal representative has the


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  1  same power and duty as the original personal representative to

  2  complete the administration and distribution of the estate as

  3  expeditiously as possible, but he or she shall not exercise

  4  any power made personal to the personal representative named

  5  in the will without court approval.

  6         Section 131.  Section 733.615, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         733.615  Joint personal representatives; when joint

  9  action required.--

10         (1)  If two or more persons are appointed joint

11  personal representatives, and unless the will provides

12  otherwise, the concurrence of all joint personal

13  representatives appointed pursuant to a will or codicil

14  executed prior to October 1, 1987, or appointed to administer

15  an intestate estate of a decedent who died prior to October 1,

16  1987, or of a majority of joint personal representatives

17  appointed pursuant to a will or codicil executed on or after

18  October 1, 1987, or appointed to administer an the intestate

19  estate of a decedent dying on or after October 1, 1987, is

20  required on all acts connected with the administration and

21  distribution of the estate.  This restriction does not apply

22  when any joint personal representative receives and receipts

23  for property due the estate, when the concurrence required

24  under this subsection cannot readily be obtained in the time

25  reasonably available for emergency action necessary to

26  preserve the estate, or when a joint personal representative

27  has been delegated to act for the others.

28         (2)  Where action by a majority of the joint personal

29  representatives appointed is authorized, a joint personal

30  representative who has not joined in exercising a power is not

31  liable to the beneficiaries or to others for the consequences


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  1  of the exercise, and a dissenting joint personal

  2  representative is not liable for the consequences of an action

  3  act in which the dissenting personal representative he or she

  4  joins at the direction of the majority of the joint personal

  5  representatives, if the dissent is he or she expressed his or

  6  her dissent in writing to the other any of his or her joint

  7  personal representatives at or before the time of the action

  8  joinder.

  9         (3)  A person dealing with a joint personal

10  representative without actual knowledge that joint personal

11  representatives have been appointed or if advised by a the

12  joint personal representative with whom he or she deals that

13  the joint personal representative has authority to act alone

14  for any of the reasons mentioned in subsection (1) is as fully

15  protected in dealing with that joint personal representative

16  as if that joint personal representative possessed and

17  properly exercised the power he or she purports to exercise.

18         Section 132.  Section 733.616, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         733.616  Powers of surviving personal

21  representatives.--Unless otherwise provided by the terms of

22  the will or a court order otherwise provide, every power

23  exercisable by joint personal representatives may be exercised

24  by the one or more remaining after the appointment of one or

25  more is terminated., and If one or more, but not all,

26  nominated as joint personal representatives are not appointed,

27  those appointed may exercise all the powers granted to those

28  nominated incident to the office.

29         Section 133.  Section 733.617, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         733.617  Compensation of personal representative.--


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  1         (1)  A personal representative shall be entitled to a

  2  commission payable from the estate assets without court order

  3  as compensation for ordinary services.  The commission shall

  4  be based on the compensable value of the estate, which is the

  5  inventory value of the probate estate assets and the income

  6  earned by the estate during administration As compensation for

  7  its ordinary services, a personal representative shall be

  8  entitled, without order of court unless otherwise stated, to a

  9  commission payable from the estate assets.  Such commission

10  shall be based upon the probate estate's value as determined

11  finally for probate inventory purposes and as accounted for by

12  the personal representative, which value shall include all

13  property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, and all

14  income earned thereon.

15         (2)  A commission computed on the compensable value of

16  the estate is presumed to be reasonable compensation for a

17  personal representative in formal administration Upon the

18  probate estate's value as defined in subsection (1), such

19  commission shall be computed as follows:

20         (a)  At the rate of 3 percent for the first $1 million.

21         (b)  At the rate of 2.5 percent for all above $1

22  million and not exceeding $5 million.

23         (c)  At the rate of 2 percent for all above $5 million

24  and not exceeding $10 million.

25         (d)  At the rate of 1.5 percent for all above $10

26  million.

27         (3)  In addition to the previously described aforesaid

28  commission, a personal representative shall be allowed such

29  further compensation as is the court may deem just and

30  reasonable for any extraordinary services including, but not

31  limited to:


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  1         (a)  The sale of real or personal property.

  2         (b)  The conduct of litigation on behalf of or against

  3  the estate.

  4         (c)  Involvement in proceedings for the adjustment or

  5  payment of any taxes.

  6         (d)  The carrying on of the decedent's business.

  7         (e)  Dealing with protected homestead.

  8         (f)(e)  Any other special services which may be

  9  necessary for the personal representative to perform.

10         (4)  If the a decedent's will provides that a personal

11  representative's compensation shall be based upon specific

12  criteria, other than a general reference to commissions

13  allowed by law or words or similar import, including, but not

14  limited to, rates, amounts, commissions, or reference to the

15  personal representative's regularly published schedule of fees

16  in effect at the decedent's date of death, or words of similar

17  import, then a personal representative shall be entitled to

18  compensation in accordance with that such provision.  However,

19  except for such references in the a decedent's will to the

20  personal representative's regularly published schedule of fees

21  in effect at the decedent's date of death, or words of similar

22  import, if there is no written contract with the decedent

23  regarding compensation, a personal representative may renounce

24  the provisions contained in the will and be entitled to

25  compensation under this section hereunder.  A personal

26  representative may also renounce the its right to all or any

27  part of the compensation.

28         (5)  If the probate estate's compensable value as

29  defined in subsection (1) is $100,000 or more, and there are

30  two representatives, each personal representative is entitled

31  to the full commission allowed to a sole personal


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  1  representative.  If there are more than two personal

  2  representatives and the probate estate's compensable value is

  3  more than $100,000 or more, the compensation to which two

  4  would be entitled must be apportioned among the personal

  5  representatives.  The basis for such apportionment shall be

  6  one full commission allowed to the personal representative who

  7  has possession of and primary responsibility for

  8  administration of the assets and one full commission among the

  9  remaining personal representatives according to the services

10  rendered by each of them respectively.  If the probate

11  estate's compensable value is less than $100,000 and there is

12  more than one personal representative, then one full

13  commission allowed herein to a sole personal representative

14  must be apportioned among the personal representatives

15  according to the services rendered by each of them

16  respectively.

17         (6)  If the personal representative is a member of The

18  Florida Bar and has rendered legal services in connection with

19  the administration of the estate, then in addition to a fee as

20  personal representative, there also shall be allowed a fee for

21  the legal services rendered.

22         (7)  Upon petition of any interested person, the court

23  may increase or decrease the compensation for ordinary

24  services of the personal representative or award compensation

25  for extraordinary services if the facts and circumstances of

26  the particular administration warrant.  In determining

27  reasonable compensation, the court shall consider all of the

28  following factors, giving weight to each as it determines to

29  be appropriate The compensation for a personal representative

30  as set forth in subsections (2) and (3) may, upon petition of

31  any interested person, be increased or decreased by the court.


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  1  In determining whether to increase or decrease the

  2  compensation for ordinary services, the court must consider

  3  each of the following factors, giving each such weight as it

  4  determines to be appropriate:

  5         (a)  The promptness, efficiency, and skill with which

  6  the administration was handled by the personal representative;

  7         (b)  The responsibilities assumed by and the potential

  8  liabilities of the personal representative;

  9         (c)  The nature and value of the assets that are

10  affected by the decedent's death;

11         (d)  The benefits or detriments resulting to the estate

12  or interested persons its beneficiaries from the personal

13  representative's services;

14         (e)  The complexity or simplicity of the administration

15  and the novelty novelties of the issues presented;

16         (f)  The personal representative's participation in tax

17  planning for the estate and the estate's beneficiaries and in

18  tax return preparation, review, or approval;

19         (g)  The nature of the probate, nonprobate, and exempt

20  assets,; the expenses of administration,; the liabilities of

21  the decedent,; and the compensation paid to other

22  professionals and fiduciaries;

23         (h)  Any delay in payment of the compensation after the

24  services were furnished; and

25         (i)  Any other relevant factors.

26         Section 134.  Section 733.6171, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         733.6171  Compensation of attorney for the personal

29  representative.--




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  1         (1)  Attorneys for personal representatives shall be

  2  entitled to reasonable compensation for their services payable

  3  from the estate assets of the estate without court order.

  4         (2)  The attorney, the personal representative, and

  5  persons bearing the impact of the compensation may agree to

  6  compensation determined in a different manner than provided in

  7  this section. Compensation may also be determined in a

  8  different manner than provided in this section if the manner

  9  is disclosed to the parties bearing the impact of the

10  compensation and if no objection is made as provided for in

11  the Florida Probate Rules in the petition for discharge or

12  final accounting and there is no objection filed pursuant to

13  s. 733.901.

14         (3)  Compensation provided in the following schedule

15  for ordinary services of attorneys in formal estate

16  administration is presumed to be reasonable if based on the

17  compensable upon the inventory value of the estate, which is

18  the inventory value of the probate estate assets and the

19  income earned by the estate during the administration as

20  provided in the following schedule is presumed to be

21  reasonable compensation for attorneys in formal estate

22  administration:

23         (a)  One thousand five hundred dollars for estates

24  having a value of $40,000 or less.

25         (b)  An additional $750 for estates having a value of

26  more than $40,000 and not exceeding $70,000.

27         (c)  An additional $750 for estates having a value of

28  more than $70,000 and not exceeding $100,000.

29         (d)  For estates having a value in excess of $100,000,

30  at the rate of 3 percent on the next $900,000.



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  1         (e)  At the rate of 2.5 percent for all above $1

  2  million and not exceeding $3 million.

  3         (f)  At the rate of 2 percent for all above $3 million

  4  and not exceeding $5 million.

  5         (g)  At the rate of 1.5 percent for all above $5

  6  million and not exceeding $10 million.

  7         (h)  At the rate of 1 percent for all above $10

  8  million.

  9         (4)  In addition to the attorney's fees for ordinary

10  services, the attorney for the personal representative shall

11  be allowed further reasonable compensation for any

12  extraordinary service.  What is an extraordinary service may

13  vary depending on many factors, including the size of the

14  estate. Extraordinary services may include, but are not

15  limited to:

16         (a)  Involvement in a will contest, will construction,

17  a proceeding for determination of beneficiaries, a contested

18  claim, elective share proceeding, apportionment of estate

19  taxes, or any other adversarial proceeding or litigation by or

20  against the estate.

21         (b)  Representation of the personal representative in

22  audit or any proceeding for adjustment, determination, or

23  collection of any taxes.

24         (c)  Tax advice on postmortem tax planning, including,

25  but not limited to, disclaimer, renunciation of fiduciary

26  commission, alternate valuation date, allocation of

27  administrative expenses between tax returns, the QTIP or

28  reverse QTIP election, allocation of GST exemption,

29  qualification for Internal Revenue Code ss. 6166 and 303

30  privileges, deduction of last illness expenses, fiscal year

31  planning, distribution planning, asset basis considerations,


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  1  handling income or deductions in respect of a decedent,

  2  valuation discounts, special use and other valuation, handling

  3  employee benefit or retirement proceeds, prompt assessment

  4  request, or request for release of personal liability for

  5  payment of tax.

  6         (d)  Review of estate tax return and preparation or

  7  review of other tax returns required to be filed by the

  8  personal representative.

  9         (e)  Preparation of the estate's federal estate tax

10  return.  If this return is prepared by the attorney, a fee of

11  one-half of 1 percent up to a value of $10 million and

12  one-fourth of 1 percent on the value in excess of $10 million

13  of the gross estate as finally determined for federal estate

14  tax purposes, is presumed to be reasonable compensation for

15  the attorney for this service.  These fees shall include

16  services for routine audit of the return, not beyond the

17  examining agent level, if required.

18         (f)  Purchase, sale, lease, or encumbrance of real

19  property by the personal representative or involvement in

20  zoning, land use, environmental, or other similar matters.

21         (g)  Legal advice regarding carrying on of the

22  decedent's business or conducting other commercial activity by

23  the personal representative.

24         (h)  Legal advice regarding claims for damage to the

25  environment or related procedures.

26         (i)  Legal advice regarding homestead status of real

27  property or proceedings involving that status and services

28  related to protected homestead.

29         (j)  Involvement in fiduciary, employee, or attorney

30  compensation disputes.



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  1         (k)  Proceedings involving ancillary administration of

  2  assets not subject to administration in this state.

  3         (5)  Upon petition of any interested person, the court

  4  may increase or decrease the compensation for ordinary

  5  services of the attorney or award compensation for

  6  extraordinary services if the facts and circumstances of the

  7  particular administration warrant.  In determining reasonable

  8  compensation, the court shall consider all of the following

  9  factors, giving such weight to each as it determines may

10  determine to be appropriate:

11         (a)  The promptness, efficiency, and skill with which

12  the administration was handled by the attorney.

13         (b)  The responsibilities assumed by, and the potential

14  liabilities of, the attorney.

