House Bill hb1433

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1433

        By Representative Bennett

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to growth management; amending

  3         s. 163.3177, F.S.; requiring each licensed

  4         publicly owned and operated airport to prepare

  5         an airport master plan and providing

  6         requirements with respect thereto; providing

  7         for incorporation of the plan into the affected

  8         local government comprehensive plan and

  9         providing requirements with respect thereto;

10         providing for technical assistance; providing

11         that development that is consistent with an

12         approved plan is not a development of regional

13         impact; amending s. 380.06, F.S., relating to

14         developments of regional impact; removing the

15         rebuttable presumptions with respect to

16         application of the statewide guidelines and

17         standards; removing provisions which specify

18         that certain changes in airport facilities,

19         increases in the storage capacity for chemical

20         or petroleum storage facilities, or development

21         at a waterport constitute a substantial

22         deviation and require further

23         development-of-regional-impact review;

24         exempting certain proposed facilities for the

25         storage of any petroleum product from

26         development-of-regional-impact requirements;

27         exempting proposed waterport development in

28         certain counties from such requirements and

29         providing application of such exemption to

30         counties identified in s. 370.12(2)(f), F.S.;

31         repealing s. 380.0651(3)(a) and (e), F.S.,


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  1         which provide the

  2         development-of-regional-impact statewide

  3         guidelines and standards for airports and port

  4         facilities; amending ss. 163.3180 and 331.303,

  5         F.S.; correcting references; providing

  6         application with respect to airports, marinas,

  7         and petroleum storage facilities which have

  8         received a development-of-regional-impact

  9         development order, or which have an application

10         for development approval or notification of

11         proposed change pending, on the effective date

12         of the act; providing for severability;

13         providing an effective date.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Paragraph (k) is added to subsection (6) of

18  section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, to read:

19         163.3177  Required and optional elements of

20  comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.--

21         (6)  In addition to the requirements of subsections

22  (1)-(5), the comprehensive plan shall include the following

23  elements:

24         (k)  An airport master plan shall be prepared by each

25  publicly owned and operated airport licensed by the Department

26  of Transportation under chapter 330. The airport master plan

27  shall address the airport, projected airport or aviation

28  development, and land use compatibility around the airport.

29  The airport master plan must be consistent with applicable

30  requirements for airport master planning issued by the Federal

31  Aviation Administration, pursuant to the applicable Federal


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  1  Aviation Administration's Advisory Circulars and Airport

  2  Environmental Handbook, and by the Department of

  3  Transportation, pursuant to s. 332.007(5), and with the

  4  Department of Transportation's Guidebook for Airport Master

  5  Planning and Airport Compatible Land Use Guidance. The airport

  6  master plan, and any subsequent amendments to the airport

  7  master plan, shall be incorporated into the transportation or

  8  traffic circulation element of each affected local government

  9  comprehensive plan by the adoption of a local government

10  comprehensive plan amendment. The authorized entity having

11  responsibility for governing the operation of the airport

12  shall submit copies of an airport master plan which meets the

13  requirements of this paragraph to the affected local

14  government no later than July 1, 2001. The affected local

15  government shall incorporate an airport master plan into the

16  local government comprehensive plan no later than July 1,

17  2002. As used in this paragraph, "affected local government"

18  means any local government having jurisdiction under this act

19  over the area in which the airport or projected airport or

20  aviation development is located. The Department of Community

21  Affairs, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation,

22  shall provide technical assistance to airports and local

23  governments to assist in the coordination of airport master

24  plans with the local government comprehensive plan, consistent

25  with the State Comprehensive Plan, the applicable strategic

26  regional policy plan, and state goals and objectives related

27  to airport planning. In the amendment to the local

28  comprehensive plan which integrates the airport master plan,

29  the affected local government shall address land use

30  compatibility consistent with chapter 333 regarding airport

31  zoning; the provision of regional transportation facilities


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  1  for the efficient use and operation of the transportation

  2  system and airport; consistency with the transportation or

  3  traffic circulation element of the applicable local

  4  comprehensive plan and applicable metropolitan planning

  5  organization long-range transportation plan; and the execution

  6  of any necessary interlocal agreements for the purpose of the

  7  provision of public facilities and services to maintain the

  8  adopted level of service standards for facilities subject to

  9  concurrency. The amendment to the local comprehensive plan

10  which integrates the airport master plan shall meet the

11  requirements of this paragraph. Development or expansion of

12  any publicly owned or operated airport, or airport-related or

13  aviation-related development, meeting the requirements of this

14  paragraph shall not be a development of regional impact when

15  such development, expansion, project, or facility is

16  consistent with an adopted airport master plan that is

17  approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and the

18  Department of Transportation and is in compliance with this

19  part.

