Senate Bill sb1432

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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 1432

    By Senator Campbell

    33-1234-01                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to coin-operated vending

  3         machines and parking meters; amending s.

  4         877.08, F.S.; increasing the penalty for

  5         maliciously or mischievously molesting,

  6         opening, breaking, injuring, damaging, or

  7         making specified insertions into a

  8         coin-operated vending machine or parking meter;

  9         increasing the penalty for molesting, opening,

10         breaking, injuring, damaging, or making

11         specified insertions into a coin-operated

12         vending machine or parking meter with intent to

13         commit larceny; increasing the penalty for

14         subsequent violations of molesting, opening,

15         breaking, injuring, damaging, or making

16         specified insertions into a coin-operated

17         vending machine or parking meter with intent to

18         commit larceny; providing a condition that

19         specified notice be posted on or near destroyed

20         or damaged coin-operated vending machines and

21         parking meters; providing that violators may be

22         required to make restitution for damages;

23         requiring the court to revoke or suspend the

24         driving privilege, or eligibility therefor, of

25         a minor found to have committed specified

26         delinquent acts; providing for the period of

27         revocation or suspension to be reduced by the

28         performance of community service; providing

29         legislative intent that a county or

30         municipality is not preempted by state law from

31         establishing an ordinance that prohibits the


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 1432
    33-1234-01                                              See HB

  1         molesting, opening, breaking, injuring,

  2         damaging, or making specified insertions into a

  3         coin-operated vending machine or parking meter

  4         and penalizes such offenses with higher

  5         penalties than those provided by state law or

  6         with mandatory penalties; providing that the

  7         court may not provide a disposition of the case

  8         which is less severe than such higher or

  9         mandatory penalties in certain juvenile

10         proceedings for violation of the ordinance;

11         providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 877.08, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         877.08  Coin-operated vending machines and parking

18  meters; defined; prohibited acts, penalties.--

19         (1)  A "coin-operated vending machine" or "parking

20  meter," for the purposes of this act, is defined to be any

21  machine, contrivance, or device that is adapted for use in

22  such a way that, as the result of the insertion of any piece

23  of money, coin, or other object, the machine, contrivance,

24  parking meter, or device is caused to operate or may be

25  operated and by reason of such operation the user may become

26  entitled to receive any food, drink, telephone or telegraph

27  service, insurance protection, parking privilege or any other

28  personal property, service, protection, right or privilege of

29  any kind or nature whatsoever.

30         (2)  Whoever maliciously or mischievously molests,

31  opens, breaks, injures, damages, or inserts any part of her or


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 1432
    33-1234-01                                              See HB

  1  his body or any instrument into any coin-operated vending

  2  machine or parking meter of another, shall be guilty of a

  3  felony misdemeanor of the third second degree, punishable as

  4  provided in s. 775.082, or s. 775.083, or s. 775.084;

  5  provided, however, that a conspicuous notice of the provisions

  6  of subsections (2), (3), and (4) and the penalties provided

  7  are posted on or near the destroyed or damaged vending machine

  8  or parking meter and visible to the public at the time of the

  9  commission of the offense.

10         (3)  Whoever molests, opens, breaks, injures, damages,

11  or inserts any part of her or his body or any instrument into

12  any coin-operated vending machine or parking meter of another

13  with intent to commit larceny is guilty of a felony

14  misdemeanor of the third second degree, punishable as provided

15  in s. 775.082, or s. 775.083, or s. 775.084; provided,

16  however, that a conspicuous notice of the provisions of

17  subsections (2), (3), and (4) and the penalties provided are

18  posted on or near the destroyed or damaged vending machine or

19  parking meter and visible to the public at the time of the

20  commission of the offense.

21         (4)  Whoever violates the provisions of subsection (3)

22  a second time, and is convicted of such second separate

23  offense, either at the same term or a subsequent term of

24  court, shall be guilty of a felony of the second third degree,

25  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

26  775.084.

27         (5)  Any person who violates this section may, in

28  addition to any other criminal penalty, be required to pay for

29  the damages caused by such offense.