15         (c)  The nature and value of the assets that are

16  affected by the decedent's death.

17         (d)  The benefits or detriments resulting to the estate

18  or interested persons its beneficiaries from the attorney's

19  services.

20         (e)  The complexity or simplicity of the administration

21  and the novelty of issues presented.

22         (f)  The attorney's participation in tax planning for

23  the estate and the estate's beneficiaries and tax return

24  preparation, or review, or and approval.

25         (g)  The nature of the probate, nonprobate, and exempt

26  assets, the expenses of administration, the and liabilities of

27  the decedent, and the compensation paid to other professionals

28  and fiduciaries.

29         (h)  Any delay in payment of the compensation after the

30  services were furnished.

31         (i)  Any other relevant factors.


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  1         (6)  The court may determine reasonable attorney's

  2  compensation without receiving expert testimony.  Any party

  3  may offer expert testimony after notice to interested persons.

  4  If expert testimony is offered, an expert witness fee may be

  5  awarded by the court and paid from the assets of the estate.

  6  The court may, in its discretion, direct from what part of the

  7  estate it shall be paid.

  8         (6)(7)  If a separate written agreement regarding

  9  compensation exists between the attorney and the decedent, the

10  attorney shall furnish a copy to the personal representative

11  prior to commencement of employment, and, if employed, shall

12  promptly file and serve a copy on all interested persons.

13  Neither a separate agreement nor a provision in the will

14  suggesting or directing that the personal representative to

15  retain a specific attorney will obligate the personal

16  representative to employ the attorney or obligate the attorney

17  to accept the representation, but if the attorney who is a

18  party to the agreement or who drafted the will is employed,

19  the compensation paid shall not exceed the compensation

20  provided in the agreement or in the will.

21         (8)  Court proceedings to determine compensation, if

22  required, are a part of the estate administration process, and

23  the costs, including fees for the personal representative's

24  attorney, shall be determined by the court and paid from the

25  assets of the estate unless the court finds the request for

26  attorney's fees to be substantially unreasonable. The court

27  shall direct from which part of the estate they shall be paid.

28         (9)  The amount and manner of determining compensation

29  for attorneys for personal representatives must be disclosed

30  in the final accounting, unless the disclosure is waived in

31  writing signed by the parties bearing the impact of the


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  1  compensation and filed with the court.  No such waiver shall

  2  be valid unless it contains language declaring that the

  3  waiving party has actual knowledge of the amount and manner of

  4  determining such compensation and, in addition, expressly

  5  acknowledging either one of the following two elements:

  6         (a)  That the waiving party has agreed to the amount

  7  and manner of determining such compensation and is waiving any

  8  objections to payment of such compensation; or

  9         (b)  That the waiving party has the right under

10  subsection (5) to petition the court to decrease such

11  compensation and is waiving that right.


13  The requirements of this subsection shall not apply if the

14  full amount of such compensation has previously been

15  determined by order of the court after notice.  A waiver of

16  the final accounting shall not be effective if it does not

17  meet the requirements of this subsection.

18         (10)  This section shall apply to estates in which an

19  order of discharge has not been entered prior to its effective

20  date but not to those estates in which attorney's fees have

21  previously been determined by order of court after notice.

22         Section 135.  Section 733.6175, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         733.6175  Proceedings for review of employment of

25  agents and compensation of personal representatives and

26  employees of estate.--

27         (1)  The court may review the propriety of the

28  employment of any person employed by the personal

29  representative and the reasonableness of any compensation paid

30  to that person or to the personal representative.



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  1         (2)  Court proceedings to determine reasonable

  2  compensation of the personal representative or any person

  3  employed by the personal representative, if required, are a

  4  part of the estate administration process, and the costs,

  5  including attorneys' fees, of the person assuming the burden

  6  of proof of propriety of the employment and reasonableness of

  7  the compensation shall be determined by the court and paid

  8  from the assets of the estate unless the court finds the

  9  requested compensation to be substantially unreasonable. The

10  court shall direct from which part of the estate the

11  compensation shall be paid.

12         (3)  After notice to all affected interested persons

13  and upon petition of an interested person bearing all or part

14  of the impact of the payment of compensation to the personal

15  representative or any person employed by him or her, the

16  propriety of such employment and the reasonableness of such

17  compensation or payment may be reviewed by the court. The

18  burden of proof of propriety of the such employment and the

19  reasonableness of the compensation shall be upon the personal

20  representative and the person employed by him or her. Any

21  person who is determined to have received excessive

22  compensation from an estate for services rendered may be

23  ordered to make appropriate refunds.

24         (4)  The court may determine reasonable compensation

25  for the personal representative or any person employed by the

26  personal representative without receiving expert testimony.

27  Any party may offer expert testimony after notice to

28  interested persons. If expert testimony is offered, a

29  reasonable expert witness fee shall be awarded by the court

30  and paid from the assets of the estate. The court shall direct

31  from what part of the estate the fee shall be paid.


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  1         Section 136.  Section 733.619, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         733.619  Individual liability of personal

  4  representative.--

  5         (1)  Unless otherwise provided in the contract, a

  6  personal representative is not individually liable on a

  7  contract, except a contract for attorney's fee, properly

  8  entered into as in his or her fiduciary capacity in the

  9  administration of the estate unless the personal

10  representative fails to reveal that his or her representative

11  capacity and identify the estate in the contract.

12         (2)  A personal representative is individually liable

13  for obligations arising from ownership or control of the

14  estate or for torts committed in the course of administration

15  of the estate only if he or she is personally at fault.

16         (3)  Claims based on contracts, except a contract for

17  attorney's fee, entered into by a personal representative as a

18  fiduciary in his or her fiduciary capacity, on obligations

19  arising from ownership or control of the estate, or on torts

20  committed in the course of estate administration, may be

21  asserted against the estate by proceeding against the personal

22  representative in that his or her fiduciary capacity, whether

23  or not the personal representative is individually liable

24  therefor.

25         (4)  Issues of liability as between the estate and the

26  personal representative individually may be determined in a

27  proceeding for accounting, surcharge, or indemnification, or

28  other appropriate proceeding.

29         Section 137.  Section 733.701, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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  1         733.701  Notifying creditors.--Unless creditors' claims

  2  are otherwise barred by s. 733.710 the proceedings are under

  3  chapter 734 or chapter 735, every personal representative

  4  shall cause notice to creditors of administration to be

  5  published and served under s. 733.2121 733.212.

  6         Section 138.  Section 733.702, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         733.702  Limitations on presentation of claims.--

  9         (1)  If not barred by s. 733.710, no claim or demand

10  against the decedent's estate that arose before the death of

11  the decedent, including claims of the state and any of its

12  subdivisions, even if the claims are unmatured, contingent,

13  whether due or not, direct or contingent, or liquidated or

14  unliquidated; no claim for funeral or burial expenses; no

15  claim for personal property in the possession of the personal

16  representative; and no claim for damages, including, but not

17  limited to, an action founded on fraud or another wrongful act

18  or omission of the decedent, is binding on the estate, on the

19  personal representative, or on any beneficiary unless filed in

20  the probate proceeding within the later of 3 months after the

21  time of the first publication of the notice to creditors of

22  administration or, as to any creditor required to be served

23  with a copy of the notice to creditors of administration, 30

24  days after the date of service of such copy of the notice on

25  the creditor, even though the personal representative has

26  recognized the claim or demand by paying a part of it or

27  interest on it or otherwise. The personal representative may

28  settle in full any claim without the necessity of the claim

29  being filed when the settlement has been approved by the

30  interested persons beneficiaries adversely affected according

31  to the priorities provided in this code and when the


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  1  settlement is made within the statutory time for filing

  2  claims; or, within 3 months after the first publication of the

  3  notice of administration, he or she may file a proof of claim

  4  of all claims he or she has paid or intends to pay.

  5         (2)  No cause of action heretofore or hereafter

  6  accruing, including, but not limited to, an action founded

  7  upon fraud or other wrongful act or omission, shall survive

  8  the death of the person against whom the claim may be made,

  9  whether or not an action is pending at the death of the person

10  or not, unless a the claim is filed within the time periods

11  set forth in this part.

12         (3)  Any claim not timely filed as provided in this

13  section is barred even though no objection to the claim is

14  filed on the grounds of timeliness or otherwise unless the

15  court extends the time in which the claim may be filed.  Such

16  An extension may be granted only upon grounds of fraud,

17  estoppel, or insufficient notice of the claims period.  No

18  independent action or declaratory action may be brought upon a

19  claim which was not timely filed unless such an extension has

20  been granted by the court.  If the personal representative or

21  any other interested person serves on the creditor a notice to

22  file a petition for an extension or be forever barred, the

23  creditor shall be limited to a period of 30 days from the date

24  of service of the notice in which to file a petition for

25  extension.

26         (4)  Nothing in this section affects or prevents:

27         (a)  A proceeding to enforce any mortgage, security

28  interest, or other lien on property of the decedent.

29         (b)  To the limits of casualty insurance protection

30  only, any proceeding to establish liability that of the



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  1  decedent or the personal representative for which he or she is

  2  protected by the casualty insurance.

  3         (c)  The filing of a claim by the Department of Revenue

  4  subsequent to the expiration of the time for filing claims

  5  provided in subsection (1), provided it does so file within 30

  6  days after the service of the inventory by the personal

  7  representative on the department or, in the event an amended

  8  or supplementary inventory has been prepared, within 30 days

  9  after the service of the amended or supplementary inventory by

10  the personal representative on the department.

11         (c)(d)  The filing of a cross-claim or counterclaim

12  against the estate in an action instituted by the estate;

13  however, no recovery on such a cross-claim or counterclaim

14  shall exceed the estate's recovery in that such an action.

15         (5)  The Department of Revenue may file a claim against

16  the estate of a decedent for taxes due under chapter 199 after

17  the expiration of the time for filing claims provided in

18  subsection (1), if the department files its claim within 30

19  days after the service of the inventory.  Upon  filing of the

20  estate tax return with the department as provided in s.

21  198.13, or to the extent the inventory or estate tax return is

22  amended or supplemented, the department has the right to file

23  a claim or to amend its previously filed claim within 30 days

24  after service of the estate tax return, or an amended or

25  supplemented inventory or filing of an amended or supplemental

26  estate tax return, as to the additional information disclosed.

27         (6)(5)  Nothing in this section shall extend the

28  limitations period set forth in s. 733.710.

29         Section 139.  Subsection (2) of section 733.703,

30  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         733.703  Form and manner of presenting claim.--


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  1         (2)  Within the time allowed by s. 733.702, the

  2  personal representative may file a proof of claim of all

  3  claims he or she has paid or intends to pay. A claimant whose

  4  claim is listed in a personal representative's proof of claim

  5  filed within 3 months after the first publication of the

  6  notice of administration shall be deemed to have filed a

  7  statement of the claim listed.  Except as provided otherwise

  8  in this part, the claim shall be treated for all other

  9  purposes as if it had been filed by the claimant had filed it.

10         Section 140.  Section 733.704, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         733.704  Amendment of claims.--If a bona fide attempt

13  to file a claim is made by a creditor but the claim is

14  defective as to form, the court may permit the amendment of

15  the claim at any time.

16         Section 141.  Section 733.705, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         733.705  Payment of and objection to claims.--

19         (1)  The personal representative shall pay all claims

20  within 1 year from the date of first publication of notice to

21  creditors of administration, provided that the time shall be

22  extended with respect to claims in litigation, unmatured

23  claims, and contingent claims for the period necessary to

24  dispose of those such claims pursuant to subsections (4), (5),

25  (6), and (7), and (8).  The court may extend the time for

26  payment of any claim upon a showing of good cause.  No

27  personal representative shall be compelled to pay the debts of

28  the decedent until after the expiration of 5 months from the

29  first publication of notice to creditors of administration.

30  If any person brings an action against a personal

31  representative within the 5 months on any claim to which the


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  1  personal representative has not filed an no objection, the

  2  plaintiff shall not receive any costs or attorneys' fees if he

  3  or she prevails, nor shall the judgment change the class of

  4  the claim for payment under this code.

  5         (2)  On or before the expiration of 4 months from the

  6  first publication of notice to creditors of administration or

  7  within 30 days from the timely filing or amendment of a claim,

  8  whichever occurs later, a personal representative or other

  9  interested person may file a written objection to a claim.  An

10  objection to a claim shall contain a statement that the

11  claimant is limited to a period of 30 days from the date of

12  service of the objection within which to bring an action on

13  the claim as provided in subsection (4).  The failure to

14  include such a statement in the objection shall not affect the

15  validity of the objection but may be considered as good cause

16  for extending the time for filing an action or proceeding

17  after the objection is filed.  If an objection is filed, the

18  person filing it shall serve a copy of the objection as

19  provided by the Florida Probate Rules by registered or

20  certified mail to the address of the claimant or the

21  claimant's attorney as shown on the claim or by delivery to

22  the claimant to whose claim the person objects or the

23  claimant's attorney of record, if any, not later than 10 days

24  after the objection has been filed, and also on the personal

25  representative if the objection is filed by any interested

26  person other than the personal representative.  The failure to

27  serve a copy of the objection constitutes an abandonment of

28  the objection. For good cause, the court may extend the time

29  for filing or serving an objection to any claim or may extend

30  the time for serving the objection.  The extension of time

31  shall be granted only after notice. Objection to a claim


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  1  constitutes an objection to an amendment of that claim unless

  2  the objection is withdrawn.