20         Section 2.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2), paragraph

21  (c) of subsection (3), paragraph (b) of subsection (4), and

22  paragraphs (b) and (e) of subsection (19) of section 380.06,

23  Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraphs (i) and (j) are

24  added to subsection (24) of said section, to read:

25         380.06  Developments of regional impact.--


27         (d)  The guidelines and standards shall be applied as

28  follows:

29         1.  Fixed thresholds.--

30         1.a.  A development that is at or below 80 percent of

31  all numerical thresholds in the guidelines and standards shall


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  1  not be required to undergo development-of-regional-impact

  2  review.

  3         2.b.  A development that is at or above 120 percent of

  4  any numerical threshold shall be required to undergo

  5  development-of-regional-impact review.

  6         3.c.  Projects certified under s. 403.973 which create

  7  at least 100 jobs and meet the criteria of the Office of

  8  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development as to their impact on

  9  an area's economy, employment, and prevailing wage and skill

10  levels that are at or below 100 percent of the numerical

11  thresholds for industrial plants, industrial parks,

12  distribution, warehousing or wholesaling facilities, office

13  development or multiuse projects other than residential, as

14  described in s. 380.0651(3)(b)(c), (c)(d), and (g)(i), are not

15  required to undergo development-of-regional-impact review.

16         2.  Rebuttable presumptions.--

17         a.  It shall be presumed that a development that is

18  between 80 and 100 percent of a numerical threshold shall not

19  be required to undergo development-of-regional-impact review.

20         b.  It shall be presumed that a development that is at

21  100 percent or between 100 and 120 percent of a numerical

22  threshold shall be required to undergo

23  development-of-regional-impact review.


25  AND STANDARDS.--The state land planning agency, a regional

26  planning agency, or a local government may petition the

27  Administration Commission to increase or decrease the

28  numerical thresholds of any statewide guideline and standard.

29  The state land planning agency or the regional planning agency

30  may petition for an increase or decrease for a particular

31  local government's jurisdiction or a part of a particular


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  1  jurisdiction.  A local government may petition for an increase

  2  or decrease within its jurisdiction or a part of its

  3  jurisdiction.  A number of requests may be combined in a

  4  single petition.

  5         (c)  The Administration Commission shall have authority

  6  to increase or decrease a threshold in the statewide

  7  guidelines and standards up to 50 percent above or below the

  8  statewide presumptive threshold.  The commission may from time

  9  to time reconsider changed thresholds and make additional

10  variations as it deems necessary.

11         (4)  BINDING LETTER.--

12         (b)  Unless a developer waives the requirements of this

13  paragraph by agreeing to undergo

14  development-of-regional-impact review pursuant to this

15  section, the state land planning agency or local government

16  with jurisdiction over the land on which a development is

17  proposed may require a developer to obtain a binding letter

18  if:

19         1.  the development is at a presumptive numerical

20  threshold or up to 20 percent above a numerical threshold in

21  the guidelines and standards.; or

22         2.  The development is between a presumptive numerical

23  threshold and 20 percent below the numerical threshold and the

24  local government or the state land planning agency is in doubt

25  as to whether the character or magnitude of the development at

26  the proposed location creates a likelihood that the

27  development will have a substantial effect on the health,

28  safety, or welfare of citizens of more than one county.

29         (19)  SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATIONS.--

30         (b)  Any proposed change to a previously approved

31  development of regional impact or development order condition


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  1  which, either individually or cumulatively with other changes,

  2  exceeds any of the following criteria shall constitute a

  3  substantial deviation and shall cause the development to be

  4  subject to further development-of-regional-impact review

  5  without the necessity for a finding of same by the local

  6  government:

  7         1.  An increase in the number of parking spaces at an

  8  attraction or recreational facility by 5 percent or 300

  9  spaces, whichever is greater, or an increase in the number of

10  spectators that may be accommodated at such a facility by 5

11  percent or 1,000 spectators, whichever is greater.

12         2.  A new runway, a new terminal facility, a 25-percent

13  lengthening of an existing runway, or a 25-percent increase in

14  the number of gates of an existing terminal, but only if the

15  increase adds at least three additional gates.  However, if an

16  airport is located in two counties, a 10-percent lengthening

17  of an existing runway or a 20-percent increase in the number

18  of gates of an existing terminal is the applicable criteria.