30         (6)  In addition to any other penalty provided by law,

31  if a minor is found to have committed a delinquent act under


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 1432
    33-1234-01                                              See HB

  1  this section for molesting, opening, breaking, injuring,

  2  damaging, or inserting any part of his or her body or any

  3  instrument into any coin-operated vending machine or parking

  4  meter of another, and:

  5         (a)  The minor is eligible by reason of age for a

  6  driver's license or driving privilege, the court shall direct

  7  the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to revoke

  8  or withhold issuance of the minor's driver's license or

  9  driving privilege for not more than 1 year.

10         (b)  The minor's driver's license or driving privilege

11  is under suspension or revocation for any reason, the court

12  shall direct the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

13  Vehicles to extend the period of suspension or revocation by

14  an additional period of not more than 1 year.

15         (c)  The minor is ineligible by reason of age for a

16  driver's license or driving privilege, the court shall direct

17  the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to

18  withhold issuance of the minor's driver's license or driving

19  privilege for not more than 1 year after the date on which he

20  or she would otherwise have become eligible.

21         (7)  A minor whose driver's license or driving

22  privilege is revoked, suspended, or withheld under subsection

23  (6) may elect to reduce the period of revocation, suspension,

24  or withholding by performing community service at the rate of

25  1 day for each hour of community service performed.  In

26  addition, if the court determines that due to a family

27  hardship, the minor's driver's license or driving privilege is

28  necessary for employment or medical purposes of the minor or a

29  member of the minor's family, the court shall order the minor

30  to perform community service and reduce the period of



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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 1432
    33-1234-01                                              See HB

  1  revocation, suspension, or withholding at the rate of 1 day

  2  for each hour of community service performed.

  3         (8)  It is the intent of the Legislature that

  4  municipalities and counties not be preempted by state law from

  5  establishing ordinances that prohibit the molesting, opening,

  6  breaking, injuring, damaging, or inserting any part of his or

  7  her body or any instrument into any coin-operated vending

  8  machine or parking meter of another.  Furthermore, as related

  9  to such offenses, such municipalities and counties are not

10  preempted by state law from establishing greater penalties

11  than those provided by state law and mandatory penalties when

12  state law provides discretionary penalties. Such greater and

13  mandatory penalties include fines that do not exceed the

14  amount specified in ss. 125.69 and 162.21, community service,

15  restitution, and forfeiture.  Upon a finding that a juvenile

16  has violated an ordinance prohibiting the molesting, opening,

17  breaking, injuring, damaging, or inserting any part of his or

18  her body or any instrument into any coin-operated vending

19  machine or parking meter of another, a court acting under

20  chapter 985 may not provide a disposition of the case which is

21  less severe than any mandatory penalty prescribed by municipal

22  or county ordinance for such violation.

23         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

24  law.









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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 1432
    33-1234-01                                              See HB

  1            *****************************************

  2                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

  3    Increases, from a second degree misdemeanor to a third
      degree felony, the penalty for maliciously or
  4    mischievously molesting, opening, breaking, injuring,
      damaging, or making specified insertions into a
  5    coin-operated vending machine or parking meter and the
      penalty for committing such acts with intent to commit
  6    larceny. Increases, from a third degree felony to a
      second degree felony, the penalty for subsequent
  7    commission of such acts with intent to commit larceny.
      Provides a condition that specified notice be posted on
  8    or near destroyed or damaged coin-operated vending
      machines and parking meters.

10    Provides that violators may be required to make
      restitution for damages. Requires the court to revoke or
11    suspend the driving privilege, or eligibility therefor,
      of a minor found to have committed such specified
12    delinquent acts.

      Provides that a county or municipality is not preempted
14    by state law from establishing an ordinance that
      prohibits the commission of such acts and penalizes such
15    offenses with higher penalties than those provided by
      state law or with mandatory penalties. Provides that the
16    court may not provide a disposition of the case which is
      less severe than such higher or mandatory penalties in
17    certain juvenile proceedings for violation of the















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