  3         (3)  If the objection is filed by a person other than

  4  the personal representative, the personal representative may

  5  apply to the court for an order relieving him or her from the

  6  obligation to defend the estate in an independent action or

  7  for the appointment of the objector as administrator ad litem

  8  to defend the action. Fees for the attorney for the

  9  administrator ad litem may be awarded as provided in s.

10  733.106(3). If costs or attorney's fees are awarded from or

11  against the estate, the probate court may charge or apportion

12  that award as provided in s. 733.106(4).

13         (4)(3)  An objection by an interested person to a

14  personal representative's proof of claim shall state the

15  particular item or items to which the interested person

16  objects and shall be filed and served as provided in

17  subsection (2). Issues of liability as between the estate and

18  the personal representative individually for items paid by the

19  personal representative and thereafter listed in a personal

20  representative's proof of claim shall be determined in the

21  estate administration proceeding, in a proceeding for

22  accounting or, surcharge, or in another other appropriate

23  proceeding, whether or not an objection has been filed.  If an

24  objection to an item listed as to be paid in a personal

25  representative's proof of claim is filed and served, and the

26  personal representative has not paid the item, the other

27  subsections of this section shall apply as if a claim for the

28  item had been filed by the claimant; but if the personal

29  representative has paid the claim after listing it as to be

30  paid, issues of liability as between the estate and the



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  1  personal representative individually shall be determined in

  2  the manner provided for an item listed as paid.

  3         (5)(4)  The claimant is limited to a period of 30 days

  4  from the date of service of an objection within which to bring

  5  an independent action upon the claim, or a declaratory action

  6  to establish the validity and amount of an unmatured claim

  7  which is not yet due but which is certain to become due in the

  8  future, or a declaratory action to establish the validity of a

  9  contingent claim upon which no cause of action has accrued on

10  the date of service of an objection and that may or may not

11  become due in the future, unless an extension of this time is

12  agreed to by the personal representative in writing before it

13  expires. For good cause, the court may extend the time for

14  filing an action or proceeding after objection is filed. The

15  extension of time shall be granted only after notice. No

16  action or proceeding on the claim may shall be brought against

17  the personal representative after the time limited above, and

18  the any such claim is thereafter forever barred without any

19  court order. If an objection is filed to the claim of any

20  creditor and an action is brought by the creditor brings an

21  action to establish the his or her claim, a judgment

22  establishing the claim shall give it no priority over claims

23  of the same class to which it belongs.

24         (6)(5)  A claimant may bring an independent action or

25  declaratory action upon a claim which was not timely filed

26  pursuant to s. 733.702(1) only if the claimant has been

27  granted an extension of time to file the claim pursuant to s.

28  733.702(3).

29         (7)(6)  If an unmatured claim has not become due before

30  the time for distribution of an estate, the personal

31  representative may prepay the full amount of principal plus


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  1  accrued interest due on the claim, without discount and

  2  without penalty, regardless of any prohibition against

  3  prepayment or provision for penalty in any instrument on which

  4  the claim is founded.  If the claim is not prepaid, no order

  5  of discharge may be entered until the creditor and personal

  6  representative have filed an agreement disposing of the claim,

  7  or in the absence of an agreement until the court provides for

  8  payment by one of the following methods:

  9         (a)  Requiring the personal representative to reserve

10  such assets as the court determines to be adequate to pay the

11  claim when it becomes due; in fixing the amount to be

12  reserved, the court may determine the value of any security or

13  collateral to which the creditor may resort for payment of the

14  claim and may direct the reservation, if necessary, of

15  sufficient assets to pay the claim or to pay the difference

16  between the value of any security or collateral and the amount

17  necessary to pay the claim. If the estate is insolvent, the

18  court may direct a proportionate amount to be reserved.  The

19  court shall direct that the amount reserved be retained by the

20  personal representative until the time that the claim becomes

21  due, and that so much of the reserved amount as is not used

22  for payment be distributed thereafter according to law;

23         (b)  Requiring that the claim be adequately secured by

24  a mortgage, pledge, bond, trust, guaranty, or other security,

25  as may be determined by the court, the security to remain in

26  effect until the time that the claim becomes due, and that so

27  much of the security or collateral as is not needed for

28  payment be distributed thereafter according to law; or

29         (c)  Making provisions such other provision for the

30  disposition or satisfaction of the claim as are is equitable,



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  1  and in a manner so as not to delay unreasonably the closing of

  2  the estate.

  3         (8)(7)  If no cause of action has accrued on a

  4  contingent claim before the time for distribution of an

  5  estate, no order of discharge may be entered until the

  6  creditor and the personal representative have filed an

  7  agreement disposing of the claim or, in the absence of an such

  8  agreement, until:

  9         (a)  The court determines that the claim is adequately

10  secured or that it has no value,

11         (b)  Three months from the date on which a cause of

12  action accrues upon the claim, provided that no action on the

13  claim is then pending,

14         (c)  Five years from the date of first publication of

15  notice to creditors of administration, or

16         (d)  The court provides for payment of the claim upon

17  the happening of the contingency by one of the methods

18  described in paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c) of

19  subsection (7) (6),


21  whichever occurs first. No action or proceeding on the claim

22  may be brought against the personal representative after the

23  time limited above, and the claim is barred without court

24  order. If an objection is filed to the claim of any creditor

25  and the creditor brings an action to establish the claim, a

26  judgment establishing the claim shall give it no priority over

27  claims of the same class to which it belongs No action or

28  proceeding may be brought against the personal representative

29  on the claim after the time limited above, and any such claim

30  shall thereafter be forever barred without order of court.  If

31  an action is brought within the time limited above, a judgment


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  1  establishing the claim shall give it no priority over claims

  2  of the same class to which it belongs.

  3         (9)(8)  No interest shall be paid by the personal

  4  representative or allowed by the court on a claim until the

  5  expiration of 5 calendar months from the first publication of

  6  the notice of administration, unless the claim is founded on a

  7  written obligation of the decedent providing for the payment

  8  of interest. Interest shall be paid by the personal

  9  representative on written obligations of the decedent

10  providing for the payment of interest. On all other claims,

11  interest shall be allowed and paid beginning 5 months from the

12  first publication of the notice to creditors of

13  administration.

14         (10)(9)  The court may determine all issues concerning

15  claims or matters not requiring trial by jury.

16         (11)(10)  An order for extension of time authorized

17  under this section may be entered only in the estate

18  administration proceeding.

19         Section 142.  Section 733.707, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         733.707  Order of payment of expenses and

22  obligations.--

23         (1)  The personal representative shall pay the expenses

24  of the administration and obligations of the decedent's estate

25  in the following order:

26         (a)  Class 1.--Costs, expenses of administration, and

27  compensation of personal representatives and their attorneys

28  attorneys' fees and attorneys fees awarded under s.

29  733.106(3).

30         (b)  Class 2.--Reasonable funeral, interment, and grave

31  marker expenses, whether paid by a guardian under s.


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  1  744.441(16), the personal representative, or any other person,

  2  not to exceed the aggregate of $6,000.

  3         (c)  Class 3.--Debts and taxes with preference under

  4  federal law, and claims pursuant to ss. 409.9101 and 414.28.

  5         (d)  Class 4.--Reasonable and necessary medical and

  6  hospital expenses of the last 60 days of the last illness of

  7  the decedent, including compensation of persons attending the

  8  decedent him or her.

  9         (e)  Class 5.--Family allowance.

10         (f)  Class 6.--Arrearage from court-ordered child

11  support.

12         (g)  Class 7.--Debts acquired after death by the

13  continuation of the decedent's business, in accordance with s.

14  733.612(22), but only to the extent of the assets of that

15  business.

16         (h)  Class 8.--All other claims, including those

17  founded on judgments or decrees rendered against the decedent

18  during the decedent's lifetime, and any excess over the sums

19  allowed in paragraphs (b) and (d).

20         (2)  After paying any preceding class, if the estate is

21  insufficient to pay all of the next succeeding class, the

22  creditors of the latter class shall be paid ratably in

23  proportion to their respective claims.

24         (3)  Any portion of a trust with respect to which a

25  decedent who is the grantor has at the decedent's death a

26  right of revocation, as defined in paragraph (e), either alone

27  or in conjunction with any other person, is liable for the

28  expenses of the administration and obligations of the

29  decedent's estate and enforceable claims of the decedent's

30  creditors to the extent the decedent's estate is insufficient

31  to pay them as provided in s. 733.607(2).


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  1         (a)  For purposes of this subsection, any trusts

  2  established as part of, and all payments from, either an

  3  employee annuity described in s. 403 of the Internal Revenue

  4  Code of 1986, as amended, an Individual Retirement Account, as

  5  described in s. 408 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

  6  amended, a Keogh (HR-10) Plan, or a retirement or other plan

  7  established by a corporation which is qualified under s. 401

  8  of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall not be

  9  considered a trust over which the decedent has a right of

10  revocation.

11         (b)  For purposes of this subsection, any trust

12  described in s. 664 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

13  amended, shall not be considered a trust over which the

14  decedent has a right of revocation.

15         (c)  This subsection shall not impair any rights an

16  individual has under a qualified domestic relations order as

17  that term is defined in s. 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code

18  of 1986, as amended.

19         (d)  For purposes of this subsection, property held or

20  received by a trust to the extent that the property would not

21  have been subject to claims against the decedent's estate if

22  it had been paid directly to a trust created under the

23  decedent's will or other than to the decedent's estate, or

24  assets received from any trust other than a trust described in

25  this subsection, shall not be deemed assets of the trust

26  available to for the payment of the expenses of administration

27  of and enforceable claims against the decedent's estate.

28         (e)  For purposes of this subsection, a "right of

29  revocation" is a power retained by the decedent, held in any

30  capacity, to:



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  1         1.  Amend or revoke the trust and revest the principal

  2  of the trust in the decedent; or

  3         2.  Withdraw or appoint the principal of the trust to

  4  or for the decedent's benefit.

  5         Section 143.  Section 733.708, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         733.708  Compromise.--When a proposal is made to

  8  compromise any claim, whether in suit or not, by or against

  9  the estate of a decedent or to compromise any question

10  concerning the distribution of a decedent's estate, the court

11  may enter an order authorizing the compromise if satisfied

12  that the compromise will be for the best interest of the

13  interested persons beneficiaries.  The order shall relieve the

14  personal representative of liability or responsibility for the

15  compromise. Claims against the estate may not be compromised

16  until after the time for filing objections to claims has

17  expired.  Notice must be given to those who have filed

18  objection to the claim proposed to be compromised.

19         Section 144.  Subsection (1) of section 733.710,

20  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         733.710  Limitations on claims against estates.--

22         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of the code, 2

23  years after the death of a person, neither the decedent's

24  estate, the personal representative, (if any), nor the

25  beneficiaries shall be liable for any claim or cause of action

26  against the decedent, whether or not letters of administration

27  have been issued, except as provided in this section.

28         Section 145.  Section 733.801, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         733.801  Delivery of devises and distributive shares.--



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  1         (1)  No personal representative shall be required to

  2  pay or deliver any devise or distributive share or to

  3  surrender possession of any land to any beneficiary until the

  4  expiration of 5 months from the granting of letters.

  5         (2)  Except as otherwise provided in the will, the

  6  personal representative shall pay as an expense of

  7  administration the reasonable expenses of storage, insurance,

  8  packing, and delivery of tangible personal property to a

  9  beneficiary.

10         Section 146.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

11  733.802, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

12         733.802  Proceedings for compulsory payment of devises

13  or distributive interest.--

14         (1)  Before final distribution, no personal

15  representative shall be compelled:

16         (a)  To pay a devise in money before the final

17  settlement of the personal representative's his or her

18  accounts,

19         (b)  To deliver specific personal property devised that

20  may have come into his or her hands, unless the personal

21  property is exempt personal property,

22         (c)  To pay all or any part of a distributive share in

23  the personal estate of a decedent, or

24         (d)  To surrender land to any beneficiary,


26  unless the beneficiary establishes files a petition setting

27  forth the facts that entitle him or her to relief and stating

28  that the property will not be required for the payment of

29  debts, family allowance, estate and inheritance taxes, claims,

30  elective share of the surviving spouse, charges, or expenses

31  of administration or to provide for providing funds for


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  1  contribution or to enforce enforcing equalization in case of

  2  advancements.