19         2.3.  An increase in the number of hospital beds by 5

20  percent or 60 beds, whichever is greater.

21         3.4.  An increase in industrial development area by 5

22  percent or 32 acres, whichever is greater.

23         4.5.  An increase in the average annual acreage mined

24  by 5 percent or 10 acres, whichever is greater, or an increase

25  in the average daily water consumption by a mining operation

26  by 5 percent or 300,000 gallons, whichever is greater.  An

27  increase in the size of the mine by 5 percent or 750 acres,

28  whichever is less.

29         5.6.  An increase in land area for office development

30  by 5 percent or 6 acres, whichever is greater, or an increase



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  1  of gross floor area of office development by 5 percent or

  2  60,000 gross square feet, whichever is greater.

  3         7.  An increase in the storage capacity for chemical or

  4  petroleum storage facilities by 5 percent, 20,000 barrels, or

  5  7 million pounds, whichever is greater.

  6         8.  An increase of development at a waterport of wet

  7  storage for 20 watercraft, dry storage for 30 watercraft, or

  8  wet/dry storage for 60 watercraft in an area identified in the

  9  state marina siting plan as an appropriate site for additional

10  waterport development or a 5-percent increase in watercraft

11  storage capacity, whichever is greater.

12         6.9.  An increase in the number of dwelling units by 5

13  percent or 50 dwelling units, whichever is greater.

14         7.10.  An increase in commercial development by 6 acres

15  of land area or by 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, or

16  of parking spaces provided for customers for 300 cars or a

17  5-percent increase of any of these, whichever is greater.

18         8.11.  An increase in hotel or motel facility units by

19  5 percent or 75 units, whichever is greater.

20         9.12.  An increase in a recreational vehicle park area

21  by 5 percent or 100 vehicle spaces, whichever is less.

22         10.13.  A decrease in the area set aside for open space

23  of 5 percent or 20 acres, whichever is less.

24         11.14.  A proposed increase to an approved multiuse

25  development of regional impact where the sum of the increases

26  of each land use as a percentage of the applicable substantial

27  deviation criteria is equal to or exceeds 100 percent. The

28  percentage of any decrease in the amount of open space shall

29  be treated as an increase for purposes of determining when 100

30  percent has been reached or exceeded.



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  1         12.15.  A 15-percent increase in the number of external

  2  vehicle trips generated by the development above that which

  3  was projected during the original

  4  development-of-regional-impact review.

  5         13.16.  Any change which would result in development of

  6  any area which was specifically set aside in the application

  7  for development approval or in the development order for

  8  preservation or special protection of endangered or threatened

  9  plants or animals designated as endangered, threatened, or

10  species of special concern and their habitat, primary dunes,

11  or archaeological and historical sites designated as

12  significant by the Division of Historical Resources of the

13  Department of State.  The further refinement of such areas by

14  survey shall be considered under sub-subparagraph (e)5.b.


16  The substantial deviation numerical standards in subparagraphs

17  3.4., 5.6., 7.10., 11.14., excluding residential uses, and

18  12.15., are increased by 100 percent for a project certified

19  under s. 403.973 which creates jobs and meets criteria

20  established by the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

21  Development as to its impact on an area's economy, employment,

22  and prevailing wage and skill levels. The substantial

23  deviation numerical standards in subparagraphs 3.4., 5.6.,

24  6.9., 7.10., 8.11., and 11.14. are increased by 50 percent for

25  a project located wholly within an urban infill and

26  redevelopment area designated on the applicable adopted local

27  comprehensive plan future land use map and not located within

28  the coastal high hazard area.

29         (e)1.  A proposed change which, either individually or,

30  if there were previous changes, cumulatively with those

31  changes, is equal to or exceeds 40 percent of any numerical


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  1  criterion in subparagraphs (b)1.-12.1.-15., but which does not

  2  exceed such criterion, shall be presumed not to create a

  3  substantial deviation subject to further

  4  development-of-regional-impact review.  The presumption may be

  5  rebutted by clear and convincing evidence at the public

  6  hearing held by the local government pursuant to subparagraph

  7  (f)5.