  3         (2)  An order directing the surrender of real property

  4  or the delivery of personal property by the personal

  5  representative to the beneficiary shall describe the property

  6  to be surrendered or delivered.  The order shall be conclusive

  7  in favor of bona fide purchasers for value from the

  8  beneficiary or distributee as against the personal

  9  representative and all other persons claiming by, through,

10  under, or against the decedent or the decedent's estate.

11         Section 147.  Section 733.803, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         733.803  Encumbered property; liability for

14  payment.--The specific devisee of any encumbered property

15  shall be entitled to have the encumbrance on devised property

16  paid at the expense of the residue of the estate only when the

17  will shows that such an intent.  A general direction in the

18  will to pay debts does not show that such an intent.

19         Section 148.  Section 733.805, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         733.805  Order in which assets abate are

22  appropriated.--

23         (1)  If a testator makes provision by his or her will,

24  or designates the Funds or property designated by the will

25  shall to be used, to pay for the payment of debts, estate and

26  inheritance taxes, family allowance, exempt property, elective

27  share charges, expenses of administration, and devises, to the

28  extent the funds or property are they shall be paid out of the

29  funds or from the property or proceeds as provided by the will

30  so far as sufficient.  If no provision is made or the

31  designated any fund or property designated, or if it is


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  1  insufficient, the funds and property of the estate shall be

  2  used for these such purposes, except as otherwise provided in

  3  s. 733.817 with respect to estate, inheritance, and other

  4  death taxes, and to raise the shares of a pretermitted spouse

  5  and children, except as otherwise provided in subsections (3)

  6  and (4), in the following order:

  7         (a)  Property passing by intestacy not disposed of by

  8  the will.

  9         (b)  Property devised to the residuary devisee or

10  devisees.

11         (c)  Property not specifically or demonstratively

12  devised.

13         (d)  Property specifically or demonstratively devised.

14         (2)  Demonstrative devises shall be classed as general

15  devises upon the failure or insufficiency of funds or property

16  out of which payment should be made, to the extent of the

17  insufficiency.  Devises to the decedent's surviving spouse,

18  given in satisfaction of, or instead of, the surviving

19  spouse's statutory rights in the estate, shall not abate until

20  other devises of the same class are exhausted.  Devises given

21  for a valuable consideration shall abate with other devises of

22  the same class only to the extent of the excess over the

23  amount of value of the consideration until all others of the

24  same class are exhausted. Except as herein provided, devises

25  shall abate equally and ratably and without preference or

26  priority as between real and personal property.  When property

27  that has been specifically devised or charged with a devise is

28  sold or used taken by the personal representative, other

29  devisees shall contribute according to their respective

30  interests to the devisee whose devise has been sold or used

31  taken., and before distribution the court shall determine The


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  1  amounts of the respective contributions shall be determined by

  2  the court, and they shall be paid or withheld before

  3  distribution is made.

  4         (3)  Section 733.817 shall be applied before this

  5  section is applied.

  6         (4)  In determining the contribution required under s.

  7  733.607(2), subsections (1)-(3) of this section and s.

  8  737.3054(2) shall be applied as if the beneficiaries of the

  9  estate and the beneficiaries of a trust described in s.

10  733.707(3), other than the estate or trust itself, were taking

11  under a common instrument.

12         Section 149.  Section 733.806, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         733.806  Advancement.--If a person dies intestate as to

15  all his or her estate, property that the decedent gave during

16  in his or her lifetime to an heir is treated as an advancement

17  against the heir's latter's share of the estate only if

18  declared in a contemporaneous writing by the decedent or

19  acknowledged in writing by the heir. The property advanced

20  shall be valued at the time the heir came into possession or

21  enjoyment of the property or at the time of the death of the

22  decedent, whichever first occurs. If the recipient of the

23  property does not survive the decedent, the property shall not

24  be taken into account in computing the intestate share to be

25  received by the recipient's descendants unless the declaration

26  or acknowledgment provides otherwise.

27         Section 150.  Subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6) of

28  section 733.808, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

29         733.808  Death benefits; disposition of proceeds.--

30         (3)  In the event no trustee makes proper claim to the

31  proceeds from the insurance company or other obligor within a


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  1  period of 6 months after the date of the death of the insured,

  2  employee, or annuitant, or if satisfactory evidence is

  3  furnished to the insurance company or such obligor within that

  4  period that there is, or will be, no trustee to receive the

  5  proceeds, payment shall be made by the insurance company or

  6  obligor to the personal representative of the person making

  7  the such designation, unless otherwise provided by agreement

  8  with the insurer or other obligor during the lifetime of the

  9  insured, employee, or annuitant.

10         (4)  Death benefits payable as provided in subsection

11  (1), subsection (2), or subsection (3), unless paid to a

12  personal representative under the provisions of subsection

13  (3), shall not be deemed to be part of the decedent's estate

14  of the testator or an intestate estate, and shall not be

15  subject to any obligation to pay the expenses of the

16  administration and obligations of the decedent's estate or for

17  contribution required from a trust under s. 733.607(2)

18  transfer or estate taxes, debts, or other charges enforceable

19  against the estate to any greater extent than if the such

20  proceeds were payable directly to the beneficiaries named in

21  the trust.

22         (5)  The death benefits so held in trust may be

23  commingled with any other assets that may properly come into

24  the trust.

25         (6)  Nothing in this section shall affect the validity

26  of any designation of a beneficiary of proceeds previously

27  heretofore made that designates as beneficiary the trustee of

28  any trust established under a trust agreement or declaration

29  of trust or by will.

30         Section 151.  Section 733.809, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         733.809  Right of retainer.--The amount of a

  2  noncontingent indebtedness due from of a beneficiary to the

  3  estate, if due, or its present value, if not due, may be

  4  offset against that the beneficiary's interest. However, that,

  5  but the beneficiary shall have has the benefit of any defense

  6  that would be available to him or her in a direct proceeding

  7  for recovery of the debt.

  8         Section 152.  Section 733.810, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         733.810  Distribution in kind; valuation.--

11         (1)  Assets shall be distributed in kind unless:

12         (a)  A general power of sale is conferred;

13         (b)  A contrary intention is indicated by the will or

14  trust; or

15         (c)  Disposition is made otherwise under the provisions

16  of this code. Unless a general power of sale is conferred or a

17  contrary intention is indicated by the will or unless assets

18  are otherwise disposed of under the provisions of this code,

19  the distributable assets of a decedent's estate shall be

20  distributed in kind through application of the following

21  provisions:

22         (2)(a)  Any pecuniary devise, family allowance, or

23  other pecuniary share of the estate or trust or devise payable

24  in money may be satisfied by value in kind if:

25         (a)1.  The person entitled to the payment has not

26  demanded cash;

27         (b)2.  The property is distributed in kind is valued at

28  fair market value as of the date of its distribution date; and

29         (c)3.  No residuary devisee has requested that the

30  asset remain a part of the residuary residue of the estate.



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  1         (3)(b)  When it is not practicable to distribute

  2  undivided interests in a residuary asset property, the asset

  3  may property shall be sold converted into cash for

  4  distribution.

  5         (4)(2)  When the personal representative, trustee, or

  6  other fiduciary under a will or trust instrument is required

  7  to, or has an option, to, satisfy a pecuniary devise or

  8  transfer in trust, to, or for the benefit of, the surviving

  9  spouse, with an in-kind distribution assets of the estate or

10  trust in kind, at values as finally determined for federal

11  estate tax purposes, the personal representative, trustee, or

12  other fiduciary shall, unless the governing will or trust

13  instrument otherwise provides, satisfy the devise or transfer

14  in trust by distribution of assets, including cash, fairly

15  representative of the appreciated or depreciated value of all

16  property available for that distribution in satisfaction of

17  the devise or transfer in trust, taking into consideration any

18  gains and losses realized from a prior the sale, prior to

19  distribution of the marital interest, of any property not

20  devised specifically, generally, or demonstratively devised.

21         (5)(3)  With the consent of all beneficiaries affected,

22  A personal representative or a trustee is authorized to

23  distribute any distributable assets, non-pro rata among the

24  beneficiaries subject to the fiduciary's duty of impartiality

25  entitled thereto.

26         Section 153.  Section 733.811, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         733.811  Distribution; right or title of

29  distributee.--If a distributee receives from a fiduciary an

30  instrument transferring assets in kind, payment in

31  distribution, or possession of specific property, the


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  1  distributee has succeeded to the estate's interest in the

  2  assets as against all persons interested in the estate.

  3  However, the fiduciary may recover the assets or their value

  4  if the distribution was improper Proof that a distributee has

  5  received an instrument transferring assets in kind or payment

  6  in distribution or possession of specific property from a

  7  personal representative is conclusive evidence that the

  8  distributee has succeeded to the interest of the estate in the

  9  distributed assets, as against all persons interested in the

10  estate, but the personal representative may recover the assets

11  or their value if the distribution was improper.

12         Section 154.  Section 733.812, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         733.812  Improper distribution or payment; liability of

15  distributee or payee.--Unless the distribution or payment no

16  longer can be questioned because of adjudication, estoppel, or

17  limitations, A distributee of property improperly distributed

18  or paid or a claimant who was paid improperly must paid, if he

19  or she has the property, is liable to return the assets or

20  funds property improperly received, and the income from those

21  assets or interest on the funds its income since distribution

22  or payment, unless the distribution or payment cannot be

23  questioned because of adjudication, estoppel, or limitations

24  to the personal representative or to the beneficiaries

25  entitled to it. If the distributee or claimant he or she does

26  not have the property, its then he or she is liable to return

27  the value of the property improperly received at the date of

28  disposition, and its income thereon, and gain received by the

29  distributee or claimant must be returned him or her.

30         Section 155.  Section 733.813, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         733.813  Purchasers from distributees protected.--If

  2  property distributed in kind, or a security interest in that

  3  property therein, is acquired by a purchaser or lender for

  4  value from a distributee who has received an instrument of

  5  distribution or possession from the personal representative,

  6  the purchaser or lender takes title free of any claims of the

  7  estate and incurs no personal liability to the estate, whether

  8  or not the distribution was proper.  The To be protected under

  9  this provision a purchaser or lender need not inquire whether

10  a personal representative acted properly in making the

11  distribution in kind.

12         Section 156.  Section 733.814, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         733.814  Partition for purpose of distribution.--When

15  two or more beneficiaries heirs or devisees are entitled to

16  distribution of undivided interests in any property, the

17  personal representative or any beneficiary one or more of the

18  beneficiaries may petition the court before closing the estate

19  is closed to make partition.  After formal notice to the

20  interested beneficiaries, the court shall partition the

21  property in the same manner as provided by law for civil

22  actions of partition.  The court may direct the personal

23  representative to sell any property that cannot be partitioned

24  without prejudice to the owners and that cannot be allotted

25  equitably and conveniently be allotted to any one party.

26         Section 157.  Section 733.815, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         733.815  Private contracts agreements among interested

29  persons distributees.--Subject to the rights of creditors and

30  taxing authorities, competent interested persons may agree

31  among themselves to alter the interests, shares, or amounts to


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  1  which they are entitled under the will or under the laws of

  2  intestacy in a written contract executed by them all who are

  3  affected. The personal representative shall abide by the terms

  4  of the contract agreement, subject to the personal

  5  representative's his or her obligation to administer the

  6  estate for the benefit of interested persons who are not

  7  parties to the contract, and creditors, to pay all taxes and

  8  costs of administration, and to carry out the responsibilities

  9  of his or her office for the benefit of any beneficiaries of

10  the decedent who are not parties to the agreement. Personal

11  representatives are not required to see to the performance of

12  trusts if the trustee is another person who is willing to

13  accept the trust. Trustees of a testamentary trust are

14  interested persons beneficiaries for the purposes of this

15  section. Nothing in this section herein relieves trustees of

16  any duties owed to beneficiaries of trusts.

17         Section 158.  Section 733.816, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         733.816  Disposition of unclaimed property held by

20  personal representatives.--

21         (1)  In all cases in which there is unclaimed property

22  in the hands of a personal representative that cannot be

23  distributed or paid because of the inability to find the

24  lawful owner because of inability to find him or her or

25  because no lawful owner is known or because the lawful owner

26  refuses to accept the property after a reasonable attempt to

27  distribute it and after notice to that lawful owner, the court

28  shall order the personal representative to sell the property

29  and deposit the proceeds and cash already in hand, after

30  retaining those amounts provided for in subsection (4), with

31  the clerk and receive a receipt, and the clerk shall deposit


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  1  the funds in the registry of the court to be disposed of as

  2  follows:

  3         (a)  If the value of the funds is $500 or less, the

  4  clerk shall post a notice for 30 days at the courthouse door

  5  giving the amount involved, the name of the personal

  6  representative, and the other pertinent information that will

  7  put interested persons on notice.

  8         (b)  If the value of the funds is over $500, the clerk

  9  shall publish the notice once a month for 2 consecutive months

10  in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.


12  After the expiration of 6 months from the posting or first

13  publication, the clerk shall deposit the funds with the State

14  Treasurer after deducting the clerk's his or her fees and the

15  costs of publication.

16         (2)  Upon receipt of the funds, the State Treasurer

17  shall deposit them to the credit of the State School Fund, to

18  become a part of the school fund.  All interest and all income

19  that may accrue from the money while so deposited shall belong

20  to the fund.  The funds so deposited shall constitute and be a

21  permanent appropriation for payments by the State Treasurer in

22  obedience to court orders entered as provided by subsection

23  (3).

24         (3)  Within 10 years from the date of deposit with the

25  State Treasurer, on written petition to the court that

26  directed the deposit of the funds and informal notice to the

27  Department of Legal Affairs, and after proof of entitlement

28  his or her right to them, any person entitled to the funds

29  before or after payment to the State Treasurer and deposit as

30  provided by subsection (1) may obtain a court an order of

31  court directing the payment of the funds to that person him or


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  1  her. All funds deposited with the State Treasurer and not

  2  claimed within 10 years from the date of deposit shall escheat

  3  to the state for the benefit of the State School Fund.

  4         (4)  The personal representative depositing assets with

  5  the clerk is permitted to retain from the funds in his or her

  6  possession a sufficient amount to pay final costs of

  7  administration chargeable to the assets, including fees

  8  allowed pursuant to s. 733.617 accruing between the deposit of

  9  the funds with the clerk of the court and the order of

10  discharge. Any funds so retained which are surplus shall be

11  deposited with the clerk prior to discharge of the personal

12  representative.

13         (5)(a)  If a person entitled to the funds assigns the

14  right his or her rights to receive payment or part payment to

15  an attorney or private investigative agency which is duly

16  licensed to do business in this state pursuant to a written

17  agreement with that such person, the Department of Banking and

18  Finance is authorized to make distribution in accordance with

19  the such assignment.

20         (b)  Payments made to an attorney or private

21  investigative agency shall be promptly deposited into a trust

22  or escrow account which is regularly maintained by the

23  attorney or private investigative agency in a financial

24  institution located in this state and authorized to accept

25  these such deposits and located in this state.

26         (c)  Distribution by the attorney or private

27  investigative agency to the person entitled to the funds shall

28  be made within 10 days following final credit of the deposit

29  into the trust or escrow account at the financial institution,

30  unless a party to the agreement protests the distribution in

31  writing such distribution before it is made.


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  1         (d)  The department shall not be civilly or criminally

  2  liable for any funds distributed pursuant to this subsection,

  3  provided the such distribution is made in good faith.

  4         Section 159.  Subsections (1) and (2), paragraph (a) of

  5  subsection (4), paragraph (c) of subsection (5), subsection

  6  (6), paragraph (a) of subsection (7), and subsection (11) of

  7  section 733.817, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  8         733.817  Apportionment of estate taxes.--

  9         (1)  For purposes of this section:

10         (a)  "Fiduciary" means a person other than the personal

11  representative in possession of property included in the

12  measure of the tax who is liable to the applicable taxing

13  authority for payment of the entire tax to the extent of the

14  value of the property in his or her possession.

15         (b)  "Governing instrument" means a will, trust

16  agreement, or any other document that controls the transfer of

17  an asset on the occurrence of the event with respect to which

18  the tax is being levied.

19         (c)  "Gross estate" means the gross estate, as

20  determined by the Internal Revenue Code with respect to the

21  federal estate tax and the Florida estate tax, and as that

22  such concept is otherwise determined by the estate,

23  inheritance, or death tax laws of the particular state,

24  country, or political subdivision whose tax is being

25  apportioned.

26         (d)  "Included in the measure of the tax" means that

27  for each separate tax that an interest may incur, only

28  interests included in the measure of that particular tax are

29  considered. The term "included in the measure of the tax" does

30  not include any interest, whether passing under the will or

31  not, to the extent the interest is initially deductible from


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  1  the gross estate, without regard to any subsequent reduction

  2  diminution of the deduction by reason of the charge of any

  3  part of the applicable tax to the interest. The term "included

  4  in the measure of the tax" does not include interests or

  5  amounts that are not included in the gross estate but are

  6  included in the amount upon which the applicable tax is

  7  computed, such as adjusted taxable gifts with respect to the

  8  federal estate tax. If an election is required for

  9  deductibility, an interest is not "initially deductible"

10  unless the election for deductibility is allowed.

11         (e)  "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue

12  Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.

13         (f)  "Net tax" means the net tax payable to the

14  particular state, country, or political subdivision whose tax

15  is being apportioned, after taking into account all credits

16  against the applicable tax except as provided in this section.

17  With respect to the federal estate tax, "net tax" is

18  determined after taking into account all credits against the

19  tax except for the credit for foreign death taxes.

20         (g)  "Nonresiduary devise" means any devise that is not

21  a residuary devise.

22         (h)  "Nonresiduary interest" in connection with a trust

23  means any interest in a trust which is not a residuary

24  interest.

25         (i)  "Recipient" means, with respect to property or an

26  interest in property included in the gross estate, an heir at

27  law in an intestate estate, devisee in a testate estate,

28  beneficiary of a trust, beneficiary of an insurance policy,

29  annuity, or other contractual right, surviving tenant, taker

30  as a result of the exercise or in default of the exercise of a

31  general power of appointment, person who receives or is to


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  1  receive the property or an interest in the property, or person

  2  in possession of the property, other than a creditor.

  3         (j)  "Residuary devise" has the meaning set forth in s.

  4  731.201(31)(30).

  5         (k)  "Residuary interest," in connection with a trust,

  6  means an interest in the assets of a trust which remain after

  7  provision for any distribution that is to be satisfied by

  8  reference to a specific property or type of property, fund,

  9  sum, or statutory amount.

10         (l)  "Revocable trust" means a trust as described in s.

11  733.707(3) as defined in s. 731.201(33) created by the

12  decedent to the extent that the decedent had at his or her

13  death the power to alter, amend, or revoke the trust either

14  alone or in conjunction with any other person.

15         (m)  "State" means any state, territory, or possession

16  of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the

17  Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

18         (n)  "Tax" means any estate tax, inheritance tax,

19  generation skipping transfer tax, or other tax levied or

20  assessed under the laws of this or any other state, the United

21  States, any other country, or any political subdivision of the

22  foregoing, as finally determined, which is imposed as a result

23  of the death of the decedent, including, without limitation,

24  the tax assessed pursuant to s. 4980A of the Internal Revenue

25  Code. The term also includes any interest and penalties

26  imposed in addition to the tax.  Unless the context indicates

27  otherwise, the term "tax" means each separate tax.

28         (o)  "Temporary interest" means an interest in income

29  or an estate for a specific period of time or for life or for

30  some other period controlled by reference to extrinsic events,

31  whether or not in trust.


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  1         (p)  "Tentative Florida tax" with respect to any

  2  property means the net Florida estate tax that would have been

  3  attributable to that property if no tax were payable to any

  4  other state in respect of that property.

  5         (q)  "Value" means the pecuniary worth of the interest

  6  involved as finally determined for purposes of the applicable

  7  tax after deducting any debt, expense, or other deduction

  8  chargeable to it for which a deduction was allowed in

  9  determining the amount of the applicable tax. A lien or other

10  encumbrance is not regarded as chargeable to a particular

11  interest to the extent that it will be paid from other

12  interests. The value of an interest shall not be reduced by

13  reason of the charge against it of any part of the tax.

14         (2)  An interest in protected homestead property shall

15  be exempt from the apportionment of taxes if such interest

16  passes to a person to whom inures the decedent's exemption

17  from forced sale under the State Constitution.

18         (4)(a)  Except as otherwise effectively directed by the

19  governing instrument, if the Internal Revenue Code including,

20  but not limited to, ss. 2032A(c)(5), 2206, 2207, 2207A, 2207B,

21  and 2603, of the Internal Revenue Code applies to apportion

22  federal tax against recipients of certain interests, all net

23  taxes, including taxes levied by the state attributable to

24  each type of interest, shall be apportioned against the

25  recipients of all interests of that type in the proportion

26  that the value of each interest of that type included in the

27  measure of the tax bears to the total of all interests of that

28  type included in the measure of the tax.

29         (5)  Except as provided above or as otherwise directed

30  by the governing instrument, the net tax attributable to each

31  interest shall be apportioned as follows:


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  1         (c)  The net tax attributable to an interest in

  2  protected homestead property which is exempt from

  3  apportionment pursuant to subsection (2) shall be apportioned

  4  against the recipients of other interests in the estate or

  5  passing under any revocable trust in the following order:

  6         1.  Class I:  Recipients of interests not disposed of

  7  by the decedent's will or revocable trust that which are

  8  included in the measure of the federal estate tax.

  9         2.  Class II:  Recipients of residuary devises and

10  residuary interests that are included in the measure of the

11  federal estate tax.

12         3.  Class III:  Recipients of nonresiduary devises and

13  nonresiduary interests that are included in the measure of the

14  federal estate tax. The net tax apportioned to a class, if

15  any, pursuant to this paragraph shall be apportioned among the

16  recipients in the class in the proportion that the value of

17  the interest of each bears to the total value of all interests

18  included in that class.

19         (6)  The personal representative or fiduciary shall not

20  be required to transfer to a recipient any property in

21  possession of the personal representative or fiduciary which

22  he or she reasonably anticipated to anticipates may be

23  necessary for the payment of taxes. Further, the personal

24  representative or fiduciary shall not be required to transfer

25  any property in possession of the personal representative or

26  fiduciary to the recipient until the amount of the tax due

27  from the recipient is paid by the recipient. If property is

28  transferred before final apportionment of the tax, the

29  recipient shall provide a bond or other security for his or

30  her apportioned liability in the amount and form prescribed by

31  the personal representative or fiduciary.


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  1         (7)(a)  The personal representative may petition at any

  2  time for an order of apportionment. If no administration has

  3  been commenced at any time after 90 days from the decedent's

  4  death any fiduciary may petition for an order of apportionment

  5  in the court in which venue would be proper for administration

  6  of the decedent's estate. Formal notice of the petition for

  7  order of apportionment shall be given to all interested

  8  persons. At any time after 6 months from the decedent's death,

  9  any recipient may petition the such court for an order of

10  apportionment.

11         (11)  Nothing in this section shall limit the right of

12  any person who has paid more than the amount of the tax

13  apportionable to that such person, calculated as if all

14  apportioned amounts would be collected, to obtain contribution

15  from those who have not paid the full amount of the tax

16  apportionable to them, calculated as if all apportioned

17  amounts would be collected, and that right is hereby

18  conferred. In any action to enforce contribution, the court

19  shall award taxable costs as in chancery actions, including

20  reasonable attorney's fees.

21         Section 160.  Section 733.901, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         733.901  Distribution; Final discharge.--

24         (1)  After administration has been When a personal

25  representative has completed the personal representative shall

26  be discharged administration except for distribution, he or

27  she shall file a final accounting and a petition for discharge

28  that shall contain:

29         (a)  A complete report of all receipts and

30  disbursements since the date of the last annual accounting or,

31  if none, from the commencement of administration.


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  1         (b)  A statement that he or she has fully administered

  2  the estate by making payment, settlement, or other disposition

  3  of all claims and debts that were presented and the expenses

  4  of administration.

  5         (c)  The proposed distribution of the assets of the

  6  estate.

  7         (d)  Any prior distributions that have been made.

  8         (e)  A statement that objections to this report or

  9  proposed distribution of assets be filed within 30 days.


11  The final accounting and petition for discharge shall be filed

12  and served on all interested persons within 12 months after

13  issuance of letters for estates not required to file a federal

14  estate tax return, otherwise 12 months from the date the

15  return is due, unless the time is extended by the court for

16  cause shown after notice to interested persons.  The petition

17  shall state the status of the estate and the reasons for the

18  extension.

19         (2)  If no objection to the accounting or petition for

20  discharge has been filed within 30 days from the date of

21  service of copies on interested persons, or if service has

22  been waived, the personal representative may distribute the

23  estate according to the plan of distribution set forth in the

24  petition without a court order.  The assets shall be

25  distributed free from the claims of any interested person and,

26  upon receipt of evidence that the estate has been properly

27  distributed and that claims of creditors have been paid or

28  otherwise disposed of, the court shall enter an order

29  discharging the personal representative and releasing the

30  surety on any bond.