  8         2.  Except for a development order rendered pursuant to

  9  subsection (22) or subsection (25), a proposed change to a

10  development order that individually or cumulatively with any

11  previous change is less than 40 percent of any numerical

12  criterion contained in subparagraphs (b)1.-12.1.-15. and does

13  not exceed any other criterion, or that involves an extension

14  of the buildout date of a development, or any phase thereof,

15  of less than 5 years is not subject to the public hearing

16  requirements of subparagraph (f)3., and is not subject to a

17  determination pursuant to subparagraph (f)5.  Notice of the

18  proposed change shall be made to the regional planning council

19  and the state land planning agency. Such notice shall include

20  a description of previous individual changes made to the

21  development, including changes previously approved by the

22  local government, and shall include appropriate amendments to

23  the development order. The following changes, individually or

24  cumulatively with any previous changes, are not substantial

25  deviations:

26         a.  Changes in the name of the project, developer,

27  owner, or monitoring official.

28         b.  Changes to a setback that do not affect noise

29  buffers, environmental protection or mitigation areas, or

30  archaeological or historical resources.

31         c.  Changes to minimum lot sizes.


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  1         d.  Changes in the configuration of internal roads that

  2  do not affect external access points.

  3         e.  Changes to the building design or orientation that

  4  stay approximately within the approved area designated for

  5  such building and parking lot, and which do not affect

  6  historical buildings designated as significant by the Division

  7  of Historical Resources of the Department of State.

  8         f.  Changes to increase the acreage in the development,

  9  provided that no development is proposed on the acreage to be

10  added.

11         g.  Changes to eliminate an approved land use, provided

12  that there are no additional regional impacts.

13         h.  Changes required to conform to permits approved by

14  any federal, state, or regional permitting agency, provided

15  that these changes do not create additional regional impacts.

16         i.  Any other change which the state land planning

17  agency agrees in writing is similar in nature, impact, or

18  character to the changes enumerated in sub-subparagraphs a.-h.

19  and which does not create the likelihood of any additional

20  regional impact.


22  This subsection does not require a development order amendment

23  for any change listed in sub-subparagraphs a.-i. unless such

24  issue is addressed either in the existing development order or

25  in the application for development approval, but, in the case

26  of the application, only if, and in the manner in which, the

27  application is incorporated in the development order.

28         3.  Except for the change authorized by

29  sub-subparagraph 2.f., any addition of land not previously

30  reviewed or any change not specified in paragraph (b) or

31  paragraph (c) shall be presumed to create a substantial


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  1  deviation.  This presumption may be rebutted by clear and

  2  convincing evidence.

  3         4.  Any submittal of a proposed change to a previously

  4  approved development shall include a description of individual

  5  changes previously made to the development, including changes

  6  previously approved by the local government.  The local

  7  government shall consider the previous and current proposed

  8  changes in deciding whether such changes cumulatively

  9  constitute a substantial deviation requiring further

10  development-of-regional-impact review.

11         5.  The following changes to an approved development of

12  regional impact shall be presumed to create a substantial

13  deviation.  Such presumption may be rebutted by clear and

14  convincing evidence.

15         a.  A change proposed for 15 percent or more of the

16  acreage to a land use not previously approved in the

17  development order.  Changes of less than 15 percent shall be

18  presumed not to create a substantial deviation.

19         b.  Except for the types of uses listed in subparagraph

20  (b)13.16., any change which would result in the development of

21  any area which was specifically set aside in the application

22  for development approval or in the development order for

23  preservation, buffers, or special protection, including

24  habitat for plant and animal species, archaeological and

25  historical sites, dunes, and other special areas.

26         c.  Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (b) to

27  the contrary, a proposed change consisting of simultaneous

28  increases and decreases of at least two of the uses within an

29  authorized multiuse development of regional impact which was

30  originally approved with three or more uses specified in s.



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  1  380.0651(3)(b)(c), (c)(d), (d)(f), and (e)(g) and residential

  2  use.

  3         (24)  STATUTORY EXEMPTIONS.--

  4         (i)  Any proposed facility for the storage of any

  5  petroleum product is exempt from the provisions of this

  6  section, if such facility is consistent with a local

  7  comprehensive plan that is in compliance with s. 163.3177 or

  8  is consistent with a comprehensive port master plan that is in

  9  compliance with s. 163.3178.

10         (j)  Any proposal to increase development at a

11  waterport is exempt from the provisions of this section,

12  unless such proposed development is located within a county

13  identified in s. 370.12(2)(f). Such a county shall be exempt

14  after a manatee protection plan has been adopted by the county

15  and submitted for approval to the Fish and Wildlife

16  Conservation Commission, or on October 1, 2002, whichever is

17  earlier.

18         Section 3.  Paragraphs (a) and (e) of subsection (3) of

19  section 380.0651, Florida Statutes, are repealed.