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  1         (3)  If an objection to the petition for discharge has

  2  been filed within the time allowed, the court shall determine

  3  the plan of distribution and, upon receipt of evidence that

  4  the estate has been properly distributed and that claims of

  5  creditors have been paid or otherwise disposed of, the court

  6  shall enter an order discharging the personal representative

  7  and releasing the surety on any bond.

  8         (4)  The final accounting required under subsection (1)

  9  may be waived upon a filing of a consent waiver with the

10  court, by all interested persons, acknowledging that they are

11  aware of their rights and that they waive the right to have a

12  final accounting.

13         (5)  The 30-day period contained in subsection (2) may

14  be waived upon written consent of all interested persons.

15         (2)(6)  The discharge of the personal representative

16  shall release the personal representative of the estate and

17  shall bar any action against the personal representative, as

18  such or individually, and the his or her surety.

19         Section 161.  Section 733.903, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         733.903  Subsequent administration.--The final

22  settlement of an estate and the discharge of the personal

23  representative shall not prevent a revocation of the order of

24  discharge or the subsequent issuance of letters if other

25  property of the estate is discovered or if it becomes

26  necessary that further administration of the estate be had for

27  any cause. However, The order of discharge may not be revoked

28  under this section based upon the discovery of a will or later

29  will.

30         Section 162.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section

31  734.101, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:


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  1         734.101  Foreign personal representative.--

  2         (3)  Debtors who have not received a written demand for

  3  payment from a personal representative or curator appointed in

  4  this state within 60 days after appointment of a personal

  5  representative in any other state or country, and whose

  6  property in Florida is subject to a mortgage or other lien

  7  securing the debt held by the foreign personal representative,

  8  may pay the foreign personal representative after the

  9  expiration of 60 days from the date of his or her appointment

10  of the foreign personnel representative.  Thereafter, a

11  satisfaction of the mortgage or lien executed by the foreign

12  personal representative, with an authenticated copy of the his

13  or her letters or other evidence of authority attached, may be

14  recorded in the public records.  The satisfaction shall be an

15  effective discharge of the mortgage or lien, irrespective of

16  whether the debtor making payment had received a written

17  demand before paying the debt.

18         (4)  All persons indebted to the estate of a decedent,

19  or having possession of personal property belonging to the

20  estate, who have received no written demand from a personal

21  representative or curator appointed in this state for payment

22  of the debt or the delivery of the property are authorized to

23  pay the debt or to deliver the personal property to the

24  foreign personal representative after the expiration of 60

25  days from the date of his or her appointment of the foreign

26  personnel representative.

27         Section 163.  Section 734.102, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         734.102  Ancillary administration.--

30         (1)  If a nonresident of this state dies leaving assets

31  in this state, credits due him or her from residents in this


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  1  state, or liens on property in this state, a personal

  2  representative specifically designated in the decedent's will

  3  to administer the Florida property shall be entitled to have

  4  ancillary letters issued to him or her, if qualified to act in

  5  Florida. Otherwise, the foreign personal representative of the

  6  decedent's estate shall be entitled to have letters issued to

  7  him or her, if qualified to act in Florida.  If the foreign

  8  personal representative is not qualified to act in Florida and

  9  the will names an alternate or successor who is qualified to

10  act in Florida, the alternate or successor shall be entitled

11  to have letters issued to him or her. Otherwise, those

12  entitled to a majority interest of the Florida property may

13  have letters issued to a personal representative selected by

14  them who is qualified to act in Florida.  If the decedent dies

15  intestate and the foreign domiciliary personal representative

16  is not qualified to act in Florida, the order of preference

17  for appointment of a personal representative as prescribed in

18  this code shall apply.  If ancillary letters are applied for

19  by other than the domiciliary personal representative, prior

20  notice shall be given to any domiciliary personal

21  representative.

22         (2)  Ancillary administration shall be commenced as

23  provided by the Florida Probate Rules. To entitle the

24  applicant to ancillary letters, an authenticated copy of so

25  much of the domiciliary proceedings shall be filed as will

26  show either:

27         (a)  The will, petition for probate, order admitting

28  the will to probate, and letters, if there are such; or

29         (b)  The petition for letters and the letters.

30         (3)  On filing the authenticated copy of a probated

31  will, including any probated codicils, the court shall


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  1  determine If the will and any the codicils, are executed as

  2  required by the code, they shall be admitted to probate if

  3  any, comply with s. 732.502(1) or s. 732.502(2).  If they

  4  comply, the court shall admit the will and any codicils to

  5  record.

  6         (4)  The ancillary personal representative shall give

  7  bond as do personal representatives generally.  All

  8  proceedings for appointment and administration of the estate

  9  shall be as similar to those in original administrations as

10  possible.

11         (5)  Unless creditors' claims are otherwise barred by

12  s. 733.710, the ancillary personal representative shall cause

13  a notice to creditors to be served and published according to

14  the requirements of chapter 733.  Claims not filed in

15  accordance with chapter 733 shall be barred as provided in s.

16  733.702.

17         (6)(5)  After the payment of all expenses of

18  administration and claims against the estate, the court may

19  order the remaining property held by the ancillary personal

20  representative transferred to the foreign domiciliary personal

21  representative or distributed to the beneficiaries heirs or

22  devisees.

23         (7)(6)  Ancillary personal representatives shall have

24  the same rights, powers, and authority as other personal

25  representatives in Florida to manage and settle estates; to

26  sell, lease, or mortgage local property; and to raise funds

27  for the payment of debts, claims, and devises in the

28  domiciliary jurisdiction.  No property shall be sold, leased,

29  or mortgaged to pay a debt or claim that is barred by any

30  statute of limitation or of nonclaim of this state.



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  1         Section 164.  Section 734.1025, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         734.1025  Nonresident decedent's testate estate with

  4  property not exceeding $50,000 $25,000 in this state;

  5  determination of claims.--

  6         (1)  When a nonresident decedent dies testate and

  7  leaves property subject to administration in this state the

  8  gross value of which does not exceed $50,000 at the date of

  9  death $25,000, the foreign domiciliary personal representative

10  of the estate may determine the question of claims in this

11  state before the expiration of 2 years after the decedent's

12  death may file the 2-year period provided in s. 733.710 by

13  filing in the circuit court of the county where any property

14  is located an authenticated transcript of so much of the

15  foreign domiciliary proceedings as will show the will and

16  beneficiaries of the estate, as provided in the Florida

17  Probate Rules. The court shall admit the will and any codicils

18  to probate if they comply with s. 732.502(1) or (2).:

19         (a)  In a testate estate, the probated will and all

20  probated codicils of the decedent; the order admitting them to

21  record; the letters or their equivalent; and the part of the

22  record showing the names of the devisees and heirs of the

23  decedent or an affidavit of the domiciliary personal

24  representative reciting that the names are not shown or not

25  fully disclosed by the domiciliary record and specifying the

26  names.  On presentation of the foregoing, the court shall

27  admit the will and any codicils to probate if they comply with

28  s. 732.502(1) or (2).

29         (b)  In an intestate estate, the authenticated copy of

30  letters of administration, or their equivalent, with the part

31  of the record showing the names of the heirs of the decedent


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  1  or an affidavit of the domiciliary personal representative

  2  supplying the names, as provided in paragraph (a). On

  3  presentation of the foregoing, the court shall order them

  4  recorded.

  5         (2)  After complying with the foregoing requirements,

  6  The foreign domiciliary personal representative may shall

  7  cause a notice to creditors to be served and published

  8  according to the revelant requirements of chapter 733 s.

  9  731.111, notifying all persons having claims or demands

10  against the estate to file them. Claims not filed in

11  accordance with chapter 733 shall be barred as provided in s.

12  733.702. If any claim is filed, a personal representative

13  shall be appointed as provided in the Florida Probate Rules.

14         (3)  The procedure for filing claims and objection to

15  them and for suing on them shall be the same as for other

16  estates, except as hereinafter provided.

17         (4)  If no claims are filed against the estate within

18  the time allowed, the court shall enter an order adjudging

19  that notice to creditors has been duly given and proof thereof

20  filed and that no claims have been filed against the estate or

21  that all claims have been satisfied.

22         (5)  If any claim is filed against the estate within

23  the time allowed, the court shall send to the domiciliary

24  personal representative a copy of the claim and a notice

25  setting a date for a hearing to appoint an ancillary personal

26  representative.  At the hearing, the court shall appoint an

27  ancillary personal representative according to the preferences

28  as provided in s. 733.301.

29         (6)  If an ancillary personal representative is

30  appointed pursuant to subsection (5), the procedure for

31  filing, objecting to, and suing on claims shall be the same as


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  1  for other estates, except that the ancillary personal

  2  representative appointed shall have not fewer than 30 days

  3  from the date of his or her appointment within which to object

  4  to any claim filed.

  5         (7)  The filing by domiciliary personal representatives

  6  of portions of the domiciliary probate proceedings as

  7  specified in this section, and the barring of claims of

  8  creditors in such estates by the publication of notice to

  9  creditors as set forth in this section, in all cases prior to

10  June 25, 1980, are hereby validated and confirmed.

11         Section 165.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and

12  subsection (3) of section 734.104, Florida Statutes, are

13  amended to read:

14         734.104  Foreign wills; admission to record; effect on

15  title.--

16         (1)  An authenticated copy of the will of a nonresident

17  that devises real property in this state, or any right, title,

18  or interest in the property, may be admitted to record in any

19  county of this state where the property is located at any time

20  after 2 years from the death of the decedent or at any time

21  after the domiciliary personal representative has been

22  discharged if there has been no proceeding to administer the

23  estate of the decedent in this state, provided:

24         (a)  The will was executed as required by Chapter 732

25  complies with s. 732.502 as to form and manner of execution;

26  and

27         (3)  If the court finds that the requirements of this

28  section have been met has been complied with, it shall enter

29  an order admitting the foreign will to record.

30         Section 166.  Section 734.201, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         734.201  Jurisdiction by act of foreign personal

  2  representative.--A foreign personal representative submits

  3  personally to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state in

  4  any proceeding concerning the estate by:

  5         (1)  Filing authenticated copies of the domiciliary

  6  proceedings under s. 734.104; 734.103.

  7         (2)  Receiving payment of money or taking delivery of

  8  personal property, under s. 734.101; or.

  9         (3)  Doing any act as a personal representative in this

10  state that would have given the state jurisdiction over that

11  person him or her as an individual.

12         Section 167.  Section 734.202, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         734.202  Jurisdiction by act of decedent.--In addition

15  to jurisdiction conferred by s. 734.201, a foreign personal

16  representative is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of

17  this state to the same extent that the his or her decedent was

18  subject to jurisdiction immediately before death.

19         Section 168.  Section 735.101, Florida Statutes, is

20  repealed:

21         735.101  Family administration; nature of

22  proceedings.--Family administration may be had in the

23  administration of a decedent's estate when it appears:

24         (1)  In an intestate estate, that the heirs at law of

25  the decedent consist solely of a surviving spouse, lineal

26  descendants, and lineal ascendants, or any of them.

27         (2)  In a testate estate, that the beneficiaries under

28  the will consist of a surviving spouse, lineal descendants,

29  and lineal ascendants, or any of them, and that any specific

30  or general devise to others constitutes a minor part of the

31  decedent's estate.


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  1         (3)  In a testate estate, that the decedent's will does

  2  not direct administration as required by chapter 733.

  3         (4)  That the value of the gross estate, as of the date

  4  of death, for federal estate tax purposes is less than

  5  $60,000.

  6         (5)  That the entire estate consists of personal

  7  property or, if real property forms part of the estate, that

  8  administration under chapter 733 has proceeded to the point

  9  that all claims of creditors have been processed or barred.

10         Section 169.  Section 735.103, Florida Statutes, is

11  repealed:

12         735.103  Petition for family administration.--A

13  verified petition for family administration shall contain, in

14  addition to the statements required by s. 733.202, the

15  following:

16         (1)  Facts showing that petitioners are entitled to

17  family administration, as provided in s. 735.101.

18         (2)  A complete list of the assets of the gross estate

19  for federal estate tax purposes and their estimated value.

20         (3)  An appropriate statement that the estate is not

21  indebted or that provision for payment of debts has been made

22  or the claims are barred.

23         (4)  A proposed schedule of distribution of all assets

24  to those entitled thereto as surviving spouse, heirs,

25  beneficiaries, or creditors.


27  The petition shall be signed and verified by all beneficiaries

28  and the surviving spouse, if any.  The petition may be signed

29  on behalf of a minor or an incompetent by her or his legal

30  guardian or, if none, by her or his natural guardian.



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  1         Section 170.  Section 735.107, Florida Statutes, is

  2  repealed:

  3         735.107  Family administration distribution.--

  4         (1)  Upon filing the petition for family

  5  administration, the will, if any, shall be proved in

  6  accordance with chapter 733 and be admitted to probate.

  7         (2)  If the estate consists of personal property only,

  8  then, after such hearing as the court may require, an order of

  9  family administration may be entered allowing immediate

10  distribution of the assets to the persons entitled to them.

11         (3)  The order of family administration and the

12  distribution so entered shall have the following effect:

13         (a)  Those to whom specified parts of the decedent's

14  estate are assigned by the order shall be entitled to receive

15  and collect the parts and to have the parts transferred to

16  them.  They may maintain actions to enforce the right.

17         (b)  Debtors of the decedent, those holding property of

18  the decedent, and those with whom securities or other property

19  of the decedent are registered are authorized and empowered to

20  comply with the order by paying, delivering, or transferring

21  to those specified in the order the parts of the decedent's

22  estate assigned to them by the order, and the persons so

23  paying, delivering, or transferring shall not be accountable

24  to anyone else for the property.

25         (c)  After the entry of the order, bona fide purchasers

26  for value from those to whom property of the decedent may be

27  assigned by the order shall take the property free of all

28  claims of creditors of the decedent and all rights of the

29  surviving spouse and all other heirs and devisees.

30         (d)  Property of the decedent that is not exempt from

31  claims of creditors and that remains in the hands of those to


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  1  whom it may be assigned by the order shall continue to be

  2  liable for claims against the decedent until barred as

  3  provided in this law.

  4         (e)  The petitioners for the order of family

  5  administration shall be personally liable for all lawful

  6  claims against the estate of the decedent, but only to the

  7  extent of the value of the estate of the decedent actually

  8  received by each petitioner, exclusive of the property exempt

  9  from claims of creditors under the constitution and statutes

10  of Florida.

11         (f)  After 2 years from the death of the decedent,

12  neither her nor his estate nor those to whom it may be

13  assigned shall be liable for any claim against the decedent,

14  unless proceedings have been taken for the enforcement of the

15  claim.

16         (g)  Any heir or devisee of the decedent who was

17  lawfully entitled to share in the estate but was not included

18  in the order of family administration and distribution may

19  enforce her or his rights against those who procured the order

20  in appropriate proceedings and, when successful, shall be

21  awarded reasonable attorney's fees as an element of costs.

22         (4)(a)  If the estate of the decedent includes real

23  property and administration under chapter 733 has proceeded to

24  the point that all claims of creditors have been processed or

25  barred, or upon the satisfaction of all claims of creditors,

26  if any, and after such hearing as the court may require, an

27  order of family administration may be entered and the personal

28  representative authorized to make distribution of the assets

29  to the persons entitled to them.  Upon evidence satisfactory

30  to the court that distribution has been made, the court shall

31  enter an order discharging the personal representative.


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  1         (b)  Any heir or devisee of the decedent who was

  2  lawfully entitled to share in the estate but who was not

  3  included in the order of family administration and

  4  distribution may enforce her or his rights against those who

  5  procured the order in appropriate proceedings and, when

  6  successful, shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees as an

  7  element of costs.

  8         Section 171.  Subsection (2) of section 735.201,

  9  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         735.201  Summary administration; nature of

11  proceedings.--Summary administration may be had in the

12  administration of either a resident or nonresident decedent's

13  estate, when it appears:

14         (2)  That the value of the entire estate subject to

15  administration in this state, less the value of property

16  exempt from the claims of creditors, does not exceed $50,000

17  $25,000 or that the decedent has been dead for more than 2

18  years.

19         Section 172.  Section 735.203, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         735.203  Petition for summary administration.--

22         (1)  A petition for summary administration may be filed

23  by any beneficiary, heir at law, or person nominated as

24  personal representative in the decedent's will offered for

25  probate. and shall be signed and verified by: The petition

26  must be signed and verified by

27         (a)  the surviving spouse, if any and any; the heirs at

28  law or beneficiaries.

29         (2)  If a person named in subsection (1) has died, is

30  incapacitated, or is a minor, or has conveyed or transferred



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  1  all interest in the property of the estate, then, as to that

  2  person, the petition must be signed and certified by:

  3         (a)  The personal representative, if any, of a deceased

  4  person or, if none, the surviving spouse, if any, and the

  5  beneficiaries;

  6         (b)  The guardian of an incapacitated person or a

  7  minor; or

  8         (c)  The grantee or transferee of any of them shall be

  9  authorized to sign and verify the petition instead of the

10  beneficiary or surviving spouse.

11         (3)  The joinder in, or consent to, a petition for

12  summary administration is not required of a beneficiary who

13  will receive full distributive share under the proposed

14  distribution.  Any beneficiary not joining or consenting shall

15  receive formal notice of the petition.  who are sui juris; and

16  the guardians of any heirs at law or beneficiaries who are not

17  sui juris; or

18         (b)  The persons described by s. 735.209.

19         (2)  A petition for summary administration shall

20  contain, in addition to the statements required by s.

21  733.202(2)(b) and (c), the following:

22         (a)  Facts showing that petitioners are entitled to

23  summary administration as provided in s. 735.201.

24         (b)  A complete list of the assets of the estate and

25  their estimated value, together with those assets claimed to

26  be exempt.

27         (c)  A statement that the estate is not indebted or

28  that provision for payment of debts has been made.

29         (d)  A proposed schedule of distribution of all assets

30  to those entitled thereto as surviving spouse, beneficiaries,

31  or creditors.


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  1         Section 173.  Section 735.206, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         735.206  Summary administration distribution.--

  4         (1)  Upon the filing of the petition for summary

  5  administration, the will, if any, shall be proved in

  6  accordance with chapter 733 and be admitted to probate.

  7         (2)  Prior to entry of the order of summary

  8  administration, the petitioner shall make a diligent search

  9  and reasonable inquiry for any known or reasonably

10  ascertainable creditors, serve a copy of the petition on those

11  creditors, and make provision for payment for those creditors

12  to the extent that assets are available.

13         (3)(2)  The court may enter After such hearing as the

14  court may require, an order of summary administration may be

15  entered allowing immediate distribution of the assets to the

16  persons entitled to them.

17         (4)(3)  The order of summary administration and

18  distribution so entered shall have the following effect:

19         (a)  Those to whom specified parts of the decedent's

20  estate, including exempt property, are assigned by the order

21  shall be entitled to receive and collect the parts and to have

22  the parts transferred to them.  They may maintain actions to

23  enforce the right.

24         (b)  Debtors of the decedent, those holding property of

25  the decedent, and those with whom securities or other property

26  of the decedent are registered are authorized and empowered to

27  comply with the order by paying, delivering, or transferring

28  to those specified in the order the parts of the decedent's

29  estate assigned to them by the order, and the persons so

30  paying, delivering, or transferring shall not be accountable

31  to anyone else for the property.


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  1         (c)  After the entry of the order, bona fide purchasers

  2  for value from those to whom property of the decedent may be

  3  assigned by the order shall take the property free of all

  4  claims of creditors of the decedent and all rights of the

  5  surviving spouse and all other beneficiaries heirs and

  6  devisees.

  7         (d)  Property of the decedent that is not exempt from

  8  claims of creditors and that remains in the hands of those to

  9  whom it may be assigned by the order shall continue to be

10  liable for claims against the decedent until barred as

11  provided in the code this law. Any known or reasonably

12  ascertainable creditor who did not receive notice and for whom

13  provision for payment was not made may enforce the claim and,

14  if the creditor prevails, shall be awarded reasonable

15  attorneys fees as an element of costs against those who joined

16  in the petition.

17         (e)  The recipients of the decedent's property under

18  petitioners for the order of summary administration shall be

19  personally liable for a pro rata share of all lawful claims

20  against the estate of the decedent, but only to the extent of

21  the value of the estate of the decedent actually received by

22  each recipient petitioner, exclusive of the property exempt

23  from claims of creditors under the constitution and statutes

24  of Florida.

25         (f)  After 2 years from the death of the decedent,

26  neither the decedent's estate nor those to whom it may be

27  assigned shall be liable for any claim against the decedent,

28  unless proceedings have been taken for the enforcement of the

29  claim.

30         (g)  Any heir or devisee of the decedent who was

31  lawfully entitled to share in the estate but who was not


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  1  included in the order of summary administration and

  2  distribution may enforce all his or her rights in appropriate

  3  proceedings against those who procured the order and, if when

  4  successful, shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees as an

  5  element of costs.

  6         Section 174.  Section 735.2063, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         735.2063  Notice to creditors.--

  9         (1)  Any person who has obtained received an order of

10  summary administration may publish a notice to creditors

11  according to the relevant requirements of s. 733.2121 731.111,

12  notifying all persons having claims or demands against the

13  estate of the decedent that an order of summary administration

14  has been entered by the court. The Such notice shall will

15  specify the total cash value of the estate and the names and

16  addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by the such

17  order. Such notice, if published, shall be published once a

18  week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the

19  county where such order was entered, and proof of publication

20  of such notice shall be filed with the court.

21         (2)  If proof of publication of the such notice is

22  filed with the court, all claims and demands of creditors

23  against the estate of the decedent who are not known or are

24  reasonably ascertainable shall be forever barred unless the

25  such claims and demands are filed with the court within 3

26  months after from the first publication of the such notice.

27         Section 175.  Section 735.209, Florida Statutes, is

28  repealed:

29         735.209  Joinder of heirs, devisees, or surviving

30  spouse in summary administration.--



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  1         (1)  When any heir, devisee, or surviving spouse is

  2  authorized or required under this part to join in any

  3  agreement or petition and any such person has died, become

  4  incompetent or is a minor, or has conveyed or transferred all

  5  of his or her interest in the property of the estate, then:

  6         (a)  The heirs, devisees, and surviving spouse, if any,

  7  of a deceased person,

  8         (b)  The personal representative, if any, of the estate

  9  of a deceased person,

10         (c)  The guardian of an incompetent or minor, or

11         (d)  The grantee or transferee of any of them


13  shall be authorized to join in such agreement or petition

14  instead of the heir, devisee, or surviving spouse.

15         (2)  The joinder in, or consent to, a petition for

16  summary administration is not required of an heir or

17  beneficiary who will receive his or her full distributive

18  share under the proposed distribution.  Any beneficiary not

19  joining or consenting shall receive formal notice of the

20  petition.

21         Section 176.  Subsection (3) of section 735.301,

22  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         735.301  Disposition without administration.--

24         (3)  Any person, firm, or corporation paying,

25  delivering, or transferring property under the authorization

26  shall be forever discharged from any liability thereon.

27         Section 177.  Section 735.302, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         735.302  Income tax refunds in certain cases.--

30         (1)  In any case when the United States Treasury

31  Department determines that an overpayment of federal income


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  1  tax exists and the person in whose favor the overpayment is

  2  determined is dead at the time the overpayment of tax is to be

  3  refunded, and irrespective of whether the decedent had filed a

  4  joint and several or separate income tax return, the amount of

  5  the overpayment, if not in excess of $2,500 $500, may be

  6  refunded as follows:

  7         (a)  Directly to the surviving spouse on his or her

  8  verified application; or

  9         (b)  If there is no surviving spouse, to one of the

10  decedent's children who is designated in a verified

11  application purporting to be executed by all of the decedent's

12  children over the age of 14 years.


14  In either event, the application must show that the decedent

15  was not indebted, that provision has been made for the payment

16  of the decedent's debts, or that the entire estate is exempt

17  from the claims of creditors under the constitution and

18  statutes of the state, and that no administration of the

19  estate, including summary administration, has been initiated

20  and that none is planned, to the knowledge of the applicant.

21         (2)  If a refund is made to the surviving spouse or

22  designated child pursuant to the application, the refund shall

23  operate as a complete discharge to the United States from

24  liability from any action, claim, or demand by any beneficiary

25  of the decedent or other person.  Nothing in This section

26  shall be construed as establishing the ownership or rights of

27  the payee any person in the refund so distributed.

28         Section 178.  Section 737.3054, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         737.3054  Trustee's duty to pay expenses and

31  obligations of grantor's settlor's estate.--


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  1         (1)  A trustee of a trust described in s. 733.707(3)

  2  shall pay to the personal representative of a grantor's

  3  settlor's estate any amounts that the personal representative

  4  certifies in writing to the trustee are required to pay the

  5  expenses of the administration and obligations of the

  6  grantor's settlor's estate and the enforceable claims of the

  7  settlor's creditors.  Payments made by a trustee, unless

  8  otherwise provided in the trust instrument, must be charged as

  9  expenses of the trust without a contribution from anyone.  The

10  interests interest of all beneficiaries of such a trust are

11  subject to the provisions of this subsection; however, the

12  payments must be made from assets or property or the proceeds

13  thereof, other than assets proscribed in s. 733.707(3), which

14  are included in the grantor's settlor's gross estate for

15  federal estate tax purposes.