20         Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (12) of section

21  163.3180, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         163.3180  Concurrency.--

23         (12)  When authorized by a local comprehensive plan, a

24  multiuse development of regional impact may satisfy the

25  transportation concurrency requirements of the local

26  comprehensive plan, the local government's concurrency

27  management system, and s. 380.06 by payment of a

28  proportionate-share contribution for local and regionally

29  significant traffic impacts, if:

30         (a)  The development of regional impact meets or

31  exceeds the guidelines and standards of s. 380.0651(3)(g)(i)


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  1  and rule 28-24.032(2), Florida Administrative Code, and

  2  includes a residential component that contains at least 100

  3  residential dwelling units or 15 percent of the applicable

  4  residential guideline and standard, whichever is greater;


  6  The proportionate-share contribution may be applied to any

  7  transportation facility to satisfy the provisions of this

  8  subsection and the local comprehensive plan, but, for the

  9  purposes of this subsection, the amount of the

10  proportionate-share contribution shall be calculated based

11  upon the cumulative number of trips from the proposed

12  development expected to reach roadways during the peak hour

13  from the complete buildout of a stage or phase being approved,

14  divided by the change in the peak hour maximum service volume

15  of roadways resulting from construction of an improvement

16  necessary to maintain the adopted level of service, multiplied

17  by the construction cost, at the time of developer payment, of

18  the improvement necessary to maintain the adopted level of

19  service. For purposes of this subsection, "construction cost"

20  includes all associated costs of the improvement.

21         Section 5.  Subsection (20) of section 331.303, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         331.303  Definitions.--

24         (20)  "Spaceport launch facilities" shall be defined as

25  industrial facilities in accordance with s. 380.0651(3)(b)(c)

26  and include any launch pad, launch control center, and fixed

27  launch-support equipment.

28         Section 6.  (1)  Nothing contained in this act abridges

29  or modifies any vested or other right or any duty or

30  obligation pursuant to any development order or agreement

31  which is applicable to a development of regional impact on the


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  1  effective date of this act. An airport, marina, or petroleum

  2  storage facility which has received a

  3  development-of-regional-impact development order pursuant to

  4  s. 380.06, Florida Statutes 2000, but is no longer required to

  5  undergo development-of-regional-impact review by operation of

  6  this act, shall be governed by the following procedures:

  7         (a)  The development shall continue to be governed by

  8  the development-of-regional-impact development order, and may

  9  be completed in reliance upon and pursuant to the development

10  order. The development-of-regional-impact development order

11  may be enforced by the local government as provided by ss.

12  380.06(17) and 380.11, Florida Statutes 2000.

13         (b)  If requested by the developer or landowner, the

14  development-of-regional-impact development order may be

15  amended or rescinded by the local government consistent with

16  the local comprehensive plan and land development regulations,

17  and pursuant to the local government procedures governing

18  local development orders.

19         (2)  An airport, marina, or petroleum storage facility

20  with an application for development approval pending on the

21  effective date of this act, or a notification of proposed

22  change pending on the effective date of this act, may elect to

23  continue such review pursuant to s. 380.06, Florida Statutes

24  2000. At the conclusion of the pending review, including any

25  appeals pursuant to s. 380.07, Florida Statutes 2000, the

26  resulting development order shall be governed by the

27  provisions of subsection (1).

28         Section 7.  If any provision of this act or the

29  application thereof to any person or circumstance is held

30  invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or

31  applications of the act which can be given effect without the


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  1  invalid provision or application, and to this end the

  2  provisions of this act are declared severable.

  3         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  4  law.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires each licensed publicly owned and operated
  9    airport to prepare an airport master plan, provides for
      incorporation of the plan into the affected local
10    government comprehensive plan, and provides requirements
      with respect thereto. Provides that development that is
11    consistent with an approved plan is not a development of
      regional impact. Removes the rebuttable presumptions with
12    respect to application of the statewide guidelines and
      standards for developments of regional impact. Removes
13    provisions which specify that certain changes in airport
      facilities, increases in the storage capacity for
14    chemical or petroleum storage facilities, or development
      at a waterport constitute a substantial deviation and
15    require further development-of-regional-impact review.
      Exempts certain proposed facilities for the storage of
16    any petroleum product and proposed waterport development
      in certain counties from development-of-regional-impact
17    requirements. Removes provisions which provide the
      development-of-regional-impact statewide guidelines and
18    standards for airports and port facilities. Provides
      application with respect to airports, marinas, and
19    petroleum storage facilities which have received a
      development-of-regional-impact development order, or
20    which have an application for development approval or
      notification of proposed change pending, on the effective
21    date of the act.












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