16         (2)  Unless a grantor settlor provides by will, or

17  designates in a trust described in s. 733.707(3) the funds or

18  property passing under the a trust described in s. 733.707(3)

19  to be so used, the expenses of the administration and

20  obligations of the grantor's settlor's estate and enforceable

21  claims of the settlor's creditors must be paid from the trust

22  in the following order:

23         (a)  Property of the residue of the trust remaining

24  after all distributions that are to be satisfied by reference

25  to a specific property or type of property, fund, or sum;

26         (b)  Property that is not to be distributed from

27  specified or identified property or a specified or identified

28  item of property; and

29         (c)  Property that is to be distributed from specified

30  or identified property or a specified or identified item of

31  property.


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  1         (3)  Trust distributions that are to be satisfied from

  2  specified or identified property must be classed as

  3  distributions to be satisfied from the general assets of the

  4  trust and not otherwise disposed of in the trust instrument

  5  upon the failure or insufficiency of funds or property from

  6  which payment should be made, to the extent of the

  7  insufficiency.  Trust distributions given for valuable

  8  consideration abate with other distributions of the same class

  9  only to the extent of the excess over the value of the

10  consideration until all others of the same class are

11  exhausted. Except as provided in this section, trust

12  distributions abate equally and ratably and without preference

13  or priority between real and personal property.  When a

14  specified or identified item of property that has been

15  designated for distribution in the trust instrument or that is

16  charged with a distribution is sold or taken by the trustee,

17  other beneficiaries shall contribute according to their

18  respective interests to the beneficiary whose property has

19  been sold or taken, and before distribution the trustee shall

20  determine the amounts of the respective contributions, and

21  they must be paid or withheld before distribution is made.

22         (4)  The trustee shall pay the expenses of trust

23  administration, including compensation of trustees and their

24  attorneys, before and in preference to the expenses of the

25  administration and obligations of the grantor's settlor's

26  estate and enforceable claims of the settlor's creditors.

27         Section 179.  Section 737.306, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         737.306  Personal liability of trustee.--

30         (1)(a)  Unless otherwise provided in the contract, a

31  trustee is not personally liable on contracts, except


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  1  contracts for attorneys' fees, properly entered into in the

  2  trustee's fiduciary capacity in the course of administration

  3  of the trust estate unless the trustee he or she fails to

  4  reveal that his or her representative capacity and identify

  5  the trust estate in the contract.

  6         (b)  A trustee is personally liable for obligations

  7  arising from ownership or control of property of the trust

  8  estate or for torts committed in the course of administration

  9  of the trust estate only if the trustee is personally at

10  fault.

11         (c)  Claims based on contracts, except contracts for

12  attorneys' fees, entered into by a trustee in his or her

13  fiduciary capacity, on obligations arising from ownership or

14  control of the trust estate, or on torts committed in the

15  course of trust administration may be asserted against the

16  trust estate by proceeding against the trustee in the

17  trustee's his or her fiduciary capacity, whether or not the

18  trustee is personally liable.

19         (2)  Issues of liability between the trust estate and

20  the trustee individually may be determined in a proceeding for

21  accounting, surcharge, or indemnification, or in any other

22  appropriate proceeding.

23         (3)  A successor trustee is not personally liable for

24  any action taken or omitted to be taken by any prior trustee;

25  nor does any successor trustee have a duty to institute any

26  action against any prior trustee, or file any claim against

27  any prior trustee's estate, for any of the prior trustee's

28  acts or omissions as trustee under any of the following

29  circumstances:




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  1         (a)  The successor trustee succeeds a trustee who was

  2  also the grantor of a trust that was revocable during the time

  3  that the grantor served as trustee;

  4         (b)  As to any beneficiary who has waived any

  5  accounting required by s. 737.303, but only as to the periods

  6  included in the such waiver;

  7         (c)  As to any beneficiary who has released the

  8  successor trustee from the such duty to institute any action

  9  or file any claim;

10         (d)  As to any person who is not a beneficiary within

11  the meaning of s. 737.303(4)(b); or

12         (e)  As to any beneficiary described in s.

13  737.303(4)(b):

14         1.  If a super majority of the reasonably ascertainable

15  current income or principal beneficiaries described in s.

16  737.303(4)(b)1. and a super majority of the reasonably

17  ascertainable remainder beneficiaries described in s.

18  737.303(4)(b)2. have released the successor trustee;

19         2.  If the beneficiary has not delivered a written

20  request to the successor trustee to institute an action or

21  file a claim against the prior trustee within 6 months after

22  the date of the successor trustee's acceptance of the trust,

23  if the successor trustee has notified the beneficiary in

24  writing of its acceptance in accordance with s. 737.303(1) and

25  that such writing advises the beneficiary that, unless the

26  beneficiary delivers the such written request within 6 months

27  after the date of acceptance, the his or her right to proceed

28  against the successor trustee will be barred pursuant to this

29  section; or

30         3.  For any action or claim that the beneficiary is

31  barred from bringing against the prior trustee.


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  1         (4)(a)  Two years after the death of a settlor, neither

  2  a trust described in s. 733.707(3) as established by the

  3  settlor, the trustee of the trust, nor any beneficiary may be

  4  held liable for any claim or cause of action against the

  5  settlor by a creditor who seeks to recover from the trust,

  6  trustee, or beneficiary.

  7         (b)  This subsection does not apply to a creditor who

  8  has timely filed a claim against the settlor's estate under s.

  9  733.702 within 2 years after the settlor's death and whose

10  claim has not been paid or otherwise disposed of, even if the

11  settlor's estate proceedings have been closed or otherwise

12  completed.

13         (c)  This subsection does not affect the lien of a duly

14  recorded mortgage or security interest or the right to

15  foreclose and enforce the mortgage or lien.

16         (f)(5)  For the purposes of this section, a super

17  majority of beneficiaries means at least two-thirds in

18  interest of the beneficiaries if the interests of the

19  beneficiaries are reasonably ascertainable; otherwise, it

20  means at least two-thirds in number of the beneficiaries. A

21  release or waiver under this section may be exercised by a

22  legal representative or natural guardian of the beneficiary

23  without the filing of any proceeding or approval of any court.

24  Nothing in this subsection (3) affects any liability of the

25  prior trustee or the right of the successor trustee or any

26  beneficiary to pursue an action or claim against the prior

27  trustee.

28         Section 180.  Section 737.3061, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         737.3061 Limitations on actions against certain

31  trusts.--


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137


  1         (1)  After the death of a grantor, no creditor of the

  2  grantor may bring, maintain, or continue any direct action

  3  against a trust described in s. 733.707(3), the trustee of the

  4  trust or any beneficiary of the trust that is dependent on the

  5  individual liability of the grantor.  Those claims and causes

  6  of action against the grantor shall be presented and enforced

  7  against the grantor's estate as provided in part VII of

  8  chapter 733, and the personal representative of the grantor's

  9  estate may obtain payment from the trustee of a trust

10  described in s. 733.707(3) as provided in ss. 733.607(2),

11  733.707(3), and 737.3054(1).

12         (2)  This section shall not preclude a direct action

13  against a trust described in s. 733.707(3), the trustee of the

14  trust, or a beneficiary of the trust that is not dependent on

15  the individual liability of the grantor.

16         (3)  This section does not affect the lien of any duly

17  recorded mortgage or security interest or the lien of any

18  person in possession of personal property or the right to

19  foreclose and enforce the mortgage or lien.

20         Section 181.  Section 737.308, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         737.308  Notice of trust.--

23         (1)  Upon the death of a settlor of a trust described

24  in s. 733.707(3), the trustee must file a notice of trust with

25  the court of the county of the settlor's domicile and the

26  court having jurisdiction of the settlor's estate.

27         (2)  The notice of trust must contain the name of the

28  settlor, the settlor's date of death, the title of the trust,

29  if any, the date of the trust, and the name and address of the

30  trustee.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137


  1         (3)  If the settlor's probate proceeding has been

  2  commenced, the clerk must notify the trustee in writing of the

  3  date of the commencement of the probate proceeding and the

  4  file number.

  5         (4)  The clerk shall file and index the notice of trust

  6  in the same manner as a caveat, unless there exists a probate

  7  proceeding for the settlor's estate in which case the notice

  8  of trust must be filed in the probate proceeding and the clerk

  9  shall send a copy to the personal representative.

10         (5)  The clerk shall send a copy of any caveat filed

11  regarding the settlor to the trustee, and the Notice of Trust

12  to any caveator, unless there is a probate proceeding pending

13  and the personal representative and the trustee are the same.

14         (6)  In any proceeding affecting the expenses of the

15  administration of the estate, or any claims described in s.

16  733.702(1), the trustee of a trust described in s. 733.707(3)

17  is an interested person in the administration of the grantor's

18  estate.

19         (6)(7)  Any proceeding affecting the expenses of the

20  administration or obligations of the grantor's estate or any

21  claims described in s. 733.702(1) prior to the trustee filing

22  a notice of trust are binding upon the trustee.

23         (7)(8)  The trustee's failure to file the notice of

24  trust does not affect the trustee's obligation to pay expenses

25  of administration and obligations of the grantor's estate

26  enforceable claims as provided in s. 733.607(2).

27         Section 182.  Section 215.965, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         215.965  Disbursement of state moneys.--Except as

30  provided in s. 17.076, s. 253.025(14), s. 259.041(18), s.

31  717.124(5), s. 732.107(5)(6), or s. 733.816(5), all moneys in


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137


  1  the State Treasury shall be disbursed by state warrant, drawn

  2  by the Comptroller upon the State Treasury and payable to the

  3  ultimate beneficiary. This authorization shall include

  4  electronic disbursement.

  5         Section 183.  Subsection (3) of section 660.46, Florida

  6  Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         660.46  Substitution of fiduciaries.--

  8         (3)  Unless a waiver or consent shall be filed in the

  9  proceedings as provided in subsection (4), the provisions of

10  s. 731.301(1)(a), (c), and (2)(d) shall apply with respect to

11  notice of the proceedings to all persons who are then

12  cofiduciaries with the original fiduciary, other than a person

13  joining as a petitioner in the proceedings; to all persons

14  named in the governing instrument as substitutes or successors

15  to the fiduciary capacity of the original fiduciary; to the

16  persons then living who are entitled under the governing

17  instrument to appoint a substitute or successor to act in the

18  fiduciary capacity of the original fiduciary; to all vested

19  beneficiaries of the fiduciary account; and to all then-living

20  originators of the governing instrument. Unless a waiver or

21  consent shall be filed in the proceedings as provided in

22  subsection (4), the provisions of s. 731.301(2) shall apply

23  with respect to notice to all contingent beneficiaries of the

24  fiduciary account. Only the persons or classes of persons

25  described in the foregoing provisions of this subsection shall

26  be deemed to be interested persons for the purposes of this

27  section and the proceedings and notices provided for in this

28  section; and the provisions of ss. 731.301(3) and

29  731.303(3)(4) and (4)(5), relating to notice requirements, the

30  effect of notice, and representation of interests, shall apply

31  to the proceedings provided for in this section.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137


  1         Section 184.  Subsection (1) of section 737.111,

  2  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         737.111  Execution requirements for express trusts.--

  4         (1)  The testamentary aspects of a trust defined in s.

  5  731.201(34)(33), are invalid unless the trust instrument is

  6  executed by the settlor with the formalities required for the

  7  execution of a will.

  8         Section 185.  In editing manuscript for the next

  9  official version of the Florida Statutes, the Division of

10  Statutory Revision and Indexing is directed to:

11         (1)  Change the title of Part II of Chapter 732,

12  Florida Statutes, from "Elective Share of Surviving Spouse" to

13  "Elective Share of Surviving Spouse; Rights in Community

14  Property."

15         (2)  Change the title of Part III of Chapter 733,

16  Florida Statutes, from "Priority to Administer and

17  Qualifications of Personal Representative" to "Preference in

18  Appointment and Qualifications of Personal Representative."

19         (3)  Change the title of Part IV of Chapter 733,

20  Florida Statutes, from "Appointment of Personal

21  Representative; Bonds" to "Fiduciary Bonds."

22         (4)  Change the title of Part V of Chapter 733, Florida

23  Statutes, from "Curators; Successor Personal Representative;

24  Removal" to "Curators; Resignation and Removal of Personal

25  Representatives."

26         Section 186.  This act shall take effect January 1,

27  2002. The substantive rights of all persons that have vested

28  prior to January 1, 2002, shall be determined as provided in

29  former chapters 63, 215, 409, 660, and 731-737, Florida

30  Statutes, as they existed prior to January 1, 2002. The

31  procedures for the enforcement of substantive rights which


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 137


  1  have vested prior to January 1, 2002, shall be as provided in

  2  this act, except that any Family Administration filed before

  3  January 1, 2002, may be completed as a Family Administration.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises the Florida Probate Code to clarify current
  8    language and to provide consistency throughout the code.
      See bill for details.
























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